Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 126 Table of contents

Finally, the key was taken in his hand, and Lin Qiushi quickly returned to the corridor where Minnan Candle and Gu Longming were located. Only when he reached the corridor again, he only saw an empty stool and sheets scattered on the ground. The South Candle and Gu Longming, who were supposed to be tied to the stool, did not know where to go.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Qiushi’s cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. His mind turned rapidly and there were many thoughts inside. Then he turned and ran towards the direction of the restaurant.

When Lin Qiu Shi arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, he had not yet entered, and he heard a creepy chewing sound.

Hearing this voice, Lin Qiu Shi had a very bad premonition. He did not dare to walk in directly, but slowly moved to the side of the window and looked inside.

I saw all the rest of the living people in the restaurant, even including Gu Longming, who had no reaction before. They were holding a round table, holding the dead fish in the color, and stuffing them in their mouths. The obsessive look makes people look creepy. The one sitting next to Gu Longming is the candle that Lin Qiu Shi is most worried about.

The candlesticks in the south of the country are also eating fish. Although the movements are not so rude compared with the people around them, it is true that they are also using chopsticks to pick up the fish and put them in their mouths to taste.

Lin Qiu-Shi looked at the scene in front of him. For a time, he didn’t know what to do. He looked at the fish on the table for a while, and the depths of his heart were actually a strange desire, just like the candlestick said before. That way... it seems that the fish of this dead fish is not so bad.

This thought flashed through Lin Qiu-Shi's mind, and he was keenly aware of the wrong state of his own state. Look down at the key in my hand. Lin Qiu Shi, who knew the situation was not right, bit his teeth and went into the restaurant.

The people in the restaurant who were eating their heads with their heads did not realize that they were walking in with a person. All their attention was placed on the table in front of them, and they did not care about what happened around them. This is convenient for Lin Qiu Shi. He turned around in the restaurant, but he didn't find what he was looking for, and he thought of a place - the kitchen on board.

The restaurant and the kitchen are the only two rooms on the ship that will not change. Lin Qiu-shi has found the key and guessed that the door leaving here should be one of the two rooms.

There is no restaurant, the rest is the kitchen.

When he was about to leave the restaurant, Lin Qiu Shi looked at the people who were eating fish near the round table. When he saw a certain detail, he had a deep cool on the back.

I saw the face of someone who was eating fish first. Some green scales appeared. These scales attached to his skin and spread from the neck to the cheeks. It seems that this change has been going on for a while. If you keep going, you don't know what it will be.

But no matter what, Lin Qiu Shi did not want to see it.

So he walked out of the restaurant and finally looked at the candle in the south.

Minnan candlestick still bowed his head and casually ate the fish in front of him. His indifference made Lin Qiu Shi’s heart feel uncomfortable, but Lin Qiu Shi did not dare to continue to delay, because he found that he did not seem to hate fish, and even Involuntarily swallowed a bit of saliva.

Lin Qiu Shi turned out of the restaurant and went to the kitchen next door.

At this time, there was no one in the kitchen. I could only see the dead fish filled with the whole room. On the chopping board, on the ground, in the bucket, all the fish, the room was filled with the smell of disgusting smell. But Qiu Shi didn't have the mood to worry about it anymore. He bowed his head and began to look up what he wanted in the house.

Soon, under a huge bucket, Lin Qiu-Shi discovered a black tunnel. He climbed into the tunnel and saw a black iron gate at the end of the tunnel. This iron gate is so refreshing, Lin Qiushi Regardless of the other, directly use the key in his hand to open the lock on the door and look at a tunnel full of light, appearing in front of his eyes.

Then, Qiu Shi bent down and picked up the paper slipped on the ground. When he couldn't look carefully, he put the paper into the pocket of his shirt.

Then he turned and walked toward the restaurant.

The people in the restaurant continued to eat fish. This time, Lin Qiu Shi went straight to the front of the candle in the south of the country. He called his name: "Zhu Meng."

Yannan candle looked up at him, "Lin Lin."

"Would you come over with me?" Lin Qiu Shi asked.

Minnan Candle: "But I want to eat fish."

Lin Qiushi said: "I know, you can come over with me while you eat, just a little while, I found more fish in the kitchen."

Minnan’s candle was quiet for a moment, and he agreed with Lin Qiushi’s proposal. He stood up on a plate with fish and said, “Really?”

"Really." Lin Qiushi answered affirmatively.

The candlestick of Minnan was followed by Lin Qiu Shi.

