Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 116 Table of contents

On the night of the autumn festival, the 敕勒川杂胡 gathered around the mountain, waiting for the “forged slaves” to ask the people to ask for a big single at the point of the world’s climax, which will be the rumor of the night. The Han dynasty was a forged slave under the Huns. The fire is long-burning, like the dragon flame, to show the meaning of the heavens and the earth.

It also symbolizes that in the Muller League, many tribes will be united in this huge melting pot.

Chen Xing: "When I came last time, why didn't I have this ceremony?"

Xiang Shu looked at Chen Xing, did not answer, Mei Yu handsome, and his eyes brightened in the night.

Chen Xing: "???"

Car Luo Feng came with a torch and bowed to the subject.

On the side of the side, there are also the Tiel people holding the flute and the guqin waiting.

All the 16 Hu nationality leaders came, and Xiang Shu first took the torch from the car Luo Feng and lit the dragon tail.

The flames blazed, and along the long dragons, slowly spread to the body of this behemoth, more than 100,000 people in the Lelechuan, looked up at this magnificent scene.

“The four seas are all in a single place; the universal people are the ones who are big.”

"I am waiting for the name of the foreign master, the world's first warrior."

"I hope that the ancient ally will be the best in the world, the water and the grass will be beautiful, and the descendants of the 敕勒川人, the Fushou Yongchang!"

The sixteen Hus were divided into groups, and they all sang in the voices of various ethnic groups, and then worshipped the sects of the sects. Then, from the beginning of the hillside where the fire dragon was located, they spread throughout the Muller River, and all the people smashed their faces.

"You don't have to be jealous." Xiang Shu Chen star whispered.

Lu Ying and Chongming had already retreated first, and Xiaoshan rushed to the scene. After the long-time Huns, they learned that they were kneeling on their knees.

Shi Mokun came to the front of Xiang Shu, and Princess Akler personally held the golden plate and placed it between the two.

"This is the name of the law, the Yinshan testimony, resignation of this position, handed over to Shi Mokun." Xiang Shulang said, "Well and so on, Shi Fukun must be the new big single, the oath of the ancient alliance, can not be violated."

Chen Xing finally understood why Murong Chong and Qinghe Princess would choose to come to Muller River in this autumn festival.

In addition to the crest, the item was placed on the golden plate, and then the letter was removed. The ring was taken off and the star was looked at. Chen Xing immediately took off the piece and placed it on the gold plate. The item was taken over by the jade bow and finally placed in the plate.

Shi Mokun sighed: "I will follow the orders."

Then Shi Mokun put on the crest and ring, put on the letter, and retired to the people of Tiel.

The story finally turned and faced Chen Xing, and the two looked at each other.

“Again,” Xiang said, “You can say it now.”

"Say...what?" Although Chen Xing had experienced the indescribable shock of the last time he learned the resignation of the item, he still felt like a stormy wave during this resignation ceremony. Can't calm down.

"On February 15th," Xiang said, "On the way to Chang'an in the north, before the campfire, you have forgotten what you said."

"You..." Chen Xing remembered and said, "Can you come to be my protector?"

"Yes," the item replied, "promise you." Immediately, he raised his hand toward Wu Wei, and Wu Wei offered the flute. The item was taken over and said: "But there is a condition."

Chen Xingyu looked at the story, and the fire reflected them on each other's faces.

"Playing a song for my hometown," Xiang said, "The right to give them an account, after all, today you took their big list on the Qiuqiu Festival."

Chen Xing took over the guqin and sat down on the knees, resting the guqin on his knees. The test played the audition, and the two played an ancient song.

The flames ignited the body of the dragon, and the raging fire illuminates the mule. Among the people, thousands of flutes followed, and they groaned and resounded through the night.

"Floating music," Lu Yingdao, "has been heard for too many years."

After the re-emergence and Lu Ying stood in the fire dragon, the pupil reflected a bright fire.

"How to plan?" asked again.

The sound of the ancient songs gradually stopped, and Lu Ying replied: "It is time to go."

He clearly said: "You must solve this problem for the Lone King."

Lu Ying smiled and said: "After that? Go to the 100,000 mountains and reconvene the Yaozu?"

Re-emphasizing and ridiculous: "Is it a boring generation of lonely kings? But I want to find a brother who has lost the mortal world."

Floating life, the story took Chen Xing's hand, and after Xiaoshan went around with the fire dragon, he found Zhongming and Lu Ying, and the two stopped talking and looked at them.

