Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 132 Table of contents

After the phone call, Lin Qiu Shi sat up from the bed. He went to the living room to check the door and the TV set, confirming that these things were still the same as they were seen during the day, and there was no damage.

After confirming these things, Lin Qiu Shi hurried out of the door, and also received a phone call from Wu Qi on the way to ask him why he did not go to work.

"I have something." Lin Qiu-Shi, who is in the car, has completely forgotten that he is going to work. He perfunctors, "You can help me with a vacation."

Wu Qidao said: "Oh, how long will it take?"

Lin Qiushi: "Half-year?"

Wu Qi was shocked: "... half a year? Are you planning to resign?"

Lin Qiu Shi raised his hand and looked at his watch. He didn't have the thought to reconcile his work: "Or just help me to quit directly."

Wu Qi seems to want to say something, but when he can't say anything, he just sighs: "Well, I will help you with your leave, there must be something to tell me, don't lie on your own."

Lin Qiu was stunned and his expression was still very dignified.

The car went all the way, about an hour later, arrived at the place where Lin Qiu Shi wanted to go. Lin Qiu Shi got off the bus, went upstairs, knocked on the door, and the action was done in one go, but in fact it was such a few simple actions, but he did it in the car. A long time of psychological preparation.

The door that was knocked by him opened for a while, and the beautiful face of a middle-aged woman was revealed behind him - the mother of the candle.

Because before entering the door, Minnan Candles once took Lin Qiu Shi back home, so Lin Qiu Shi clearly remembered the location of the candlestick home. He came here this time and wanted to confirm one thing...

"Auntie, hello." Lin Qiushi politely greeted her.

"Hello." The middle-aged woman looked at Lin Qiu Shi’s doubts. "Is there anything?"

"I want to ask you, do you know this person?" Lin Qiu Shi carefully asked.

"Southern Candle?" The suspicious tone of the woman made Lin Qiu Shi's heart sink gradually. The doubtful color on her face was thicker. "Sorry, I don't know this person."

"Do you know that cypress?" Lin Qiu-Shi also said a name, the name is the name of the brother of Minnan.

"Bai Ye? He is my son..." Maternal mother, "Now not at home, come back at night, do you have something to look for?"

Lin Qiushi said: "You... only one son?"

My aunt nodded and looked at Lin Qiu-Shi's eyes more and more strange, and right, suddenly came to the door and asked these questions, how to see Lin Qiu-shi is not like a normal person.

Lin Qiu Shi did not know what he should say. After he said goodbye to his aunt, he hurried down the building and rushed to another place.

The existence of the candlestick of Minnan was obliterated. No one in the world knows the man named Minnan Candle, even his parents, so even the obsidian does not exist...

This time, the place where Lin Qiu Shi went was the white deer led by Li Dongyuan.

After arriving at the white deer's stronghold, Lin Qiushi found that a building originally belonging to the White Deer became a commercial office building with the words **** Bank. Lin Qiu Shi stood at the door and was thinking about how to mix upstairs. He saw a familiar face coming in from the door. The man was wearing a suit and was talking to someone beside him. From a looks, he is Li Dongyuan with a baby face.

Lin Qiu-Shi saw this scene and hurried forward, calling out: "Li Dongyuan!"

Li Dongyuan paused and looked in his direction. His eyes were alienated and cautious: "Which one? Please make an appointment with my secretary first."

"I--" Lin Qiushi said, "Do you know me?"

Li Dongyuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't speak, but his expression had already given Lin Qiu Shi's answer. He didn't know Lin Qiushi. He even thought that Lin Qiushi's problem was very strange.

"You don't know me?" Lin Qiushi also said that he was not clear about his mood at this time.

"I should know you?" Li Dongyuan smiled and looked at Lin Qiu Shi's body.

Lin Qiu Shi suddenly thought of something, he said: "Do you know Zhuang Ruyi?"

Li Dongyuan said nothing, it still seems strange to this name.

"What about Jin Yu?" Lin Qiu-shi tempted again.

"Do you know her?" Li Dongyuan's smile faded. "You are her person."

Lin Qiu Shi finally can finally determine why some people in this world do not exist, because they are still alive and still live in the world outside the door, so they do not exist in this door. Both Li Dongyuan and Jin Yuxi are dead, so they have a new identity in this door.

Except for those who died in the door, other people who have no relationship with the door do not seem to be affected by this law. They exist outside the door and exist in the door, and have nothing to do with life and death.

"Do you still have anything?" Lin Dong-shi, who looked at his thoughts, raised his chin slightly and looked indifferent. "If you have nothing to go out, here is the place to work."

