Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 207 Table of contents

Gujin slammed on the ice for half an hour, and Blizzard mixed with the ice pupa and dropped on the armor to make a "cracking" sound. He was motionless, and if Eagle Eyes were still blinking, Yin Chang would have thought he had frozen to death.

Yin Changwo sipped his wine in the snow. It didn't take long for the wine in the wine bag to run out. He shook his empty sac and drew the last few drops into his mouth. Flying snow flakes hit his cheeks. The old man must be white and only his nose is red.

The wind cried in the night, making the ears of the embargo numb. There is little dry food left in their belly, and their hands and feet will become stiff for a long time, but few people move.

Yin Chang glanced back at the banned army, secretly wondering.

A few days ago, the forbidden army didn't even blink their eyes in the face of the scorpion. Xiao Chiye's order was not there, and they would never act without authorization. Who would have thought that this was a mule soldier who was working hard in Lidu? If the Ibaraki garrison can gather to the point of the embargo, let alone Duanzhou, Gedal Yin Chang dare to fight.

Unfortunately, this is not his soldier.

Yin Chang pouted regretfully and carried the wine pouch back to his waist.

There was a lot of snow on Gujin's back. He didn't wear a helmet. The snow fell into his neck and turned into water, which flowed down. He caught the slightest movements in the wind, and the ice mule whirls, rustling past the snow. Gu Jin's palms in the middle of the snow suddenly shook his fist. His gaze passed through the blizzard-like snow, and he fixed himself somewhere in the darkness.


Yin Chang lowered his body and eased his breath as the horse's hoof approached. The palm of the old man was sweating, he counted silently, afraid that he would shake his leg because he was too excited.

The snow and mist in the sky was stirred into a thick cloud, and the pony's hoof was almost on his face. Yin Chang screamed loudly, saying that time and time soon, he had jumped up.

But the other side's horse stopped!

Without Yin Chang's knife pulled out, the scorpion's hammer hammered against his face. Yin Chang didn't have the arm strength of Li Xiong, so he didn't dare to block. He could only roll into the snow and dodged away embarrassedly.

"Good arm strength for Dog Day!" Yin Chang cursed while keeping his shape.

The embargo behind rushed out of the snow. Originally, I wanted to follow Yin Chang to make a smart jump first. After seeing the old man eating, he gave up and chose to draw the knife honestly.

As soon as the scorpion's hammer hit the embargo, he knew the trick. This was not a ride away from the North Rail, but a group of fakes wearing helmets!

"Remove the helmet!" Gujin climbed on the pony that was passing at a fast speed, chopped the saddle, and was taken up by the pony. His feet were scraped in the snow. He smashed the side of the scorpion with a knife handle, turned over and seized After the horse, he snapped again, "Remove the helmet!"

The helmet "slammed" into the snow, and the embargo entered the cavalry's ranks. They looked like rats and did not care how these edge sand cavalry ran, as long as the horses were shocked. The snow under the horse's hoof was fluffy, and the netting rushed up, leading to many cavalry.

Snow and sand smashed at his face, and Achi's soldiers ate here and took a few bites of ice and snow.

The knife of the embargo is short. Once attached to the scorpion, the hammer will become difficult to hit, because the hammer will be thrown away by the embargo's dagger if it is stretched or recovered.

Gu Jin quickly observed the battlefield without seeing Achi's figure, and his heart sank immediately. But before he could remind him, he ran out of the cavalry on the left, and he was too late to escape.

The embargo seemed to be bitten by a monster appearing in the sky, and then disconnected back and forth. This cavalry did not use a hammer, and directly knocked Gujin off the horse during the rapid advance. As Gujin fell to the ground, the horse hissed, followed by spitting his blood.

"Cunning!" Achi reprimanded Gu Jin in Da Zhou's words. He waved his machete and threw the remaining blood on Gu Jin, "but that's all."

Achi's elite scorpion uses a larger machete than ordinary edge sand cavalry. It is like a thick silver hook in his hand. As long as they are caught by them, both humans and animals will die.

Achi noticed that the cat was tired during the tracking. The clues left to him along the way were too many, like telling others to be here. Achi's brain, which was blown through by the wind, calmed down quickly, tried it with the advance team, and really caught the embargo!

Gujin turned his head to wipe off the blood on his face, and said softly, "Is it?"

Yin Chang on the other side gave up his resistance, opened his arms in the siege of the cavalry, and squatted his body as if to lift something, and said loudly, "Get up!"

The ice under the cavalry's horse trembled, and they thought the embargo had smashed a hole here, and immediately retreated in shock. However, as soon as they retreated, they saw Yin Chang rolling along with the embargo, darting out of the horseshoe, dragging a knife and running.

Got played!

Achi's anger soared, cursing people with mixed swear words from Dazhou and Biansha. But he didn't chase it out immediately. He still kept his senses at this moment, thinking that there must be fraud. As a result, Yin Chang and the forbidden army ran farther and farther before Achi reacted.

This **** is really running!

"Chase separately," Achi whimpered his whip, "chop off their heads!"

