Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 277 Table of contents

"When Xue Yanqing greeted the prince and returned to the palace, he presented to the cabinet Zhu Xian and Emperor Qin's private seal," Yao Wenyu gently wiped his white lips with his fingers. "But these two objects are incompatible, and Qin Wang's private seal is not covered at all. Zhu Zhushang. If only Li Jianting can prove that Qin Wang is the daughter-in-law of the Qin Dynasty, then the noble paintings in my Yao's study are all evidence of the emperor. "

Even though Cen Yu's hands and feet became cold, he couldn't be weak anymore. Today's conversation in the city attracted a lot of attention, and a wrong answer was a disaster for Lidu. He was certain that he said: "When the emperor entered the palace, the cabinet was publicly inspected. At that time, the queen mother bowed her head, confirming that the emperor was the blood of Li's blood!"

The wind and rain were noisy, and it smashed on the oil paper umbrella like a bursting bean.

Yao Wenyu said: "After the emperor went, the Li family withered. What you call a court test is based on the one-sided words of Xue Yanqing. The queen mother lives alone in the deep palace, and has the right to hold back, and the cowardly coercion outside, how can you say truth?"

Cen Yu had a big shock in his chest. He stepped back and said, "Hey ... how can you say that I am a minister ... On the day of the public inspection, the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty were present. Whoever dared to intimidate the queen mother, I first attacked him!"

"Okay, Mr. Loyalty, I admire it." Yao Wenyu drew a letter from his sleeve and told Cen Yu, "I happen to have a secret letter from Miss Feng San, which details in detail Han Han's use of Tancheng's account to coerce her queen mother. In this case, the letters of the Empress Dowager and Miss Three are also attached, all bearing the Empress Dowager private seal. "

As soon as this letter came out, there was an uproar in the rain.

Cen Yuhe had expected that Yao Wenyu had really proved that the chill straightened the backbone-today is not Zhongbo's fierce danger at all, but he is fierce! He leaned on the side of the table and said, "Miss Three has been away from the capital for a long time and will no longer serve the Queen Mother. Her words ..."

"Miss Three is Mrs. Qidong," Yao Wenyu pressed tightly. "If her words are not credible, why hasn't Qidong's 300,000 garrison troops dispatched yet?"

There was a thunderous thunder in the rain.

Yao Wenyu loosened his finger and let the secret letter fall into the puddle. He said, "Qi would rather lose hundreds of years of prestige than he would be willing to serve as the King of the Army, because it is now sitting on the throne, not Li King at all. Xue Yanqing refers to the deer as a horse. , Not only to bully the king, but also to use the daughter of Chu Guan as the emperor's eunuch! "

Chuguan girl!

"You deceive the public ..." The student pointed at Yao Wenyu and said sternly, "The emperor is the daughter of a peasant household in the capital, and has a long-standing name in the neighborhood ..."

"Dizzy," Yao Wenyu said, without temperature, "Li Jianting has never called her adoptive parents after she ascended to the throne. If she is really kind and filial piety, she will not turn a blind eye to her adoptive parents."

In this sentence, Hugh said that Cen Yu was that the students around him all fell to the ground suddenly, and the Dudu army whispered in a fright. The dark clouds have forced the palace of Badu, and the eaves of Bagua were split between lightning and thunder. The letter was quickly passed around the southwest, and the Jinyi guards hiding in Badu walked the streets. Ge Qingqing occupied the teahouse. And watch the raindrops pound on the window paper violently.

Li Jianting looked up, listened to the thunder, and knew the drums that had been rattled. She asked the empty Minglitang: "Is King Toray out?"

Fengquan lit a joss stick and replied, "It's almost coming."


There was a sound of rubbing on the screen. Since sitting on the opposite side of the small case, I had a pulse for Liu Niang across the screen.

"Everyone of Qi's family is a loyal, loyal and heroic man. The handsome man has made great achievements and won the Holy Grace." Jiangshan Qingshan said, "Now the mountains and rivers are in critical condition, and the internal troubles are all around. At that time, I advised the commander not to jeopardize righteousness for personal gain, to honor the king in all respects, and Qi's future glory is in sight. "

"You are an energy minister, and you are more familiar with civil affairs than I am," Qi Zhuyin drank tea, "Since it is time to endanger the mountains and rivers, these clichés need not be said."

There was heat in the tea kiosk, Jiangshan Qingshan smiled bitterly for a moment, and said, "Persuading the fame is a cliché. I came here just to say a few words with the boss." He put down the tea cup and looked Qi Zhuyin, "Master, if today is an incompetent generation, then I will not come. But nowadays, the revival of Da Zhou is just around the corner. As long as the internal problems are eliminated, the people's prosperity will not be a delusion."

