Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 101 Table of contents

On the night of the late summer and early autumn, the stars outside the Great Wall are in harmony with the Tianmai, and they are turned into vast expanses of the Milky Way.

Everywhere the campfires are camped on the ground.

Chen Xing looked at the map and gave it to himself. The last time he arrived in Fulechuan was before the Qiuqiu Festival. At the speed of the moment, he could go to Yulechuan in the fall. Then go to Hara and Lin, go to Caro, and think about it once and for all, and catch up with the autumn festival in Muller.

Next to the campfire in front of him, a simple open-air king account was set up. The item was sitting on a stone covered with a blanket, facing the furnace boiling water, cutting the ginseng with a small dagger, and the warmth of the tea was filled. .

The puppy squatted at Chen Xing's feet and was asleep. Xiao Shan slept in the tent and pillowed on Chen Xing's thigh.

Since seeing Chen Xing, Xiao Shan has taken it with him for granted. The story began to feel that the child was sticky, but he didn't want to marry him. His mood was vaguely contradictory. He wanted to let him go far, but Xiaoshan used to call a few "brothers", so I don't know why. Not up.

On the third night after leaving Chang'an, under the Great Wall:

Murong Chong and Qinghe Princess came. The item will indicate that he is drinking tea. Not a moment, there were a few more people outside, but Xie An and Feng Qianxi, and Feng Qianxi, who was held by Feng Qianxi.

Murong Chong: "The four seas are all big singles..."

“Listen to the annoyance,” Xiang said, interrupting. “Open the door and see the mountain, don’t worry.”

Princess Qinghe laughed.

"We have discussed it," Feng Qianxi had to say. "Next, it is still decided to split the two."

Chen Xing looked up at Xie An. Xie An’s face was dignified and nodded. He said, “It’s not good to leave Jiankang for a long time. If you see nothing, you can rest assured.”

Chen Xing knew that Xie An had to go back, so he indulged for a moment and nodded: "Is Brother Xie alone?"

Xiang Shu looked at Xie An, Xie An said: "I intend to go south with thousands of miles, and thousands of people still follow you."

The item did not say anything, Chen Xing nodded and said: "Xin Yuping and Wen Che, they are troublesome brothers."

Princess Qinghe took the tea and held the silver cup in both hands. After a moment, he said softly, "Thank you, thank you, big single."

The item did not speak, just a little bit, and I knew.

Feng Qianxi did not dare to look at Chen Xing's eyes. He was put down by his brother and fell on the ground. He worshipped Chen Xing and Xiang Shuyu three heads.

Xiang Shu is looking at the bonfire, and the horns hang down with the fine lines of the gold thread, and the handsome face makes Chen Xing unable to open his eyes.

"Also Lothar." Xiang said faintly, "You Han people have a saying that Daen does not say thank you, don't worry, go back and re-do, go."

Chen Xingchao Feng Qianxi said: "Yu Jian will eventually fight with Dajin. For the day, prepare well."

Feng Qianxi nodded, and Feng Qianxi went out with his brother.

Qinghe Princess smiled and said: "That... I will not bow down to you, big single, in my heart, you have always been like a brother."

"With you." The item is casual, "Murong Chong?"

Murong Chong was a bit restrained. He didn't seem to want to wait in front of the story. He frowned and looked at Chen Xing's eyes. Then he read the story. "Well," and "Yes."

Chen Xing knew that Murong had a temper, and he wouldn’t give a good face on weekdays. He said that he saved the life of Qinghe Princess, and he had to swallow his voice and bend his head.

"Do you want to fight against the shackles?" Xiang Shu raised his eyes and looked at Murong Chong.

"I don't know." Murong sighed and replied, "You have to go back to Pingyang first, then look at it."

"The head will not kill you," Xiang said casually. "Now he has sent you a letter, and maybe the messenger is faster than you."

Murong Chong's brow wrinkled, and he was most reluctant to mention more of his relationship with Brigantine. He said the truth is also true.

After Feng Qianxi sent his brother out, he came in again. Obviously, he wanted to wait for them to explain, and he still wanted to say something.

Xiang Shu looked at Chen Xing and said, "You decide."

Chen Xing knew that the decision made by him to him was that he had told Xiang Shu that after arriving in Muller, there was still a lot to do, and that it involved the re-emergence of Zhou Wei, with the Qinghe Princess, will it increase? trouble?

