Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 81 Table of contents

The Yin House is a grave in the traditional sense. Although it is quite different from the Yang House, it must also pay attention to Feng Shui.

Gu Longming and Lin Qiu Shi both spoke while watching in the yard. The yard is large, and there are some other landscapes and buildings besides where they live.

There is a dense banyan tree between their residence and other residences. Although Lin Qiu Shi does not understand Feng Shui, he also knows that Eucalyptus is easy to recruit ghosts.

Lin Qiu Shi noticed that the banyan trees were lined with a string of bells tied with red ropes. When the wind blows, the bell rings. It sounds quite sweet, but if it is placed at night, the bell will sound a bit infiltrating.

Another point in the eucalyptus tree, there is a small river passing through the yard. This small river should be the water source in the town, but it is cut off by the brick wall and left in the yard.

Gu Longming saw this scene and shook his head and said: "The dragon sleepy shoal, surrounded by walls, is fierce, this water is not right." He said, "I turned around in this room and felt that I could live in it. If nothing happens, it’s really awesome."

Lin Qiushi reminded him: "The people who live in the yard now are us."

Gu Longming: "...we are very powerful."

When they were talking, they heard the sound of knocking and drumming outside. The two went to the door and saw that a group of people on the street carried a live pig and went to the distance.

These groups of people are wearing red costumes dedicated to the sacrifices, and the atmosphere seems to be festive. But if you look closely, you will find that the expression on each of them is very heavy, and even the eyes are still full of fear.

"Where are they going?" Gu Longming whispered.

Lin Qiu Shi shook his head: "I don't know, let's see it in the past?"

"Yes." Gu Longming is gearing up.

I heard this voice with them, and other people on the team, but some people were afraid and didn't want to leave the yard, but several people like Lin Qiushi chose to see where the group was going.

So the six or seven people were sneaking, and secretly followed the sacred team and went to the distance.

They crossed the street and walked through a small grove, seeing that the sacred team finally stopped in front of a river next to a small town.

The river seems to be the backbone of the river that was introduced into the yard where they live. The river is faint and swelled, and even if it is far away, it can hear the sound of the water.

The people who sacrificed to the waters put the live pigs down. Lin Qiuishi thought that they would throw the pigs directly into the river, but they didn’t want this group of people to take out a rattle from their pockets and start again and again. After reading what was over, the group was far away, and the sound was consumed by the fierce sound of water. Most people could not hear what they were reading, but Lin Qiu Shi heard it very clearly. He heard this group. What people are reading is exactly the words written in the clues: Scorpio, the cellar, there is a crying lover in my family, and the past enthusiasm is read three times, and I sleep to the big sky.

After reading it a few times, this group of people threw live pigs into the river.

The live pigs struggled in the water for a few times and quickly sank. These people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the scene, and took the rattle in their hands and turned to leave.

However, when they just walked a few steps forward, they heard the sound of a heavy object landing. When they turned back, they found that the live pig was actually thrown back from the water.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiu Shi’s heart was slightly shocked. He clearly saw that the pig was covered with a dense blood red tooth print, like a bite by something. The bitten flesh-and-blood pig was still alive, and his mouth made a miserable roar.

The people who worshiped the scene saw the scene, and instantly fry the pan. Almost everyone had a flustered expression on their faces. They didn’t seem to dare to stop at the riverside, rushing toward the direction of the small town, watching it look like that. It seems like there are monsters behind to catch up.

Gu Longming said: "There is something in the river..."

Lin Qiu Shi shook his head: "It is not a good thing anyway."

Gu Longming muttered: "What a mess of the River God Festival, I think it is the Water Ghost Festival."

Lin Qiu Shi Wen Yan is a move in his heart.

They were talking, but they saw two of the people who came with them, and stood up from the darkness toward the river. It seemed that they wanted to check the pig and the river.

Gu Longming turned to look at Lin Qiu Shi, and he was eager to move: "Let's we not look at it? Is there any key clue there?"

"Don't go." Lin Qiu Shi did not want to take risks with his own life. "You forgot how fast the people who ran for the sacrifices ran?" It was like a ghost at the river. In this case, I will go up to it, either stupid or have any ace to rely on.

The two went to the river and looked at the pig first.

