Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 228 Table of contents

Before lunch began, there were more than a dozen additional psionicists.

Although Lou Ying said that the amount was advanced, the dishes were not enough in the end.

He adapts flexibly, drains and cuts half the pot of shiitake mushrooms that are frequently used in the cooking of shiitake mushrooms, cuts the chicken legs and dices, marinates them in the prepared **** sauce, and then stir-fries the chicken until cooked. The cooked glutinous rice served on the table is a simple and delicious glutinous rice chicken.

Most people are hungry for more than a day, seeing the hot food, their eyes are green, and they are holding a bowl.

There are also some cautious psionicists who dare not use chopsticks until they see that others have eaten and make sure that there is no problem with the meal.

Chi Xiaochi had nothing to do. He took a small tree stick on the stove and wrote a cafeteria slogan on the ground.

"The body fat must eat less, and Renmei needs to read more."

Lou Ying bowed her head, and found that Chi Xiaochi was making trouble again: "Don't make trouble, wash your hands, eat."

Chi Xiaochi obediently washed his hands and was about to open the stove. Lou Ying picked up a large sea bowl that was buckled on a glass bowl, exposing a bowl of freshly cooked egg shredded noodles: "Oh, a small stove for you. "

Chi Xiaochi's heart warmed, and he quickly took the bowl into his arms: "Thank you."

Lou Ying was a little funny: "Just one bowl, no one grabs you."

Everyone had a meal, and Lou Ying's busyness came to an end.

He wiped his hands with a soft cloth, watching Chi Xiaochi snoring and sucking noodles, and his heart was ironed.

Lou Ying said, "Look, I prepared all morning, but in the end I almost missed the meal."

As he said, he sighed unintentionally: "... not all plans are perfect."

It sounded like an ordinary complaint, but it gave Chi Xiaochi a hand.

It was just that the pause was too short, and he started to eat again, but this time, he buried his face in the noodle bowl, hot air floated on the spectacle lenses, and added a layer of white mist to block his eyes.

Lou Ying picked up the vinegar pot and added two drops to Chi Xiaochi's bowl: "Since it can't be perfect, don't force yourself ..."

Chi Xiaochi interrupted him: "I eat hot. I want to find a cooler place to eat."

"Come on," Lou Ying said mildly. "I should go for a walk .... There are some things that I want to take care of and want to confirm."

Chi Xiaochi reluctantly said, "What is it?"

"Not sure yet." Lou Ying has always been cautious, "I'll tell you when it's clear."

Chi Xiaochi opened his eyes and said to himself: "... you will always be this problem."

Lou Ying: "What?"

Chi Xiaochi stood up holding the bowl: "Nothing, I'm leaving."

Chi Xiaochi held up the noodle bowl and fled to the pond where the water chestnut had not yet dispersed.

The consciousness of "Bai Anyi" has not yet dissipated, so he listened to the conversation between the two people.

He whispered: "Your plan is completely seen through."

Chi Xiaochi said to himself: "... why? What's wrong with me?"

Obviously, he intentionally showed absolute confidence in the plan when he talked with Lou Ying. He did not show any tone when "Bai Anyi" tempted himself, because he was afraid that Lou Ying could communicate with his consciousness and perceive something.

……how come?

"He might have known it from the beginning." "Bai Anyi" said surprisingly, "... you used Chi Jiangyu to make him the target of public criticism."

After clarifying the basic situation of this world, all the purpose of Chi Xiaochi's actions is to try to make everyone think that Chi Jiangyu is a multi-powered person.

Taking this as a premise, there will be several possibilities, rather than the "absolute security" that Chi Koike repeatedly emphasized previously.

However, after ruling out one of the worst and worst outcomes, no matter which one is possible, it will eventually point to an "absolute".

... Bai An Yi is definitely the one who is most likely to live to the end.

The worst ending was that after learning that there were multiple powers in the team, the authorities immediately suspended the game, interrupted the live broadcast, and immediately cleared all powers to prevent the spread of multi-powers.

This Spartan-style approach is indeed hardcore, and it is best done once and for all. However, the research value of the multi-practitioners discovered for the first time, the resistance of live broadcast viewers, the opened gambling market, etc. are all Authorities must consider factors of discretion.

If the institution really cares about these things, it will definitely use various methods to knock side by side to confirm whether Chi Jiangyu is a multi-powered person.

For this reason, Chi Xiaochi deliberately chose the dirty pig with the first odds to start with.

Sure enough, he made Chi Jiangyu famous in the First World War.

Not only did they get rid of the "catfish" of the organization, but they also successfully attracted the attention of all live broadcast viewers, no matter how malicious the attention was, at least, the organization did not dare to openly send "catfish" to test and contact Chi Jiangyu. .

