Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 114 Table of contents

Chen Xing and Che Luofeng shouted at the same time, each of them turned to the horse's head, along the periphery of the stadium, launched a gallop.

"How come these two fights?" Qinghe Princess wondered. "Is that kid a car? How do I remember seeing it?"

Murong Chong replied: "You didn't see their respective eyes, it was strange to fight?"

Qinghe Princess Wan Erdao: "It's not a strange fight, but I don't want to understand. Are they going to gamble on the big one? Is it difficult for Chen Xing to lose, and the big single will be willing to slap his peace?" ”

Murong Chong: "..."

Princess Qinghe: "It’s simply incredible. Chen Xing won it. If the car is finally won, it will have no effect except to add a block to the law. What are they thinking?"

Tuoba and Lu Ying came to the side of the field. Xiaoshan stood on the table and waved the sky. He shouted: "Chen Xing! Win! Win!"

Lu Ying looked at the eye, and then looked at the nervous expression, it seems to be aware.

The galloping horses swept away, and Chen Xing and Che Luofeng each smashed their horses and rushed toward each other! Unexpectedly, the car was so unpredictable, this Han Chinese horseman still had a model, and dared to rush to meet himself, immediately swaying the war bow, Chen Xingle turned to the stables, the horses rushed, almost rubbed from the car Luo Feng However, neither of them had ever made an arrow, but tempted.

"Two rides meet each other, you will lose!" The voice of Xiang Shu seems to be still in the ear.

Chen Xing’s war horse is the old horse before the episode, and the car of Luo Luofeng is a horse. When the first confrontation is not high, Chen Xing is slowing down, but he is slow.

“Need help?” The voice of re-emphasis never missed any chance and was introduced into Chen Xing’s ear.

"No!" Chen Xing loudly, "No one should intervene!"

The car Luo Feng turned to the horse's head, and ordered a horse speed, bending the bow and taking the arrow. Chen Xing knows the real thing! But not to squat, around the side of the car Luo Feng, the car Luo Feng back hand bow, flying arrows shot!

The audience cheered, the arrow rotated, and a spiral of lime was sprinkled. Chen Xing looked up and the blind arrow flew past his face.

Immediately, the voice of the Tiller was overwhelmed by the Rouran, and the second applause was given to Chen Xing.

Car Luo Feng bow left hand, did not give Chen Xing a breather, when the horse was wrong, dragging the reins, the horse's left front hoof mammoth, squatting, the car Luo Feng pedaled, propped up the horse, full String archery, the second arrow flew to Chen Xing's thigh, sealing his way -

"Turn the horse back to the saddle, go and roll over!"

When Chen Xing saw the car and the wind swayed, he remembered the embarrassment he had taught, and opened the horse and turned over to the other side of the saddle. At the same time, he was in the opposite direction.

The two horses were almost the same, and they swelled on the snow. The car's wind and arrow arrows flew over the horse's belly, and the snow fluttered in the air. Chen Xingfei stepped on the stable Xiongnu horse. He took the position of the horseshoe in 20 steps, closed his eyes and turned back.

Dust up the horse, discerning the sound!

At the same time, the third arrow flew in the snow powder, Chen Xing took a heart and three arrows flew away.

The item saw that both sides of the arrow had shot, and quickly stepped forward to stop, but at this moment, the car Luo Feng was smashing the horse, was about to get up, and met Chen Xing’s three arrows in the snow and fog. !

The last arrow of Car Luofeng also broke through the snow and fog and flew toward Chen Xing's chest.

Suddenly, Chen Xing's left hand ring finger on the bow, a golden light that is not easy to detect, shows a strange finger wheel.

When the wheel appeared, the flow of time became slow, and the time was short. The time was short and the station was stopped. Chen Xing saw that the arrow was slowing down and disappeared. So, after the reaction, he immediately lay sideways on the horse.

The finger wheel flashed a short burst of light and disappeared from Chen Xing's hand.

But it also happened to win this short thought, Chen Xing flashed the third arrow that the naked eye could barely see!

When the car Luo Feng got up, the two arrows rubbed the horse's head, and the more the shoulder, the last arrow just shot his head's crest, and flew with the soft patriarch's crest, and made an arc and landed on the ground.

The item stopped, the snow and fog dissipated, and the two returned to the horse and each retired.

After a full silence, after a full amount of interest, a burst of screams in the middle of the river!

Chen Xing couldn't help but gasp, watching the car Luo Feng, the car Luo Feng could not even believe what happened, the last three arrows, only in a short moment.

Car Luo Feng finally said: "You won, Han Chinese."

