Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 132 Table of contents

“Where is this?” Chen Xing saw Xiang Shu left Jiankang with him. Many people were enjoying the scenery around Qiushe’s Jiankang City, but with the distance from Jiankang, people gradually lost. Until five or six miles away, no one has smoked.

"Mountain." Xiang Shu Shen channel, and then with Chen Xing, turned into a forest path. There is no more person here. The hand that holds the hand on Chen Xing’s waist releases the horse, and he tightens him tightly, pulling him to himself and bowing his head to kiss him.

No one was there, Chen Xing began to kiss him.

"Do you really want to play like this?" Xiang Shu whispered, "Don't regret it later."

The item again handed the reins to his hand and gasped and said, "You come to control the horse, come by yourself, how to run."

Chen Xing did not dare to move, but could not stop shaking. The article said: "What? Sorry?"

"Drive..." Chen Xing’s voice shook and gently drove the horse. The horse walked up in a small step, and the slow tremor suddenly caused Chen Xing to bite his teeth.

"I can't run fast," Chen said.

"Drive!" Xu said suddenly, while the legs are clipped to the horse's belly, rushing forward.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The story was taken over by the horse, and he was held in front of him, and the other hand began to control the horse. The horse ran quickly and the woods appeared in the blink of an eye.

"Don't yell." Xiang said in Chen Xing's ear.

The horse ran up rhythmically.

"You have to run for half an hour." Xiang Shu whispered in Chen Xing's ear, "I will take you back to Lechuan next year?"

Xiang said with a gasp: "Take you to the prairie, let the horse run all day, all day, from the sun, to the setting sun, there is no one there, and the world is one."

After a full hour, Chen Xing felt that he was going to die, and the destination had finally arrived. It was a small stream under a waterfall. Xiang Shu took Chen Xing off, took off his robe and laid it on the ground.

"I won't be here...someone?"

"No," the replied.

There is plenty of spiritual power here, and there must be a change of the ground under the ground. The heaven and earth aura is extremely strong. Chen Xing only feels relaxed and happy, and the item says: "Come here, here is the heaven and earth."

In the autumn of the autumn, the sun was shining, and when the twilight was heavy, Xiang Shucai took the horse and took Chen Xing down the mountain.

After the mana burned together, the story was still unfinished. After a full day, the red rope had been changed to his own hands. The two men were wearing red ropes, like a couple of relatives. Chen Xing knows that if he does not ask to stop again, in this twilight, the item may indeed run wildly until the day is completely gone.

When he was close to the station, Xiang Shu was finally separated from Chen Xing. Chen Xing was exhausted and relieved. When he dismounted, he still had some instability. The item took him in one hand and took the horse in one hand.

"Tomorrow by boat to Chibi." Xiang said.

The lights in the station were bright, and Chen Xing was so tired that he didn't want to eat. The story was full of energy. He gave the two men a drink and took a fish to him.

Chen Xing said: "Going again?"

"With Wang Xizhi and Xie An," Xiang said, "Do not do anything, go around and take you to play."

Chen Xing nodded, thinking that tonight, the two had to be self-disciplined for half a month, and the mood was very complicated.

"Let's eat more," Xiang said, "I haven't finished today, I will have it later."

Chen Xingchao was flushed again, and they sat on a small couch. From time to time, someone looked at them. The story was self-evident, and the wrist of the red bow was strong and beautiful. After that, Chen Xing went to the room. It is.

On the following day, they changed their boat to the upper reaches of Huai River. When they arrived in Nanping Mountain, they revisited the old place and rode on the mountainside. The autumn was over, and the whole Jiangnan had a chill. Chen Xing is now riding on the horse, but I can't forget the day. Tiredness is very tired, but it is also very exciting. Especially the speed of the horse running, the bumps and the strength, it is just a powerful help for the incomparable item.

The item said: "Think again?"

Chen Xing couldn't help but laugh: "No, don't think too much, there are still thirteen days... this life can't be over."