The item said: "When you talk about it, there are a lot of words to say, when you meet again, it is too late to thank you."

When Lu Ying saw the appearance of the story, he knew that he was all thinking about it, and he smiled at Chen Xing.

Chen Xingxin thinks that you have a way to restore the memory in the car in the car, and you have to wait until you come back, but also made such a means, the big monster really stunned.

"You don't have to thank." He replied faintly. "You sacrifice yourself, release the aura of heaven and earth, and save the life of a lonely king. The lonely king recasts the flesh for you, and the two don't owe each other."

"You don't have to thank." Lu Ying said, "You are all responsible for the fate of a fate. I am willing to sacrifice my life for this land of China. I am waiting for this little thing that I can do."

This is also true, so the item nodded, no longer polite, Shen Sheng: "At the time, there are some people who did not think clearly, if not in a hurry, we will find a chance to talk tomorrow?"

Lu Ying smiled and said: "Life is like a dew, time is passing away. Since there is an opportunity today, why not protect the **** of martial arts?"

When Chen Xing heard this, there was a premonition that Lu Ying might have made a decision and would have to leave tomorrow. Hemingming and Luying are the big devils who have lived in this world for a long time. Especially Lu Ying is a long time. I don’t know how to beat the secrets of ancient books. I want to defeat Chiyou. There are still many things that need to be directed at him. Help, can't let go of such a good opportunity.

Chen Xingchao nodded and said that Xiang Shuo had a "please" action.

At this time, the item has replaced the robe, dressed in the hunting robes of the Tiel family, similar to the warriors, but only looks more expensive. After returning to the memory of the past, he restored the appearance of Chen Xing's separation from him before the Battle of Surabaya. He appeared to be steady and confident, and left the hillside with the person who knew the inside story and came to the ancient tree.

Under the stars, the story told the people to go to the milk tea. After sitting on the case, the fingers unconsciously and gently knocked on the case, seemingly hesitating, obviously there are many questions to ask, but it seems a bit uncertain.

Chen Xing said: "The last star sent back the memory of five people, Lu Ying, why do you remember?"

"I don't remember," Lu Ying said. "It's just based on the fragmentation that Xiaoshan told me, and the phenomenon of the resurrection of Wanfa."

Chen Xing was shocked. Many of these people, only Lu Ying, did not know the cause and effect, and could infer the whole process.

Lu Ying explained: "My strength is to protect the dreamland, the birth of the dream, and the time itself has a lot of relationship. It can be inferred that it can be inferred."

Chen Xing "oh" sounded, I wanted to ask why dreams are related to time, but I think of the day, the night dreams, the emergence of dreams, and the traceability and experience of the past, no longer open the topic.

"When the old star left, I thought it was all over..." Chen Xing said again.

The story returned from thinking, interrupted Chen Xing’s words and said: "We still check the internal conditions that are not clear to each other, and we will make the next plan."

"Very good," he said, "I finally have a clear-minded person. Otherwise, Chen Xing is so arrogant, when can I defeat Chiyou? Most of the lonely kings are left with only the wrecked soldiers."

Chen Xing Xin Dao, so you will mock me.

However, I thought that it was the most sober one. After I got back to my memory, I first proposed a plan for the future. People who know what I have learned, only Xie An has this mind.

“When Chen Xing was in a coma for the last time,” Xiang said, “I went to Huashan.”

"You told me later," Chen Xing said.

The item nodded and said: "Where, I met Wang Meng from Chiyou."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

This item has not been mentioned, but Wang Meng’s appearance is just a message. He brought a message from Chiyou, invited the item to the Magic Palace, and made a deal with the owner. Then there was a series of things that followed.

"The Magic Palace is in the bottom of the water?!" Chen Xing shocked.

The item nodded: "Not bad." Then he walked through the light curtain and the prince's night in the tidal wave, and confessed to them.

Xiaoshan was shocked. After all, he and Feng Qianxi were controlled by the blood of the demon **** after the war in Changyang, and they did not know what happened later.

"The direction of the Magic Palace is confirmed," Xiao Shan said immediately. "We can solve Chiyou!"

Lu Ying asked: "How to solve it? It’s already in the hands of Chiyou."

This is also a part of Chen Xingzhi's troubles. It doesn't move like a mountain. How can I defeat Chiyou?

"Yeah." Xiang said, "I want to inform Xie An as soon as possible, stop the excavation there, and don't be alarmed until we find a new feasible way, or recapture the refining magic spear."