He paused for a while.

"The first emperor was not in charge of the government, and the court assigned several years of fighting. That year, the drought in Juxi, I was unable to prepare food for relief. I was in desperation. I had to borrow food arbitrarily. Please ask the Cabinet network to open one side. At that time, Hua Siqian was going to kill me, and Yan Qing was kneeling in front of the old door of the old house, asking the old man to save my life. Over the years, he has been running around in the position given by the Ministry of Affairs. Finding a way for the local officials and officials, and struggling to form what is now called the hard faction, so that the big week after Tianchen years can survive. Master, we dare not take credit, but these people, in order to give way to Da Zhou, Even the lives of one's family can bet on it! "

Jiang Wanxiao did not lie, and the source of the broken government in Yongyi's later years was in the capital, but the place was still strong. Jue Xi can now bear the pressure from many parties in Da Zhou. This is not something that can be done overnight. This is the foundation stone laid by these people in the past ten years.

"After the Xiande years, Yan Qing urged the court to allocate manpower to the Central Bo to clean up the mess. The old man was forced by Hua Siqian's sharpness. He did not dare to move in order to protect the central government. Finally, he waited for the eight years of Xiande's fall. Only then did I deliberately transfer me to serve as the chief envoy of Zhongbo, but it was too late and the opportunity was wrong. Not only did bandits run rampant, but also family powers were intertwined, "Jiang Wanxiao said when he was emotional. "We have no soldiers and no rights. How do we start? The cabinet just reviewed the transfer for half a year!"

The tea fragrance is misty, he calmed down a bit, and then said, "I originally gave up. It was Yanqing's support of the emperor to chase Dan Chengtian tax. Marshal, if the emperor is an ancestor like the emperor, Shen Zechuan wants to go back, he will go back! But now there is a clear dawn. "He looked at Qi Zhuyin and said eagerly," The first year of Sheng Qiu has just begun. The commander wants to send troops to help the north. This is the current foreign enemy. We should do it and give it to the army. It was not at the time of Xian Denian, that the commanders and generals were required to kneel and beg for help. The Bianjun mildew case forced Lu Guangbai back. The cabinet has so far not obeyed the official words and really dismissed the title of Lu Jiajue. To give the court and Lu Guangbai another chance, everyone has re-visited. There is no family interference this time, only civil and military officials have treated each other frankly, and Zhongxing Xing is at this moment. "

Jiang Wanxiao's heartfelt remarks today are things that others do not understand, understand or even reluctant to understand. They are all gears running by Da Zhou, and they can be relied on by Dai Daixian when they are mottled and rusty. This person is not alone. He may be Qi Huilian in the early days, Hai Liangyi in later days, and even Xue Xiuzhuo now. They are different from the family, even if the ideas collide, even the ideas are contradictory, but they have all the strength in civil, without exception, the last vitality of this decaying old tree.

"Shen Zechuan promoted the yellow book in the six states of China Bo. We have implemented household registration as early as in Juexi. Since I ruled the thirteen cities, the gates of various places have been checked every year. The land is not lost, the land is not wasteland, and the port trade is prosperous and prosperous. Intervene, this year's Yongyi Port cannot be closed! "Jiang Wanxiao said," The reason why the tax on the eight cities was suspended was because Shen Zechuan was too tight. He claimed to be the prince at the Zhongbo, and he was called a lord by the Three Kingdoms. The dog jumped off the wall and stopped the investigation as a last resort— "

Liu Niang in the screen suddenly whispered "Ah", Jiang's voice stopped abruptly, and he got up slightly. Hung Hom walked out of the screen and said something to Hua Xiangyi.

Hua Xiangyi looked at Jiang \ 's Qingshan and said, "Mrs. is weak, running along the road, and the baby's elephant is unstable. I'm afraid to rest here for a few days."

Liu Niang broke his body in Xiande Nian. Jiangshan Qingshan knew that Hua Xiangyi was true. He was immersed in lobbying while eloquently speaking, and he was all tied to Liu Niang. He dumbed his voice for a while and stood still. Neither is sitting.

Now that he whispered, "Atatu Buddha, your wife must take some medicine."

□□ Shan could not help asking: "What medicine? She is weak, and the doctors she sees are very cautious."

"I heard that you have been married for several years, and Lingtang and his wife have to stand by the rules every day. It used to be," Hua Xiangyi blamed slightly. "Why is your wife pregnant and still stand by the rules. What are the rules?"

