Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 38 Table of contents

The monsters that rushed out of the temple quickly dragged back a person they were familiar with. As the South Candle said, Xu Wei has been quietly following them in the jungle.

She was caught in the hands of several monsters, and she was dragged out from the wolf in the jungle. Her expression was terrified and her mouth was still calling for help. If she hadn’t seen her horrible appearance in the night, Lin Qiu Shi might have thought of saving her, but now he didn’t move at all, watching the monsters grab Xu Wei along the wooden shelves all the way up, then put her Brought to the little girl who was covered in blood.

"Help, save me -" Xu Wei saw Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candle standing next to him. The first reaction was to ask for help from them. Her face was tears, and she was afraid to faint at any time. Look like it.

Minnan candle looked at her indifferently, and there was no movement between the expressions.

Xu Wei still wants to run, but the hands and feet are caught by the monsters. The little **** the top of the temple supports the body with her hands, slowly moves to her front, then reaches out and presses her heavily. Face: "Give me back - give it back to me-"

"Ah!!" issued a very screaming scream, Xu Wei was so mad that he struggled, only to see the little girl's hand directly through her skin, pressed into her flesh and blood, then the girl's When the two hands were separated by force, a clear sound like the tear of the cloth was heard - Xu Wei's skin was actually pulled down like this.

"Ah!! Don't don't don't want it - sister, stop!!" The average person has died so long, but Xu Wei is still struggling, even if the strength seems to be a little bigger, the fear in her eyes is beginning to gradually Regression has become a different kind of emotion, and Lin Qiu-Shi recognizes that emotion is called unwillingness.

Finally, a complete skin was torn off, and the girl gave a sharp laugh, and if she got the treasure, she would hang her skin in her arms.

Xu Wei’s eyes fell on the broken drums, and the color of resentment became more and more intense: “Why are you doing this, you are not promised to me, you promised to me—”

"The liar, live!" The girl with the skin suddenly screamed, and the drumhead under her body also made a loud noise. She seemed to hate the extreme anger and wanted to swallow the life in front of her eyes: "Sister, my good sister, I I am looking for you, where have you been, where have you been!"

Xu Wei, who has become a monster, can't answer her sister's question. She looks a lot bigger than the girl's age. It is completely impossible to recognize the two men who were twins.

"Well, when you come back, you are finally back." While talking, slowly sorting out the skin peeled off from Xu Wei, and then carefully put it on his body. Her look is very happy, like wearing a long-awaited new dress. "Sister, after you leave me, can you miss me for a while?"

When the skin touched the girl's body, she gradually became fit with her body. Her body shape also began to change, from a **** monster to a cute little girl. The appearance of the little girl, Lin Qiu Shi once seen on the piece of paper that Xu Wei took, is the twins in the picture.

At this time, Xu Wei and the little girl almost changed their appearance. She was barely textured, her eyes were resentful and unwilling, but she could not resist the people in front of her.

Dressed up in her own skin, the little girl laughed and walked around Xu Wei, she forced the monster to let Xu down, raised her hand and gently stroked Xu Wei’s hair, laughing: "Don’t be afraid, My sister, I have prepared a lot of good things for you. As long as you come back, my sister will forgive, you see..." She finished this and happily clap her hands.

Lin Qiu-Shen felt a shock from his feet. He looked down and found that the drums made of human skin under his feet were actually squirming. These people were stitched together one by one, each of them was covered. It began to make a painful snoring, as if they had not died at all, but continued to survive in a skin.

"Giggle..." The girl heard these snoring and snoring, satisfied and laughed. She grabbed Xu Wei’s hair and smiled. "Thank you for their help. Without them, how can I find you?"

Xu Wei certainly couldn't say this thank you. If Lin Qiu Shi took them away from her drums, she couldn't possibly follow them three and be caught by her sister.

"Speak, talk." The little girl's smile gradually groaned. "Are you not the most talked, talk!!" She hated and grabbed Xu's arm, and then pulled it hard. The sly hand was pulled down directly.

Xu Wei screamed and shivered and reluctantly opened his mouth: "Thank you... you."

"Giggle." The girl started laughing again.

Minnan Candle: "You found her, can you tell us the position of the door?"

The girl nodded and said, pointing out the hand to the south of the candle: "Return the bone flute to me, that is my bone." She grinned and touched the broken part of Xu Wei's leg. "Sister, you The bones, where did you hide your bones?"

Xu Wei said: "No, it was lost by those people."

The little girl didn't smile for a moment. Her eyes looked at Xu Wei with a cold look. "If that's the case, then I will lend the bones to you. When they are all dead, I will cut off their calves and give them You use it."

