Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 30 Table of contents

It’s useless when I’m in a hurry. When Chen Xing was a child, he liked to spend a lot of fun, but unfortunately he was taken to the mountains in the middle of the age. He was lonely for so many years and wanted to play.

"That's good." Chen Xing said, "Do you remember that you said that as long as you cure the car, let you do anything?"

"Is it finally?" Xiang said, "When you mention this sentence for a while, you have to protect the law, is it? What I promised, naturally said it."

Chen Xing did not expect that the item actually promised so refreshing and very unexpected.

Item: "In these days, I have been thinking about what you said."

Chen Xing: "Hey, wake up, not this requirement. Who do you treat me? Forcing you to protect the law, what is your meaning?"

This is the turn of the accident, and looked at Chen Xing with suspicion and frowned.

Chen Xing said with a smile: "Tomorrow's Autumn Festival, you take me to have fun, do you?"

Xiang Xiang looked at Chen Xing and had not answered for a long time. Finally, he said, "Yes."

On the day of the Qiuqiu Festival, an unprecedented event was held in Mullerchuan. The various ethnic groups piled up the wine and beef and mutton into a clearing clearing space, and put together a long table with a full length for people to eat and drink. Sixteen Hu held up nearly ten games, horses, riding, wrestling, taming, etc... It was a rough carnival!

Chen Xing saw such a lively moment, and immediately cheered, came to the side of the stadium, and the people were ready to open the ceremony of the arrow. Chen Xing strolled for a long time, shouting loudly at the lively wrestling field, and gambled with the doctors and the Hu people, and won a lot. He bought a red-red pony for the Huns and rode around.

"God doctor!" Tiele youth looked for a long time, busy, "Large to find you! Come to the high platform!"

“The story!” Chen Xing shouted. “How do you see the horse I bought?”

At that time, a lot of people had gathered in front of the stage. Chen Xing came over with the horse. The story was on the high platform. He wore a pair of pure gold made by Tie Le, and he showed a beautiful chest with a tie. The abdominal muscles were beautiful and neat. Holding a jade bow, there is a coziness between the eyebrows, saying: "Let me bring you to play, I will run away in the morning!"

Chen Xing smiled at him and saw the item on the stage. He stood on the stage and stood sideways. When he was slightly sideways, he even showed the jade tree, and he searched for the intestines and the words, and he couldn’t find a sentence to describe him.

"The other son, the United States is like the British." Chen Xing approached the article, feeling that his heart was mad, and he was a little breathless. However, even though the heart is choppy, the face is filled with a smile of calmness.

“What?” The item raised his eyebrows and asked.

Chen Xingyue went to the stage and helped organize the next armor.

"Taste you beautiful!" Chen Xingdao, "You guys are really incomprehensible!"

Chen Xing went to the side of the stage, and the people below began to whistle. The back of the item pointed out that he was allowed to let a little open, just look behind.

Car Luo Feng also went to the stage and shouted: "Start?"

Xiang Shufeng said that the car Luo Feng ordered, the soft Rana around the high platform blew the number, all the Hu people in the entire Muller League immediately stopped their hands, rushing toward the central high platform, rushing.

Car Luofeng took over the double geese, and saw that the big geese were tied with a red string in front of the neck, and the red rope was hung in the center of the red rope.

Chen Xing said: "What is this going to do?"

The item holds the jade bow, Shen Sheng said: "Look at the big eyes."

Chen Xing: "Do you have a double arrow? Don't you, can you shoot? If you can't shoot it?"

Item: "If you can't shoot, you will lose face."

Chen Xing: "No... even if it hits, what is wrong with the geese? The geese are innocent!"

The story is loud, and the Tie-Yu language is announced in the beginning of the Qiuqiu Festival. No one cheers below. The black pressure is on the high platform and hundreds of thousands of people are surrounded by the high platform.

Car Luo Feng shouted: "Go!" said two hands to put the wild geese, into a double geese Qiming, brushed wings to fly to the sky!

In the blink of an eye, the two geese pulled each other and began to hover, and then the steps were the same, suddenly becoming a little black spot.

The story slowly opened the longbow, and the 300,000 people under the table held their breath. Chen Xing was stunned. Do you really have this skill? !

Immediately afterwards, the item was turned in the same place, and the bow was turned into a full moon. With the power of this turn, the long bow slanted to the sky, and the 咻, 咻, 咻, and three-style arrows were shot!

In Chang'an City that day, the story of the hundred steps outside the shooting of Feng Qiang's hands Yin Yang Jian, is a magical skill, Chen Xing never imagined that he actually wants to shoot this air golden dragon with arrows!

