Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 71 Table of contents

"One, two, three, four, five... five." The corpse slowly slowed down, "Come on, destroying my five kings, just to replace them, guarding the great spirits for me..."

Immediately, the corpse turned into a black wind, rushing toward the seven people, everyone immediately with a weapon to resist, the story of cross-sword, Chen Xingxin read the electricity, when I felt the danger, step forward.

The corpse of the sea blew a gust of wind, and the human form in the black mist swept through the side of the body, and shook it into the body of Xie Daojun! Chen Xing’s movements are faster than him. He sang the heart lamp and printed it on the back of Xie Dao’s back!

The corpse of Hai had just infiltrated into the body of Xie Dao, and Chen Xing slammed the meridian of Xie Daoyu with a heart lamp. The corpse was suddenly screaming, and in the future he was possessed, and he was expelled from the body of Xie Daojun!


Chen Xing laughed: "Come back?"

Chen Xing's only heart-light spell is precisely the nemesis of this invisible object. The rest of the people's weapons greet the body of the corpse, and the black fog has dissipated, and the corpse is unharmed.

The corpse turned around, and started with the wind, then rushed to Xie An!

Xie An: "Hey!"

In an instant, Chen Xing held Xie An’s wrist again, and the power of the heart lamp was injected into Xie’s safety. Once again, the forcing body was driven out!

After seeing the corpse, he finally realized that he couldn’t find it cheap. He had to pull out and look at Chen Xing in a condescending manner. Chen Xing constantly thinks, gathers the heart lights in his hands, and prepares to do his best. Even if he is vomiting blood and coma, he must give him a full blow and give him a heavy blow.

The item has taken a step back and said: "Ding Haizhu has already arrived, don't entangle with him, let's go first!"

Chen Xing suddenly remembered, holding the Haizhu in his hand, but Jiuhai sneered: "Is it so easy? I really thought that I will stay here waiting for you, will I have no layout?"

The voice fell, behind the corpse, Honghu water violently stirred, the lake anger blew open, a rot with Sima smashed into the sky! It was just a few months ago, the konjac that escaped from Kuaiji!

Everyone looked up, and the corpse was high, and said: "Leave it! Don't make unnecessary struggles, follow me, I will let go of the two mortals behind you-"

Sima Yi pulled the wrist and ribs and drove the rot to the ground. The corpse was still gathering with black gas and flying on the hoe. Xiang Shuo said: "scatter -!"

Everyone turned at the same time, Feng Qianxi took Gu Qing, Xiao Shan took Xie Daoyu, Xiang Shu held Chen Xing apart, Xie An even rolled up and ran towards the bushes, picked up the coma scribe who called the ink, and shouted. :"How to do?!"

"I don't know!" Chen Xing climbed up from the mud, only to see a konjac poisonous mist hitting the ground. The story slammed Chen Xing's nose and mouth and said: "Don't gasp! Run!"

尸海: "I want to escape this? The law is empty, Chen Xing, I still want to compare with you, or you go, since you haven't had fun tonight, you have to go to the lakeside village. I have to let Xinyi Ping eat something, are you right?"

Feng Qianxi shouted: "Go back to Chibi to mobilize officers and soldiers to kill it!"

If rushed away at this moment, there is no preparation in Chibi County, and the strength of the defensive is very weak. After this rotten slaughter, thousands of people will die, and grievance will only be more intense.

Everyone on the island was hiding in the woods. Chen Xing grasped the hand of the article and whispered, "I am igniting the heart lamp, and you will solve him."

"No!" Xu Xiang did not want to veto Chen Xing's proposal.

Chen Xing: "That is the corpse, killing him, it will be completely solved!"

"Looking for a way to use Haizhu," Xiang said a finger on Chen Xing's hand, "I will delay the time."

"Wait..." Chen Xing has not yet held the item, and the item has jumped on the tree and whistle at the same time.

Not far away, Xiaoshan returned a whistle and turned over the tree.

"Ha--ah!" Xiaoshan's voice is like a knife in the night sky, followed by a black shadow, slanting to the sky! At the same time, the item also rushed out, the two were in the air, and the story of the cross sword, so that the powerful force pushed, Xiaoshan stepped on the back of the sword when he first fell, and once again borrowed It was actually flying far past ten feet, drawing an arc, shaking off two claws, and a shocking blow!

The corpse is driving the konjac in the air. Unexpectedly, the mortal body has such a strong ability to bounce, and it is so high that Xiaoshan has hooked the **** and pulled out a rope!

Sima Yi suddenly turned down and slammed into Xiaoshan, and the ropes flew down. Xiang Shu first raised his hand, and before the rope was interrupted, he was brought to the sky with a wrist.

