Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 64 Table of contents

This sentence is so shocking that Chen Xing could not wake up from this mood for a long time. His body recovered quickly, and he was able to move freely in less than three days. When he was in a coma, his care was not slim. A few days later, when Xie Tao and Xie Daoyu, who came to visit, used rice together, Chen Xing suddenly thought of a possibility. Does the story also mean that Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan are generally motivated to drive the mountain?

However, after the ancient sacred soldiers were reviled and reviled, they would have different effects. For example, in the history records, the heaven and earth aura is still able to control the growth of all things. After borrowing grievances, it became a past. The vegetation of the land is ridiculously withered and darkened.

When the sky is cracked, the legend can call the thunder to purify the evil spirits. In the hands of Xiaoshan, it has become a **** of tearing space.

If you don't move into the evil road, you can only fear that power is difficult to control. Moreover, Chen Xing is always afraid of manipulating grievances. It will have an inner influence on Xiaoshan and Feng Qianxi. If there is a choice, he will never want to say that he is a defender of Valkyrie but resentful. Entangled, relying on this dark mana to confront the corpse.

Chen Xing couldn't help but peek at the story. He used to think that the subject was very good. Now he feels that the item is more handsome than before. If you read the item before, it just feels pleasing to the eye. Now look at him, but there is always in my heart. The taste of the acid is sour, I want to talk to him, but the story is always so reluctant to express the expression of thousands of miles away, and then close to the point, but also hurt Chen Xing's self-esteem. I can't wait to bite my teeth, love and hate him.

“Find the location described by the map?” Xiang said suddenly to Xie An.

Xie An was not asked to be asked, almost groaning, said: "One of them, some people say, perhaps in Longmenshan, Luoyang, but failed to confirm, I have sent a door, go ahead and check, so as not to run away. ”

Xie Daojun said: "Now the north and south of the Yangtze River, the situation is tense, Chen Xing you have just healed, try not to run around in half a year."

Thinking about the moment, said: "I will go to Nanping Mountain for another day."

Chen Xing remembered the second picture and took the initiative: "I will go with you."

Xie An added: "You have alerted the entire Jiangnan in the event of the killing of the dragon in the Kuaiji. What happened to the dragon?"

"Escape." Xiaoshan replied.

In the three months of Chen Xing's coma, many things happened. First, Dongzhe Qianzhuang was almost completely smashed. Some of the industries were swallowed up by the Emperor Jin, who was hard to find the opportunity, and then squeezed by Feng Qianxi's Xifeng Qianzhuang. The Wang family behind it is purely innocent. After many runs, the remaining part will be retained, and the industry will be temporarily transferred to Wu County. In the short term, it will not be able to compete with Xifeng.

Chen Xing’s heart, finally asked the question: “Lin Daren, he...”

The messenger who sent the letter died in the hands of a group of people in the corpse of the corpse. It seems that before the death, the torture was in any way, and the results of the investigation were tight-lipped.

Xie An comforted: "With the dereliction of duty. Lin Yong has never married, Fuling people, young and talented to learn..."

When Chen Xing heard this, he couldn’t help but feel upset. The story was deep and locked. He wanted to say something, but he wanted to say something. Fortunately, thank you for the next words, let Chen Xing feel a little better.

"Lin Yong's parents and sisters were infected in bed six months ago," Xie Daoxuan said faintly. "By what you have given, you have finally got better. Presumably this is also his greatest wish before his death."

This is the only comfort that can give Chen Xing.

"What about Wu Daren and Zheng Lun?"

The account said: "They were injured. Fortunately, there is no serious problem. The bed will be raised for two months and it will be better."

Chen Xing sighed. At the last moment, he saw the court officials who were born by Wu and Zheng Lu, two literati, in order to protect him and block them in front of the king. The court officials were so seriously injured, the consequences are naturally different, not to mention Wu Hao is still the county.

After the news was sent back, Jin Ting went up and down to the exorcist to reproduce the world. After a full discussion for half a month, Sima Yi sent a soldier and searched for the whereabouts of the green scorpion. It was nothing but nothing, and it gradually faded. In a short time, the news came from the north. Under the urging of the prince’s night, Zhai Jianzheng was recruiting a large number of troops, preparing to march southward and break through Jiankang in the coming year.

