Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 138 Table of contents

After a long night, Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles still have no clues to the keys.

At the same time, however, they found that the night was getting shorter, from six hours at the beginning to five hours and four hours... this change was not obvious at first, but it was more and more interesting. . Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles wandered through the school and even went to some special places. The clues about the keys seemed to be missing. The two had no clue.

If the previous door is taken as an example, then the night shortening is the hidden limit of this door. If the key is not found, will they be trapped in this door? This is the most fearful thing for Lin Qiu-shi. He is afraid that he can’t see each other again.

The same is true of the Minnan Candles, but their efforts here seem completely meaningless. There are no rules except the ghosts that appear constantly in the night, and the ghosts every night will almost change greatly. Lin Qiushi and Yan The South Candle is getting more and more anxious because of the shortened time at night.

"Ghosts only appeared three times this evening." On this day, when it was dawning, the candlesticks in Minnan contained candy, and Lin Qiuishi analyzed the situation. "The frequency of occurrence is lower and the intensity is lower." The number reached a peak. Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles were seriously injured that night. Lin Qiu Shi even almost lost his life. But since that day, the number of ghosts has begun to drop rapidly. Lin Qiu Shi thought it was the pity of the door at first. Later, under the analysis of the candlesticks in the south, they found that the ghosts in the door had almost appeared, and even began to appear a small part. They met ghosts when they crossed the door before entering the eleventh door.

“Is this a good thing?” Lin Qiu-Shi used the interrogative sentence. He looked at the candlestick. “Is this a good thing?”

This should be a good thing, there are fewer ghosts, which means that they are less dangerous, but Lin Qiu Shi is not happy.

"I don't know." Minnan's candle is a bit low. "I'm not sure if there is a key in this door." He said, "Or we have the incomprehensible word in the clue we got, we didn't A deeper meaning of understanding."

But now they have no clue about this meaning.

Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles are together, clearly representing the hope of the morning glow, but their seriousness has become a bit heavy.

It’s going to be in the daytime, Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles have to be separated. In the face of a shorter and shorter night, Lin Qiu Shi even began to worry that he would not see the candle in the next night.

Minnan candle is obviously also worried, but he did not say anything, just stretched his hand and held Lin Qiu Shi tightly, the two cuddled together, the shadow integrated on the ground.

The ray of light shot from the end of the horizon, Lin Qiu Shi wanted to resist the strong drowsiness, and finally he failed. He fell asleep, and the candle in his arms also gave a uniform breath.

After the night gradually became calm, the day was actually tormented. Lin Qiu Shi woke up from the bed, sat quietly by the window for a long time, then sat down at the table and began to carefully record what was done.

Suddenly knocking at the door, Lin Qiu Shi went to the door and saw Wu Qi, who was carrying the vegetables and beer outside the door.

"Akiki, are you okay?" Wu Qi looked at him, his face was hidden and worried. "It hasn't seen you for more than a month. You are not allowed to call you."

"Nothing." Lin Qiushi said, "Just busy with things."

Wu Qi went into the house and saw the notebook on the table of Lin Qiu Shi. It was a bit strange: "What to write?"

Lin Qiushi said: "Record something." In fact, he wanted to record what he and Minnan had experienced... He was afraid that one day he would forget these things.

Just like the Minnan candle forgets his predecessors.

Lin Qiu Shi simply collected the table, and Wu Qi’s food in his hand was placed on it. He looked at Lin Qiu Shi with concern and said, “You have been at home for more than a month. What happened in the end, can’t you tell me? I am so worried about you."

Lin Qiushi answered: "Nothing."

Although Lin Qiu-Shi's tone is obviously perfunctory, he does not want to say that Wu Qi can not force him.

So the friend sighed and sighed, saying that Lin Qiu Shi can not be deceived by any MLM organization. The means of MLM is getting higher and higher in this year. If Lin Qiu Shi has something to say, he must say it...

Lin Qiu Shi listened to Wu Qi's broken thoughts, but he didn't hate it. Instead, he raised some nostalgia in his heart. In the original world, after Wu Qi left, he had not encountered anyone who cared about him in this way for a long time.

Wu Qia talked, Lin Qiu Shi would drink, and the atmosphere between the two was harmonious.

Until around 9 pm, Wu Qia left to leave, Lin Qiu Shi looked at his back and sighed. In fact, if there is no candle in the south, it seems to be a good thing to stay in this world.