Lin Qiu-Shi saw a sigh of relief in his heart and knew that the candlestick had not been smashed too deep, otherwise he could only be thickened by the candlestick. However, the rough is the worst choice, because according to Lin Qiu-Shi's own estimation - he simply can't beat the South Candle, which is very bad.

The candlestick of Minnan went to the kitchen with Lin Qiushi. When he saw the dead fish in a house, he was really happy. He just took advantage of his happy work. Lin Qiuishi pushed him to the tunnel where the door was.

The candlestick that was pushed down was inexplicable, standing on the back and swearing: "What do you push me to do?"

Lin Qiu Shi did not respond, but he went down the tunnel with the candlestick of the South, and took his hand to take him to the tunnel that left. He pointed to the inside and said, "There are a lot of fish inside. You can see it when you go in."

“Really?” Minnan Candle is a bit skeptical.

"Really." Lin Qiushi nodded.

Minnan candle smiled, actually believed Lin Qiu Shi, turned into the tunnel, the tunnel disappeared as soon as he entered, and Lin Qiu Shi looked at the disappearing Yinan candle. He lifted his wrist and looked at the watch, biting his teeth and turning again, and returned to the restaurant.

In fact, Lin Qiu-Shi also felt that his time was running out, because the fish in the kitchen actually had a strong attraction to him. These deodorant and stinky meats in the eyes of Lin Qiu Shi at this time changed. To be delicious, he can only use all his will to resist this idea.

In the face of Gu Longming, Lin Qiu Shi did not treat the gentleness of the candlestick in the south of the country. He chose the easiest way. After walking to Gu Longming who was addicted to fish, a hand knife stunned him and directly resisted his shoulders. When Gu Longming left, Lin Qiuyan thought about it and took away the girl named Xiaomo. As for the others... He was really powerless and could only do his best and save one.

With two people at the entrance to the tunnel, they threw them into the tunnel. Lin Qiu-Shi then gasped and climbed into the tunnel.

He didn't dare to delay in it because he realized that he also wanted to eat those dead fish. What happened to those who continue to eat fish in the restaurant, Lin Qiu Shi does not know, but want to come, it is not a pleasant thing.

In the tunnel full of light, Lin Qiushi returned to reality.

When he sat back in the living room and smelled the familiar atmosphere and felt the warm air, he once again felt the beauty of life.

The Minnan candlestick also appeared next to Lin Qiu Shi. His face was very ugly, and he rushed directly into the toilet. Then there was a vomiting sound in the toilet.

Lin Qiu-Shi sighed, but fortunately, he did not eat the dead fish, or I might have to spit with the candlestick.

After about twenty minutes, the candlestick came out of the toilet. He spit for a long time and took a shower. At this time, the lower body was wrapped in a bath towel, and his face was unpleasantly licking the wet hair.

“Is it okay?” Lin Qiu-Sheng is eating sugar, and the sweetness of his heart following the spread of the tongue gradually calms down.

The candlestick in the south of the country shook his head and said that he was fine.

“Why is this?” Lin Qiu-Shi is a bit confused. “Why do you suddenly eat fish? Is the monster already dead?”

Minnan Candle: "It may be that there are not enough people."

Lin Qiushi: "Well?"

Minnan Candleway: "The number of people who died is not enough. We solved the mystery too quickly." He sighed and picked up a candy and stuffed it into his mouth. "I have only encountered this situation once. That time was a veteran with me, there is a powerful character inside, and before he started to die, he found the key."

Lin Qiushi: "..."

Minnan Candle: "Then everyone went into an abnormal state."

Lin Qiu Shi: "...will it still be like this?"

Minnan Candle: "This situation is very rare, and I don't realize that we will meet." Everyone is aiming to go out quickly. Who will think that there will be fewer people who die? Moreover, most of the doors are dead and wounded. Even this door is the key they found after three people died.

I did not expect that, in fact, this did not meet the number of deaths hidden in the door.

Lin Qiushi said: "So why am I not affected?"

"You can hear the sound that others can't hear, right?" said Minnan Candle. "This is a gift from the door."

Lin Qiu Shi continued to listen.

"I can also see things that others can't see." Minnan Candles, "Everyone has light."

Lin Qiu Shi: "Light?" He vaguely remembered that the South Candle seemed to have been mentioned once, but he did not put it in his heart.

"Yes, light." Minnan Candle, "The brighter the light, the smaller the influence of the door. You are the brightest one I have ever seen, so you are very suitable for the door."

Lin Qiu Shi did not know what to say for a while, but only judged from the words of Minnan Candle, this should be a good thing.

He did not suffer from too many negative emotions in the door. Many people, including the Minnan candle, came out of the door for a few days, but he didn't need it. He recovered at most, but he recovered.

