Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 237 Table of contents

The rain in the courtyard stopped, the moon was late and the room was dim.

Shen Zechuan's drooping eyes were hidden in the dimness, like a mooring tired park, through a long night tide. When he looked at Ji Gang again, he used the eyes he had never seen before, as if he had taken off the skin of a man named Fu Jun, leaving a place of moonlight.

"If there were no Master and Ce An, I would still be me, but it would no longer be that I was afraid of everyone in the world, but everyone in the world would be afraid of me. I bleed Shen Wei's blood and did not need sons-in-law."

Ji Gang was in great pain and almost burst into tears. He said, "You are my son."

"I'm Master's son, but my name is Shen Zechuan. Sir gave me a poem, but I'm not an emperor."


The supreme overlooker in this world is either wearing a crown or an emperor. The emperor must not only check the balance of powers, but also have the mind to accommodate the common people. The emperor supported by the heyday is an invincible benevolent. There is a storm in Shen Zechuan's eyes. He is the shower that swept the rivers and mountains, the blade that tears up the world, but not the emperor who created the prosperity.

"There is an iron ride of 120,000 from the north, and Ma Tazhongbo is okay, but Ce An gave me the lifeblood. I have his horse and his brother's food. He is willing to leave the grassy field from the north, in my Duanzhou horse race, Master, he is not afraid of my garrison, nor am I afraid of his iron ride. One day I will ban the deer that Li lost, and Ce An will ban me. Sun and moon were born in the world, tens of thousands There is no disability for years. This is the stability that the world is looking forward to, and we are balanced. "

Scorching sun and glowing moon!

The suspension of war is the beginning of another battle, and no king can tolerate their coexistence in the East. Only when Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan are together can Libei and Zhongbo get the chance to rest and recuperate.

Xiao Jiming built a horse farm in Luoshan, and Shen Zechuan acquiesced. This was his concession to leave the North, and it was also an opportunity for him to leave the North. The horse road built by Zhongbo will break the border between the two places, and they merge to form a behemoth that entangles the northeast.

Ji Gang sat silently and said, "He punched Ji Jia well, and came and went freely, for what he feared. Even so, you have no sons and daughters with him. The matter is unresolved, and North and Zhongbo will not last long."


Xiao Chiye put on his armor and waited in the room for Shen Zechuan to return. The sound of a cheer came from under the eaves, and Fei Sheng raised the curtain for Yao Wenyu and said, "The prince has not yet returned."

The blanket on Yao Wenyu's lap was a little damp. He propped up the four-wheeler and said, "I'm looking for the second grandfather."

Fei Sheng is a bit difficult, Xiao Chiye said, "I'm here."

Yao Wenyu declined Fei Sheng and turned in. Xiao Chiye folded his legs, sat upright at the table, put the soldiers book to his hand, and said, "What's wrong with Yuan Zhuo looking for me?"

"It's rare to see Er Ye. Some things are inconvenient to write a letter, so I can only discuss it in person." Yao Wenyu took out the pad and wiped the sweat from his hand. "Is Er Ye empty?"

Xiao Chiye leaned back and said, "What's the matter, you have to bypass Lanzhou to talk to me?"

Yao Wenyu wiped his hands clean, folded the parcels, and retracted them in his sleeves. He was not in a hurry, saying in the endless rain, "It is naturally more appropriate to talk to the second grandfather about leaving the North. Now that the queen mother is defeated in Jiu, Xue Yanqing will take Han Ji's military power next. At that time, Chu Jun ascended the throne. In order to stabilize the commander-in-chief, Qidong will certainly be rewarded. Will the second grandfather go to Bien County for an appointment? "

Of course Xiao Chiye has to go. The visit to Bian County determines whether Hasson's raid on Duanzhou can be successful or not, besides Thaksin Qi Zhuyin.

Yao Wenyu got the answer from Xiao Chiye's default. He turned around and said, "Shi Sun ..." Xiao Jieming inherited the title of Xiao Fangxu. Xiao Yi should be called Shi Zi, and he changed his name and continued, "Shi Zi treats Is there an enlightened sir in the realm? "

Xiao Chiye's forefinger pinched on the table lightly, he said, "You want to teach me."

Xiao Chiye was quite keen, and he found meaning in the topic of Yao Wenyu's change. Xue Xiuzhuo ’s Chu Jun is about to ascend the throne, and Qi Zhuyin is to be sealed. When the battle with Bian Sha is finished, they may part ways with Qidong. Yao Wenyu was already thinking about the son-in-law if Shen Zechuan was going to capture the capital.