But with the South Candle, Lin Qiu Shi wants to leave the door with one heart and one mind.

At twelve o'clock, Lin Qiu Shi couldn't wait to meet Minnan Candle.

There was no ghost figure in the school where they met, leaving only an empty campus in the dark. With the noise of the worms, it seems like an ordinary school.

"I saw my friend." and Lin Qiu Shi’s hand in hand at the school’s walking in the south of the candle suddenly opened, "Friends who died in the original world."

"You have a good relationship with him?" Lin Qiu Shidao.

"Yeah." Minnan Candle said, "We are small, but before entering the door, he encountered a car accident, and people are gone."

Lin Qiushi immediately thought of Wu Qi.

Minnan Candle said: "I didn't expect to see him in this world, he is still alive... very good."

Lin Qiu Shi was silent for a moment, his voice was hoarse. He said the deepest fear in his heart. He said, "South Candle, will this door have no key at all?"

The Minnan candle breathed a meal.

“Is there really a twelfth door?” Lin Qiushi said, “Can we really go out?”

The candlestick of Linnan held Lin Qiushi’s hand tightly.

"No solution, the clue we got is no solution..." Lin Qiushi said, "What does it mean to have no words?" He thought at first that this was a trial, but found no clues to the key anyway. After that, a more terrible thought rose up in his mind, no solution... Does it mean the existence of a key?

This is a door without a key, they can never leave.

The candlestick of Minnan also thought of Lin Qiu Shi’s thoughts. He looked at the lover on his side, and there was a bit of sadness in the black scorpion.

"I always think of your predecessors." On such a calm night, Lin Qiuishi should have been fortunate, but he could not reveal a smile. Without the chasing of ghosts, they can spend more time thinking about the future, but the more they think, the more they think. The more I feel the future is full of despair.

"Everyone has forgotten him." Lin Qiushi slowly said, "Do we forget each other?"

Listening to Lin Qiushi’s words, Minnan’s candle suddenly became angry. He said with anger: “I don’t forget you!” He stood up and swayed like a trapped beast. “The key must be hidden somewhere, we didn’t find it. We just have to work harder again --"

Lin Qiu Shi reached out and hugged him. He kissed his cheek and said, "Okay, let's find it again."

Grass, trees, all buildings, and even ponds, Lin Qiu Shi and Minnan Candles searched every corner of the school until the sun rose again.

On this day, the night lasted only two hours. When the sleepy attack struck, the south of the candle holding Lin Qiuishi almost collapsed, their hunch became true, the night time was constantly shortened, and finally it might disappear. When the night disappears, they can no longer see each other.

"No, I don't want to sleep." The South Candle was almost unable to open his eyes, but he refused to give up. He tried to make a wound on his arm to make himself awake, but everything was in vain.

The candlestick is still asleep.

Lin Qiu Shi stared at the sleeping face of the South Candle, holding him refused to let go, the horrible drowsiness gradually invaded his mind, he was forced to sink into a dream.

The next day, the weather was fine.

Lin Qiu Shi sat up from the bed and walked to the table to start recording. The notebook in front of him is already full of enthusiasm, and the above is the encounter between him and the candlestick. The chestnut screamed aside, and slammed his toes and jumped on the knees of Lin Qiu Shi, passing on his warm body temperature. Lin Qiu Shi looked at the notebook in front of him, but there was a huge inexplicable pain in his heart.

He just wanted to die with the candlestick in Minnan, but he didn't think that the last wish was so difficult to achieve.

On the notebook is the bit by bit of him and the candlestick, but if you really forget it, what is the use of these bits and pieces? Lin Qiu Shi grabbed his face.

It was another night, only one hour left for this night.

As if it were the last countdown, the door gave them the opportunity to bid farewell to each other.

"The key must exist!" Yannan candle grabbed Lin Qiushi's hand. "We can't give up, we must go out - Qiu Shi, don't give up even if there is no night?"

Lin Qiushi said: "Okay."

Minnan candlestick reached the extreme. He was so confused for the first time. He said, "I don't want to be separated from you. I don't want to be separated from you. Lin Qiushi..." Lin Qiu Shi looked at his face and gave him a soothing look. Kiss until the candlestick calms down.

