Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 225 Table of contents

After the demonstration, Chi Xiaochi did not have a barrage area like a crazy monster. He looked at the time: "Brother, it's late, come in and sleep."

Lou Ying: "We have an appointment to change the shift two hours a night, and it is not yet time to change ..."

Chi Xiaochi: "Who's next on duty?"

Lou Ying looked at Zhao Rou who was still in a daze.

Chi Xiaochi held the tent frame with one hand and said to Zhao Rou: "Your vigil time is half an hour ahead of time, no problem."

The words sound like consultation, but there is no meaning in the tone.

He didn't care what Zhao Rou's answer was. A pair of peach flowers with sleepy eyes looked at Lou Ying and glanced at the tent behind him again, "Brother, come in."

When Lou Ying was caught in his eyes, his heart throbbed and his breathing stopped for a moment.

When the air re-flowed, there was no change in the surrounding scenery. Only he knew it, and a little light shone from his heart.

He responded, "Well."

After entering the tent, Lou Ying closed the tent curtain.

I noticed that Zhao Rou and Lou Ying opened the internal communication channel with Chi Xiaochi and said, "Is it not good to order her at will? It ’s best if you bring a team with leniency. You may be too strict with her and she may There is rebellion. "

Chi Xiaochi laid out Lou Ying's sleeping bag and laid it out by himself.

"Some people are unconvinced. To such people, they have to be lenient and strict." Chi Xiaochi said, "But some people need to be controlled to be at ease."

Lou Ying heard that the tent just pulled up opened a slit again and looked out.

Sure enough, Zhao Rou's expression was much relieved when she sat down by the fire.

She peeked into the tent where Chi Xiaochi was located, and she gradually believed in her presence that she might be able to survive, and even had a chance to see her again.

At the same time, Chi Xiaochi in the tent lowered his eyes and said, "This kind of person doesn't have a strong opinion. In an extreme environment, he is commanded by an absolutely powerful person. A hundred times more dependent and trusted. "

Chi Xiaochi took out the matching pillows in the sleeping bag, patted them to be soft, and the long eyelashes cast a pleasing light and shadow under the light of the steam lamp: "I can give her only peace of mind."

One heart of Lou Ying was softened by Chi Xiaochi. He rubbed his hair, came to his sleeping bag, and reorganized the quilt with room temperature for him.

The shadows of two people squatting together back to back are in perfect harmony.

"Ask another question?"

"Just ask."

"Why are you provoking those spectators?" Lou Ying said. "The card's effect can last for eight hours ..."

Chi Xiaochi said lightly: "The power can only conceal the human eye, but not the machine."

Just to mention this point, Lou Ying suddenly opened up: "... I see. Our collars can be positioned, and the staff of those institutions already knew that we had left Area A8. But why didn't they say that?"

Chi Koike sneered dismissively.

Lou Ying's mind turned sharply, and he followed him and smiled: "Yeah. They have inside information, they should have bought early, they bought us. ... In this way, even if there is inside information, they will not Other players revealed the situation. "

"But after the fire burns, the situation is very different." Chi Xiaochi said, "Just now, other players probably thought that the winning coupons were in their hands, and bought the two people's bets in large quantities. It is estimated that the losses were not light."

Lou Ying nodded: "For this abnormal situation, their response must be extremely fierce. The staff of the institution must not deal with this agitated emotion, and will quickly expose our coordinates through the positioning on the collar."

Once their coordinates are exposed, these miserable gamblers will definitely add extra weight at no cost, issue a "reward order", and summon powers to kill them.

In case there are some individuals who are not afraid of death, they come to the B3 area, then it is too troublesome.

Therefore, Chi Xiaochi not only took the initiative to lift the hallucination card, but also carried out blatant taunts. It was like saying, I'm in the B3 area, whoever has the courage to come.

There are already two people who do n’t know what to do. They are trapped in the hallucinations and burned to death on the spot. As a result, individuals will doubt whether Chi Xiaochi's transfer to the camp in Area B3 is another false bait.

Even if the staff with inside information broke the news again, saying that they were indeed in the B3 area, not bait, gamblers did not dare to make random bets, and could only watch them sleep peacefully, and then killed themselves alive.

Chi Xiaochi covered his mouth and gave a pretty yawn.

He said: "True or false, false or true. I want them to know that I use an empty city plan, and I can only stare and dare not come over."

Speaking, he got into Lou Ying's quilt and said, "... And, we will get up early tomorrow morning, ready to pick up customers."

Lou Ying: "... Um?"