This time the Jin Ting was suddenly tense up and down. Xie An was too busy to be handed over. The courtiers were holding a lucky attitude and watching the side, while sending a scout, went to Guanzhong to inquire about the news, and the rumors and rumors spread.

"I think now that the identity of the corpse is likely to be the prince night," Chen Xing suddenly said. "The magic weapon of the Wanling Array is now taken away by us, and the tactics must not be made. He has lost more than half of it. He will definitely find another way. If you fight hard, you can die, and if you die, you will have grievances."

It is said that Chen Xing couldn't help but swear by the story. The two looked at each other. Chen Xing found that the subject was also watching him. The two eyes would not open naturally.

Xie Andao: "It’s not surprising that there are people who are pretending to be ghosts, but it’s not easy to confirm his identity. Now Chang’an has prevented the Han people from getting iron buckets. Even the scouts can’t find out much information. What is even more frightening is that he will organize the kind of '魃兵' that you said. If you cross the river, it will be worse."

The national disaster is coming, Xie An shows his loyalty. What these days think is nothing more than a fight, want to do everything in one place to recover Changan Luoyang? Impossible, this self-knowledge is still there. As long as you can temporarily retreat from the other side of the army, you can live for a while. I am afraid that the army in the south will be the dead, and it will be contagious. The soldiers of the Dajin will be defeated without fighting.

"Yu Jian should not be so mad," Chen Xing said. "I saw that he had wiped out hundreds of thousands of cockroaches. If, in turn, he would take the army as a squad for the Nanzheng, then it would be too... ......" Chen Xing does not know how to describe it.

Xie An nodded and said: "The key is that it is very difficult to send you to Luoyang."

Xie Daoyu suddenly said: "I heard that the imperial court is preparing to make Luoyang? Wang Daren proposed that the license should start from Murong Chong, and the Xianbei people do not want to go south. If the prince night is different from the Murong family, the enemy of the enemy can naturally Talk about the conditions."

Chen Xing was in the middle of his heart, but Murong Chong decided at the outset that Xiang Shu killed his sister, and he was afraid that it would not work.

"Mu Rongchong is a reasonable person?" Chen Xingchao asked.

Item: "I am not familiar with him, you ask me, how do I know?"

"See who it is," Xie Daoyun thought for a moment and said, "I have heard of some of Murong Chong's deeds. I can only say that it is a ah... smart and intimate... temperament."

Chen Xing was a little surprised and asked: "You actually discuss Murong Chong?"

"For a man who looks beautiful," said Xie Daojun. "There are some rumors in the market. The girls also like to praise the beautiful man, right? Big?"

Item: "..."

Chen Xing was busy waving his hand and seeing Xie Daozhen was really welcome. Xie An thought for a moment and said: "It depends on how you decided, but if the younger brother is willing to enter the palace, there is a chance... um... screaming to see the exorcists, there are also some times. The day, the last time I also came up to see it, I went to the door of your room, I didn’t want to be driven out by the Taoist..."

"Little uncle!" Xie Dao said.

"Do you still dare to catch the emperor?" Chen Xing was surprised.

Xie Daoyi’s expression of a natural appearance, Xiang Shuo said: "You go, I will not go, I go to Chibi."

Chen Xing said: "The item does not go, then I will not go."

Item: "..."

Xie Dao said: "After ten days, it is Qiushe. Jiangnan is busy with the festival. It is not too late to go after the festival. You are now out, the boat and the waterway are not carrying passengers. After the festival is busy, it is worse. Recently?"

The story has to be done, Chen Xing suddenly remembered the social day, this can be too many years have passed, when the former in the north, the social day is divided into spring, autumn and second society, is the fifth day after the beginning of the spring and the fall.

Most of the spring clubs are around the second day of February, and the north is also called "the dragon is looking up". The autumn society is mostly in mid-August. It is similar to the Hu people's Qiuqiu festival. It worships heaven and the community, the land, thanks to the good weather, the national peace and the peace, to this day. The court must also prepare three sacrifices, and the monarch will come to worship the heavens. The people in the family prepare flowers, fruits, and meals for the family. In the daytime, they are red ropes in the trees. They swim together at night, light up, and enjoy the moon.