Lin Qiu Shi smiled hard and rubbed his fingers on the cheek of the South Candle. He said, "No, facing your face, I still feel guilty."

The candle in the south of the country could not be laughed out. His scorpion was like a flash of water, but when he looked closely, he found that it was not water, more like frozen ice.

"I will not give up, I will definitely continue to look for the key." Lin Qiu Shi said, "I will find you... I will not give up..."

Yannan candle backhand holding Lin Qiu Shi.

"Do you like daylight?" Lin Qiushi asked him.

“I don’t like it,” said Minnan Candle. “There are a lot of good things during the day...but...there is no you there.”

Lin Qiu Shi touched the hair of the Minnan candle a little bit, and the fingers passed through his hair. The look of the kindness of the candle to the south of the candle was watching his own child: "You have a better life." The candle is different from him. There are parents and brothers. If there is no door, he will obviously be happier, without experiencing the threat of death, and without losing so many beloved friends.

"But there is no you there." Minnan candle desperately said, "Lin Qiu Shi, you can't understand, without your world, it's all fake!"

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the candle in the south, he wanted to control his emotions, continue to appease him, but found himself unable to do it. It’s been an hour since they passed, and they can’t even determine if they can see each other tomorrow.

"I..." Lin Qiu-Sheng wanted to say something, but only one word was opened, and the tears fell. He reached out and rudely rubbed his face. "I don't want to say goodbye to you."

Minnan candle kissed Lin Qiushi’s nephew and sucked his tears clean. He said, “Then we will not say goodbye.”

"It’s good to meet you." Lin Qiushi said, "I’m not afraid of those things at all, I’m not afraid of it.” They sat under the night sky, looking up at the stars, blowing the cool breeze on their cheeks. There are only quiet insects left around.

As if this was just a calm night, they were just here to meet each other and confess their loved ones.

Minnan Candle said: "I will not give up, we must go out..." He is almost sleepy, and his tone is gradually decreasing. "Lin Qiu Shi, you have to go out..."

"Good." Lin Qiu Shi said, "I will go out." After he said this, he closed his eyes with the uncontrollable candle.

The two fell asleep.

This is the last time Lin Qiu Shi saw the candle in the south.

When he was hiding in the school the next day, he waited for the watch to point to twelve o'clock, but did not see the figure of the candle.

His lover disappeared and disappeared into the silent night, disappearing into different time and space.

Although I have guessed everything from the ever-decreasing night time, Lin Qiu Shi still collapsed. He ran all over the school, continually shouting the name of the South Candle, until he was expelled from the school's security.

Standing outside the school, he dialed the number of the South Candle and found that it was an empty number - the candlestick disappeared.

Lin Qiu Shi Yan was on the side of the road, covering his face and trying to block his tearful face.

This evening, Lin Qiu-shi actually spent the time. He himself said that he couldn’t tell. When he was conscious, he had already appeared in the hospital bed. He was so painful that he was sitting next to him. Watching him worriedly.

"Autumn stone, are you okay?" Wu Qi's tone was cautious, as if he was afraid of stimulating Lin Qiishi's sensitive nerves.

"Very good." Lin Qiu Shi looked at the white ceiling above his head. "I am fine."

Wu Qi wants to stop, obviously Lin Qiu Shi's state is not good, before he was taken to the hospital, he attempted to rush into a school, and the security guards clashed, and finally was taken to the hospital by the police...

Lin Qiu Shi looked at Wu Qi. His eyes are very strange, like watching a monster, Wu Qi was looked at by him, and whispered his name: "Autumn Stone?"

"Are you real?" Lin Qiushi said, "Is it still an illusion to comfort people?"

Wu Qi is inexplicable, he is a little restless, said: "Autumn stone, are you too stressed?"

Is it too much pressure? Lin Qiu Shi thought, isn't he crazy? No, he is not crazy, the world is mad.

After more than a week in the hospital, Lin Qiu Shi ran out of the hospital with Wu Qi back home.

The first thing he did after he got home was to flip out the notebook he used to record, and carefully read all the things recorded above.

He has to remember that he must remember.

The predecessors of the South Candles may not have passed the eleventh door at all, so naturally they do not know the information of the twelfth door. He was forever locked in this door, and people outside the door began to forget him, and even his face and name faded away. Only the closest people still barely remember the name of their predecessors.

