Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 24 Table of contents

The sudden outbreak of Zhong Cheng’s suddenness caused the entire team to fall into a low mood.

The woman's body was chopped into a messy piece by Zhong Chengjian, and the blood and ** residue filled the entire kitchen.

He is also covered in blood, his hands licking his face and choking, and he seems to be unable to keep going.

The look on everyone's face is very complicated. Tang Yaoyao stood by the pool and looked like he was trying to clean up the blood on his body.

"Hey, what should I do?" Zhong Chengjian said. "I didn't want to kill her. It was just a moment of anger..."

"If you kill, you will kill." These words are too many times, and the mood of Zhang Xinghuo is also worse. He said, "It is not the real world anyway, and there is no police to catch you. You cry."

"Yes, yes, this is not a reality." After Zhang Xinghuo reminded me, Zhong Chengjian suddenly realized that his face had a smile. "As long as you go out, no one knows that I have killed someone."

Everyone heard this without saying anything. Tang Yaoyao smiled mockingly. Obviously all the old people thought the same. It is true that it is okay to go out, but the premise is to go out.

The people were talking, Lin Qiu-shi noticed that the figure had shook two figures at the door. Although he did not look too carefully, he was able to confirm that the owner of the figure was only the remaining two triplets.

“What should I do next?” Tang Yaoyao looked at the messy kitchen and had a headache. He said, “This kitchen is like this, I don’t want to go in and clean it.”

"Wait a minute." Minnan Candle, "Maybe tomorrow will be clean."

Everyone only made a joke when he was joking.

This afternoon, everyone stayed in their room, because the uncleaned kitchen tastes so bad that even sitting in the living room can smell it. So everyone scatters, helplessly escape the facts.

However, when it was dinner, Lin Qiu Shi, who sat down on the bed and played with his mobile phone, smelled the aroma of food.

This aroma is really tempting. After Lin Qiu Shi smelled it, his mouth involuntarily secreted saliva: "What is this smell?"

“Someone is cooking?” Minnan’s candlestick was lying on the bed. He said, “Hungry, I will have a good meal when I go back.”

Lin Qiushi: "Go and see?"

Minnan Candle: "Go."

Basically, everyone in this world has not had a good meal. When they see delicious food, they don’t dare to move chopsticks. They eat dry bread every day. In the words of Minnan Candle, everyone who eats will do it.

When the two of them came out of the house, they saw that other people came out together. It seems that they smelled this fragrance.

"Who is cooking?" Xu Xiaoyan swallowed his mouth and was scared and afraid. "It seems like someone in the kitchen..."

"Looking at the past."

Several people followed the aroma and returned to the kitchen that was supposed to be covered with blood. What I didn't expect was that the kitchen in the messy kitchen was full of crumbs and flesh. At this time, the kitchen was completely renewed. There were two large pots on the stove, which were stewed and scented with a strong aroma.

Lin Qiu Shi stepped forward and walked to the side of the pot. He saw a few pieces of meat stewed in the pot. He carefully looked at the floor and found the blood on the floor that was difficult to remove. At this time, he disappeared and only left a little. Residual black stains.

This scene reminds Lin Qiu Shi of what happened after Zeng Ruguo died.

"Nothing." Lin Qiu Shidao, "The body is gone."

Xu Xiao Orange said: "It only takes a few hours, how can it be so clean..."

"This is not a normal world." Minnan Candle said, "Don't think with conventional thinking."

They were standing in the kitchen and talking, and the rest of the people came over. After Tang Yaoyao saw the clean kitchen, she was relieved and muttered that the kitchen was clean. Otherwise, what should she eat in the next few days? She went to Lin Qiuishi and looked at the pot: "Good fragrance." what."

Lin Qiu Shi smiled: "You don't dare to eat incense."

Tang Yaoyao did not say anything.

Zhong Chengjian is also in the crowd. He is still not very good in his mental state. His heart is full of gods, and he is thinking about meaningless words. It seems that he is not far from being crazy. .

Also, in a closed environment, there are so many different things happening around, it is not easy to maintain a mental state.

Only a few days ago, everyone’s face was awkward, and the night when the eyes were grinding was coming, everyone’s mood looked heavy.

If you don't eat well, you can't sleep well, and you have to face the threat of ghosts.

There have been too many things during the day and everyone is a bit tired. The same is true of Lin Qiushi. He finished his early washing and went back to sleep. When he left the toilet, he saw Tang Yaoyao still standing in the women's toilet. He was doing something with his brow, and he uttered a sentence: "Tang Yaoyao?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Yaoyao turned back.

