Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine
Chapter 79 Table of contents

Lin Si smiled and smiled. He proved that his ear strength was no longer good.

Zhong Wan Qiang didn't care, said, "What's the matter to tell me?"

Lin Si converged with a smile, and said positively: "Master, two days ago I wanted to send Xuanrui back to Qian'an on the other day."

Xuanrui's case has basically been closed. Emperor Chong'an only seized his title, but Qian'an's mansion and Fengyi have not been recovered. Now that the dust has settled, it is indeed time to send him back to Qian'an.

Zhong Wan said, "What's wrong?"

Lin Si's gesture: Before the book was delivered to the cabinet, he was stopped by Lord Yu.

Zhong Wan frowned. "When did King Yu take care of Xuanrui?"

Lin Si's gesture: It's this strange. I have been with the lady and the young master these days. The lady listened to your master and would discuss with me when something happened. Someone came to the house from the clan's house, and the news never came. I, listening to what they said a few days ago, apparently sent Xuanrui to leave, but just a couple of days ago, I suddenly changed my tone, saying that there is a long way to go in southern Xinjiang, and everything needs to be prepared.

Zhong Wan didn't even need to think to know that this was an excuse.

Lin Si's sign language: I think it's wrong. After many inquiries, I realized that it was Wang Yu who knew someone and stopped by someone else's hand. I didn't understand it, so I hurriedly told the host.

Zhong Wan leaned on the bed, frowning, "What did Yu Wang want to do when he left Xuanrui ..."

Lin Si guessed: Wang Yu will not know about you, maybe you just want to leave Xuanrui in Beijing to stop Xin Yu, the little king?

"No." Zhong Wan shook his head. "It's too stupid for this to happen. Does he want Xuanrui's life to be depressed and forgive when the net is broken? Isn't it right?"

Zhong Wan laughed: "Don't be embarrassed, Yu Yan himself wants Xuan Rui's life."

Zhong Wan asked Lin Si: "How long does Wang Yu's hand reach out? If in any case, can he take people from the clan?"

Lin Si wasn't quite sure, gesture: I'll check.

"I'll let Yu Yan also check it," Zhong Wan whispered. "But if I say, King Yu can't do it."

Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan, Zhong Wan said: "If he can really control the clan's mansion, why should he send someone to stop it, and never let the clan's mansion send Xuanrui back to Qian'an? I never cared about this case. "

Zhong Wan whispered: "It's like a temporary surprise."

Lin Si nodded and made a gesture: Exactly, in terms of time, it should be the emperor's decision to acknowledge Yu Xiaoye.

Zhong Wan murmured, "If the ancestral palace sends Xuan Rui away, Yu Zheng will escorted his own person, and he will not be relieved if he returns Xuan Rui to Qian'an. In other words ... As soon as Xuan Rui came out of the clan's house, she fell under Yu Yu's control. "

"Is King Yu trying to avoid this? Why?"

"Why does Xuanrui suddenly matter?"

Lin Si also wondered about this point.

Zhong Wan groaned for a moment, and said, "Go ahead, leave it to me, and you're good at Xinxin and Xuanyu."

Lin Si nodded and got up, Zhong Wan said again, "Yes."

Lin Si busy listening carefully.

Zhong Wan sighed: "Take a moment to meet Xuan Ye."

Lin Si narrowed his eyes, and then gestured after a while: I saw him several times while he was asleep.

"Sleeping and there is a fart." Zhong Wan said, "He told me last time that I don't blame you, don't waste time, and talk to him earlier."

Lin Si moved his eyes and nodded.

As soon as Lin Si left, Zhong Wan quickly took clean clothes and put them on.

Before Yu Jian had found a doctor, Zhong Wan hurriedly urged him back. The servant of Yu Yan's order to go down first, whispered helplessly, "How can you not leave me for a while and a half? "

Zhong Wan was stuffed, her ears were red, and she almost forgot what she wanted to say.

"I have something to say with you." Zhong Wan told Tong Yuzheng what Lin Si said just now, and said, "You can go and check. I have a conjecture in my heart. I'm not sure. I dare not speak with you." Say."

Yu Jiu paused for a moment, and smiled, "I don't dare say anything, I guessed."

Yu Yan sat down and squinted, "These days, King Yu is not very happy, the situation is unstable, and the emperor has repeatedly promoted me. He is uneasy, and cunning rabbits, and started to find a way out for himself."

Zhong Wan whispered softly: "He wants to make Xuan Rui the last escape."

"Xuan Xie and Yu Yufu have been hostile for many years and can't count on it." Yu Amnesty whispered, "In the future, if I swallow Xuan Qiong in one go, at the last moment ... he can take another dangerous move and kill me and Xuan Xuan then……"

Zhong Wan said: "Fuan Xuanrui is going to do it."

Yu Yan sneered: "Strange, what kind of life is Xuan Rui? So many people want to support him."

Yu Yan glanced at Zhong Wan. "There are still people who have been fighting to protect him for years."

Zhong Wan smelled a bit of vinegar and laughed. "It's business."