Chen Xing said: "In the second Chang'an chaos, we have already tried it. The grievances on the magic spear are not purified like yin and yang."

"Because it recognizes the Lord," Heming finally said, "It’s very special."

Several people were silent for a moment, and the articles raised their sleeves and showed them the right arm. They said, "What the Dragon God has given me is exactly the nine runes on the mountain. What is the point?"

He clearly said: "This is the exorcism rune, but it is the use of the king who is not moving in the world, and the use of exorcism. According to the speculation of the Lone King, it should be that after the refining of the Excalibur, the Rune has not been transformed. It disappeared and disappeared into the heavens and the earth. Candle Yin finally summoned this power from the heavens and the earth and handed it over to you. In short, the lonely king felt that the possibility of regaining a mountain is negligible, there is no need to take this risk again. It’s more practical to find a way to destroy the magic spear."

Chen Xingdao: "Then I have a problem, do not move the Ming Wang and the burning light Ming Wang, where did they go?"

Lu Ying said: "In this world, where you can't, beyond the time, there are many gaps in time. After the gods return, they leave China and live in the gaps of time. Do you want to face them? Asking, re-casting the sword? I don’t think it’s necessary, even if the dragon’s candle can’t reach the place, don’t expect it.”

Chen Xing accepted this statement, nodded and asked: "Is the old star coming from these places?"

He clearly replied: "I don't know much about Heaven and Heaven, I can't answer your question."

The story knows that he still has to rely on himself for a moment, indulge in a moment, and then he said to Chen Xing: "What unusual words have you said before you left?"

Chen Xing remembered it, so he would break the sea pearls and talk to them in the darkness when he was in the dark.

"A year of stealing?" said the item.

Chen Xing looked blank and said: "In fact, I did not understand many of the words that Xiao Ji said."

"You can say that you are dead, you can say that you are not dead," he said. He was also the first to hear Chen Xing retelling the words of the age-old star in the world of consciousness, muttering. "What do you mean?"

"It should be said that..." Chen Xing wondered, "You can be considered dead at the time, but after the tidal wave was launched, it was alive again?"

"No." Xiang Shu immediately denied Chen Xing's guess, Shen Sheng said: "If this is the case, the old star will tell you that he is still alive, or 'now dead, but unfortunately will come alive', will not so."

Chen Xing said: "But a guy who can die and not die?"

Lu Ying replied: "The world that you see in the eyes of the stars is different from our understanding. Finally, there are two possibilities at the same time, completely eliminated, or successfully resurrected. What the old star saw is exactly These two possible overlays."

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered something and my expression changed.

The four men looked at the same time and re-emphasized: "Continue."

"A year of stealing," Xiang said, "I mean the decision I made, leading to the star... Chen Xing him..."

Unexpectedly, the item was called Chen Xing’s nickname, and I was a little embarrassed. Chen Xing’s heart was awkward when he heard it.

The item changed: "I was supposed to face the final battle at the age of twenty, but I arrived in the 19th year ahead of schedule?"

Lu Ying nodded: "According to the meaning of the words, I think you guessed well. Dinghaizhu is not in the cause and effect of time, just as the magic weapon that constitutes your body is broken, the sea pearls will disappear in all time. What you do And is not controlled by time and cause."

Chen Xing said: "But if the sea pearls disappeared at all times, then Zhang stayed will not find the sea pearls wrong? Why is this still in our memory? And the three hundred hundred thousand Is the year still?"

Lu Ying replied: "The established cause, according to the law of cause and effect of heaven and earth, can not be changed, but because Haizhu corresponds to the world chakra itself, it can change some nodes as desired, and change those laws. More moving, but retaining the rest of the cause and effect, this is the mystery."

Chen Xing has been fainted, but instead said: "Assuming I am still setting Haizhu, and going back to time, what will happen?"

Lu Ying said: "According to this rule, I think, the result will be a series of causalities that disturb the traceback from now on, until the node you set, the previous one is still undisturbed."

Chen Xing said: "It is no wonder that Chiyou has to get it anyway."

Lu Ying added: "And, the world chakra itself has a strong ability to repair. Have you discovered it, even if everything is repeated again, many things are still developing in an uncontrolled manner in a certain direction?"

“Well,” Chen Xing nodded. “Need a variable.”

The item said: "I remember that in the end, I took out a ring and put it on Chen Xing..."

"Ah?" Chen Xing said, "Is there? Yes, I forgot, what did you give me at the time. But when I woke up, I had nothing in my hand!"

