Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 250 Table of contents

When it was ugly, the dark clouds covered the moon.

After the reorganization, the cavalry withdrew the front team and replaced it with the elite of the first charge. The torches they raised suddenly went out, and the drums that had been ringing all night stopped, and suddenly the Duanzhou city fell into a dim light. Without torch lighting, the archer at the wall could not see the opposite side of the trench. The sentry climbed to the last watchtower, bravely stepped on the railing, and surveyed its neck from a high altitude.

"I can't see clearly," the sweat dripping from the whistle, and he gestured to the wall. "It's too dark!"

The onslaught of single-shot cannons and trebuchets also stopped, and apart from the scattered sound of horseshoes, there was no news in the city. The garrison relaxed in this rare silence, as if they were afraid of being alarmed, and they stood up in their respective positions, feeling a little foretaste of the coming storm.

The garrison in the passage began to withdraw, and they dragged the cleaned up corpses to make way for Jin Yiqi. The clear water was splashed on the bluestone slab, poured over the horseshoe, and washed off the strong **** smell.

The cavalry's cross moved, and they had to pass a stable pass to form a wall in front of the gate. They figured out the way of Jinyi riding in many trials. For steel needles, they must build thick bricks and pat it!

The garrison on the wall did not dare to wipe their sweat. They rolled their knots and listened to the sound of horseshoes, counting down in unison in their hearts.

The cavalry ran towards the trench.

The cavalry's horseshoes stepped on the access board, and the sound of thunder rang through the trench.

It's now!

The garrison waved the flag and shouted mutely: "Push!"

The heavy stone at the wall tumbled along the small wooden passageway, "grumbling" around a short place, leaping out from the edge, hitting the trench like raindrops. Hidden in the dim cavalry, they couldn't stop the assault from above. They were smashed by heavy stones and turned over. The traffic board was broken most of the time. Countless cavalry fell into the trench.

The city gate is already wide open, with Shen Zechuan as the center, Qiao Tianya and Fei Sheng as the two wings, and the three teams are in a row. The cavalry's scattered formations had numerous gaps. Jinyi Riding saw the seams and attacked, starting from the ditch, tearing the cavalry's charge team to pieces.

The rock pusher on the wall was replaced by an archer. The hot oil poured on the arrow, wrapped in flakes, and shot down while igniting. The cavalry did not have the infantry's lead car cover, nor the armor body. The rocket could burn when it rubbed through the clothing, and the whole trench suddenly lit up.

Fei Sheng's right wing has stepped across the trench to the opposite side of the trench. He was half-length in the blast, whipped forward with a whip, and slid forward when passing Yin Chang's position, pulling out with one arm. Old man's knife. As soon as he grasped Yin Chang's handle, he tilted his head and rubbed his cheek on his shoulder and arm, and flipped the knife into the scabbard vacated on his back.

Fei Sheng leaned his head in the wind, and continued to gallop towards Langyantai in the southeast direction.

The cavalry realized that a light horse was breaking through in the dark. The cavalry they mobilized had not blocked the gap, and was dragged by Shen Zechuan, who also crossed the trench. Jin Yiqi's center and left wing came to cover, facing away from the burning trench, struggling to fight in the arrow rain.

The scattered cavalry quickly reorganized, but the speed of the Jinyi horse was also very fast. Everyone had no advantage over each other on the horse, which was faster than whose sword.

Qiao Tianya was splashed with blood so that he could hardly see his original appearance. He wiped the knife with his sleeve, whistled, and followed Shen Zechuan.

"Fun," Qiao Tianya wiped the knife, "Is this knife good enough?"

"As fast as Yang Shanxue," Shen Zechuan said in the dark night on Mars.

Qiao Tianya's rotten sleeve revealed his arms, and he didn't even wear his arm restraints, like a sheathless knife. He suddenly leaned over, not knowing the truth, and said, "Don't talk to Yuan Zhuo, the misunderstanding is big, I'm not happy."

