Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 121 Table of contents

However, the time when this thing appeared was only a moment, and soon disappeared again in front of the three people, leaving only the silent darkness in the door.

Gu Longming swallowed his mouth and said: "This, what is this?" This thing is definitely not a person, no one will have a pair of yellow eyes.

"I don't know." Lin Qiushi said, "I didn't see it too clearly." He looked at the candle in the south, but he saw the brow of the candle in the south.

Minnan Candle said: "It is a personal creature, and it is all scales." He said, "The eyes are yellow..."

“Is it a mermaid?” Gu Longming felt that if he could, he might barely get some comfort.

"There may be a mermaid." Minnan smiled and looked at him. "It's just a mermaid whose head turns into a fish."

Gu Longming was chilled by the picture of Minnan Candle.

Although there was a gap in the front door, they did not have the continuation to explore, but chose to leave. When he left, the South Candles also brought the door with him. He said: "If you don't know, don't touch the things inside."

Next, the three men took the time to explore other locations on the ship and found that the ship was actually very large, could accommodate at least a few hundred people, and even hidden under the splint, although they did not see the presence of ammunition on the ship. .

Just as they walked around the ship to collect information, there was a commotion on the deck, which seemed to be something happened.

When Lin Qiushi rushed to the deck, he saw that the worst girl who cried yesterday sat on the ship’s only lifeboat. There was a man beside her. Both of them held paddles in their hands, and there was plenty of fresh water and food around them. - Obviously, they want to get out of this boat and leave by boat.

"Come back, you will die!!" The crowd who saw the two people made a noisy voice, and there were already good-hearted veterans who gave hints to two new people who were not afraid of death. The veteran waved their arms at them. Shouted, "I can't go anywhere else, I really will die, you will come back soon-"

"You don't want to lie to me!" The girl screamed, and she hated to look at the ship full of people. "I don't want to go with you, you will take me to a terrible place! I have to go by myself. !"

When she finished speaking, she thought that the person would continue to persuade, but found that the atmosphere was strangely silenced. Everyone stared at the sea water under the lifeboat she was sitting in, but there was an inexplicable fear in her eyes.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" The girl seemed to notice something too. Her throat moved and her face slowly turned and looked at the sea around her.

The sea was calm, but the color seemed to be a problem. A deep black enveloped the sea beneath her. It seemed that there was something... lurking around her.

"Ah..." The girl shuddered and looked at her companion. "Let's go."

The companion's hand holding the paddle also shook, and nodded at the girl's flustered, and the two men swung together in an attempt to leave the vast expanse of the sea.

When the pulp in their hands touched the surface of the water, the sea water under the boat squirted a thin spray. However, at this moment, the girl heard a sound of something moving fast. She had no time to react. A huge fish tail jumped out of the water and slammed into the small boat she was on.

The boat was directly smashed by the fishtail, and the two people who were still on the boat fell into the water instantly. At this time, she also saw part of the big fish in front of her eyes.

It is a big fish that is difficult to describe. The dense teeth are sharp like needles. The huge mouth that opens, can swallow all the boats in one bite. The body of the big fish presents a faint dark green. She didn't see how big the fish was. She only knew that she didn't even have enough teeth.

Seeing the lifeboat was so overturned, everyone's breathing was almost blocked.

Lin Qiu Shi's reaction was the fastest. At the moment when the ship turned over, he took the lifebuoy next to him and threw it at the position where the girl and her friend were.

The girl who was tumbling in the water used her last strength to reach out and grabbed the lifebuoy. Lin Qiu Shi quickly grabbed the rope on the lifebuoy and pulled it back. The mouth yelled: "Catch--"

They stand in a higher position, so you can see the whole picture of the fish in the sea. From the shadow part, the fish is almost as big as the ship they are in, but it does not seem to attack the people, but only gives the girl who is trying to leave a warning.

Others reacted and threw the lifebuoy toward the other person, then put down the rope ladder and let the two climbed out of the sea.

When climbing the rope ladder, the girl was shaking around her body, but it was so good that she climbed up. As soon as she reached the deck, she was soft on the ground and could not say anything.

"I told you that I can't go." Lin Qiushi remembered that this person was called Song Yongning. He was a good-tempered veteran. He said to the girl, "Hurry and change clothes and take a break."

"That, what the **** is that?" The girl who was trembling thought of the huge fish, her voice was weak. "Is it lurking around the ship? Will it attack the ship?"

No one knows the answer, so she can only look at her silently.

This silence made the girl more and more uneasy, but she had no choice but to leave her tears and her companion. This accident is awkward and shocking. It seems that this is only a lesson for the newcomers who do not understand the rules.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the dark sea and saw the huge fish disappeared.

