Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 56 Table of contents

Next, they went to the other two missing children.

After some inquiries, they quickly found the commonality of the three children - before they disappeared, they all said that they had been followed, although the parents did not take the child's words seriously.

The mother of one of the missing children was crying and crying. "I regret it. If I believed her at the time, she would not disappear. Everything blames me. Everything is my fault... I am not a competent mother..."

Minnan candle warmed a few words and said: "Would you ask any clues about her disappearance? If there are clues, can you tell us that maybe we can find your child early by clues."

The mother heard a moment of silence, whispered: "The clue... There are rumors that there is a monster hidden in the suburbs in our town... Of course, this is just a rumor, and no one has ever met."

Minnan Candle: "Monster? What kind of monster?"

"I don't know," said the mother. "We don't know what the monster looks like. It's just a legend. It seems like a tall figure..."

This is all the news that the mother knows.

However, after the question of Minnan Candle, they learned that the child liked to go to the cannery to play nearby. Although the parents said many times, she still secretly went to steal. The location of the disappearance seems to be the canned factory that has been sealed...

It seems that the cannery is indeed an important location.

Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candle reached an agreement and decided to simply have lunch and go to the cannery in the afternoon.

The taste of lunch is still very bad. Several dishes on the table are related to the fish, and it has a strong fishy smell. There are also a few canned fish in the center of the table, which looks delicious in a table of food.

Because of this, many people have moved chopsticks on the canned fish and said that the taste is very good.

Because of the results of the morning investigation, Lin Qiu Shi was really grateful to these cans. He casually ate something, and picked up his mobile phone to start sorting out his ideas. He also lost his identity in this world as a dumb woman. No one came to him to talk. Think of him as the air.

Lin Qiu Shi is also happy to be free.

The second day after entering the door, there were still people trying to find the Minnan Candle Team. In the speech, all of them were disgusting of Lin Qiuishi.

Some people are still euphemistic, some people are very straightforward, saying that this girl is a dumb, can not be called out of things, why waste time on her, it is better to change the team.

Lin Qiu Shi listened to this and almost stood up and confronted the quality of this person, but he finally managed to hold back and learn to look pitiful before the appearance of the Minnan candle.

So Minnan candle seemed to be moved by his weakness and refused the invitation of others.

However, Minnan Candle seems to be a bit annoyed by harassment, grabbing Lin Qiushi and quickly left the restaurant.

"How do they like to look for you so much? Is it because you look good?" Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles went to the cannery when it was a bit strange.

"People are going to be profitable and avoiding harm." Minnan Candle said, "In a place where you accidentally lose your life, if you encounter something stronger than yourself, you will always find a way to get close."

They were close to the cannery and they smelled a rich fishy smell.

This fishy smell makes people feel very uncomfortable. If you put it on someone who doesn't like to eat fish, I am afraid that you will feel sick when you smell both.

The cannery is on the far side of the town. There is no trace of people living here. There are no buildings next to the road. There are only some sparse trees and thick bushes. The trees are followed by thick fog, reminding them not to cross the border. .

According to the mayor, the cannery had stopped production a few years ago and was in a state of silence. The Minnan candlestick tool opened the rusted door at the door of the cannery, and the two men sneaked in from the entrance.

"This cannery is quite big." Lin Qiu Shi looked around, first to enter a huge yard, surrounded by a yard of weeds around the yard, I can see that no one has been here for a long time. There are a few tall dead trees in the yard. The birds on the dead trees are listening to the black feathers. They look like crows, but after careful observation, they seem to be a lot bigger than the crows...

"Yeah." Minnan candle went ahead.

Lin Qiushi said: "Will they all disappear here? Or, after being missing, they were brought here."

Minnan Candle: "I don't know, let's see if there are any clues."

Lin Qiushi nodded.

When the two men went all the way, Lin Qiu-Shi suddenly found out when he was about to enter the factory.

This discovery was an accident. Lin Qiu-Shi was smashed by the stone at the foot of his foot. He took a few steps. He lowered his head and saw that the stone that had tripped over him saw something else.

"What is this?" Lin Qiushi called, and he bent down and carefully observed the ground of the earthy texture. "...is this a finger print?"

Minnan Candle heard the voice of Lin Qiu Shi and looked at the place he saw.

I saw the top of the earth, covered with dense palm prints, these palm prints look like they are not regularly printed, but after careful observation, the palm prints are more like a signal for help - someone was dragged from the soil Going away, in the process of being towed away, he tried to grasp the things around him, so he panicked and seized the dirt underneath, leaving a mark on the map.