The pig used for the sacrifice is still alive, and the pain in the mouth is screaming, and the blood that flows out of it flows into the dim river along the river bank. The two did not find any clues on the pigs, they looked at the river with their heads in their heads. One of them seemed to see something, and a mouth exclaimed: "There is something, don't go--"

However, when he said this sentence, it was too late. The other person’s foot just fell to the bank of the river, and it seemed to be caught directly by the ankle and began to drag into the river.

The thing in the river seemed to be extremely powerful, and there was no chance to respond. The man made a scream and slammed into the river.

"Light rain, light rain -" the rest of the river shouted the name of a friend, "Little Rain -"

The dimly lit river began to churn, as if it had been boiled, and it was filled with blood, and the rain that was pulled into the river was so silent.

Lin Qiuishi heard the child's crisp laughter. He looked at Gu Longming and saw his face pale.

"You heard it too?" Lin Qiushi asked him.

"What have you heard?" Gu Longming is not clear.

Lin Qiuhui said: "So you are scared?"

Gu Longming was silent for a while before he whispered: "I saw something that pulled him into the water." His eyes were filled with a little fear. "Yes... a pair of children's hands."

A pair of pale blisters, already swollen, belong to the child's hand.

"Let's go." Gu Longming has no longer wanted to stay here again.

Lin Qiu Shi saw no movement on the riverside and nodded.

The two returned to the city and found that the entire small town at this time was in a very weird atmosphere. People on the streets are whispering, either with fear or numbness.

And seeing these two foreigners, there is something else in this fear and numbness. Although Lin Qiu Shi was very reluctant to admit it, he recognized that it was an expression called excitement.

"Looking in the trough, how are their eyes like this." Gu Longming couldn't stand it anymore. "I saw the girl like a metamorphosis. I have already replaced the skirt."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." He didn't say anything, thinking that you might not be able to put on a skirt.

A gale hangs, and the red lanterns hanging on the streets are swaying around like a bright flame. Although it is a festival, there is no festive atmosphere here, but everyone is afraid, afraid of the birth of the river **** seven days later.

Lin Qiu Shi casually found a shop, went in and bought something, euphemistically asked about the sacrifice of the river god.

The boss is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He glanced at them and said with a little reluctance: "This is a special holiday here, in order to pray for good weather..."

Lin Qiushi said: "Just like this?"

"Just like this." The boss was holding a feather duster in his hand and muttering. "But what else?"

Lin Qiushi said: "What about the process of worship?"

The boss said it was vague: "It is to put the animals into the river and feed the river gods..."

Gu Longming has always spoken: "Is it just a farm animal? You won't end up throwing people in?"

The boss was angry and said: "How is it possible? If you don't believe me, you can follow it yourself. What are you throwing, can't you see?"

Gu Longming said: "Why then..."

He wanted to ask why the hand of a child was sticking out in the river, but he was gently patted by Lin Qiushi. Then he changed his words to the mouth: "Why are those people so afraid of the river?"

"All said that it is a river god. Since it is a god, it must be tempered." The boss is very impatient. "Okay, well, I have to do business. You ask Dong to ask Western and don't buy it -"

"Who said that I didn't buy it." Gu Longming said, "Can you pay. Pay. Bao pay? If you pay. Bao. You can't do it. The letter is also good."

The boss is expressionless: "I only accept cash here."

Gu Longming said with regret: "You can't do this, sooner or later you have to be eliminated by the times. I will tell you..."

When he said nothing, he was taken away by Lin Qiushi.

Lin Qiu-Shi feels that if Gu Yongming is not taken away, it is highly probable that Amway will have the advantage of non-cash payment on the spot. Non-cash payment is really good, but at least there is a smart phone, and this is still in the door, can you still buy some special products to go back?

"What are you doing for me?" Gu Longming picked up his sleeves, apparently not saying enough. "I haven't finished talking yet..."

When he said this, he noticed Lin Qiu-shi’s expression and laughed twice. “Just kidding, make a joke.”

However, other people in the area seem to be reluctant to mention the sacrifice of the river god. They then asked a few passers-by to ask, and the clues were blurred. I only know that the birthday of the river **** is seven days later, and people from all over the small city will participate.

At noon, Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming returned to the yard to eat.

Lunch is quite rich, everyone eats at the table, Lin Qiu Shi pointed the ear, can put most people's conversations into the ears.