"Xuanrui is the eldest son of King Ning, and his blood is counted. He is the most valuable except for the prince, and he is such a deceptive temper." Zhong Wan himself admitted, "It is really good for eating." . "

Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "I have a way."

Zhong Wan raised his eyes, Yu Yu stood up, "I went to the palace."

Zhong Wan said dumbly, "What's the matter? What can you do? No, don't talk to me?"

Yu Yan gave Zhong Wan a glance, "Xuanrui was caught by King Yu, are you really in a hurry?"

Zhong Wan secretly said that the vinegar taste was even heavier.

Zhong Wan raised his hand and held Yu Jian's wrist, and whispered, "A little worried, but more worried about you."

Yu Yan's face looked a lot better instantly.

Yu Yan told his plan to Zhong Wan, and Zhong Wan froze, "You ..."

"The simplest method is sometimes the most effective. Since the enemy is secretly in the dark, I simply rely on it." Yu Ai raised his hand and touched Zhong Wan's forehead. "I haven't gotten hot yet, lie back, I will tomorrow I will go to the dynasty and I will explain it to you when I return. "

Zhong Wan couldn't, and lay back honestly.

The next day, Emperor Chong An was unexpectedly absent from the Korean congress, but Yu Zheng appeared on the cabinet on time.

This is the first time that Emperor Chong'an has acknowledged Yu Zheng's will, and Yu Cheng appears for the first time.

The elders didn't know what to call Yu Jin, and they looked at each other, and they couldn't get any better, but Yu Jin looked as usual, and said indifferently, "All the kings can do as usual."

The people were relieved, and they saluted rashly, but they were still busy.

Yu Jian looked at the documents for a while, and walked to the case of Sun Gelao's book.

Sun Ge was busy getting up, and Yu Qian humbly pressed Sun Ge's arm in a humble manner, and said softly, "Sun Ge doesn't have to do this. I have trouble to do something."

Yu Yan has acted rebelliously in recent years and has a bad reputation.

Suddenly learned that when he wanted to enter the cabinet to study politics, everyone in the cabinet affirmed in his heart that he was the illegitimate son of Emperor Chong'an, and he was bitter in his heart.

Afraid that Yu Jie ate cold food here and went crazy, that Yu Jie would suddenly find death and find a living, and that she would not take good care of them all, everyone should follow me.

Unexpectedly, except for the occasional late arrival and early departure, Yu Jian did not do anything extraordinary.

Yu Jinan was quiet. If he didn't pay attention, he would not find such a **** in the cabinet.

The documents he handled, from various categories, also frequently had his unique and vital comments.

It can't be said how powerful it is, but compared to Xuan Qi who can't understand anything, and Xuan Qiong who doesn't have a mind and also chaos command, this is too sharp.

Over the past few days, several old cabinet ministers had a good impression on Yu Yan.

For example, if the other two princes would never have spoken to cabinet ministers in this manner.

Sun Ge's unconscious heart has been biased. When seeing Yu Yan humbly looking for him, he also whispered: "I don't know ... I don't know what the son said?"

Yu Zheng hesitated, and seemed a little inconvenient to speak.

Sun Ge old whispered again, "Shizi, but it doesn't matter."

Yu Yan shook his head and smiled: "I don't want to bother the grown-up with the matter of Neizi."

Sun Ge did not respond for a while to who "Inner Son" was, but he had already spoken, "The son of the son ordered it."

Yu Yan lightly pursed his thin lips and whispered, "Nei Zi is from Ning Wangfu's house, and adults should know."

Sun Ge was almost stunned, his face changed and changed, and said, "Gu Yuan ... I saw him when he was young."

Yu Jian nodded: "Adults must also know, the case of the former King Qian'an?"

Sun Ge nodded, "Isn't that case handled by Shizi?"

"Yes, but the former King Qian'an was a patriarch and could not enter the Dali Temple. He was placed under house arrest at the ancestral palace since the case began." Yu Jian worried, "the case has been closed, but he has been in the ancestor for so long People ’s house. "

Sun Ge was dissatisfied: "It is the lazy government of Zongren government."

"It can't be said. Slowness is not very slow, but ..." Yu Yan's voice was even lighter. "Gu Yuan was worried about him. He didn't think about it. I looked at it and was anxious."

Sun Ge lamented, "The son of King Ning is really not raised in vain."

Yu Zheng said: "I am in an awkward position, and I can't speak at the clan's house. I want to ask Master Sun to help draft a document and urge the clan's house to put this matter on the agenda. I wonder if it's inconvenient?"

Sun Ge laughed, "How difficult is this?"

Sun Gelao was still a little vigilant in his heart. He was afraid that Yu Jian would try to win over himself. He was afraid that there would be a dilemma for Yu Jin. He never expected that Yu Jin would speak to him for the first time, because of Zhong Wan.

Why don't you let the humanity move along the river?

Sun Ge whispered, "If Shizi is in a hurry, there is actually a simpler way to avoid the clan's house, and just do it."

Yu Zheng said: "I also ask Master Sun for guidance."

"Don't dare," Sun Ge said quietly. "This is too small a matter of going back and forth between several gates, and no need to pull with the clan's house. Now I just need to write a letter to explain the business."

