Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 89 Table of contents

Taiyuan four years, the first day of February, Fuyang.


Dungeon Dungeon Dungeon... Zhu Xu's voice seemed to form an echo in the ear. Chen Xing slammed the blindfold and turned back incredulously, seeing Zhu Xu's confused eyes.

"He is pretending!" the main book suddenly shouted excitedly, "Installed! Liar!"

Chen Xing turned and rushed into the depths of the dungeon. At the same time, a glowing butterfly flew out of the void, flapping its wings and plunging into the darkness.

Item, item? ! Are you there?

Chen Xingyu, almost wrestling, the butterfly is the first step to fly lightly into the darkness, disappear. Chen Xinglian crawled with a roll, a squatting ground, slipping past the past.

The item was motionless and lying on the ground, very quiet.

Chen Xing was in tears, shouting with excitement and clinging to the story.

Everyone: "..."

After a fragrant time.

The identity of Chen Xing in the provincial government has once again become a group. The people once again said that the boy’s intentions are not suspicious, and he must investigate it.

"The embarrassing documents issued by Xie An will not be fake, you let me..." Zhu Xusheng stopped abruptly, and whispered to himself: "How do I seem to have said exactly the same thing?"

Everyone feels that this scene has a sense of deja vu. After a brief doubt, the counselor said: "Adult, this boy must come for this death row, but pretend to be a ghost, and assume the identity of a so-called 'exorcist.' The origins are very embarrassing."

Zhu Xu was full of doubts and fell into meditation.

Assassination, room.

Chen Xing was holding the item. First, he was so excited that he couldn't help but cry. After a while, he laughed again. After he brought it back, he did nothing. He said that he was in his arms and cried and laughed.

It’s just a cry with the cousin.

Item: "..."

"How are you doing this?" Chen Xing was so sad that he remembered the Haizhu, which he saw in the last scene, and couldn't help but read the story, he whimpered, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Dinghaizhu is broken, the sky is windy, the law is resurrected, the causal rotation... In a short moment, Chen Xing remembers the countless scenes before the death of the two, and immediately guessed that they returned to the last three years!

"This time we will succeed!" Chen Xingchao said, "I will be able to! I will never leave you again! Xiang Shu!"

The subject closed his eyes and only briefly opened in the dungeon, and the reply was awake, and he fell into a coma. Although Chen Xing still did not understand the specific details at the last minute, perhaps because the item was dead, so Haizhu was broken, and in order to protect him, they were sent back to the past? It doesn't matter, it is not too late to ask after the restoration of the item, it must be that he has exhausted his body and changed his fate.

"Right," Chen Xing remembered, saying, "Get medicine first, you have to take medicine."

Chen Xing almost forgot. When he first saw the item, he was at the time of his death. The last medicinal prescription passed down from the teacher’s door gradually recovered. After taking the medicine, he still couldn’t speak for six hours.

Chen Xingyu took the medicine, fed the item, and touched his forehead, looking at the lips of the subject.

"This time I will not follow you," Chen Xing whispered. "Even if I ran to the ends of the earth, even if I am going to die tomorrow, you don't want to leave me."

Perhaps it is God's care, miracles happen, and it is back to the first day of their understanding. At this time, the item is too thin, so thin that Chen Xing is very distressed. He is both sad and happy, remembering the last item. It is also said that he held him in his arms and bowed his head and kissed him... The feelings in his heart suddenly became violent and uncontrollably erupted.

The chilly body gradually warmed up, and the lips became warm and restored to the blood.

Chen Xing holds Xiang Shu, a little bowed, can't help but want to marry him while he is still asleep, kiss his lips.

Just kiss it, Chen Xing said to himself in his heart, anyway, he did not wake up, he kissed.

But the item woke up and opened his eyes.

Item: "..."

The bedroom didn't close. Zhu Xu personally came to observe Chen Xing. He saw Chen Xingzheng holding a prisoner who had just been rescued from the death row and could not kiss him. He wanted to kiss him and was embarrassed to say it.