Feng Qianxi Chao Gu Qingdao: "Looking for a place to hide!" Then he will take a double knife and rush forward, grab the end of the rope and fly up, hit the sky!

Chen Xing ran out of the woods and came to the open space. Xie An and Xie Daoqi with the sword rushed out.

Xie An: "Little teacher, what should I do? Is this the sea pearl?"

"You are going!" Chen Xing said. "Don't worry! Run on the shore! Come on!"

Seeing that the konjac with Xiang Shu, Xiao Shan and Feng Qianxi went straight to the sky, and could not discern the figure in the dark, Chen Xing knew that it was necessary to solve the Haizhu immediately, but how to use it? Throughout the ages, there has never been a scroll to record this magic weapon. No one has ever received it except Zhang Liu.

But why did Zhang Liu throw the Dinghaizhu here? Forget it, Chen Xing has no time to think about it. First, try to drive this orb like driving other magic weapons.

Just as the heartlight was injected into the Orbs, the air in all directions suddenly flowed, as if the waves were smashing, and the trees around them were blown up by the wind, making Chen Xing feel like a hurricane. Xie An quickly stopped in front of him, taking Xie Daoyu and Gu Qing to leave the center of the island.

"With the mortal flesh, you can go to the present situation," corpse Hai cold and cold, "it is not easy..."

Xiang Shu grabbed the rope and jumped up. In an instant, he had already flew on the hoe. When he emptied, he shook the epee, and swept a sword toward Sima Yi who was fighting with Xiaoshan. The fog gave a strange smile, and the devil turned his head and slammed into the ground again!

Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan shouted at the same time, was taken to the end of nearly 100 feet high, and dragged down with the rapid decline of the konjac!

Then it accelerated and fell, and even the story couldn't stand it. The heart seemed to break through the chest and jumped out. In the blink of an eye, the konjac had slammed into the lake.

Chen Xing tried to control Dinghaizhu, feeling the aura bursting wildly, but I don’t know how to stabilize it. The hurricane rolled up layer by layer, but Haizhu did not absorb the power of Chen Xing’s heart, but instead of rotating, The powerful aura contained in it is released!

"It's bad!" Chen Xing shouted in the air. "I can't control it! Item!"

Not waiting to be answered, a loud noise, the konjac swooped from the high altitude of Baizhang, and slammed into the surface of Honghu Lake. The stormy waves like a tsunami generally rolled up to the lake. No one heard Chen Xing’s shouting and slammed into the lake, the powerful impact. When he was forced, Xiao Shan and Feng Qiang fainted together.

At the bottom of the water, Xiang Xuan violently rubbed his feet and smashed the water. He held the sword and swam to the surface of the water. The konjac abandoned Feng Qianxi and Xiaoshan, and Xiang Xiang quickly sneaked into the air. Draw in the water and squirt a bubble.

"The water is very good," the voice of the corpse was low in the lake. "What did your father pass to you?"

The grievances permeated, the lake became dark, and Chen Xing was doing his best on the shore to stabilize Haizhu. Xie An had already rushed to the shore and shouted: "Can it succeed?"

Chen Xing shouted: "Run! Run! This magic weapon is going to blow up!"

Chen Xing felt the power of almost horror, and could not help but regret it. Who released the mana of Haizhu here? Will definitely blow the square a hundred miles!

"Feng Big Brother!" Gu Qing saw Feng Qianxi, who had a floating load on the lake.

Gu Qing can no longer manage others, and jumped into Honghu.

At the same time, the story appeared on the lake, and Chen Xing instantly opened his eyes.

The shoulders of the story were bitten by the konjac, blood bursting, dragging out of the lake, still struggling, the blood spread over the lake, just a sword, and was dragged by the konjac, dragged into the bottom of the lake.

The blood of Chen Xing seems to have solidified. He shouted and shouted at the moment, his eyes were red, and all the power was poured into the sea pearl!

Feng Qiang was hugged by Gu Qing, and was stirred up by the water waves. He woke up and took a look at the lake. He took a deep breath and pushed Gu Qing. He shouted: "Go back! Go!" and then sneak into Honghu.

The lake was turbid, and Xiaoshan waved his claws, pulling the grievances of the konjac, and slamming the claws. The numerous tangled vegetation at the bottom of the lake was suddenly picked up. Feng Qianxi fell straight into the bottom of the lake, two knives together, the knife blamed for the rotation, the lake roots, algae, thousands of aquatic plants flew like a tentacle toward the konjac, tied it firmly!

