Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 84 Table of contents

Between the electric and the flint, Lin Qiu-shi’s brain has not yet reacted, and the body has rushed up. He wanted to extinguish the oil lamp as it did yesterday, but the oil lamp was directly smashed down because of the flustered movement. Although the wick was extinguished, the oil lamp fell to the ground and made a crisp sound, and the lamp oil collapsed.

The house once again fell into the darkness of the silence. Lin Qiu Shi was half-squatting beside the window. Suddenly there was a very bad feeling. The sound of his fingers slamming on the top of his head, the sound of the window was continuous, apparently Capricorn There are more than one person on the window paper.

Lin Qiu Shi held his breath and looked up slightly. Through the faint moonlight, he saw countless pairs of children's hands slap on the window paper. The next moment there was a crisp sound on the window. Lin Qiushi clearly saw a pair of pale children belonging to the child. The hand broke through the thin layer of window paper and straightened in from the outside.

It seemed to be a signal. The little hands began to try to make a hole in the window paper. Behind the hole, there was a pale child's face. The child opened his mouth and screamed.

The child began to try to squeeze in through the window. Its eyes were a black gap. The pupils could not be seen at all. The skin was so white and edema that it was not what humans should have.

It stretched out its arms and climbed into the room from the hole in which the window paper broke, and saw that it had been hard to squeeze into the body from the outside, and it was about to enter the house completely.

Lin Qiu Shi involuntarily stepped back a few steps. The child’s crying voice reminded him of what he said. He responded very quickly to the words in the clue. He quickly recited in his mouth: “Scorpio, cellar, my family has a Cried Lang, the past guests read three times, and fell asleep to the big sky--" When this sentence was read, the child's movements were significantly slower, but still crawling hard into the house.

Lin Qiu Shi quickly read the second and third times. When he finished the third time, the little devil who was about to climb in, finally stopped the action, and solidified at the end of the window paper, as if falling asleep. Like it.

Lin Qiu Shi’s heart is loose. Before he saw this in the small town, he was able to read this sentence when he saw this sentence. He dared to read this clue boldly, but he did not expect this sentence to be so useful.

The little devil's body is stuck on the window and no longer goes inside.

However, Lin Qiu Shi did not dare to move. In fact, he could still see the tall black silhouette of the woman outside the house through the window paper.

She walked around the window and waited anxiously.

However, until when she found that the devil stuck in the window did not seem to move, she fell into extreme anger. Lin Qiushi saw her reach out and drag the little devil's body back a little, then the pale face appeared in the window. Behind, the anger peeped into the room, and even whispered cursing in his mouth.

Lin Qiu Shi was half-squatting under the window and did not dare to move.

This is exactly the corner of a window, from the perspective of a woman is definitely not seeing him. The woman's black scorpion turned around in the room. After not discovering what she wanted, a burst of angry snoring broke out in her mouth, like a beast that was angered.

Lin Qiu-shi pretended that he had not seen anything and did not hear anything.

They have stalemate for a long time, women do not leave, Lin Qiu Shi does not move.

The woman seemed to be awake in the room. She stood on the edge of the window for a long time and did not move until a crisp chicken whistle came from the courtyard. Lin Qiu-shi heard the footsteps of leaving outside gradually coming. It was only with the sound of this footstep, but also the sound of the weapon dragging on the ground. Lin Qiu-Shi thought of the long knife that he saw in the yard yesterday that the woman used to lick the body. He suspected that the woman was in his hand.

There is no doubt that if he is not responding fast enough, he may be gone now.

Lin Qiu-Shi looked at the sweet Gu Longming who slept in the bed, and he could not help but have some respect for him. He also determined his own ideas.

Where Gu Longming is sleeping, the woman can be seen outside. If Gu Yongming can lie on the bed, Gu Longming may have been cold.

That is to say, there must be at least two conditions for a woman to kill, one is that someone is awake, and the other is that she sees the awake person.

Lin Qiu Shi sat next to him for a night. At this moment, his legs were already numb. He stood up and rubbed his numb thighs back to the bed. He saw the broken window paper and saw the other side. Light morning light.

Almost dawn, but Lin Qiu Shi did not sleep for a night, he lay back on the bed, after a short break, he felt the movement of Gu Longming to get up.

