Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 67 Table of contents

Three days ago, Chang’an built a palace in the palace.

Tuoba has moved to the palace to rehabilitate, and his left arm has become blackened by the wounds of a year ago. He reveals his body and squats in the hall.

Murong Chong entered the palace, frowning and looking at the top, and Tuoba looked up and looked at him. The two did not say anything. Tuoba is getting thinner and thinner, his eyes are slightly sunken, his face is dark, and he has already been judged by two people. On the night of the prince, he sat down and adjusted the medicine for him.

"Okay." The prince finished the medicine on the night, seeing the royal doctor personally wrapped up a bandage for Tuoba, and said, "Let's take some time to rest."

With a little exhaustion, Tuoba was about to open his mouth to admire Murong Chong, but Jian Jian walked into the temple and explained: "A year ago, when Chang'an was in trouble, the nephew was accidentally injured by the demon, but fortunately. The special medicine prepared has controlled the poison."

Murong Chong observed the extension for a long time, and said coldly and coldly.

"How long can you live?"

Tuoba has no choice but to smile, the prince said: "Mu Rong is a big man, and he will raise it. There will be no big problems. Trouble is troublesome. One year ago, Tuoba adults were hurt, and they left without leaving. A trip, delaying the diagnosis and treatment."

Murong Chongdao: "Why prince night, why do you cure this kind of injury?"

The prince night said calmly: "I have lived for a long time, and I have read more books. Naturally, I have to do anything."

Murong Chong only refused to answer, and the prince night got up and said goodbye. The remaining Yu Jian, Tuo Yu and Murong Chong sat in the temple. Murong Chong always does not like to talk, and even loves to defend, but not to mention the people of Tuoba. However, the Tuoba, who once had a good spirit and a handsome Yushu, is now so beautiful. It is also inevitable that he will hurt his class and feel the cold behind him.

Tuoba has been ill for a while, and Murong Chong only heard that he was injured in martial arts. He did not expect it to be invaded by corpse poison. What is more peculiar is that Prince Night used drugs to control the corpse. Diffusion, so that he is still the same, did not become a living dead.

In the name of rest and recuperation, Tuoba resigned from the post of the banned army. The name ban was directly commanded by Yu Jian.

Yan Jian was so relieved that Murong Chong only sat quietly and did not speak. Tuoba asked: "How is the situation in Mulechuan?"

Yan Jian said: "There is a big single in the position of the law, and he has sent three messengers. Going to Shimukun and Nanzheng, it is imperative to see the miscellaneous Hu, who are not interested in knowledge."

Murong Chong said: "The rhetoric and the Han Chinese kid, I heard that I later went to Jiangnan along the Goryeo."

Yan Jian said, "Well," he said: "Unfortunately, the law of the law is originally a personal talent, but I don't know why, but I left it down." But let's talk again."

When Tuoba was indulged, Murong Chong said to him: "You should recuperate first, and if you want anything, send someone to send me a letter."

Tuoba nodded, and Yan Jian smiled: "What is there in the palace?"

Murong Chong’s attitude towards Tuoba is very complicated. On the one hand, he did not hesitate to stand up to protect the North’s articles and Chen Xing that day. This uninteresting move made Murong Chong quite violent. On the other hand, Tuoba and his sister Qinghe Princess, who made a good life before the birth, is also a Xianbei native, how many words in the sister's sentiment, there is still a point of reluctance to declare the friendship.

What's more, Murong Chong always thinks that Tuoba is also a poor person, especially the meaning of the desolate in the eyes - that the eyes of Murong Chong Chong will understand at a glance, when he was brought to the deep palace by Sui Jian, he could not help but look up all the time. Living in the palace, no friends, no family, only the eunuchs who come to feed on weekdays, just like prisoners.

"Let the rest of the children rest." Yan Jian said calmly, "Come with me, rush."

Murong Chong, along with Yan Jian, passed through the Taishui Pool on the side of Shanglinyuan, and Jianjian pressed his hand on the long bar and looked down at the fish in the pool.

"I have been thinking about these times," said Jian.

Murong Chong replied: "I remember that Wang Meng reminded you more than once before he died. Didn't he give you a dream?"

Yan Jian smiled helplessly: "It has nothing to do with the Nanzheng. You can't listen to what you have to say?"

"What are you thinking about?" Murong Chong's gaze turned into the pool.

Yan Jian turned and leaned in front of the bar and looked at Murong Chong. He said, "I want to live and die, I think, when will I die."