Xu Wei did not speak, she had no skin on her face, and she could hardly see any details. But Lin Qiu Shi’s only certainty is that she is now afraid and hate.

The little girl took the bone flute and scratched it with her hand. After scratching the drumhead, a black iron door was revealed.

"Please, please." The little girl smiled and said to them.

The candlestick went to the front, and when the key was opened, the door was opened. At the moment of opening the door, a small note fell on the door and was collected by the candle.

"Go." Minnan candle said a word, then entered the door.

Cheng Qianli followed him. When Lin Qiushi planned to enter the third time, the little girl suddenly ran to his side and took a picture on his back.

Lin Qiushi was photographed, but he heard the little girl say, "She likes you, so I don't like you."

Although the back is cold, Lin Qiu Shi did not dare to stop, and stepped into the door.

After a long tunnel, the three of them finally returned to the real world again.

Lin Qiu Shi’s arrival in the real world feels very wrong. What he wants to say is a whirlwind, and the whole person is soft on the ground.


Darkness, long darkness, after the darkness, Lin Qiushi finally ushered in the light.

As soon as he woke up, he saw the Minnan candle holding a phone and quarreling with the person. Unlike the door, his tone was cold and the angle was soaring. He quickly said the person on the phone was speechless.

"Wake up?" After seeing Lin Qiushi waking up, Hannan candle hung up.

Lin Qiushi nodded: "What happened to me..."

Minnan candle: "Acute pneumonia, almost did not enter icu."

Because she was photographed before she came out, Lin Qiu-shi also knew that she would definitely get sick, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

"That little king is scorpion." The candlestick was very unhappy. "It’s good to make a return."

Lin Qiushi said: "Make back this?"

Minnan candle took out something from his pocket and handed it to Lin Qiuishi.

It was a thick book, and the cover was familiar. Lin Qiu took it up and found that it was actually the diary they found at the top of the tower. I didn't expect it to be brought out by the Minnan candle.

After Lin Qiu Shi opened it, he saw a picture in the color of the book, which seemed to tell the story. And the paper has also changed into a material, and it feels like a sheepskin texture, but according to what happened inside the door, Lin Qiushi feels that this may not be sheepskin...

"The things in the general door are not brought out," said Minnan Candle. "But there are also some special items that can be brought out, such as ear studs on your ears, and notebooks in front of you. There are special things."

Lin Qiu Shi looked at it: "What is special about this notebook?"

Minnan Candle: "I don't know yet, I have to study it. This thing is what you found. Keep it first."

Lin Qiu Shi was eager to quit, but Minnan Candle came again with a phone call. He looked at the number and stood up and walked out of the ward and answered the phone.

Lin Qiu Shi bowed his head and opened the notebook. After carefully reading it, he found that the notebook recorded the story of the sisters.

In the isolated mountain village, there is an important ritual ceremony, that is, every once in a while, from the young girl who has never grown up, choose the purest girl, peel it off, and use her soft skin to make one side. The beautiful red drum is placed in the tower of the high burial of the people to comfort the gods. The sisters have a good relationship, the sister is lively and cheerful, and the sister is beautiful inside, but one day, the sister has become the target of the priest’s fancy.

After she was forcibly taken away, she made a drum.

When my sister saw her sister suddenly disappeared, she began to look around – but this was not the end of the story, but the beginning.

The younger sister did not die, not only did not die, but also became a monster without skin. She woke up from the depths of the tower and began to wander around the village, looking for the person who placed the order, peeling off their skin and wearing it on their own body. But my sister found that the skin of those people did not fit her. She needed a perfect skin... Of course, she thought of her sister who was exactly the same as herself.

Deceive, lie, become a monster's sister and scammed her sister into the temple. She easily stripped off her sister's skin. She was draped in her sister's skin, afraid that her sister would catch up and cut off her sister's legs.

My sister was left in the temple like this.

The skinned sister did not die, and the deceived sister also survived. Her hatred and resentment turned her into a more horrible monster. She even made the bone flute with the cut legs and began to manipulate. Other sacrifices that were also sacrificed.

But the temple limited her ability, she was trapped in it, waiting day after day, waiting, waiting for the day to recapture her skin.

In the past day, the sister who put on her sister's skin grew up.

And Lin Qiu Shi, they, at this time, entered their world.

Lin Qiu Shi read the whole story, closed the page, and his fingers rubbed on the pages of the book for a while, and did not find the special features of the book.

The Minnan Candles just finished the phone call and came in from the outside. "How do you feel?"

Lin Qiushi coughed twice: "It's okay."

Minnan Candle sat down next to him and analyzed the situation: "You are now the fifth door, so the next door will be at least half a year later, and you should take care of this time to raise your body." He said that he paused here. Your injury is unexpected. I have other arrangements. It seems that I can only push back."

