Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 86 Table of contents

There is a tense atmosphere in Shouyang House. Xie Xuan spreads the map. Before everyone was ready, Shouyang is absolutely impossible to stop the sturdy iron ride. It will be like the sun in three years ago. Was broken in the city and then slaughtered. So when the Beifu soldiers entered Shouyang, Xie An made the most sensible move decisively - all the 90% of the people in the city were withdrawn to Fuling, only the Yufu and a few craftsmen.

At the same time that Zhu Xuan came to persuade, the military order was immediately issued, and all the remaining civilians in the city were all withdrawn.

When the story came back, I saw ten rooms and nine empty spaces in the city along the way.

"Tonight is more than three," said Xie An. "The rest of the Beifu soldiers must also withdraw, and return to Luoyang, seventy miles away from Shouyang, looking for opportunities to fight with them and consume the power of their leading troops. Too good. !! Valkyrie, you are really back!"

So everyone passed the meal and talked and ate inside the hall. I made all the delicious food in Shouyang, and I was as good as the broken rice.

"On the way back, I met Liu Junzhi's general," Xiang said. "I am preparing to ambush in Luojing. How many people did he bring?"

Xie Xuan replied: "Five thousand people, I hope that the action of the prison will be faster." He said to Xie An: "This is the largest number of people who have participated in the war since ancient times."

Chen Xing: "..."

Everyone recalled the history books and suddenly discovered that this is indeed the largest one in history... It can only be compared with this war in the past 100 years. Only Chibi, but even the battle of Chibi, there are only 500,000 people on Cao Cao.

Xie An said: "It seems to be ah, um."

Chen Xing said: "How do you feel like talking about someone fighting?"

Xie An said: "Little teacher, you don't look at the brothers, I have nothing to do with people. In fact, everyone is now guilty."

So everyone burst into laughter, Chen Xing was helpless, and Wang Xizhi said: "Wu Shen also followed us to fight?"

"I have more important things," Xiang said, "you can only rely on yourself."

Xie An said to Chen Xing: "Since the Wushen is back, he said that the brothers have to sue a fake for you... It is reasonable to say that the brothers and brothers of Xiaoshan cannot ignore the brothers, but the national hardship is the first time. I have to be exorcism, my brother can’t play..."

Chen Xing catches the madness: "Hit your jealousy! This time is still remembering the exorcism!"

The crowd was laughing again. The story was quickly finished, and it was a meal. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him. He expected him to say something or bring news to reverse the situation.

But the story only said: " Take a shower, Chen Xing, you continue to talk with them."

Then he got up and left.

Chen Xingben wanted to ask him something, but he thought that the person had already returned, and when he asked not to be late, he chatted with Xie An and Wang Xizhi. Xie An saw that the sky was all black, so he said, "Well, everyone hastened to hurry and take a break. The third time has to escape. The younger brother, the brothers will send you back to the house."

Chen Xing knew that he had something to say, or wanted to see the story, but he saw Wang Xizhi also laughed and got up. He was behind Xie An. After a while, Xie Xuan also came. He once went out with them to make Luoyang’s Yi Yi busy. After finishing the military affairs, I went back to the hall to drink some tea and followed them.

Chen Xing: "???"

So Chen Xing followed a large group of people, Xie An only chatted with Yu Yi, Wang Xizhi felt that Shouyang is such a good scenery, but unfortunately it is to be destroyed by the hands of Hu. Chen Xingxin thinks that you are just looking for a story, so you are so eager to follow behind you, but it is like a fight.

In the courtyard outside Chen Xing’s bedroom, it was full of Guanghua. Xie Daoyi handed a lamp to the subject, while Xiang Shu raised his hand and hung it on the treetop.

“Wow!” Chen Xing saw that the entire courtyard was full of lights, beautiful and beautiful, even more embarrassing than the Lantern Festival. There are a few couches in the yard, and there are coffee tables on the couch, filled with fresh fruit and snacks.

"Come on." Xie Daoxiao smiled.

The item stands under the tree and looks toward Chen Xing.