Murong Chong slammed and slammed into the sturdy. In his memory, Sui Jian never talked about this matter, and even the words "after the end of the world" never said anything. There are no people in the cause. I feel that Yan Jian will be in the near future. This northern monarch who claims to be a "gathering in the world" is just a young man. Even if he does not know how many people secretly cursed him to death, it turns out that Yu Jian will only become more Strong, day by day is stronger than the one that claims to be "the best in the world".

Murong Chong’s eyes flashed away, and he put away his thoughts. Instead, he said, “Why did you say this?”

Yan Jian looked at Murong Chong's eyes full of gentleness, reaching out to hold him, Murong rushed to avoid escaping. He left Changan for too long, and he had to forget his memories for a long time. Only when Sui Jian appeared in front of him reminded him that those pasts were real.

The days when he took office in Luoyang were too long, and it was difficult for him to return to the role of Changan at the moment.

Murong Chong let Yan Jian hold his hand, and Jian Jian said: "It’s a day when you are old and sick, it’s a man, you will always die. After your sister left, I thought a lot, think of Wang Meng, think of it. Speaking of the law, thinking of those who are together with you, to lay down the world of the North."

Murong Chong did not answer, and Jian Jian said: "When you see your nephews and see you, you can't help but think, what are they?"

Murong Chong suddenly became a little vigilant, his brows screwed up, and he was silent. The strong hand of the sturdy smashed his hand and smashed his palms. He separated his long fingers and interlocked with him. He muttered: "After that mess, the midnight view A large number of ancient books, telling you that 魃 is not out of thin air, but has been for a long time."

"What?" Murong Chong noticed that it was wrong, and looked at Yan Jian's eyes.

Yan Jian stared at Murong Chong's eyes and nodded. "Yes, it is a part of this world with birds and beasts and mountains and trees. The source of the so-called '魃' is actually a mockery of life and suffering. Mocking, confrontation with death."

“So?” Murong Chong frowned. “Your Majesty, what do you want to say?”

Yan Jian said faintly: "You don't always ask, who is the army that sent you in the Longmenxia Barracks?"

Murong Chong: "..."

Yan Jian took Murong Chong's hand and pulled him back. He turned over the Taishui Pool and went to the water corridor. He walked all the way and was silent. He came to the Hall of Light.

"I brought in the rushing," said Jian Jian.

Murong Chong stopped outside the hall of light, suddenly realized that a serious problem, the hands are full of cold sweat, but Jian Jian gently pushes the door, the temple door stress is open, now sitting on the side, side to the temple door, holding a mirror Qinghe Princess.

Murong Chong's breathing was stunned. I saw the Qinghe princess's complexion, which was no different from that of his life. However, under the sneak peek, the gray-faced face and neck were covered with fat powder. The only difference from her life was that her eyes became muddy and ignorant, and the moment she looked up, she still laughed.

"Chonger?" Qinghe princess whispered.

"Sister?" Murong Chong's voice shook.

"Midnight found a record about ‘魃’ from Feng’s family,” he said slowly. “As long as the response is appropriate, the deceased can be resurrected. I also found that Feng Qianxi was a slap in the past...”

Murong Chong was full of cold sweat, and his eyes widened and looked at Qinghe Princess. At that moment, his blood was cold, as if someone had ruthlessly caught his throat.

It was night. After the gongs and drums, the carriage left the west of the city and headed east. As the wheels ran across the street, the splashes of water and the horseshoes suddenly slipped, as if they were on the oil.

In the dark night, on the courtyard walls on both sides of the Long Street, the fire was slammed silently, and gathered around the center of the street, and then the entire street was immersed in the oil.

"Wait," said the prince in the carriage, "Parking."

In all directions, the soldiers were black and squatted on the street, silent and silent, like a ghost waiting for a long time.

"I thought you came to thank me." Prince said.

In an instant, from the center of the street to the four sides, all the soldiers were handcuffed, "咔嚓" sound, tens of thousands of people ambushing in Chang'an City at the same time appeared, Murong Chong appeared in the darkness.

"Thank you for what?" Murong Chong coldly said, "Thank you for putting hundreds of thousands of dead people in Luoyang? Or thank you for using Feng Qianxi, even my sister died, and stolen her body, so that she became the present Sub-pattern?"

The prince swayed the folding fan in the night, and the cloud smiled lightly: "Murong Chong, you are still too young. I am a person who can even wake up the dead. In the face of me, how many chances do you have?"

Murong Chong looked at the prince's night, and did not speak a word. A soldier behind him held the torch and handed it to Murong Chong.

"I don't know what you are." Murong sighed. "I only know that you must not be a human, prince night."