Chen Xing looked at Feng Qianxi again and said: "Feng Big Brother decided."

Item: "?"

Feng Qianxi was silent, and after a while, Princess Qinghe gently asked: "Millennium?"

Feng Qianxi did not see the river princess, and finally decided to say: "You and your brother return to Pingyang, he can protect you."

Qinghe Princess smiled and nodded, and got up and left with Murong Chong.

Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing looked at each other. The story seemed to have heard something. Looking up and looking at the direction of the Qinghe Princess, she seemed to have some understanding and nodded.

"Do you think about it?" Chen Xing said, "So, don't see it in a few years."

"Yeah." Feng Qianxi nodded.

"What do you think?" Xiang Shuchao asked Chen Xing.

Chen Xing suddenly thought of one thing and said: "Yes, Xiang Shu, can you marry?"

Chen Xingsheng had the idea of ​​gloating, and he had the power to give marriage. Is there a story?

"The big single is in the management of life and death." Xiang said, "I have never said anything about my family's affairs. I can't give a marriage. I like to go on my own and open my mouth."

“No, no,” Feng said. “I have someone I like in my heart, thank you!”

Chen Xingben thought that Feng Qianxi couldn't afford the courage to confess to the Qinghe Princess. I didn't expect him to choose Gu Qing, who was still in Jiangnan, and he was moved a little.

“We have a festival in the League of Legends, called Qiuqiu Festival, and there is an event on the Qiuqiu Festival,” Xiang said. “You can go to someone you like...”

"She is in Jiangnan." Feng Qianxi said, "If there is a chance in the coming days, I would like to take her outside the country. This time... forget it."

"You don't seem to know it yet," Chen Xing said. "Excuse me to mention that if she doesn't like you, you are not finished?"

Feng Qianxi suddenly smiled and said: "Then I moved to the next door of the pharmacy. Occasionally, she looked at her medicine in the pharmacy every day. It is good to say a few words to her."

Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing said that Gu Qing, Xiang Shuo heard inexplicably, this time Xie An also came.

"Okay," Xie An said with a sigh of relief. "Some things have to be discussed clearly, and you can safely set off tomorrow."

In these three days, everyone thinks of the same problem: if they are not moved, they will be robbed, and the corpse will run away. What should be done next?

Xiaoshan is still asleep, Chen Xing said: "The item can't be moved, and it rejects him. It has been reviled by grievances."

This is also a very doubtful question, and finally can not help but say: "Why is that that is my thing? Can you give me a clear statement?"

Chen Xing had to explain: "The original form of the gods is an epee, which we want to use for you."

Xiang said: "So? How about this?"

Chen Xingdao: "It is only the legend that it can kill Chiyou. How did it go to the corpse of Hai?" When I thought about this, the joy of reunion was suddenly diluted, and I couldn’t help but mad: "Ah! How do you do it! Everything!" Come back, how is it still so troublesome?"

"What is coming back?"

Xie An and Feng Qianxi watched the expressions of the expressions, fearing them, fearing that they would talk as they used to, and suddenly they quarreled, but Xie An also found out. This time, the temper of Xiang Shu seems to be better, and Chen Xing also Patience a lot.

Chen Xing drank a cup of tea, irritated and said: "In short, you have to get it to get the job, the sword is your important weapon for protecting the law."

The item said: "I have to say that I have to use this sword. Can I not fight without it?"

Chen Xing: "To deal with Chiyou, it is useless to use empty gloves and white wolves alone."

"It is an empty hand into the white blade." The story is not pleasing.

Chen Xing also lost patience: "I don't care, I just want it!"

Item: "..."

"Well, you two don't quarrel!" Xie An and Feng Qianxi finally waited until the time to say this.

Chen Xing suddenly discovered that sometimes it is more useful than not to reason, as it is now, the item is not noisy, so the question is transformed from "I want this sword to save the world but the sword is gone". "Chen Xing is to have this sword must find a way to get it", while the latter is obviously more important than the former, and the direction of thinking of the item is changed from "rationality of the problem" to "how to solve the problem".

“There is something to say,” Xie An gestured. “How old is this? Is it useful?”

Chen Xing: "Useful. Do you think he is not trying to find a solution?"

Feng Qianxi: "..."

Xie An patiently said: "Now the corpse has a magic spear and fled to the northwest. Can it be intercepted?"