Seeing that everything has subsided, the people standing on the deck gradually dispersed.

"Let's go, too."

Lin Qiushi nodded.

This incident seems to be just an insignificant episode, and it doesn't have much impact on this door.

At lunch time, the food is still the dead fish that makes people sick. The three of them did not eat fish, but took some noodles and mixed them with Laogan.

Others saw that they actually brought the old godmother, and they all cast their envious eyes.

There was a young man who couldn't resist it. He was cheeky and asked for a spoonful of the candlestick. He looked at him with a candle, and gave him a spoonful.

"Thank you, thank you." The man thanked him. "My name is Shen Juexin. I have something to help you, even though!" He didn't look very good, his skin was sallow, and it looked like he was seriously ill.

However, Lin Qiushi remembered him and knew that he was the most powerful brother of the seasickness. He was lying in bed yesterday, and he could stand up and stand up. It was already amazing.

When Gu Longming was eating, he kept looking around in the restaurant. It seemed to be thinking of something, and his expression was very serious.

When the lunch is over, he says he has a little thought.

It happened that Lin Qiu Shi wanted to go to the bathroom, so they let them talk first, and they came over later.

The two of them found a hidden corner on the hull corridor and whispered.

“Meng Meng.” Gu Longming said, “Do you remember the sacrifice of Minotaur mentioned in the clue?”

Minnan Candle: "Remember, what happened?"

Gu Longming said: "In the mythical story, it is said that the sacrifices require seven men and seven women. Are we not exactly fourteen people now?" He paused for a moment, his tone was very serious. "And I just counted the number in the restaurant, just happened. Seven men and seven women!"

Minnan Candle heard Gu Longming’s speculation, but he was silent for a moment, saying: “Seven men and seven women... plus me?”

Gu Longming is inexplicable: "Of course you have to add you."

The southern candlestick did not scream on the railing.

Gu Longming scratched his head: "Why don't you talk?"

Minnan candle thought for a moment and said: "You come over, I will show you a big baby." Then he gestured to Gu Longming.

Gu Longming was still confused. Just after he passed it, he saw that the South Anhui candle actually picked up his own skirt.

"Chuttle!!" Gu Longming instantly blushed, said, "What do you do - wait..." He noticed something that was not right, his eyes were a bit sluggish. "What is that?"

The candlestick of Minnan showed a brilliant smile, and it was in the ear of Gu Longming. It no longer used fake sounds. The voice was low and full of magnetism. It was a man’s voice: "Tell you a secret. Actually, I am not Yu Linlin’s girlfriend. I am him. the man."

Gu Longming: "..." His expression can no longer be described as being struck by lightning. He looked terrified and almost watched the southern candle with the eyes of the end of the world.

"So it is not seven men and seven women." Minnan Candle said, "Of course, people who disguise women as men are not excluded."

Gu Longming did not speak, he has not come out from the blow.

Minnan candle patted his shoulder sympathetically and said: "Brother, don't worry, take it slowly, always accept it."

Gu Longming was quiet for a while, only to complain: "He still hates the female high school student I am playing, hey, dead ghost."

Minnan Candle: "..." He looked at Gu Longming's body shape and thought about the appearance of this person as a girl. He felt that Chen Fei and Gu Longming might have a consensus.

Lin Qiu-Sheng didn't know what happened to the south of the candle. When he got out of the toilet, he saw Gu Longming's lost soul and looked strange. "What happened? What happened?"

"Nothing," said Minnan Candle. "Just telling him a little truth."

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." Nothing happened, Gu Longming's expression of this resentment is going on.

"Right, what do you want to say just now?" Lin Qiu Shi asked.

"It's okay." Gu Longming said, "It's okay now."

Lin Qiu Shi is simply inexplicable. He had intended to ask in detail, but he heard the horror of the restaurant on the second floor. The three men looked at each other and hurriedly rushed over and saw a person standing in the restaurant and spinning around like a headless fly.

"What happened?" Lin Qiu Shi asked.

"I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone -" The man's eyes were full of fear, and he kept repeating the same sentence. "I'm gone, obviously next to me, right next to me"

"You calm down." Lin Qiushi advised, "What happened in the end, you said carefully, maybe we can help!"

The man looked at Lin Qiu-Shi and glanced: "The house is gone, our house is gone..."

Minnan Candle: "What do you mean?" He seemed to understand what he said, "Go, let's go out and see!"