"Then I really are," Shen Zechuan's back-handled Yang Shanxue slammed up, blocking Qiao Tianya from behind the machete, pouring Qiao Tianya's blood on the blade's swiping sound, calmly saying, "Taidi Yuan Zhuo is happy. "

The Jinyi riding behind returned to his position, and Shen Zechuan stopped talking. He dragged Yangshan Xue, dropped the horse's head, turned his horseshoe in the direction of the cavalry's single-ended cannon, and ran.

The man of the military sent by the cavalry galloped in the team, waving a flag, pointing at a single-shot cannon, saying: "Withdraw the gun!"

But Jinyi was riding too fast, and the scorpion guarding the side of the single-ended cannon slammed the hammer against Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan was holding back to Yang Shanxue, and when he was about to confront the scorpion, he suddenly rolled off the horse, and Fengta Shuangyi immediately lifted his feet away. The scorpion's intention of breaking the wind and stepping on the knees of the frosty coat failed, and he swore in a whisper when he turned his body: "Cunning--"

Shen Zechuan stomped on the ground, and the scorpion was tall and powerful. Shen Zechuan climbed his shoulders, and crooked the scorpion's head with one hand, so that his neck was exposed. Yang Shanxue was holding the cut of flesh and cutting Passed.

The right hand was weak, and this time he missed, without cutting the scorpion's throat.

The scorpion's neck spurted blood, and the sledged hammer didn't stop. He issued a rough pant unlike humans and pulled Shen Zechuan back with his free hand.

The blood on Shen Zechuan's brow bone was dripping down. He resisted gravity, and the blade that had been scratched was swept back again, just like slaughtering cattle and sheep, and thoroughly slashing each other's throat with the force of a saw.

This endless numbness caused the Jinyi riding behind to scalp.

The scorpion fell to the ground, and both the hammer and Shen Zechuan fell out.

Fengta Shuangyi had already come back, and Shen Zechuan got up and started again. Qiao Tianya lifted the hammer with his toe, held it in his hand, and swung it down vigorously according to one leg of the single-shot cannon. The foot immediately cracked and broke, and the entire single-shot cannon tilted to this side.

The sound of a wood burst exploded in my ears, and the fire ignited immediately.

Fei Sheng was holding the torch, and his right wing had approached Langyantai. He breathed a sigh of breath, and when he got off the horse, he took a moment to chop the edge of the step with his other arm, and ran towards the stage with his hands and feet.

The chasing cavalry rushed to drink and came, and Jinyi rode on the stage to kill them again.

Fei Sheng sprinted down the steps and threw the torch into the incineration table. The dry Taiwan nest burned up. He stepped back and said, "It's ..."

The garrison on the city wall burst into tears and shouted, "Here it is!"

Fengta Shuangyi retreated, and Shen Zechuan said, "Withdraw!"

The fire in Langyantai was soaring, and after a while, the eastward Langyantai would burn in turn. Fei Sheng covered his heart and wanted to wipe his eyes. Who knew that the gust of wind was blowing soot, and the sky began to burst after a half-night, a few drops of rain was a precursor, and the rainstorm in Duanzhou City was like a cold rain. Splashed down on Fei Sheng's face.

It's raining.

The fire in Langyantai was like a swaying tender flower in the heavy rain. It was unable to lift its head with water drops, and the fire gradually became smaller.

Fei Sheng rushed to the stage, blocking the rain with his hands, and said furiously, "God!"

A few days of clear sky in Duanzhou is bound to usher in a torrential rain. The rain is pouring down. The ditch in Dongmen will not be short of water for the time being, but Langyantai will no longer be able to ignite.

"Here, hey ... your ancestor!" Fei Sheng rubbed his flintstone, but the sudden rain was so wet that he wet his hands.

Ignite it.

The rain was a shower. It came fiercely, but it stopped fast. As long as you returned to the city temporarily, you still had a chance.

Shen Zechuan swung his heart and waved his knife toward the southeast, saying, "Retreat!"

Fei Sheng's eyes were blurry. He thought it was washed by the heavy rain. He rubbed the flintstone madly to see that Mars was extinguished.

Old man.

Fei Sheng's nails were stained with blood when he scratched the door, and he shook his hand, so he went to pick up the hay in the nest.

It's too difficult to be a hero.

