Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 233 Table of contents

When Shen Zechuan returned to the house, the rain was still falling. He was wearing a robe and no wooden clogs. He heard a few thunderous thunders in the small corridor leading to the sleeping room. The moist wind rushed to his cheek through the newly cut window screen. The sound dispelled Shen Zechuan's sedentary breath.

A candlestick stands beside the corridor, which is brighter than the dormitory. Shen Zechuan seems to want to ventilate and stands there without moving. The shadow passed through the bamboo curtain and was exposed on the rafters in the dormitory. The orange candle light haloed his silhouette, and the neck of the slight side was a bit red.

April is the season for growing seedlings. If this spring rain continues, the fields near Duanzhou in Chaishi River may be flooded by spring floods. Shen Zechuan gave Kong Ling the order of the Duanzhou dam last month, but he forgot to ask today. Now Fei Sheng should be back. Shen Zechuan lifted the bamboo curtain, looking for the clogs kicked off by him in the sleeping room, ready to call Fei Sheng to come in and question.

Xiao Chiye had taken off his armor a long time ago, lying on the bed with his arms folded, and found sleepy. He turned over and turned his head up when Lanzhou picked up the wooden clogs.

Shen Zechuan was unprepared, startled, and the clogs dropped.

Xiao Chiye just hung up and asked, "Is the master's thing real?"

Shen Zechuan's expression narrowed slightly, and he nodded.

Xiao Chiye watched Shen Zechuan nod, his heart hanging all the way out of the ditch. He fell back to the quilt, spread his arms, and looked almost dead.

Shen Zechuan braced his bed and looked at Xiao Chiye, and said tentatively, "Did you come back for this matter?"

Xiao Chiye ran all over the north to find a lamp, stared at Xiao Jiming and wrote a dozen letters to the master. As a result, he didn't see each other, and people were gone. He was silent for a long time and said, "What about Yan Heru?"

Shen Zechuan gestured cruelly around his neck.

Xiao Chiye looked cold and cold for a while, then turned over suddenly, burying his face in the pillow, and not showing it to Shen Zechuan. If he had a tail, it would be time to pull it to the ground.

"Let's go to the doctor in Juexi," Xiao Chiye paused before he said, "Yudu still has a hospital."

Shen Zechuan didn't say a word, covered his cold hand on the side of Xiao Chiye's neck, and touched his cheek upward. Xiao Chiye caught this hand and held it in his palm. The rain wiped out the anger, and the rest was loss and panic. He tried to ease the mood, but it felt too complicated.

"Ce'an." Shen Zechuan called him.

Xiao Chiye said: "There are countless masters of Xinglin who are reclusive in the world, and some are looking for some, as long as they are doctors ..."

Shen Zechuan pulled out his hand suddenly, Xiao Chiye wanted to sit up as soon as his palm was empty, but Shen Zechuan pressed his back and pressed him back.

"Aye," Shen Zechuan braced his arm, a rare toughness, he bowed his head and said, "You have heard Master Qianqiu's words, a master may not be able to eradicate it completely. But this body is not so bad," he slowed his voice, " My pills are being taken on time and I haven't gotten sick this year. "

Xiao Chiye's ambushing back was tight.

Shen Zechuan put his head on Xiao Chiye's back shoulder and said softly, "I won't leave you."

The rain outside was dense, and Xiao Chiye's chest was wet. Shen Zechuan's side face was pasted on Xiao Chiye's body across the fabric. There was a scar here.

"You lied to me." Xiao Chiye also answered softly.

Xiao Chiye used to think that Xiao Fangxu would not leave him, but he was so rushed separately that he did not even say goodbye to his father. There is a boundary between man and man. Crossing over and calling it death is another world that can't catch up.

"You gave this life to Tai Fu," Xiao Chiye's voice seemed dull in the dimness. "You made an oath to him to kill vendetta, and you stand alone in front of the family without any fear. You are going to let me go. And hurt themselves in Chazhou and Dunzhou. "

These are the hidden dangers left by those two accidents. They were hidden in Xiao Chiye's heart and became intolerable after Xiao Fangxu's departure. Xiao Chiye would be afraid if he remembered it. His panic came not only from Shen Zechuan's body, but also from Shen Zechuan.

Xiao Chiye said, "Lanzhou, you can keep me hard."

The author has something to say: Only 1,000 words today, two chapters tomorrow. Feeling bad during this time, the update time is pushed back one hour, and it will be updated every night at 20:00.

Children who want to take the college entrance examination hurriedly study to be happy.

It is easy to get tired of the long story, and the final volume is not satisfactory. Today, I am adjusting my status and can feel that I am recovering. Moving from 4th to 6th month next month, I can see if I can save it in these days.

It's exactly 240 days to start today.

Oh my God.

When I wrote the outline, I thought that the limit of 600,000 words was over, and now I don't think it will reach 900,000. The handling of the final volume is very difficult. How to say, it is very difficult. It is the cause of anxiety during this time. I feel that I have handled it badly. However, this is also the original intention of the practice. I still want to be more compact and see if these chapters can bring back my own rhythm.

The wish is over in one go, everyone has worked hard for these 8 months! 2k novel reading network

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