The geese are flying higher and higher, and the story has made up the last arrow.

The first arrow, the red rope broke, Jin Hao fell from the sky, and greeted the second arrow, "When".

Then it was "when" and the third arrow was in the middle!

The last arrow catches up and shoots Jin Yu, and the internal force fluctuates!

In the midst of the scene, the cheers of the mountains and the seas shouted, and the sixteen Hu shouted at the same time, and the story was closed. The carnival reached its apex, and the atmosphere suddenly became uncontrollable. No matter the men, women and children, they sang and danced apart, and swayed in all directions. . The car Luo laughed and pulled up the hand of the story. The story threw the jade bow and waved to Chen Xing. He grabbed his wrist and the three men ran down the high platform.

There were wines and delicacies everywhere, and everyone started to fight. Chen Xing was squeezed and squeezed. He had already drunk a lot before. The wine made him feel a little dizzy, and the car Luo shouted something, but Xu said: "Less Drink! Don't want to hold you back!"

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Xing shouted.

The item clears out the crowd, and Che Luofeng handed the wine bowl to Chen Xing. The story said that he drank a bowl. Chen Xing said: "Car Luo Feng, you have not hurt well, drink less."

Someone gave the car Luo Feng the wine, the item leaned on the long table, then he took it over and gave him a drink on his neck. The Hu people burst into anger, and the car Luo laughed and laughed. According to the story, he pressed him long. On the table, bow down and kissed.

Chen Xing: "..."

Then everyone was stunned and sneered, but Xiang Shu raised his hand to resist, did not wait for the car Luo Feng to kiss his lips, he lifted his foot and pulled the car to the side, roaring: "Fast roll!"

Chen Xing also followed the laughter. Suddenly, I don’t know why. My heart was a little uncomfortable. It was like being stunned. The wine made him breathless.

Car Luo Feng lay on the ground, "Oh," "Oh," called. Xiang Shusheng was afraid of picking up his wound and was busy checking it up. Chen Xing hurried over and said, "I see?"

Che Luofeng smiled and pushed Chen Xing away. He shouted with soft words and wrestled with Xiang Shu. He jumped up and rode behind the story. He was scorned by the story, disgusted with his waste, and did not do anything with him. I waved my hand and stopped by the car.

"The law is empty!" Che Luofeng shouted with a smile. "I want to challenge you! Win you, I am a big one! You make me a hand!"

The Rourly young man shouted in unison: "Hit a fight! Play a game! Play a game!"

The item ridiculed a smile, simply back to the back.

The scene was suddenly surrounded by people, covering Chen Xing's sight.

Chen Xing put down the wine bowl and heard the cheers coming from the circle. Suddenly he noticed a sudden, lonely shadow. He turned away from the long table and walked out of the crowd to the end of the southern part of Muller.

What's wrong with me? Chen Xing only felt inexplicable, and a heavy feeling suddenly caught him. The sky is black and pressed, and the blue sky is covered, as if the snow is coming.

He climbed up the hay and sat down quietly. He had never been as embarrassed as he is now. Is it homesick? But where is my hometown? Chen Xing squatted on the grass, and lay down with the wine, trapped in the haystack, looking at the gray and heavy sky, and the shouts of the Hu people.

Chen Xing’s heart is a bit annoyed. The original lively scene has become uninteresting in the blink of an eye. It reminds me of the heroic appearance of the item I just saw, and it’s a bit unpleasant, just like my own things have been robbed. In my heart became very chaotic, tangled into a mess.

The voice is getting closer and closer, Chen Xing is even more annoyed, sitting up and shouting: "Noisy! What are you doing?!"

I saw a group of people patrolling not far away to the grassland, fanning out and shouting loudly. Chen Xing interrupted the idea by this change, and looked at it. He jumped into the grass and took his own pony and rode to the center of the encirclement.

I saw dozens of Rouran cavalry around a man wearing a black cloak, burlap covering his face, holding a long eyebrow stick and watching the cavalry with vigilance.

Chen Xingxue’s language was incomplete and he asked, “Who is this?”

Almost everyone knows him now, and when the Ryan people see Chen Xing, they give up a little. The visitor sees Chen Xing, but says: "Tianchi!"

The visitor took off the mask and untied the cloak, his eyes were clear, his lips were red and white, and he smiled: "I finally found you!"

“Tuo 跋焱?” Chen Xing never imagined that he would run into Tuoba here, and immediately turned over and ran quickly. Tuoba also got Malay, and he laughed and laughed with Chen Xing.

