Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 27 Table of contents

At night, in the outskirts of Tongguan County, six thousand people gathered in the endless plain of the loess to sleep.

The wind is rising, and there is still chill in the early summer, and the rest of the 16 Huhu have fallen asleep. There are vague wolves in the distant mountains, and the shadow of the mountains and rivers is like a huge curtain.

The Big Dipper is hung in the sky, and the summer night is like a sprinkle of light in the sky.

On the ground, Chen Xing wrapped in a blanket and faced the bonfire.

After leaving the Afang Palace, the story was silent, and the masses did not bother to disturb the three people. Only the bonfire was raised under the lonely trees in the wilderness, and no one came close to the story. Only Chen Xing, Xiang Shu, and Feng Qianxi were sitting quietly.

Feng Qianxi untied the shroud, and now the body of the inner brother, Feng Qianxi, set up the firewood on the side of the copper water, and burned the body of the brother.

The flame ignited and swallowed the body of Feng Qianxi. His legs were cut off below the knees. The long-term use of the wheelchair caused the limbs to shrink, just like a child. A gust of wind blew and the fly ash rose to the sky. Chen Xing vaguely saw a glimmer of light trails that flew to the sky and the starry river.

The item looked up and saw a wide and gorgeous band of light overlapping in the silver lord, like a huge river, passing through the night sky.

"You saw it?" Chen Xing said.

The brow's brow slightly wrinkled.

"Tianmai," Chen Xing said, "the fate of all the 'dao' between heaven and earth, Lao Tzu said that the metaphysical person calls it the 'dao'. The metaphysical is the instrument, the living thing in the human world, and the physical form of one day. , will all fall into the avenue."

The item says: "That is the heaven and earth aura?"

“No,” Chen Xing said. “Tianmai and the local veins are rivers that are higher than the aura.”

As the body of the elder brother turned into ashes, Feng Qianxi installed the ashes, returned to the two, wiped a small jade card, turned over and looked at the bonfire, the number of the book: Dahan exorcist Feng.

“Xifeng Qianzhuang’s biggest stronghold was in Luoyang.” Feng Qianxi said, “When my brother took over his family business with his father, I was studying in Huiji. From the age of seven to sixteen, I saw a big brother in two or three years.”

Chen Xing wrapped in a blanket and was silent. He knew that at this time, Feng Qianxi needed to talk and talk to relieve his inner sorrow.

Feng Qianxi added: "At that time, Luoyang was still affiliated with the "Yan Guo" built by Murong."

Xifeng Qianzhuang set up the industry of the rich enemy country in Luoyang, the famous capital of the world at that time, and maintained a certain relationship with the Jin people in the south. He secretly prepared for the military to expel the great cause of Zhuhu, waiting for the opportunity to greet the Jin army and restore the country.

Later, Yan Jian sent people to capture Da Yan, and the city broke overnight. Murong’s ancestral room was captured as a prisoner and surrendered. It was also in this war that Feng Qianxi took his family and hurriedly fled, and the soldiers were ruined. The soldiers died in battle and their wives were killed by the chaos. Both children died in the war. I was also crushed by the chariot.

Feng Qianxi suddenly heard the news, immediately went north, looking around for the whereabouts of his brother, and finally found his brother in Changan several years later.

Feng Qianxi did not mention the past, but told him that this is the road to the great cause. Since Da Yan has died, the current goal is to be strong. And Murong is the same as the minister of the country, but can try to draw and use it.

"I still remember the day when I first saw Qinghe," Feng Qianxi said smugly. "She and her brother Murong Chong were locked in the deep palace. My brother sent me to send her some jewelry to buy. Murong Chong did not like to talk. She was very happy. Very, ask me what the name is... I asked my Luoyang peony to open, and asked many things in the north..."

"...After the Great Yan killed the country, I have never been to Luoyang for three years. I have to make some lies to lie to her." Feng Qianxi returned to God and smiled at Chen Xing, and said, "Go home and tell Big Brother, Big Brother. I only said that Luoyang or Guanzhong, Youzhou and Zhangzhou are all places where we are Han Chinese. What are the faces of Xianbei people and regard Luoyang as their hometown?"

