Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 246 Table of contents

Huo Lingyun turned on her horse, held the reins, and said, "Go to Luosha Station!"

Luoshan Racecourse is too far, even the short stallion can't reach it. Huo Lingyun can only choose the nearer Luosha Post Station, which is close to Shasanying, which is the supply station for Luoshan and the north.

The horse's wheezing began to worsen, the weather was too hot, and Jinyiwei's strong body had to rely on watering to avoid heat stroke. Huo Lingyun ran from the Chashi River to the northwest and ran for two full hours. When the station was seen, it was completely dark.

"Dead man," Jin Yiwei raised his finger and shaved his nose, and said, "All here are dead people."

An iron rider planted in front of the open door of the post. He had been dead for a few hours. Blood and water had soaked the ground, and his body covered in heavy armor was about to stink soon.

Jin Yiwei dismounted, did not flip Tieqi's body, squatted to examine for a moment, and said to Huo Lingyun, "This is a man."

Huo Lingyun looked at the arrow on Tieqi's back and nodded.

Tieqi had two arrows on his back, and he closed the eyes with the two arrows galloping to the post.

Jin Yiwei stood up, covered his mouth and nose, and shone the torch forward with his other hand, saying, "Here--"

His voice stopped abruptly.

There were corpses and corpses in the station, and the post was hung on the flagpole, as if it was a tack hanging in the silent night. Huo Lingyun took the torch, looked closer, and found that Yi Yan's head was cut off.

"The horses were hacked to death," said Jin Yiwei, who illuminated the stables. "Even if there was a life, the Luoshan and Shasanying camps could not be reached before dawn ... the eagles were dead."

The door of the eagle room was not closed tightly, and the eagles who had not broken off their anklets had their necks broken. The Luosha Post had no live mouth, and the wild dogs fed here were hacked to death.

Biansha Cavalry has been here.

Huo Lingyun held the torch and was lost in thought.

After the Luoshan Racecourse was established, it became the prototype of the North and Central Bo news hub, so Shen Zechuan repaired it to be extremely solid. There are 800 people stationed at the Luosha Post Station. There are not only the North Rail Riding, but also the China Boss Guard, which is equivalent to a small military camp. Emergency reporting points have been set up on the four-way road, and Wanglou can follow on three sides. A few days ago, Lu Guangbai asked Luosha Road to be more vigilant. There was no negligence.

"The cavalry is good at raids," Jin Yiwei said.

"Bianbo Camp," Huo Lingyun suddenly turned around and repeated, "Bianbo Camp ... Bianbo Camp!"

Last June, the Biansha cavalry raided Bianbo camp, which was to detour from the south and borrow the Luoshan road. Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye later blocked that road, but eastward near the Chashihe River, it was impossible to block it.

"The Biansha cavalrymen came here in Xiandenian and knew the terrain here. The station connects Luoshan and Shashan Battalion, just stepping on the road that the cavalry used to lead to Luoshan." Huo Lingyun jumped up the steps, open the door.

"They can avoid their eyes and sneak in here, and certainly not many people come," Jin Yiwei took a hand, and put down the post on the flagpole. "The scorpion is likely to sneak in."

Whether it was a scorpion or not, Hasson truncated the post, or did not want to let the news of Luoshan's attack spread to the north. He was delaying the time of reinforcements. However, this group of attacking Biansha cavalry did not stop. According to the direction of the horse road, Huo Lingyun guessed that Hasson intends to let these people continue to go south and cut off the connection between Dunzhou and Duanzhou directly, so that Duanzhou was isolated and helpless. situation.

"This is closer to the third battalion of Sha," Huo Lingyun turned to the lower stage, blew his whistle, called his horse, "We continue to go north, we can reach the third battalion of sand before dawn, and ask for help from the north."

Huo Lingyun could not reach Dunzhou. He could only choose one way, that is, to let the Shasanying's North Railway ride immediately south to support Duanzhou. However, this means that Duanzhou and Tunzhou have lost all news, especially Duanzhou, which is the first to suffer. As long as the Shasanying support is wrong, Duanzhou will be destroyed.

Huo Lingyun whimpered his horse.

His time is urgent and must be fast!

Jin Yiwei's chasing stars and galloping like a gallop, they broke the silence on the road and moved quickly in the shadow of the tree. Huo Lingyun's breathing was short, because for a long time, he had a spicy pain on the inner thigh. The saddle was damp and sweat soaked their cheeks. They had no time to rest for a few days, like tight strings.