At that time, everyone saw it, and Jiuhai was running without a trace with five kings and a weapon. Xie An added: "Liangzhou is a place where we can't help it. We can only resort to the big single, and send out the scout to search for the whereabouts of the corpse. The most important thing is still not moving."

Chen Xing frowned: "I can't find the whereabouts, where is he going to escape? I always thought that the corpse would run south."

Xie An's hand, Xiang Shu is still thinking. Feng Qianxi said: "Either I will take a trip and investigate the situation in the northwest."

Previously, Feng Qianxi and Xie An were so negotiable. At this time, Xiang Shu suddenly said seriously to Chen Xing: "Well, no matter what the gods are, now they are taken away by the enemy, we can no longer forge." ?"

Chen Xing: "Ah?"

The story instantly awakened the dreamer, and the three men looked at each other. Chen Xing said: "Yes."

Xie An said: "This is not to say that forging can be forged, and to protect the law."

The item says: "Whether someone has made it, we can do it naturally."

Xie An thought for a moment and said, "The material is known, but it is too difficult to obtain."

Item: "Looking for it."

Chen Xing was originally full of despair. If he couldn’t find the corpse, he couldn’t get the magic spear. If he couldn’t get the magic spear, he couldn’t purify it. How can he restore it to be inactive? It’s extremely difficult to say. . But the item is right, maybe you can still forge it.

Xie An thought for a while and said: "It seems to be such a way. So, I have to go back to the meeting as soon as possible and find all the records that are not moving."

Chen Xing’s heart was “squeaky” and he was afraid that Xie An would say “Huiji Xiangjia”, but Xie’an’s ten years of officialdom has already become a human being. If you don’t say anything, don’t say it, think of it here. Xie An said again: "I hope there is hope, I will go back and see, there is news to inform you immediately. But if there is no difference, after solving the car accident, you have to go down to Jiangnan, then you will run into it."

So Xie An got up and Feng Qiang said again: "I will go on the road tomorrow, go to Liangzhou in the northwest, investigate the movement of the corpse, and don't come to bid farewell."

After the crowds dispersed, Chen Xing drank the tea, and could only sleep over and over again, and couldn’t help but steal the other item in the tent. Sometimes Chen Xing is always very curious. There are so few words every day. What are you thinking about? Just like now, he is thinking about the people of Lechuan, still want to corpse, Chiyou?

Is it in the depths of his heart, and occasionally remember many pieces? He clearly told him that in the moment of the resurrection of Wanfa and the retrospect of the tide, Xiao Ji sent the memories of the three years to the memory of the three years, only because of the residual force in the body and the entanglement with the soul. The role is suppressed.

But occasionally Chen Xing will see the expression of doubts. It seems that when they have experienced some things they have experienced together, they will be immersed in the chaotic memories.

To this end, Chen Xing also specifically looked for opportunities to discuss with Xie An and Feng Qianxi in private. The opinions of everyone are the same - since there is a possibility to think of it, he will leave it to him to think about it, and do not force him to remind him not to be self-defeating. However, Chen Xing sometimes felt that the expression of some slightly annoyed emotions was due to the strange confusion between the present and the past.

The item never asked, once asked, maybe Chen Xingzhen could not help but tell him.

Chen Xing slowly got up in the darkness and couldn't sleep. So he went out and went to the lake outside the camp. He looked at the stars reflected in the lake and frowned.

The corpse has taken away the sword and the mountain is not moving. The strength is stronger than the last time, but the power of the heart lamp has become stronger. Will the number of ways to deal with him be effective again? There is no yin and yang in this time. Maybe you can design a new enchantment, trap him in it, and then use the hurricane of light to blow away the grievances that corpse gathered on the body, and take away his soul with the soul of the soul.

As long as the corpse is in vain, recycling the magic spear, maybe you can find a way to let it slowly return to its original state, and then take this squadron to meet Chiyou. But first you have to find the soul clock... Xie An back to Jiankang, the most important purpose is to find this magic weapon.

"Exorcist." A voice rang on the other side of the lake.

Chen Xing Yi Yi, looked up, actually did not notice the night of the silence, there are still people on the lake.

The figure appeared from the darkness, but it was a black robe and Murong Chong under the tree.

"Murong Chong?" Chen Xing was a little surprised. "Can't sleep?"