This kind of fanatical behavior will naturally attract the attention of the "catfish" in the team.

In response to the treatment of this kind of "catfish", the institution will derive two different paths.

First, kill "catfish" to protect the multi-powered person from damage;

Second, let the "catfish" approach Chi Jiang Yu, spy on more information, and even kill Chi Jiang Yu.

In fact, both are possible.

Facing the temptation of "multi-powered person", the organization obviously chose the former, and Chi Xiaochi confirmed this conjecture indirectly through the report of the abnormal death last night.

But when he made the statement, he only selectively stated the former, so that his plan sounded extremely reliable.

The "catfish" was not used, and Chi Jiangyu was in the limelight. The most effective way for the organization to verify his identity was to "just ask him directly."

Chi Xiaochi and Lou Ying still have a tacit understanding.

He was convinced that Chi Jiangyu would definitely take this opportunity to try to speak out and ask the organization to protect Bai Anyi.

In this way, Chi Jiangyu's multi-talent status is equivalent to sitting in the institution.

In the future, there will be several possibilities.

First, after discussions, the agency determined that the research value of Chi Jiangyu as a "multi-powered person" should protect Chi Jiangyu to the end and act in full accordance with his proposed plan.

Then, according to the agreement between them, the safety of Bai Anyi will be perfectly protected by both the official institution and Chi Jiangyu.

Second, after discussions, the agency decided to kill Chi Jiangyu so as to prevent future troubles.

Since the organization did not interrupt the game and live broadcast at the beginning, the possibility of choosing to interrupt now is very low. In this way, immediately killing Chi Jiangyu will undoubtedly cause the audience to rebound. After all, Chi Jiangyu's high-profile move before has made many viewers feel that he is winning the championship, so he bet a large sum of money on him.

Therefore, the agency should not kill him immediately, and may do so after the game and gambling are over.

In this way, before the death of Chi Jiangyu, Bai Anyi would also receive asylum; after the death of Chi Jiangyu, as the "cousin" of the multi-powered person Chi Jiangyu, it is also likely to become a talisman belonging to him.

In the same way as the previous option, Chi Xiaochi is still selective about the best ending.

If you compare what Chi Koike has done so far to an RPG game, what Ko Koike chooses to state and hope everyone believes is to choose the best option all the way, the perfect HappyEnding achieved. ——Killing with a knife, killing all “catfish”, revenge for the two Bai Anyis of the previous life, then focus all powers, try to bring them out of this ridiculous battle royale world, create confusion, and finally, take everyone Escape together.

"Bai Anyi" once asked Chi Xiaochi, since the status of "multi-powered person" is so safe, why did you let Chi Jiangyu come to be such a multi-powered person?

At that time, Chi Xiaochi Gu Guwei talked about him, using two reasons and a gamble to fool him.

But after combing through all the possibilities on his own, "Bai Anyi" found that Chi Jiangyu, pushed to the tip of the wind, was actually the most dangerous one.

He bears all risks.

He may laugh to the end, or he may be violent on the spot.

Chi Xiaochi has been deceiving.

Deceive "Bai Anyi", deceive Chi Jiangyu, and even deceive Chi Xiaochi, telling them that this plan is safe and harmless and will be implemented smoothly along the way.

However, the fact is that the only person who is likely to survive is Chi Anyi's mission object, Bai Anyi.

For Bai Anyi, he chose to let Chi Jiangyu take risks, even at the expense of Chi Jiangyu.

In response, "Bai Anyi" said: "I thank you very much and thank you on his behalf. But why?"

The noodle bowl from Chi Xiaochi was set aside by him and he never touched a chopstick.

Half the bowl of noodles was already cold, and the broken egg yolks became a layer of floating powder on the noodle soup, which seemed to have no appetite.

Chi Xiaochi: "What 'why'?"

"Bai Anyi": "Why not follow the process honestly. You, me, Chi Jiangyu, the three of us, as long as we cooperate, we can easily get two places and go out alive."

Chi Xiaochi said, "You want to be beautiful."

"Bai Anyi": "..."

Chi Xiaochi: "If you follow the process, in the eyes of those audiences, you are Bai Anyi's ability. You explain to them that you are Bai Anyi's second personality with self-awareness and evolved the ability, you think they will believe So, either you do n’t show up, or Bai Anyi ca n’t show any other powers, otherwise, Bai Anyi will be considered a multi-powered person. Now all the threats and dangers my brother receives will fall on his head. This is Do you like it? "

"Bai Anyi" stunned.

In this way, either, their combat power will be severely weakened, or Bai Anyi will be considered a multi-powered person.