Chen Xing: "What are you doing?! Is it a holiday?" I thought that you are planning to abandon the city and escape, so take all the good things and overeating.

"Give you a birthday." Xie Daoxiao smiled and said, "Wait for three months, your family Wushen is finally back."

The story has been bathed, specially cleaned up, and changed to the navy blue-colored Wenwu sleeves, bright eyes, looking at Chen Xing, said: "It is today, I remember correctly?"

"Not today is also today." Wang Xiaozhi laughed.

"Yes." Chen Xing eyes wet, did not expect the war, there is such a small piece of heaven and earth and its warmth.

"Today your people are here," Xiang said on the couch, and Chen Xing, who is facing his side, said, "It is no longer a person."

Chen Xing was very happy, but could not speak, and then replied: "It is not."

Xie An, Xie Daoqi, Xie Xuan, Wang Xizhi, and Yi Yi each found a place to sit. The closest to him, Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan did not come, and Tuoba was already dead. Thinking of this, Chen Xing couldn't help but feel a little sad, but he knew that he couldn't be defeated at the moment, and he smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Tianchi is 19 years old today." Xie An smiled.

"Yeah," Chen Xing said. "Nineteen."

Xie Daojun said: "Twenty years next year, you can crown."

Chen Xing "Well" said, "And at the ceremony, I will invite everyone to come."

Everyone is doing well.

Wang Xizhi said: "When we were 19, we forgot to do it."

Yu Yi said: "I must be a sabre at the waist. I am looking for immortals everywhere, and I am only looking for a teacher to learn."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, Xie An joked: "I didn't expect you to look for a lifetime. Actually, at this age, I found a big exorcist, and accompanied him to celebrate this birthday, life, really say Not allowed."

Tomorrow, Yan Jian will lead a million troops and level the Shouyang. At this moment, many things seem to have been thrown behind them. The item interrupted: "I will give you a drink after a drink. In the past three months, thank you for taking care of Chen Xing, and I will also trouble you later."

Xie An seemed to feel something, but did not say it, Chen Xing did not hear it. I saw the item mentioning the pot, drinking, and distributing it to them in person.

Each of them toasted and toasted, and Xie Dao’s eyes seemed to be a little tearful.

"Do you mean?" Chen Xing asked.

Xie Daoqi wiped it down and smiled. He shook his head and said, "You must have reborn now."

"People who reincarnate," Wang Xizhi said, "Can we find it?"

Chen Xing thought about it and then replied: "I don't know."

The heavenly veins traverse in the sky, and the earth's veins flow through the years. Outside Shouyang City is the million-strong army of Suijian. In Shouyang City, there is a lantern, just like in the heart of Shenzhou, illuminating the whole world in this dark night.

"However," Chen Xing thought for a moment, and said, "Since God makes people reincarnate, this world can no longer remember the people of the past, no matter how persistent, can not find the next generation of people, want to come after all The reason. You only need to know, where and when she is still there, and still live happily, isn’t it just fine?”

Xie Daoyu nodded, and Xie An said: "The younger brother, give us a point to say."

Chen Xing looked at the lanterns in the courtyard and was fascinated. He replied, "What do you say?"

"This day at the top of the head," Xie An sent a sensation. "With the land on the soles of the feet, everyone has been there for a long time, and there is no time to talk about mystery."

Wang Xizhi said: "When I was young, I always thought that I could understand it. When I grew up, I gradually felt that the road might not understand. But, now, I have so many expectations, perhaps the so-called 'dao 'As time goes by, I will gradually understand, just say it is not clear."

"Is this what Kong Qiu said about the 'Fifty Knowing Destiny'?" Chen Xing said with a smile, and then thought about it and said: "What I learned from the teacher's door, there is not much about the 'dao', most of them are In the study of 'surgery' and 'instrument'. The so-called 'dao', I think is the world, the life that lives in the world, and everything we can feel in it, their so-called 'this phase'? This so-called 'this Phase, including the destiny, but not only destiny, in general, but from where, what, what to do, where to go. These things... If everyone is not too ignorant, talk or After tomorrow, I don’t know what it is."

"Talk about it." Xie An immediately said.