Fei Sheng opened his eyes red, pulled out the notebook for listening, and stuffed it into the nest. He leaned over, blowing in his mouth, and was choked by the smoke.

I'm in this life.

Fei Sheng was blowing a small fire, letting the tongue of the fire lick the listening notebook, the fire stunned, almost burning Fei Sheng's hair. He fell to the ground and spit.

Self-denial just once!

The two-flame Wolf Yantai was not high in the heavy rain, but it was enough. The first ignition star in the southeast was slightly bright. Then, countless fire lights lit up in turn, spreading out along the Wolf Yantai, and pulled into a meandering. Long dragon, extinguished in the heavy rain.

Fei Sheng came to the stage a few steps and was about to jump down. The voice he was about to shout was stuck in his throat and backed away.

The cavalry in front of Langyantai was so overwhelming that there was no space to find. Jin Yiwei's right wing is as thin as Mai Mang in front of such a large force.

Fei Sheng was soaked, he looked at the embroidered spring knife he had cut out of the gap, and said to Yu: "I told you long ago that being a hero didn't end well."

The rain slapped Fei Sheng, and the noisy voice seemed to be arguing with him.

The blood and water on Fei Sheng's face was washed away. He threw away the embroidery spring knife, kicked the edge of Langyantai, suddenly pulled out Yin Chang's knife, and shouted to Duanzhou: "Fu Jun!" Make a monument, and it will be carved with the words "Loyal Liver, Righteousness, Courage, and Feet." I will face the old man at Chashihe with the old man and keep you for ten thousand years!

Shen Zechuan spurred his horse, and rain splashed over his eyebrows.



He has not been a cold wind for transit, and there are countless figures behind him. The heavy weight was superimposed on his shoulders, pushing Shen Zechuan, who was once wandering in the world, back to the ground. He stepped on this land, and he couldn't—

The monarch raised his face in the heavy rain and shouted, "Break out!"

Fei Sheng jumped out of Langyantai, rolled off the ground, turned over, waved his knife to cut off the pony's front knee, and smashed into it with muddy water. An ant colony of cavalry rushed here, and the right wing was scattered in the cavalry's charge.

Yangshan Xuedaoguang broke the rain, and the horseshoe stepped on the corpse to break southeast.

Fei Sheng set his scimitar and was pushed backwards. He was in the midst of a burst of rain, and heard a blast through heavy rain. He slumped back into the mud, rolled around, wiped his face ecstatically: "Reinforcement!"

The explosive sound on the south side of Duanzhou exploded again. Huo Lingyun braved the **** of the cavalry and blew up the road with the flames of this team. He loaded his mouth hard, wiped the rain, and burst into the cavalry while galloping.

The Huantai Tiger behind was already unable to hold back, and drew his sword and shouted, "Big dog bald in Dog's Day, Grandpa Tiger is here!"

The advance team of the Dunzhou Defense Forces has arrived!


The sky was covered with thick clouds, and the gate closed again when the rain stopped.

Shen Zechuan was panting and his fingers were white. When he got off the horse, the water in his boots squeezed out, and the sound of "squeak" on the ground, he said, "Unload the knife and rest."

The Jinyi riders dismounted one after another, stuffed with the food from the garrison, replaced the knife with a curling blade, and rested in the shed at the foot of the city. Time was precious. They didn't have time to change clothes, wrapped in a thin blanket and drank a few sips of hot tea, and slanted against the wall and slept.

Huantai Tiger took off his helmet and went to the wall with Shen Zechuan. Huo Lingyun followed closely, saying: "I walked along Chashi Hebei and found that the Luosha Post Station was slaughtered midway. I originally wanted to return to Duanzhou to report to the Fujun, but there were too many cavalrymen, and I went west. Go and set off Langyantai in Dunzhou. "

Shen Zechuan posted a wet post on his cheek and said, "How is the battlefield?"

"The road is cut off," said Hu Taihu. "From the current situation, the battlefield is not easy."

Several people reached the wall and sat on the ground behind the preserved wall stack. The shabby shed was dry here.

