Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 130 Table of contents

The familiar big bed, the familiar decoration, everything in front of you is exactly the same as the rental house in Lin Qiushi’s memory. Lin Qiu Shi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and tried to walk towards the living room.

"Oh..." A weak cat called, suddenly rang in the living room, Lin Qiu Shi lifted it, in the corner of the sofa, saw the chestnuts on the top of it. The chestnuts squinted, and the green eyes stared at Lin Qiu Shi quietly, screaming in his mouth, as if urging Lin Qiu Shi.

Lin Qiu Shi is familiar with the cry of chestnuts. He looks at the cat bowl for chestnuts. It is not a problem. The cat food in the chestnut cat bowl has been eaten clean. It is urging Lin Qiushi to add food to it. .

If this is the reality, the first thing Lin Qiu Shi did was to pour the cat food for the chestnuts, but he knew that he had entered the door, so he did not act directly, but first turned around in the house.

The furnishings in the house are exactly the same as when he moved out of the house. Even a few pieces of freshly washed clothes are left on the balcony. The fresh fruits bought in the refrigerator are filled with the atmosphere of life.

Lin Qiu Shi turned around in the room and walked slowly to the front door, holding the door handle and gently twisting it.

A gap in the door is enough for Lin Qiu Shi to see the scene behind the door.

Reflected in Lin Qiu Shi's eyes, it is a long corridor with hanged house numbers on both sides, which is no different from Lin Qiu Shi's memory.

The chestnut began to scream again. It jumped off the sofa and walked to the foot of Lin Qiushi. He began to squat with Lin Qiu Shi’s ankle. Lin Qiuishi bowed his head and looked at the chestnut for a long time before he slowly bent over and reached out. Touched the cat in front of me.

Soft hair, warm skin, I have to say that at the moment I hugged the chestnuts, Lin Qiushi loosened a big breath. He held the chestnuts in his arms and scratched his chin with his hand, calling for chestnuts. first name.

The chestnut mouth snorted and the expression was very enjoyable. Lin Qiu Shi held it and turned to the kitchen to take the cat food and fill the cat bowl.

The chestnuts jumped from Lin Qiushi's arms and stood in front of the cat bowl to start eating seriously.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at what it was eating, but he remembered something. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number. However, after dialing the phone, he showed that Lin Qiuishi dialed an empty number. Listening to the voice on the phone, Lin Qiu Shi's hand overflowed with sweat. After he checked his address book, he had many bad thoughts in his mind. Lin Qiu Shi’s name is almost always in the address book, but there are few key figures in it... The names of all members of Obsidian are gone, and naturally include Minnan Candle.

Just now, Lin Qiu-shi called the phone of Minnan Candle, but it showed that the phone did not exist.

The suffocation swelled in Lin Qiu Shi's chest. He had many unreasonable conjectures. Finally, Lin Qiushi replaced his pajamas and left the room. He sat down the elevator and reached the door of the community.

At this time, it was midsummer. Just after 6 pm, people just got off work, and there were busy scenes of people coming and going.

Lin Qiushi stood at the gate of the community and took a taxi and went straight to a location in the suburbs.

The taxi driver is a very talkative middle-aged man. He always said something in his mouth. If it is usually Lin Qiu Shi, he should still have two sentences, but today his brain is chaotic, so he said nothing from beginning to end. The lips smashed into a tight arc.

An hour later, the taxi arrived at the place where Lin Qiuishi said.

Lin Qiu Shi paid the money and walked out of the taxi and saw the villa standing in his view. The villa is still in his impression, the orange light shining from the window, you can know that there are people in the activity. But this did not let Lin Qiu Shi put down his heart. In fact, the unclear feeling in his heart was more and more intense.

Lin Qiu Shi stepped forward and walked to the door of the villa, ringing the door of the villa.

"Which?" A moment later, a strange man's voice came from the door.

"I..." Lin Qiu Shidao, "I am, Lin Qiu Shi, I want to find a candle in the south."

That moment was quiet for a moment, saying: "You are looking for the wrong person. There is no one here called the South Candle."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Lin Qiu-Shi’s brain blew directly, and he forced himself to calm down with his last self-control. “Sorry, can you open the door? I have something important...”

