Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 45 Table of contents

The surrounding rotten animals hummed and gathered into a harsh torrent. They immediately rushed toward the two people. The tsunami grievances screamed at the animal's cheekbones, and suddenly they swallowed the story and Chen Xing.

"Chen Xing! Chen Xing!"

A voice sounded, Xiaoshan came!

"Xiao Shan! Take him away!" Xiang Shuo resisted the enemy's offensive and screamed.

"Can't go!" Chen Xing hurriedly shouted, "You can die without a heart lamp!"

Chen Xing repeatedly forced the heart lamp in the darkness, the mana continued to tremble, and his body madly rushed to the right, causing his already damaged heart to suffer again, but the story relied on the guardian of this light. The epee can bloom and resist the heavy impact of the animal's living corpse. Chen Xingruo will remove the mana at this moment, and the story will be swallowed up by grievances in an instant!

"You know everything!" Che Luofeng frantically yelled. "In the past few years, you know everything!"

Car Luofeng with hatred, waved the first whip, in the dark grievances, there was a glimpse of the sly. That is the item in the tent, standing in front of Chen Xing, giving him a palm.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the hand touched the whip of the car Luo Feng, and the scenery of the next autumn of the Mulechuan River emerged—they were sitting by the stream and sitting side by side with Zhou Wei on the fishing scene.

“Yes,” Xiang said. “I know all of them. You just chose Zhou Wei because you can’t get it from me.”

The car Luo Feng was stunned, and the story of the cross sword resisted, pushing the car out of the wind!

Item: "How about that? When I am safe, you are not reconciled? Car Luofeng, I said that no matter who I am with, this life will definitely regard you as a family member."

Car Luofeng screamed wildly: "You are a liar! You are a liar!"

When I was there, I went to countless times, and the car Luo Feng saw it on the lakeside. The story said that he left his back and appeared in the grievance.

The item also screamed: "Wake up! Car Luofeng! Now you have become a monster!"

The epee burst into the glare and dispelled the heavy fog. The memory rushed into the mind of Car Luofeng. In the sunny prairie, Xiang said that he was riding on the horse, looking back at the car, and laughing at him. The scene of the whistle, so that the car Luo Feng can not wave out.

"Zhou is your responsibility," Xiang said, "I have already told you."

"He is already dead..." Car Luofeng gritted his teeth and made a sound. "You don't even let me avenge him!"

Xiang Shu said: "It's over! All the hatred, you just overdone at that moment, and the end is over!"

Car Luo Feng shouted in resentment: "You don't let me avenge him, you don't even want to take it for him... You are a liar! I want to kill you!"

Chen Xing ignited the heartlight several times, but the grievance was too strong, and it kept turning down his heart light. He just wanted to get closer and slam the chain.

Xiaoshan rushed to the front, could not stop using the claws to tie the chain, but the chain did not move, followed by a behemoth in the resentment cloud, Chen Xing immediately hugged Xiaoshan, the two rolled on the ground, avoiding Sweeping one end!

It was a huge black snake corpse, killing them from the black fog that was rolling.

Xiaoshan screamed and screamed, but was desperate to go forward, but Chen Xing took the chain with one hand and grabbed the collar, dragging it behind him, and then the heart burst out of glare, following the Tianchi point through Tianquan, passing Quze, inside Palace two points, gathered in the palm of the hand, sinking in the Zhongchong point, one point toward the dark point.

If the glare is tangible, if a sword is broken, the darkness is broken! The snake screamed and slammed to avoid it. The light condensed into a bundle, and the momentum was not eliminated. It penetrated the fog and slammed into the high place of Sima Yue. Sima Yue immediately shunned backwards.

When Xiaoshan saw the things that Sima Yue had in his hands, he suddenly stopped.

Chen Xingyi, and then think of Carrefour, Lu Ying said that the antlers, maybe the corner from the deer head!

Chen Xing disregarded everything and said: "Xiao Shan!"

However, it was too late. Xiaoshan broke through the half-length robes and made a crack and slammed into the heights.