Shen Zechuan pushed away the military map and took off the agate with mud on his right ear, and put it in his arms. He looked at it for a while, and said, "It's raining, and the doorway is muddy. The cavalry's puppets are trapped and will not attack easily until the sun comes out."

"But it won't stop too long," Qiao Tianya nodded to Dunzhou. "They already know that Dunzhou's reinforcements are coming."

"The garrison troops are all infantry soldiers, and their footwork is slow. It will take an entire night for the large troops to reach Duanzhou," said Hu Taitai, touching the scar on his eyes. "My advance team has only two thousand people."

Fei Sheng lay down quickly. He was holding Yin Chang's knife, and he didn't have the strength to choke again. His throat was hoarse: "The wolf Yantai in the southeast is lit, we just have to stay tonight ..."

"The cavalry is fast," Huo Lingyun interrupted Fei Sheng. "If Hason wants to stop Dunzhou reinforcements, it is still too time to move to the south, and you can't really gamble time tonight."

Hasen's advantage is his understanding of the topography of China and Bo. The Dunzhou garrison is not a Jinyi. They have to run on both feet. As long as they are blocked by the cavalry, they may stagnate behind Duanzhou and delay the rescue.

"We have to keep guarding until Bianjun comes in," Huo Lingyun fingered down the sidewalk of Bianjun toward Duanzhou. "Erye said when he went south, as long as Hasson moved, the commander would go back to Gedale and attack Hasson. No matter what, Hasson won't be able to stay in Duanzhou for too long. Duanzhou's walls are strong, and we don't have to worry about food. At least we can keep it for another two days. "

Keep it for two more days.

This sentence made everyone present at heart.

Qiao Tianya turned his head, looked at the wall pile, and said, "... a battle against the water."

The haze hangs over the sky, and the majestic Chashihe was reduced to a pale white tack last night. After the city wall is rained, it will become black. The garrison continues to clean up the gate battlefield. No matter which soldier is on the side, as long as it becomes a corpse, it will be stacked together. Those faces were equally pale and hung in the quagmire, like dry weeds with no water.

Shen Zechuan walked down the steps alone and washed his face next to the water tank. He held one arm and looked at his right hand. He soaked his hands in clean water, and the blood on the paraffin swung away instantly.

Ah Ye's papa is dirty.

Shen Zechuan unwrapped the papa, his fingers were swollen. He turned and sat down, wringed the blue parcel, dried it on his knees, raised his head, his eyes fixed on it.

The wind was blowing over the trees next to it, and the leaves fell to the ground.

Shen Zechuan leaned on the water tank and fell asleep.


Hasen lifted the river with his hand, and buried his face in it, heading east, and said goodbye. The head at his feet was woven into strands, the machete was stained with blood, the newly cut leather revealed his wrists, and the cichlids for him were hidden in the sleeves.

The aged wise man lifted up the river and poured it over Hasson's head, saying, "God blesses the eagle of the Serpent Division."

Hasson raised his wet face, he looked at the wise man and asked, "Will I win?"

The wise man leaned down and stroked Hasson's forehead. The muddy eyes carried the river. He seemed to be older than Chashihe, and his wisdom was by no means comparable to Bayan. He knelt down, holding Hasson's cheek, and slowly said, "You're standing where we've never been."

"There are wolves ahead," Hasson said. "I killed his father."

"The wolf king killed your brothers and sisters," the wise man's old face looked like a desert dune in the desert. "The compassion given by the God of Heaven is accompanied by pain. He has taken away the grassland and the blue sky, and we have been dead."

Hasson's chin was dripping with water drops. He was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I will win."


Shen Zechuan was awakened by the sound of shelling. At the moment he opened his eyes, he felt cold, and in the messy footsteps, he quickly wrapped around the parcel and stood up.


The surrounding torches lighted for a while, and Shen Zechuan stepped on the steps and stepped on the wall.

"And the cavalry is crossing the river," Fei Sheng looked into the distance, "they are gathering towards Duanzhou."

Shen Zechuan drank the **** soup from Qiao Tianya and said, "Hasson is here."

"The cavalry has split its wings," Fei Sheng sweated from behind, "No, they are going to charge on three sides!"