Huo Lingyun tightened his whip and raised his arm in the bumps, but before he hit it, the horse under his seat hissed, his forefoots merged, and his knees were planted. Huo Lingyun immediately hugged her head and rolled down. The ghosts ran in the shadows of trees on both sides of the road, and Huo Lingyun's carp stood up and pulled out the knife. Hearing the rapid footsteps broke through the bushes and pounced on himself.

"Trip Masso!" Shouted Jin Yiwei, who followed him, "ambush!"

Huo Lingyun blocked the knife, but it was useless, and the opponent directly knocked him out with his body. He leaned across the ground and rolled to the root of the tree. There was a rush of wind behind him. Huo Lingyun grabbed the roots of the tree with one arm, slid up, raised his legs, and avoided a knife.

Scorpion ... No, Huo Lingyun gritted his teeth and said, "It's a cavalry!"

The Elite of the Snake Department! Elite moved his steps quickly in the envelope, like a closed net. The sound of the "Shasha" footsteps was abnormally neat, like a twisted snake, and even the traces left when passing through the sand were exactly the same.

The machete on the left slashed towards Jin Yiwei's knee, but was unexpectedly blocked by the "bang" sound of the embroidered spring knife. Jin Yiwei's pedals were on the cavalry's chest, followed by a drawn sword, and he spun to the ground. When the bottom of the boot touched the ground, the blade edged like a flash of sky, breaking the cavalry's throat, and then they stepped on the ground and turned back on the horse On, the whole set of actions is done in one go!

The elites who did not succeed took a half-step back, and some of them touched their throats and said, "Jin Yiwei!"

Jin Yiwei turned over the back of the knife and wiped the blood on the back of the blade while sliding his arm. He said, "Jin Yiwei? Ladies are now called Jin Yiqi!"

Huo Lingyun's horse couldn't stand up in fright. He flew a few steps, caught Jin Yiwei's outstretched arm, and jumped onto Jin Yiwei's horse.

"I can't wait to leave the north," Jin Yiwei drew the reins in the siege. "Biansha still has an ambush here. We haven't had enough time to reach the third battalion of Sha!"

"Back to--" Huo Lingyun didn't finish talking, so he held the knife in both hands, slammed the blade into a semicircle, and smashed the scimitar suddenly. "Back to Duanzhou!"

Can't go north!

"U-turn," Huo Lingyun hurriedly wiped the sweat from her face, "south to the south."

Hasson was too cautious. He slaughtered the Luosha Post Station without even letting the horses and eagles, but left the elite on the northward pavement to beware of the fish that might be caught. But this also gave Huo Lingyun a chance, and Hasson left a small number of elites here.

"Fuck," Jin Yiwei shook off the blood on the knife surface. "This knife is still from Yuci, and I've thrown it away!"

The horses were hoofing in place, Jin Yiwei was pulling the reins and he just fell off his head. The cavalry on the side had swooped up, and the saddle slid to the right. The horse could not stand the gravity and followed. Huo Lingyun bent his elbow and hit the cavalry's face. The cavalry on the left climbed up like a locust, and Jin Yiwei caught the machete and was turned over by the force.

Jin Yiwei fell to the ground, and several scimitars suddenly hooked. He tried his best to scream, holding his embroidered spring sword with both hands, and lifted up in the rubbing sound of the stinging ears, and the blue muscles on the back of his hands suddenly appeared.

"I can't hold it ..." Jin Yiwei was carrying the weight of a few people, lying on the ground with his neck up, breathing heavily, sweating like rain, jumping with his forehead abruptly, shouting hard, "Brother ... Up ..."

Huo Lingyun ran away with his horse.

Jin Yiwei was almost discouraged and scolded: "Your mother ..."

Huo Lingyun hit the cavalry against the horse, and his tight lips were salty. It was not sweat, but a **** bite. After running some distance, he suddenly turned around, inserted the knife back into the sheath, and then drove straight back. The horseshoe broke through the superimposed figure.

Jin Yiwei's lowered arm couldn't stop him, and the cavalry's head was close to his face. At the very moment, the pungent scent slammed into the nostrils, and the deafening explosion accompanied the splashing plasma, spraying Jin Yiwei's face.

Huo Lingyun leaned down and took Jin Yiwei's hand and took the man back to his horse.

"Break through," Huo Lingyun was so excited, he took the smoking fire, and rushed out towards the south, shouting, "Break!"