"It’s late, are you still not going to sleep?" Lin Qiu Shi pointed out the night outside the window.

"Immediately." Tang Yaoyao said, "How can I not clean the blood on my body?"

Lin Qiushi: "What?"

Tang Yaoyao repeated loudly: "I said that my blood is not clean!"

Washing was not clean, Lin Qiu Shi immediately remembered that when he came here on the first day, Zeng Ruguo also said this to him under the shower head. He said: "Don't wash it! It's so late, go back!"

Tang Yaoyao heard the anxious hidden in Lin Qiushi's tone and stopped the action in his hand: "Well, you go back first, I will come out immediately."

Lin Qiushi said: "Hurry up."

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao replied casually.

In the fairy tale Fairchild bird, when the wizard leaves home, she gives the sisters eggs. As long as they open the taboo door, the eggs will be stained with blood, and the wizard will cut the sisters into a few when they return. Big chunks, then thrown into the basement - at this moment, Lin Qiu Shi finally understood the importance of the note, if not he knows this fairy tale, I am afraid it is still a fog.

But now, the connection between the world of the door and the fairy tale has gradually floated above the water.

When Lin Qiuishi saw the sound of the water in Tang Yaoyao stopped, he first returned to his room. The candlesticks in the south of the country were squatting on the bed, holding Lin Qiushi’s mobile phone to play and even watching.

Lin Qiu Shi leaned beside him and said: "The blood on Tang Yaoyao seems to be not clean."

"The blood of the egg could not be cleaned." The candlestick in the south of the country was not lifted. "Clean up the wizard to find someone."

Lin Qiushi: "Who is a wizard?"

Minnan candle shook his head and didn't talk, didn't know if he didn't know, or didn't want to say it.

"That's going to die again tonight." Today, almost all of them except the three of them have got blood, Lin Qiu-shi said, "I don't know who it is."

Xiaonan candle put down the phone and looked at Lin Qiushi: "Do you know that you are very interesting?"

Lin Qiushi: "Well?"

Minnan Candle said: "I thought you would find a way to save them." From the time of contact, Lin Qiu Shi’s feeling is very soft, and his attitude towards life is also very important. But he knows that death is about to come. The performance is very calm.

"I didn't have you smart, you didn't think of a way, what can I do?" Lin Qiushi said, "It's a little sleepy, I slept first."

"Good night." Minnan candle.

"Good night." Lin Qiushi said.

With psychological preparation, Lin Qiushi had already made a plan to be woken up this evening. Sure enough, as he expected, around three in the morning, he was woken up by strange noises. This sound is a bit far apart, but it can barely be heard clearly.

Lin Qiu Shi turned around, and the side was the quiet sleeping face of Minnan Candle. I have to say that the candlestick is really beautiful as a girl. At this time, the long eyelashes are slightly moving with his breath, like a butterfly with wings.

The sound continued to ring, and Lin Qiu Shi began to think about whether to wake up the Minnan candle.

However, before he could come up with an answer, there was a screaming scream outside. This call was made by Zhang Xinghuo. He seemed to see something terrible, and the scorpion was broken.

This sound is too loud, even if the quality of sleep has always been good, the South Candle is also woken up. When he opened his eyes, he and Lin Qiuishi were opposite each other. Lin Qiu-shi had not spoken yet. The candlestick of South Anhui was ashamed: "I hate, you actually watched someone else for one night."

Lin Qiushi: "I don't have it, I am not..."

Minnan Candle: "Okay, okay, I know that I look good."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." You just say it, happy.

The screams outside continued, Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles put on their clothes and opened the lights. When they came out of the house, they saw Zhang Xinghuo at the end of the corridor, screaming in horror.

Others have also been woken up and have come out to check out.

Tang Yaoyao went over and asked: "Don't call, what happened in the end."

"Dead - Zhong Cheng is dead!!" Zhang Xinghuo huddled into a group, apparently suffering a serious stimulus, he said: "Dead in the house -"

Tang Yao Yao said: "Don't you die personally? You are so responsive? Can a big man compete?"

Zhong Chengjian made such a thing during the day. Everyone knows that he doesn't live long, and he doesn't know what happened. He can stimulate Zhang Xinghuo into this.

However, when they entered the house where Zhang Xinghuo was located, they understood why Zhang Xinghuo would react so much.

Because there is only a thin human skin left in the bed in the house.

There are no bones, no meat, no hair, like the whole person is hollowed out, and the human skin is quietly lying on the edge of the bed, stimulating everyone's eye.

Xu Xiao Orange did not hold back, turned and spit.