This rule was originally from the Central Plains. When the autumn was idle, the people were no longer busy, and they ignited the social fire. The young men and women also knew each other in the field fire. Those who are interested can say that they are married. When Chen Xing was still young, his father took him and Yu Wenxin, went to Jinyang City House to drink and eat rice, let the two children listen to the play after the bead curtain, and snacks such as glutinous rice balls, sugar, and cakes. The impression of Chen Xing is quite profound.

After the dress was crossed, the north was in chaos for a while, and the Han people’s festivals were no longer over. The Hu people even went to the Yuan Festival. However, only after the fall and New Year’s Eve, the South still retained many customs of the Central Plains, so that Chen Xing was very kind.

A few days later, Chen Xing's body completely recovered. Every day, he taught Xiaoshan to read and write at home. In the early palace, he sent people to visit. Xie An knew that he couldn't push it anymore, so he made clothes for Chen Xing and others in advance. On the day before the Autumn Society, Jin Ting began to take a holiday, and Chen Xing and others entered the palace to see the Emperor Sima Yi.

Chen Xing's family of scholars in the world knows more about the Yongjia chaos decades ago. Sima has to bear a lot of responsibility. Sima Yi saw that Chen Xing was the identity of Xie An’s younger brother, and he was very polite, so Chen Xing did not respect the emperor.

The story is even more of a big single in the north. Even Yan Jianjian must be afraid of his three-point role. How would he be polite to the Han emperor?

Feng Qianxi was born in the local Hanmen. Although the children of the ethnic group did not have high officials and officials, they were accumulated in the financial sector and had many scholars. Feng Jiayi became a famous family like Wang and Xie, and only waited for an opportunity. Naturally, it is also the object of Sima Yi.

Only the first time Xiaoshan went to see the Han emperor was full of curiosity. Chen Xing feels that the easiest thing to be out of control is him. He is busy saying: "You are also a descendant of Hu Hanxie and Zhaojun. I met our emperor, don't worry, when ordinary people know it, don't know. Add chaos, otherwise you won’t be taken out next time."

Xiaoshan nodded. This kid was mammoth. After leaving Cararu, he had grown to Chen Xing’s shoulders and no longer let him hug. It was thin and with a little boy’s simplistic meaning.

In the south of the Yangtze River, Chen Xing has not lived this leisurely time for a long time. When he wants to talk about Chang'an in the same year, he still has the leisure to make a bath before going to visit relatives and friends. After Yu Jiankang’s footing, he actually wore two clothes for a few months. Now he has re-made his clothes, and the cloth and cutting Chen Xing specially picked it. The robes are mainly white and golden, although they are Jinhan costumes, With a little modified style of the Central Plains.

Although there are differences in the four-person robes, they retain similarities in small details, just like the official uniforms of the Exorcism, which is also a small wish of Chen Xing. Just as you are still in your life, treat this as a re-destructive exorcist. Even if the law has not yet resurrected, the legend of the exorcist has long disappeared, but at least in the present, they are truly alive.

After dressing Xiaoshan, it was already the appearance of a young boy. After Feng Qianxi was replaced, he was more like a son of Jiangnan. He gave him a folding fan.

The rest of the people are okay, but the item has changed their clothes, and they are shining brightly. When they enter the palace all the way, the palace people are staring at the four exorcists. The one that is most seen is the item. Chen Xing also felt that the story was like a change, and suddenly restored the gorgeous big single on the prairie.

It’s just that compared to the momentum of arrogance, the current story has become more restrained, as if all the fronts have been collected, and a pair of bright scorpions still hide the faint gloom and some kind of scrutiny, not subject to the laws of the world. A sense of hegemony.

"Good-looking." Chen Xing was sour.

The story looked at Chen Xing and did not make a sound. Only when Chen Xing was half-baked and half-blessed to praise him, the eyes of Xiang Shu would become a little softer.

Xie An took the four people outside the Taichu Palace and said, "Small younger brother, I will first check the matter of the sacrifice of the next day. You are waiting here, and you can talk very well, you don't have to be restrained."