The door was opened, and a strange tall man appeared in front of Lin Qiu Shi. He looked at Lin Qiu Shi and said, "What are you doing?"

Lin Qiushi said: "I... my friend used to live here..." He thought of the wording. "They are called Minnan Candle, and Chen Fei, Yi Manman..."

"Sorry." The man said, "You have found the wrong place. There is no one you said here."

Lin Qiu Shi passed through the gap behind the man and saw the scene inside the villa. What shocked him was that all the furnishings in the villa were like the one in his memory. Even the color of the carpet on the ground, Lin Qiu Shi clearly remembered.

Although the scenery is the same, the people Lin Qiu Shi wants to find are gone.

"Are you okay?" About Lin Qiushi's face was too ugly, and the man looked at him and asked.

Lin Qiushi barely smiled and said: "I'm fine... sorry, bother you." He turned and left.

The man looked at him and walked away, slightly frowning, apparently wondering what Lin Qiuishi was doing.

After Lin Qiushi left the villa, he took a taxi back to the city. He was sitting in a taxi and his expression was a bit stunned. He couldn’t accept everything that happened in front of him.

The candlestick that entered the door with Lin Qiu Shi was gone.

No matter how normal the world looks, this alone is enough to make Lin Qiu-shi into an indescribable panic.

Back to the community, standing at the door and watching people coming and going, Lin Qiu-Shen felt that he was simply abandoned by the world. He should have been filled with the atmosphere of the market, but he felt that he and the surrounding were completely out of place.

Lin Qiu Shi reached into his pocket and found a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He stared at the smoke in his hand and looked at it. He took a point and put it in his mouth.

The smell of tobacco spread in the mouth, and the sweetness of the candy was different. On the contrary, some people were stunned. Lin Qiuishi took only one breath and stopped the action. The irritating cigarette was extinguished and thrown into the trash can next to it.

At this moment, Lin Qiushi’s cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his mobile phone and saw that after seeing the phone number shown above, he was silent.

On the phone number is a name, a name that should not appear - Wu Qi.

Lin Qiu Shi stared at the name on the phone screen and slowly pressed the call button.

"Hey, Qiu Shi, where are you?" Wu Qi’s loud voice passed over.

Lin Qiushi’s throat swallowed: “I am at home, you...” He didn’t know what to say for a while.

"How are you still at home? You didn't ask me to eat? Come down." Wu Qiqi said strangely.

Lin Qiushi said: "I asked you to eat?"

Wu Qi said: "Yeah, you are not saying that you have a barbecue this evening! Hello, you will not forget it?"

Lin Qiushi: "... Where are you now?"

"I am at the door of your community." Wu Qidao said, "What happened to you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Lin Qiushi said: "I'm fine, just come... just come over." He hangs up and looks out of the community. He sees that Wu Qi is so rogue and stands at the door of the community to play with his mobile phone.

Lin Qiu Shi put his mobile phone in his pocket and walked quickly toward Wu Qi.

"So fast?" After meeting with Lin Qiushi, Wu Qi said, "Don't run this, the weather is so hot, running sweaty."

Lin Qiu was stunned, but his eyes fell on Wu Qi's face. The same looks, the same temperament, and even the same tone of speech, the people in front of you are indeed Wu Qi. He walked in front, and Lin Qiu Shi said what happened in the company, and repeatedly told Lin Qiu Shi to check his body.

Lin Qiu-Shi’s forehead floated a layer of densely sweating, but he was chilly, and even sweat was cold sweat.

Going to the place where the barbecue was outside the community, Wu Qi sat down and ordered the food.

Lin Qiu Shi did not say anything along the way. Wu Qi saw his strangeness and wondered: "Autumn stone, are you okay?"

Lin Qiushi said: "I...nothing."

“Is it too hot? Or is it uncomfortable?” Wu Qi turned to look at the boss and called a few bottles of ice beer. After the skillful opening, he gave Lin Qiu Shi a cup full of drinks. “Drink this cool and cool.”

Lin Qiushi: "Wu Qi, what date is it today?"

Wu Qi said: "What is the 17th?"

Lin Qiushi spits out a breath: "Nothing."

The food of the point was quickly brought up. Wu Qi also saw that Lin Qiu-shi’s state was not right. He asked questions with confusion, but he saw that Lin Qiu-Shi was unwilling to answer, and he had to give up.