Murong Chong took a few steps away and silently stared at Chen Xing. Chen Xing smiled at him and said, "I will go back tomorrow. What do you think?"

Murong Chong did not answer, but revealed a doubtful expression, murmured: "This is the first time you and I talked, but why do you always feel a sense of familiarity? Let's know before?"

Chen Xing hesitated for a moment, then smiled: "You can treat this as a fate, isn't it?"

Murong Chong was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "I have dreamt of you."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xing’s heart sighed, and Murong Chong said, “Exorcist, will you solve your dreams?”

"I..." Chen Xingyu said for a long time, "Do you dream what I am doing?"

Murong Chong looked across the lake and said, "I have dreamt of seeing a big river more than once. I am at the river with you... just like now."

Chen Xing remembered the night before the reunion of Wanfa, when he left, when he and Murong Chong stood on the bank of Surabaya.

“They said,” Murong Chong whispered. “The river appears in a dream, foreshadowing life and death.”

"What is the other side of the river?" Chen Xing asked again.

"Army," Murong Chong said, "The army that can't see the head at first sight is all Qin Jun. At that time, you are still a stranger to me, you have light in your hand, and you have crossed the river. Take a sword and follow you behind you to kill you."

Chen Xing understands that this must be the battle of drowning. It seems that even if the time goes back, all the people are more or less retaining some related memories. When they remember that Murong Chong was separated from him that day, they disappeared. Chen Xing was busy with the rescue of the item, but it was innocent.

"Later?" Chen Xing could not help but ask.

"Later," Murong Chong looked at the reflection of himself and Chen Xing in the lake, and said with ecstasy, "Someone shouted 'Qin Jun defeated' in the back, and they trampled on themselves. I killed Yu Rong with a sword. I rushed through the banned defense, and I didn’t know why, but I was not there. I’m going to take a face with me, but I didn’t think I would come.”

Chen Xing asked: "So you killed him?"

Murong Chong silent for a moment, and finally said: "Yes, I stabbed his throat into a sword and didn't want to listen to him nonsense again."

"In that long night," Murong Chong said, "The soldiers were riddled with horses, and the soldiers fled and died. On the other side of the river, my place, there are Han Chinese who have fallen to the sea, killing them... I am sitting on the battlefield. The central, standing next to his body. There was a lot of blood in his throat, and the surrounding land was reddened. He widened his eyes and seemed to beg for mercy, but he could not say a word."

Chen Xing Duan looked at Murong Chong, and suddenly saw Murong Chong’s face showing an inconspicuous water mark. At this moment, he should not go too far and slowly said: "He didn't speak, but I know what he wants to say, it must be 'Phoenix, Phoenix. Child... I really like you... '."

"I always thought that when that moment came, my heart would only have hate." Murong Chong whispered. "On the day before crossing the river, I recalled many things completely, he was to my sister, to me. The crimes that have been committed, the people who have been slaughtered by him, and the time when he was held by him, I feel the shudder of anytime and anywhere... just like the shadows in the deep palace, they are everywhere. Even hear his footsteps. , I can evoke my memories."

"I don't know why," Murong rushed his head and looked at Chen Xing. He said, "The moment he died, I was calm. And the direction you left, slowly lit up a light, like the sun. The battlefield has risen, surrounded by white ashes, like a snow, and the passage of time seems to have stopped. Only the light and snow will never stop underground..."

"...I reminded me of the slogan that the law will take over the big singles in that year," Murong Chong whispered. "There is also the same snow in the north of the country." Yan Jian took me north, and said to the law, everywhere They are all people, but I am standing in the crowd, no one knows, of course, no one wants to know."

Murong Chong looked sideways at Chen Xing and whispered: "When Jian Jian and the law are drinking alcohol, seeing me still in the corner, I will say, 'Go, take you to ski,' so he Carrying the shield and taking me to the yin mountain."

Chen Xing laughed and said, "Is skiing? I have played."

"Yeah." Murong Chong faintly said, "Who do you play with? Like the Han people's autumn society, they live with each other for a lifetime; the Tiel people also have a custom. If the autumn snows, the samurai will With a shield, he invites his beloved to go skiing in the mountains."

Chen Xing is hard to set the channel: "Is that the case?"

"...sliding for the first time," Murong nodded, muttering. "I meant to tell him ‘I like you.’ The second time, the right to agree to the other.”