Chen Xing said: "Reassured, it will not be restrained." I thought that you did not see the day of the story in Chang'an Palace. Today, the rules are just outside the ranks, and it is already giving the face of the Jin Jin people.

Xie An left, so there were only four exorcists left in front of the palace. Feng Qiang frowned slightly and said, "Take your blessing. After returning to Jiangnan, the older brother is still the first to be holy."

Chen Xing said with a smile: "How do I always feel that you have any requirements?"

Feng Qiang’s words and thoughts stopped, and the look was seen by Chen Xing, but when he spoke, he took it back. The four people had nothing to say for a while. A few days ago, after a dialogue between Chen Xing and Xiang Shu, the two seemed to be a little stiff. Chen Xing always felt that there was something between them, and there was a rush between them. It is very normal.

“Items?” Chen Xing tempted.

Item: "?"

Chen Xingben wants to make a joke, let him go in, don't suddenly kill the Quartet, but he is afraid to say something wrong, and lead him to be unhappy. After thinking for a while, suddenly there is an **** coming over, holding a blind man and opening it to the subject, saying: "This It is the flower of the sacred gift, to the exorcist, please don’t go up, today in the palace, you are free to pass."

Feng Qianxi said: "Your Majesty is always so elegant."

There are four begonias inside, and Feng Qianxi knows the rules of the palace. He picks up one of them. Chen Xing also gives himself and Xiaoshan a collar.

Item: "What is the rule of the Han people?"

“The flowering tour is our prevailing affair,” Chen Xing said with joy. “You will follow the customs as you go.”

Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan each strolled around the side garden of the Taichu Palace. The story only took the flower and said, "No."

Chen Xing took the Begonia, pulled the item over and said that he should not be on the donkey and said, "Don't move, look, it's good."

The item suddenly said: "You are tomorrow..."

Chen Xing: "?"

It happened that there was a person in the palace, and he did not wait for him to ask for an exit. He said: "Chen Daren, the general law of the law, Feng Qianxi, and Xiao Daren, please."

So Chen Xingdao: "Come out and say." Then he called Feng Qianxi and Xiaoshan, and entered the hall. He saw a picture of Luo Shenfu in front of him. In the middle of the horse, Sima Yi was wearing a golden white robe, wearing his hair, and he did not wear a flower. Begonia, sitting on the couch, is talking and laughing with an alchemist on the side. On the left side, Huang Shi, the assistant to the Huangmen, and Xie Xuan, the servant of the book, were all seen by Chen Xingchu when he visited Jiankang.

The first thing that Sima Yi saw was the item, and he said: "There is a big law! Hello! You know that you are not far away, come to Jiankang, you should have a time, you are very busy, dragging I only met today, but I’ve seen it. I’m a big name, but I’m even awkward.”

Speaking, Sima Yi got up from the couch and was actually a monarch.

The item is also based on the rituals of the Hu, and refers to the left chest, the palm of the hand, nodding, according to the two kings' rituals first, and said: "Polite, I have Zen to Shi Mukun. Today's identity is big The **** of the exorcist Chen Xing."

This is the first time that the article introduces itself as a protector. Chen Xing’s mood is very complicated when he hears it.

"The grassroots Chen Xingzi Tianchi, seeing His Majesty." Chen Xing laughed, and then salute.

When Feng Qianxi was about to salute, Sima Yi was busy: "You can't be polite, four big... Master, please sit down, please sit down. Hey - Yeah, it's too difficult to see Mr. Chen. Come, introduce you. I know, this is Mr. Xiang Yang. When Mr. Chen was in a coma, Mr. Yu went to see you."

The old alchemist sitting next to Sima Yi nodded.

Chen Xing early learned from Xie Daoyu and Xie An that the emperor was unconscionable and unwelcome. After introducing Xiaoshan, he came to Xie Xuan and said, "Sit in the past."

Xie Xuan smiled and moved a position and said, "I am leaving, there is still something, Tianchi, you talk with your majesty."

Xie Xuan and Xie Shi immediately pleaded guilty to leave, Sima Yi with a smile on his face, and then looked at four people in turn, and asked a few words about how to build a well-being. Chen Xinghan said a few words, knowing that although the emperor was in the deep palace, he was not idle. Obviously, the other party had already known what he had done.