"Are you still holding your fingers for a few days?" Xiang said, "I thought I was waiting."

Chen Xing sideways and answered him with a kiss.

The item stopped and fell, and the two rode on horseback and concentrated on kissing.

Suddenly some people whistled in the heights. On the turning road on the mountainside, a woman rode a horse and smiled. "You are late."

Chen Xing was shocked. It was Xie Dao in a man's costume! Fortunately, there is no chaos in this... but it seems that it will be chaotic.

Xiang said: "The road upstream and the mountains play with water, delayed for some time."

Chen Xingcai knew that there were many people in the story. Perhaps Xie An and others had asked him. The story was on the mountainside and the two slowly went up the mountain.

Xiaoshan is waiting in front of him and said, "I thought you were not coming today."

Chen Xingwen: "Who else?"

"It's all there." Xiaoshan said, "Brother, where have you been?"

The item will go up and take the shoulders of Xiaoshan, one big and one small, turn the mountain road and walk in front.

Xie Daojun had not been in frequent contact with Chen Xing. He only occasionally came to the exorcism department to see, I don’t know why, there is no strange feeling.

“Tuo Yu and Feng Qianxi, Qing Er, they have already gone up.” Xie Daojun said, “Weird, how do I feel like you have known friends for a long time?”

Chen Xing said with a smile: "We have a relationship between you. Do you want to worship my son as a young master?"

Xie Daoyi stunned, strange how Chen Xing knows, but it seems that this group of people, whether it is Xiaoshan or Feng Qianxi, Takuya, or even Xie An, and the pile of dead and alive, all listen to Chen Xing’s words. It is obvious that he is the boss in the exorcism department. It is not surprising that he thinks so.

"He hasn't promised me yet," said Xie Daojun.

Xie Daoyu didn't like Xiu Xian Lian Dan very much in the weekdays. However, with the Taoist practiced by the exorcists and Chen Xing's repeated rules, he slowly began to change them. During the visit, he visited Feng Qianxi. In the division, I saw Xiaoshan and Tuoba martial arts, and I was immediately impressed by Xiaoshan’s skill.

After Chen Xing took over the exorcism department, according to the ancient system, he directly banned all kinds of smelting and longevity, drinking water and other things, and sent exorcists to go to various counties and counties in the south of the Yangtze River to make a local study tour called rotation, and issued a ban. It is forbidden to confuse the people in the name of the exorcist. Let the new people inspect the situation of each county, simply teach the local people, break the habit of ill and cure the disease, and put an end to the behavior of killing people who take the mercury. This made Xie Daojun no longer think that the exorcist is pretending to be a ghost. Although she is not very interested in becoming an exorcist, she only wants to learn martial arts, but she knows a lot about it.

"They laid a line on the mountain," Xie said. "It should be done soon."

"Is the brother also?" Chen Xing asked.

Chen Xing's character is extremely approachable, and there is no conscious of the exorcist. He laughs and laughs on weekdays. He is full of curiosity. He does not know what he is doing, and he always likes to ask questions. What is even more rare is that everyone in his eyes, men and women, cats, dogs and dogs, even the shackles and monsters in the garden are the same.

At the beginning of Jiankang City, many of the sects were very jealous of this kid. Why did a child with a weak crown come to a group of people, and then a group of people began to accompany him in the sky, what martial arts, guardian, Hu, Han Even a smaller child is always with him.

Xie Daoyu was also awkward. He was very uncomfortable at the time. He also went to the palace to go to the door. When he was in the hospital, he would blame what was wrong. You have opinions on the exorcists, and when you say it in person, privately talk about others here. what's up? Immediately repudiated: "What is this about you? ”

Later, with Chen Xing, Xia Dao had to admit that it is no wonder that everyone likes him - the so-called "heart lamp", few people have seen it with their own eyes, but Chen Xing does have a kind of warm brilliance, always giving hope. Sincere and sincere talks, with the respect for the sentient beings, is a peach-like smashing person, it is like a spring breeze.