Lin Qiushi asked: "What arrangement?"

Minnan Candle: "Let's say, if your body is not recovering well enough, this arrangement does not have to be said."

Lin Qiushi always feels that this arrangement should be very important, but the candle in front of the south is not the same as the inside of the door. Although he is long and beautiful, the eyebrows are all cold, like a piece of cold ice.

If it is inside the door, Lin Qiu-Shi may dare to ask for a thick face, but outside, facing the appearance of this southern candle, Lin Qiu-Shi had no choice but to continue to ask.

Probably knowing that Lin Qiu-Shi was awake, Cheng Qianli did not bring a bag of fruit fart to the ward. He said that Qiu Shi, your luck is really unscrupulous, and most people will not be injured in the world of the door. .

Minnan candle was heard next to it, pouring a cold water: "Yes, generally will not be injured, they are directly dead."

Lin Qiushi: "..."

Cheng Qianli: "...you are bad."

Not long after Cheng Qianli came, the South Anhui candle took another call and hurried away.

Lin Qiuishi saw him so busy, asking if there was anything wrong with Cheng Qianli.

"I don't figure it out." Cheng Qianli said, "It is the white deer who started to inquire about the identity of Zhu Meng. The white deer is also quite big. I really want to find it, but they will definitely not know Zhu Meng. It is our boss."

Lin Qiushi: "...oh."

If you don't see it with your own eyes, he can't think of the drama in the door. So many of the fans will be dressed in women's clothing.

Just because the little girl in the door slaps, Lin Qiu Shi lay in bed for a whole month, good is not very good. When I finally returned to the villa, I saw the chestnuts and rushed over.

Chestnuts lie on the sofa, facing Lin Qiu Shi, who is like a hungry tiger, showing great disdain, getting up, turning his head, twisting his **** and jumping forward, leaving Lin Qiu Shi an indifferent back.

Lin Qiushi almost didn't cry on the spot.

Or Cheng Qianli holding his family's toast in front of him, let Lin Qiu Shi touch the toast of the toast to calm down. The toast gave out the fat **** that belonged to Keji. The black eyes were full of innocence. Lin Qiushi’s heart was comforted, and he did not make any excessive things.

A few days after Lin Qiushi returned to the villa, he received a call from his friend Wu Qi. On the phone, Wu Qi expressed strong suspicion that Lin Qiu Shi was controlled by the pyramid scheme. He also said that he must come over and see if Lin Qiu Shi disagreed. He chose to call the police.

Lin Qiu Shi was helpless and said this to Minnan Candle.

Minnan Candles easily agreed with Lin Qiushi’s request.

"But I don't recommend telling you about these things," said Minnan Candle. "If you don't want to be sent to a mental hospital."

Lin Qiushi: "Is there such an example before?"

The Minnan candle pointed to Yimanman who was quarreling with Cheng Qianli upstairs: "We personally took it out."

Later, Lin Qiu-shi knew that Yi Manman had told the family about it shortly after he entered the villa. As a result, the family agreed that they were a soft MLM organization, in order to prevent Yimanman from going astray. He was placed in a mental hospital, and later the contact person of Minnan was put out of Yimanman.

Lin Qiu Shi did not expect this to happen, but then, if someone told him about it, he would not believe it.

"Well, I will think about what he said." Lin Qiushi answered.

Minnan had a candle, and after a moment of silence, he asked: "Do you need to explain your parents?"

Lin Qiushi: "It's okay, my family relationship is relatively light."

Minnan candle nodded and left.

When Lin Qiushi’s elementary school was separated, his parents divorced and each formed a family. He grew up with his grandmother. When he went to college, his grandmother passed away, and he almost lost any concern. This is one of the reasons why he chose to stay in the city because he has no reservations about the so-called hometown.

A few days later, Wu Qi found a villa that Lin Qiu Shi was in for a weekend. When he came, he seemed to have brought his own self-defense things. He looked into Linyi with his face in doubt.

Chen Fei, they all know that Lin Qiushi’s friend is coming, and when he sees him coming in with vigilance, he can’t help but laugh.

Cheng Qianli was really itchy. When Wu Qiyi came in, he rushed to the door to close the door, and then said to Lin Qiu Shi: "How do you bring people now?"

Lin Qiushi: "..."

Cheng Qianli said: "We are here, we will pay attention to the development of the downline, come, friends, find out..."

Wu Qi is so skeptical that Lin Qiu Shi is crying and laughing.