"I want to hear the details." Wang Haozhi.

Yi Yiben wanted to get up and arrange military affairs. Hearing it, he couldn’t help but continue to listen.

Chen Xing's clear eyes reflected the hustle and bustle of the lights, slightly over the head, looked at the eye, and smiled, and began to say that they read in the teacher's door.

"The legend has opened up the world," Chen Xing said slowly. "All things are metamorphosed, and the eyes are turned into the sun and the moon. There is also the first 'one' between heaven and earth. It turns into a dragon god, and the eyes are sly, and the eyes are night. Pushing the heavens and veins to start rotating, so there is time..."

This night, Chen Xing began to tell slowly, from Pangu Kaitian to the collapse of Zhoushan, and then to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and a war that ended the world of mountains and seas thousands of years ago, the gods retired, and then went to Makino, China To mortal people is like taking everyone away from this world, standing in the flow of time, watching the rise and fall of the land of China and the ups and downs.

After a while, he began to talk about the strange connection between Tianmai and the earth, the gathering of the souls of the world, the strange power of the stars, the secrets of the Nei and the Terran of the Yaozu, and the aura of the heavens and the earth that had disappeared.

Finally, the courtyard is silent, Chen Xing said calmly: "What is the world's 'family'? I think, maybe everyone has a different opinion? Although listening to so much, no one can give an answer. I However, I feel that the truth is 'no phase', the flower is the flower tree is the tree, these are certain, and the nature, its innate essence is inconclusive, there is no final conclusion, in our hearts, It is the little thing we hold on. It is integrated with the whole land of China, even the heavens and the earth, but it is in our wisdom, so it is the place of 'Tao'."

"Is that heart lamp?" Xie Daojun said.

Chen Xing said with a smile: "The heart lamp is its 'shape', and I think everyone has their own heart lamp, not just I have it, otherwise why are everyone sitting here today?"

The meaning of Chen Xing is very clear. The Han people and even Sima Yi, who is far away from Jiankang, still have dignity in Jiangshan. Even if they are mortal, they will do their best. Just like when Sui Jiannan came, a lamp in the stormy dark night was also shining through the night, shining in the wild.

And Chen Xing always feels that not only Zhu Xu, Xie An, Xie Xuan, Wang Xizhi, Xiang Shu, Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan, but also deep inside, have something to insist on.

Just like the three souls and seven scorpions, always facing the point of light, once the brilliance shines, the heart lights will ignite and guide their lives.

"I will listen to everyone playing the piano?" Chen Xing suddenly thought, went to move the piano, dialed a few times, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, it was the first floating record, everyone was quietly sitting and listening, only the story Get up and enter the room. After a while, I came out with a whistle and stood up behind Chen Xing.

The whistle and the guqin music are the same, the ancient piano sounds and the vicissitudes of the whistle of the flute, the first "floating record" compared to what they used to play, but there is a difference, as if in a long river, after a few days of wind and rain,沧海桑田.

The song stopped, everyone shouted a sigh of relief, very emotional.

"Okay," said Yu Yi. "The old guys should also leave, leave some time to give them alone."

The rest of the people got up, Xie An said: "After two hours, I will come to the back door to gather."

The item nodded, the person was scattered, and the remaining Chen Xing sat side by side with Xiang Shi on the couch in the courtyard, facing the lantern of the courtyard. From the time they came back to the present, they haven’t said anything yet.

"Hey," Chen Xing said with a smile. "How have you been in a daze? What do you think, protect the law?"

"Tonight, can you not talk about exorcism?" Xiang said, "I promise you, I will save them back."

Chen Xing said: "Are you finding a place where the prince was hiding in the night?"

The article turned around and looked at Chen Xing seriously. Chen Xing understood and said, "Okay, I don't ask."

"But my body is much better," Chen Xing said. "Tomorrow, I think, let's leave Shouyang, we don't have to follow them south, it's better..."

The term brows deep lock: "What did I say?"

Chen Xing was busy, and did not want to say that he had quarreled when he came back. Today, he saw Xiang Shu, and Chen Xing would never be angry no matter what he did to himself.

The two were quiet for a while.