Sun Ge Lao gestured Yu Jian to look at the two-foot-high stack of books, "Just put it in today's book, and it will be delivered to the imperial palace in a while. If the emperor reads it, he will surely accept it and send it directly to the clan ... … It's not a big deal. If the emperor didn't watch it, he would return to us in the evening. We stamped it and still sent it to the Zongren's Mansion. The Zongren's Mansion should immediately proceed to send the former King Qian'an away, the same. "

Yu Yan nodded, "Thank you for your mention."

"Dare you dare, how big a thing, I'll make a deal for the son of the world." Sun Ge is always willing to sell Yu Jin's affection, "After the son saw it, he didn't think it would change much, and he could be sent to Yuqian half an hour later. went."

The corner of Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Yu Yan returned to his book case and waited quietly. In the evening, all the discounts that Emperor Chong'an had seen were sent back, and the old discounts of Sun Gelao did not move.

Emperor Chong'an is now out of energy, and the cabinets have all sorted out the discounts. Generally, he only looks at the most important ones, and the rest is not painful, itching or turning, and he directly calls back to the cabinet for processing.

Sun Ge Lao intentionally helped Yu Zheng, and his bankruptcy was placed in a class that didn't matter.

After the folds were picked out, Sun Ge commented and ordered Zongren's government to escorted Xuan Rui back to Qian'an immediately, Yu Yu personally printed the seal.

The enemy is secretly knowing, and I simply rely on it.

The imperial edict has been made, and King Yu cannot stop it.

After returning to the house in the evening, Yu Zheng didn't rush to find Zhong Wan, first called his confidant family in the future, and ordered someone to ask for a doctor.

This was the person Yu Yu had originally planned to **** Xuanrui to Qian'an, and after waiting for the family to speak, Yu Jin said lightly: "Free your errands, you don't have to follow."

He felt hesitated, "Isn't Shizi saying that we should keep our eyes on the former King Qian'an, so that he won't be seduced by others again?"

He really did not understand, Yu Yu took so much effort to **** Xuanrui from the clan's house, but he did not stare at him anymore.

Isn't that a waste of thought? !!

"No, I have other arrangements." Yu Yan's eyes were dark, "You went wrong instead."

He would like to say one more time, Yu Shen said, "Naturally, you still have to follow. You send him out of the city, and you will come back when he leaves the city. You do n’t need to worry about it below."

Dumbfounded: "Isn't that the same as not going?"

Mr. Feng brought the Taiyi, Yu Yu waved his hand, "I have something in mind, you go."

Henchmen retreated.

The doctor did not dare to read more, and waited for his family members to go far before they came forward: "Shizi."

"I was always busy before asking the doctor."

Yu Jui confounded the details and process of the incident in Zhong Wan's room yesterday, and vaguely explained with the doctor.

Yu Yan said very vaguely, but the Taiyi was very knowledgeable and had never heard of anything. He would nod his head to make clear without saying Yu Yan's words.

Yu Jiu asked in a low voice, "Are you in trouble?"

"This ..." Tai Chi thought for a while, and said rigorously, "Master Zhong is really bad, but in the same year, it is impossible for him to lose all his affections and passions. This is human nature. If it is just like Seiko said, this is the time , That's nothing to hinder. "

Yu Yan's eyebrows remained anxious.

He whispered in a whisper: "I'm afraid he won't just do it once."

The Taiyi stunned, looked up at Feng steward aside, "Shizi means ..."

During the conversation, the little girl who was waiting for Zhong Wan entered the room lightly, and said Zhong Wan asked Yu Yan to pass by.

Yu Yan waved his hand to send away the little girl, as if beset by how much trouble he had, and took a look at the Taiyi doctor, "Just look at him now for a moment without me, do you think he might understand temperance?"

Zhong Wan was still hot before, and Yu Yue became more and more regretful. He regretted that he should not have been bullied and tortured yesterday. He should not have any energy. He could only find the trouble of a doctor, and frowned, "You Do you know how sticky he is? "

Taiyi's expression is dull, why do I know if I scream in my heart? !!

The steward Feng stood behind Yu Yan, and saw that he was busy round the field. "There is no need to be hasty, there is a way! Taiyi has a way."

Taiyi endured the burden of humiliation and thought hard after thinking: "Shizi, otherwise ... I can prescribe a little medicine for Master Zhong."

Yu Zheng said, "Take medicine again?"

Yu Yan remembers very clearly, that is what this Taiyi said, Zhong Wan's body is not good, she should take less medicine and support more.

"No, no, just drink tea." Taiyi said to Feng steward, "Take a little mulberry leaves, white chrysanthemums, and tangerine peel, rinse with boiling water, add a little honey, and give the patient tea."

They are all mild herbs of clear fire, but Feng's housekeeper felt reliable, and said to Yu Jian, "It should work."

Yu Yan felt that this was nothing clever. "It's just salty and light tea."

The Taiyi had to say: "Or maybe a little honeysuckle ..."

"Nothing, no matter how much medicine, he can only cure his body." Yu Yan was sad and happy, "You can't cure him and stick to my heart all the time."

Taiyi: "..."

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