"Thank them for spreading." Chi Xiaochi closed his eyes. "Now probably all the psionics know that we are in Zone B3, and we have shown goodwill to those who sincerely trust, and have sufficient supplies. So, guess, how many people will come to us tomorrow? "

Lou Ying reminded him: "People who trust in us may be mixed with 'catfish'."

Chi Xiaochi said, "I know."

Lou Ying said, "There are four" catfish ", which is really a headache."

Chi Xiaochi said, "No headache."

Lou Ying remembered Chi Xiaochi's previous questioning about the number of "catfish": "Do you think there are three catfish instead of four?

Chi Xiaochi said, "Ah, that's just a question of my own. It doesn't matter."

Lou Ying: "Not important?"

Chi Xiaochi: "Regardless of his three or four, they will all die."

Lou Ying: "But if they mix in, it is really difficult."

Chi Xiaochi said, "It won't come in. They will all die, and we don't need to do it ourselves."

At this moment, Lou Ying really couldn't understand: "What?"

Chi Xiaochi only responded with a laugh that was not too emotional: "Ha."

Lou Ying asked, "Is your plan again?"

Chi Xiaochi still did not answer positively: "To make a plan, of course, you must make it comprehensive and play the biggest role, don't you?"

Lou Ying laughed: "You say, what else is there, you know, but I don't know."

"... two women," Chi Koike said.


Chi Xiaochi coughed a little uncomfortably: "I just entered Bai Anyi's ... that is the immersive 'that'. Under water, I can confirm by sound and push Bai Anyi into the water ... two women . "

Lou Ying looked at him and he knew that he was guilty of what he had just done.

...... It's good to know that I'm scared.

Lou Ying lifted half of his body out of his sleeping bag, repeated his tricks, stretched his hands to his forehead, and tried to play.

Chi Xiaochi took a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and frowned, waiting for the pain to come.

The pain was long gone, but a strange feeling hit him.

Lou Ying incorporated a card into Chi Xiaochi's body. After the light shone, he leaned down and gently lifted Chi Xiaochi's spirit from Bai Anyi's body.

Lou Ying held his face, put his index finger on the small mole on the end of his brow, and touched it with pity, before falling a feathery kiss at the place where he was just bombarded.

The person with the full mouth strategy plan just moved his lips, and the redness started from his cheeks and extended to his neck and ears.

Lou Ying gently touched his forehead, and Wen said, "Good night."


The two fell asleep peacefully, and the institutions outside were brightly lit for the mess they caused.

In the emergency treatment department, all the members were gathered in the conference room.

The minister stood at the front and wrote down keywords on the light screen with a stylus pen: "From our current intelligence, in this five-member squad, there have been clear predictions of the future, disarmament, random dice, distortion The seven abilities of things, teleportation, hallucinations, and different space storage. This problem has been noted above, and it is stressed that the nature of the problem is very serious, and we are required to meet immediately to discuss it. "

Someone suggested: "Isn't that Wei Shiliu a dice capable of random abilities,‘ happiness' may be the power he arranged. ”

"It's unlikely." The minister frowned deeply. "Wei Shiliu took the test. His random power lasts a short time, usually no more than five minutes. The hallucinations just lasted for at least a few hours. In addition, , The special collar can record the amount of class A globulin growth in the phantom when using the power ... "

He pointed to Wei Shiliu's name on the screen: "According to the data, he showed no sign of a surge in Class A globulin during this period, that is, he did not use any power at all."

The bottom members looked at each other, but no one could believe the answer that came out in the hearts of everyone at the same time.

The Minister continued: "... don't guess randomly. The rest of us have normal amounts of globulin."

A member said in amazement: "How is this possible? The data provided by the collar has never been more accurate."

The Minister said: "So there are currently two possibilities-"

"First, the data recovered by our collars are incorrect. It is indeed Wei Shiliu who mobilized the abilities."

Having said that, the minister paused for a moment, and his voice couldn't hide the excitement: "... Second, we found the world's first multi-talent."

Even though there had been conjectures, when they heard the speculation from the minister's mouth, the members still couldn't help numb their backs: "... Which one of them?"

The minister drew a circle on each of the names "Bai Anyi" and "Chi Jiangyu".