The cavalry was like an eagle that was only opening its wings. The center was condensed into strands, and its number was far more than daylight.

"Notify the north and south gates," Shen Zechuan smashed the bowl and raised his voice, "Strictly guard against death!"

Before his words were settled, the wall stack in front of him collapsed in half. The Jinyi rider and the garrison at the wall all ran, and the archer stood a ragged wall stack and opened the bow.

Hasson's center didn't move like two wings. He used all the trebuchets and single-shot cannons. Heavy stones poured over the Duanzhou city wall, smashing the wall and splashing, and the archer couldn't pull the bow at all.

The cavalry next to Hasson erected a banner, and the cavalry behind gave up the drum and blew a horn. The two wings have reached the north and south gates, and the arrows at the north gate have been placed in a batch.

The gentlemen on the racecourse were taking a nap and suddenly heard the door slamming loudly. The women and children on the field burst into tears and huddled together.

"Siege!" Gao Zhongxiong shuddered and hugged his pen and paper.

The collision was unsuccessful at one time. Within a moment, I heard only a heavier crash, and the outermost gate immediately opened. The cries of the Biansha cavalry passed through the hanging door, and the people on the field panicked, cramping backwards.

The garrison at the wall jumped down, pulled out the knife, and shouted at the court, "Run into the alley!"

Before he finished speaking, the hanging door burst into the ground and saw the car crash out of the hole.

The garrison raised its hand, and in a fierce pant, tears flowed. At the moment when the underside of the hanging door was directly hit by a crash, he took the lead and ran out with a knife and shouted, "Kill the enemy!"

Kong Ling was pushing a four-wheeler, and the gentlemen followed the people and flocked to the civilian area.

The garrison could not hold the cavalry's charge, and the machete reeled past the head of the garrison. The horseshoe sound didn't stop, and it rushed towards the running crowd.

The gentlemen have rushed to the alley, and the people are blocked inside. A woman has to pull a few children, and she has to bear the old man. All the young and strong people are in front of the hanging door.

Gao Zhongxiong's paper fell down his arm. His legs were shaking and his body was shaking. Before he squeezed in, the back collar was hooked, and the entire body was dragged by the cavalry. He screamed in horror, and rushed across the river.

What the cavalry said, took a sip towards Gao Zhongxiong.

Gao Zhongxiong was at the end of his journey. I didn't know where the strength came from. He also took a sip towards the cavalry and shouted, "You can kill, you can't shame!"

The cavalry pounced off the horse's back, and Kong Ling held the door latch he picked up, urging, "Hurry, run with power!"

The cavalry covered his back and climbed up, touching his machete.

Gao Zhongxiong originally took a few steps backwards. Seeing that Kong Ling was going to fall behind, he thought about it, dragged the bag under his arm, and contained a pen holder inside. He aimed at the cavalry's head and smashed it. Back on the ground.

Kong Ling did not lose the door latch, pushed Gao Zhongxiong in his robe, and the two ran to the alley. Gao Zhongxiong also turned his head and looked at Bao Yan while crying, "I, that penny is expensive!"

Qiao Tianya galloped past, and ran into a cavalry head-on with a longitudinal brocade, and the two sides killed in such a blind light. The people in the alley covered their noses and mouths and dared to sob, not to scream. Hearing the mournful sounds, the garrison kept running.

Yao Wenyu turned the four-wheeler. He was on the edge, but he couldn't hear any sound from Qiao Tianya.

After half an hour, the torch suddenly lighted.

Qiao Tianya wiped his **** chin, looked up slightly, glanced over Yao Wenyu, looked at Kong Ling, and said, "Mr. Cheng Chengfeng, take everyone to the house."

Kong Ling responded, and then threw off the latch in it, hurried forward, greeted the people to follow, and Gao Zhongxiong hurried to pick up his own paper.

Between the flames, Qiao Tianya staggered a few steps to approach Yao Wenyu.

Yao Wenyu said, "Fu Jun-"

The four-wheeler tapped against the wall, Yuan Zhuo held his handle with one hand, and Qiao Tianya held his cheek in his dark corner to kiss. The kiss was not tender at all, and the **** smell was filled with amazing **.