But after a while, perhaps even the name of the predecessors no one remembers, Lin Qiu Shi held the notebook so thinking.

Since that night, Lin Qiu-shi has never entered the night.

His night became quiet and serene, except for insects and nothing else. The ghost disappeared, disappeared with the ghosts, and his lover's candle.

Lin Qiu Shi began to look around the reality about the South Anhui candle.

Wu Qi knew what he was doing. At first he thought that Lin Qiu-Shi had a problem with his spirit. Later, he found that his friend was very calm and calm. He was not like a mental patient at all, so he could only go by Lin Qiu Shi. Even privately, Lin Qiu Shi, who was quietly helping Lin Qiu Shi, found the name of Minnan Candle in the public security system. As a result, he did not expect that he actually found some information.

"There is a man of South Candles." Wu Qi brought the news to Lin Qiu Shi. "It’s still a person in our city, a professor of physics in a university..."

When Lin Qiushi heard Wu Qi’s words, he thought that Wu Qi was joking. Later, after confirming that Wu Qi was serious, he did not know what to give.

So the next day, Lin Qiu Shi rushed to the school that Wu Qi said, and wanted to find the candle.

I did not expect Lin Qiu Shi really saw him.

At the time of the class, Lin Qiu-Shi saw a man with glasses on a trail. The man was very tall and wore simple shirt trousers, just down the car. The man's face is exactly the same as the Minnan candle. It’s just that compared with the indifferent temperament of Minnan Candle, the man looks a lot gentler and seems to get along better.

When Lin Qiuishi saw the man, he even held his breath. After hesitated for a while, he quickly walked up and tentatively called: "Southern Candle?"

The man sighed back and looked at Lin Qiuishi. His eyes were strange and hesitated: "Are you?"

Lin Qiushi said: "Don't you know me?"

The man frowned and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't remember I saw you."

Lin Qiu Shi did not speak, stared at the man's nephew, and finally turned: "Sorry, I admit the wrong person."

The man stunned and wanted to say something, but Lin Qiu Shi’s rush did not give the man a chance to speak. How could it be that the wrong person is recognized, the wrong person is recognized, can you name it?

Lin Qiu Shi was too lazy to manage this loophole. He went to the school gate and began to peel off the sugar paper. His movements were a little flustered, stuffing sugar one by one into his mouth, trying to find inner peace from the familiar sweet taste.

But in the end, the candy failed to calm down Lin Qiushi, and his emotions faced another collapse.

Every time I encounter something related to the South Candle, Lin Qiu Shi is hard to calm down, and this time is also true.

Why is the South Anhui candlestick suddenly appearing during the day? what does this mean? Is there something wrong with him? Lin Qiu-soo licked the candy in his mouth and turned to look at the school behind him.

This is a famous university in the country. It is famous for science. It can be a professor of physics in such a school at the age of Minnan Candle, which will prove that he has achieved great academic achievements.

Lin Qiu Shi thought, this may be the life of the South Anhui candle that did not meet the door, and it became a famous journey.

He stood up from the ground, probably because of ischemia, the body shook involuntarily, and even almost fell to the ground. This world is perfect, except for Lin Qiushi himself, it seems that everyone has a happy ending.

Lin Qiu Shi wolfed back home, fell on the bed, chestnuts jumped to his body, screaming and urged Lin Qiu Shi to add cat food to it.

Lin Qiushi touched the soft hair of the chestnut, looked at its beautiful, gem-like eyes, and slept in a faint manner.

The twelve o'clock bell awakened Lin Qiu Shi from the dream. Lin Qiu Shi sat up from the bed and stared at the wall clock not far away.

Although he had not been able to enter the same time and space night with the Minnan candle at night, he could still wake up on time at 12 o'clock every day, listening to the bells that belonged to the night.

Is he really inseparable from this door? But the candle in the south of the country is not said, the door is not dead? Or is it that the rules of the eleventh door are not available?

With such thoughts, Lin Qiushi once again dialed the phone of him and Minnan Candle.

"Sorry, the phone number you dialed is an empty number. Please check it and dial it again. Sorry, the phone number you dialed is an empty number. Please check it and dial it again..." The cold electronic sound came from the phone, Lin Qiu Shi sat. In my own rental house, everything was terrible, except for the ticking clock on the wall. He moved his gaze over the clock and saw the pendulum ticking from the left and right. The hour hand has passed twelve o'clock and went in the direction of a little.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the clock, but suddenly thought of the corridor he saw when he entered the door. There were twelve iron doors on both sides of the corridor. So why is the number twelve? They seem to have never thought about this problem.