After hearing this, the item got up and left, leaving the space for the conversation to Chen Han and Feng Qianxi.

Feng Qianxi smiled helplessly: "But the big Yan Mu Rongshi was killed in the hands of a Han Chinese. Wang Meng listened to Yu Jian and won this battle. It also led to the four customs, and they also looked down on the fire. They also looked down on Wang Meng because he Did you do the hard-working official, Tianchi, do you hate them?"

Chen Xing remembered his father's death, and then he couldn't see the place where he lay on the ground and leaned on a stone.

"I said before my death, Hu people or Han people," Chen Xing slowly said, "all of them are the inhabitants of Shenzhou, the five Hu Nan, the dead and the wounded, the innocent people died in the war. The king's dispute, which time is not like this? The Han people in the clothing Nandu still have the idea of ​​revenge, and they are replaced by soldiers and people who died in the chaos of the Eight Kings. Where else can they find someone to reason?"

"In the final analysis, but the word "war" is already." Chen Xing sighed. "Not to mention, if this chaos is not eradicated, on the day of the massive outbreak, Hu Ren, Han Chinese, I don't have to fight any more." The ending is the same, it is death."

Feng Qianxi was silent, looked down at the hands of Sen Luo knife, and stunned.

"Would you like to go to the north with a big one?" Feng Qianxi asked.

"I don't know." Chen Xing's brow showed anxiety. "There is not much time. The reason for the return of the law is still not clear. At least for the next three years, I have to find the mana for everyone, even after that." I don't care, but no one can fight the master of Feng Qian's words. The human exorcist is more than a trick, and there must be someone who lives in the same league..."

Chen Xing got the first clue, which is related to Dinghaizhu. Although the inside story has not yet been understood, according to the records, in the second year of Wanfa's return to the silence, Dinghaizhu still contains a powerful mana, and wants to break away from the relationship.

Just big and big, where are you going to find it?

Feng Qianxi said: "If you investigate the troubles, you will hand it over to me. Tomorrow morning, the dumb brother will leave."

Chen Xing: "Where are you going?"

Feng Qiang said: "I hope to secretly sneak back to Chang'an, perhaps to go to Luoyang to go, or to find the tomb of the Eight Kings, to investigate who the big brother had met before, how to get ridiculous. You just have to concentrate on finding you. Dinghaizhu."

Chen Xing immediately said: "Feng big brother, this matter can not be anxious..."

Feng Qianxi thought: "I can drive the Sen Luo knife roughly, although it is another way."

Chen Xing did not expect that the magic weapon that was once driven by the aura of heaven and earth, now absorbs resentment and is used for its own purposes, as if it were caused by destiny, with darkness against darkness, thorns, black vines and withered trees and demons It has played a powerful role. Feng Qianxi’s identity has also spurred the practice of Solomon in history, awakening the mountains and seas, leading the endless life, and resulting in a complete change.

It became a dark exorcist.

And rashly attracts grievances, and in this way forcibly launching the Sen Luo knife, it will definitely cause strong damage to the body. Chen Xing repeatedly reminded Feng Qianxi that Feng Qianxi explained: "You can rest assured that there is no place for resentment, it is impossible to make a spell."

This is also true, Feng Qianxi wants to sacrifice the Sen Luo knife, summoning the preconditions of the wilted tree demon and bloodthirsty vines, is in the land of grievances, as long as there are no large-scale dead people around, this knife lacks resentment power and cannot be launched. .

"You give me some more time," Chen Xing replied. "Let me think about it."

Feng Qiang saw him but Chen Xing, so he nodded and motioned to go back to rest. Chen Xing wanted to sleep so well under the tree. Feng Qianxi moved him and asked him to go to Xiang Shu.

Chen Xing went through the open space and came to the side of the subject. The item did not say a word, closed his eyes, and the hoarse crows came from afar. Xiang Shu suddenly woke up with a little fear and horror in his eyes, looking to the crows. Where it is.