Xie Daoyi glanced at Chen Xing and said, "The younger brother came early, waiting for you at the top of the mountain."

Chen Xing knew that Xie An had been relieved. He has always been very reliable, just as reliable as the story.

Xie Daojun suddenly felt funny, and Chen Xing looked inexplicably.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You and my uncle are quite like." Xie Daojun said.

Chen Xingcheng said: "That is really lifting me too much. I never dreamed of being a man like a brother."

Xie Daojun said: "Uncle, but envy you are envious."

Chen Xing couldn't help but laugh: "When the exorcist has something to envy? It is he who guards the people of Dajin. This is not easy."

Everyone agrees that Chen Xing and Xie An have similarities. The only difference is that Chen Xing embraces the youthfulness of the young people. Xie An is the insight and understanding of the world after the ups and downs and the big winds. It is no wonder that the local people in Jiangdong will be vigilant against Chen Xing. After all, Xie An’s life has taxed and recruited troops. He also advocated redrawing the land and receiving rights to the Dajin royal family. One is enough for everyone to toss, but why not him - after all, this is born in the most prominent Wang Xie two home Xie family.

Nowadays, the only hope in Jiangnan is to accompany Xie Anzhen and win him when he is killed.

In the blink of an eye, there is another "Xiao Xie An". The identity is still Xie An's younger brother. It is also an exorcist who is very close to Sima Yi. Although there is no way to cure Sima Yi's baldness, this kid will come to Japan. doing what? ! I heard that the so-called law of protection has also been the big single in the north that can be played by Yu Jian!

The whole place in the south of the Yangtze River is a long time, there are battles in some places, pigs and dogs have to fight, let alone exorcist?

Of course, Chen Xing is unaware of this, and Xie An does not care about these complicated things.

Chen Xing also felt that Xie Daoqi was very kind and very pleasant. He always had something to say. The same was true when he last met. He soon became familiar with it and asked: "Would you like to be an exorcist?"

"No interest," Xie Daoqi replied. "I am engaged. I will like to learn to enter under your door, but don't accept him."

Chen Xing knows that Xie Daoyu has had a marriage contract with Wang Ningzhi, the second son of Wang Xizhi. This is also a marriage of the sects. He also shoulders many responsibilities, not to leave.

"He can't come, you can do it." Chen Xing saw that Xie Daoyi likes to use a sickle to shoot a gun. He also loves to cure people on weekdays. Instead, he is more suitable as an exorcist than Wang Ningzhi.

Xie Daoqi sighed incomprehensibly, as if there were many helplessness, but his eyebrows picked him up and said: "There are many problems in the world to face and cannot escape."

Chen Xing laughed and said, "What if? What is the problem?"

"For example, the problem of hair under your arm." Xie Daoyi is a serious man.

Chen Xing suddenly laughed and knew that Xie Daojun still wanted to be a doctor, which is also very good.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Gu Qing, Feng Qianxi, Xie An, Tuo and others had already arrived. As soon as they came to Chibi as before, just three years later, there are many more people in the ranks, even Wenche and Xinyi. Ping is also.

Xin Yuping wiped out the circle that Kong Ming left behind and made a new arrangement. Wen Che was on the sidelines and frowned. "You can't be careful every time you draw a ritual?"

Chen Xing has never seen the squadron at all, but the basic tactics can be understood. In his eyes, the squad of the new squad is simply more elegant than Wang Xizhi, but it is a masterpiece of the gods. ! Wencher still thinks it is not good to draw?

"It’s been too long for a time," Xin Yuping wiped his sweat and smiled. "Where is it badly painted, you said, I am changing?"

Wencher: "There is no alignment here! So obvious runes, have you not seen it?"

Everyone: "..."

Gu Qing was faintly aware of the boss's mother, and looked at Feng Qianxi, Feng Qianxi said not to interject. Xinyi slammed a few hands and released mana, flattening the ground again and then redrawing it.

Xiang Shu and Xie An looked at the Fa, and sometimes looked at each other as if they were doing silent communication.