The most difficult thing for Jiang Wanxiao to talk about was family affairs. His mother was widowhood in his early years, and he just raised him into a grand official. The old lady is not subject to bribes by Jin Yu, nor is she a member of the eunuch's family. She is dedicated to being a cleansing official, which means that she has a strict family rule, especially when she is against Liu Niang.

Qi Zhuyin didn't want to speak at first, and she had a lot of troubles in her own house, but who knew that the feet under the table were touched lightly. She understood with the action of drinking tea, put down the cup, and said, "I don't think you should be busy with government affairs at first. I have no news yet, so settle my wife first."

Jiang Wanxiao was aware of this and said cautiously, "The troop dispatch ..."

"I think about it for two more days," Qi Zhuyin said positively. "After two days, I will give you an answer."


Fei Shi ran his head in the rain. Everywhere he heard it, there was talk. The rebels, the emperor, and forgery. The centuries-old crickets were in danger in this heavy rain. He ran his wet shoes and was bumped in the rain.

In the past, Xiao Houye was dressed in a simple dress. After Helianhou was paralyzed, his fox friends and dog friends would no longer be associated with him. He couldn't afford to raise people in the family, and he could only send his wife and servants. Fei Shi still wanted to confuse, but when he saw his sister Zhaoyue and stayed up late to do embroidery work with children, he knew that the family was completely out of money. Now he lives by writing letters for others.

Fei Shi picked up the letter and cursed: "Blind dog, hit grandpa, grandpa had run rampant ..." He wiped the rain on his face, and felt that the person who fell on the ground was familiar, so he stomped his feet, "Hey?"

The man raised his head sullenly, unkempt, could not see clearly, only smirked at Fei Shi: "Little Houye, young Houye!"

Fei Shi wrote the letter and said, "Oh, it's a visionary. Grandpa, I'm Xiao Houye."

The lunatic was dirty, with only one foot wearing shoes, he shook his head and said, "Little Houye, look, look for my brother!"

"My **** mother isn't your big brother!" Fei Shi pulled his clothes back, disgusting him, and drove out, "Go!"

The lunatic grinned and really left. He bounced in the torrential rain and shouted at everyone: "Brother, my brother is a big officer! A big officer with a knife!"

"Unlucky." Fei Shi mumbled and walked for two steps, feeling the sound familiar, he took a few more steps, saw the ruined Han Palace across the rain curtain, and suddenly stayed in place.

"Excuse the capital! Quickly flash away!"

Military boots splashed with rain and ran on the streets of Badu. The city's alert was at an extreme. All the defensive equipment in the armament had emptied to the wall. The news that Shen Zechuan was about to enter was far wider than the life of the empress.

Fei Shi was knocked away by the army. He spontaneously turned his head and turned his head like clay sculpture.

"Han ... Han Jin!"


Yao Wenyu quarreled, and retreated. He turned his donkey, the paper umbrella slightly tilted, and the green robe pendulum on the side was wet by the rain.

Cen Yu was still shocked, holding the table edge, raising his hand to call Yuan Zhuo again.

The zombie soldiers in the back silently set up the bow and arrow, and the raised arrow was against the fingers and stretched the string full. Raindrops were stringed along the oil-paper umbrella. Yao Wenyu's breathing was slightly chaotic.

The student was ashamed, and took a few steps, saying, "Shen Zechuan seeks the world to serve Shen Wei's tablet. This is unkind, and I will not kneel even if I die!"

The pouring rain buried Yao Wenyu's coughing sound. When he looked back, the tight lip line was slightly raised. The oil-paper umbrella slipped to the ground, his hair was soaked, but he said categorically: "From the beginning to the end, we only talk about Shen Weibing's defeat. The prince of Pingding decided to live in mountains and rivers, never marry a wife, and have no children. Moreover, it is necessary to turn over the old case of Yongyi as Zhaoxue, a loyal minister. You do n’t need to kneel until the society is stable, the people resume business, and when the world ’s granaries are abundant, the governor—— "

The arrow suddenly left the string, the string "buzzed" in the rain, flying beads, the sharp edge blinked in front of Yao Wenyu. It was said that sooner or later, the fast sword between the green bamboos plunged suddenly, and under the sound of a "bang", Qiao Tianya had already landed.

Shen Zechuan looked away from the tower and looked at the direction of the capital. The wind moved his jacket, and in the rainstorm, there was a mixture of starry ice and snow.

"The two armies will not talk to each other," said the governor. "This is a deceit for me in Zhongbo."

Qiao Tianya slowly stood upright, standing in front of Yao Wenyu, blocked his eyes with wet strands, pushed his scabbard with his thumb and said, "Draw a knife."

The armor of the embargo was covered with rain, and the blades of light flickered with time in the bamboo forest.

The incense burned out.

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