Chen Xing curiously observed the story, seeing that he only quickly recovered his calmness, so he whispered: "I have to find Haizhu. What is worse is that the records brought out from Yin Yang Jian are all gone."

"I know that place," Xiang said, "follow me."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The map drawn on the last page is called "Dazawa". Chen Xing has made many speculations, perhaps Yunmeng Daye, but this place only exists in the legend, and now the exact position can not be found.

"In the South?" Chen Xing asked.

The item did not answer, slightly moved a little, leaving Chen Xing a position.

Chen Xing relied on it, and the item said: "There is a lot of things that need the support of the people."

Chen Xing counted the time. When he left Huashan, he still had four years. Now Shenzhou has entered the summer, but there are more than three years left. The time was quite urgent, but he did not urge the item and only nodded.

In the middle of the night, the plains were silent, and the story suddenly blinked and looked into the distance.

Feng Qianxi had got up from the tree, took his brother's ashes, turned over the horse, and bypassed the outside of the temporary camp, raised his hand and waved at Xiang Shu.

Xiang Shufu closed his eyes again, and Feng Qianxi sneaked into the twilight.

When the child, the magical palace is filled with omnipresent blood red light.

A huge heart like a house is hanging in the air, slowly pacing, and the entangled blood vessels are covered with that strange giant heart and spread to all corners of the Magic Palace.

Thousands of blood vessels infiltrated into the wall, and they nourished the grievances in the earth. The radiance of the earth's veins was refining into an endless purple-black scent that was injected into the heart along the blood vessels.

A scribe with a mask and a black robe, holding the body of the Qinghe princess in his hand, slowly walked into the Magic Palace.

"This mortal," the heart hoarse, "is so uncontrollable."

The scribes: "Feng Qianxi avenged his vengeance and was broken by the heart lamp holders, which disrupted our plan."

The voice in the heart was furious: "Stupid! I have ruined the magician who spent a lot of effort on it!"

The scribe replied: "Feng Qianxi has been burned to ash, but it is also a punishment for him. My lord, but please anger. People always have, there are still hundreds of thousands of herders in the 敕勒古盟, to fill this Lack, it is always enough. But it is the law to empty this person..."

After a brief silence, the scribes said leisurely: "The first warrior outside the Sai... Even if he was chosen as an exorcist to protect the law, it should not be so inconceivable. It is really strange, why did the heart lamp choose him?"

"A mortal person," the heart slowly said, "There is a limit to being strong, and what is fear?"

The scribes reverently replied: "My lord does not know that although the number of squadrons is limited, it is a force that cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, it will not be so expensive in the past. For use, it will definitely save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"This is not something you should worry about now, how should the Wanling array be solved?" The heart screamed, "I have been squatting for many years, and I am not willing to lose sight of such an accident. And counted as Zhou Wei, the exorcist has already smashed." You two men!"

The scribe said: "Now the Suijian self-destructed the Great Wall and exiled the law, and Chang'an has no threat in the short term. We are still in the dark, Chen Xing has followed the law and fled to the outside of the country, presumably will not return to the Central Plains for the time being. This sent Zhou Zhou to go and remove them together, and then they could no longer affect the resurrection of my Lord. Of course, now that the law is still, the heart-light can still play a minor role, even if it is ignored, how many winds and waves can not be overlooked... My Lord."

The scribe put the Qinghe princess on the altar below the huge heart and asked: "Please give this woman a rebirth. Next, Chang'an's Spiritual Array must rely on her."

The heart made a sneer, condensed a little blood, slowly squatting down the wall of the membrane, a soft sound, dripping on the body of the Qinghe princess, the body burst into red light, grievances.

At the end of the late summer and early autumn, the 16-huhu section led by Xiang Shu left the Great Wall and entered the Wanli Caohai. Chen Xing was the first time in his life to see such a magnificent and vast grassland. The sky is high and the birds are soaring. This is the northern part of Shenzhou. Compared with the bustling city of Guanzhong, it is another scene.