Minnan’s candle turned around and walked out of the restaurant. When they saw the surrounding room, they finally understood the meaning of the person’s words. All the rooms except the restaurant changed their position. They should have been at the bottom of the cabin. The room actually appeared near the restaurant, but the room next to the original restaurant, but it has disappeared at this time, it should be moved to other locations.

Seeing this change, the first time, Lin Qiu Shi’s mind came up with two words: the maze.

"It turned out to be this." Minnan Candle said, "It's amazing."

"But how has the location of the restaurant not changed?" Gu Longming is a bit strange.

"The maze always has a starting point." Lin Qiu Shi sorted out his own ideas, "The restaurant should be the starting point of this maze."

"Where is the end?" Gu Long said.

“The end point is naturally where Mino Taunus is.” Minnan Candle said, “Of course, we don’t know what Mino Taunus is in this door.”

Others also rushed to the restaurant, and sensitive people have found changes in their surroundings before they even entered the restaurant.

"Where is my room going? My bag is still not in the room!" Someone immediately panicked after discovering the situation, and turned to go running away, "I am going to find my bag!!" The man hurriedly turned and ran towards the place where the original bedroom was.

But whether he can find it is another matter.

However, in such a short period of time, the houses around me changed again. At first, there was a thin layer of fog on the door, and then the number outside the door changed. Obviously, these houses changed. The time is very short, Lin Qiu Shi looked at the time, about five minutes or so will be replaced by other rooms.

Fortunately, their habit is to carry things with them, or I am afraid that they will be as flustered as the one just now.

However, the people in the room did not seem to have any accidents, because after this change, the room in front of them actually came out alone, and the man was also full of anger, said: "I am not on the first floor? He looked left and right and found himself standing next to the restaurant. "How come here?"

No one answered his words, everyone’s attention was on the ever-changing room, and the silence was filled in front of everyone like a plague.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the maze of change in front of him, but thought about the contents of the clue, thinking about what Mino Taunus meant.

Because of this sudden change, everyone was caught in a brief panic, but soon someone adjusted their mood and began to explore.

At this time, the difference in mental state is revealed, and at least those who can calm down earlier have a chance to live.

Lin Qiushi also tried to find the room where they lived before, but found that they could not find it. The change of the room is five minutes. Every time you change the room, you will leave the original location. It is impossible to travel all the rooms in such a short time.

So most people gave up exhausted.

Lin Qiu Shi also ran a little tired, standing on the deck and watching the rest of the sea.

As the sky darkened, the sea surface began to be swayed by the whistling sea breeze, and the thick black clouds in the sky were also pressed down.

Gu Longming stood beside Lin Qiu Shi and said, "Where do we sleep at night?" The key given yesterday was completely useless, and it was difficult for him to change his face.

"Just find a bed to sleep." Lin Qiushi said, "If you have a bed, you can do it."

When Lin Qiu-shi spoke, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He turned his head and looked at the newcomer who tried to escape in the lifeboat during the day. She stood still far away from Lin Qiuishi and looked a little hesitant: "That... ...Yulin Lin..."

Lin Qiushi said: "What is your business?"

She quickly glanced at the south candle and took back her eyes. Some of them were slightly unnatural: "I have something to say to you alone?"

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the Minnan Candleway: "Meng Meng?." He respected the opinions of Minnan Candle.

"Go." Minnan's candle was a little faint, not nervous at all, and he waved his hand, "Come back soon."

Lin Qiushi nodded, and this followed the girl.

Gu Longming smiled and said: "You are not worried?"

"What are you worried about?"

Gu Longming said: "I am worried that other people will hook up Yu Linlin."

Minnan Candle: "Do you think I look good or she looks good?"

Gu Longming honestly said: "You." Although you are a big hanging girl.

Minnan Candle: "Do you think I am amazing or her?"

Gu Longming: "You..."

Minnan candlestick hand: "Yu Linlin is not awkward, so what am I worried about?" He is not a young girl in adolescence needs to find a sense of security, everyone is an adult, why eat so naive vinegar.

Gu Longming simply gave a thumbs up for the candlestick.

Besides, Lin Qiu Shi and the girl walked to the other side of the deck. She looked from behind and from time to time and looked very uneasy.

Lin Qiu-Shi was not in a hurry to ask. When they were far enough away from the South Candle, the girl opened her mouth. She said, "That, sorry, I want to ask, are you and the girl a boyfriend?"

Lin Qiushi nodded and admitted: "She is my lover, what is your name?"

"You can call me Xiaomo." Xiaomo said, "I was the first time I entered the door. I can bring other people together."

Lin Qiushi said: "Yes, may I have anything?"

Xiaomo swallowed, and she hesitated: "I... I saw, your girlfriend and the man around him..."