On the other side of the battlefield, I saw Xiaoshan flying to the heights. His eyes were full of humiliation. The double angles of Lu Ying were actually in the hands of the enemy, and they became playthings. Their eyes became red and screamed.

Sima Yue cleanly came out with a stick, and a stick was placed at the waist of Xiaoshan, and he was thrown to the ground.

Xiaoshan slammed his mouth and bleed, but he immediately climbed up and flung.

Sima Yue crosses the stick and hits Xiaoshan’s forehead with a stick and knocks him down from a point.

Xiaoshan fluttered again, and Sima Yue took out the dagger.

"Xiao Shan -!" Chen Xing saw Sima Yue out of the moment, suddenly felt the whole body blood surge.

When the two people saw their lives in danger, they had to abandon the car and rescue them.

Losing the power of the heart lamp, in the anger, the movement became sticky, and between the breath and the breath, the grievance seemed to be with a bitter chill, madly colliding in his body, a strong sense of guilt He.

Car Luofeng was not allowed to withdraw, and he had already rushed up, but at this moment, there was another roar in the grievances. Another living corpse rushed from behind, clinging to the car, and both hands Living his head, he was going to screw his head down!

"By more!"

The car screamed wildly, and the bone whip caught a lot of body, slammed in the dark, and then smashed, and the body was suddenly torn into pieces, but the head was still tightly biting. The shoulder of the car Luo Feng, his shoulder blade bite broken.

The item finds the opportunity, and the sword is smashing, and the car is flying out!

Xiang Shu finally rushed to Chen Xing's front and pushed him away. When he was about to take Sima Yue, the car Luo Feng had solved it. He appeared in the black fog and twisted one hand toward the slant.

In the meantime, the animal corpse was turned into a white bone, and the carrion fluttered in the grievances. The white bones did not enter the ground, and then re-reconstructed and turned into numerous bone spurs, which were worn out from the ground.

"Beware!" Chen Xing shouted.

The item was in the air and there was nowhere to force it. Only the epee was suddenly slammed, and the bones were pierced through the ground, and he was firmly locked in it.

Xiaoshan fell from a height and fell into a bone thorn like a knife mountain. His shoulders, arms and thighs were suddenly worn on the bone spurs!

Chen Xing: "..."

Xiaoshan tried to lift his paws and looked down at his body. There was a trace of sorrow in his eyes.

Sima Yue’s voice slowly said: “I’m taking away the exorcist, the car is Luo Feng, and the rest is handed over to you. My Lord borrows Zhou’s debt. You have to return as many as you can. Remember to send it to the Magic Palace..."

Xiaoshan: "Ah-"

There was a sudden madness in Xiaoshan’s throat.

Xiaoshan is still struggling on the bone spurs, and the blood continues to fall.

The next moment, the grievances around him became even heavier, but they gathered together into a whirlpool and rolled toward Xiaoshan crazy.

Chen Xing has lost his mind and screamed: "Car Luofeng!"

Car Luo Feng went to the item that was stalked by heavy bone spurs, took off the bow behind him, and placed a bone arrow on it, aiming at the item in the cage.

"An answer..." Car Luo Feng muttered.

Xiang Shuzhen looked at the car Luo Feng, but at the last moment, in the eyes of the car Luo Feng, it seems to have restored a little clear, the hand of the bow slightly shook, but the arrow could not shoot. A drop of tears actually fell from his eyes.

Chen Xing finally collapsed, and there was a force that did not know where it came from. He instantly picked up the broken stone column that was more than 60 pounds and connected to the chain, and pulled out an arc.

"Soft dog!" Chen Xing violently angered, "What the **** is you!"

This is the moment when Chen Xing’s very few eagerness is dominated by anger. Che Luofeng finally waited for this moment, and replied to him in addition to the roar, and the boulder that slammed into the back of his head.

Item: "........................"

Car Luo Feng did not expect Chen Xing to sneak himself behind him. After all, he was too far away, and the force was almost negligible. He did not expect Chen Xing to even use the chain of heavy rock as a weapon. The "return style" made the momentum of the skybreak. In five steps, the car was smashed, and the muffled sound was heard. The car was blown by the brain and the head collapsed toward the shoulder!