"We are the wolf from the north," Xiao Chiye looked up slightly, Shen said, "not to be emperor."

Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan had no children. If Xiao Ye went to Zhongbo to be instructed by Mr. Yao Wenyu, then Xiao Chiye would understand what they meant. Xiao Yan was the successor of Shen Zechuan. This was a good deal for Li Taibei. It was so costly that Xiao Chiye didn't want to agree.

"The second man is thinking of the monarch, and refuses to let Xiao replace the monarch, but even if there is no son, he will not be surnamed Shen," Yao Wenyu told Xiao Chiye. temple."

It is impossible for Shen Zechuan to let Shen Wei continue to be a lonely ghost in the desert countryside of Dunzhou and enter the temple to enjoy fireworks. What he wants to judge is the blood of the Shen family.

Xiao Chiye said: "Yi Er is a son from the North. My brother will never agree to this."

Yao Wenyu was silent, he changed his tone and talked with his friends instead, saying, "Do you have any other method?"

Ye Yuli Li, the house is not cold, but Yao Wenyu's face is not good.

"There are countless heroes in the world. Do you know why I went to Zhongbo to come to Lanzhou?"

Xiao Chiye's eyes were deep painted.

Yao Wenyu is not afraid of Xiao Chiye, as long as he can finish the game, he is not afraid of anyone. He said, "I watched him flee northward with you, but stopped at Zhongbo. I thought he was going to wash the charges for Shen Wei, but he didn't care about it. He doesn't take Zhongbo as his homeland, nor Think of the puppet as a home, and advance and retreat from his thoughts. I know he is not an emperor, but I still need to help him, because he is a born puppet master. Your father knows that Zhongbo is rising rapidly, He allowed Lanzhou to enter North, because Xiao Yuan was Lanzhou's only choice. "

Xiao Fangxu was the wolf king who opened up the northern border. He stood in Luoxiaguan and could smell Emperor Guangcheng's emperor, and at the most appropriate time became the surnamed king of Da Zhou heavy soldiers. He was far more than his sons saw. far. Shen Zechuan has only one future. Without Xiao Chiye and Xiao Yan, he would never allow Shen Zechuan to return to Zhongbo alive.

"Lan Zhou dared to get there," Xiao Chiye said, "that's his."

"That's his," Yao Wenyu said, "if there is Xiao Yan."

The rain was chaotic, and Xiao Chiye didn't respond.


Chu Jun feels cool at night. She can't sleep well after being ill, and often wakes up. Opening my eyes to see the sky at this moment, when the time was up, I didn't need the maid to call, so I turned up.

The court ladies are new, kneeling and arranging Li Jianting's robes. When she sits in front of the mirror, she carries a box to take care of her hair. Li Jianting was much thinner this time, looking more and more stern, there was no woman's tenderness.

Li Jianting didn't sleep well and was recovering from a serious illness. He was inevitably tired, and his ears felt cold. The Gong'e who leaned over to wear earrings for Chu Jun hadn't responded yet, and saw Chu Jun stood up in a "dangdang" manner, looking pale and whispering in patience: "Get away!"

Gong'e in the temple knelt in a panic, not knowing where the mold of Chu Jun was touched.

Li Jianting clenched his lip line and saw himself blurred in the mirror in a dead silence. She stared at this herself, and said after a long time, "I was taught in the gentlemen's hall, without earrings."

Gong'e nodded a few heads, and responded timidly.

Li Jianting didn't want them to go hand in hand and put on her own jacket. The expensive material was covered outside, like her armor. She felt better, but still didn't speak. When she went out, she saw a familiar figure under the eaves.

Fu Man ushered in, opened an umbrella for Li Jianting, and charmingly said, "Today the rain is heavy, and the slave has prepared a sedan chair. His Royal Highness can take a nap, and the slave will call you in front of the church to ensure that there is no delay."

Li Jianting didn't leave, smiled, and said, "My father-in-law, are you busy investigating the case?"

Fu Man didn't dare to urge, saying: "Where slaves will investigate the case, it is Yuan Fu's point of mention, and they have sent several adults from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to supervise it."

This means that he did not decide the case arbitrarily, but passed the hand of Kong Yan and had little to do with him.