"Speaking of Kuaiji," Sima Yi said, "I still have to express my gratitude. Mr. Chen knows what identity he was before he took office."

Feng Qianxi took the call and said: "Your Majesty is the king of Kuaiji."

"Ah." Where did Chen Xing know Sima Yi's past and was reminded by Feng Qianxi that he knew that Sima Yi was in the position of the emperor before the place of the emperor, the land of the king was actually Kuaiji, the meaning of the words, and also sincerely thanked Chen Xing and others. The reason.

"This time it is really thanks to you," said Sima Yi. "Resolving the pains of the people in Jiangnan, and eradicating the plague."

Chen Xing originally thought that Sima Yi was only a curiosity exorcist. He did not expect to talk about state affairs with all his heart. He couldn’t help but respect him a bit, so he replied: "Exorcism is the responsibility of us... ...Xiao Shan, don't you mess things up, what do you say before you come out?"

After Xiaoshan entered the palace, every thing wanted to take it up and look at it. He also looked at the bottom of the table. Sima Yi laughed and laughed. He knew that the half-big child was the most difficult. He said, "Maybe, it may be. In the middle, let her take Mr. Xiao, go around and go around? Do you like weapons? Just go to the upper arsenal of the weapons."

So Sima Yi passed the Xie Tao to come over, took Xiaoshan to the weapons library, went to Chen Xing's heart, Chen Xing said: "In fact, Xiaoshan can play, is the age of a long man, please also bear the burden."

“I heard that,” Sima Yi said with a polite smile. “I heard that you are an exorcist and you are invincible.”

Mentioning this, Chen Xing has always been shameless, so he said: "The world of martial arts has a total of stone, the law is empty and the single is in the fight, Xiaoshan has a fight, the rest of the world including the sturdy, evenly divided Fight."

Sima Yi: "..."

Chen Xing added: "Otherwise, under the current circumstances, how can you be enemies? What about him, I must have heard about it."

Sima Yi slowly nodded and said: "Xie Qing has already told me about it. I didn't even think that this demon person actually extended the evil hand to Jiangnan and killed me."

Chen Xing’s heart screamed, and Xiang Shu immediately pointed his eyes, frowning at Sima Yi and making a look, Sima Yi said half, and said: “What?”

Chen Xing: "Which court is the official?"

Sima Yi generally understood, but the words have been made, and then concealed to cover up, only to explain: "Wu Yu, Zheng Lun died three months ago, in the battle of the Kuaiji, the victims of misconduct, all have Pension, Mr. Chen has to go too far."

The item drank some tea, his face was irritated, and his eyes were blamed.

Chen Xing is awkward: "Oh... is that the case... um."

The item suddenly said: "Sima Yi, you are the king of a country..."

Feng Qianxi's dark road is not good. Xiang Shuo has been stunned for so long, in order to prevent Chen Xing from knowing this matter so as not to be embarrassed by him. This is being broken by Sima, but I am afraid that I will open my mouth and I want to open my mouth. However, he slammed his hand and indicated that Feng Qiang shut up and continued to Sima Yi: "...the news is naturally better than us. I ask you, how is the situation in the north now?"

"This is the case," Sima Yi did not care about the attitude of the story. He simply asked for a few words. "This time I asked a few people to come over. The intention is also about Jian Jian. Not long ago, the prince night was in the Qin Ting, and he advocated the Nanzheng. I began to set up a large army, ready to attack the Dajin in the south after the Spring Festival of the Ming Dynasty. According to the information obtained from the investigation, the first thing to do is Shouxian."

Chen Xing was silent, and the article said: "Then you should die."

Sima Yi: "..."

Chen Xing was busy with Xiang Shu’s eyes, but Sima Yi knew that Xiang Shu was the method of radicalization. He replied: “Is it dead? I don’t think so.”

Feng Qianxi also has his own intelligence network, and immediately said to the Xiang said: "Shi Mokun did not give the purple scroll to the Jian, Chuanchuan people, it seems that there is no plan to participate in the war."

If the item does not answer Feng Qianxi, he said: "In the spring of next year, the northern army will go south, the Han emperor, you are not speeding up the troops to resist this time, actually still here to ask the exorcists to ask questions?"