This is Lin Qiushi's best talent.

"Go eat a big meal at night." Lin Qiu Shi looked at the face of the South China candle is not very good, said, "Go?"

Minnan nodded by candle, and agreed to Lin Qiuishi’s proposal.

After Lin Qiushi returned to the room to contact Gu Longming and asked him what happened.

Gu Longming replied that he spit out all the things in his stomach. He now feels sick when he thinks about the taste of the fish. He also said that he might not eat fish for a long time. Lin Qiu Shi smiled and said: "You were eating very sweet inside."

Gu Longming: "Isn't that the same as evil?... What kind of mine did we step on, suddenly it became like this?"

Lin Qiu-Shi told Gu Longming the theory of Minnan Candle, Gu Longming’s stunned voice said: “Can it still be like this?” But this matter doesn’t have to care too much. After all, there are so many doors that can easily come out without killing a few people. Equal to no.

Then the two agreed to meet the time, Lin Qiu Shi told Gu Longming the address of the city, of course, did not be precise to the specific location, just said that Gu Longming arrived and they picked him up.

Dinner is a heavy-tasting Hunan cuisine. The signature of the shop was originally a fish head, but Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles saw the menu on that page, and they all had a tacit understanding and turned a page.

The southern candlestick still looks like the appetite is not so good. There is a food in front of you who has not taken a ride. Obviously, what happened inside the door has had a serious impact on him.

Lin Qiu Shi is very happy to eat. In the door, he has not eaten too much food for a long time. Almost all things like instant noodles and compressed biscuits. It is very comfortable to improve the food.

They went home after dinner, just to see Cheng Qianli and Cheng Yizhen sitting in the room to discuss what, Lin Qiu Shi walked in and knew that they had just come out of a low-level door.

Cheng Yizhen is summing up the mistakes he made in the low-level door of Cheng Qianli. Cheng Qianli hugged his toast and listened. He saw Lin Qiushi returning and quickly got up and said, "Aki, I am coming back, Lu Jie. Stewed squid soup, do you want to drink some?"

As soon as I heard the word fish, Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles changed their faces and immediately declined the good intentions of Cheng Qianli.

Where did Cheng Yizhen know that his younger brother’s little abacus was in his stomach, and he was cold and cold behind Cheng Qianli: “Why, I only drank three bowls, this is going to drink the fourth bowl? Don’t tell me later. You want to go to the bathroom."

Cheng Qianli instantly smashed, and with his understanding of his brother, he knew that his brother had done this to prevent him from going to the toilet.

In desperation, Cheng Qianli can only appeal to Lin Qiu Shi for help.

Lin Qiu Shi's eyes and nose and nose look at the heart, only as if they did not see, Gemini will soon enter the high-level door, Cheng Yizheng to the nerves of the road thousands of miles to go to class is also a good thing.

Three days later, Gu Longming flew to the city.

Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles personally picked him up.

Lin Qiu-shing thought that Gu Longming, who is a muscular man in the door, should also be strong outside the door. Who knows but came forward with a young man with long-sighted Sven wearing glasses, who seems to be young, at least Lin Qiushi guessed he should be better than himself. A lot smaller.

"Gu Longming." The young man reached out to Lin Qiuishi.

"Lin Qiu Shi." Lin Qiu Shi took his hand and said, "How long have you waited?"

"It didn't take long." The pseudonym Gu Longming, the young man whose real name is Ye Bird, laughed. He looked at the side of the candlestick, and he said, "I am this?"

Lin Qiushi smiled and said: "Your nephew."

Ye Bird: "..." He distorted his expression abruptly. It was apparent that he contrasted the appearance of a cute laughing haha ​​skirt in the door and the appearance of a handsome man in front of his eyes. This strong contrast made the leaf bird In a short mess.

Lin Qiu Shi has already guessed the reaction of the leaf bird. To be honest, his initial reaction was estimated to be similar to that of the leaf bird. The leaf bird finally slowed down and looked at Lin Qiushi’s difficult sentence: "Brother, your eyes are very good."

Lin Qiu Shi finally couldn't help but laughed.

The Minnan candle also hooked the corner of the mouth.

The leaf bird looked at the candle in the south and looked a little awkward.

"Let's go, go back first." Lin Qiushi said, "I know that there are new people to join, they made a special meal."

"Thank you." Ye birds grateful.

Then the leaf bird went to the car of Lin Qiu Shi, and the three returned to the villa together. On the way back, the Minnan candle was not salty and asked some personal information about the leaf bird.