The story suddenly got out of the way, turned over in the water, and headed down to the head of the konjac!

When the black fog of the skull smashed out of the body of the corpse, the story slammed his eyes wide and spewed a string of bubbles in his mouth.

Prince night!

The article did its best, and the sword fell, so the prince night finally appeared at this moment, the face showed a strange smile, and then changed again, and turned into a masked Han Chinese.

"Keira!" The story is roaring in the water.

"Fear and uneasiness, anger and madness are stunned." The prince raised his hand at night and went to the point of the story. When the grievances broke out, they overwhelmed and rushed across the lake.

"Do you know why your pain started? Let me go," said the prince, "I will give you all the answers that you can't ask for..."

The grievances are getting more and more heavy, and the whole body and the hands that are wrapped around the story are not moving. A little black gas did not enter the forehead, and grievances were like thousands of tentacles, dragging him to the darkness.

But at that moment, in the middle of the story, the white light flashed.

Chen Xing's right hand blooms glare, and the left hand holds the sea pearl into the dark lake water. The clothes are fluttering in the water, just like the high lake breaks the long night's sunshine!

Dinghaizhu into the water, the undercurrent of the lake is crazy, and the hurricane shakes away from the sides, like the wing of the sky that is added to Chen Xing! A loud bang, the entire Honghu Lake blasted uncontrollably and rushed to the sky!

"Out of the magic!" Chen Xing's voice rang in the ear of the story.

The story was restored to the Qingming, and the grievances that entangled the whole body were all broken at the same time under the illuminating light. The story turned over in the water, and the power of the horror, the sword glare, and the prince night!

The waters of Honghu Lake broke out. At that moment, there were thousands of hot suns in the lake, and they rushed to the shore in an instant. The water of the collapsed mountain flocked to the sky, and as the top of the huge wave surged down, the item was covered in Jinwu robe, holding Chen Xinghua as a golden light and rushed out of the lake!

The konjac was angrily stunned, and was swept away in the hurricane that the sea pearls set off. The corpse was screaming again and turned into a black fire meteor hovering over the lake. The story opened the longbow and set up the light arrow. Channel: "Keira, it's over."

Gu Qing holds a piece of broken wood, and finds out that the lake can't breathe. When the story falls, Chen Xing is placed on the shore. The corpse has inadvertently discovered Gu Qing, and flies to the center of the lake and heads toward Gu Qing!

Xie Daojun said: "Qinger!"

Feng Qiang was so embarrassed that he just climbed to the shore and suddenly opened his eyes.

Gu Qing, the whole body was covered with black air, and there was a smile, flying from the water and falling on the head of the konjac. According to the subconscious mind, Gu Qing sneered: "Consider clearly, tell the law, you and I will see you again."

The voice fell, the konjac dragged the lake, and flew to the Yangtze River not far away, a loud noise, fell into the river.

Ding Haizhu "When the cockroach" landed, Chen Xing was crumbling, grabbing the sleeves of the article, and the foreground of the eye was far and near. The item immediately slammed on the knees and hugged Chen Xing, who was pressing on his shoulder.


"I... I'm fine." Chen Xing gasped, "Definitely... Haizhu..."

"Chen Xing!" Xiaoshan swims to the shore.

The lake surged and rushed up to a dark body. The body was still struggling, and the story turned around. Sima Yi was trying hard to stand up from the shore.

Three days later.

Xiang quickly walked into Jiankang Taichu Palace.

The officials got up and greeted, and Sima Yiyun made a "please sit" movement.

"They are all arranged according to your requirements," Xie Xuandao said. "The vessel was laid in front of the Yangtze River and the river was set up under the water. Anything passed, and it was noticeable when there was a change."

Xie Shi said: "The waters of Jiangnan, Jiangdong and other places, including the canals connected between the villages and towns, also sent officers and soldiers to closely monitor."

The item nodded, Sima Yi said: "How is Mr. Chen's body?"

The replies replied: "There has been a good turn and still have to rest. You have to be very careful. The real identity of the corpse is the prince night. It has been confirmed that if there is another army in the north, it is expected that there will be no less troops. ""

Sima Yi said faintly: "The Wushen is saying that from now on, the sergeant will send a multi-channel messenger. No matter whether it is a Qin, a land, a Jindi or a Northland, it is a friend and an enemy."

Xie An said: "The war in China is protracted, but when it comes to the leaders of Hu and the people who go to Li, they all know what they are doing and what they don't do. The Terran War belongs to the Terran, and if the Prince's Night is activated, it will not be the parties. As for sitting and watching."

The brow was deep and locked, and he glanced at everyone present.

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