Lin Qiu Shiyi, knowing that the man Xiaomao said is Gu Longming: "What happened to them?"

"They have a leg!!" Xiaomo said in a hurry. "It was just this afternoon, I just passed the upstairs. You were not there. I saw him pick up the skirt and show it to the man!"

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." He heard what Xiao Mo said, and he fell into a long silence. What is underneath the Hannan candle skirt is no one knows better than him.

"I didn't lie to you!" Lin Qiu-Shi's silence seemed to give Xiaomo an illusion. She quickly pointed out, "He sang the man's ear and said something after he finished the skirt!"

Lin Qiu-Shi: "..." He has reason to believe that Minnan Candles will be excited to ask Long Ming after the skirt.

It is no wonder that Gu Longming’s appearance this afternoon was a slap in the face, and he talked to him from beginning to end. He thought that the spirit had been hit by nuclear energy.

Xiao Modao: "Yu Linlin, don't be too sad... you are a good person." She sighed. "If you didn't throw a lifebuoy for me today, I may have lost it." It seems that she deliberately found Lin Qiushi saying this, too. In order to report the daytime Lin Qiu Shi’s help for her.

Lin Qiu Shi wanted to say something, but did not know what to say, so he finally said: "I know, thank you."

Xiao Modao: "What do you do..."

Lin Qiushi was quiet for a moment, then said: "What can I do? Of course, I choose to forgive him."

Xiaomo: "..." At the moment Lin Qiu-Shi said this sentence, she seemed to see Lin Qiu-Shi's hair faintly emitting green light.

"After all, I love him." Love him, he must tolerate a playful person, Lin Qiu Shi thanked Xiaomo, turned and left, waved his hand, did not take a cloud.

Xiaomo's expression is distorted. It seems that he hasn't slowed down for a long time. Seeing his reaction, it is obvious that this kind of thing is not the first time, that is to say, Yu Linlin has become habitually wearing a green hat... The feeling of making such a guess is extremely complicated. When I finally left the deck, the facial features on one face were distorted.

"What did she say to you?" Lin Qiu Shi asked when he came back to the south candle.

Lin Qiushi looked at him: "You."

Minnan Candle: "I?"

Lin Qiushi: "What did you do with Gu Longming in the afternoon?"

Minnan Candle and Gu Longming looked at each other. Gu Longming finally couldn’t hold back and said, "Yu Linlin, why don’t you tell me earlier?"

Lin Qiushi said: "What are you telling?"

Gu Longming: "Tell you that your lover is a man."

Lin Qiushi: "Is gender important?"

Gu Longming said: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter..."

Lin Qiu-shi: "That is not the same, it will be the same, it will be dark this day, let's go, go to sleep." After saying this, the candlestick of Linnan took up Lin Qiu-shi's hand and leaned against his shoulder. Gu Longming smiled subtly.

Gu Longming: "..." Zhu Meng asks you not to laugh, you are really laughing like a horror of a country, and Lin Qiu Shi is the emperor who became faint because of enchanting.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the candle in the south and talked with his eyes: Is it fun?

Minnan Candle: It’s fun to die.

Lin Qiu Shi: Then you continue to play.

Minnan Candle: Love you, my baby.

There is an audience who is fascinated by the South Candles. Obviously, I am completely addicted to the script at this time.

The author has something to say: Because I recently wrote the five elements of the publication, so I accidentally mistyped the name _ (: 3 ∠) _ today's Minnan candle show is so much.

Thanks to the following baby mine grenades and rockets, especially to bszmdjj's shallow water bomb x1, thank you for your love.

Thanks to the child rocket rocket x3

Thanks demeter mine x15 thanks to Tianhua's rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the sneakers for the rocket launcher x1 thanks to the 29362694 grenade x1, the mine x4 thanks to Fergut's small v mine x4, grenade x1

Thanks to the mine mine x3, grenade x1 thanks to Joel, grenade x1, mine x1

Thanks to the fast sword chasing the soul of the mine x5 thanks to the magic small grenade x1

Thanks to /ku/裆's grenade x1 thanks to your daddy's grenade x1 thanks to the filthy grenade grenade x1 thanks to the grenade grenade x1

Thanks to Mrs. White's grenade x1 thanks to Xiaoyuan's grenade x1 thanks to the leaves of the grenade x1 thanks to the grenade x1 thanks to the grenade x1 for dinner.