Qiao Tianya let go of Yao Wenyu, he wiped his **** chin to Yuan Zhuo, stepped back quickly, left when he got on the horse, leaving Yao Wenyu to cover his chin in shock.


Hasson whipped his whip, he led the elite to break through the trench, rushed to the east gate with mud, and the collision followed him.

Huantai Tiger waved, "Ready."

The crossbow on the wall moved "click", and more than a dozen garrison troops set up long arrows. This lethal bed crossbow can only be used to deal with Hasson, but the timing is difficult to find, you must first let Hasson back.

The water in the ditch shook, and Hasson's horse landed. He scrambled with a scimitar, blocked it steadily, and saw Shen Zechuan across the fire and dust.

In the first confrontation, the two failed to please, and at the moment of staggering, they weighed each other's weight.

Hasen's red hair was slightly off. He turned his machete and pointed his blade at Shen Zechuan, as if aiming. To be precise, "Shen Zechuan."

Shen Zechuan gently brushed the blade, and Feng Shuangyi lifted his hoof away from Hasson, and he sharply scraped off the head of Hasson's accompanying cavalry.

Hasson thought of Xiao Chiye, and Xiao Chiye sent Achi's head back. This was a shame, just like he took Xiao Fangxu's head away.

Both sides had no way back, and the steel blades collided several times. The cavalry pushed Jinyi back, and Jinyi stubbornly pushed back. Their horseshoes were staggered in the mud, and someone kept falling and turned into mud.

The garrison at the wall pushed all the remaining heavy stones down, and the cavalry and the bench that fell over seemed to never finish.

Shen Zechuan and Hasen met different opponents. He still has reason in the face of such a critical attack. He may not be as strong as Hasen, but he is cunning enough. Hasson's assaults plunged into the water. It was a sense of powerlessness that could not be caught. This was the trickiest opponent.

Hasson retracted his machete on his back and turned out of the thorn.

The oil on the wall splattered and burned everywhere. Hasson took the lead. His ridges blocked the necessary path of Yang Shanxue's oblique cutting. The war horse slammed forward, stepping on the frost coat, and forced Shen Zechuan against the gate by brute force.

Break in!

Yang Shanxue almost took off his hand, and the handle of the knife held up Shen Zechuan's two fingers. However, Shen Zechuan didn't realize it. He just stiffly passed the handle, and clenched the handle with the remaining three fingers, so that the back of the knife rested on the forearm, just like Yin Chang's trick. The blade cut to Hasson's throat.

Hasson ducked and dodged, followed by a backstab, and slammed into the chest of Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan grabbed Hasen's wrist with a split hand, but he was not strong enough. In the blink of life and death, he slammed Hasson's ridge down so that Hasen's advance could only pierce the side waist, avoiding his own vitals.

"Fujun!" Yan Taihu watched Hassan attack on the wall, his spirits disappeared.

Hasen stabbed Shen Zechuan's waist and wanted to retreat, but found his fingers were like nails. Shen Zechuan's eyes were cold and he said, "Push."

Behind the seemingly chaotic Jin Yi riding time reorganization, followed by Shen Zechuan withdrew the center, swarming towards Hasson.

It's a trick!

Hasson stabbed, and the warrior riding in Jinyi had hit him. The striker was immediately knocked back, and the rear horse fell into the trench. The crossbow was pulled up, but it was not enough.

Shen Zechuan snapped, "Push it!"

The pass boards in the trench were almost broken, the river was splashing, and the fire and rain on the wall was still falling. Hasson's charge had dissipated, and he rolled back with Shen Zechuan's force on his back.

Shen Zechuan fell into the mud, too late to wipe his face, first a tumbling, separated from Hasson. He was so dirty that he couldn't see where the blood was bleeding. The blood beads were all mixed in the muddy water, covered by the sound of the hoisting horseshoe.