"Is it so beautiful?" Xin Yuping asked again.

"Forget it, let's make it." Wenche frowned, waving at Chen Xing and motioning him to come over.

Chen Xing went to the battle and looked at the law and asked: "When did it start?"

"There is still a period of time," Xin said. "The winter solstice after more than three months, all the protection laws will be present at that time, and you will do spiritual traction for you."

"How did this law come?" Chen Xing asked.

Wencher said: "In combination with the deterrent, we rethink ourselves."

“Thinking little,” Xin Yuping said with a smile. “He is very smart.”

Xie An said: "This is where the heavens and the earth gather together. At the beginning, Zhang Liu was here. He decided to take away all the mana in the world. Under the premise of the resurrection of the law, the aura is very abundant and enough to support the operation of this array. ""

Chen Xing remembered that when he came last time, there was no apocalypse in Nanping Mountain. At this moment, it seems that the local area is quite quite. The mountain shape embraces this high platform, just like a king chair. When a river ignites the veins, the power of the Tianmai is constantly coming to the high platform to form a whirlpool.

Wen Che is very embarrassed to be a little embarrassed, Xiang said: "So, we arrested the soul of the prince night, tortured him, and then divided Chen Xing's soul?"

"Not bad." Xin Yiping replied, "Because the falling soul clock can't affect his soul, Chen Xing's three souls and seven scorpions are kept by the heart lamp that comes with him. Only this circle can make His soul is temporarily separated from his body."

Wencher was a bit anxious and said: "The power of the big exorcist is actually very strong. I am not sure if this array can be stable in the division of the soul. I can only try it."

“How is it possible?” Chen Xing couldn’t smile. “My soul should be weak.”

Wencher said: "When you return to the law, you use the soul as a support, forcibly ignite the heart lamp, and you will do everything in your power. When the soul power slowly regenerates, it will be stronger once and for all, just like the martial arts person. Exhausted, recovery and recovery. This is repeated, it is very strong."

"If it is unstable," the most worrying item is Chen Xing’s security question. He asked, "What will happen?"

Wen Che Shen said: "I will die, are you afraid of not being afraid?"

Xie An: "Oh... this, I think the possibility is very small."

Chen Xing immediately made a wink, let Wencher not say, Wencher did not care, and replied: "The possibility is small, and it will eventually happen. Once the blast is blown up, his soul will be sucked away by the pulse."

The item asks: "How many chances do you have?"

"No," Chen Xing said. "Everyone is there, I believe there will be no problem."

He thought that this was over, and Weng shouldn’t say that even if there is a chance of success, the story will not let him take risks.

Wincher said: "Small, less than 10%."

The item said: "I will go in with him at that time."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Wencher was a little surprised and looked at Xinyiping. Xie An said: "The possibility of the bombing of the Faction will become nine."

Everyone: "..."

Feng Qiang coughed and tried to make a nap and said: "Big single, you have to believe everyone, have come here. Everyone just wants to do what they can..."

Xiaoshan said: "But this sounds wrong. If you try your best to die, now even if you do your best, it is not our own death. It is Chen Xing. What is this all-powerful?"

Feng Qianxi screamed: "Don't dig a hole for me! I will be smashed again later!"

“Xiao Shan!” Chen Xingyi looked at the face of the item and immediately said, “Don’t say it, you are excited about the story.”

Takuya said: "Is there any other way?"

When the subject looked at Wencher, Wincher did not answer everyone, and for a moment, he asked: "Many people will not make the law out of control. After the establishment of the co-firing, it may help." ... If you both die together, no one can get rid of Chiyou. It is useless to hold the heart lamp."

The replies replied: "Then God wants it, let the gods die."

Xin Yiping laughed, Wencher said: "Very good."

"It's not good at all!" Chen Xing said. "You can't re-cast the heartlights and come back to accompany me after you get the heart lamp?"

The item was just staring at Wenche, and Wen thought about it and said, "Well, then you will come in with him. You have the power to burn together, but it won't happen."