The cavalry is divided into two wings, and Achi is firmly in the center, overlooking the team is claw-shaped, as if to trap the embargo in it. The two wings advanced first, and went from left to right to the front of the forbidden army. As long as they met, they could form a siege circle. At that time, Achi took the center and slammed into the forbidden army.

Seven years ago, Amuer used this formation to hit the Duanzhou defender into the Chashi tiankeng. Achi was inspired and loved this formation for ten minutes. Near Duanzhou a few days ago, he also used this formation to ride the North Rail Left wing twisted into pieces.

The two wings are like tigers, and they have surpassed the embargo and circled forward. They turned the horse's head, and the team rounded the center like a snake to lock the exit of the embargo.

But in the center stood a familiar figure.

In the night, the war horses did not hiss, their turbid heat sprayed out of the iron cover, and the iron armor seemed to be extremely dark in the darkness. The iron rider on the horse stood still in the turbulent snow wind, and silenced the killing sound.

The two wings of the vanguard played against Tieqi, and they were not afraid, so no one called out to stop. The pony stood in the mist of snow, slamming it from both ends, and the scorpions serving as two-wing forwards replaced the machete inadvertently.

At the moment of the collision, they had to take the iron rider off their backs, as they have done countless times before, relying on the hoof, arm strength, and smashing the iron rider's helmet.

Xiao Chiye was sitting on horseback, Langtao Xuelao was shaving his hoof, he was covered in heavy armor, steel covered his face, and no one knew his expression at the moment. In the shouting sound of the court, he seemed to be holding a sea **** needle, steadily holding the hearts of the army before and after.

At the moment Gu Jin saw Xiao Chiye, he took a deep breath and stopped at the same time as Yin Chang. Then, the two turned back together in the waves of snow and faced Achi's chaser open. Stance.

The strong wind brought by the Biansha cavalry swept across the court. Their scimitars and hammers drove the Da Zhou man. From north to Zhongbo, no one could survive under their horseshoes.

Xiao Chiye exhaled the heat between his thin lips.

The wings of the scorpion lifted their hammers, and the smell of gunpowder went straight to their noses and noses at the moment of the collision. The fire exploded in the blizzard in an instant, and the scorpion, which had not been watched at all, was knocked off by the fire. The horses heard the loud noise and slammed together in horror.

The hot smoke in the mouth swelled. Xiao Chiye brought only thirty fire salamanders. On the front side, the sand army was useless, but at this moment it was the key to blowing off the two-winged cavalry snake head. The face-lifting power immediately smothered the two-winged cavalry, so that the scorpion behind did not even react.

Xiao Chiye took the lead in moving, and behind him, Li Tieqi showed a brand new fangs. These heavy armors were like the wolves who released their cages, staring at the green light with their eyes hungry, and when they were divided into columns, they swept across the sword.

Achi's center was stopped by the embargo, but he had already seen the sword riding away from the North Rail. The two wings of the scorpion were too late to take the hammer, and the warhorse stepped on the rolling human body, and the burst of blood splashed wet the armor.

The scorpions behind the two wings scrambled up, Xiao Chiye followed closely to shrink the North Rail Riding into a "Chariot", and slammed out. The structure of hanging swords on all sides made the hammer inaccessible. When the iron riders ran, it was like a "crash" into the battlefield. The tip was Xiao Chiye, and they were unstoppable.

With a warhorse under his seat, Achler yelled angrily, "A hammer!"

As long as there is a sledgehammer, it is still tofu.

The scorpion's hammer swung from the side to the head of the iron rider at the edge of the formation. It was too late to dodge, but only listening to the bang, Hairi Gu climbed on the horseback from the north iron ride and blocked it with a hammer It's a hammer!

"A defection thief," Achi gritted his teeth, "Hairigu, you became a slave from the north!"

Hai Rigu's hands and feet were sloppy, and he overturned the opponent with a hammer, and when the opponent landed, he followed. The other side was still scolding something, Hai Rigu didn't look at it, and the raised hammer hit the other side's head with precision.

Achi's center was in a difficult situation, and his left and right wings, which were sent forward, were chopped off their heads and turned into headless flies. The order was buried in the barriers of the embargo, and he could no longer move his wings freely.

Bayin only arrived nearby. He knew the importance of Achi to Duanzhou. The remaining scorpions in Zhongbo listened to Achi's order, so he could not abandon Achi and fled by himself.

Bayan gasped in the snow. He looked around the battlefield, and chased the horse to Achi, shouting, "Achi! Get off the horse and return, you can't catch up with us from Beitie!

As long as they retreat to the west along the road signs, they can return to the place where heavy soldiers are set up in the southeast of Duanzhou at the latest. At that time, Xiao Chiye will be dead.

Achi pulled the horse hard and pulled his whip loudly. He did not refute Bayin, and withdrew the remaining scorpions to withdraw from the entanglement of the army.

He has a good point. If he loses to Xiao Chiye here, then Amur will give him the most severe punishment, and rushing into the army will definitely cause him to lose his skin. His defeat was small, and if Duanzhou was lost because of this, even if he could escape to Gudal, he would kill him.

This battle is not counted.

Achi hit the horse fiercely.

This is just being fooled!

The author has something to say: I have a chapter 2k novel reading network very late

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