Thanks to nebuchadnezzar's grenade x1

Thanks for the mutter grenade x1 thanks to the stone music mine x4 thanks to the drunk mine x3

Thanks for the landmines x3

Thanks for the good mines x2 thanks to the small cool mines x2 thanks to the drugs don't stop the mines x2 thanks to the Linyuan squid mines x2

Thanks for the deserted mines x2 thanks to the stillice mines x2 thanks to the warm land of the mines x2 thanks to the small hairy mines x2 thanks to the rice's little sister mines x1

Thanks to the 26,599,756 mines x1 thanks to the waterless mines x1

Thanks to the sugar ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball, the ball

Thanks 嗷呜╮(~▽~\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\") ╭ mine x1 thanks to Wu Lujun's mine x1 thanks to the coconut milk sauce mine x1

Thanks for catching the demon tonight, I have to go to bed early to thank the deer for unreasonable mines x1 thanks 榎\\\\木津的雷雷x1

Thanks to Bu Juezhi's mine x1 thanks to Feng Jun's mine x1 thanks _ 咩咩咩咩咩咩 咩咩咩咩咩咩 mine x1

Thanks 骂 my dead mother died love the bean mine x1 thanks to the coffeeortee mine x1 thanks to the south wind know my mine x1

Thanks to a salted fish mine x1 thanks to the small mine of the mine x1 thanks to the four-time mine x1

Thanks to the small mines of the mine x1

Thanks to the mmm holiday mine x1

Thanks for the orange rain is not the fish mine x1 thanks to the seven pray mines x1 thanks to the dragon's mine x1

Thanks to the mines all the time, the landmines x1 thanks 22684892 mines x1 thanks to Mu Qingbi's mines x1 thanks to the ones of the mines x1

Thanks to the mines x1, thank you for the mines that are now out of the world.

Thanks to Mr. Guo’s mine x1 for the crane’s mine x1

Thanks to Yu Lingyun’s mine x1

Thanks to An Yue's mine x1 thanks to the snake is to be lazy mine x1 thanks to the micro mine-free mine x1

Thanks to the 28864808 mine x1 thanks to the pretty big bead mine x1

Thanks for giving me a bottle of old godmother's mine x1 thanks to the mine to eat x1

Thanks to the small gold 吖 mine x1 thanks to the salty sauce of the salty sauce x1

Thanks to the mines of the mines x1 thanks to the land of the sunfish prince x1

Thanks to the mines of Akiyama x1 thanks to the mines on the light x1

Thanks to Xiao Jie's mine x1 thanks to Haike's mine x1 thanks to Gui Shaochun's mine x1

Thank you Yuzi Chai's mine x1 thanks to 28581053 mine x1 thanks yuuuuuu mine x1

Thanks to the Tong Tong listening to the bamboo mine x1 thanks to the land of the 29183003 mine x1 thanks to the fricul mine x1

Thanks to the flower and sly mine x1 thanks to the blackened Su Xiaoxiao’s mine x1

Thanks to the left and the right to hold a thousand miles of landmines x1 thanks to the small bananas in the skirts of the mines x1 thanks to the wooden mines x1

Thanks to gdoshvdk's mine x1 thanks to the candlelight mine x1

Thanks to the moon fence x1

Thanks to the land of the long-haired raccoon flower x Thanks to the lesser lord Guo Qilin's mine x1 thanks to the red squid and green squid mine x1

Thanks to the 27649879 mines x1 thanks to the little mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 of the 23622186

Thanks for the laughter x mine x1 thanks to the landmine x1 of 28012813

Thanks to the tea stalk mine x1 thanks to the winter land mine x1

Thanks to the three thousand mines x1 thanks to li- lucky ing mine x1

Thanks to Xiaonai very helpless mine x1 thanks to the flowering Xieqiao mine mine x1

Thanks to Xie Wei's mine x1 thanks to the cat's mine x1

Thanks to the 2211099 mine x1

Thanks for the lemonade soda x1 thanks to the sesame sugar round mine x1 thanks to emiyaakira mine x1 thanks a little bit. Mine x1

Thanks to Carrie's mine x1

Thanks to the small yellow chicken mine x1 thanks to the demon mine x1

Thanks for the mines that can't be smashed x Thanks to Shen Shiyun's mines x1 thanks to the two mines x1

Thanks to Ailing Chai's mine x1 thanks to the right mine x1

Thanks to Demi's mine x1 thanks to Yan and Hai's mine x1

Thanks for forgetting my mine x1 thanks to the unforgettable mines x1 thanks to the small building blowing jade mines x1

Thanks to the salty fish fat mines x1 thanks to the million mines mines x1

Thanks to the four mines x1, thank you for reading the land is the landmine x1 written by the fairy

Thanks to the 28117072 mine x1 thanks to the moon song sauce _ mine x1

Thanks to Junshan's mine x1 thanks to the sky's mine x12k novel reading network

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