Lin Qiu Shi didn't have any mood to eat. All his attention was on the road next to him, but nothing happened until they left.

At that time, when Lin Qiu Shi first entered the door, he came out of the door and came to the barbecue shop with Wu Qi. The same date, the same time, but the car accident that should have appeared on the road did not happen. Everything is so calm, as if Lin Qiu Shi’s memory had an illusion, he became a strange fantasist and fabricated things that did not exist at all.

"Wu Qi." On the way back, Lin Qiu Shi suddenly opened his mouth. "How is your girlfriend?"

"She? How did she suddenly mention her?" Wu Qi is a bit inexplicable, but still honestly answered Lin Qiu Shi's question, he said, "She is very good, is there something?"

Lin Qiushi said: "...nothing."

Wu Qi: "Hey, you are very strange tonight. What happened?" He frowned and looked at Lin Qiushi. All his eyes were worried. "Is it really uncomfortable? I must tell you something." what."

Lin Qiushi nodded and said yes.

Wu Qi sent Lin Qiu Shi to the downstairs. After Lin Qiu Shi went upstairs, he left. Lin Qiu Shi returned to his doorstep. After he opened the door and opened the door, his look looked awkward.

It’s ridiculous, Wu Qi is still there, his girlfriend is fine, but why is the South Candle disappeared? Lin Qiu Shi changed shoes into the house and saw a backpack on the sofa. What he thought of, he walked quickly to the front of the backpack and pulled out the contents of the backpack.

After seeing the things inside, Lin Qiu Shi was relieved and sighed. In addition to removing those standing supplies, there were three very special objects in his backpack. One is a quaint notebook, the other is a baby's cheekbone, and the third is a silver gun. When you see these three things, Lin Qiushi has a real feeling - he is indeed passing the door, he is in the same place. The environment is in the door, but in this door, it is almost the same as the environment in which he lives.

This is simply terrible, Lin Qiu Shi thought, but since this is inside the door, why are the people of Minnan Candle and Obsidian missing? Where did they go... Why is there only one person in this door? And if so, does it mean that the rules of the door have failed?

The only remaining person will not be in an invincible state. Once there is a mistake, the face is the end of death.

The chestnut walked slowly to Lin Qiu Shi's side and jumped into his arms. Lin Qiu Shi touched the soft hair of the chestnut with his hand and looked at the chestnut's well-behaved appearance.

Hey, hey, the hour hand points to ten o'clock, and the clock hanging on the wall makes a crisp sound. The sky outside is already dark, leaving only the sparse lights, and it seems that there are still some popularity.

Lin Qiu Shi picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and prepared to choose a channel. When he changed channels, he saw a familiar face on TV... Tan jujube.

The jujube jujube in the advertisement is dressed in red from a long skirt, elegant and beautiful, like a beautiful flower in full bloom, like the appearance of Lin Qiu Shi when she first saw her.

Wu Qi is alive, Tan Zao jujube is alive, and all the people who have died are back. Lin Qiu Shi does not know what it means.

Everything that seems to be plain and unpretentious, but full of strange sense of violation, as if the deep sea before the storm strikes, the small ripples that sway, as if to indicate what terrible truth.

The monotonous sound in the TV, the light projected on the face of Lin Qiu Shi, Lin Qiu Shi has not spent this night alone.

Since he and Minnan Candle determined the relationship, the two almost all slept together, and when they opened their eyes at night, they could see each other's faces.

However, at this time, the silence returned again.

With Lin Qiu Shi, there is only one cat called a chestnut.

The night gradually deepened, and the lights outside the house were extinguished. Lin Qiu Shi sat on the sofa and slept unconsciously.

叮咚, 叮咚, hour and minute hands coincide, twelve o'clock arrived.

The TV that originally had the show suddenly began to flash white snowflakes, and the sizzling sound inside it awakened Lin Qiu Shi from the dream. He opened his eyes and found that the TV in front of him actually changed a channel. It’s just that this channel doesn’t have the logo of the channel. It’s like playing a costume drama. The picture stays on a very old staircase.

This scene is slightly familiar. Lin Qiu Shi vaguely feels that he has seen it there, but he can't think of it for a while. Until the picture turns, a man with an axe appears in front of Lin Qiu Shi.