Hasen knows how to seize the opportunity. He has seen Shen Zechuan in Shicai's several fights. This man's physical exhaustion is not his opponent at all. He rushed up, and by the splashing mud water immediately flashed in front of Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan blocked his knife and was repelled half a step by the impact of Hasson's gravity. He protruded before Hasson stood still, sweeping Hasson. Hasson supported the ground with one hand and immediately jumped up, his thorns turning extremely smart between his fingers. Shen Zechuan ducked, Yang Shanxue collided with the thorns "crackly".

Huantai Tiger was anxious, and raised his hand and shouted, "Fire attack cover the Prince!"

The garrison on the wall opened the bow and arrow with shelling. Hasan actually backed up a little. After looking at the wall, he knew that he was doing it again. Before he looked away, his chest sank suddenly, and Shen Zechuan was turned to the rear. Hasen held Shen Zechuan's ankle as he fell to the rear and dragged Shen Zechuan to the ground.

The mud splattered, and the slackened, and the three fingers of perception failed to hold Yangshan Snow tightly, and Yangshan Snow fell aside. Shen Zechuan's mammoth bleeding, remembered to get up, but did not get up.

Hasen stood up sharply, watching Shen Zechuan want to hold a knife, dragging Shen Zechuan's ankle, dragging people to the rear. Shen Zechuan grabbed a hole in the mud. He gave up Yang Shanxue decisively, holding the injured part of his waist with one hand, and turned it up against his waist.

These few times are terrible!

Shen Zechuan was panting heavily, and his elbow thumped against Hasson's facade. Ji Jiaquan's stiffness fell sharply, and Hasson released his hand. But Hasson responded quickly, and the right-handed spine was released, then fell to his left hand, accidentally inserted into Shen Zechuan's throat.

Shen Zechuan couldn't stop with one arm. He gripped Hasson's left hand with his arms arrogantly. Shen Zechuan had blood between his teeth, and he had the salty smell, twisted over Hasen's left hand, raised his knee and hit Hasson's chest when Hasson leaned towards himself.

Hasson immediately fell to the ground.

Shen Zechuan tilted his head to shed his blood, and when Hasen looked up he smashed Hasen's head. Hasen kept his face away, holding Shen Zechuan's forearm empty-handed, and while Shen Zechuan pulled back, he turned away and took Shen Zechuan's whole body into the mud again.

Shen Zechuan's right arm was misaligned. When he fell to the ground, he grabbed Hasson's side neckline and said, "澹台 虎!"

Huantai Hu roared, "Go ahead!"

Mars bounced around the crossbow of the bed, and at the moment when the long arrow suddenly burst out, he brought a strong wind, and then went straight to Hasson! Hasen tugged at Shen Zechuan, rolled back, and rushed into the trench. The long arrow of the bed crossbow smashed into the trench and stirred up the waves.

Shen Zechuan was dizzy after taking a few mouthfuls of dirty water. Hasson never let go of him, dragging him across the trench.

"Your head," Hasson pulled out his machete again. "I want to give it to Xiao Chiye."

Shen Zechuan raised his neck and spit out the sand in his breath, laughing out loud. He was half-condensed with affection, and looked particularly evil, saying, "The wind is here."

Hasen hooked out his machete, but Shen Zechuan immediately raised his legs and slammed on Hasen's chest. At the moment when he stepped on him, he clamped his left side dagger with his left hand and twisted his machete.

The scimitar stuttered, and Hasson struggled backwards.

Shen Zechuan had landed, he had a machete, and hit another in the face of Hasson when he stepped back. Hasson leaned forward, learning Shen Zechuan's previous movements, squatting down and sweeping his legs.

Shen Zechuan did not fall!

Hasson stood up, and at this moment, a tear-like wind broke out again in the air, with sharp arrows accompanied by the exploding sullen thunder, nailed to Hasen by the storm.

Overlord bow raining.

That's not the stuffy thunder in the sky, but the thunder clusters on the ground. The heavy riding roared, and even the rain could hit and fly when charging, just like a brutal beast flew out of the dark night. Langtao Xuela broke through the rain curtain, and Xiao Chiye, who was covered in blood, was like a black lightning, killing him from the sky to the battlefield.

Yan Frost transit.

Here comes the wolf.

The author has something to say: I'm late! 2k novel reading network

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