Fortunately, at this time, his brother appeared in time, and he turned his face to look blank and turned away. Before leaving, he gave Lin Qiu Shi apologize: "Sorry, I forgot to lock my fool." ”

Cheng Qianli’s painful screaming, and dare not refute, tears and grievances were smashed by his brother, and the toast joined in the fun.

Lin Qiushi: "Wu Qi, my friend, he was joking. These are my roommates. This is my friend Wu Qi."

Chen Feiyi Manman, who had a friendly greeting with Wu Qi, went to do his own thing. Wu Qi observed a circle, and there seems to be no suspicious place in the house. He still has some reluctance to insist on going upstairs. Also asked Lin Qiu Shi, they usually do not go to class.

Lin Qiu Shi: "...not on, where will the class be, this is really not a pyramid scheme."

"Isn't it?" Wu Qi, "How come you didn't contact me for a month?"

"I am not sick." Lin Qiu Shi explained, "I have lived in Icu for a while..." In fact, under normal circumstances, his symptoms are not in the ward for three or five months, but it is definitely not possible, but it may be a change of the door. His physique, he recovered very quickly, was discharged from hospital for more than a month, even his attending doctors are amazed, saying that Lin Qiu Shi is a medical miracle, asked Lin Qiu Shi whether he is interested in participating in medical research.

Lin Qiushi’s resolute resignation, the attending doctor expressed his regret that he also asked Lin Qiushi to go back to him if he changed his mind.

Lin Qiu Shi can only smile.

"When you are sick, don't you tell me?" Wu Qiyi heard the fire. "Lin Qiu Shi, are you still not a friend?"

Lin Qiu Shi knew that he was losing money, and quickly pleaded guilty. It took a long time for Wu Qi to be so angry.

The two are looking at you. I spoke in the same way. The door in the living room was opened again. The candlestick came back from the outside, followed by a young man. The man looked like a man in his twenties and grew a doll. It looks very cute.

"Hey, this is a newcomer?" Chen Fei asked.

"Yeah." The simple introduction of Minnan Candle, "Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei’s character seems to be very cheerful, smiling and greeting everyone.

The Minnan candle said: "Chen Fei, go up and teach him first."

Chen Fei said a good voice, stood up and led the newcomer upstairs.

Lin Qiu-Shi's attention was still on the newcomer. The result suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the conversation between Minnan Candle and Chen Fei. He turned to look at Wu Qi and found that Wu Qiyi was such an expression and a faint opening. : "Don't you say that you don't have a class here?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." How should he explain clearly?

Just as Lin Qiu Shi’s eloquence, the South Candle was coming in their direction. He stopped in front of Wu Qi and reached out to him: “Henan Candle.”

Wu Saki was one meter and seventy-six. He was pressured to death in the face of a nannan candle that was close to one meter and nine. He took the hand of the South Candle and said his name: "Wu Qi. ”

"I am a friend of Lin Qiu Shi, I will take good care of him, you don't have to worry." Very natural to say something in front, Minnan candle slightly raised his chin, "also welcome you to come here to play."

Wu Qidao said a good voice.

When Minnan Candle said this, he turned his head and looked at Lin Qiuishi. He nodded to him and turned and left. Wu Qi looked at his back and did not speak for a long time. Finally he said: "I believe that you are not doing pyramid schemes."

Lin Qiushi: "Do you believe this?"

"Yes." Wu Qi said, "Do people like Changcheng need to engage in pyramid schemes?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "...Do you think I am not looking good?"

Wu Qi: "You look good again and it's a normal level. It's not a baby who puts him like that."

Lin Qiu-Sheng found that he couldn't refute. The appearance of the candlestick of the South is indeed different from that of ordinary people. If you want to describe it, it is really like a statue of a jade carving. The eyebrows are all painted, and it’s really beautiful, like a jade.

Although the process is inexplicable, it is a disappointment to dispel the doubts of Wu Qixin. In order to apologize for his disappearance, Lin Qiu Shi made a sumptuous lunch to entertain Wu Jishang and the villa.

The newcomer who came with the candlestick also sat on the table. His character seemed to be very outgoing. Fortunately, Chen Fei and he greeted him. He did not ask Wu Shuqi what questions he should not ask.

After the meal, Lin Qiu Shi sent away his friend, and also relieved his heart.

He is confidant, Wu Qi is one of them, he naturally does not want to have a gap with Wu Qi because of some small things.

After sending away Wu Qi, Lin Qiu-Shi, who had the time and the new Zhang Wei, said something, he learned that Zhang Wei was also the first to enter the door, and he met the candlestick like him.

And the South Anhui candle is obviously taking advantage of the time he was sick, and he entered a few more tricks.

I just don't know what it is for him to get out of the door so frequently. Lin Qiushi guessed that this may have something to do with his eleventh door. 2k novel reading network

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