Lin Qiu Shi walked carefully along the imprint, and the south candle was behind him, observing the situation nearby.

Soon, Lin Qiu-Shi discovered the end of the handprint. It was a huge dead tree with a diameter of at least two meters. It seemed to have been dry for a long time. Lin Qiu-shi knocked on the trunk and frowned: "The inside is empty, will there be anything?"

The southern candlestick hit the dead tree: "It is possible." After all, the handprint disappeared in front of the tree.

Minnan candle took out a small knife from his pocket and began to slowly chisel the trunk. The tree was already a bit ruined, and the sharp knife was easily inserted.

However, when Minnan candle knives □ □, Lin Qiu Shi took a cold breath.

On the blade of the Minnan candle, there was actually a touch of red blood.

"The trough." Lin Qiu Shi did not hold back the swear words, his expression was awkward, "...you won't kill the clues."

Minnan Candle: "..." He was silent for a moment, calmly said, "I didn't mean it."

Lin Qiushi: "..."

Minnan Candle: "But if a normal person is inserted, it will definitely make a sound, and the tree has no holes. How can normal people get in?"

This is also the case, Lin Qiu Shi licked a little dry lips: "Take it open."

Minnan nodded by candle, this time he did not dare to insert the knife too deep, but inserted it. After entering it, he began to work hard around him. He quickly cut a trunk into a gap to reveal the inside.

After seeing the things inside the trunk, Lin Qiuishi stepped back involuntarily, and his expression was very ugly.

I saw a child in the trunk, and the child seemed to have merged with the old tree. The body was almost entirely embedded in the trunk. But the most striking thing is that his abdomen has been opened with a huge mouth. Although he can't see any blood, Lin Qiu Shi understands that he is definitely not alive.

Minnan candle was biased: "He seems to have a plastic bag behind him."

If the person who didn't look at the clues did not know what was going on, but Lin Qiu Shi had already understood the clues of the door before he came in, so he almost understood the meaning of the plastic bag in an instant - the child's internal organs were hollowed out. , put it in the plastic bag.

This is what the sleazy ghosts like to do.

"I think there are a few children left behind." Lin Qiushi sighed.

Minnan Candle: "The big probability." He has become accustomed to death. At this time, he is observing the body in the trunk in front of him and wants to find more clues.

Lin Qiu Shi looked around, he had a feeling, and the two children who were left behind were also in the cannery, but they didn't know where they were hiding.

When Lin Qiu-Shi thought so, the candlestick suddenly stepped back, and his footsteps were a little anxious, as if he had seen something strange.

"How?" Lin Qiu Shiyi.

Minnan candle was silent for a moment, did not speak, pointed to the body in front of him.

Lin Qiu Shi looked up and then made the same reaction as the Minnan candle - the child's eyes didn't know when to open, and they were watching them with a deep, indifferent air.

Lin Qiu-Shi started a goose bump, and he smiled and said: "Do you not swindle?"

Minnan Candle: "That can be said." He looked up at the sky. "It’s getting dark, we still don’t look for it, tomorrow, let’s go back today.”

"Yeah." Lin Qiu Shi agreed with the proposal of Minnan Candle. After all, the world night inside the door is very dangerous.

"Let's go, tell the children of the town tomorrow," said Minnan Candle. "I would like to see how they react."

The canneries are actually far away from where they live. Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles rushed back to the hotel before rushing to the dark.

The crowd gathered in the restaurant, silently eating dinner, and occasionally someone talked about getting clues today.

Lin Qiu-shi had a shopping trip without a ride. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. He looked up and saw that a man had a nosebleed.

"Oh, how suddenly nosebleeds." The man’s companion said, "Hurry up and wipe the paper."

"I don't know what's going on," the man said. "It's going to eat when you eat..."

He got up and went to the toilet. Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles looked at each other and saw some emotions from the other's eyes.

After the long and thin ghosts are eyeing the adult goals, there will be some signs, nightmares, hallucinations, and one is nosebleed or hemoptysis.

The man suddenly had a nosebleed in front of him, and he did not know whether it was an accident or a sign.

The man was coming back soon, and the nosebleeds stopped when he came back. This time he was talking about the bad food in the hotel.

Lin Qiuishi saw that nothing happened, and he got up and planned to leave. The Minnan candle returned to the room with him behind him.

