Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 232 Table of contents

During the rainy night, seventy-six psionicists escaped from the institution.

The organization was in great turmoil, sending 25 jeep down the mountain and hunting down the road.

But thanks to them, these 76 abilities are no longer the only soft packs they had when they were arrested and they did n’t even know how to use their power.

The jeep was lost one by one. It was not until dawn that the fifth team sent by the agency found 25 jeep cars grouped into scrap iron in a mountain stream.

Seventy-five members of the heavily armed detachment were strung one by one by a rope and tied into a string of large grasshoppers. The head of the jeep was hung upside down with a few large characters carved in stone.

— "Thank you for your watch."

Yu Wei, who was disturbed by the radio waves, was still there. "Internationale" stubbornly occupied all channels and played it in a loop. The captain of the fifth unit futilely "feeded" a few times in the song "Everything belongs to the workers, how can the parasites be allowed?" I still couldn't reach the headquarters, so I had to take the license plate and hurriedly returned.

The Minister of Emergency Response was pacing back and forth in the background sound of the constantly ringing telephone bell. The secretary saw that this was not the answer, so he made a cup of coffee and handed it in respect.

The Minister was distracted and ignored the inspection. He took it with a spit and then spit it out.

The coffee was so hot that he made a big bubble from his mouth, and he smashed the cup on the table. Half of the table was filled with hot brown liquid. He saw that his heart became more and more fierce, and he could not wait to be found Suddenly he was relieved.

The secretary knew that he had done bad things with good intentions, and hurriedly pointed at the 76 red dots on the real-time observation screen. While deliberately comforting his boss, he was also justified for his small mistake just now: "Don't worry. The signal of the collar has not disappeared yet. They must still be in the mountains ... "

Before the words fell, one of the seventy-six red dots disappeared.

Two, four, eight, sixteen ...

Within four or five seconds, all the red dots disappeared within the signal range.



The secretary only felt a hot face and immediately cleaned up the messy table for the minister, and at the same time switched the topic: "You can rest assured that the public relations department has already taken action. Let the news go out, saying that the care of the Education Center is not good. Seventy-six wicked and defiant powers fled. The target of these seventy powers is certainly not small, as long as the news is released, and then go to their home and squat according to the information, less than half a day, they are sure Arrested. "

The more he said, the more confident he became: "The deputy minister has notified him and called the home of each fugitive and told their families that these powers had fled without permission. Once they returned home, they immediately Let us know, or you will do everything at your own risk. "

The minister held his sore temples: "I'm afraid they will talk about what they know."

"The matter of electric shock doesn't matter. This is the necessary corrective measure, which is recognized by many citizens." The secretary spoke with rhetoric. "As for the hunting ground, it is too incredible. Even if they said it, no one would believe it. We will not send every batch of 'students' to the hunting ground. Bai Anyi they are just unlucky and they are drawn by lottery. Even if they dare to find media exposure and ask other previous 'students', they will all I do n’t know about it at all. As for the people in the organization, they have to be tight-lipped even if they think about themselves and their families. Besides, the number of deaths of these abilities is based on the prescribed death index. Check up and check. There is no reason. They have no evidence, red mouth and white teeth, what do they use to prove that everything they have experienced is true? In the end, they are all arrested and executed secretly, and that's it. "

This statement was indeed comforting, but the Minister was still not reassured.

When thinking of Bai Anyi's eyes cast across the screen, the minister felt like he was immersed in ice water.

In his eyes, there was no endless madness, no numbness that killed everyone, only a calm and careful calculation.

... This look, he has never seen any of the victors of the Battle Royale.

While talking, the captain of the fifth unit returned to the institution and applied for admission.

After briefly explaining the situation, he handed the license plate with the lettering in it to the minister: "At present, the target has been lost, only this was found."

The minister took the license plate and only glanced at it.

He was so anxious that he almost yelled hysterically: "Hurry up and arrange for the PR department to keep an eye on the Internet! Once there is a wrong video, contact the website to delete it!"

The secretary has not returned yet: "... Minister?"

The minister knocked **** the table: "Some of them recorded the whole hunting process through the watch!"

The secretary still had a bit of fluke: "How could they have that thought? At that time ... were they escaping, right?"

Somehow, the Minister's eyes reappeared.

The minister who was frightened again by the calm slaps his hands on the table: "Come on!"


In the middle of the night, a group of refugees finally found a place to stay.

Where the human world can hide from them, there are currently only secluded mountains.