Zhu Xu: "..."

Chen Xing immediately coughed uncomfortably, obsessively observing Zhu Xu, Zhu Xu seems to have forgotten anything, or, when he returned to three years ago, remember that the whole thing passed by, only himself?

"Zhu Daren, I am having something to do," Chen Xing released the project, and came forward to close the door to catch people. "You will come back later. But I guess you will not be available later, see you later."

"Come on!" Zhu Xuan yelled, "Take this river swindler to me, shut it up and say it!"

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xing thought how this thing didn't come according to the previous situation, busy, "Listen to me! Go! I will explain now!"

However, the officers and men have broken into the door, framed Chen Xing, dragged him away, and dropped the item and lay alone on the couch.

Item: "........................"

"Tonight, the Qin army is going to attack the city!" Chen Xing was dragged to the ground and shouted, "Zhu Daren! When I sneaked into the sun, I spy on the important military situation! You listen to me!"

Zhu Xuan stopped and turned his head and looked at Chen Xing.

After another fragrant time, Chen Xing was on the high platform of the provincial government and said: "Listen to me, don't move the story, his identity is crucial."

On the high platform, there is a bird with a red body.

Zhu Xuan coldly said: "I know that you have a picture, say it, say a word wrong, teach you two people to land. Even if the city breaks tonight, I have to kill you first!"

The snow continued to stop, and Zhu Xu stood on the third floor of the Shishi Tower, overlooking the city of Xiangyang and facing the city.

Chen Xing took a deep breath, until now, I still can't believe that I really went back to the past, and I was so excited that I always felt that something was wrong, as if something was missing.

He is like being in a dream, laughing sometimes, sometimes dignified, but has no time to think about it, you must first solve the trouble in front of you.

"How do you say that?" Chen Xing wanted to come and say, "I still make a long story short, Zhu Xu adults, I don't want you to say, I am indeed an exorcist, come here, because of the three hundred years ago - ”

Speaking of this, Chen Xing suddenly remembered that it is still at the time of the return of the law? Still reborn? Is heaven and earth still alive? ! He feels it! Aura is flowing! Wanfa is born again!

Zhu Xu: "???"

Zhu Xu turned and looked at Chen Xing in a majestic manner, slowly pulling out the sword, and actually wanted to put him on the spot.

"Don't be excited!" Chen Xing immediately said, and constantly remembered, how did I fool him last time? Worse, for a moment too excited, forgot!

"Oh yes!" Chen Xing regained his face as a serious foreigner, saying, "Adult, do you believe that there are monsters and gods in the world? Do you believe that I have mana? Oh, I can't help it, I am so happy. Zhu Daren! For a long time, I haven't seen you! The law is resurrected! You are going to die in what you are doing! The wind and water are turning, finally I am sitting in Zhuang!!"

Chen Xing’s heart is so happy, I really don’t know who to share with, just want to take advantage of Zhu Xu to make a good one.

Zhu Xu: "........................"

Zhu Xu said with a roar: "Come-"

"I prove it to you!" Chen Xing took a deep breath and said, "If you don't believe it after reading it, I will be willing to let go."

Zhu Xu has been trembled by Chen Xing, but Chen Xing smiled seriously: "I know what you are doing today is to stabilize the military heart, and there is a light in your heart."

Zhu Xu suddenly changed his face, how do you feel that this is a bit like a deja vu? He looked at Chen Xing, and his heart gradually stabilized. He couldn't help but say: "Slow, I don't know why, suddenly I feel, as if we knew it before?"

Chen Xing immediately said: "This is right. Although you will surrender to the city later, I believe that you are still loyal to Dajin..."

When Zhu Xu heard this, he suddenly did not hit a place, and he said with anger: "The city of Xiangyang has not broken yet! Finally, the true face of the spy is revealed?!"

"No." Chen Xing rolled up his right hand sleeve and said, "Small? I will show you this..."

Said, Chen Xing raised his hand and said to Zhu Xucheng, "You, please, see."

Then Chen Xing Yun Jin, sacrificed the heart lamp.