"The temple is really no problem?" Someone was whispering.

"I think there is, but I haven't found it yet." Another person is answering. This person seems to be the man who proposed to divide the room yesterday. Lin Qiushi remembers his name is Yan Shihe, and he and another team of girls. The girl's name is Xiao Shallow.

"I don't want to go in again." Xiao said, "The atmosphere is weird, so scary."

Yan Shihe said: "You are waiting outside, I will go in and see."

Lin Qiu Shi was listening carefully, but he was suddenly shot by Gu Longming. He was shocked and looked at Gu Longming and said, "What happened?"

"What are you listening to?" Gu Longming whispered, "Can you hear that far away?"

Lin Qiushi said vaguely: "You can only hear a little."

Gu Longming said: "It is also amazing."

Lin Qiu Shi: "Hey..." He said, "There seems to be a ancestral hall in this small town. We have to look at it."

"Oh," Gu Longming said, "Go eat after dinner." He stood up and added a bowl. I have to say that Gu Longming’s appetite is really good. One person has killed four bowls of white rice and basically cleaned the dishes on the table.

Lin Qiushi suddenly felt that he should have a common language with Cheng Qianli.

After the meal, they found the maid in the yard and asked the location of the small town hall, knowing that the temple was on the upper reaches of the river.

The temple is also known as the ancestral temple. It is a product of the ancient family system. It is usually used to worship the ancestors, and occasionally as a place to deal with important matters within the family. For example, if someone does something that violates the family rules, they will be patriarchs in the ancestral hall. punishment.

It is also because of the important position of the temple, which is usually the iconic building of the whole family. It is very beautiful and beautiful.

The same is true of the ancestral halls of this small town.

The door of the ancestral hall was open, and the doorman sat on the door. When they saw them, they did not say hello. They just raised their eyes and looked at them, and they closed again without interest.

"Why didn't he stop us?" Gu Longming felt that he was not quite right after he entered the ancestral hall smoothly. "So important places let people come in casually? The cards of their ancestors are available for inside, so we are not afraid of giving us a slap?"

Lin Qiushi said: "It's not right." Usually the world inside the door follows the rules of reality. For example, under normal circumstances, they should be stopped by the goalkeeper and have to use other methods to come in.

Gu Longming thought about it, didn't think of it, and had to give up.

There are a lot of neat cards in the hall, and the number is very high. The number of Lin Qiu Shi is not clear. The front of the tablet is decorated with incense and sacrifices, and it looks no different from other temples.

However, Lin Qiu Shi always felt that there was something wrong with it here, but he could not catch it for a while.

Gu Longming Dong Yu, West look, the more you look at the wrong thing: "...this temple is not right."

Lin Qiushi: "Where is it wrong?"

Gu Longming pointed to a tablet placed at a higher level: "Do you see that card?"

Lin Qiushi said: "How?" He looked in the direction of Gu Longming and saw a black tablet.

Gu Longming said: "The date is wrong."

To put it simply, the middle of the card is the name of the person and the social relationship. On the left is the birth, on the right is the time of death. Lin Qiu Shi looked at the time and showed the color of surprise: "Only one year old?"

The person recorded on this card is actually a one-year-old child, or a boy who died.

Gu Longming shook his head and disapproved: "The child who died will not be able to enter the ancestral hall."

Lin Qiu Shi also knows this custom, that is, the folk rules are that the child who died before is unable to enter the grave, because it is said that such a child is full of grievances when he dies, and even hates his parents and brothers and sisters.

They were talking, and the cards in front of them fell from the heights and broke into two in front of them.

Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming snorted at the same time.

"Haha, it’s the wind." Gu Longming laughed.

Lin Qiu Shi did not speak. His eyes swept over the top plate of the ancestral hall and found that the row was actually a small child's tablet. The biggest one was no more than three years old. The youngest was only one year old... Maybe not even one year old. Gone.

It’s certainly not the wind that just smashed the cards. There’s no window at the door, and the door is half hidden. How can there be wind...

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the place where the card was located and said: "Let's go."

Gu Longming couldn't ask for it, and quickly got up and slid.

When they left, Yan Shihe just came over, so they politely said hello on both sides.

"Why, is there any new discovery?" Yan Shihe asked them.