After returning to the room, Lin Qiu Shiyi took a mobile phone to think about clues in bed.

The Minnan candle was sitting next to him and looked at Lauren’s diary again.

"It seems that there is nothing, the clue is not enough." After the darkness of the sky, Lin Qiuishi was a little sleepy, he said, "Let's sleep."

Minnan Candle: "Okay."

Lin Qiu Shi climbed into the bed after washing, and the fog outside the window began to thicken.

The southern candlestick lay beside Lin Qiu Shi, and there was a steady breathing sound when he didn’t speak for a while... It seemed to be asleep.

Lin Qiu Shi also closed his eyes, but in the silent night, a little bit of sound was very harsh. Lin Qiu Shi’s listening was sharp. He was lying on the bed and caught the sound that did not belong here.

It was the sound of someone walking through the grass. The man seemed to be dragging something heavy, and occasionally stepped on one or two branches.

Lin Qiushi immediately thought of the child he saw in the trunk during the day, and his godless cast a layer of horrible white horrible pupil.

He felt a little cold and he slowly turned over.

The South China candle, which should have been asleep, opened his eyes and looked at him with a burning look: "Little mute, can't sleep?"

Lin Qiu Shi rounded his eyes, and he did not scream at the south candle. He then got up and lay down beside him, holding his waist.

What Lin Qiu Shi was trying to say, but the candlestick of the South was pressed with his thumb and pressed his lips: "Hey, hey."

Lin Qiushi: "..."

Taking advantage of Lin Qiu Shi's work, the two have already slept on the same bed. Fortunately, the bed is big enough, and the two men are not very crowded when they sleep together. Lin Qiu Shi originally wanted to refuse, but before refusing, he thought of the identity of the medicine of the South Anhui candle. Hesitantly, he finally said nothing.

Things in the grass outside the house are still walking around, like looking for opportunities.

Lin Qiu Shi began to listen nervously, but was later infected by the calm atmosphere of Minnan candle, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I felt the next day.

The next morning, nothing happened overnight.

Fourteen people appeared in the restaurant as usual.

It’s been two days, and there are still no dead people. This situation is very rare. Lin Qiu Shi is thinking about this, but sees a person walking in front of himself. This person seems to be the one who suddenly had a nosebleed when he was eating yesterday. He looked mediocre and there was no place to attract attention, but Lin Qiu-shi looked at him and then frowned.

Compared with yesterday, this person has a black top hat on top of his head.

The hat was simply out of place with the casual outfit he wore, but the others didn't seem to notice it, and didn't even mention it.

"What are you looking at?" Hannan candle suddenly asked him.

"The hat on his head looks so strange." Lin Qiushi answered, "Isn't you seen it yesterday?"

The candlestick of Minnan was slightly frowned, and his gaze moved to the man's body, staring for a moment: "It is really strange."

"But everyone thinks it is normal." Lin Qiushi said.

"To tell the truth." The milk cup in the handle of the Minnan candle was put down. "I don't think it is normal before I mention it."

Lin Qiushi: "Well?"

Minnan Candle: "How do you describe that feeling with you, it is like he should have worn such a hat." He held his chin and looked at the man with a quiet light. "No. It’s not surprising that it’s awkward.”

Lin Qiushi: "..."

But in fact, this is indeed a very strange hat.

Obviously, only wearing a formal hat will wear such a black top hat. But the man was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and it seemed that only he found something wrong in the whole room.

Minnan candle whispered: "I think he is going to die."

Lin Qiushi: "...I think too."

The two agreed on this matter.

The man seemed to have no idea what went wrong with him, and he was very happy to have breakfast. The process of eating also told the companion that he had a dream yesterday.

With Lin Qiushi's hearing, it is easy to capture the content of his speech.

"Someone gave me a hat in the dream, so I must wear it." He said with a smile. "I thought it was just a dream. Who knows that the next day I really found a stick on the branch outside the window." hat."

"This hat is so beautiful." His companion actually said, "You are also very suitable to wear."

This is placed under normal circumstances, how to listen to how to be perfunctory, but the voice of the person who speaks is very sincere, Lin Qiu Shi heard that he is serious. He seriously thought that this hat is very good-looking, very suitable for his companions, and even wants to put on a try.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the south candle.

The candlestick of Minnan seemed to understand what he meant. He nodded and stood up and walked towards the man wearing the hat.

"Is your hat a bit wrong?" said Minnan Candle. "Don't be anything cursed."