"Looking in the trough, lying in the trough." Gu Longming, who woke up from his dream, saw the broken window paper on his side, and he made several exclamations in his mouth. He quickly swayed Lin Qiushi and said, "Lin Lin, Lin Lin." The window paper is broken! The window paper is broken!!"

Lin Qiu Shi opened his eyes and looked helpless in his eyes: "I know."

Gu Longming was surprised: "Do you know?"

"Yeah." Lin Qiushi said, "Last night, the devil and the woman are coming."

Gu Longming: "..." He looked at a messy hen's head and looked at Lin Qiu Shi with a dull look. The brain that just got up had no way to completely deal with the information that Lin Qiuishi said.

Lin Qiu Shi then simply said what happened last night and Gu Longming by the bedside.

After Gu Longming’s listening, the expression was very complicated. After a long time, he said: “I’m gonna you.” Then he was afraid. “Is she just staring at me outside the window for one night?” I thought of the pale face. Through a gloomy gaze on the window paper for a whole night, Gu Longming could not help but shudder.

"Yes." Lin Qiushi said, "If you stare, you will stare. You have nothing to lose."

Gu Longming said: "Don't say that, after all, I am a poor female high school student who is not 18 years old."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." One-eighth-eight muscle female high school students can be okay.

Gu Longming and Lin Qiuishi took the time to get up and discussed what happened last night. Lin Qiushi’s operation of giving clues to the devil’s sleep also told Gu Longming.

After Gu Longming listened, he said, "You are too courageous. What should you do if you read this clue to be human?"

Lin Qiushi: "Bold assumptions, be careful to prove it. If this sentence is a curse, then the people in the small town will definitely not read. Since they all dare to read, and read nothing, then it should not be a negative effect. ”

Gu Longming knows that this is the truth, but he can react before the accident, and read this sentence, he thinks that it is definitely rare, and then see Lin Qisi experienced this kind of thing last night, still calm, he could not help Admire the saying: "I don't want to be an obsidian.

Lin Qiushi: "... okay." In fact, he was scared at first, although he quickly calmed down.

"Right, you think the oil lamp in our room, who replaced it?" Lin Qiu Shi suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Gu Longming said, "I think there are two suspected objects, either the hostess or the people in our team."

Lin Qiu Shi pointed to the ground: "The oil lamp that you stole yesterday was overwhelmed by me."

Gu Longming waved his hand: "Nothing, let's go to other rooms to see if there are any other oil lamps."

After a simple wash, the two went out and went to the room where no one lived. But what surprised them was that most of the oil lamps in these rooms were replaced. The original oil lamps made by people were completely gone.

“What about the lights?” Gu Longming said. “Someone took the lights all away?” he analyzed. “Is it done by Yan Shihe? I saw that it’s only him and us and another team."

Lin Qiushi said: "He should not do this."

Gu Longming: "Why?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "The current death conditions are not completely certain. If the oil lamp is a condition of death, it will not be faster if he takes it all away, unless... he has got more clues to the oil lamp."

Gu Longming said: "More clues about the oil lamp?" He frowned and couldn't figure out the guess.

Lin Qiu Shi shook his head and did not say anything. He had many thoughts in his heart, but these ideas were not supported by actual evidence, so they were too lazy to say anything to Gu Longming.

Gu Longming is also a wise man. Seeing Lin Qiu Shi did not say that he did not have a hard question, just sighed: "What do we do next."

Lin Qiushi said: "Go to breakfast first, see if there are few people in the team." Determine if there was an accident with someone who did not use the oil lamp yesterday.

When I mentioned eating, Gu Longming’s spirit was much better. I was very happy and said: “Okay, okay.”

After a few minutes, the two appeared in the place where they had breakfast.

Breakfast time is very important, almost everyone will come, because this is the first time every day to determine if there are any dead people last night. Lin Qiu Shi went to the house and began to look around the number of people. Yan Shihe happened to be next to Lin Qiu Shi. After seeing Lin Qiu Shi’s eyes, he smiled and laughed: "No need to count, seven people, no one, how come you today? Late, I thought..."

Lin Qiu Shi looked at him: "Do you think we are dead?"

Yan Shihe spread his hand and admitted: "After all, this is a world where anyone can die."

Lin Qiu Shi did not answer.

In the room, he and Gu Longming added a total of nine people, except for the three people who died a few days ago. That is to say, no one had an accident last night.

