Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 275 Table of contents

There was a lot of rain and rain in November, and the city walls were covered with defensive equipment on all sides. The army did not mingle with the Chazhou miscellaneous soldiers brought by Luo Mu.

Luo Mu's return to Badu is no longer a matter of gloomy eyes. He is now relying on Badu. Chen Zhen came to welcome him when he entered the city. He changed his new official robe and stood with Chen Zhen on the wall, looking at the direction of Dancheng.

"The remaining seven cities' defense forces are relocating to Lidu. These days, a total of 50,000 people can be brought to you." Chen Zhen held the wall pile, her breath was cold, "The arms of the capital The library is also for you. It can stay for days. "

Although Luo Mu is a civilian, he went to Chazhou to rectify armaments and fight bandits. He is no stranger to military affairs. Holding an umbrella, he said, "Shen Zechuan is not a war fighter. He has to defend Duanzhou unreasonably and has to defend it. Now he has only 20,000 Dunzhou garrison troops, and it is difficult to ascend the sky to break through.

Pudu closed the east gate, and the people fleeing from Dancheng gathered at the gate. Looking down at the gap in their speeches, the foot of the city is full of refugees.

"I have to ask Master Shang Shu to report to the emperor," Luo Mu pointed to the refugees. "Shen Zechuan will buy people. If these refugees cannot enter the city for resettlement and wait for the snow, he will certainly find a way to win over. I'm afraid it will not benefit the court. "

When Cai Yu lost to Shen Zechuan in Chazhou, he lost the word "ren". Rescuing people is the rebirth of their parents. Shen Zechuan can wash even Shen Weibing's defeat. Why don't they follow suit? At the moment, there are rumors in Shenxi Chuan and Ji Yong City. If you can't pull back a game before winter, you will have to suffer before you fight.

"In your opinion," Chen Zhen looked at Luo Mu. "What should I do? All of them are overcrowded. There are people sleeping in Guangou on Donglong Street. If you meet the exiles, you will break the rules of Yedu and the granaries. Can't afford it. "

"Receive the refugees for their own use," Luo Mu said, "I think most of them are young and strong. It is better to enlist in the army to serve the country. As long as China and Bo are defeated, the court will not lose more rewards. Today ’s food What is it? One province is enough. "

Luo Mu dares to say this because he also borrowed food when he was in Hezhou.

"Master Shang Shu, look at it," Luo Mu raised his hand and pointed it to Chen Zhen. "Zizhou is one of the key points of Shen Zechuan, where he set up a large granary at Huaizi Tea Commercial Line, which can supply northeast grain horse roads. To the south can support the natural disaster in Chazhou. If we can take down Ibaraki Prefecture, it will be nothing but harm. Shen Zechuan's use of Dancheng City has caused panic among the western cities. He must also take a sigh of relief at this moment. We are different. We can dispatch soldiers as soon as we want to send them out. It is only a short time to hit him. "

Chen Zhen looked at Luo Mu and said, "This time is hard to find."

"It's not difficult. Shen Zechuan is Shen Wei's son. He entered the capital to peep at the throne. If it is, Shen Wei, the ancient sinner, will have to enter the temple fireworks." Luo Mu looked back at Chen Zhen and smiled. "Who can deal with this?"


"Lobbying?" Li Jianting looked back. "This is the time of the war. Send the students out. Once there is a mistake, I can't afford it."

"Emperor," Luo Mufu said in the room. "Shen Zechuan Chengfu is very deep, and he will surely siege and succumb to the hearts of the people. I will wait and see in the room. I am afraid that the situation will be transient, and it is hard to guarantee nothing. Jiang Wanxiao lobbying Qidong must also watch the wind direction of the capital, so he thought that it was necessary to fight at the moment. "

Luo Mu didn't speak frankly, Li Jianting's life became more and more difficult to convince the public over time, and then waited until Gao Zhongxiong's energy was raised again, and the Dancheng people's heart appeased by Shen Zechuan would be difficult to recover.

"Emperor, we have lost the first opportunity in the Dancheng battle," Chen Zhen also advised. "If you can get back a round without a single soldier, the morale of Bacheng is also good for this moment."

"The archenemy should be fighting with the enemy now," Kong said after thinking. "If it can promote the cohesion of the people in the southwest, this winter will no longer be difficult."

Li Jianting said: "The capital is rumored that Shen Zechuan is a narrow-minded man, but it is a rumor. It is difficult to see that he is not anxious and impatient in Dancheng. It is difficult for the monarchs to force his troops to rely on his tongue."

"This round isn't for Shen Zechuan," Luo Mu said, looking up. "Instead, he went to Yao Wenyu."