"Further, if the sweetheart proposes to slide together for the third time, it is to let the Yinshan Mountains testify, let the snow fall on the head, and meet the old man."

Chen Xing: ".............................."

Murong Chong looked at Chen Xing and said: "Standing on the battlefield where the light and snow fell, I don't know why. I remembered that day, until I woke up, I still remember clearly and linger."

The two were silent for a while, Chen Xing had been opened, and Murong Chong said: "They said that you are an exorcist, a person who has to peek into the heavens. Can you tell me what this dream shows?"

Chen Xing returned to God and asked: "If this dream comes true, will you still stab the sword and take his life?"

Murong Chong replied: "Of course."

Chen Xing is a hand, which means that this is not over? Why bother?

Murong Chong thought, but shook his head and turned away from the lake. Chen Xing reached out and held Murong Chong's wrist. The heart lamp suddenly poured into Murong Chong, and suddenly there was a shock in the three souls and seven scorpions of Murong Chong. The tide was generally rolled up. Chen Xing felt the depths of Murong Chong's heart. A little black fire was simmering. It was invisible under the illumination of the heart lamp, and then was expelled.

"Don't be afraid." Chen Xing whispered, "I understand."

Chen Xing took Murong to himself, and reached out and gently hugged him. Murong rushed out of his exhaustion and did not say anything. He turned and left, but Chen Xing stood still on the lake.

On the following day, several people parted ways and went on their own. Qinghe Princess with Murong rushed back to Pingyang, Xiang Shu with Chen Xing, Xiaoshan Shangyu Lechuan. Feng Qiang changed his way to the northwest along the Great Wall. Xie An and Feng Qianxi folded east and avoided the Qin army.

A few days later, when Chen Xingbei went up, there was nothing to do, and he asked him to shoot and shoot.

"What do you always do to learn to shoot archery?"

Chen Xing stubbornly said: "If you don't, just want to learn. Let me teach you."

However, he had to teach him by hand when he camped, holding him from behind, teaching him to pull the bow, put the arrow, and adjust his posture.

Chen Xing started shooting arrows in a mess, and the item ridiculed: "All shots went to the next target." But after a while, when I came back, I saw Chen Xing still practicing without dying. Later, when he was on the road, he went out and accompanied him to practice. The story was on the side of the horse, while Chen Xing bent his bow and aimed at himself.

"Change the wood!" Chen Xing said, "I am afraid of hurting you!"

"You can shoot my clothes," Xiang Shuchao Chen Xingchong, said, "Lone King makes you a big one! Fast!"

Chen Xing: "..."

The two legs are clipped together and turned away.

"Two rides meet each other, you will lose; turn the horse back to the saddle, go to squat over!" Xiang Shu swayed a trick, did not show arrows, frowning, "If the lonely king is out of the arrow, you have been trampled to death." ""

Chen Xing said: "I am afraid to shoot your horse!"

"You can shoot the big single horse," Xiang said. "The Lone King will let you come."

Chen Xing: "What a mess!"

Chen Xing vertical horse chased the story for a long time, bending the bow and arrowing, one arrow passed, the story was just a light and a horse to avoid, there is no shadow to go without wind, Chen Xing is looking for the most of the time, and then in Behind it.

"With your ears," the item frowned. "Listen to the hooves, look at it, you will know what you are looking at! Are you an idiot?"

Chen Xing: "..."

Item: "Want to be a **** shooter, first blind your eyes."

"Does this?" Then, Chen Xing was covered with black cloth in his eyes, revealing rosy lips and towering nose bridge. Xiang Shuo looked at it for a while, but did not speak.

"Items?" Chen Xing asked sillyly.

The item is annoyed: "Here!"

So for seven days in a row, Chen Xing finally shot an arrow and finally calculated the distance in advance and flew to the item on the horse. When shooting, Chen Xing suddenly realized that he was right, but he was afraid of hurting the story and shouted. .

"Get away!" Chen Xing shouted.

The item is only in the high-speed vertical horse. It is light and easy to raise the hand. Two fingers hold the arrow and wave a hand arrow. The arrow flies to the ground and is nailed to the ground ten steps away.

"Look at the enemy's shoulders," Xiang said. "Eyes. When the enemy's legs are caught in the horse's abdomen, the back of the back, and the direction of the bow."

Ok... Chen Xing thought, sure enough, the world’s first name is not empty, even if it is not fixed, the strength is still so strong.