Lin Qiu Shi found a position to sit down and took something to eat while thinking. Could it be because the accidents in their house last night attracted the attention of ghosts and led to no reduction? He was thinking this way, a man sitting in the corner of the room suddenly stood up and began to vomit.

The men were unfamiliar, and they didn't even know the name, but Lin Qiuishi vaguely remembered the team of the unlucky group who was pulled into the water when he went to see the riverside sacrifice on the first day.

"Voice, vomit..." The huge vomiting sound made the rest of the people show a disgusting color.

"Big brother, you are fine." Gu Longming put down the food in the middle of the week, stood up and asked for help, but Lin Qiu Shi grabbed his arm.

"How?" Gu Longming revealed the color of doubt.

Lin Qiushi said: "Don't go, it's not right."

Gu Longming: "What is wrong?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "I said badly... There is something in this person..." In fact, while this person vomited, he also heard a very subtle voice from the person's body. This sound is like something that is being torn and chewed. Although it is subtle, it is still captured by Lin Qiushi's ear. He is very certain that the source of this sound is the man in front of him, although he has not eaten anything. And looking at other people's reactions, they obviously did not hear this voice.

Just after Lin Qiu Shi stopped Gu Longming, the man who spit out the breakfast had begun to vomit blood, and the blood of the mouth was mixed with broken internal organs and vomited from his mouth.

Most of the people in the crowd have changed their faces, and it is obviously scared by this scene.

"Ah!! Ah!! Help, help!!" Then the man began to roll on the ground, he seems to be experiencing extreme pain, his hand rubbing his abdomen, screaming.

The screams only stopped for a moment, and the man's breath gradually weakened. He finally lay on the ground and did not move any more.

The atmosphere in the crowd is quiet and terrible.

Some people couldn't stand this scene, turned and left the house, but Lin Qiu Shi stood still in the same place. Standing next to him was similar to his expression. It was Yan Shihe who exchanged clues with Lin Qiushi yesterday.

"He... is it dead?" Gu Long said, "How come suddenly..."

Lin Qiu-Yi squinted and his eyes fell on the man's abdomen. In fact, the kind of chewing sound continued. Even though the man did not breathe, the voice continued to flow from the man's abdomen.

On the occasion of Lin Qiushi’s doubts, he saw that the man’s abdomen began to appear abnormally creeping, as if there was something to struggle out from inside.

This scene is very obvious, and everyone in the room saw it.

Gu Longming said with a smile: "This, this is not going to be born?"

When his words fell, he saw that the skin of the deceased's abdomen was propped up in the shape of a palm. Judging from the size of the palm, it was obviously a child.

Gu Long saw this change and did not dare to continue to joke. Instead, he fell silent with Lin Qiushi.

The chewing sound gradually stopped, replaced by a ** tearing sound, Lin Qiu Shi saw the deceased's abdomen skin began to bulge, and finally like something was hard from the inside to break through, revealing a red inner cavity.

A pair of small blood-stained hands stretched out from the inside, and then the masters of the small hands began to try to climb out from inside.

It was a small baby, and there were blood stains on his body. His head was very big. The open mouth was filled with fine and dense teeth. At this time, the fine teeth were still covered with shredded meat.

After seeing such a thing, everyone couldn’t help but retreat. Gu Longming said: "The trough is really born."

It didn't take long for the baby to climb out of the deceased's abdomen, and it turned into a pool of blood that disappeared into their eyes. Only the sly body is telling everyone that everything just was not an illusion, and someone died, and it was so terrible to die in front of them.

Just when everyone was in silence, the hostess appeared outside the house. She walked slowly to the front of the body, then bent over and grabbed the wrist of the body, and lifted the whole body like a cargo. After the hostess showed a weird smile to the crowd, she grabbed the body and walked slowly.

Looking at her back, everyone did not speak, and Lin Qiu Shi thought of the scene when she smashed the corpse oil yesterday.

Yan Shihe is not salty and not faint: "Oh, it seems that the oil lamp that was said yesterday is not a death condition."

This sentence awakened everyone who was stunned. Two people in the crowd showed the color of happiness. It was obviously the two people who did not lose the oil lamp, and the rest of them got up and left, and they were confused and confused. They should want to go. I found the oil lamp that was thrown away yesterday.

Lin Qiushi originally thought that these people could find at least one or two squats. Who knows that after a while, everyone who returned to the house was pale, and some people began to control the emotional anger. Lin Qiu Shi carefully listened and knew that they lost. The oil lamps were actually collected and destroyed.