At the time of the three-story high platform on the provincial government, under the abundant aura of the heavens and the earth, the heart lamp was uncontrollable and broke out with a big flash of openness.

Chen Xing and Zhu Xu also shouted at the same time.

Zhu Xu said madly: "My eyes -!"

Chen Xing screamed: "What happened! I am jealous!"

Zhu Xu: "Assassin! Come on! There are assassins!"

Chen Xing’s own reassurance of the lamp, what he followed, is that in the past three hundred years, when the method of returning to the law, the effect of the spellcasting and the enthusiasm of the spirit of the law have been exhausted, and when the aura is exhausted, it is necessary to make 50% of the strength, but did not expect to be in the aura. Under the action, the heart lamp suddenly increased, as if in the distance between the two faces, a silent lightning with dozens of times of intensity was opened, and the eyes were flashed at the same time, and suddenly suddenly lost sight.

Chen Xing's eyes are all white, and in the blink of an eye, it is dark, as if there are countless lights and shadows. The heart lamp flashed, and the flamingo outside the eaves flew away.

Under the shout of Zhu Xu, the counselor Cang Huang rushed up, holding a roster in his hand and shouted: "Adult! You are all right!"

Chen Xing: "Where is the assassin?! Grab the assassin!"

Zhu Xu thought that Chen Xing wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate himself and shouted assassin. Chen Xing thought that when he was blind, he came to the assassin. At one time, the two men went around, touched and touched them, and finally hugged them together.

After a while, the soldiers all came up and saw no assassins. Chen Xing and Zhu Xu also finally recovered their vision, looking around and gasping.

Zhu Xu was shocked and looked at Chen Xing. Chen Xing's dark road is really resurrected! Is it a bit too hard for yourself?

"So...this is the case." Chen Xing said, "I didn't lie to you, you see? I will be a spell."

Chen Xinggang raised his hand, and Zhu Xu suddenly horrified: "Stop! You are almost swayed by you! Your spell, what can this light do?"

Chen Xing replied: "Hey... it seems that you can't do anything. How can you resurrect, how can I still shine? Yes, fire! How can it not? Resent with the heart lamp?" Chen Xinglian hit a few fingers, meditation Five elements are not able to summon spells.

Chen Xing is now all in his mind, patiently said: "Forget it, hey, so you see, I am indeed an exorcist, come to me to protect my law, did not lie to you, now that I have found it, I will... ..."

Zhu Xu: "Will you help me with the law?"

Chen Xing: "I have to take him away, I am very busy, you continue to work hard, look back at Shouyang!"

"Wait!" Zhu Xu quickly chased Chen Xing and said, "Exorcist! I suddenly thought of a way. Later, you will stand on the tower for me, use this light to shake the enemy's eyes -"

"No time!" Chen Xing quickly returned to the room and shouted, "And the distance is so far, do you think it is useful? Zhu Daren? Others have attacked the city and you also help people to play lanterns! For fear that the enemy can not find the road in the night? ”

Zhu Xuyi also thinks that it can be used in a short distance. Once it is far away, it will be equal to lighting the enemy. Instead, it will be self-defeating and busy: "Then you will still..."

Chen Xing turned back and said: "I tell you something! They will come later! Fuyang can't keep it today! But Murong hangs them, after attacking the city, they will take the thorns as a stronghold here! You still Hurry up and arrange the ambush! Maybe you can turn things around..."

Zhu Xu was shocked, and at this moment, the outside shouted.

"Qin Jun attacked the city -!"

"The city is broken!"

Zhu Xu immediately refused to consider Chen Xing, and turned his head and ran to the main hall.

Murong Chui led the army to start the siege, and the fireball was like a meteor. Chen Xingchong went back to the bedroom and saw that the item was still lying on the bed. When he heard the sound, he tried to blink and looked at him.

"Hurry to escape." Chen Xing wrapped up the quilt and said, "Do not worry, let's escape."