There was a sly smile on his face, and he followed the stairs all the way up. His footsteps finally stayed outside a certain room. He reached out and slammed the wooden door in front of him: "Wang Yiyi, open the door, Wang Yiyi, Open the door -"

"Help, life-saving" came the cry of the woman's horror.

When the man heard the voice, his expression became more and more stunned. He laughed happily. The axe in his hand jerked and slammed on the wooden door in front of him. The wooden door that was not strong was taken out by him. A huge gap, the corner of the gap, revealing the woman's face full of tears, she said: "Help, save lives -"

The man intends to swing the axe again, but the axe is stuck on the door. Wang Hao sees the scene and quickly pushes the door out of the house. The man’s attention is on the axe. I ran away.

Wang Hao ran in the corridor, running and desperate for help. When the atmosphere was tense, a certain door suddenly opened, and Wang Hao was rescued. The one that appeared behind the door... turned out to be Lin Qiushi. His own face, standing next to Lin Qiu Shi, is clearly the first time he met with the South Candle.

That's right, what's happening in the TV is everything that happened in the first door.

At that time, a man in their team went crazy, or Lin Qiushi saved the girl who was chased.

However, the picture on the TV turned, the girl who was originally saved by Lin Qiushi, the next moment was actually a shovel, directly split into two halves. The red and white liquid sprinkled on the snow, her eyes wide open, the color of resentment inside, and the chills across the screen.

Lin Qiu Shi tried to change the platform, but the remote control lost its function. He even pulled out the power of the TV set, but all the pictures continued.

The picture on the screen, solidified at the moment when Wang Hao died, the door suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door. Lin Qiu Shi sat on the sofa and did not move. However, the knocking on the door continued, and finally it became more and more fierce, as if to give the door It’s like smashing.

This voice is very large. It is reasonable to say that even if Lin Qiu Shi does not open the door, other people will certainly be disturbed, but the knocking on the door lasted for a few minutes, and no one responded. Lin Qiu Shi looked out the window and saw that all the lights in the community were extinguished. It seemed to be another one in the world when it arrived at twelve o'clock.

The knocking on the door became more and more impatient. Lin Qiushi slowly got up and walked to the door. He saw the outside person through the cat's eyes of the door... It was a man with an axe, and Lin Qiu Shi saw it on TV. The same.

He seems to know that Lin Qiu Shi, who is at the door, is watching him, so he starts to slam the door more hard. Lin Qiu Shi can even see the blood dripping from his axe through the cat's eye.

Lin Qiu Shi took a step back. He took a deep breath and turned into the kitchen. He picked up the knife hanging on the wall and tried to defend himself. However, when he returned to the living room again, he found that the floor had been soaked with a dark red layer. Blood. Lin Qiu Shi looked around and saw that the TV on the big open was actually blooding from the inside out in Qianlong Qianlong. Wang Yiyi, who had already died in the picture, began to twitch and she was split into two halves. The head was lifted from the ground, and the pale eyes looked straight at Lin Qiu Shi outside the TV. The mouth opened a weird arc and the hand stretched out toward Lin Qiuishi.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiu Shi involuntarily swears a swear word, but the bad situation does not stop there, because Wang Yiyi was covered with **** hands, actually broke through the barrier of the TV and explored it from the inside.

At the same time, the man holding the axe's door was actually starting to pick up the security door of Lin Qiushi's home. The security door that should have been very strong had been pulled out by a huge mouth. His eyes were seen through the gap. In the house, when I caught Lin Qiu Shi, who was standing in the living room, I made a weird and creepy laugh in my mouth.

To be honest, if you change to a normal person, I am afraid that I will be scared by seeing such a scene. I don’t have to start from the upstairs without fear of their own hands.

But Lin Qiu Shi saw more of those horrible pictures, so at this time he still looked very calm. He stood far away from the TV and stared at the door that was about to be smashed. There was a thought in his mind. I don't know if this idea is useful.

The slain Wang Yiyi was about to climb out of the TV. The man outside the door had another axe. When he was kneeling, the axe in his hand seemed to be stuck on the door. Lin Qiuishi saw this. Jing, directly opened the door in front of him, rushed out of the door and turned and ran towards the elevator.