Lin Qiu Shi looked at him and turned and left.

"Who is this person?" The people around Li Dongyuan looked at Lin Qiu Shi and asked.

"I don't know." Li Dongyuan said, "Just feel a bit familiar, forget it, you will take the information again, I will confirm..."

Lin Qiushi left the stronghold of Bailu. He looked at his watch and it was already at noon. A thought rose in his mind, Lin Qiu Shi took out his mobile phone, and set a ticket for the trip to C City tomorrow morning.

Some things he wants to go to c city to confirm, it is definitely too late to go in the past, only to hurry up tomorrow morning, and strive to go back and forth in one day.

In fact, Lin Qiu Shi did not want to try to spend the night on the plane. The ghost knows what terrible things will happen.

Just found a place to solve the lunch, Lin Qiu Shi returned home to take a nap. When thinking about the things that are about to happen in the evening, Lin Qiushi thought he would lose sleep, but in fact he slept very well. When he was lying on the bed, he slept, and when he woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. The chestnuts sat next to him, screaming and looking hungry.

Lin Qiu Shi got up and gave the chestnut a bit of food. He also ordered a takeaway and watched TV while eating.

He saw the new film promotion of Tan Zaozao. From the propaganda language, Lin Qiu Shi learned that the original Tanzao jujube has won the prize. The award-winning film is exactly the same as the door, but the director has changed one person, no longer Zhang Yuqing.

Here is the same place as Lin Qiu Shi's world, but there is a fundamental difference - Lin Qiu Shi's most wanted Minnan candle is not here.

It is also the case. I am afraid that this door is an insurmountable difficulty for many people. For example, Zhuang Ruzhen, and then Cheng Yizhen, because they can be here, see their favorite people again...

The night is getting thicker and Lin Qiu Shi is ready for everything.

At about ten o'clock, it suddenly started to rain outside the house.

The pouring water seemed to wash the earth that was roasted by the sun. Lin Qiu Shi stood on the edge of the window and watched some people walking on the side of the road rushing back to the house, leaving only empty street lights and occasionally passing vehicles.

The chestnut fell asleep, it squatted on the sofa, the breath became quiet, and the TV was still broadcasting a boring show, a weird silence, but it began to spread inside the house.

Lin Qiuishi smelled the smell of rain and moistened the soil. He used to like this taste before, but he later entered a certain door and encountered something. From then on, the smell of this rain made people feel unpleasant.

The hour hand turns a little bit, and it will soon be until twelve o'clock.

Lin Qiu Shi sat in the living room, like a soul waiting for the trial of death. The alternation of the night and the night is coming, and the clock hanging on the wall finally rang, oh, oh, oh... The twelve bells rang, proclaiming the arrival of another world.

At twelve o'clock, Lin Qiushi's door was knocked again. He came to the door with his bag. Through the cat's eyes, he saw a woman standing outside his door and smiling at him.

He remembers the woman's name, which is the npc, Xu Wei who is hidden in the crowd.

"Come out soon." Xu Wei said to Lin Qiushi, "Come on, my sister came to see you."

Lin Qiu Shi did not open the door. He heard a light bang from the window. Lin Qiu Shi turned his head and saw a person sticking out his window.

It was a peeled-up person, the whole body was **** and fuzzy, and the blood-red face was attached to Lin Qiushi's glass, his mouth opened, and Lin Qiuishi's teeth were exposed to the white. She seems to be trying to open the window locked by Lin Qiushi, and from her movements, she is about to succeed.

It seems that at this time only an option to open the door, Lin Qiu Shi bite his teeth, twisted the door handle, and opposite the Xu Wei face outside the door.

Xu Wei apparently knew Lin Qiushi’s worries and giggled in her mouth. She said, “How can I be willing to do it for you?” She paused for a moment and her eyes stayed on Lin Qiushi’s backpack. “My diary, Still in your hands, are you looking good?"

Lin Qiu Shi: "..." Why does he feel like he is being teased?

However, he didn't have much time to entangle the problem at this time, because Xu Wei's sister was about to climb over the window. Xu Wei grabbed Lin Qiushi's wrist and turned and ran. The two walked down the corridor. Arrived in the elevator.

"Go in, be careful." Xu Wei said, "There are other things that want your life."

Lin Qiushi said: "What about you?" He remembered that Xu Wei and her sister's relationship did not seem to be very good.

Xu Wei said: "I?" She bent her eyes and smiled. "How do you know, I don't want your life?" After she finished speaking, the skin on her body began to fall down piece by piece. Lin Qiu Shi was shocked and hurried into the elevator and pressed the number key.