The prince night but laughed and looked at the torch in Murong Chong's hand.

"I don't want to talk to you any more. I am not interested in you. I just want to send you..." Murong Chong said, "Go where you should go, roll, you are wrong to come to Chang'an."

The torch fell to the ground.

Jiankang, afternoon.

"...So Murong Chong arson and burned the entire square." Xie An said, "The prince night was burned to ash in that fire. How many innocent people died in the night, it is not known. It is."

Sima Yi was sitting in the middle, and Xiangyang was with the waiter. From the left, Zhangzhou, Xie Xuan, Huangmen, Shi Xie, Dongyang Taishou, Wang Linzhi, and Jianwei Zhonglang, will be counted. Below the right, they are Xiang Shu, Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi.

In the middle is Xie An holding a folding fan, a short case in front of him, not ill, noting the Jin Tingjunchen, this is a shocking insider. Xie An finished the knowledge, and drank a cup of tea, moisturizing the throat.

"It is said that the next day, Sui Jian was very angry," Sima Yi said indifferently. "The case of Nanzheng not only did not temporarily put it on hold, but it also claimed to inherit the prince’s last wish and slaughter my Dajin. It is very interesting to find out that the prince of the national prince died at night and was the loudest.

Chen Xing was silent, and the autumn society was actually experiencing such a terrible case, which really surprised him.

Item: "Mu Rongchong only removed him with fire?"

"At the moment, it is true." Xie An said, "Anshi is not a member of the exorcist, although he is not a member of the exorcist. But these days, I also heard the younger brothers say a lot about the reason of the metamorphosis of the heavens. Murong Chong should have no magic weapon in his hands, and there is no such thing as a high-ranking person. It is purely a slap in the face, burning the prince’s night. As for why the two sides have such deep hatred, they are not known."

"Qinghe Princess," Chen Xing muttered. "It must be because of the Qinghe Princess."

The story of the brow is slightly wrinkled, Feng Qianxi said: "So he found the prince night, is the master behind?"

Chen Xing said: "No, I guess he was wrong and found that the prince night resurrected the Qinghe Princess."

Everyone was shocked, Chen Xingchao Feng Qianxi said: "Feng Big Brother, remember when you followed the Pingyang Army, did you hear the news? From that day on, I have always suspected that the corpse will not let the Qinghe Princess resurrect one day. To be jealous or to be tempted."

Although Jin Tingjun Chen had a secret agent in Chang'an, his ability was limited. Since the death of Feng Qianxi, the intelligence network has all been closed, not to mention that after the hard-working and Murong Chong talked about it, Murong Chong ambushed the street that night and burned alive. The prince night. Among the Qin Ting, for a moment, he was suspicious and said that it was Yu Jian who instructed Murong Chong, but it was not like. After all, Bian Jian was the most powerful supporter of the main warring faction.

The item finally opened: "How to deal with the camp in Longmenxia, ​​Luoyang?"

Xie An shook his head and spread his hand, indicating no comment.

Xie Shi said: "In the end, Yan Jian relieved Murong Chong's military power and ordered him to return to Luoyang alone.

The temple was quiet for a long while, and the latter said: "I don't think the prince night is dead. If he is really a corpse, it is impossible to burn it."

Chen Xing looked to Xiang Shu and said, "I don't think so."

Feng Qianxi: "Second."

"But at least for the time being, he is indeed missing." Xie An said, "Chang'an Mingfang uploaded Murong Chong in order to obstruct the Nanzheng, and he did not hesitate to assassinate the main war Han Han. The inside story is clear to everyone."

Sima smashed the next one, and realized that the hairline was too high, and quickly put it down, raised his eyes and arranged the hair before the forehead, saying: "If the corpse is full of power, why not kill Murong Chong together?" ”

"This will only be countered by Xianbei Murong," Xiang said. "The prince night wants to build a team and fight the Yangtze River. It is not Qin Ting. It is not good for him. I can't, I won't be ambushing in Qin Ting for so many years, and until now I have to work, he must rely on the power of Bianjian."

Murong has a huge force in Chang'an, and the only one that relies on the prince's night is Yu Jian. They may not be able to completely remove the prince's night, but they are enough to gather troops and renege Chang'an. If the plan of the prince’s night is revealed, it will only cause Chang’an’s already fragile situation to fall apart, and make Jian Jian become a loner. Is it easy to find another king who listens to him?

The words of the story instantly reminded Chen Xing.

After running for so many years around Yu Jian, it can be seen that the corpse is not so powerful, the most important thing is that he can't influence everyone through sorcerer. From this point of argument, Chen Xing also understands where the confidence of the project comes from, and their enemies are not so invincible.