Lin Qiu Shi moved his gaze to the top of the clock and saw the twelve figures plated with black pigment on the clock face. A strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Lin Qiushi stood up and walked toward the clock.

The author has something to say: Today's Xi Zixu is so sweet.

Thanks to the following baby mine grenades and rockets, especially to the wooden kite's shallow water bomb x1, rocket launcher x4, thank you for your love! ! !

Thanks for the sad rainbow fish rockets x3

Thanks for the rockets of the rice cakes x3

Thanks to the son of the landmine x3, rocket launcher x2

Thanks to Meng Changjun's rocket launcher x2

Thanks for the rainy sunny grenade x3 thanks to the clear mine's mine x2, grenade x2

Thanks Flash Hakron Rocket x1 thanks to Mangosteen Rocket x1

Thanks for the millet porridge rocket launcher x1 thanks to clang grenades x2 thanks to ligg grenade x2 thanks to the rocket rocket x1

Thanks to the stopcalling rocket launcher x1 thanks to the maple sugar curry grenade x1, mine x1

Thanks to Gongmao delicious grenade x1 thanks to a flower grenade x1 thanks to sugar sugar sugar love learning grenade x1

Thanks to the blue grenade x1 thanks to Dinghe Yi's grenade x1

Thanks to the drunken grenade x1 thanks to the poetry grenade x1 thanks to nebuchadnezzar's grenade x1

Thanks to the 18cm666 grenade x1 thanks to the 28132360 grenades x1

Thanks Xiao Ming can't test the grenade x1 in high school thanks to the grenade x1 thanks to the grenade x1 of 13433609204

Thanks to the deer for unreasonable mines x4

Thanks for the mourning of the mines x4 thanks to the fortunate mines x2 thanks to the Yue Yue mines x2

Thanks to the small sparrow's mine x2 thanks to the demon's mine x2 thanks to the moon month mulberry mine x2 thanks to the wine face _ mine x2 thanks to the mobile phone's deer's mine x2

Thanks to cielo's mine x2 thanks to the gram la mine x2

Thanks to camael mine x2 thanks to the intelligence butterfly mine x2

Thanks to the salty fish fat mine x2 thanks to the mines of Huaibei x2

Thanks mrs Zhang's mine x2 thanks to Minqing's mine x2 thanks to Luhan lemon tea mine x2 thanks 懵 mind unhappy mine x2

Thanks to the indiscriminate mine x2 thanks to the alv mine x2 thanks to the land mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the little girl's mine x1 thanks to the blue bridge spring snow mine x1 thanks to the small pen mine x1

Thanks to the strawberry sandwich cookie mine x1 thanks dazhuangjiaqi-the mine x1

Thanks to the landmines that fell into the rain, thank you to the mine's mine x1

Thanks to Nanke's mines x thanks to this raw sugar-deficient mine x1

Thanks to the Zhongqiuqiuqiuqiuqiuqiuqiuqiu mines x1 thanks to the ancient Wenguan mines x1

Thanks to Mr. Zhijin Island’s mine x1 thanks to the mine of xuang

Thanks to Yuzi Chai's mine x1

Thanks to the 16581318 mine x1 thanks to the 19380603 mine x1

Thanks to the durian is impossible to eat the mine x1 thanks to the long-haired fury flower mine mine x1

Thanks for another mine x1 thanks _ 咩咩咩咩咩咩 咩咩咩咩咩咩 mine x1

Thanks to the orange oranges and oranges without the juice of the mines x1 thanks to the hurricane mines x1

Thanks to the non-fish mines x1 thanks to the landlord x1 of 29638267

Thanks to the land mine Yujiro's mine x1 thanks to the coffeeortee mine x1 thanks to the white lotus mine x1 thanks to the 18112132 mine x1

Thanks to the windy mine x1 thanks to a piece of mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 26139877 thanks to the same mine x1

Thanks to the mine of fish x1 thanks -_lotus_- mine x1

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to Ling Ling Z's mine x1 thanks to the free electronic mine x1 thanks to the bottle of fat cat mine x1

