Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 91 Table of contents


"Demon King, what is your name?" Chen Xing asked with expectation, "How do you call you?"

Phoenix is ​​black with a handsome and perfect face, completely do not want to take care of Chen Xing.

Feng Qianxi spent money from Xifeng Qianzhuang, a local city in Maicheng, and changed his clothes to Chen Xing. He also gave the dog a suede. In the clothing store, Chen Xing changed clothes and talked with Phoenix.

Phoenix looked at it and just wanted to slap him to the horizon.

Chen Xing said: "You should have no name now? Phoenix has been born again for a hundred years, and after a thousand years of reincarnation, after the fire has been reborn for ten times, it is a new self."

In the past, although the law was lost, the stars, characteristics, etc. of the world's monsters, Chen Xing still seriously studied. Fortunately, when the story was read, it would be tricky now.

Once the world monsters were banned in the 100,000 mountains of Nanzhao, as the aura disappeared, the barriers were lifted, and the monsters dispersed to the world, but they also lost their mana.

In time, it is hoped that in the next ten or twenty years, the monsters in this world will slowly increase, and the exorcism division that deals with monsters will always have to be rebuilt.

Chen Xing changed clothes, held the dog out of the clothing store, stood in the bright sunshine on the streets of Maicheng, remembered the appearance of the phoenix, did not say the name when introducing himself. This time the reincarnation should be anonymous, so he said: "If you don't disappoint, How about giving me a name?"

Phoenix: "..."

"When you re-live the world, the light is re-emerged between heaven and earth," Chen Xingcheng said slyly. "Aura is full, um... heavy, present, bright! I will ask you to do..."

The phoenix brow slightly screwed up.

"Daylight? Or Xiaoliang? Or is it bright? A Liang? Bright?"

Phoenix: ".............................."

"It's too hard to hear!" In an instant, the phoenix returned to God. "No! Absolutely not!"

Chen Xing knows that the name has a very important meaning for the monster, and the Yaozu must also identify the person when he is practicing the Dacheng, in order to successfully complete the final step of cultivation. For example, a snake is cultivated into a skeleton. In the end, someone who is the spirit of all things must point to it and say "Wow! Oh!" At this time, it can really be born out of the way, and the clouds will go away.

This process is called "sealing", and the demon that is sealed is still without a name. If you can get the name of the human race, it is a further jump. Since ancient times, only the gods, people, and dragons in the land of China have the power to name everything. Chen Xing knew that this phoenix should not resist being named by himself, so he looked at him temptedly.

Sure enough, the Phoenix did not resist, but it showed violentness to the name.

“Re-bright? Re-bright?” Chen Xing said, “Heavy? Bright? You choose one yourself?”

The phoenix wants to speak, but wants to say it. Chen Xing knows that even if he is a phoenix, he has no right to choose. He can only listen to himself. After all, what humans call him, what is he.

"No need!" said Phoenix, who said, "Who is the world's demon, who dares to call the name of the lonely king?"

"Heavy Ming." Chen Xing said with a smile. "Let's do it, make do with it."

So the phoenix got the new name in this millennium, barely okay.

“Well?” Feng Qianxi rushed over and said, “The eyeliner is arranged. After half an hour, the brothers should go to Dongzhe Qianzhuang and eat the cake.”

Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi walked through the downtown area and turned back: "Heavy Ming? Where are you?"

The phoenix has disappeared. Chen Xing looked around and saw a golden red bird on the eaves. He knew that he didn't want to deal with mortals too much. Maybe he got a new name and was stealing music, so he didn't care.

"What should I do next?" Chen Xing asked Feng Qianxi.

Feng Qianxi was also very embarrassed. The two men hid in the alley and ate the cake. They said, "I only think that I can't lose him. If he doesn't appear at this time, he will have to go to Longzhongshan to block him later. But block him. What should I do? He will listen to us and say it?"

Chen Xing indicated that Feng Qianxi should not be anxious and said: "I have a way. If you can't think of it for a while, listen to my plan first."

Feng Qianxi nodded, Chen Xing thought and thought, and said with caution: "Removing the prince night is the biggest goal in the near future, and then it is Chiyou. This time we have the biggest advantage, in addition to mana, there is a crucial point. It’s the prince’s night in the dark, we’re in the Ming. When I went to Chang’an last time, I was counted by him. This time I’m not going to show the stuffing, I have to hide.”