The silence of the people has been decided for a while, so they are scattered.

A few days later, on the night of the next Yuan Festival, Xie An and the crowd took a picture and walked along the Huai River. Still the whole city is full of lights, Chen Xing holds the pure glass of light, facing the river and the two moons in the sky, the item sits in the bow and blows the flute.

The moon is full of emptiness, and after the calculation of Fuyang, this night is the most flaming moment of the moon in this year. The reflection of Huai Shui is even more so that the silver light is overwhelming.

Chen Xing took away the moonlight with a clear glass of light. The heavens and the earth were only a short and dark, and the power of the Taiyin was still there. Chiyou did not appear this time.

"It's so beautiful." Chen Xing exclaimed.

The net light glass already contains the power of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the brilliance is quite beautiful. The light is like a life, flowing slowly.

"Three kinds of light." Xie An and Chen Xing together, study for a long time.

Chen Xing said: "The next time, it is the heart light."

The next most important thing is the winter solstice squad. If there is no accident, Xie An will take away the power of the heart light with a clear light glass, and Chen Xing will also lose this companion for more than 20 years. The innate magic weapon. But this involves another problem. After co-ignition with the mana, once you lose your heart, can the story become a protector of the gods?

In the meantime, they have seriously discussed this issue and have come to the conclusion that the item may also lose this power with the transfer of the heart lamp. But in the same way, he will restore the ability of the mother to inherit when he is not moving, and become a guardian **** of warfare similar to Wincher, and go to kill Chiyou with a sword.

After Chen Xing's heart lights are separated, he can still practice common spells. Now he can't control the fire and thunder and the various secrets like Xie An. It is because the heart lights and other types of mana are mutually exclusive. Blessing, after separating the heart lamp, his starting point is higher than that of the ordinary exorcist.

The mana that has been established with the item will not change. At most, they are regarded as exorcists who have lost some of their power, and they can still complement each other.

"What are you doing?" Gu Qing sideways, looking at the record written by Chen Xing.

Chen Xing sacrificed the light of the heart lamp, observed for a moment, and began to record on a silk raft.

"Winter solstice day," Chen Xing said. "The heart lamp is about to be separated. I haven't lost it yet. I want to write some tricks for future generations. So if someone inherited it in the future, I know how to know it. It’s going on."

Gu Qing is also working hard to cultivate and spread a copy of "Changsheng Medical Skills" to watch seriously.

"Are you decided to join the exorcism with Feng Da Ge?" Chen Xing felt that Gu Qing was too difficult.

"Yeah." Gu Qing said, "I took the initiative to ask him to be my protector and learn to study... but I always feel that my talent is not good."

Outside the bookstore, the sky flies, Chen Xing and Gu Qing look at each other for a moment, Chen Xingyi smiled: "Don't be too persistent."

Protecting the law, Chen Xing thought, actually someone will work hard to become an exorcist for love, accompanied by Feng Qianxi. But when you think about it, aren’t you and your account? I didn’t know anything about the original item. I finally accepted this identity and only protected him with him.

Near the winter solstice, Chen Xing banned for half a month, and could not help but tickle.

After entering the winter, he saw Xiang Huo’s robe, patrolling the exorcist, teaching dozens of young guardians under the snow, and pointing out their martial arts... Chen Xing would not want to hug him, entangle him to let him return to the bedroom. Back to the room where the brazier was burning and warm as spring, the two men were nervous and kissed.

Or the expression of the waist wrapped robe, revealing a wide shoulder, holding his waist, revealing the half body, Chen Xing himself lying down...

No, what am I thinking? Chen Xing tried to calm down.

After Gu Qing went to sort out the classics, the external items were mentioned. At first they kept each other, but they could not do anything. They were very easy to fall. Later, Xiang Xiang took the initiative to teach martial arts together with Tuoba, deliberately reducing the relative time, Chen Xingcai was able to sometimes easily take a moment, no longer thinking about the story.