The white bone cage collapsed instantly, and the article held the sword in hand and said: "Fast!"

The grievances of the sky first became thicker, and then the "smack" disappeared completely. Chen Xing had not reacted to what happened. He quickly greeted the heart lamp, and saw that the epee in the hand of the actor had a strong light and resisted the car.

"An answer," Xiang said, whispering, "sleep, after asleep... just fine..."

Then the item made a painful shout, against the smashing car Luo Feng, a dive, the epee suddenly pierced the car Luo Feng abdomen, and broke his body again from the wound wounded by Chen Xing for him, accompanied by The white light of the heart flashed out on the back.

The body of Che Luofeng is like a broken kite, flying away with a pungent rotten blood.

Chen Xing suddenly stunned in the heart, under the power of the heart lamp, this moment he and the story are connected as a soul, feeling a huge, ancient sadness hit him, so that he could not help but shed tears.

"The item..." Chen Xing whispered.

The car couldn't help but twitch, lying on the ground, grabbing the sky with one hand, sagged on the head at the shoulder, and the lips moved slightly, as if to say something, but could not speak.

The story slowly turned around, and Chen Xing looked at Xiaoshan lying on the ground, Xiaoshan was struggling to climb on the ground.

“Xiao Shan?” Chen Xing dragged the chain and the stone pillar, and struggled toward Xiaoshan. Xiaoshan stood up slowly from the ground and held two steel claws. The moment between the heavens and the earth was still entangled. Resentment, was actually sucked into the claws!

The crack of the sky has become dark and glittering, just like the sect of resentment. Xiaoshan is also like Feng Qianxi in the beginning. His eyes are turned into blood red, and his body is entangled with grievances. He is staring at Sima Yue, who is high.

Worse, this is Chen Xing's last thought. How did this kid learn to use this magic weapon? This will not be Lu Ying who taught him?

Sima Yue’s left hand shook and showed a dark shield: “It’s really interesting, and the things in your hands are...”

Xiaoshan swayed the first claw, and behind it appeared the black phantom of the ancient dragon god, and there was a dragon creaking in the vagueness.

The story turned, and the body pressed against Chen Xing, and he pressed the ground down, the chain swayed, wiped the claws, and disconnected silently in the air. Sima Yue did not finish a sentence, only saw the stone in front of the earth, the earth, together with the whole space was cut like shredded paper, the shield was neatly cut into three pieces, the black armor on the chest was misplaced, the whole person lost balance, shoulder The above body fell backwards.

The peaks and landslides in the depths of the Yinshan Mountain caused a loud noise and crashed.

Sima Yue: "...the gods."

Xiaoshan stepped forward and waved the second claw. The helmet of Sima Yue was torn to pieces in the head, and it was scattered, and the place where the foot stood was disintegrated. The rock that was neatly mirrored was collapsed. It’s down!

The moment behind the landslide of the mountain, it was once again cut by the second claw, such as the turbulent waves slid down to the north and south sides, resulting in an earth-shattering avalanche!

Xiaoshan's left claw was slightly lifted, and the right hand was circled, which made a move "the wolf is going to the moon", and it was about to rush forward. Chen Xing slammed his feet and successfully approached Xiaoshan from behind.

"Devil!" Chen Xing angered in his ear, and then made the final strength, his left hand toward Xiaoshan eyes, his right hand in his vest, a white light burst, suddenly broke through Xiaoshan's consciousness sea.

When the sky is cracked, "When the cockroach" falls, the grievances dissipate.

Chen Xing: "..."

Xiaoshan was unconscious and planted, and Chen Xing was unable to fall sideways in the snow.

The avalanche masked the battlefield, as if nothing had happened.

The snow floated up, and the huge antlers that were broken in the ground were like a lonely tombstone standing between the silent world.

"The item..." Chen Xing sideways, looking at the item lying on the snow and looking at the sky, "Are you okay?"