Chen Xing suddenly panicked and reached out to let the subject read, but did not see the ring, saying: "Isn't it going to fall in Fuyang? Or go back and find it? Is that something left after the seaball is broken?"

The item immediately said: "I haven't blamed you, I don't see you."

Chen Xingchao asked: "What is the use of the ring?"

The item does not know what it is, but only in the final right, a thought, left to Chen Xing, as a proof that he has lived in his life. The remaining ring is most likely to be unrestricted by the law of time and follow Chen Xing back to the past. Now that everyone is fine, there is no need to entangle the ring.

"That is the tide wheel," Lu Ying said softly. "In the sea pearl, it corresponds to the world chakra. Maybe it is useless with the beads. Perhaps the best thing is that it still retains a little effect. If you can find it. I suggest you try to find it."

Chen Xingwen: "What effect? ​​For example?"

Lu Ying couldn't answer this question. After all, many things have gone beyond what he knows. He guessed: "Maybe you can shuttle the time to a certain extent? Not sure."

Xiao Shanyu was in front of the case and listened to them saying that they couldn’t understand the inference. They were already sleepy. Lu Ying looked at Xiaoshan and said to Chen Xing: "I will leave tomorrow, pick up. Come down, please continue to look after Xiaoshan."

Chen Xing nodded and said, "Looking for a Buddha?"

Lu Ying smiled and did not answer. The item is still thinking about the so-called "stolen year" and can't help but say: "If I didn't 'stolen' from the old star, then the next thing, whether the old star also has different perspectives?"

Lu Ying said: "I don't know the old stars, I think it should be like this. But this does not mean that Chen Xing will survive in the end. The most likely situation is that Chen Xing succeeded in removing the 20-year-old. The lord, eventually Chen Xing also died, and the old star left."

The item got the answer in his guess and said, "In this case, what will happen in the last year that should have lasted?"

"Then I really can't answer you." Lu Ying said calmly, "It is said that our future, with everyone's choice, produces countless possibilities. These choices are called 'variables', but they are After all the 'variables' are in place, the only 'future' will emerge from the sea of ​​time, and the other 'may' will disappear. In other words, you will never know what is going to happen."

"There is a way," he said. He finally said, "The Lone King once had a friend..."

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu immediately looked at the heavy, and he was trying to say it. He suddenly noticed something and restored the cold expression. He raised his eyebrows toward Chen Xing.

Item: "?"

Re-emphasizing and Chen Xing's confrontation, re-emphasizing the corner of the mouth, revealing the look of victory.

“Need help?” said clearly.

Chen Xing: "..."

After repeating this sentence, he was silent.

Chen Xing took a deep breath, but Lu Ying smiled and said: "You always have to make this third wish. The Phoenix is ​​very busy. He also has his own things to do. The fate does not have to be forced."

When Chen Xing was about to give up the third wish that he had thought of, and asked for help, he said: "Is this an agreement?"

"Yes!" Chen Xing was a bit frustrated and said, "I thought about something else!"

The memory of the story on this road has not disappeared. He clearly flies around, and every time he pays attention at critical moments, asks Chen Xing, “Need to help?” Chen Xing did not answer every time, and the article did not feel this at all. It is a phoenix, but it is more like a parrot. Now I understand it.

Chen Xing sighed, but Xiang Shuo indicated that he should not talk and solve it himself.

Therefore, Xiang Shuchao Lu Ying said: "If the demon king tells us this way, then I think, Chen Xing can say the third wish today."

Re-emphasize: "........................"

This change is heavy and arrogant. The item is only "if", and Chen Xing does not ask himself to do things for him. This is completely plausible, and immediately it looks wrong. The statement also said: "If you don't want to, don't want to, let's keep this agreement, and we will slowly find a solution."

Lu Ying suddenly fell down under the tree.

It’s hard to see the dawn, and I’m seeing Chen Xing and Xiang Shu’s going, and angered: “Slow!”

I saw that Feng Ming took out a Feng Yu from his arms and said, "I have a friend who is called Yuan Kun. I live in the open sea. After the law is gone, it has disappeared. You go out to sea and take this. Feathers, if you feel good about him, maybe you will come to see you."

Chen Xing was a bit stunned and took over the feathers. Lu Ying looked at the eyes with a questioning look and nodded.

Lu Ying said: "It is that adult... Well, maybe he can solve your doubts. His age is very old, and he is the **** of dreams."

Chen Xing said: "Is he not the same as you?"