Yao Wenyu is a counselor to Shen Zechuan. Not only did he order the world to be able to Shen Zechuan, but he also played a pivotal role in the implementation of the Six Books of the Yellow Book. The most rare thing was that he persuaded Shen Zechuan to accept the old capital minister. Gao Zhongxiong and others were able to protect themselves from the dust, and Yao Wenyu was able to see the beads with wisdom. Without Yao Wenyu, Shen Zechuan's affiliates would not be able to achieve this scale.

Kong Ye and Cen Yu both received the favor of Hai Liangyi. At the moment, he heard Luo Mu's mention of Yao Wenyu, not only crossing his body. Cen Yu's pity was uncontrollable for a moment, and he said, "I ... I heard Yuan Zhuo's body embracing after he heard of Zhongbo, if ..."

"Mr. Cen is right!" Luo Mu said, "If we are a group of people to persuade the city to descend, if Yao Wenyu does not dare to come, Dr. Zhong will drop his anger, and Shen Zechuan only deserves to be a cower. If Yao Wenyu really dares to come, Revisiting the place will kill its pride! "

Cen Yuhuo rose up, pointed at Luo Mu, and blurted out: "You are so born--"

So good!

Yao Wenyu became ill and dragged his legs. Luo Mu wanted him to answer the question below the city. He wanted him to face the old age of the city. He even wanted him to show the lingering appearance of stubbornness-look, two years ago, He's still a world-renowned Saitama!

"As long as Yao Wenyu is bruised," Luo Mu bowed down deeply, "Shen Zechuan will be hit hard."

He didn't finish. Before the Wanjun formation, the students were defenseless. If Yao Wenyu was defeated by the masses, it would definitely cause the defense forces to be outraged. By then, as long as the Dunzhou defense forces hurt the students, Shen Zechuan's sage name would be over.

Li Jianting looked at Luo Mu. This man had set aside this poisonous bureau in order to win, and he was already regarded as indifferent.

Fengquan quietly glanced at Xue Xiuzhuo, who had been hidden at the end. Within a short while, she heard Luo Mu said, "Master Xue is prestigious among the students, and he went out with Yao Wenyu. He thought that the adults in this bureau would not let him. . "

Xue Xiuzhuo rose up silently and said: "Yao Wenyu can not only help Shen Zechuan with his broken leg and stump, but he is no longer a noble man who talked about it in the past. You set up this bureau so that everyone in the world will watch a disability of the teacher," he said. Li Jianting, "I shouldn't."

Fengquan pouted a smile by pouring tea.

Li Jianting gazed at Xue Xiuzhuo, in that moment of silence, his eyes were strange. She said calmly, "That's natural, and I can't bear the hardship of Mr. Jiang. Xiao Jiang has no news yet, let the cabinet choose the students this time."

Raindrops hit the eaves, and the rustling voice gave birth to other things.

"Where did you come from?"

That night Li Jianting asked Feng Quan so.

Feng Quan knelt in the unfathomable shadow, and slowly replied: "The slave was originally a Jincheng official family, and the criminal Shao Chengbi was the minister's concubine. At that time, the slave's mother's family was affected by it, exiled to Zhongbo, and the slave was exactly Born in Zhongbo. Later, the adult Yanqing searched the old ministers, rescued the slaves from the water and the fire, and brought the slaves back to the capital. "He looked up and said in a weak and helpless tone," Slaves and brothers have the same father and son. The grievances were committed in the palace, and the Lord Yanqing personally pointed out that he served two emperors and one in the palace ... It is most prudent to go to the emperor. "

Xiande, Tianchen, and the queen mother all died of power struggles. Among them, Tianchen Emperor Li Jianheng was the most strange. Mu Ruxing's assassination was not a secret in Xue Fu. Xue Xiuzhuo still refused to replace Fengquan. He still had to serve Li Jianting with him.

"You gave him all my trivial matters," Li Jianting leaned over, "Xue Yanqing stared at me, are you afraid I can't be an emperor?"

Fengquan dare not answer.

Li Jianting stared at him for a while, and said, "Mu Ru's assassination of Li Jianheng, was it Han Han's order or Xue Xiuzhuo's order?"

Fengquan wanted to avoid Li Jianting's eyes, but Li Jianting violently pinched Fengquan's chin and said, "From the moment I entered the palace, he was watching me ..." Li Jianting laughed, mockingly, " No wonder he dares to be an orphan. The emperor's life is in his hands. "

Xue Xizhuo was willing.

He was reluctant even to himself, and naturally to others.

"Shao Chengbi wants to turn over the old case," Li Jianting said coldly, "only he can."


Qi Shiyu lay across the bed, looking unbearable. His hair was much whiter, and he could no longer see that Chema was red-sleeved. Liquid was dripping from his lips, and Qi Zhuyin wiped it off with a papa.