Feng Qianxi: "It’s right for the right! The brothers’ last scheduled plan is good.”

Chen Xing: "So I have to reconfirm the story, let me come."

Feng Qianxi: "Only you can do it."

Chen Xing nodded: "It’s the same as we used to, go up Chang'an, this time I know where Yin and Yang are, throw it out, get it like a mountain... Hey! You! Wait! Please stay! Mrs! It's you I remember you! Come on! Stop! Let me get on the bus and give your lord a shot, and I will be sure soon..."

Chen Xing saw a car passing by and quickly ran out. The car was the one who was fainted when he came to Maicheng last time.

"I will show you the lord," Chen Xing said enthusiastically. "Is it faint?"

"Go away!" The driver said, "I am looking for a doctor!"

"Don't care about the rivers and lakes liar!" The wife said, "Go to the medical hall, go quickly!"

The old lady said: "It’s not easy to see a little poor, you give me some money."

"Mother! This world, everyone has it. This guy is slick, it is not a good person at first glance!"

The carriage did not stop, and Chen Xing was a good heart as a liver and lungs. The driver lifted the whip to smoke him. Feng Qiang was furious and came up to pull Chen Xing. The two men retreated to the side of the road and the family left.

Chen Xing: "..."

Feng Qianxi: "If you forget it, don't worry about it, keep talking. Then what? Yin Yang Jian?"

Chen Xing had to give up, retired, thought about it, and said: "Get the picture hidden in the mirror, hand it to the story, then go to Yulechuan and save Lu Ying."

"There is still a soul clock." Feng Qianxi said, "Either go south to Jiankang, get the soul clock and say it again? From here to the Kuaiji, it will not be more than five days."

Chen Xingguo cut off: "The soul clock can wait, Yin Yang Jian can not wait, let alone we go to the Jiji, Xiang Shuo ran."

The hometown is close at hand. In fact, Feng Qianxi had met Chen Xing last time. He just came from Jiankang and took a shortcut. He heard that he had to give up and nod.

"The soul of the soul can't be rushed at the end." Chen Xing said, "After taking the soul clock, we can bury the prince's night, kill him completely according to the original plan, then go to the drowning water, and dig out the shovel from the ground. At that time, we have deer gods, phoenixes, and magic weapons, plus Xie An..."

Feng Qianxi nodded: "This plan sounds quite smooth, but the hardest step is you should know."

Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi looked at each other and knew each other. The most difficult thing is that the subject should listen to the command.

The most important thing is that this guy is the one who doesn't listen to the command and is the easiest to get out. Moreover, the last time, he did not even know how to find Chiyou! I only know the inexplicable item and went to find Chiyou. The inexplicable magical palace appeared. The inexplicable item became Dinghaizhu, and then I stabbed myself with an arrow, and also poked the whole family of Devils by the way...

"Come here!" Feng Qianxi immediately stopped Chen Xing behind.

"Robbery!" a passerby shouted, "Catch the money!"

"Give it to me." Chen Xingdao, "You just need to draw his attention! On!"

The item carries a bag of gold and comes out of Dongzhe Qianzhuang. Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing immediately ran out of the alley, Feng Qianxi said: "Please stay in the strong man! I have a word to say!"

Then, the item was shaken, and it was raining.

Feng Qianxi escaped from hiding, Chen Xing went around the story, and the two men wrapped up. Chen Xing rushed up and hugged the thigh of the story.

Item: "!!!"

The story turned to leave, Chen Xing did not hold his thigh, Xiang Shu suddenly lifted his leg, Chen Xing hugged his leg and said: "You listen to me... Item, don't run! Your legs Really long!"

The officers and men came and led the team to anger: "Give me all the way!"

Xiang Shu took advantage of Chen Xing's collar, but Chen Xing did not know where the strength of the effort came and died. The situation was critical. The story did not have time to pull with him. He had to turn and drag him to run in the alley.

Feng Qianxi shouted: "Don't let the arrow! We are brave!"

Item: ".............................."

"Let go!" The item finally angered.