Thinking of this, Chen Xing roughly inferred why the prince night had to arrest him as a sacrifice.

When the heart shines in the world, it can also affect people's hearts and expel evil spirits. Then, if the heart lights are reviled by grievances, can you control the thoughts of people as you like?

"How do you arrange next?" Sima Yi asked Chen Xing.

Chen Xingben wanted to answer that he still went to Luoyang and pulled out the squadron under the Longmen Gorge. However, at this moment, the Dajin has no need to be sent out. He did not wait for Xie An to send people away from the room. The Qin State has already fought in the war.

And Murong Chong temporarily lost power, and in the short term, he can no longer influence the idea of ​​Brigantine, and let the group go again, it will only add trouble. If the prince night is the corpse of the sea, sooner or later there will be a day to reproduce the body, the light burning a military camp can not play a big role, the corpse wants to recreate, still can be made.

"Wait," the item did not wait for Chen Xing to answer, but first said, "Wait for the moment when the corpse is showing up again."

Chen Xing looked at Xiang Shu and found that when he did not know when the exorcist was headed by the story, everyone seemed to naturally listen to his assignments and decisions.

"In these days," Xiang said again, "I would like to ask you to send more reports, along the direction of the veins, to search for the whereabouts of the prince's night. I have already delivered Xie An ahead of the map of China."

"Okay." Sima Yi was obviously very relaxed today. He waved his hand. "Please ask the big one... no, the law is more troublesome."

Chen Xing said: "When is the map?"

The replies replied: "In the months when you were lying on the couch, I found the distribution of the Chinese territory from the scrolls of the family."

Chen Xing said again: "How do you know... Yes... Indeed. The story is really smart!" Then he exclaimed: "You are too smart! Too clear! Remember too clear! I forgot about it." It!"

Chen Xing also remembered it. On the day of the Kuaiji underground, the mysterious man who came to command Wen Zhe, and finally, devoted himself to the land and used the flow of the veins to leave. That is to say, if the prince night wants to escape, most of them pass through the veins.

The story sometimes took Chen Xing no way, always thinking about what to say, so a large group of people are discussing things, he publicly boasted so unabashedly, and still boast. You said nothing, the key seems that the exorcists have no plans before this, is not a joke?

The story had to be coughed hard, and everyone smashed the interest. Xie An immediately said: "Yesterday, Anshi had one more thing and wanted to discuss with you."

Xie An opened the topic, and Sima Yi took it: "In fact, there is nothing to discuss, Mr. Chen, there is something to do with it, and this will send you the bookmaster."

Chen Xing: "Wait... What do you mean?"

Fuyang said: "After consideration, His Majesty decided to send Xie An Xie to the Exorcism Division to act as ... to act as... this, the Secretary of the Book and the Exorcist, to assist Mr. Chen, the next matter What are the requirements, whether you want money or someone else, you just want to open Mr. Xie."

Chen Xing: "I want a fan... Xie Shixiong, saying that in front, I am not disgusting you, you are also the pillar of the country, come to my exorcism to fight, no problem? Your Beifu soldiers? No matter? ”

Xie An smiled kindly: "The Beifu training has already been completed, and it is not an urgent need. My Majesty also suspects that I am in the way. My two nephews will go to take over temporarily. Little brother, I am devotional, you Will you not be able to go with you?"

The item does not want to swear: "Oh, then that's it."

At first, Feng Qianxi thought that Sima Yi might have asked Xie An to monitor himself. But it was impossible to put in the eyeliner and Xie An, who is in the same position as a country, was forced to come in. It was simply mad! In this way, with Xie An's assistance, everyone will directly receive the greatest help from Jin Ting. It can be seen that Sima Yi really seriously considered Chen Xing's rhetoric. It only involved Hu Han's dispute. He did not want to back the pot, but he borrowed the hand of Xie An.

"Say a ghost!" Chen Xing is going to refute, but everyone has got the expression and clap their hands.

"Congratulations to Xiaoshu to take office!" Xie Xuan first smiled.

Sima Yi: "Xie Qing, you can finally dream, don't you thank you?"

"Thank you for your majesty." Xie An immediately rose up in the spring breeze, and shook hands at the crowd, and said to Xiang Xiang: "In the future, please protect the Marshals, the great exorcist, Feng Daren, Xiao Daren, and everyone cares."

So, in this way, Xie An got his wish, and became an exorcist at the age of almost knowing his destiny. Rounded up childhood dreams.

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