"I miss you," Chen Xing said with a smile. "When I woke up, I found that you were not with me. I was really panicked."

"In these three months," Xiang said, "I have gone to several places, I should have left to take care of you, so that you will at least not sleep for so long, but to measure the pros and cons, I still have to go."

Chen Xing: "For the sake of... nothing."

Chen Xingben wants to ask for the hiding place of Chiyou? But when asked, it is bound to talk about something else, and I have to hold back.

“I also went to Huashan,” Xiang said. “Go to the place where you lived with your master.”

Chen Xingyi said: "Do you know where?"

“Xie Anshi told me where I was.” Xiang said, “I went to see where you grew up. Is your master sick and sick in bed?”

Chen Xing couldn’t smile and said, “Yes, when you left Huashan, there was no mess in it. Are you trying to find some ancient books that the exorcists passed down?”

Xiang said to himself: "When you grow up, you have to take care of Master. It's so lonely."

Chen Xingben wants to laugh and jok a few words and say "yes," but think about it. It’s always like this for a short time. How can you tell the truth?

"Yeah," Chen Xing finally admitted. "It's quite lonely."

Xiang said: "When I saw Zhu Xu, I remembered that you left Huashan and came to Fuyang to find my day." Then, Xiang Xuan got up and walked under the lantern, looking up at the lantern, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Chen Xing also remembered the day with the re-meeting of Zhu Xu, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"You find me and bring me out of the cell," Xiang said back to Chen Xing, faint. "Not just want me to be your guardian, right? You started out, I used to be with you for the rest of your life." People, whether this life is short or not, is a long one."

"You finally understand." Chen Xing smiled a little sadly. "So when you said that day, when you don't want to be a law-protector, I am still very sad. But this mistake is at my ear, because I did not consider it. Your mood……"

The subject stood in the courtyard, turned his head a little, and looked at Chen Xing seriously. The light of the lantern reflected his face, and Chen Xing looked at him.

The side face of the story is handsome under the stars, better than everyone Chen Chen knows, but his eyebrows are always twisted, replaced by a firm gentle feeling.

"Xinger." Xiang said suddenly.

When the item said "Xinger", Chen Xing instantly blushed.

"You..." Chen Xing was a little overwhelmed.

"I won't let you die." Xiang said seriously, "No, you won't die."

"How come this suddenly?" Chen Xing couldn't help but laugh.

The item says: "Because you don't want to die in your heart, and I am coming back this time, I want to tell you that you are not alone, can you understand now?"

When Chen Xing heard this, there was a warmth in his heart. In the long nights of darkness and sorrow, it was like seeing a broken sky. They said that he was one. The Xenon lamp, and at this moment, Chen Xing feels that Xiang Shu is the light of the darkness of the desperate night.

"Yes." Chen Xing finally admitted, "If there is hope, I want to live, I want to be with you... Do a lot of things. But if the future is inevitable, I only hope that I will leave, can make you, Xiao Shan, Feng Da Ge, Xie Shixiong... There are many people who live well."

Said, Chen Xing stepped forward, gently hugged the next item, leaning his head on his shoulder, the breathing of the story suddenly rushed, but in less than a moment, Chen Xing let go of him.

Chen Xing whispered: "But ah, the law is empty, I lied to you and deceived all of you."

Item: "..."

Chen Xing looked up at him and said, "I only have one year of life."

The item did not answer, not even a little surprised, only quietly watching Chen Xing.

"Because of the age of stars," Chen Xing said, "Every time the stars come to the world, they only stay in the world for 20 years. Although I have never confirmed it with my own eyes, the ancient books are all recorded in this way. Master is just over ten. I told you when I was six years old... I used to be lucky, but with the chaos, I feel more and more..."

The item replied: "You are finally willing to say it."

Chen Xingyi, muttered: "You already know? How do you know?"

"Yangyang found out the truth for me." Xiang said, "In order to confirm, I went to your teacher once and found the books you left in the door. If the records are true, you will not live next year, from now on. Start is the last year of your life."