"Jiang," Qi Shiyu said, panting, "Jiang Wanxiao is coming. When you arrive, talk to him. Let's go to the army and go to Badu."

Qi Zhuyin pulled his sleeves, exposed his arms, washed the tiles in the copper basin beside the bed, and said, "Look again."

Qi Shiyu's chest was undulating, he rolled his eyes, and said, "Provide your driving, your driving is determined, you are, Sheng Yannian ..."

"The two states and the three states are reversed," Qi Zhuyin washed the papa seriously. "How long can Emperor Sheng Yong sit? With her 10,000 army, even the gates of Lidu cannot go out."

"Qi bamboo, bamboo sound!" Qi Shiyu suddenly raised his voice, "unfilial daughter!"

Qi Zhuyin twisted the papa without making a noise.

Qi Shiyu cried with tears in her eyes, her lips trembled and choked, "You bad me, bad Qi, you will not even be able to enter the ancestral grave in the future."

The sun setting on the window was drying Qi Zhuyin's back, and she concentrated on drying the parcels as if she didn't hear them.

"If it sinks, Shen Zechuan loses," Qi Shiyu shed tears with hate. "Are you alone, can you reach Qi's door? Everyone in the world hates you. You forged me, my message, you ..."

Qi Zhuyin flattened the papa, tilted his head in the shadow of the pane, and looked at the layers of flowers and trees. She was silent for a moment and said, "If Shen Zechuan is defeated, you will report to Dudu that I faked a message and coerced my brother's ghostwriting. Kong Boran is a smart man. He would rather kill me, he will keep you old Not dead. "

Qi Shiyu's message to Lidu was false. That was what Qi Zhuyin wrote to his brother. But is Qi Shiyu really helpless? He was acquiescent and wanted to give Qi's a back road. If Shen Zechuan is defeated, Qi Shiyu would rather give up Qi Zhuyin in exchange for the whole family's life.

From the moment Qi Zhuyin decided not to send troops, she was no longer Qi's daughter. Qi Shiyu's freedom is all about Qi's. If Qi Zhuyin can no longer glory for Qi's, then she is no different from her wasteful brothers.

Qi Zhuyin didn't wait long, so she dried her towel before exiting the door. There are several brothers waiting under the eaves, dare not look up at her. She took over the dove from Qi Wei, and turned a blind eye to them.

Qi Wei followed Qi Zhuyin out of the yard and whispered, "Master Jiang is here."

Qi Zhuyin asked: "Is the lady ready?"

Qi Wei opened his mouth, but did not speak. Qi Zhuyin turned his head along with his gaze, and saw the red curtain rising, and Hua Xiangyi was lowering the sedan with her skirt. She didn't know where to stubble. She crossed the red lotus and lent her arm to Hua Xiangyi.

Huaxiangyi's white flowers are fragrant, and she puts on a palm, only to notice that it is Qi Zhuyin.

Qi Zhuyin wanted to say something, and said casually: "Well ..." She was a bit tired recently, looking at Hua Xiangyi, "the flowers are pretty."

The red pimple on the side covered her lips and coughed slightly. Huaxiangyi powder was slightly red on her cheeks. She loosened her fingers and wanted to move her hands. If she didn't know how to change her mind, she took Qi Zhuyin and said, "The tea pavilion is ready. Wan Xiao got there and settled down. There is a screen in the middle frame, and Mrs. Wan Xiao can take a break here, just to give it a look. "

"You are a wife, naturally you will arrange it for you." Qi Zhuyin said, "The mountain is Zhang Likou in Juexi. Don't lose it when you talk to him. In any case, the power of the horse is in my hands unless you kill me. , Or even if his tongue is like a spring, he won't be able to save him. "

Hua Xiangyi's embroidered shoes showed a sharp point, she smoothed her skirt and smiled at Qi Zhuyin, "I have a way."


Shen Zechuan grabbed Dancheng's surplus grain with his hand, and then looked at the granary furnishings, saying, "The granary will be in disrepair over the years. If it is going to winter today, it will be rainy for days.

Fei Sheng gathered the oil umbrella and replied, "Men and gentlemen mean the same thing, but at the moment, it is not good. If you rashly move the food and cause suspicion among the people in the city, then our efforts in these days will be wasted."

The Dunzhou garrison stationed in less than half a month, but eating and sleeping was more restrained than outside the city. Fortunately, Shen Zechuan had plenty of food and did not starve the soldiers' stomachs. Although there were personal complaints underneath, nothing happened. The people of Dancheng ran a lot to the west, which was blocking the front road of Shen Zechuan.

"There is not much grain left," Yao Wenyu's four-wheeler was soaked in water, leaving traces during the operation. "It's very cold in winter and Dancheng has no food to help, so instead of transferring from Cizhou, the monarch should put it in place. grain."