Chen Xing, holding the legs of Xiang Shu, was dragged into the lane all the way. After Feng Qianxi gave the two men a break, the three men bypassed the alley and began to escape. Chen Xing was almost smashed by the story, and quickly took the opportunity to climb up and climb, and accidentally encountered something that was hard and hard.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Item: ".................."

The item was dressed in thin silk trousers, and Chen Xing was holding a leg. The trousers were almost smashed down. The dog ran from the side and bite his trouser legs, but he could not help him. When he was about to hit, Pingqian Jun has caught up, loudly: "This is your plan it seems useless ah?!"

When I saw Feng Qianxi, I knew that this guy was a martial artist. He couldn’t take a heavy hand against Chen Xing. Feng Qianxi didn’t necessarily have it. He immediately hung Chen Xing on his leg and turned suddenly to open the fighting position. Feng Qianxi was subconsciously hiding, but Chen Xing climbed up again, hugged the shoulders of the article, wrapped him from behind, and said three words: "Keira! Are you looking for Keelah?"

As soon as the item is described, stop the action.

After a fragrant time, outside the city.

Chen Xing went to pull the hand of Xiang Shu, but Xu Shu frowned.

“Say,” Xiang said coldly. “Who are you guys?!”

Finally, I can talk to the project well, Chen Xing wiped the sweat, and I couldn’t help thinking about it. He didn’t know the story at all, but now I don’t know much about it, but at least I know something. Pulling, the incarnation of the prince’s night, is an important clue that has been pursued since the beginning of the story. As a big single, he left the Yulechuan and came to the south, all for the prince night.

"Exorcist." Chen Xing said, "About our origins, I will explain to you later. Feng Da Ge, how much time?"

Feng Qianxi looked at the sky and said: "Now, I should go to Longzhongshan in the afternoon."

When they wereted a lot of time in Maicheng, they were well-off. Chen Xing nodded: "Our purpose is to trace him."

The expression of the item instantly became serious and said: "Sure enough, who is he? Where? What is it?"

Chen Xingben wanted to tell him the true identity of the prince's night, but his heart was "squeaky". If it was said to be worn, what should Xiang said to run back to Chang'an to avenge it? I can't shake the whole thing and shake it all over, so I changed my mind: "We found some clues about him. Maybe he is in Longzhongshan at the moment, let's take a look with us? Let's talk while walking."

Feng Qianxi immediately cast an eye for appreciation, so that the item should not run again.

The story is dubious, but the other party has said the name of Keela, presumably knowing something inside.

He was silent for a moment and turned over. Chen Xing looked back and saw no phoenix, but it must have been chased. Feng Qianxi said: "I am going to prepare something, and I don't know when I will be ready."

Feng Qianxi gave them a chance to get along with each other. The article looked to the north, the spring breeze, and the plains were ridiculous. Chen Xing was on the side of the horse, and he couldn’t help but look at him. Xiang Shu’s foot was on the stables and unconsciously moved. Chen Xing’s gaze moved from him to his lap and remembered when he was holding his thigh. .

At first he was really thin, Chen Xing thought, fortunately took the medicine.

The item seems to be thinking, unintentionally, the eye of the eye, seeing Chen Xing, his eyes are also moved to his thigh, after Chen Xingzhong’s arrow, the leg is bandaged before he hangs on the subject and drags a little, and a little blood seeps. It hurts a bit, and the brow is slightly twisted.

"Why are you looking for him?" Xiang said suddenly.

"He is a monster," Chen Xing said. "It can drive resentment and resurrect the dead. I must get rid of him."

The eyebrows were wrinkled, but they were silent, and finally said, "Why save me?"

Chen Xingxin read the electricity, gave up the requirements of protecting the law, knowing that this time to say anything else, will only let the newly established and fragile trust collapse again, so quickly arranged the rhetoric.

"We have been looking for him for a long time... According to his escape route, I guess you may have seen him, so... well, come to Xiangyang to find you."

The story "Hm" sounded, and looked at Chen Xing with some suspicion. There seems to be a lot of words to ask, but I accepted this statement for the time being.

Chen Xing’s heart in the air finally faded down. He knew that the story must be very, very doubtful, but after the last time they got along, he gradually understood the story. It is not difficult to let him believe in himself again. But... will he still like me? Chen Xing was a bit embarrassed, remembering the bracelet before the separation, and even a little doubt whether the story really liked himself, and was a little sad for a while.