"The former's ability is teleportation, but previously, his ability was in an" unidentified "state for a long time. This is indeed suspicious, and just now, he proactively provoked us, as if he had clearly informed him. We, he is that multi-powered person. "

"However, the more deliberately he behaves in this way, the more I doubt that the capable person is actually the latter, Chi Jiangyu." The minister talked bluntly, "... when being detained in an institution for 're-education', he Indeed, there is a record of successfully distorting items; and the things in different spaces are all taken by Chi Jiangyu. Therefore, I reasonably suspect that hallucination is also one of Chi Jiangyu's capabilities. But in front of the audience, he only clearly Demonstrated the ability to take things in different spaces. Therefore, I boldly guessed that Chi Jiangyu did not want to expose too much strength in front of the audience, so he asked Bai Anyi to come forward instead of deliberately provoking him, misleading the audience, and making the audience think that, "Magic hallucination" is the ability that Bai Anyi possesses, and "teleport" is the ability of Wei Shili to randomly roll out dice.-You know, the audience is very misleading, and they can only see limited things. "

While talking, the minister raised his fingertips and repeatedly rubbed the name "Chi Jiang Yu" a few times, with a bit more greed in his eyes, as if looking at a lucky tree.

His vision is really not bad, from the moment Chi Jiangyu appeared, he knew that this person was not ordinary.

Without hesting, he put all his net worth on this person.

The situation was clear, and the minister continued to ask, "What shall we do?"

The Minister took it for granted: "Of course, I want Chi Jiangyu to live. Only when he lives, can we study him and make him available to us."

"Yes ..." another member groaned. "Need us to end the game immediately and bring him out?"

"No." The Minister flatly refused. "Now it's in the middle of a game and many players are betting heavily on him. If he disappears or the game is suspended, how much commotion and trouble will you cause? Do you know? "

"Let him continue the game? In case he dies ... I mean, after all, it hasn't happened before ..."

"Of course, we must do our best to protect his life!" Said the minister. "Only living abilities have research value."

"So, what to do with the" Scorpionfish "inserted in it? Other powers don't say for the time being, the aggression may not be so strong, and the" Scorpionfish "is different. There are only three places for survival, and they will try their best to kill I ’ll drop Chi Jiang Yu. 'Fishfish' will become a threat to Chi Jiang Yu. "

The minister threw the stylus on the conference table: "How many fish are there for this time?"

The member replied: "As before, there are three."

"I ask you, can 10 or 20 single-strength‘ catfish ’be worthy of a Chijiang Yu with multiple abilities?”

After questioning, the minister waved his hand: "My opinion is to report the situation, let the above order, start the second emergency plan, and dispose of all the three" catfish "."

The minister was surprised: "Minister?"

"At present, we must eliminate all dangerous factors that can threaten Chi Jiangyu." Minister Zheng Zhengran said rudely, "... we must do our best to protect Chi Jiangyu."

"Compile our findings and opinions into a report and send it to the top. Let the top make a decision."

There were too many things on this day. The report was just delivered and feedback was soon received.

The reply is only two words.


Seeing this result, the Minister smiled with relief.

A member asked again: "What about the alliance that Chi Jiangyu formed?"

The Minister didn't look up: "Have you ever seen the allies form various alliances? Which was not the last time to kill each other? Can we stand deadlock with us to the end, forcing us to inject poison to end the game None of them. "

He said, "Well, people are so cheap, they will never learn to trust each other."

In less than ten minutes, the above-approved document was delivered to the head of another catfish institution.

"... Kill all?"

The secretary who read the order was horrified: "Boss, kill when you say kill, why? These" catfish "are excellent seeds--"

"No reason was given. It was only classified as a top secret. The reason could not be revealed." The person in charge looked ugly. "Who knows what the headquarters is for."

Here, they are the "game center", and all the psionics participating in the game will be sent here after inhaling the anesthetic.

This place is far from the head office and is only responsible for the care of the abilities and the "catfish" sent from the various branch institutions. They do not know much about what is happening in the game.

The secretary cautioned: "But ... you put a lot of money on that 鲶 catfish ..."

The person in charge pouted, showing a reluctance: "Yeah,‘ that person ’is obviously the most promising to win.”

Because the secretary knew the inside information, he was also optimistic about the "catfish" and gambled on him for half of his net worth.

Now I want him to float, how can he be willing?

It's an emergency, and the secretary's thoughts don't turn slowly. Before long, the front is bright: "Boss, let us use the second emergency plan, right?"

He took out a document and spread it out quickly on the person in charge.

"Boss, we've signed contracts with each of the three 'catfish', right?"

"The structure of their collars looks exactly like those of other abilities. Even with the most sophisticated instruments, they can't see abnormalities, but they are a little different ..."