The leaf bird answered very sincerely, and the content of the investigation was not much different.

The leaf bird was born into a family of Feng Shui, but the university was a Western doctor. After graduation, he entered the public security department. He said in the car that he was a staunch materialist... until he knew the existence of the door.

"So why are you almost dying?" Lin Qiu Shi and other red lights time curiously asked.

"I have a mission." Ye Xue said, "Then she suddenly entered the door. After living out of the first door, she was hit by the gangster." He was taken to the hospital and the doctor took out the child/ After the bomb, I also sighed, saying that the leaf bird luck is really good, actually hit the abdomen is only a flesh wound, without hurting any part of the internal organs, this is simply unbelievable.

It is conceivable that if the leaf bird did not succeed in the process at the time, the final outcome should be that the injury was too heavy to die.

"But why do you want to be a female high school student?" Lin Qiu Shi looked at him, remembering the first time when the leaf bird crossed the door, the leaf bird was wearing a small skirt.

"Isn't this a female high school student easy to let people relax?" Ye Xue said, "Look, you are in the middle of it." He originally said this with a smile, and found the sitting next to it. Nan candle looked at him with no expression, so the smile instantly solidified on his face, and quickly explained: "Of course, there are scorpions, other women are nothing, female high school students are not useful... ..."

Minnan candle gave him a look and ignored him.

The leaf bird was made a cold sweat by the candlestick in the south of the country. How can he think that the door that likes acting in the door is like this outside the door? If it is not Lin Qiushi’s affirmative attitude, he must think that they are joking. .

And this contrast, after the leaf bird returned to the villa, knowing that the Minnan candle is the eldest of the obsidian, reached the apex.

The leaf bird asked Lin Qiu Shi in the kitchen, why did the elder brother wear women's clothing?

Lin Qiushui looked at him, but he seemed to see the curious himself. He said, "Or you ask him yourself?"

"Where can I dare?" Ye Bird said, "Hey brother looks so scary..."

“Is it scary?” Lin Qiushi said.

"Scared." Ye Bird said, "It’s like the most dangerous criminal I have ever seen."

Lin Qiu Shi: "Hey..." He didn't want to.

Leaf Bird Road: "So..."

"So why should I wear women's clothes?" The sound of the South Candle was transmitted from behind them. The leaf bird was covered in a sly, and looked at the candle in the panic.

The candlestick of Minnan smiled, and the beautiful eyes curved a gentle arc: "I want to know that the answer is very simple."

Leaf bird: "..."

The smile of Minnan’s candle gradually cooled down: “Do you know if you try it yourself?”

Leaf bird: "But..."

Minnan Candle: "How? Can you wear women's clothes in front of Lin Qiu Shi, can't you be in front of me?"

The leaf bird was horrified and turned to Lin Qiu Shi’s eyes for help. Lin Qiuishi pretended not to see it.

So the leaf bird once again became the target of the next southerly candlestick. Others in the obsidian cast a pitiful look on him, but there was still some gloating in this mercy, among which Lin Qiu Shi was even worse - God knows him again. I don't want to be a poor little dumb girl.

After the welcome party for the Ye Bird, Obsidian ushered in a new member, but did not know how far this new member could go. But some things, the result is not so important, at least Lin Qiu Shi is thinking so.

As time went by, the time for Cheng Qianli and Cheng Yizhen to enter the door also arrived.

The atmosphere in the villa was tense again. Almost no one in the whole room spoke loudly, but what surprised Lin Qiuishi was that Cheng Yizhen did not announce his clue until he entered the door.

At this time, Lin Qiushi is not a naive newcomer. From the attitude of Minnan Candle, he understands why Cheng Yizhen did this.

Because of the clues of Cheng Yizhen, it may be special.

The clue that must be obtained after only one person survives, such a clue can resist a ghost attack in the next door.

Regarding how Cheng Yizhen got this clue, Lin Qiu Shi did not know that the only thing he knew was that Cheng Yizhen and Minnan Candle had once again had a big fight on the day before Cheng Yizhen and Cheng Qianli entered the door.

The last two people broke up.

Cheng Qianli stood downstairs and looked a little low. He said to Lin Qiushi: "If I can be smart, I will be fine."

Lin Qiu Shi touched his head and whispered comfort: "You are very good now."

Not everyone can be as smart as a candle in the south of the country, but people who are not smart also have unwise ways to live.

Moreover, Cheng Qianli may not realize that it is his existence that gave Cheng Yizhen the courage to go forward.