"I heard that the big one took you and returned to Yulechuan," Tuoba said. "You will ask for your life and come over to you."

Chen Xing was busy pointing out to the crowd. This is his own friend. The Rourly Cavalry have different faces, and they will leave when they hear the words.

"After the autumn festival?" Tuowang looked.

Chen Xing’s heart was a little depressed. As Tuoba’s coming came and swept away, goodbye to friends, he couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, how did you run so far, don’t send a letter first? Are you yourself?"

Tuoba nodded, holding Chen Xing's shoulder in one hand, holding the horse and walking slowly toward the direction of Lechuan. He said, "How are you doing here? They respect you very much because they are big. ?"

"He?" Chen Xing snarled, said the passage of these days, and said: "I let people find the item?"

Tuoba seems a bit embarrassed, looking into the distance, then look at Chen Xing.

"How is the court?" Chen Xing asked again. "Is there anything for me?"

Tuoba brought the news of the Central Plains, and in fact it is. After Xiang Xing’s departure, Xu Jian returned to the Weiyang Palace, and the chaos was temporarily over. The ruined Weiyang Palace almost ruined the blood and had to rebuild as soon as possible. When Murong Chong stayed in the palace overnight, he was finally persuaded by Yu Jian and decided not to find the troubles of the article for the time being.

There is only one exchange condition - that is, to catch Feng Qianxi and hand it over to Murong.

However, it’s quite clear that the up to the martial arts, down to the civil and military officials, the Murong family is very vengeful, and now do not come to the front of the conflict, but it is taboo, but after all, you have killed me for so many years, I am killing you, fighting Endlessly, after entering the customs, they each formed a deep hatred. The item in the hand holds such a powerful force, and the only hope for the company is to stay calm and rest. I have to wait until the next day to have the opportunity to liquidate again.

However, Murong Chong’s face was always taken care of. The Qinghe Princess died unclearly and could not explain to the world. Therefore, Yan Jian issued a wanted order to hunt down the whereabouts of Feng Qianxi.

"He has already left." Chen Xing said.

"I know." Tuoba said, "Later, I invited a special amnesty to the Majesty. At that time, the people who started the work were big singles. The person who was rebellious was Feng Jia. It has little to do with you... Murong Chong I also said hello, you can rest assured."

Chen Xing was a bit stunned and only knew nod.

Takuya said: "I said I want to get you back, let me say, let me talk to you."

"Where?" Chen Xing asked.

"Come back to Chang'an." Tuoba said, "Do you want to go back? If I am there, no one will make it difficult for you."

Chen Xing suddenly understood, and laughed. Tuoba looked down slightly and looked at him seriously. The young man’s spirit was in the eyebrows, and Chen Xing felt that he was very cute.

“Drinking?” Chen Xing said. “They are on holiday, this wine is very good.”

"Okay!" Tuoba said, "I haven’t had a long time in the autumn!"

Chen Xing took Tuoba back to the venue. After the various ethnic groups opened the drink, they began to wrestle and wrestle. They talked about love and love, and in addition to the autumn harvest, the autumn festival was given the meaning of young men and women. By the sake of the wine, the Hu people began to pursue the girl, doing things that they would not dare to do, and saying that they would not dare to say it, the atmosphere was awkward, standing at the table of the wine, they could already feel the thousands of species under the Style.

Chen Xing took the wine to Takuya, and the amount of Takuya was very good. He took the jar of wine and went to a tree by the river. He first drank himself from the altar and looked at Chen Xing. His face was flushed.

"Tianchi," Tuoba said, "I have something to say to you, since I was playing in the royal study room, I mentioned it... I have... After that, I have been thinking for a long time."

Chen Xing naturally understands that the extensions are thousands of miles away. Even if they leave Changan, they still go all the way to the Yulechuan River. What is it for? If you say that you are sending a letter to Yu Jian, the first sentence after the meeting is "I am coming. Looking for you, without talking about him, this makes Chen Xing very moved.

"I know what you want to say." Chen Xing laughed. "Come, do it."

Chen Xing took the initiative to touch the wine bowl with Tuoba and drank it. Tuoba looked at Chen Xing.

"You look so good," Tuo Xiao smiled. "Tianchi, come home with me. I always thought, I will be married to someone like you. Just open your mouth, I promise you everything, what do you want me to do?" , I will do anything."

"Tuo Yuxiong," Chen Xing sighed and looked straight at Tuoba's eyes and said, "Thank you for coming to me from afar. Before leaving Changan, I forgot one thing, that is, return it to you."