Even if the early stage can rely on a large number of abilities, the official and gamblers' distracted advantage to hide for a period of time, when the later period, there are fewer abilities, they will inevitably expose their strength.

At that time, once Bai Anyi is judged as a multi-powered person, they lose the opportunity and fall into passive.


"Even if you don't show your abilities, it's okay." "Bai Anyi" said, "I took care of it last time, but with the ability of me and Chi Jiangyu, I can always protect Xiaobai to the end, two places ..."

"My brother is not a person of this world!" Ichi Koike blurted out. "He can't take the place of the other powers! If he reaches the final of one out of three, he must die too!"

Anxiety, depression, irritability, all negative emotions, this moment erupted in Chi Xiaochi's body.

With a needle-like headache, Chi Xiaochi took off his glasses, covered his half of his face, and bent down overwhelmed.

This indiscriminate decision made "Bai Anyi" cold.

After returning to God, he sighed, "Oh, it's cold-blooded."

Chi Xiaochi relieved his worst headache before burying his face in the palm of his hand and whispering, "Do you just want to play this game with them?"

He said to himself: "There is a clear way to attract everyone to come as a multi-powered person, and take them out. Why do we have to kill people? Choose one out of three. Brother Lou is undoubtedly dead, others are so good, definitely I will choose to sacrifice myself in the end ... so my plan will be successful and everything will go well. Brother Lou hasn't had any trouble until now. I'm very lucky ... there should be steps to discuss whether to keep him or kill him. No problem, they are not willing to kill a mature multi-powered person ... "

"Bai Anyi" looked at all of Chi Xiaochi's abnormalities.

When the voice of Chi Xiaochi said to himself was low and weak, he asked, "Why not tell your brother your plan?"

Chi Xiaochi scrambled his forehead and pressed hard again: "Tell him, let him know, I'm going to let him risk his life for the task object? He will definitely agree, but I ... I can't face him, no The way to tell him that he might ... so I knew it alone, he didn't need him ... "

"Oh. Did you want to understand your plan when he died?"

"I said, I won't let him die again in front of me!" Ichi Koike quietly lowered his voice, "... I will work hard."

"Bai Anyi" couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you human, rational or emotional?"

Pond Koike was silent.

He felt that this question was not important. He was not important at all. What was important was Lou Ying and Bai Anyi, so there was no need to answer.

"But now everyone is happy." "Bai Anyi" spread his hands. "He may have known for a long time, and it looks like he is happy to be your prop."

Chi Xiaochi froze his temples: "Shut up."

"Why, and dissatisfied with the plan? To be honest, you have done this step ..."

"No, it's not enough. It's not complete yet," Chi Xiaochi said. "Maybe I have missed something ..."

When Bai Anyi encountered such a difficult person, he was also in a lawsuit: "Okay, well, instead of tangling the loophole that doesn't exist or not, let me tell you, what is your way to save everyone? "

Chi Xiaochi rubbed his face and tried to keep himself awake from the headache: "... Locking bottle."

"Bai Anyi": "What's that?"

"A kind of redemption item," said Chi Xiaochi. "At first, my brother's boss threw me into the spirit world. I was not prepared at all, but in the end I exchanged a lock bottle, which worked quite well. Later, I was afraid He re-applied the old skills, and he exchanged a lot of lock bottles. But it never came in handy ... "

Speaking of this, Chi Xiaochi Yue made a sound: "He is very creative, he first asked me to be a general and then threw me here, but he just wanted to force me to kill."

"Bai Anyi": "You haven't said what the lock bottle is for."

"... for the storage of soul energy."

After a brief explanation, Chi Xiaochi looked at the puppets who were already full of food, and said, "A whole hundred, it is just too suitable for this occasion."

Until the evening, Ikkoike did not worry.

At about two or three in the afternoon, players who died or committed suicide in various melees, encounters, and other games were removed from the game area, and the total number of survivors was 75, all concentrated in area C3.

Half of them trust Chi Jiangyu, thinking that he does have the ability to take everyone away, and half of them want to wait and see. If he intends to focus on the players and gather them to wipe them out, then they can also swarm up with dozens of enemies. First, not afraid to kill him.

Their names were registered in the register by Chi Xiaochi, and none of them remained.

But one of the players is still in the hiding place and can't wait.

The uncles in the barrage area waited anxiously, and gradually lost their patience.

"Fuck, coward, what game is this timid?"

"He was in H1, hiding in a cave and pretending to be dead. What were they waiting for? A group of people drove over and scared him to death."

"What are you waiting for ?? Fight, why not."

"Whether it's peace or not, can you put an olive branch in their mouths?"