"Dust rises and raises the sound of the horse." Xiang said, "Whenever there is a chance to blind the other side of the line of sight, even the bead arrow keeps up with the sound, regardless of the opponent's action, deceive the enemy and hurt one arrow and say that once the arrow, the other party's movement is slow. Sooner or later, life is not guaranteed."

"The bow is low!" After the story of Chen Xing, "Tra is too high!"

After leaving the Great Wall, passing through the Wanli Prairie, I am about to arrive at the Muller River. In the midsummer, the grassland is full of flowers, and the river is like a jade belt. Chen Xing will throw all the troubles behind him. When he was on the north, he was full of brains. Three years, ah, three years later, I’m going to die. What should I do?

Now that he is standing in the car, he only feels that the world is vast, and he still has many years to live. There are still things to talk about, and things that are happy again are nothing more than this.

One afternoon, next to the team, Xiaoshan suddenly jumped out of the carriage and shouted: "敕勒川!敕勒川!"

The Hu people were sensational, and they arrived home, but Xiaoshan shouted all the way, stopped at the front of the team, and turned back anxiously: "Chen Xing! Brother! 敕勒川-!"

The item is looking into the distance, and the face changes with the moment, getting off the car and turning over the horse. Chen Xing looked at the distance, there was a wolf smoke rising, and the gathering of the miscellaneous Hu under the Yinshan Mountain was ridiculous.

Chen Xing suddenly sighed and shouted: "The story! Wait!"

Turning over the last Xiashan in the grassland, the Mulechuan, surrounded by the three peaks, appeared in front of him, and there were messy tents everywhere. Chen Xing’s mind suddenly showed the horror of the last time he was ravaged by the army, almost in front of him.

The Hu people shouted and rushed into the habitat of the 敕勒盟. The item was squatted on horseback. The place seemed to have been completely ransacked. The pasture was broken, the tent was overturned, the clothes were scattered everywhere, and many places were lit up.

Fortunately, there is no dead person. Chen Xing looked around and thanked him with enthusiasm, but at the same time he was even more nervous - would it be turned into a beggar? !

He didn't dare to think again, but Xiaoshan had already ran to the east of Muller River and went to the front of Dexi.

"Car Luofeng-!" The voice of the story sounded in the empty Muller River, "Shi Mukun-!"

The mountains echoed the echoes of the story. Chen Xing carefully surveyed most of the tents and shouted: "The story! Don't be nervous! No blood! Not robbed!"

Xiaoshan shouted: "Come on! Chen Xing!"

Chen Xing went with the horse, and Xiang Yu and the rest of the people followed. Xiaoshan used a paw to pick up a body from the river. The puppy was also barking at the side.

In the summer, the body is almost completely rotted, leaving a little carrion on the bones, wearing a strange armor, still struggling.

The Hu people shouted.

It was a cockroach, it was stuck on a broken piece of wood, and there were still a lot of cockroaches, but it was washed away when crossing the river.

“Need to help?” The phoenix flew and gracefully landed on the horse.

"Not needed for the time being," Chen Xing said. "Let's go."

Item: "..."

The subject looked at the red bird that was a ghost, and then looked at Chen Xing.

"This armor is..." The item recognizes the armor style.

Chen Xing pressed one hand on the forehead of the scorpion, and the light of the heart glowed, piercing the body of the corpse, and suddenly it was quiet and completely dead.

"The Akler's armor." Chen Xing said.

“How do you know?” The story is different.

Chen Xing was forgotten for a moment. When he was trying to find a reason to smother the past, Xiao Shan saw what was moving across the river, so he waded in the past and held the dog on the other side.

Everyone crossed the stream and saw a huge white wolf with a black animal on his head as if waiting for them.

"Lu Ying said," the white wolf said. "Let you not go back to Carrefour immediately, first solve the group. Lu Ying has defended the wall with a dream, and blocked the entire Carrera. There will be no danger for the time being."

Chen Xing: "You can talk!"

"White 鬃!" Xiaoshan shouted, ran to the white wolf, holding his head and touching the hair on his neck.

The white wolf squatted on the ground, lifted his hind legs, scratched his ears, and said: "Because the law is resurrected, everyone has mana."

The animal on the wolf's head slipped down and climbed awkwardly toward Chen Xing.

"Hey?" Chen Xing recognized it, it was a cockroach! It seems to be the one I saw in the Yinshan when I came to Muller River last time!