Chen Xing has almost a heart to jump out of his chest. The car is in the wind and the horse is in the crown. He is in his hands, but he does not speak. At the end, he looks at the story, and his eyes are full of complex tastes.

"The last arrow I could have avoided, the car Luo Feng," Chen Xing said. "I am lucky."

"The war is also a loss for me," Che Luofeng replied. "No matter how you escape, you are destined. Lose, you haven't won from the beginning, you can give yourself a confession, who teaches you the arrow." Surgery?"

Chen Xing smiled and did not answer.

Car Luo Feng pushed everyone away, Xiang said: "An answer! I teach the archery!"

Chen Xing gradually calmed down and looked at the figure that Car Luofeng left.

"Ah! The mission is finally finished!" Chen Xing climbed down the horse and threw the bow aside. He wiped the sweat from the forehead. There were three layers on the outside and three layers on the back. They were all soaked in sweat and complained. I have been working hard for more than half a year, just for today! I swear, from now on, I will never learn martial arts again! Too tired, it’s really exhausting me! What about the story? Where have you been?”

Chen Xing walked out of the arena and saw Xiang Shu and Che Luofeng standing on the side talking. The car Luo Feng looked toward Chen Xing, and then looked up a little and looked straight into the eyes.

Chen Xing was unhappy, and immediately went to the car Luo Feng, Xiang Shu did not look at Chen Xing, raised a hand, palm toward him, indicating "stop", pointing to the ground, meaning standing, don't come over.

Car Luo Feng and Xiang Shu were silent for a long time. Finally, Xiang raised his hand and placed it on the shoulder of the car, and patted him. Car Luofeng finally nodded, closed his eyes and turned away.

Later, Xiang Shufang came to Chen Xing.

"What did he say?" Chen Xing asked.

"Nothing." Xiang Shu replied absently, his eyes did not know why, and it became very complicated.

Chen Xing felt a little bit boring, the wind blew up, blowing on the top of their heads, the flag of the 敕lechuan, the sacred beast embroidered on the flag, like a shuttle in the sky.

Chen Xing turned and left the court and asked: "Big single, where are you going now?"

The item replied: "I don't know."

The atmosphere between the two became strange and no one spoke. Chen Xing walked slowly toward the front of the mountain. After passing through the market of Gao Che Ren, he saw a shield.

"Go skiing?" Chen Xing stopped and asked questions.

The story was silent for a long time and said: "Don't go."

Chen Xing: "..."

"Oh." Chen Xing replied, "Are you angry?"

The item says: "What is the color head?"

Chen Xing reluctantly smiled and replied: "Isn't Car Luofeng telling you?"

Looking at the appearance of the item, it has obviously been asked about the car.

Xiang Shu turned and left the Yule River, and went to the Yinshan Mountains, always saying nothing.

Chen Xing wants to cover and explain: "I... we are having fun, don't go to the heart."

The item still did not answer, stepping through the snow, the boots brought a little snow powder. Chen Xing followed, and after a test, he was a little breathing.

The two came to the west side of the Yinshan Mountain. Chen Xing said that he really played too much. He wanted to apologize to the subject, but he did not know how to open it. The story only stood on the mountainside and looked at it from here. Going, Muller River, the beauty of the Qiuqiu Festival is unobstructed.

"No one has told you," Xiang said with a hand and said seriously. "If your Italian person is a Tiele, if you want to find him skiing, be patient and wait for him, take the initiative to reach out to you?"

Then, Xiang Shuhan extended a large palm to Chen Xing.

In the meantime, Chen Xing was dizzy and looked at the hand of Xiang Shu, and he couldn’t help but turn red, subconsciously looking at his eyes, and then slowly put his hand on his palm.

"But... we didn't bring a shield." Chen Xing didn't know why, there was chaos in his mind, and he thought of such unrelated and inexplicable things.

"Heart lamp." Xiang Shu will pull Chen Xing into his arms, suddenly his heart shines brightly, Jin Jinwu robe flies, Xiang Shu holds him, jumps toward the mountain cliff volley, wrong step, Jinguang gathers for the shield to flip, fall At the foot, slide to Muller River!

Chen Xing shouted, turned and hugged the story, buried in his shoulder.

The golden light rises from the ground, and Xiang Shu takes Chen Xing, turns a corner under the mountain, ignites the heart and lights, bypasses the 敕勒川, pedals the shield, along the rolling snow ridge, and slides back to the Xiqiao Mountain!

Chen Xing: "Wait... Wow!!"

At noon, under the bright sunshine, Xiang Shu walked on the shield and let Chen Xing stand in front of him, embracing his waist from behind, turning and sliding on the top of the mountain.