And along the way north, more and more people dragged their families and joined them. The two ethnic groups in the 羌 and 氐 have lived for a long time, but they have not received preferential treatment. The tribes have been conquered and the wars have been protracted for a long time. After years of drought, the people did not live, they had to give up the farmland, and along with the big ones all the way north, and made a living.

This continuation, this migration team has tens of thousands of people, gathering a very spectacular scene. When passing the Great Wall, Qin would not dare to block, but had to switch to release. When they arrived at the grassy sea, the members of the project did not know where to find the carriage. They purchased the supplies before the release, and eventually gathered into the team and headed for the end of the world.

What kind of place is that? Chen Xing asked the followers of the story, the answer is that it is the northern part of Shenzhou, and finally the area where people live.

Going further north is a large tundra and snow that is swaying in the snow, a desolate, and the people in the north have rarely returned.

The branches of Guanzhong Wuhu originated from Baitou Mountain, Xing'an Mountain, Xiliang and other places. Finally, they became the Muller League under the Muller River. They were also the common birthplace of the Huns and the Tiele people, and they were collectively called by the Han people. The common hometown of the race of "Hu".

Just as the song was sung, 敕勒川, under the Yinshan Mountain, the sky seemed to be awkward, covering the four fields.

“Nomads live, there are very few doctors,” Xiang said. “Buy the medicines of the Central Plains along the way and bring them back to Mulhouse.”

Chen Xing opened the medicine list and let the ministry of the article go on the purchase. In his spare time, he sat in the carriage and read the story on a piece of paper to write and draw.

Feng Qianxi did not say goodbye, which made him very worried. However, it is imperative to find out the whereabouts of Dinghaizhu as soon as possible. As long as the mana returns to the land of China, Chen Xing’s burden will be removed by half. He believes that in time, the exorcist is an ancient The industry will eventually recover, bringing together a powerful force to counter the masters behind Feng Qianxi and the “deaf” they have created.

For the sake of the present, I hope that you will not carry out large-scale killings and control your grievances.

Chen Xing said: "I really have no clue what the "Dazawa" mentioned in the book."

In the food, the **** slightly hooked the charcoal strip, which is different from the Han people's pen-holding posture. The slender fingers are very beautiful, and the tortuous mountains, rivers and terrain are sketched on a piece of parchment.

Chen Xing: "Yeah!"

The story only looked at it, and I was able to remember the map of the last page of the ancient book of the exorcist, and presented it to Chen Xing, saying, "Is it here?"

On the map scene, there is a lake, and behind it is the three peaks that are disconnected and towering into the clouds. The side is dotted with a lot of forests. The terrain is very strange. There are lakes on the plains and mountains in the lake.

"Right right!" Chen Xingru won the treasure, took it over and said, "You remember it all!"

"It’s not Yunmeng Daze, nor in the south." Xiang said casually. "The legend is in the north of the mountain. It is far away. The name of the iron is called Erzil, and the name of the Huns is called Cara, meaning dragon. The place where you fell."

Chen Xing was surprised: "Have you been there?"

Item: "I was seen in a book that an old man gave me when I was a child."

Chen Xing looked down and looked at the story. The story was changed with a piece of parchment and began on another piece of paper, recalling the scene from the penultimate page in the book.

"You also have books," Chen Xingyi said. "Where are the books stored?"

“How?” The cold and cold words, “Only you Chinese talents are reading and writing?”

Chen Xing is busy explaining that this is not the meaning, just want to see, the place where the ancient books are stored in the 敕勒盟, maybe what clues can be found.

The carriage marched on the grassland, and the mountains covered by the clouds in the distance were faintly discernible. At that moment, everyone in the team cheered. Chen Xing suddenly looked up and turned over the hillside. He saw the vast land, the tents stood, the backs of the river, the end of summer. When the wind rises, a magnificent picture seems to be slowly opened and presented.

Yulechuan arrived.

Chen Xing was shocked by the scene in front of him. Under the Yinshan Mountain, the Kundulun River and the Dahei River were surrounded by gentleness. The Wanli Grassland was like a blanket, supporting nearly 200,000 herders, tents from the hillside to the foot of the mountain. Hope, endless!