Then he lifted his front paws and stood upright. He looked at Chen Xing and turned his head to see the story.

"Is it?" He actually opened his mouth and asked.

"Yes." Bai said, "Go with me."

"You are the law!" Suddenly said, "I have seen you, it is so big!"

Xiang Shu’s face is unbelievable. It’s so big. The first time I heard the wolf and the cockroach, I spoke and said something. I changed it before I was beaten to death. However, I have heard the birds talking before, but I still have to protect myself. Pressed the surprised mood and nodded.

Chen Xing said: "Last... thank you, no, you should have forgotten."

狈 demon: "???"

Then I looked at Chen Xing strangely and said: "Your tribe fled to Hara and Lin and went with us."

The Hu people on the other side did not hear, and the story turned and whistled, so the army began to cross the river, and a wolf turned around and fell into the grass.

At the end of the summer, Hala and Lin Biao stood on the bare wilderness. When they were far away, there was a sense of loneliness and desolateness. The whole land was hard gravel and the vegetation was sparse. The Erlang River, which was muddy outside the city, was covered with sediment and slowly flowing. Over. Compared with the Yule River, it is another deadly scene.

Chen Xing was fashionable and strange in Hara and Lin last time. Why did the herdsmen choose the Yulechuan instead of the ready-made city? Now I finally understand - it was a cold winter, the white snow covered all the ridiculous land. After the snow, the Hala and Lin were like a huge cemetery, pastures, rivers, trees, waste mountains... no longer available. The herdsmen need to survive.

Hala and Lin are defensively guarded, and many guards are whistling in the city, and they have released the eagle to investigate.

A wolf first rushed to the front of the city, when the story was approaching, the city shouted immediately.

"The big single is back!"

"Big single--"

The whole city was sensational, the city gate opened immediately, and the first two people led the army. A young voice that let Chen Xing listened to the psychological shadow shouted: "The law is empty - you are finally back!"

The car Luo Feng rushed out, the story was only stationed in the horse, looking at him from afar. When I saw the car Luo Feng, Chen Xing was a little surprised. This guy was not injured? ! correct! So to speak... many things have changed.

Xiaoshan’s car, Luo Feng, also remembered, saying, “It’s him!”

"What happened to him?" Chen Xing whispered.

Xiaoshan said: "He is still alive."

Chen Xing said: "Of course... wait, the last time, the car Luo Feng was scratched by you?!"

Xiaoshan nodded and looked at Chen Xing, as if thinking, and then said: "I saw that he was talking to a beggar."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

When I came to Muller River last time, Chen Xing did not know Xiaoshan, and when Che Luofeng escaped with the broken belly, Chen Xing only thought that he was attacking him as a wolf. Now I want to come, it is Xiao. mountain! After the tide of time, Xiao Shan told Lu Ying the first time he recovered his memory. Lu Ying immediately made him go south and went to Changan to look for Chen Xing.

That is to say, after Xiaoshan left the north, naturally there was no attack on the car Luofeng, and now the car Luofeng is not injured!

"What?" Chen Xing had forgotten to ask Xiaoshan about this matter in detail. After all, Xiaoshan couldn't even say anything.

Xiao Shanyu said in Chen Xing's ear, said softly: "Ruo Ran."

Chen Xing: "..."

Zhou Wei, it must be Zhou Wei! Chen Xing deliberately fell to the end, whispering to Xiaoshan and asking about the whole thing, finally understood:

Before the last autumn festival, just outside the Barkol Lake, Xiaoshan, who was exiled by Lu Ying, met the car Luo Feng who met with Zhou Wei! At the moment when Xiaoshan appeared, Che Luofeng and Zhou Wei went together to kill the child. Unexpectedly, Xiaoshan was not a vegetarian. When he took a shot, he dropped the car and Luo Feng. Zhou Hao saw his body and immediately left, while Xiaoshan turned and chased. When he heard the news, he saved the car. wind.

Then there was a return from the car, and Chen Xing saved the whole life of his life. Soon after, when Xiang Xuan and Chen Xing left the Yulechuan and went to Cara, Zhou Wei once again met with Luo Luofeng, tempted him to drink the blood of the demon god, and created the mess, slaughtered Ake. Le Quan.

Chen Xing immediately stared at the car, but could not tell if he had seen Zhou Hao at this time.

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