Suddenly Chen Xing thought that there would be Jinjun troops coming in later... I had to pretend to hang. So quickly follow the situation, put the wrapped items into the bottom of the bed, drag the sheets and shake them into a strand, throw the beams, knot, and start hanging.

The item looked at Chen Xing from under the bed.

Item: "........................"

Chen Xinggang was halfway through, and the door broke. The Qin soldiers had already carried the sword and rushed in.

Chen Xing never imagined that it came so fast! Immediately confronting the Qin army soldiers, the soldier only thought that the reader was about to hang himself, and for a moment he did not know whether he should kill him.

How to do? In this stalemate, Chen Xing’s thoughts on electricity, how to do it? ! How am I so unlucky this time? ! It’s over, it’s not going to die here!

As if the soldier had raised the sword and the moment he rushed toward him, Chen Xing’s life was completely over in these circumstances.

Put it together, Chen Xing puts his heart in a hurry. In this short moment, he jumps over the short case and shouts and rushes to the Qin army soldier!

The soldiers suddenly caught off guard. Unexpectedly, the man who was still hanging up at the moment was mad at the next moment. The subconscious retireed backwards. Chen Xing held his waist and threw him to the ground and fell out!

Item: "..."

The soldier grabbed the sword and yelled at it. Chen Xing got up and climbed up, fearing that he found the item hidden in the bottom of the bed and shouted: "Come on me! Come and catch me!"

Then the oil was applied to the soles of the feet and ran away.

The soldier was taken away, and he was screaming, untied his bow and arrow, and began to shoot. Chen Xing only wanted to lead him to the main hall of the thorns. Zhu Xuruo had not left yet. Naturally someone killed him. He just ran across the corridor. See also the two Qin army soldiers rushing in anger, suddenly turned around and panicked to escape.

The Qin soldiers and the last two soldiers joined together. The three men came together to Chen Xing. Chen Xing’s heart had already jumped out and ran into the hallway. He suddenly turned around, smashed his hands, and greeted his heart and closed his eyes. .

"Look at the trick!" Chen Xing shouted.

It was also a big flash of earth-shattering. The three Qin troops suddenly screamed. Chen Xingxin thought that there was a way. Afterwards, he would escape by this, and quickly they were opened and went back to hold the story.

So Chen Xing went out, did not see the board car, roared: "The last board car? Ma??"

The item looked out from the bottom of the bed, only to see Chen Xing ran in from the outside of the hospital. When he was about to enter the door, the three Qin Juns rushed again.

Looking out from the sight area under the couch, the front door is an open door. The door is like a moving picture. The scene in the painting is: Chen Xing disappeared on the left, but it soon appeared again. The fence of the hook leaves that I didn't know where I came from, the left hand dangling, very nervous, I wanted to bring them closer and then raise my hand.

The three Qin army appeared on the right side, each holding a sword, not too close to Chen Xing, the two sides began to stalemate again.

Chen Xingxin wants to use the hedge to attack the head of the middle man, hook him over, and use the sword to stand on the neck as a hostage. Maybe it will be useful. When you release the heartlight later, you must remember to close your eyes...

The first Qin army apparently began to deal seriously with Chen Xing. It was not because he looked like a scholar, but he took it lightly and raised his hand. He was about to order it. When the three people were rushing up, the top of the wall suddenly appeared. A person, I saw that person was covered, shaking a long knife, turning around, white light flashing.

Chen Xing suddenly shouted!

Item: "!!!"

In the vision of the story, the blood splattered and Chen Xing slammed back. On the other side of the picture, a handsome knight who was wearing a bucket and was nine feet long appeared. Three Qin soldiers fell down at the same time.

The chivalrous man took off the fight and looked at Chen Xing.

"Feng big brother!" Chen Xing jumped up, hugged Feng Qianxi, riding on his body.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Feng Qianxi said, "I heard you mention it, this day you are in Fuyang, Tianchi, Tianchi!!"

Feng Qiang hugged Chen Xing and tried to smother him. The two men cried and laughed for a moment.

It was simply crying with Feng Qianxi.

Item: ".................."

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