The item did not speak, and the side looked toward him. Chen Xing’s manual movement was difficult, relying on a little bit of the past, and the finger shook his fingers and pinched his hand.

"Xiao Shan?" Chen Xing rolled over, exhausted his breath, his hair was messy, and he checked Xiaoshan's injury. The bone spur pierced his legs and arms. Fortunately, he was small and did not hurt his chest.

Chen Xing grabbed the snow and applied it to Xiaoshan’s face and wiped it. Xiaoshan woke up and opened his eyes in confusion. When he just moved, he bit his teeth and hurt. Chen Xing signaled him not to move. He made a simple dressing for him first. .

Xiaoshan pointed to the antlers in the distance, Chen Xing took the antlers, Xiaoshan sadly held it in his arms, just let go. Chen Xing touched the head of Xiaoshan.

At this time, the sound came again from a distance, and the story slowly stood up. The battle was fierce, and he was exhausted, and there was no extra strength. He was wounded in many places, limping and slowly moving towards the end of the snow.

The broken body of the car was inserted with the epee of the story, lying on the ground, and the rotted blood soaked a small area.

The item squatted in front of the car's wind body, and the left hand took the hand of the car Luo, and opened his hand still clinging to the bow, his right hand over the back of his hand.

Xiaoshan looked at Xiang Shu, and then looked at Chen Xing. Chen Xing shook his head and gestured that he could not pass this time and made a "嘘" action.

"Let him stay alone for a while." Chen Xing sighed and whispered.

The item could not stop shaking, and buried his face in the hand of the car, whispering, and the wind rolled up at that moment, rolling with snowflakes, overwhelming.

"You go."

There was a trembling voice in the wind.

"The law will follow the vows of you and me, and will avenge you."

"It's over, this time it's really over, you won't wake up, the car is windy, but you will sleep forever... forever..."

"Lu Ying," Xiao Shan seems to feel something, said, "Lu Ying."

"Do you want to avenge Lu Ying?" Chen Xing bowed his head slightly and said to Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan did not answer, looking into the distance, the two stood in the snow for a long time, until the story slowly came out from the canyon with tired steps, his stalwart body covered with frost and snow, holding the cloth The robe is wrapped up, the car is in the shape of a weird corpse, carrying the token of the car and the wind - the longbow.

"Go." Xiang said.

Sima Yi, wearing a black scorpion, stood at the height of the peak of the south side of Yin Mountain, and looked away from the three people.

Night, inside the cave of Yinshan.

The three people rushed around in the same day, and they fought in battle. They were like wild people. The story raised a bonfire in the cave, and Xiaoshan was already asleep.

"Where?" Chen Xing asked.

"Return to Hara and Lin." Xiang Shu looked up from the campfire and looked at Chen Xing. Chen Xing nodded. There are too many facts happening here. I have to go back and discuss it.

Chen Xing said: "Car Luofeng should not live again."

"I know," Xiang said. "From the time he drank the medicine given to him by Zhou, he was already dead when he slaughtered the entire Akler."

Chen Xing remembered the scene before the car Luo Feng was transformed into a living body. He said with a little sadness: "He didn't want to drink the glass of wine at the beginning."

The story has already heard Chen Xing’s retelling, but he asked: “Have he mentioned me at that time?”

"He shouted Zhou Wei," Chen Xing said. "I also called you. At that time, I thought, he must be very scared."

The item did not answer, looking at the car Luo Feng corpse wrapped in cloth, Xiao Shan turned over in front of the fire, uncomfortable to scratch the wound, Chen Xing quickly grabbed his hand, for fear that he put the bandage Scratched.

The item said: "After Zhou Yu’s death, Quan Chuan Chuan knows that only I can convince the car Luo Feng, no longer avenge him. From that day, I accompanied the car Luo Feng for a month... I know He thought that I would accompany him to Zhou Hao from now on, but he didn't dare to speak. Once I spoke, I left."

Chen Xing said: "You will not go."

The item replied: "I will."

He added a little firewood to the fire, whispered: "Zhou gave him, I can't give him, because I don't like him. I can only answer with him."