"Mom, some people want us to die, some want us to die here-" Someone is roaring, "Don't let me find who that person is!"

"It's too much, too much." Someone was crying helplessly. "What should we do?"

Seeing this scene, Yan Shihe seems to have no interest in what happened next. He stood up from his chair and politely greeted everyone.

Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming looked at each other and got up and left.

The two of them went to a slightly remote corner and began to discuss what to do next.

"Let's steal another light." Gu Longming said, "It seems that it can only be like this."

Lin Qiushi sighed: "It's all my fault. If I was careful last night, I wouldn't have to smash the lamp."

Gu Longming shook his head: "I think you are very good."

Lin Qiushi: "Well?"

Gu Longming said: "To tell the truth, I am in the world inside the door... I rarely sleep."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." Do you sleep when you fall asleep?

Gu Longming was a little embarrassed and shouted: "Until you enter this door and live in the same room, my sleep quality has improved qualitatively, I don't know what happened, anyway, when I sleep with you. I am very familiar with sleeping."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." He listened to Gu Longming's words and fell into a long, long silence. He felt like he had misunderstood something from beginning to end. If Gu Longming said it was true, then the South Candle is not at all. Sleeping pills...

In Gu Longming’s silence by Lin Qiu Shi’s silence, Lin Qiu Shi sighed: “I thought your sleep quality has always been the case.”

"Ha ha ha." Gu Longming laughed. "Although I know that it is safer to sleep at night, but my heart is so big. And if I really sleep at night, I will miss some important clues."

Speaking of clues, Lin Qiu Shi remembered what happened last night. He said: "You can't sleep until you get to the big sky. It's the crying at night. If you have a cry, the lamp will light up and attract women." He sinks. "But she seems to be unable to enter the house, so she can only let the devil come in, but the devil is afraid of that spell..." Even if he heard the spell, he would fall asleep directly.

The current conditions for death are two. One is that no oil lamps are used. Such people will die directly if they wake up. The second is the use of oil lamps but not able to fall asleep, there is still a line of life, as long as the devil enters the room to repeat three spells...

"You don't think that the relationship between a woman and a devil is a little weird?" Lin Qiushi said. "If the oil lamp is a restriction on the devil, why should she curb so many people's oil lamps?"

Gu Longming feels reasonable: "Yes, and she has not provided us with so many people's oil lamps, but it is like..."

The two of them said the same sentence: "I am using it myself."

I figured this out, Lin Qiu Shi suddenly said: "Do you still remember the temple?"

Gu Longming nodded: "What happened?"

Lin Qiushi said: "When I went in, I felt that there was something wrong with the temple. Now I finally want to understand!"

Gu Longming said: "Where is it wrong?"

Lin Qiushi said: "When you think about it, do you think that the light in the temple is too bright?"

There is only one door in the Ming Dynasty, and there is no window to open. In the cloudy weather, I enter the ancestral hall, but it feels like a white scorpion. Now I want to come, I am afraid it is the credit of those oil lamps.

Gu Longming said: "You don't mention that I still don't think... I am used to modern lighting facilities, but I really don't notice anything wrong with the oil lamps."

Lin Qiushi: "So..."

Gu Longming: "So?"

Lin Qiu Shi smiled and said: "What do you think will happen if we put all the oil lamps in the ancestral hall?"

Gu Longming heard the suggestion of Lin Qiu-Shi and was shocked: "Are you serious? No, it!" If Lin Qiu-shi’s guess is correct, it means that the oil lamp has the effect of suppressing, such a lamp is extinguished, and the suppression is It is estimated that all will run out, and the ghost knows what will happen at that time.

"Don't be so nervous." Lin Qiu Shi Wen said, "I am joking."

Gu Longming: "..." In fact, you are joking right now.

"I am really joking." Lin Qiu-Shi saw Gu Longming's expression still stretched and smiled. "Really, you can rest assured that I am not the kind of person who has no sense of proportion."

Gu Longming has a suspicious color.

Lin Qiu Shi directly jumped off the topic and said: "When are we going to steal the lights?"

Gu Longming breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, let's go see it first?"

Lin Qiushi said: "Yes."

He saw Gu Longming's expression relaxed, inexplicably felt that he was a bit of a bad taste, but think about it, the South China candle seems to be so funny to him...

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