Dancheng grain is leftover from Pan's. It is difficult to use grain carts to transfer food for free. Putting on-site grain can not only calm the fear of the people in Dancheng, but also save a batch of winter food. The grain reserves of China and Bo are limited. If they can only besiege and not attack, the two sides can only have better patience than anyone else.

"Jiang Wanxiao went to Qidong, and Luo Mu used this as an excuse to persuade the Yan family to consider again. The Yan family was really moved by him. A few days ago, the grain was transported to Pudu, and the Fengshan campus has been changed to a grain storage area. The waterway in the south can reach Hezhou. Master, Lidu are here to fight a protracted battle with us. "

"Speaking of protracted war, I'm still waiting for the river \" Qingshan. "Shen Zechuan let go of his palm." Qidong's garrison is the life-saving straw of the capital. Both the Cabinet and Xue Yanqing know that 50,000 soldiers can't stop it We, Tun Liang, are desperate. "

Yao Wenyu was about to speak, first covering his lips and coughing.

"The granary is ventilated," said Shen Zechuan, "Fei Sheng, give my coat to Yuan Zhuo."

"The master can't stand the cold wind," Fei Sheng heard and signaled the guard at the door to hand in his clothes. "Qiao Tianya expected that Mr. Qi should forget to bring his coat. When he arrived this morning, he specially sent someone to bring him over. I'll wait for Mr. to ask. "

Yao Wenyu wore a jacket, and the coughing did not decrease. Now no one mentioned the doctor's affairs in front of him. Although the medicine was being used on time, Yuan Zhuo was visible to the naked eye.

"Jiang Wanxiao arrives at Qidong ..." Yao Wenyu said in half, there was movement outside the warehouse.

Huantai Tiger entered with a knife, saluted to Shen Zechuan, and said rudely, "Fu Jun, Xi have all come to the messenger, and they ca n’t bear the city ’s living beings, so let ’s talk to us. Then more than a dozen students sent out the city gate. There is an altar waiting to the west of Dancheng. Fujun, at this moment I am strong and weak. What more to talk about? Let Shen Weiti write a transcript, we will break into the capital and save trouble! "

Shen Zechuan wiped his palms and asked, "Who is coming?"

"Cen Xunyi comes first, and the rest are all students."

Shen Zechuan only needs to think about it to know the danger.

"Jiang Wanxiao has arrived at Qidong. The elder lady must talk to him for a long time. At this time, she should not be unavoidable. Qidong is unavoidable. Besides, the long encirclement is not the best policy." Yao Wenyu took his own hand and turned his head to Shen Zechuan. Said, "The time is up, Fujun, I'll go back when I go."


Qidong Yanyang, tea pavilion smoke.

Huaxiang Yi sits opposite to the tea case, cleansing tea.

Qi Zhuyin motioned □ □ to sit on the mountain, and said, “You come from afar, this bureau is a feast for the wind. Do n’t be nervous, just sit.”

□□ All the way along the mountain, I just changed my clothes in the side hall, but I wasn't so restrained, I sat down and smiled, "Jiang He De He Neng can drink a cup of tea from Miss San."

He called Hua Xiangyi Miss Three. This is the old name, that is, instead of treating Hua Xiangyi as Mrs. Qidong, she regarded it as the old master of Wucheng. In a word, lightness is different, he doesn't want to talk to Hua Xiangyi.

Huaxiang Yi helped tea and said softly: "The boat is exhausting on the road, my wife is pregnant, it is really not appropriate to keep the post. I sent someone out of the yard early, and if Wan Xiao doesn't want to abandon, then stay at home."

Her "home" is Qifu, and she is in charge of matters in the inner court. No matter what she calls her, she is the main mother of Qifu.

Jiang's drinking tea in Qingshan, the two were the first confrontation.


Dancheng rain was heavy, and bamboo Taos were undulating.

Cen Yu was so full of heart that he heard the sound of flute into the bamboo waves on the high platform. He stood up with a light "ah" and watched an oil umbrella in the rain come here with the gentle stream.

There was a boundary between the two armies, and Yao Wenyu did not continue. The white donkey under the umbrella walked leisurely, and Yao Wenyu's blue shirt was hanging on both sides of the donkey's belly. The sack around his waist was still the same, and the rain and mist were lingering, and he looked exactly the same as that year.

"I was in a hurry to leave that day, and I couldn't say goodbye to him," Yao Wenyu bowed down on the donkey's back and saluted. "I heard Mr. Wang's invitation today, and Yuan Zhuo came."

Cen Yu saw Yao Wenyu saluting at the donkey, and knew that the rumors were true. His legs were really broken. For a while, with mixed feelings, standing in the ears and buzzing, only sighed sadly: "What the **** are you ..."

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