He put the tea bowl in front of the subject, and he sipped his tea when he sat down. Chen Xing took the snow off his shoulder.

“How are the apprentices learning?” Chen Xing asked. “Don’t call on them. Many people are older than you.”

"I am not Tuoba," Xiang said, "not so good temper."

In fact, the story is very annoying to teach martial arts. After all, not everyone is as savvy as Xiaoshan, but thinking that if he and Chen Xing leave, the exorcism will become an important force for stabilizing the human world. Tuoba temper is very good, and the item is not necessarily.

The strange thing is that although the item is very strict, everyone likes him very much. He often screams in the mouth of "master" and "master". Occasionally, Chen Xing is called "teacher". Chen Xing thinks this name is very interesting. Then they occasionally asked for their love for the item.

The item drank some tea, there was no snack, and his eyes swept away on Chen Xing. Chen Xing felt that Xiang Shu was suppressing the urge to sit up and hug him, kiss him and make him messy.

"Ten days," Xiang said, "fast."

It’s been a long time since they last double-educated, and it’s been ten days, and five days to the first day. Chen Xing likes to hold the expression in the winter, the feeling of dry and radiant skin, plus the hot body temperature. Let him be shocked.

"Don't always think about it," Chen Xing swallowed and said, "I'm afraid you can't keep it at night."

The hardest thing to do in a double repair is not the ban, but the age at which both of them are just as bloody, even if they are shackled during the day, they are easily lost when they sleep at night. Once they fall, this half a month will fail. It is necessary to push to the next first or fifteenth and extend the time limit. Xiang Shu is not willing to sleep with Chen Xing. Of course, Chen Xing does not want to.

"Just came back from Xie An." Xiang Shu opened the topic and said.

“Oh?” Chen Xingyi said, “What are you talking about?”

The item is indulged, put down the tea bowl, and gently rub the finger on the case.

"I will celebrate the New Year," Xiang said again. "I remember the last time I was near the New Year, what happened?"

"That was last year." Chen Xing thought and said, "Wait, I seem to be wrong."

The item replied: "No mistakes."

"Yes." Chen Xing began to recall, counting his fingers.

Xiang said: "You don't have to be so troublesome, you only need to know how old you are. According to the original calculation, you are already twenty-one, and twenty-two after the end of the year."

Chen Xing looked at the story skeptically and said, "No, I am twenty-two, after the end of the year."

“How is it possible?” The item frowned. “Wait...”

Chen Xing said: "From the beginning, it is clear."

Although Chen Xing does not know why the item cares about this matter, he also wants to clarify it.

"In the first reincarnation, after I was 16 years old, I finished the master's aftermath and went down the mountain." Chen Xing said, "I came to Fuyang in the first year and met you. At the age of seventeen, I was in Yulechuan. ”

"Hey, the 18th birthday is the autumn club, we are in Jiankang." Xiang said frowning, and said, "After the spring, we went to Luoyang, then, there have been many things, after the Dragon Boat Festival, you sleep three Month, 19-year-old birthday, you are in Shouyang, that day, Jian Jian hit."

Chen Xing said: "In the second reincarnation, I still met you in Fuyang. On the day of the 17th birthday, I was still in Le Chuanchuan."

“Not bad.” Xiang said, “On the 18th birthday, we slept. That is to say, the year of stealing has returned.”

Chen Xing replied: "Yes, so you are wrong. At sea, in Yuan Kun’s dream, I returned that year. In the past few days, the day we passed the autumn club, the corresponding one is In a reincarnation, the night of Shouyang’s birthday."

The story was also remembered. In the year when he fell asleep, he caused a lot of confusion, which led him to miss the whole year.

"Yes." The item confuses, "In this way, the self-correction of the so-called "destiny" actually has a deviation. Because it is reasonable, Yan Jian should launch a march toward the South before the year."

Chen Xing "hmm" sounded and said: "He also said that as long as we keep making variables, we can make it deviate from the original trajectory. Is this the confrontation between the two forces?"

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