"Yes." Chen Xing replied replied. "I have never thought about fighting against my own destiny. I don't want to live like myself. But it is too difficult, and it is not that I am afraid. You see, Yishui. Yes, we still fail. I don’t want to fight, but I have more important things to do. Compared to the thousands of people in this land of China, what can I count as a person’s life and death? Said."

Chen Xing thought that I liked it very much and liked you very much, but whispered: "I want to finish my wish that day, it will be the day I ended, and after that, I have no way to promise you any more. I can't You may not be in your life in this life, but ah..."

Chen Xing smiled at the story and said, "After a long, long time, all this will be gradually forgotten. Just like the appearance of my mother-in-law has become blurred in my heart, you will slowly forget me. What it looks like."

Xiang Shu looked at Chen Xing silently.

Chen Xing said with a smile: "But what I left for you is this wonderful world. If I can do it, then this is the only thing I can give you? Do you often feel that I don’t care about you for the land of China? The feeling is not like this. The reason why I hope that the law will be resurrected and everything in the world will flourish, all because of this world...you."

"This is a man who has you, Feng Da Ge, Xiao Shan, and Xie Shixiong. Because of this, it is worthy of me..."

The brow that was screwed up finally shook open and replied: "I understand."

Chen Xing seriously said: "So, starting tomorrow, don't be afraid that I will die, okay? Come with me, finish this road, and I will always remember..."

"...In this world, there is a person who cares about me, calls all his friends, and spares all his family wealth," Chen said softly. "Just let me live and stay with me."

The hand of the item involuntarily clenched into a fist, don't go too far, no longer look at Chen Xing.

"I will remember," Xiang said.

Chen Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at his side face.

"I will also remember that there was a person in this world," Xiang said. "I am willing to burn my three souls and seven scorpions, only to turn into a shining light in the world."

After saying that, Xiang Shuhong was blind, turned and brought a gust of wind, and Chen Xing passed by.

"The item," Chen Xing is busy, "item!"

He saw Xiang Shu crying, so he stopped and stood.

"Xinger, Xiang Shu." Chen Xing whispered, "Xue Shu, Xing Er..."

"I really like you very much." Chen Xing said to himself.

When he came to this world, he was alone, and he should have been like this when he left. Chen Xing has too many words to say, but he knows that once he said it, he would be like a man on the shore of Honghu that day. There will be someone who will leave him in this dusty and take him...

Chen Xing pushed the door open and stopped.

He saw the pillow on the couch with a string of moonshells.

A year ago, the Qiushe, they bought such a pair in Jiankang’s market. After Chen Xing had forgotten this matter, he ran for a long time, and then went to sleep in a coma, and he had no idea. Where was it thrown?

The item bought by the item has been kept, the red rope has faded, and the moon has gradually lost its luster in the years.

Chen Xing picked up the bracelet and silenced for a long time. He turned and walked out quickly.

The military officers have prepared the car, and Xie An is making the final confirmation. Chen Xing rushed to the hospital and said, "What is the item? Thank you, brother, where is his room?"

Xie An stunned: "Is he not sleeping with you in a room? He did not arrange for him to live in another room."

Three months ago, Xiang Shu brought Chen Xing to Shouyang and accompanied him for a few days. He lived in Chen Xing’s bedroom. When he came back, he would evacuate the night and no one would arrange accommodation. Chen Xingdao: "So... what about his luggage? What do you carry with you?"

The story has already gone, Chen Xing immediately said: "Prepare the horse."

"Wait! Wait!" said Xie An. "Little teacher, you have to follow us. Now there is only one way to get out of town. I will send a squad to go to the Valkyrie..."

Chen Xing: "You don't care about me!"

"No!" Xie Andao, "Wu Shen specially smashed -"

Chen Xing ran out and was about to turn over the horse. Xie Xuan rushed in and said, "Fast! Prepare to leave the city, and the troops of Qiangjian have come!"

Xie An suddenly said: "Zhu Xu of the murder, actually deceived!! This liar!"

Zhu Xuan advised that when he descended, he said that "Tomorrow will attack the city." This has just passed the second, and Rong Rong began to attack the city with 200,000 troops.