The words already made are obvious. The man showed a vigilant expression after listening. He said, "I don't think that if the key is in the hat, then the clue is in the hat."

Minnan candlestick hand: "If not?"

The man said, "No, nothing, a hat."

Minnan candle no longer speaks, turns and walks away. If it is not Lin Qiushi, he will not say such a superfluous sentence. Since this person is stubborn, he is already benevolent.

Lin Qiu Shi's face is helpless, carefully typing on the phone: If I am caught by this stuff, you must wake me up.

The candle in the south of the country is like a smile: "Reassured, I will wake you up in a way that does not hurt you."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." How does your smile look weird?

The man in the black top hat went out with his companion after breakfast, and the expression of the South Candle was quite regrettable.

Lin Qiu Shi began to think that the candlestick in the south of the country was just like him. It was regrettable that this person might die, but later discovered that the goods in the south of the candle were simply regretting that he did not die.

"I can always see more experience when I see it." Minnan candle took out a candy from his pocket, and he ate one by himself and gave it to Lin Qiushi.

"What sugar?" Lin Qiu-Shi first tasted the candy of this taste.

"Which Cheng Yizhen did, who knows what it is." Minnan candle handed to Lin Qiushi, "Eat, little dumb girl."

Lin Qiu Shi took it and stuffed it into his pocket.

The two saw the body yesterday. They originally planned to go to the mayor to talk about it. However, when they passed the square halfway, they found that there were three more people searching for the original person yesterday. I carefully looked at the contents of the search for people and found that I had lost a child in the town yesterday. The children still knew that it was the sister of Lauren.

"How can I lose another child." Lin Qiu Shi frowned.

Minnan Candle: "I don't feel very good. There are eight children in the town.

Lin Qiu Shi: "... So, is there a limit of death?"

Minnan nodded by candle.

At first glance, there is no time limit for the task that npc gives them, but this sudden search for people has given them a bad feeling.

If the children in the town are all gone, what will happen? Lin Qiu-Shi feels that he does not want to know the answer to this question.

Minnan Candle: "Go, go to the mayor first."

They crossed the square and found the mayor in a row of old buildings, and then briefly told the mayor that the body found yesterday.

The mayor looked very serious after listening, but Lin Qiu Shi saw the smell of panic from his serious expression... It seems that he knows what is going on.

"Oh, thank you, we will take people to look at it." The mayor said, "Is it right in the cannery?"

"Yes, under a dead tree in the cannery." Minnan Candleway, "Mr. Mayor, we really want to help you find a child, but if you know what clues you are not willing to provide to us, this gives us The work adds a lot of difficulty.” He pointed to the direction of the square. “We saw another child missing.”

The mayor raised his brow and was silent.

“Don't you wait until all the children are gone, are you willing to tell us more information?” said Minnan Candle.

The mayor squatted and refused to speak.

Minnan candle squinted his eyes slightly, and Lin Qiu Shi knew him, knowing that he was impatient when he showed this expression.

The temper of Minnan Candle is not good at all, and it is already tolerable and tolerant to the mayor’s whisper.

"In fact, we can't say it well." I don't know if the eyes of Minnan Candle gave the mayor pressure. He finally spoke. "In fact, this kind of thing happens several times a year..."

The Minnan candle instantly converges on the expression, and gently smiles: "Oh? What does it mean to happen several times a year?"

"It means that there are strange things in our town. It seems that we always want to take our children away." The mayor said, "So we will have a holiday at this time every year and let the children stay at home."

Minnan Candle: "Do the town people know these things?"

The mayor shook his head.

"They don't know?" The candlestick in Minnan is incredible. "What excuse do you use to let the children stay at home?"

The mayor said: "There will always be an excuse. This is not the point. The point is that there was an accident this year."

He still didn't speak, and the South Candle took his words: "The accident is, even if the children stay at home, they are still gone?"

The mayor nodded, and the tone sounded very dull: "Two of the four children who are currently missing are missing at home, and two don't know how to run out..."

Lin Qiu Shi remembered the body in the cannery, and the child seemed to be caught by the thing in the cannery.

"So, we don't know what's going on," the mayor said. "It's the children who don't listen, or the thing..."

Minnan Candle: "The power of that thing has become stronger."

The mayor nodded with some pain.

Lin Qiu-Shi listened to his words, but immediately remembered the black hat that he saw this morning... This hat is obviously inseparable from the things of the mayor's mouth, but I don't know if there is any connection with the children's disappearance. 2k novel reading network

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