Li Jianting didn't blink her eyes, she said, "Isn't it possible for Fengquan to come out?"

Fu Man's heart turned and he was worried, and said, "He is Mu Mu's brother, and he has some relationship with Siyuan Bureau, and the punishment department is not good enough to let him go. He ran several times before and after to run the courtyard, and Yuan Fu also As mentioned, he is a good man. "

Fu Man is thinking that Fengquan can return to the palace to do business. He must have been serving Chu Jun for a long time, and there is a friendship between master and servant. Therefore, he is not in front of Li Jianting to vilify Fengquan, knowing that Li Jianting is still partial. Coming to Japan, as long as he keeps this position, Li Jianting will be tired of Fengquan sooner or later.

Li Jianting said, "I've been sick and I haven't believed. What's going on?"

Fu Man held an umbrella for Li Jianting and drew himself in the rain, saying, "It's investigation-oh, Your Highness, watch out for your feet. The steps are slippery and you're slavery! This case is bad for food. The slavery checked with the Ministry of Justice. On the day of His Highness ’s diet, the Siyuan Bureau had the biggest problem. It was too mixed up and the minded people were broken. "

He pushed his role in this case clean and let the penal department supervise it, so that Feng Quan died, which was also Kong Yan's business. Yuan Fu is her teacher, who decides whether she can get to the throne or not. Li Jianting is unhappy and can't breathe with Kong Yan.

Li Jianting did not intend to go to the sedan, but she temporarily changed her mind and bent in. Blessed with joy, he called His Royal Highness to slow down, and he closed the car curtain for Li Jianting, and urged the **** to go to Minglitang. By the time Li Jianting arrived at Minglitang, Cen Yu had been waiting. He stood under the eaves and frowned as Li Jianting got out of the sedan chair.

In the past, Chu Jun did not pay attention to these things. That is how he got the courtier's blue eyes. Why did the queen mother lose power and couldn't even take a few steps?

Cen Yu saluted Li Jianting, Li Jianting standing under the eaves in return. Cen Yu didn't enter immediately, but said calmly: "Spring rain is as expensive as oil, and the eight cities and Liangtian have been affected by this rain. His Highness has not yet ascended the throne and has no title. How can he ride in the palace?"

Li Jianting seemed to be epiphany, admitting mistakes and saying, "Students know something wrong."

Hearing this, Fu Man followed, how could Chu Jun be burdened, but he arranged the sedan chair, and said quickly: "His Royal Highness is recovering from his illness, the jade body is expensive, and the rain is heavy ..."

Cen Yu's face changed suddenly, and he yelled, "I talk to His Highness as teachers and students. How dare I intervene!"

Fu Man's heart was terrible, and he immediately knelt down and scratched his head, "Slave, slave ..."

In a hurry, he even committed the taboo of cabinet ministers!

Cen Yu and Kong Zheng are both people who have experienced Pan ’s chaos in the government. They hate the internal affairs to intervene in government affairs. Fu Manping usually runs in the courtyard of the office. Cen Yu saw that as soon as he arrived at Chu Jun today, he dared to arrange a sedan chair to intervene. If he stayed for a few more days, it would be a mess!

"You dare to break Chu Jun's habits today, and you dare to mess with the monarch's administration in the future!" Cen Yu smirked, "The thief is bold!"

Fu Manzhang got bluish forehead, new injuries covered old injuries.

Li Jianting said: "I'm not good, teacher ..."

Cen Yu immediately said: "His Royal Highness is Chu Jun, who is a divorceer! Come, grab his mask, and drag him down!"

Fu Man is the **** of Si Lijian. According to the rules of Yongyi, Cen Yu must not drink him like this. He listened to the footsteps of the guard, his hands were shaking, and he walked towards Li Jianting's knees, and said, "Slave slavery should be dead! Slave slave ..."

The guard couldn't help but pick off Fu Man's mask, dragged him to the open space in front of Mingli Hall, and the rain poured, "Fu Man" knelt in the center, his lips became blue.

Cen Yu said: "Slap!"

The guard rolled up his robe and slap in front of Fu Man. Fu Man was beaten so loudly in his left ear that he did not dare to hide or shout. Cen Yu didn't stop, turned around and opened the curtain, motioned to Li Jianting to enter, and hung Fu Man in the open space. The applause didn't stop.

The author has something to say: packed luggage an hour late orz

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