“No,” Lu Ying said. “He has another power. Through dreams, he predicts the future and sees the innumerable ‘possible’ abilities hidden under the sea of ​​time.”

Chen Xing collected the feathers, and as a result, they might still see what happened in the "stolen year." Although Chen Xing is a bit curious about this, he does not believe that he can solve Chiyou. But since the item is most concerned about this now, then there must be his reasons, want to recast the sword? But in those three years, haven't you already had a mountain?

"Tell it." Heavy-duty presses to anger, this time after the rebirth of the fire, it was simply played by Chen Xing, maybe he will not forget Chen Xing until the end of this millennium, and I don’t know how many days and nights later. As long as you close your eyes, you will see Chen Xing’s hateful face.

Chen Xing took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking. Finally, he laughed and said, "Thank you, re-emphasizing. When Lu Ying said the fate, I suddenly saw it. If you want to go, let's go."

"Really?" He looked at Chen Xing with vigilance and fear, and he was afraid to be counted by him.

Chen Xing said: "Well, I can know you, it must be due to fate. You saved the story, and we have become a witness to your rebirth. You have this honor, you can seal it for you, even you are not Abandon, it also helped you with a strange name, I think, maybe we can be friends now?"

Re-emphasize: "Speak the key!"

Chen Xing prepared a lot of words, but was interrupted impatiently, and only lost the floor and said: "Oh, good."

Lu Ying smiled at Chen Xing: "He is just embarrassed. Just like the law, he likes to care about him. You don't have to go to the heart."

Item: "..."

Chen Xing also laughed and said seriously: "You are the demon king, we are human beings, our lives may be very short... Sometimes we look at this starry sky above our head..."

Several people looked up and Xiaoshan played for a whole day, and had fallen asleep in the vast dark night. The carnival of the Qiuchuan River and the Autumn Festival has also been dispersed. Only the ancient Milky Way quietly shines on the world. This day, in the many years since ancient times, it seems that they are unusual because of their gathering, but it is also a day of rising and falling, like an arrow in the sky.

When Chen Xing looked up, the boy’s face was covered with the light of the stars, and he smiled heavily.

"I thought, maybe in the days to come, you will not make friends with our people any more." Chen Xing turned his eyes to re-emphasize and said, "Then the third wish, can you please go from now on? As far as possible, take care of our human race?"

Re-emphasize: "..............."

Lu Ying laughed and said: "He often has nothing to do, I think this request, he will promise you."

Xiang Shuwen’s words are also moving, but he’s still awkward and speechless.

"You want me to guard the Terran?" It is hard to set the channel.

"I..." Chen Xing said immediately, "No! This is not a mandatory requirement. It can be said that it can be said to be a guardian. It can also be said that I am a wish to you..."

"Everything has its end, thousands of years of life, constantly reborn in the flames, life and life, once in a lifetime, must be very lonely?"

Chen Xing said with a smile: "I only hope that, perhaps a long time later, you will really know our human race, and we will be friends with the sudden death of the students, and we will adopt a human family. Just like Lu Ying and Xiao Kun."

He said clearly: "Shut up! Lonely king will be bored when you see your family."

"Of course, I also have a little bit of my selfishness, the Yaozu and the Terran," Chen Xing said. "There was a long-lasting war, but in the three hundred years of the death of the law, we have lost all our strength. I often think about it. The reason why the exorcist exists in this world is not the exorcism? The human race and the demon race are the living creatures living in this land of China. We all have a total of hatred."

A clear cry.

Chen Xing said: "I will try my best to constrain the exorcists. If possible, I hope that the demon, the two people, can never afford a dispute."

Lu Ying said: "You are a good boy, Chen Xing."

Xiang’s mouth was slightly tilted, raising his hand and touching Chen Xing’s head. Chen Xing was a little embarrassed.

He clearly looked at Chen Xing, but he did not want to see Chen Xing, but he finally raised his hand.

Chen Xing indicated the item, and Xiang Shu said: "Then, the law is empty to protect the Fawu, and you have a covenant with you."

"You mortals don't have a good thing." He Ming finally said.

The item is in the palm of the hand, and the clap is repeated, and the clap is over. The reincarnation instantly turns into a bird form, and a flame is fired, and a 10,000-point starlight is sprinkled.

Fengming sounded, Chen Xing and Xiang Shu held hands and ran to the vast grassland. The Phoenix flapped its wings, passed through the silent night sky, flew to the distance, left Chen Xing, and left the Yulechuan.

The sky is high and the sky is soaring.

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