The man was stuck because of the axe, and the movement was stagnation for a moment. Lin Qiuishi rushed into the elevator and pressed a button on the first floor. At the next moment the elevator was closed, the man appeared at the door of the elevator—Lin Qiushi even from the gap. I saw his distorted face.

"Fuck." Lin Qiu Shi took the knife in his hand and reached out and wiped his face. He pinched the phone and dialed the phone number of the Minnan candle again. However, the phone that was clearly empty was actually connected. The sound of the south candle came from the other side of the phone. He said: "Akisui, is it autumn stone?"

"South Candle - South Candle -" Lin Qiu Shiyi is sweaty, he asked quickly, "Where are you? Where are you?"

"I am inside the door." The sound of the candlestick in Minnan was a little fuzzy. He said, "After the autumn stone, how is your side, is there anything?!" Although he did not explain his situation, but faintly, Lin Qiuishi I heard the cry of the woman’s resentment from the other side of the phone. He knew that the current situation of the candle in the south of the country would not be very good. He said, “I am very good. Don’t worry about me. I will hang up first. You have to be good. He was worried that the South Candle and his call were distracted and he hung up directly.

Hey, the elevator went to the first floor, Lin Qiushi held his breath and watched the elevator door in front of him open slowly.

The author has something to say: Looking at the commentary area, the big man shivering with helplessness and helplessness.

Thanks to the following baby mine grenades and rockets, especially thanks to bszmdjj's shallow water bomb x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the mine mine x54 thanks to the green fox's shallow water bomb x1, thank you all! ! !

Thanks to the salted fish fat rocket rocket x1, mine x1

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Thanks to the moon sea mine x1, grenade x1 thanks to the burnout mine x1, grenade x1 thanks 27367763 mine x1, grenade x1 thanks 20950675 grenade x1

Thanks to the little giraffe of rice, grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1 in the second episode

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Thanks to Hawthorn's Grenade x1 thanks to the grenade x1 living in socialism, thanks to Eshen's Grenade x1

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Thanks to the South Street grenade x1 thank you for the wood with a small donkey grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade of the era of the grenade x1 thanks to the grenade x1 going home to sleep

Thanks to the mine mine x4 thanks to the deer unreasonable mine x3

Thanks to Miao Miao Miao's mine x3 thanks to the mine of the 21,519,086 x3 thanks to the mine that just passed the door today x3

Thanks to the mine for the mental retardation across from the x3

Thanks to the candlelight mine x thank you for the mine when the mine is x2 thanks to #gf mine x2

Thanks to the minke whale's mine x2 thanks to the winter land mine x2 thanks to Ye Mang's mine x2 thanks to viv said to bowl of bean porridge mine x2

Thanks for forgetting the mines x2 thanks to rrrbearmer's mine x2

Thanks to thousands of mines x2 thanks to drunk brother: d mines x2 thanks to n rotten peach mines x2 thanks ah mines x2 thanks to the drunk mines x2

Thanks to the landmines x2 who are guilty of blame, thank you for the peaches of the cats who loved the cats.

Thanks to the crane ball to hug and kiss the high mines x1 thanks to the 26344400 mine x1 thanks to the aunt's house sugar mine mine x1

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Thanks to the mines of Zhangzhou Prefecture x1

Thanks for the naughty bear mine x1 thanks to the 地 mine x1 thanks to the fish mine x1 thanks to a piece of cheese mine x1

Thanks to the 22218875 mine x1 thanks to the rain smoke mine x1

Thanks for the cold leaves flowing over my face mine x1 thanks to the 25705831 mine x1

Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks to Luo Mingyi's mine x1 thanks to the nightingale mine x1

Thanks to a pot of fish mines x1 thanks _ trembled mines x1

Thanks to the silent stone mine x1 thanks to the fall of the waters of the waters of the land x1 thanks to the land mine x1

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Thanks for the mine x1 of 29362694

Thanks to the shallow ink mine x1 thanks to the maple leaf mine x1

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Thanks to the scorpion citron tea mine x1 thanks to the only mine x1 thanks to the drug don't stop the mine x1

Thanks to Uchiha Hanaru's mine x1 thanks to Elise's mine x1

Thanks to the Taipa mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to the wood mine x1

Thank you for guessing if I am a salted fish mine x1

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to Yu Lingyun's mine x1 thanks to the fox mask mine x1