Chen Xing did not know how to answer it. He thought about it and said, "It is good to treat him."

The item replied: "No, I am sorry for him."

Chen Xing does not know how to comfort the story, but he can generally feel that at this time, he only needs to listen to the story and talk with him, just like when he is dead, the story is accompanied by the car. The wind is average.

"You may just don't know what it means to like this..."

"I know," Xiang said softly. "I am very clear. Don't compare me with Tuoba. I know what it feels like to be a person, and I don't know that I really don't like my brother. Say, there is no way."

Said, Xiang Shu looked at Chen Xing. The fire in the cave was extinguished. Chen Xing leaned against the wall of the cave and looked down at the gongs and drums recovered from Sima. There are already two magic weapons.

"The item," Chen Xing whispered, "I'm sorry."

The item seems a bit dazed, looking at Chen Xing strangely: "What are you sorry?"

Chen Xing smiled bitterly: "If it weren't for me, maybe you wouldn't run into it."

The story showed an angry expression, and Chen Xing was a bit overwhelmed and looked at the story.

"Is that you think so?" Xiang Shu frowned, as if he did not know Chen Xing, "Where do you think of me? In your heart, I am such a foolish ignorant?!"

Xiaoshan slept in a sleep, Chen Xing was afraid to wake him up, and he was busy indicating the whisper.

Xiang Shu sighed, apparently no mood and Chen Xing theory, looked at Xiaoshan, but could not help but said: "If you are not, the situation will only be worse."

Chen Xing: "Well."

In the past few days, Chen Xing has been thinking back to the few words that the article has said. If it weren't for him, maybe Akler would not die. If it weren't for the North, then the 敕勒川 would not encounter this sudden. Dangerous...but it’s sure to come. Without him, the accidents suddenly occurred, and even if the people in the 16th Huh went to Hala and Lin, they could not keep the city.

"I want to do something for you," Chen Xing is still a little embarrassed, saying, "Is there anything I can do?"

He looked at the subject seriously. He wanted to talk to him about the future. He talked about the corpse and let him transfer his grief to revenge. The story was silent for a while and said, "Would you overdo it?"

“Super,” Chen Xing said. “Hey, I won’t.”

Xiang said: "Give the car to the wind and bury the heavens. In this world, you are an exorcist and a benefactor of the 敕勒川. If you feel that the strong man is difficult, also..."

Chen Xing can roughly understand the meaning of the item, and the car Luo Feng is already dead, and this will all end. Bringing this corpse back to Hala and Lin will only bury him with the sinner's ritual, and the former Aklers have also annihilated.

Xiang said that he is the only person who can sneak into the sin of the car, or that the behavior of the car is not from the heart, but into the devil.

"You have buried him in the sky," Chen Xing finally said. "When you go back, you can do it. If you die, you are dead."

“Thank you,” Xiang said seriously. “This is what I can do for him in the end.”

The story is full of body, picking up the body of the car Luo Feng, out of the cave. Chen Xing wants to say now? But when I brought it back to the 敕lechuan, it was also an increase in the festival, and I came to the entrance of the cave. The night sky was already bright, and there was a celestial burial platform at the top of the mountain.

"Next..." The item said, thinking about Chen Xingdao.

Chen Xing: "The item, I still don't go back to Hara and Lin with you."

Another year has passed, Chen Xing's time has become less and less, he has to go, can no longer spend time in the city.

The story was silent for a while, and then said: "When I come down, let me go."

The story is about the foothills, Chen Xing did not keep up, put Xiaoshan on his robes, standing on the mountainside, looking at the vultures flying high.

At the beginning of the dawn, he heard the story sang at the top of the mountain, and sang the sorrows of the Tiel people. If there were nowhere to come, the group rushed to the celestial burial stage. The lamentation stopped and the vultures grew more and more.

Chen Xing stood quietly, and suddenly there was footsteps behind him. The next moment, a hand with iron gloves stunned his mouth. Chen Xing struggled immediately, widening his eyes, but was blinded by the other hand. It was dark in front of the eyes and dragged into the darkness.

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