"The soldiers are not deceived, and the soldiers are not deceived." Xie Xuandao, "Everyone is going away! Chen Daren, I saw your home protecting the law! He just left the city, went north, let you go back to Jiankang with us! He said that when things are done, they will come back." Looking for you!"

Chen Xingdao: "No! He just came back, where are you going? This bastard! Wang Ba Gu! I have a lot to say to him -!"

Xie An saw Chen Xing crying and said: "You are useless in other directions. Now only the road in the south is safe..."

Chen Xing: "I have an old star! It is safe to go anywhere!"

"Qin Jun is coming!" someone shouted.

"Siege!" And there were soldiers who shouted, and the bell in the hills of Shouyang City, "When----" sounded one after another, and the whole city suddenly became nervous.

The fire tank crossed the sky, flying over the curtain, and the city began to catch fire.

Xie An Lingji moved: "Don't let Chen Daren go! Everyone lives on him!"

Chen Xing: "??"

Wang Xizhi also remembered and said: "Yes! He is the old star!"

Chen Xing: "..."

Xie An: "Dow! Oh!"

Xie Daoyu came over and shouted: "Go! Everyone gets on the bus!"

The crowd then took Chen Xing, and they got into the car and rushed out of Shouyang. The night of the broken city in Fuyang, everything was like a repeat. Chen Xing was fixed in the middle of the carriage. A group of civil servants surrounded him. Each of them took Chen Xing’s side clothes corner. Xie Daoyu drove the car and sent a **** to Yi Yi. So he left Shouyang.

The man was almost finished, and Rong Rong was hardly resisted when he entered Shouyang. The black light was on fire, but he suffered a lot in front of the organs under Xie Xuanbu. After leaving the city, I heard a loud noise in the distance. The entire Shouyang Taishou House burned in the flames. It must have been to lure the enemy into the city, and then set fire to burn them.

I don't know if it was Chen Xing's role or Xie Dao's driving ability. The road to night was unexpectedly very smooth. The carriage didn't turn over and there was no ditch, and there was no Qin Jun who sneaked into the attack. Nearly ten miles. Just after an autumn rain, the roadside was full of mud. After the Shouyang garrison was evacuated, when the safe zone was reached, the public officials got off the bus, and they were dressed in white robes, kneeling in the mud, and worshipping in the direction of Shouyang. worship.

"Who are you worshipping?" Chen Xing wondered.

"The three princes who set fire to the Qin army together." Xie Daoqi replied.

Chen Xing and Xie Daoyu also got off the bus and bowed, and Yi and Xie Xuan said: "So, let's just stop here. Last night, I had already drunk at Mr. Chen's feast and no longer resigned."

Xie An and Wang Xizhi and a group of civil servants sat in the car and worshipped with Yi and Xie Xuan. Xie An said: "The DPRK was handed over to us."

Xie An and others still have major tasks. They must return to Jiankang to protect the emperor and carry out national mobilization. Faced with the next big battle that is likely to advance to the capital city. Chen Xing sat on the side of the carriage and saw that the sergeants had left, and he also jumped out of the car.

"Chen Xing!"


Chen Xing turned over the horse and sat behind the back and said, "Go!"

Then I turned back, the center light of the hand flashed, and I nodded, urging the horse and taking Chen Xing to Luo. At this time, the Beifu Army, the Shouyang Army, and the temporary militia were rushing to Surabaya from all directions.

The Jianjian Million Army came to the south and the north bank of Lishui. The world’s largest number of wars in history has begun.

In the past few months, the Wanli Jiangshan in the southern part of the country, but in the land of the Han Chinese, the farmers stopped farming, the servitude of the servants stopped, the merchants closed, the artists stopped working, the scholars abandoned the papers, the martial arts left the rivers and lakes, but those who have spare capacity, or I took the sword and rushed to the Chaohu area, or spared my family's wealth to support the front line.

Only the war is not a dispute between the two countries. If the Jiankang is broken, the Han people will be destroyed.

The blood of Yongjia’s chaos is still vivid, and this battle is a life and death.

Once Jiankang falls, the Han people will usher in the real -

The country is destroyed.

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