The item is in the eye and asks: "Do you also have a hatred with Keela?"

Chen Xingben wanted to say "no", but when he thought about it, he nodded and replied: "Yes, he...has lost a lot of very important people."

Feng Qianxi came back with the food and the wine, and with a look of inquiries in his eyes, Chen Xing indicated that everything went smoothly. Feng Qianxi said: "I lead the way." Going to the front, let Chen Xing seize the time and get the subject up as soon as possible. Fascinated.

When the trio started, Feng Qianxi went to the forefront, but the story fell behind and walked alongside Chen Xing.

Item: "At first I didn't know your identity. Why didn't you tell me about Keella? What is the exorcist?"

Chen Xing said: "Yes... um..."

Said, Chen Xing was a little bit painful. Suddenly, the eyebrows wrinkled and the arrow on the thigh was not good, but it was even more exaggerated.

"Except for the demon...the profession." Chen Xingchao said, "It sounds weird."

The item skeptically said: "You were like a madman last night."

Chen Xing: "Because...hey, it hurts a bit, ride slowly..."

Chen Xing began to install, and the item had to slow down and look at his injury.

"You will not martial arts." Xiang said.

Chen Xing: "Yes, the shoulders can't be shackled, and the hands can't be mentioned."

Item: "How did you get into Fuyang?"

Chen Xingxin thinks you can't see me hurting? ! I began to frown again, and my body leaned slightly toward the side of the story, saying, "Oh... it hurts... Hey? How does Feng Big Brother run so fast, and there is no shadow in a blink of an eye..."

The item only has to say: "Forget it, I will take you, so that it will go down to the mountains before dark."

Chen Xing said: "How is this so interesting? It is too much trouble for you."

The story showed a little impatient look, Chen Xingdao: "Thank you." He climbed over and sat behind the item, holding his waist tightly, leaning against his back, feeling his body warm.

The dog saw Chen Xing change places, and thought that he would not want to be himself, and he was anxious.

The item was remembered, and I immediately looked at it. Chen Xing explained: "Sorry, it is the same name as you... I didn't find it. This is the dog I went to on the road to Xiangyang, and I started at first. I met it under the 'Oak Tree', so I called it 'Oak Tree', not intentional..."

"I have done it!" said the article impatiently, "Give it a name!"

Chen Xing smiled behind the story: "So, do you give it one?"

Item: "It won't be named."

Chen Xing did not speak. After a while, the dog gradually quieted down. Xiang Shi said to himself: "You really have no martial arts at all." With the ability to describe the other person, whether the other person is practicing martial arts can be seen at a glance. On the way, his most amazing thing is this.

Chen Xing: "Yes, how?"

Item: "You are not a Puyang, how to enter the city?"

When the item was escorted into Fuyang, Qi Jian had sent troops to the city. It was an incredible thing that a young boy with no hand-binding power could sneak into the city surrounded by ten in the most critical time.

Chen Xing had to be honest: "By luck, my luck has always been good."

The item ridiculed: "Is luck still hit by the arrow?"

Chen Xing: "Suddenly I don't know why I started to be unlucky."

Item: "What are you doing in Xiangyang?"

Chen Xing said: "Look for you."

The item did not speak, and Chen Xing’s heart was full of enthusiasm, and was taken by the story to ride through the Longzhongshan Road outside the spring breeze.

Suddenly the item asked: "Find me, how do you take me away? You never thought about it?"

"Ah," Chen Xing said, "Feng Big Brother will help me."

Item: "You are not a long time to reunite? How do you know that he will arrive at a critical time? You obviously don't think clearly, otherwise you will not be surprised."

Chen Xing: "..."

The observational power is extremely sharp. From the performance of Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi, it is quickly inferred that the two men have been separated for a long time. Chen Xing cannot be brought into Fuyang by Feng Qiang. It may have been missing for several months or even several years. That is to say, the boy was alone, entered the city of Xiangyang, and tried to deceive Zhu Xu to release himself, and then he would take him out of the city.

Fortunately, Feng Qiang has come, otherwise, this young boy alone, when he falls in Fuyang, must bring his inoperable self out of the city, which is tantamount to death.

But knowing that he must die, but also to save him, what is this person thinking?

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