Cheng Yizhen loves his younger brothers. They are the strongest spiritual pillars of each other.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the following baby mine grenade and rocket launcher, especially thanks to Yulian's shallow water bomb x1

Thanks to the twenty-two floating rockets x2

Thanks to Mrs. Bai Qi’s rocket launcher x1

Thanks for the smoke~light cold rocket x1

Thanks to Meng who who is the king of the rocket launcher x1 thanks to lincy's mine x2, grenade x1

Thanks to the Wuyi Xie Yu mine x6 thanks to the vanilla latte mine x1, grenade x1

Thanks for the 3509038 grenade x1 thanks to Zhou Lele today who doesn't want to drink Coke's grenade x1

Thanks for the filthy grenade grenade x1 thanks to the dragon's mine x5 thanks to the grenade x1

Thanks to the old thief's grenade x1 thanks to the small cool grenade x1

Thanks to nebuchadnezzar's grenade x1

Thanks to the sky grenade x1

Thanks to the sorrowful mines x4 thanks to the deer unreasonable mines x3

Thanks to Qiao Kedi's mine x2 thanks to maki's mine x2 thanks to the troubles of the sweets of the mine x2

Thanks to Joel not to return, mines x2 thanks to the sugar mines x2 thanks to the lemon soda mine x2 thanks to Mu's mine x2

Thanks to the mine x2 thanks to the mine of the little girl's mine x1 thanks to the Yiling ancestor Wei Wudi's mine x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi-the mines x1 thanks?g??喵喵 mines x1 thanks half-dream half-awake half-lived mines x1

Thanks to the autumn autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn and autumn, the mines x1 thanks to the tea mines x1 thanks to the cucumber mines x1

Thanks for the bag mine x1 thanks to the distant mine x1

Thanks to Han Biao who is the mine x1

Thanks _ 咩咩咩咩咩咩 咩咩咩咩咩咩 mine x1 thanks kikyou mine x1

Thanks for the death of my dead mother, love the bean mine x1

Thanks to coffeeortee's mine x1 thanks to Nanxun's mine x1

Thanks to each mine x1

Thanks to the jade land mine x1 thanks to the cypress mine x1 thanks to the great demon king's mine x1

Thanks for the orange rain is not the fish mine x1 thanks to the peach mine's mine x1

Thanks to the mines that will smoke the willows x1 thanks to Ye Xiu's wife's mines x1 thanks to Baizhou today's pillars of the mines x1

Thanks to the painted pears mines x1 thanks to the mines of 22365666 x1 thanks to a copper pea! Mine x1

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to the sunrise Jianghua Hongsheng fire mine x1 thanks to the sound of the small mine x1

Thank you Meng Meng's mine x1

Thanks for changing the mobile phone's deer's mine x1 thanks to cielo's mine x1 thanks to the watering mine x1

Thanks to Zhu Yan’s mine x1

Thanks to the ninety-nine fox mines x1 thanks to Jun Xi Ning's mine x1

Thanks to a stupid mine x1 thanks to a land of intense landmines x1

Thanks to Lianye Ningbi's mine x1 thanks to Lin Biao's mine x1

Thanks to alu4649 mine x1 thanks jjy my family two dipping sauce ~ mine x1

Thanks to the white mine x1

Thanks to the landmines of Cheung Chau, x1, thank you for the mine of the white rabbit x1

Thanks to Muyue's mine x1 thanks to yuuuuuu mine x1 thanks to 27769110 mine x1 thanks to less class owner Mrs. Guo Qilin's mine x1

Thanks to Mu Song Ge's mine x1 thanks to luluuu's mine x1

Thanks to the laughter x mine x1 thanks to the crane mine's mine x1 thanks to the spring mountain lane mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 24449967 thanks to the mines x1 of gaosubaru

Thanks to the drunk mines x1 thanks to the sesame sugar round mines x1 thanks to the black winds of the owner of the mines x1

Thanks to the little yellow chicken mine x1 thanks backhand an Avatar mine x1 thanks to a watermelon mine x1

Thanks to the green fox's mine x1 thanks to the chestnut fish ball mine x1

Thanks to Xie Huaer's candle mine x1 thanks to beli's mine x1

Thanks to the sly mines on the roadside x1 thanks to the mines x1 of 26899577

Thanks to the mine kooo mine x1 thanks to the landmine x1 from the king

Thanks to the milky mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the green hills of the green hills x1

Thanks to Aoba, the black mine, x1, thanks to the mine's mine x1

Thanks to the young children's mines x1, thank you for reading the land is the landmines written by the fairy x1

Thanks to the circle of mines x1 thanks to the 21651862 mine x12k novel reading network

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