Chi Xiaochi counted on the time, and then waited, the mood of other powers is likely to be increasingly affected by the barrage. If a riot occurs, it may be difficult to clean up.

Once all other players are put into the warehouse with the lock bottle, the player who hides, plus Chi Jiangyu, and Bai Anyi should be the last three survivors.

Chi Xiaochi remembered the anomaly mentioned by Lou Ying today, and paid special attention to it: "Did you find anything?"

Lou Ying's answer was: "It has been resolved. Rest assured."

To avoid worrying about Koike, he explained again: "I scanned everyone's belongings and found no items such as bronze medals. Therefore, there should be no 'fish' among us."

Chi Xiaochi said a little, but his mood was still a little heavy.

He felt uneasy all the while.

At this time, Zhao Rou should have played a role.

Although Chi Xiaochi warned her not to use the predictive power without authorization, Zhao Rou was always worried about the change, and for the sake of peace of mind, she continued to turn on the predictive power, but ignored the power consumed by her power.

Two hours ago, she fell asleep, and Akira couldn't wake up.

Without this level of protection, Chi Xiaochi is not reliable, but this is the case, and it has already been delayed.

He said, "Ready to get started."

Lou Ying: "Yes."

Lou Ying's attitude was so indifferent that it made Chi Xiaochi look at him.

Lou Ying was slightly hooked by his gaze and looked down at him. There was no concealment or anger concealed in his gaze, only the light of tolerance that made people soft.

... as long as you want, as long as I can.

Now thinking of his endless promise, Chi Xiaochi bowed his head.

Lou Ying stroked his hair with one hand and rubbed it gently.

They did not have extra words, did not admit mistakes, and did not forgive.

Because they are all for one purpose, other things can be left in the future. When you have time, talk slowly.

Lou Ying straightened the mask on his face and stood up.

For a moment, countless eyes were directed at him outside the screen and in the game.

Some abilities stand up, some have secretly mobilized abilities and are ready to defend themselves.

"Everyone ..." Lou Ying said in a clear voice, "Offended, please a lot of Haihan."

... The battle of the live broadcaster's brain to fill the **** rain did not occur.

Dozens of strong lights flashed across the screen, as the bright lightning suddenly shook open the chain of fire, stabbing people's eyes, and when everyone reluctantly opened their eyes, they were shocked to find that in the wilderness, only Chi Jiangyu and Anyi Bai.

The emergency treatment department stunned for more than ten seconds and exploded into a pot of porridge.

"Confirm the situation, where have all the other abilities gone ?!"

"Report report! All signals are off! Positioning is invalid! The collar does not detect any signs of life!"

"Playback! Playback! What just happened ?!"

The big picture is that, except for a part of the barrage area who is scolding the street, complaining that they didn't see **** so many people at once, discussing what power this is, most of them are celebrating.

They all invested a lot of money to buy Chi Jiangyu to survive.

Although the odds are almost infinitely close to 1: 1, anyway, I have to pay back money.

It was confirmed that the 75 lock bottles were full, and Lou Ying turned and turned towards Chi Xiaochi, smiling gently: "Relax. We can also prepare to leave."

Chi Xiaochi looked around the vast wilderness, if anything: "... Actually, I have another idea."

Lou Ying: "Why ..."

His words did not go on.

Chi Xiaochi stared at a **** human hand pierced from Lou Ying ’s left front chest. He lost all his language organizing ability, his face turned a little pale and pale, as if his whole blood was accompanied by Lou Ying. Lost.

He thought, what is this.

... just kidding.

Everyone is stupid.

The player who lost his house and bought Chijiang Yu will win. The emergency treatment minister who just received the new notice of "Reserving Chijiang Yu's life and conducting research", and Chi Xiaochi, all staring at the smiling, out of behind Chi Jiangyu. The man with his head stopped, numb.

He seemed to be a ghost growing out of the wilderness.

... just now, he was obviously not there yet.

When Chi Xiaochi heard his voice, he was extremely calm, and a little weird: "... Wei ... sixteen."

"Not Wei Shili ~"

Wei Shiliu's skin was covered with a special substance, such as the result of rapid air-drying after being poured with a bucket of glue. The skin contracted tightly, deformed, and showed a pale pink luster.

... as if undergoing an unsightly transformation.

He looked at Chi Xiaochi's eyes full of playfulness and cynicism, the same as he looked at Chi Xiaochi when he and his two met each other in the car.

He turned his finger slightly, and satisfiedly heard the fluffy sound from Lou Ying's wound. He listened to the sound of nature, and gave a satisfactory sigh.

His voice was squeakish because of the tightened bird muscles.

"... Now, I'm Wei Seventeen."

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