"The second time, is it still slippery?" Xiang Shu bowed and looked at Chen Xing's eyes and said seriously.

Chen Xing nodded and replied: "Okay."

"You promised." Xiang said seriously, and then one side.

Chen Xing: "I promised, wait! I still have something to say... ah-!"

The story clung to Chen Xing, from the end of the mountain of Yinshan, leaning toward the next, turning his footsteps, stepping on the shield, and slid down on the snow. Chen Xing clung to the story and buried his head in front of his shoulders. The two men were roaring in the wind and hunting.

"Look?" The item only said one word.

Chen Xing raised his head from Xiang Shu’s shoulder and was shocked by the beauty in front of him.

The foot pedal shield was actually slipped from one hill to another.

The sea of ​​clouds is softly retreating, and it is now vast and clear, with the glory of the Yinshan Mountains. Overlooking the world, the scenery is like a huge scene of a thousand miles of mountains and rivers. The birds are flying across the sky and the clouds are scattered. At this moment they only have each other.

The story released Chen Xing, the two were separated for a short time, Chen Xing had red eyes, tears overflowed uncontrollably, raising his sleeves to wipe the tears, like a helpless child.

"Now it's your turn," said Xiang Shuchen Chen Xing. "Come on, otherwise the big one will throw you on the mountain, and you will never be able to return to Yulechuan."

Chen Xingchong Xiang Xiang, stepped on the edge of the shield and hugged his waist, and Xiang Shu immediately grabbed him with his backhand.

"Yinshan Peaks testify!" Chen Xing shouted with tears.

"Yinshan Peaks testify!" Xiang Shuyang looked up and shouted with a smile, and turned around with Chen Xing, stepping through the raging snow, passing through the tidal currents and lives, passing over the mountains and flying over the group. mountain.

Survival is like a mountain, and the time is like a sea.

Love is separated from the mountains and seas.

The noisy world is gradually gone, and the old trees wrapped in red silk have been wrapped in silver.

Under the tree, Xiang said that he had recovered a black robe and lay on the snow. Chen Xingzhen was in front of him. Both of them were covered with snow powder.

The subject looked at Chen Xing, and his eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.

"I...why always remember..." There was a trace of confusion in the eyes of Xiang Shu.

"Hey, don't say anything." Chen Xing whispered, then grabbed the neck of the subject, pressed him on the snow, and bowed his head to kiss his lips.

The two people's hot lips touched each other. Xiang Shuo's eyes widened. Chen Xing closed his eyes and forgot all the thoughts. Just when he kissed the story, his lips were pressed by Lu Ying. It has a warmth.

Item: "!!!"

When the dream is broken, it turns into a real memory, and the thousands of flashing fragments pass in front of the story -

When the first time in the Xiangyang dungeon was seen, the light in the Chang'an Palace was sitting on the couch and half-sleeping and hugging him. He did not move like the nine shining runes on the mountain; under the same ancient tree, the story was nervous and looked back. Chen Xing and Tuo Yu behind the tree...

On the first skiing, Chen Xing turned his head, and the story was flustered in an instant; in the midst of the tide, the rippling sea boat; the night of Jiankang Qiushe, Xiang Shu clenched the red rope in his hand...

In Shouyang City, Chen Xing was lying on the couch and fell asleep. The subject was red and gently stroked his forehead.

In the tidal ancient array, he was tempted to pierce his chest, but he still tried to get close, and wanted to shine his light with Chen Xing.

Dinghai bead is broken, the law is resurrected, the hurricane in time and space, the phoenix flies, the old star appears, and the hand-held soul clock. Chen Xing turned into a light spot in his arms...

All the past events reappeared from the sea of ​​dreams, rising, and returning to the soul of the story. The golden light passed away and turned into gentle snow under the ancient trees of Muller, falling on them.

Lips, Chen Xing looked at the story in a confused way.

Both of them were flushed all the time, and Chen Xing’s heartbeat was so fast that he would not be able to breathe. There was only one thought in his mind—

I personally arrived, I finally arrived...

At this point, the story is trembled: "Star?"

Chen Xing: "..............."

The story is like a dream, wake up, turn over, press Chen Xing on the snow, kiss again! Chen Xing suddenly had big eyes and was flustered. He wanted to struggle to push the item and ask him clearly. The item did not allow him to resist a little and hold his wrist.

Until Chen Xing gave up the idea of ​​talking and kissed him quietly, the hands of Xiang Shu’s wrists were gently released, and the palm of his hand vigorously stroked Chen Xing’s palm, then separated his fingers and pressed him tightly. Interlocking. From this moment, heaven, earth, destiny, time, demon...

There is nothing in the world that can separate them from each other.

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