Xu Wei giggled again, her laughter was as crisp as a silver bell, and it formed a sharp contrast with her horrible appearance.

Although the appearance became terrible, Xu Wei did not want to chase Lin Qiu Shi.

When the elevator started, it was reasonable to say that Lin Qiuishi should be safe, but his strange and dangerous feelings once again hit his heart.

Lin Qiu Shi looked around and saw a layer of goose bumps on his body after seeing something hanging in the elevator. I saw him behind him, and the empty elevator wall was actually hung up with a huge black frame, and there was nothing in the frame, but the direction of the frame was exactly where he stood. .

Lin Qiushi reacted quickly and pressed the floor closest to him. At the same time, the white paper on the picture frame seemed to float some light black water stains. At first it was just a drop, then it began to spread on the paper. Open.

And the shape that looks like water stains, more and more like a woman's appearance, fainted on the drawing paper, expanded, and filled the entire huge frame in a very short time.

Fortunately, the elevator just arrived at the nearest floor, Lin Qiu Shi turned and left, and he just left the elevator, the paper stretched out a pair of pale hands, groping around, like what to grab.

Lin Qiu Shi’s floor is on the sixth floor. After he got out of the elevator, he turned into the safe passage next to him and then went down the stairs.

The lights in the stairs were very dark, and I could barely see the road under my feet. Lin Qiu Shi ran down two floors, but it didn't feel right. After a closer look, I found myself actually spinning on the sixth floor.

The stairs seem to have become a Mobius ring, no matter the top or bottom, the front and back are the sixth floor.

Lin Qiu Shi stopped the pace of galloping, observed for a while, noticed that the white ceiling of the stairwell began to appear a group of black water stains, and even the air was filled with the chilly water. taste.

The thing was chased, and Lin Qiu Shi took the opportunity to turn off and turned away from the stairwell to the aisle. However, just after returning to the aisle, Lin Qiu Shi found a horrible change in the scene of the aisle. The walls on both sides were covered with black frames. The frames were filled with human expressions, and the original ceramics were paved. On the floor, there was a thick black blanket - the color of the blanket was exactly the same as he had seen in the door.

Lin Qiu Shi looked up and looked at the end of the corridor. At the end of the corridor was a picture hanging. The picture was a woman in black with a pointed long hat. She was half-closed, but she was staring at the end of the corridor. Lin Qiu Shi, who is looking at him.

Lin Qiu-Sheng wanted to leave the corridor. However, when he turned around, he found that the stairwell that had just come over disappeared, and the distance in the corridor seemed to be getting shorter. Lin Qiu-Shi clearly felt that the woman’s painting was getting closer and closer to him. The closer you come...

At this time, a drop of water fell on the forehead of Lin Qiu Shi, and Lin Qiu Shi reached out and found that it was blood. He raised his condition and found that when he had a black hole in his head, blood dripped from his mouth on his head, a pair of black eyes looming in the dark, and then in the hole. A pair of **** hands, stretched toward Lin Qiu Shi.

Lin Qiushi's conditioned reflex wants to retreat, but the strange thing is that the hands stopped in front of him, and he did not feel the danger from the hands miraculously.

The corridor is constantly shrinking, as if the cage is generally trapped in Lin Qiu Shi, Lin Qiu Shi bites his teeth, raises his hand and holds the fleshy hands, and then feels a force, moving him from smaller and smaller corridors. Brought it out.

"Oh, it seems that I can't do it without me." This is Xu Wei's voice, but she can't recognize her from the outside. The skin on her body is gone, only the scarlet flesh and blood, and the eyes are laughing. Looking at Lin Qiu Shi, Yi Yingying, this strong contrast is very grotesque, but Lin Qiu Shi does not feel terrible.

"Thank you." Lin Qiu Shi thanked her.

Xu Wei did not speak, her eyes crossed Lin Qiu Shi and looked behind him.

Lin Qiu Shi looked like it, turned his head and found that on the other side of the darkness, there was a pair of red-eyed eyes.

"Sister, my sister." The owner of the eyelids is also a monster that has been peeled off. She has no legs to walk with her hands, but the action is not slow. She stares at Lin Qiu Shi with a vicious eye, squatting. Teeth, like a hyena looking for prey, the evil in the eyes is almost instantaneous, she said, "Why are you betraying me? Do you like him so much? Since you like him, can I let him come with you?"

Xu smashed the **** and smiled. She said, "But my sister, even if you do this, I won't like you."

After she said this, she ran to Lin Qiu Shi, and she rushed toward the sister in front of her, and the two monsters were entangled.

Lin Qiu Shi stood up and ran towards the lighted place. When he ran to the light, he found that he had ran out of the apartment and stood in the courtyard of the community.