Said, Chen Xing poured some honey in his hand, took the ring that Tuoba gave him, and handed it out.

Tuoba was silent, Chen Xing pulled his hand and put the ring in his palm.

"Good." Tuoba said.

"Give it to others," Chen Xing said. "Give a look at you, you will feel this life, not someone he can't."

"You are this person." Tuoba said.

"No," Chen Xing said with a smile. "I am not, I am just, it is a person who fits what you think, is appropriate, and you think you should be married to him."

Tuoba looked at Chen Xing inexplicably, and his brow slightly screwed up. Chen Xing took a bit of a sigh and said: "You didn't understand, you should give this ring to one... let the heart jump up when you see him, always want to find more talks with him. See When he is with other people, you will feel uncomfortable. When you see him sad, you will not bear it. When he smiles at you, you will feel very happy and live very fast."

"Rather than handing it to one, everyone thinks that you should be with him. He also fits all your assumptions about the people who spend the rest of his life, so you should be with him and think that the person who is destined is him."

Chen Xing raised his eyebrows and smiled. He suddenly understood the strange feelings that were in his heart.

"I don't understand." Tuoba was a little sad, tightening his brow.

Chen Xing said: "It doesn't matter, promise me, you will always remember this, and someday, you may understand."

Takuya don't overdo it, only breathing between the two, no more talking.

"Okay." Tuoba finally said.

"I will take you around?" Chen Xing added. "For the time being, I don't want to go back. The item promised me..."

"You still don't let Rouran see him as a wonderful thing, otherwise there will be a murder case." The voice of Xiang Shu suddenly came from behind the tree. Chen Xing was shocked and said: "You listen to us!"

The same as the martial arts person, Tuoba seems to have long known that after the hiding of the tree, he said: "The big single, take the trouble."

“What happened?” Chen Xing said. “You are not asking the guests to clean the room. Is there any ritual for the 敕勒盟?”

"On behalf of the country, Tuo has once tens of thousands of Rouran people to be slaves of the ranks." Xiang Shu turned out from behind the tree, has been replaced by the robe of the body, said to Chen Xing, "Rouran people are drinking wine, ears, If you know who he is, maybe you have to pull the knife and smash your lover, I can't stop it."

"It doesn't matter," Tuoba put on the ring and said to Chen Xing, "I know that you are safe, I am leaving."

"Wait," Chen Xing said. "Have a few days here, you come from afar..."

"Go back and tell the forehead," Xiang Shuchao said. "The Lone King has not sent him recently, but he also let him behave. If I know what is wrong in the middle, I can’t say it. If I can't keep my own city, I don't mind cleaning up your Xianbei."

Tuoba said: "Be sure to bring the words." Chen Xing ran out a few steps, waiting to be blocked, but was caught by the item.

"The item, you let me go... Takuya!" Chen Xing shouted.

Tuoba looked back at Chen Xing and suddenly smiled. The smile was a little bitter, but it was well concealed and whistling to him.

"Tianchi!" Tuoba shouted, "There will be a period!"

Chen Xing had to sigh and open the arm of the subject and looked at him with an angry look.

The subject frowned: "I just went back and changed my clothes. Where are you going?"

Chen Xing: "How can you overhear us?!"

Item: "I happened to pass by, I heard you both drinking under the tree... 敕勒川 is my site, where do I want to be, who gives you the courage?"

Chen Xing: "You..."

Chen Xing walked in front of the anger, and the story was followed not far behind, and the two men bypassed the Qiuqiu festival venue. Xiang Shuo said: "Do you dare to take a big single in the air?!"

Chen Xing: "How? Want to hit me? Come!"

Instead, the project stopped and looked at Chen Xing, frowning: "How come you? The fire is so big? Don't want to wait until you roll! Follow Tuoba back to Changan!"

Chen Xing deep breathed, almost unbearable, pushed forward the item, and the article did not move, Chen Xing was furious, and said: "Wang Ba Gu! You are the bastard!" Speaking sideways, with the shoulders mad, the item It is like a stone that grows in the ground, looking at him with a sneer, and with a hand, Chen Xing dialed a slap, Chen Xing almost fell to the ground.

Xiang Shu grabbed his wrist again, Chen Xing suddenly suffered, and yelled and yelled, and when he was trying to slap him, he shouted not far away.

Car Luo Feng was so drunk, his eyes were red, his eyes ignited with anger, and then followed by hundreds of Rouran cavalry, each armor dressed neatly.

“Where is the Xianbei Tuo?” Car Luofeng said, “God doctor! Hand over your friends!”

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