Yin Chang drank his neck and drank his wine. He finished drinking, drank several wine bolls in a row, lay on the wall pile, and asked the goalkeeper below: "Are there any? This wine is delicious!"

The gatekeeper walked a few steps and saw Yin Chang's face through the fire and moonlight, and said, "No, you young and old, drink, this is still in rotation!"

"I won't drink it at rest." Yin Chang's feet were a little soft. He shook drunkenly and looked at the wall stack torches. "Well, how can there be less bows and arrows? Come on, make up!"

Before Fei Sheng reached the city wall, he heard Yin Chang yelling. He kicked the newly brewed wine store underneath the crossbow with his feet, pulled the cloth around, and then went up aggressively, holding Yin Chang's back collar, and said, "Make up, people will come and make up immediately, you Go back to sleep! "

Yin Chang's heel slipped on the ground, so he was taken away, rubbed a few red noses, and complained, "Isn't General Lu here yet? I waited for a few days and wanted to see him again. I drank all the wine It's been several rounds. "

Yin Chang went to the battlefield with Xiao Chiye last time. When he saw Lu Guangbai, he was very excited. He drank and drank Guangbai to drink. He spit three times a night, and lay in a tent and slept the next day. Zuo Qianqiu said nothing, and immediately sent Yin Chang back.

Fei Sheng couldn't bear the smell of wine, he waved his palm, twisted his nose, and said, "Don't say that, I can't afford to lose this person."

Yin Chang was unwilling, waving his arm, raising his neck to see Fei Sheng, and shouting, "Drinking you a shame? Well, the old man hasn't even thought you shame."

Fei Sheng dragged people to the bottom, changing the waist with the duty room. These days, the patrol is strict, and he took some time to sign.

Yin Chang took the opportunity to look for wine, sniffed around with an unscentable nose, and muttered, "Where is it hiding, here it is ..."

He rolled up his robe corner, knelt on the ground, and rubbed his **** and looked under the crossbow on the bed.

Fei Sheng is still tender.

Yin Chang tilted his head, and he went in to drink enough, and said, "My little boy, oh, oh so far, oh ..."

Fei Sheng turned his head, put his pen aside, and prepared to call the old man to stop, but at this moment he heard a very thin "click" sound. His ears were so sensitive that the sound of the wind could be heard clearly, and he had to tilt his head and listen again calmly.

The flag fell and the wind stopped near the gate.

Yin Chang finally got enough wine, but instead of digging out, he kept his posture on the ground, smelling the smell of the land. When Fei Sheng didn't respond, he yelled: "enemy attack!"

The heavy stone of the trebuchet slammed into the wall, the dust splattered, Fei Sheng hugged his head to avoid the debris, and listened to the alarm from the upper floor. The garrison lifted its drumsticks, smashed them, and shouted, "The enemy is attacking, the enemy is going to get up!"

Fei Sheng pushed away the soldiers, rushed up the city wall, and breathed in air when he saw the front of Duanzhou clearly.

Yin Chang got up and patted the passing army with a scabbard. He said sharply, "Ignite the beacon and quickly report it to the monarch."

Yin Chang stepped on the city gate and pulled Fei Sheng.

"With your waist card, lead Jinyi to pack his bags and protect the monarch and you." Yin Changtong's red nose was drawn twice. He didn't look at the outside of the city and pointed to Langyantai on the side. The smoke of the fire ignited, Xiaosheng, you will protect the governor westward and go to Dunzhou! "

Shen Zechuan was not asleep yet, holding his eyebrow under the lamp, listening to Kong Ling talking about the dam, listening to the courtyard suddenly chaos. Qiao Tianya opened the bamboo curtain, Ding Tao and Li Xiong followed, Kong Ling stood up and asked, "This is ..."

"Master," Qiao Tianya wore a good knife, "the cavalry raided!"

The gentleman inside the hall stood up, "Ya", Yao Wenyu immediately looked at Shen Zechuan and said, "The reinforcements from the north have not arrived yet."

Shen Zechuan lowered his arm and stared at the candlelight. After a while, he said, "Duanzhou did not get any news, either the battlefield fell or Luoshan fell."

This room is full of scholars. Gao Zhongxiong, who has not experienced war, is even more pale. They are all looking at Shen Zechuan, and the monarch is the backbone of everyone.

At this moment, Shen Zechuan could not show his fearful expression. He straightened his tea lid and stood up. Ding Tao shook open his jacket and put on Shen Zechuan, who blocked it with his hands over his back.

The governor said, "Yangshan snow is coming."

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