It was still raining outside, and Lin Qiuyan took an umbrella from his backpack and slowly opened it into the rain curtain.

Hey, la la la, the road is empty, only the rain splashes on the ground. The sound of the rain was awkward, but at this time, the embarrassment made the world more silent.

"Help------" The miserable help-seeking voice suddenly came. In the rain, there was a stumbling figure. Lin Qiu-shi clearly saw the appearance of the man. It was a pitiful girl wearing a long skirt. Running in the rain, she seems to be chasing something. After seeing Lin Qiu Shi standing not far away, it seems as if an oasis was found in the desert, and Lin Qiu Shi rushed over: "Help!! Help!!"

She said: "I beg you to save me, there is something to kill me..." She fell to the ground and looked at Lin Qiu Shi poorly. "You are also the person who passed the door? I am also passing the door. This door is terrible." ——"

If this is in the real world, Lin Qiu-shi must have stepped forward to lift the girl, but at this time he did not move, and his brow slightly smashed up. In fact, he felt that the people in front of him were familiar and accurate. Everything in the evening is familiar, and he must have seen this person.

"Sir, sir." The woman who fell in the rain saw Lin Qiu Shi indifferent, and she slowly climbed up. She raised her hand and wiped the rain on her face. "I know a safe place that can take you." In the past, would you like to be with me?"

Lin Qiushi said: "I know you?"

The woman said, "We have seen it in the door. You have helped me." Her eyelashes trembled and looked pitiful. "I just didn't live up to expectations, but I still couldn't survive."

“Have you seen it in the door?” Lin Qiushi felt that her eyebrows were familiar, he said, “Which door?”

The woman walked toward Lin Qiu Shi, she said: "It is that fan."

Lin Qiu Shi looked at her, but suddenly said: "There is something behind you."

The woman’s footsteps stopped.

"A huge picture frame." Lin Qiushi said, "She chased it."

The woman turned back in horror, but did not see anything behind her. She suddenly realized that Lin Qiu-Shi recognized herself, and the original poor expression suddenly became cold.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Lin Qiushi said, "Yang Meishu."

The woman sneered: "Can you still recognize me?"

Lin Qiushi's hand: "I don't want to, but people who are malicious to me can count one hand. If you are not a ghost, it must be someone who hates me..." He stopped and said quickly. She really chased it."

Yang Meishu did not believe Lin Qiu Shi’s words. She said, “Do you think I am stupid? I was cheated once, and I want to lie to me for the second time? I...” She was excited to speak, but felt a gust of wind behind her. Yang Meishu turned back and saw the woman in black standing behind her. Her pale face had no expression, and she held a black photo frame in her hand and was smashing toward Yang Meishu.

Yang Meishu knew that she was escaping and screaming in her mouth. After the cry, she became a painting in the hands of a woman, soaked in her face, with resentment in her horror, but so vivid.

Lin Qiu Shi took advantage of this opportunity and ran to a farther place. The woman does not seem to have the intention to chase it, just coldly glaring at the back of Lin Qiushi.

After the heavy rain, Lin Qiu Shi was soaked in the body. In such a big rain, the umbrella almost lost its effect. As he ran forward, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Minnan.

"How are you over there?" Lin Qiu-Shi thought for a moment and said, "I am very good here, you don't have to worry."

The text message was sent out, and it didn't respond for a long time. Until Lin Qiushi found a place to shelter from the rain, the text message only rang again. It only showed six words: I am fine, don't worry.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the text message and smiled. He couldn't think of it. If the candle was really fine, he wouldn't just send such a short message. Minnan candle brushed so many doors, God knows how many malicious npcs he has encountered in the night and the human beings who died in it. Lin Qiu Shi’s understanding of him, if he is not self-satisfied, will definitely take the initiative to send information to Lin Qiu Shi. . Now even the text messages are so short, the situation there is definitely not optimistic.

Really thought of his side to accompany him, Lin Qiu Shi clenched his mobile phone, thinking bitterly, no matter what he experienced, as long as he could be by his side.

The author has something to say: Everyday daily diarrhea, so uncomfortable (flattening)

Thanks to the following baby mine grenades and rockets, especially to those who are the heroes of the shallow water bomb x1, thank you for your love.

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Thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the Batman wife's mine x1

Thanks to mines that love green vegetables x1 thanks to the mines of coriander x1

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Thanks to the wild mushroom mine x1 thanks to the 25560272 mine x1 thanks to the maple sugar curry mine x1

Thanks for a mine mine x1 thanks to the divider of the mine x12k novel reading network

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