Tang Yaoyao also stepped back a few steps.

Only the expression of the Minnan candle did not change, but also whispered something.

Lin Qiu Shi was close to him. He clearly heard the whisper of the goods: "It seems that the body is hollowed out..."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." You are so happy with your skin.

"Hey, hey, I heard something in the middle of the night. When I turned on the light, I saw him dead." Zhang Xinghuo slammed on the ground and shivered. "There is something coming to our house and killing Zhong Chengjian." Going again..."

Lin Qiu Shi: "Is the sound like a spoon on something?"

Zhang Xinghuo said: "Right right, have you heard it?"

Lin Qiushi: "Well... I heard it."

It is reasonable to say that Lin Qiushi and Zhang Xinghuo are not close to each other. This kind of subtle noise should not be heard, but he not only heard it, but also heard it clearly.

This Lin Qiu Shi does not say okay, one said that everyone's face is even worse, what is the sound of a spoon scraping things, is it that Zhong Chengjian was scraped a little by a spoon?

"You can't describe it so carefully?" Tang Yaoyao thought of the scene, and her throat was moving up and down, dumb, "How do you know that it is a spoon, not something else..."

Lin Qiushi said: "I don't know, the first thing I think is the spoon." He doesn't know why he said such an adjective, but in the first time he heard the voice, he had a similar in his mind. The scene, and the first reaction is the sound of the spoon to scrape things.

"It’s also a loss to Lin Lin." Zhang Xinghuo is white. "I heard this sound for the first time. It is indeed a spoon to scrape things..." He said, his body began to tremble again, and he was fainting at any time. Look like it.

Think about it, the people around you are dead, and the flesh is still scraped away by the spoon to leave a **** human skin. No one can stand this stimulation.

When something like this happened, everyone couldn't sleep, and there was no safe place in this building.

Everyone returned to the living room and sat silent on the sofa.

The candlestick in the south of the country is a big heart. It starts to doze off on the shoulder of Lin Qiuishi.

Tang Yaoyao said sourly next to him: "I wish you all can fall asleep, Yulin Lin, is your shoulder sour?"

"Not sour." Lin Qiushi said, "He can sleep."

"Oh, you are really interesting." Tang Yao Yao said, "You can still fall in love here..."

Lin Qiu Shi did not speak, he could not say that the girl he leaned on was a big man. Who said this letter, the ghost knows why the South Candle is the best looking girl in the door.

It’s so embarrassing, oh, everyone finally got to dawn.

Zhang Xinghuo finally broke free from fear and smiled and said that he was so hungry that he wanted to eat something.

"Only dry bread." Tang Yao Yao said, "You will not be interested in the things in the refrigerator?"

Zhang Xinghuo shook his head and said that he was not interested. Before the girl’s body bag was placed inside, she thought of who could eat it.

Originally, people died today. Everyone thought that the law in the door would not work. Who knows that a group of people have not been sitting for half an hour before, but they actually all slept.

When the next day dawned, everyone woke up.

Lin Qiu Shi was the first to wake up. He opened his eyes and saw everyone squatting on the sofa. Xu Xiao Orange and Tang Yaoyao leaned against each other, and Zhang Xinghuo shrank into a group. The handcuffs of the Minnan candlestick are on his neck, and the movement naturally takes his whole person in his arms.

When Lin Qiu Shi moved, the candlestick of Wannan woke up. He stumbled and opened his eyes. "Is it in the morning?"

"Yeah." Lin Qiushi said, "We all fell asleep, it was too dangerous..."

"There is something so dangerous." There is no such thing as a candle in the south of the country. "It’s not dead in the coffin room, and the king wants people to die and struggle to get to five."

It seems that it is also true, Lin Qiu Shi faceless helpless.

The dialogue between the two also awakened others from their sleep. After Xu Xiao Orange woke up, he reacted with Lin Qiu-shi. It was a feeling that it was dangerous to sit on the sofa and fall asleep.

“Is there something to eat?” Zhang Xinghuo began to cry out yesterday. He woke up and said the first thing he wanted to eat.

"I went to the kitchen to see." Tang Yaoyao stood up and entered the kitchen. After a while, her voice came from the kitchen. "Let's come over and see?"

Lin Qiu Shi felt that her voice was a little weird. When she walked into the kitchen, she understood why her tone was so strange.

Because the kitchen's chopping board, set up a good breakfast.

Light porridge, toasted bread, and a round boiled egg. These foods may feel a little light if they are outside the door, but for those who have not eaten well for several days, it is already very attractive.