Sima Yi sighed and said: "Because of this, there is still a knot in the heart, big single..."

"I am not a big one." Xiang Shu corrected it once again.

"Wu Shen," Sima Yi said, "I can always call it this way. You can't say anything simple, you don't know how to fight with you. You know, Prince Secret has set up a '魃军' for Yu Jian. thing?"

"What?!" Chen Xing suddenly woke up and asked.

Sima Yi got up and took a few steps in the temple. He turned and said to Xiang Shu: "Our scouts have discovered that there is a closed military camp under the Longmen Mountain in the north of Luoyang. According to the legend of Luoyang people, there are millions of people there. It’s quite ridiculous to say. It’s so embarrassing, but I’ve seen it. Just after Fuyang City’s breaking and Zhu Xu’s enemies, if you remember correctly, it’s only a living dead, or...”

Feng Qianxi said: "Yes, it is the grass people sent back to Maicheng."

The item was not spoken, and the brow wrinkled.

Sima Yi: "But Murong Chong seems to have noticed that this is being stopped. It is rumored that Chang'an now divides into two factions. One group is mainly composed of Xianbei Murong, and is assembled with the Xiongnu and Xiongnu, and against the Jianzheng Nanzheng plan. Headed by the prince’s night, he advocated the use of soldiers in the spring of the next year."

The item ridiculed: "The big use of the soldiers? The head of the fight is not relying on people to pile up or rely on luck, what kind of soldiers can he use? Let me see the marching route."

Under the universal sky, only Xiang Shu dared to ridicule such a strong, Sima Yi heard the words did not dare to neglect, said to the alchemist: "Yangyang, you go to my study, take the map."

In the face of marching, the tactics are not inferior to Chen Xing. Like Chen Xing's ability to talk about the rhetoric of the Confucianism, when he talked about the Nanjian levy, Xiang Shu knew the strength, layout and style of combat.

Chen Xing said: "Murong Chong's position sometimes makes me very unpredictable."

The item is casual: "Murong Chong's position is very simple, that is, the position of Murong's family."

Sima Yi said: "Feng Qing? I still remember that Feng Qingzu once worked in Luoyang, and I must be familiar with Murong."

Feng Qianxi nodded and was asked when he replied: "The only purpose of them is to reinstate the country. You insisted on calling Luoyang to listen to the prince's night and raise the army. First, the Murong family was restrained. Secondly, if the South was enlisted, Qin Di The power is great, and after expanding the country, the sound is more prosperous, and Murong’s family is hopeless to return to the country..."

At this time, the alchemist brought the scroll and rolled it out on the emperor.

"According to our speculation," Sima Yi said, "Yu Jian will divide the soldiers into three roads, Chang'an all the way, but Hu... Guanzhong five people as the main force, Wu Shen may wish to see?"

When it comes to the word "Hu", Sima Yi almost turned his hand in the face of the article, but still gave him the greatest respect, not to call "Hu Ren."

"I am really a Hu person," Xiang said coldly. "There is nothing to avoid. Another way, it must be his secret army in Luoyang."

Sima Yi nodded: "Yes, the third road is the descendants of Pengcheng, Huaiyin, Xiayu, Xiong and other places. These three roads will meet under the generals of the county of Feixi and the county of Shouxian. The total number is based on the speculation of our monarchs. I don’t think it’s going to be less than half a million. In the coming spring, the first battle to be played may be...”

"Lishui," Xiang said, "If I am a strong man, I will choose to cross the river in the water and build a health in the south."

Sima Yi nodded.

Item: "How many soldiers do you have?"

Sima Yi sighed: "The count of Beifu soldiers is less than 100,000."

The item is a cloudless saying: "If you want to win less, you can't beat it."

Chen Xing did not expect that the meeting that he thought he had chatted with Sima Yi turned out to be a countermeasure to discuss how to save the Jin Dynasty. People in Jiankang and Jiangnan still do not know that they have already faced the catastrophe. The northern war situation is imminent.

Sima Yi explained the current situation and returned to the emperor's couch, silent.

At this point, the alchemist who called Xiangyang finally said a word.

Just listen to Xiangyang Road: "So this time, please come to you, but there is something to do."

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