"There is no one to tell you." Gu Longming is a very direct person, greatly shouting, "If you took the key and ran first, what should we do?"

Yan Shihe heard the words and laughed. It seems that Gu Longming is very interesting.

Lin Qiu-Sheng was still thinking about the things in the temple. He felt that Gu Longming suddenly came to his ear and sighed. He was stunned by this breath: "What?"

Gu Longming: "Is this not to talk to you, why, do you think they will have other clues?"

Lin Qiu-Sheng didn't speak yet, but he heard a screaming voice in the hall behind him. He was so familiar with the voice. They had just heard it. It was the sound of the card falling to the ground and being smashed. Judging from this loudness, Lin Qiu-Shi suspected that the card was a big one.

Gu Longming also heard it, a little bit forced: "The trough, what they did inside, provoked the whole family."

Lin Qiushi: "I don't know..."

The people who watched the ancestral hall heard the sound, and the expression was very angry. When they got up, they went in.

After a moment, they heard a roaring voice inside, and Yan Shihe and his friends were rushed out.

Gu Longming’s goods took up the gloating on his face, and he cared and said, “Are you okay?”

"Nothing." Yan Shihe said, "There was a little accident." He glanced at the rain.

Xiao Shi is very wronged, whispered: "I really pushed someone, or I will not fall on that card..."

"Don't think too much." Gu Longming said, "If you push you, you are not a human."

The little light almost cried out.

Lin Qiushi wants to be a brother, don't talk.

It was too late, and the four were ready to return to the yard.

The weather inside the door is not too good, even the sky is gloomy during the day, but around six o'clock, the small city has restored the silence like the late night, only the big red lanterns are hanging on the street, being blown by the wind. Staggered.

When returning to the yard, Lin Qiu Shi saw the hostess who had received them before.

At this moment, she changed her clothes and sat in the middle of the banyan tree in the yard, holding something in her arms. At first, Lin Qiushi thought that she was holding a child. After she walked over, she discovered that she was not a child in her arms, but a small red quilt that looked like a cockroach that had been used on children.

Lin Qiu Shi is watching, Gu Longming has come over and sighed at Lin Qiushi’s ear: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Qiu-Shi was itched by his madness, but he said: "Can you not blow against my ear, itchy."

Gu Longming said: "When you blow, your ears will move, and you will be cute."

Lin Qiu Shi said: "You pay attention to the identity of your female high school student!"

Gu Longming: "..." He silently took out the carrot hairpin from his pocket and put it on his head.

Lin Qiushi: "..." He served.

Just as they spoke, the hostess had already stood up and walked slowly.

"Let's go, let's eat." Lin Qiushi said.

Gu Longming nodded happily.

Today, I was inexplicably dead at the water's edge during the day, and there were eleven people left in the house during dinner.

Gu Longming said that when he was eating, he was the happiest time in the door and asked Lin Qiu Shi when he was the happiest.

Lin Qiushi said: "When leaving this door."

Gu Longming: "Alright, oh..."

Lin Qiushi said: "Are you really the fourth time to enter the door?" To be honest, he felt that Gu Longming's performance was very good, not like the newcomer who entered the door for the fourth time.

"Yeah." Gu Longming wiped his mouth. "But I am doing this outside the door."

Lin Qiu Shi was shocked: "What do you mean by doing this? Ghost?"

Gu Longming nodded.

Lin Qiushi was silent for a long time. Finally, he said: "Is there a ghost outside the door?" He is a materialist who can't be better.

"No." Who knows that Gu Longming said calmly, "So in other words, I actually cheated money..."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." Why are you so calm?

Gu Longming said with emotion, "I thought that my skills would never be used, but I didn't think I could still come here. So you, what are you doing outside the door?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "There is no job." There was still work before. Now, every day, the cat sleeps and becomes a salted fish without dreams.

Gu Longming just showed the color of sympathy, and he heard Lin Qiu Shi make up the sentence: "Occasionally, you can earn extra money by picking up work."

Gu Longming: "...we have a good relationship..."

Lin Qiushi: "No discount."

Gu Longming: "...Lin Lin, you are really ruthless! But I like it, I like you ruthlessly!"

Lin Qiu Shi thought that if you really like it, I can still give you a price increase more ruthlessly. 2k novel reading network

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