The secretary drew a striking circle on the cross-section structure chart of the collar marked on the file: "In their collars, not poison is stored, but glucose. This is our contract with them to ensure that in the game, they will not Under the influence of external forces. "

"Make an analogy. If a group of players form an alliance and refuses to abide by the rules of the game, once judged by the headquarters as" negative resistance ", they will be injected with poison from the collar collectively, leaving only three people at random. These three Personally, it's our 'catfish'. "

"But there is another poisonous concealed telescopic needle hidden on the back of their watch. This is the second emergency plan we secretly prepared to prevent them from revealing the secret of the" catfish "to other people or dealing with other people. Sudden situation. The headquarters asked us to launch this plan. But you know, the ability of that "catfish" ... "

The person in charge came over, walked to a huge floor-to-ceiling window, raised his hand to support the window, and said to himself, "Yes ... the 'catfish' is not afraid of poison."

However, he still has some hesitations on this proposal to find fish in the muddy waters: "But the headquarters requested that all 'catfish' must die. If one does not die-"

"Oh, boss!" The secretary was afraid that he would regret it, and actively persuaded, "It is his own ability to 'kill the fish', and it does not matter to us. As long as we submit the report of 'injection successful', you are done. The task is over. As for what 'confidential', who knows whether it matters or not. "

The person in charge stared into the window and nodded slightly after a while.

"Okay," he said, "just do it."

Inside the window lies 101 psionics who are playing,

They lay in transparent capsules like coffins, bathed in light blue light, wearing helmets, and breathing quietly, like dead people immersed in formalin.

Some capsules have gone dark and turned into a little dead star.

Others are still shining, I do not know when they will fall into dust.

The person in charge picked up a control panel and pressed it expressionlessly.

Three capsules, all darkened.

But after a while, one of them lighted up again faintly, the light was dim, like a huge one-eye blinking constantly in the dark.


After six hours.

Ikko Koike woke up from a sleeping bag after a long sleep.

The first thing he did was check the number of survivors on the watch.

Last night, five people died after he slept.

A man and a woman with two powers fought in the M1 area, one died and one was seriously injured. The severely injured woman struggled alone in the middle of the night, but still could not survive.

In addition, two women died in D9 and Q10, and a man died in E6. The cause of death was unknown. Therefore, he was deemed to be hopeless and he committed suicide.

Overnight, three suicides were made in one breath, and this number itself was not normal.

However, there are not a few people who are desperate to commit suicide during the game, and there are not many bets on them. Not to mention that suicide occurred in the middle of the night, and the number of people who watched the live broadcast was very small, even no one noticed When did they die.

Chi Xiaochi put his hand on his forehead and kept silent.

For Chi Xiaochi, plans can change constantly as circumstances change.

At first, he planned to let the catfish come to them.

When dealing with Zhao Rou, Chi Xiaochi gradually felt uncomfortable.

To surrender a little girl, he already has to spend a lot of thoughts. If the "sturgeon" is mixed with the people who come to trust, it will consume energy, I am afraid that it is difficult to count in the car, and in case of mistake in judgment, It is very likely to destroy the whole situation.

Not to mention that his own mission is incomplete, Bai Anyi's life that he found easily will also be lost.

So he made adjustments to his plan.

He flaunted his abilities in a high profile, he provoked, and he pushed Lou Ying to the front to induce everyone to believe that Lou Ying is a multi-powered person.

He wants to make Lou Ying a new "catfish" that the institution has carefully protected.

The development of the situation, the decision of the institution, the death of the "catfish" ...

Everything went steadily on the track he envisioned.

After he showed Lou Ying a variety of abilities with great fanfare, those people really determined that his brother Lou was a unique multi-powered person.

According to the rules, there can only be three people living, so the "catfish" that has taken the early advantage will never be willing to be reduced to cannon fodder, and will definitely try to get rid of Lou.

But in this way, their intentions conflict with the needs of the organization.

For the organization, what's the point of killing a few catfish in order to protect this multi-powered person and let him survive?

In this way, at least currently, Brother Lou is the safest in the entire game.

Chi Xiaochi kidnapped the entire organization for his benefit, and made the entire organization stand behind Lou Ying, becoming his invisible umbrella.

Thinking like this, Chi Xiaochi turned his face to look at Lou Ying who was still asleep.

He wore that mask, creating scary scars, trying to make himself look fierce.

However, his asleep expression was still peaceful and anomalous, which made Chi Xiaochi couldn't help smiling, which also made him wonder how Lou Ying was a good person.

What kind of person is he Chixiaochi?

It was a monster who knew that someone would die because of his plan, and could sleep a lot because of Lou Ying's kiss ...

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