"Who did it?" Lin Qiu Shi asked.

"I don't know." Tang Yaoyao said, "I have already done it when I came in, Zhang Xinghuo, what are you eager to do-"

They are still talking. Zhang Xinghuo has already sipped the porridge in a bowl, and after a drink, he said, "I am too hungry and I don't want to wait."

"It should be okay, I am also hungry." Minnan Candle observed it and felt that there was no problem. "Eat."

He is basically the backbone of the team now. He said that he can eat. Everyone has moved chopsticks.

Lin Qiu Shi was actually very hungry. He ate a large piece of bread and three bowls of porridge in one breath, but he never touched the egg because he couldn’t get through the hurdle.

There is no contraindication to the candlestick in the south of the country. One egg and one egg swallowed three times, only to wipe the mouth and express that you are full.

Finally, the hunger was alleviated, and the color of the lameness appeared on everyone's face.

"Good enough." Xu Xiao Orange touched his belly. "It’s so happy, I haven’t eaten so much for a long time, who made the meal?”

"Take him what he did." Tang Yaoyao said, "If you are full -" she would like to say that she is full, but when she reaches the mouth, she swallows it back.

Because a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone, it was a woman wearing an apron, wearing a hair, a common face with a kind smile, she noticed the horrified eyes of everyone, then turned her head and smiled: " You look at what I do, eat, I am doing it for you, how are you, delicious?"

Xu Xiao Orange slammed his mouth and rushed to the toilet.

The atmosphere was quiet and terrible. Everyone turned their attention to the woman. She was the triple mother who was hacked to death by Zhong Cheng yesterday. The woman who was supposed to die was standing in good condition. In front of me, I also asked them kindly about their breakfast.

It is no wonder that Xu Xiao Orange ran to the toilet and vomited.

"What's wrong, isn't it good?" The woman didn't seem to understand why everyone looked at her with such a look and continued to ask questions.

"It's delicious." Minnan candle finally opened his mouth. "Thank you for your food."

"You like it." The woman smiled sweetly. "The children at home are picky eaters, unlike you, they love everything." She finished, turned and laughed and went out. Left a room expression like everyone who ate.

Lin Qiu Shi is okay, Tang Yaoyao has begun to pick up swearing words, to see her irritated appearance, apparently the disgusting thing that was just eaten belly.

Also, people who were still fragmented yesterday, I have given you a delicious dish today, and I am afraid that I will feel that this table is a big problem. This is the typical spit, and can't swallow.

In the face of the poor eyes of the people, the woman did not care. She walked slowly into the kitchen and said, "What do you want to eat at noon? There is a lot of meat in the refrigerator..." She picked up the knife and gently Capricorn for a moment, "I can give you food to eat."

The knife in her hand was the one that Zhong Chengjian cut her into a few pieces that day, and there were some black stains on it.

Everyone didn't talk and slowly retired from the kitchen.

Xu Xiao Orange also returned to the living room, her face was white, and the whole person seemed to be fainting. Sitting on the sofa, she was crying and crying. "I really can't do it, I am going to die." ......"

"You should have gotten used to it." Minnan candle said ruthlessly, "You have spit a few times these days, it is more powerful than pregnant."

Xu Xiao orange cried.

"How can she live?" Tang Yaoyao said, "So she is a ghost now?"

"People are definitely not people, ghosts are not ghosts," said Minnan Candle. "Maybe she is just an indispensable npc, because of importance, as long as she dies, it will be refreshed?"

Tang Yaoyao: "You are fresh in this statement."

"But now there is a problem." Minnan Candle said, "If she will always refresh, then she has a memory of her death?"

Tang Yaoyao: "No? If so, how can we see how calm we are?"

Minnan Candle: "Because the murderer has disappeared?"

Tang Yaoyao licks his lips.

There are indeed fewer individuals among them, that is, the death of the woman’s Zhong Cheng. When the woman was resurrected, Zhong Cheng was not there. Otherwise, according to his mental condition, it is very likely that he would hack the woman once again with a knife.

"Let's think about it, at least someone will help us with breakfast." Minnan said with a big candle, "I don't want to eat dry bread any more."

"Do you dare to eat what she did?" Tang Yaoyao expressed disapproval of the heart of Minnan Candle.

"Did you eat it today?" Minnan candle ruthlessly exposed this cruel fact, "I still eat more than me, and everyone eats."

Tang Yaoyao: "..."

Xu Xiao, who was sitting next to him, said that he was weak and weak: "I didn't eat, I spit it out."

Everyone: "..." You are awesome. 2k novel reading network

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