At the time of the fall, almost all the nomadic people outside the Sai were moving towards the Yinshan Mountain, pilgrimage to the mountain of the 16 Hu, and merged into the Muller League.

"The big one is back!" A child shouted when he saw the team on the banks of the Kundulun River.

The Qianli woman who washed the robes on the river straightened up and sang a bright song. The warriors in the team sang in the song. The item is still sitting on the open wagon, picking up the parchment, long legs on the edge of the car, adjusting the posture, lying half-sleep comfortably.

In the Muller League, thousands of galloping horses were greeted, and they came to them. The heads were several young people, the Huns and the Tiele people, who shouted, and the articles only ignored them. The young people gathered in an instant. I gathered on both sides of the team, screaming, laughing and asking about the story. The language used, Chen Xingyi couldn’t understand, but I had to listen to it, but guessing from the expression, they kept asking questions about the time. Where did you go?

The mouth of the article was rarely smacked, and there was a little smile. The followers followed the clamour, and the young people turned around to help unload and move things and resettle the people.

A young man said the Huns language, sticking out a wooden stick, and trying to knock Chen Xing into the car, Chen Xing quickly evaded, with anger between the eyebrows. I must say that "how can I still grab a Han Chinese back?"

"Roll!" The item is finally spoken in Tiel.

The young man laughed and walked away.

People are constantly approaching, as if they are asking for instructions in the dynasty, saying or not answering, or lazily "hmm", the people will bring the people in the team to the Humin, and follow the people and Hu people who moved north. It seems as if they are very excited, just like finding a long-lost relative here.

Chen Xing said: "It seems that after they entered the customs, they are not very comfortable."

That is the feeling of self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction of homecoming. Compared with the various rules in Chang'an City, guarding the sturdy and firm, reading and doing official test, this group of barbarians obviously prefer to go back to the grassland to live freely. It is natural.

The item did not answer. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the team, only the two of them were left. The two carriages were pulled into the valley below the foothills of the ancient League.

There are very few people living here, and when they see the story, everyone is cheering.

The carriage stopped in front of the biggest tent. Xiang Yuyue got off the bus. Chen Xing suddenly thought that Xiang Shu was both a big single and had already passed the age of marriage. Will he have his wife and children at home?

However, there are very few people in the valley, and the place where the story is lived is very quiet. The king's account is built on the mountain and occupies the source of the river. It shows its status.

Many people came over and said hello to the item. The article said a sentence of Tiel, and the people were scattered. Chen Xing looked around curiously and said, "Is this your home?"

The item said: "I will call the elders first, and you will stop at your own pace."

Said, Xiang Shuchao confessed a few words, expected to be placed in Chen Xing.

At that time, some people took Malay, and the story turned over and the horse drove out of the valley.

Chen Xing: "Hey, wait! I can't understand you!"

As soon as the item was gone, there were a lot of Tiel young men coming around, curiously looking at Chen Xing and starting to talk.

Chen Xing’s mouth twitched and he only nodded politely.

Someone threw him a wet cloth, and Chen Xing was busy: "Thank you." Then he wiped his face and thought that it was the first time to wash his face.

The crowd said a few more words, and then burst into a big laugh. Someone pointed to the tent at Chen Xing. Chen Xing said: "Well, this is going to rest, everyone is bothered."

Chen Xing picked up the tent and entered the home of the story. I saw a large blue-lined embroidery blanket on the ground. There were many furnishings in the room. Bedding, tableware, and short cases were all available. The screen that came, the lighting was very good, the top of the account opened the anti-snow window, and the inside was very bright.

There is also a bookshelf in the corner, which is filled with ancient books and texts.

But because the owner left home for a long time, things are covered with dust.

The younger Tieler boy came over again and took a bucket of water. He pointed to the case and patted Chen Xing’s shoulder. He said a fresh and fluent sentence: “This begins, wipe clean, and the big one will clean the account before returning. ”

Chen Xing looked down at the rag in his hand and looked at the crowd. He smiled and replied with politeness in Chinese:

"I am going to you."

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