Thanks to the gossip mines x1 thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to the autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn and autumn, the mines x1 thank Zhang for forgetting the less than one hundred unchanging mines x1

Thanks for waiting for the updated mine x1

Thanks to Amelie's mine x1 thanks to the May 5th mines x1 thanks to the dusty dusty mines x1

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Thanks to cloris mine x1

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Thanks to Kim Jung-soo's mine x1 thanks to the green burning mine x1 thanks to the dumping of piles of **** mines x1

Thanks for the mine on the x1 thanks to the rich brother's mine x1

Thanks to the unwanted mines x1

Thank you for waiting for the greatly updated mines x1 every day thanks to a stupid mine x1

Thanks for forgetting the night of the family's mines x1

Thanks to my brother's mine mine x1 thanks to strawberry yogurt plus a small family Jane mine x1

Thanks to my landmines x1 thanks to the landmines that have been in the heart for a long time. Thank you for my mine x1

Thanks to the green vine mine x1 thanks to Yu Qian’s fan mine x1

Thanks to my sister's little skirt mine x thank a good man good Li Juxia's mine x1

Thanks to the mine and the orange mine x1

Thanks to the mine dregs mine x1 thanks to a pair of wit eye mines x1 thanks to hunaaa feather mines x1 thanks for the forgotten mines x1

Thanks to Jiangan's mines x1 thanks to the magical mines x1 thanks to the wanted mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the wooden mines x1 thanks yuuuuuu mines x1 thanks to holi? you should lose weight the mine x1 thanks for the price increase Sweet tube mine x1

Thanks to the less class owner Mrs. Guo Qilin's mine x1 thanks to the black black mine x1 thanks to the summer little mine x1 thanks to the almond crispy mine x1

Thanks baby for being happy mine x1 thanks 懵 unhappy mine x1 thanks to Feng Jing's mine x1 thanks 暮笑x mine x1

Thanks to the mysterious mines x1 thanks to Potter's mines x1 thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to Luo Luochen's mine x1 thanks to the scorpion's mine x1 thanks to Bailu Qingya's mine x1

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Thanks to the fruit orange mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the clear mines x1

Thanks??w?` milky yellow mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the 27648116 mines x1 thanks to Wan Hao Jingmo's mines x1 thanks to the infinite _ mines x1 thanks to the muscle weakness of the mines x1 thanks - one lotus Toson - the mine x1 thanks to the random mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the Qingmingzi crane x1

Thanks to o.o mine x1 thanks to the belly of the mine x1 thanks to the northern ink city of mine x1

Thank you, Uncle, come and marry my mine x1 thanks to the white mines of the mines x1 thanks to the sesame sugar round mines x1 thanks to the 27833770 mines x1 thanks to the py stuffed mines x1

Thanks to a mine that is escaping salted fish x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the mines eating the clothes x1

Thanks to the aunt's mine x1 thanks to asura's mine x1

Thanks for finding the mine deer's mine x1

Thanks to the novel, it’s so nice to see it. 地 唧 mine x1 thanks to the blue two brother’s mine x1 thanks to Alma’s mine x1

Thanks to Abra's mine x1 thanks to the glass mine's mine x1 thanks to Amakusa's mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1 thanks to the flower mines x1

Thanks must be my way of making friends, some mines x1

Thanks 22438417 mine x1 thanks awuou like desert mine x1 thanks freya mine x1

Thanks 氵?w? each mine x1 thanks to the white mine x1

Thanks to the song and the mines x1 thanks to the south candlelight autumn and autumn he's mine x1

Thanks to the nonz_ green farmer's mine x1 thanks to the late leopard's comet's mine x1

Thanks to Ding Jinyi's mines x1 thanks to Jiang Yan's mines x1 thanks to the 7 mines of cabbage 7

Thanks to the small wooden fish mine x1 thanks to the mine of the mirror x1

Thanks to the zero mines x1 Thanks to the text I read are the mines written by the fairy x1 thanks to Nie ** good mines x1

Thanks to the boat's mine x1 thanks to the sky lantern. Mine x1

Thanks to the old king in the mine next door x1 thanks to the mine of the separation line x1 thanks to the mountain mines x1 thanks to the big three three mines x12k novel reading network

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