Thanks to the great mines of the mines x1 thanks to the mines of the mines x1 thanks to the coffin wood mines x1

Thanks to the 23,329,293 mines x1 thanks to the mines that can't be smashed x1 thanks to the mines without teeth. X1 thanks to the aauauayy mines x1

Thanks to the land of the couples x1 thanks to the landmines of the xx1 thanks to the mines of the white wine x1

Thanks to llllllran mine x1

Thanks to the ancient building No. 8 mine x1 thanks to the wood mine x1

Thanks to the mines that have just passed the door today, thank you for the mines x1 thanks to the non-fish mines x1

Thanks to levi's mine x1 thanks to the night of the mine x1

Thanks for the snowy night of the snowy x1

Thanks to the car monster old monster mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 28165152

Thanks to the cat cake adult mine x1 thanks to the mines of Zhangzhou Prefecture x1

Thanks to the misty mine x1 thanks to the 19315974 mine x1

Thanks to Xiangyu's mine x1 thanks to Mu Song's mine x1 thanks to the 9576 地 mine x1 thanks to the landmine mine x1

Thanks to li-Lucky ing mine x1 thanks to Jorge no return, mine x1 thanks to Maiyro's mine x1

Thanks to miruco's mine x1 thanks to the mine of the 27993909 mine x1 thanks to a dream of the three mines x1 thanks to the mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1 thanks to the 0410 magnets of the little fairy mines x1 thanks to the mines of the mines x1 thanks to the 25085795 mines x1 thanks to the wooden mines x1 thanks to the _chaos" mines x1 thanks to the moon fence mines x1 thanks to the indigo Mine x1

Thanks to Changzhou’s vast mines x1

Thanks to Allen Dandi's mines x1 thanks to the land of the 18,744,430 mines x1 thanks to the mines of boiling water x1

Thanks to the less class owner Mrs. Guo Qilin's mine x1 thanks to the windy mine x1

Thanks to Zizi's mine x1 thanks to the landhox x1 of lahoo317

Thanks to the general attacking man Wen Xiaojing? The mine x thank Song Yunli's mine x1

Thanks to the pale snow mines x1 thanks to the mines with high and cold leaves x1

Thanks Luna's mine x1 thanks to Li Yue's mine x1 thanks to superwelw's mine x1

Thanks to the mine x1 thanks to panda's mine x1 sense thank you for the micro mines x1 thank you for reading the text are the landmines written by the fairy x1 thanks to the six mines x1

Thanks to the land mine x1 of 29132043 thanks to the small meat flesh x1

Thanks to the little mine that I love Miss Ms. x1 thanks to Zoelawn's mine x1 thanks to the white mine's mine x1

Thanks to the sesame sugar round mine x1 thanks to Neil's mine x1 thanks to emmm's mine x1

Thanks to Anda's mine x1 thanks to Zong Bailian's mine x1

Thanks to Akita Meng's mine x1 thanks to sandrupdomoto's mine x1 thanks to kooya's mine x1

Thanks to Xiaochenzi's mine x1 thanks to the backhand of an Avatar mine x1

Thanks to the red mines x1 thanks to the green fox's mine x1 thanks to the southerly mines x1

Thanks to the thousands of mines x1 thanks to the mines in the sky

Thanks to the South Street mines x1 thanks to the eyebrows that I don’t know the autumn x1 thanks to the mines of the small worms that eat the bean paste x1

Thanks to the hahahaha mines x1 thanks to the mines x1 thanks to the people who feel very melon mines x1

Thanks to the three mines of the mine x1 thanks to the dark line of mines x1 thanks to the song and the mines x1

Thanks to the vast mines x1 thanks to the peach mine of the cat x1 thanks to the landmine x1 of 29631457

Thanks to sorcery mine x1 thanks bobo mine x1

Thanks to the mine that still has a candle today, x1 thanks to the mine of x1

Thanks to the mines of the late comet of the comet x1 thanks to the mines of layiila x1

Thanks to the peas love to eat fish mines x1 thanks to Hu Jinbao's mines x1 thanks to the shallow city of mines x1

Thanks to kahdahao mine x1 thanks to the drizzle mine x1

Thanks to the landless mine x1, thanks to the mine of the 27th Swordsman x1

Thanks to the glutinous rice mine x1 thanks to the sky mine x12k novel reading network

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