There was a hut abandoned by the forest guards in the mountain. The house was empty, there were only some damp straw and hamster dung.

But for everyone who has just experienced life and death, this is already very good.

Half of the people present were sent to prison by strangers and half by relatives and friends. The trust in people was not high. Now he stopped, and Gu Ying felt pity before he felt a little desolate.

Someone asked to go home.

Chi Xiaochi dispelled most of their thoughts with just one sentence: "Okay, go, you have to be a puppet to drill into the puppet, no one can stop it."

Chi Xiaochi was the one who rescued them. To this end, he also sacrificed his cousin, which is naturally the well-deserved backbone of them.

After stabilizing the hearts of the people with strong words, he lay flat on the paved straw, raised Erlang's legs, and said, "Who wants to go back, pave the way and go back. Consider for his family, don't try to go. How solid is the test of family relationships: if they don't harbor you, you are unlucky; if they harbor you, your family is unlucky. Think about it yourself. "

This time, no one mentioned the matter.

A powerful girl folds a tree for firewood. A person who can control the moisture absorbs the moisture from the wet wood. The fire girl fires. The person who can recognize the poison picks wild non-toxic mushrooms and stews it hot. soup.

Chi Xiaochi drank only two sips of soup.

Before going to bed, he asked Lou Ying: "Brother, how are you feeling?"

Lou Ying touched his chest, a little embarrassed, and there still seemed to be pain in the chest.

But he replied, "It's okay. Is there something you want me to do?"

Facts have proved that he really understands Koike.

Chi Xiaochi asked him: "Beginning at six tomorrow morning, upload the full video of the battle royale on the Internet, tag R.18, mosaic all **** pictures, mosaic all participants' faces, but survey all anonymous IDs of gamblers. The real name and photo you got are covered .... a lot of work. "

"I have traced back to the personal information of those people. I have reversely hacked into their computers, recorded their faces and screens, and then just click on the ID to cover them. The network is just for me. It's nothing. "Lou Ying answered neatly and gently." You're too tired, go to sleep. "

Chi Xiaochi called him: "Brother."

Lou Ying: "Huh?"

Chi Xiaochi closed his eyes, "You want to hear a story, you read it to me."

"What do you want to hear?"

"Listen to your voice."

Lou Ying was agitated by his whisper: "... I see."

He took a fairy tale picture book and read it word by word.

All children will grow up, except Peter Pan, Peter Pan.

The flying Peter Pan never grows up. He has many children friends. He likes to take the children to play on Neverland, but the children will eventually leave Neverland and choose to grow up. Peter Pan is always a lonely person, a little fairy is flying around, like A bird who doesn't know the end of his journey.

Until one day, he had a friend.

The friend was unwilling to grow up. He left the human world, and after exploring the entire Neverland with Peter Pan, accompanied him to travel around the world and never left him.

Peter Pan asked him, my friend, don't you want to grow up.

Friends said, Peter Pan, you haven't grown up, how can I leave you alone?

Chi Xiaochi heard the last and opened his eyes: "This is not Peter Pan's story."

"This is Peter Pan's story," Lou Ying said firmly, "don't you like it?"

Chi Xiaochi thought: Damn hell.

In the whisper of the powerists, Chi Xiaochi gradually fell asleep.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he found that Lou Ying hadn't stopped.

He is still telling the story of the adventures of Peter Pan and the little boy to the sleeping pond.

At this time, they were exploring the ocean floor and found a mysterious shipwreck on the ocean floor. There were countless jewels in the boat, and Peter Pan and the little boy were lying in the jewel pile and talking.

He spoke very slowly and slowly, as if we were carefully weaving a dream net with words to catch his Koike.

Realizing that Chi Xiaochi's eyelids moved, Lou Ying stopped speaking and called softly, "Koike?"

Chi Xiaochi pretended not to turn around, pretending to sleep in place, acting wonderfully.

Lou Ying really did not see through.

He kissed Chi Koike's spirit body's ears.

A soft kiss was not enough to wake him up.

Soon, the gentle narration sounded again.

Even when the person's abnormally elevated body temperature was detected, Lou Ying didn't stop. He just smiled and told himself about 20,000 miles under the sea of ​​Peter Pan and his good friend.

Sleep well all night.


In the early morning, Jiao Qingguang got up from the soft bed in the dormitory.

The other person in the bed moved, stretched his hands around his waist, and coquettishly said, "Senior, sleep a little longer."

Jiao Qingguang kissed his forehead tenderly: "Good. I have an appointment with the mentor today to talk about the project. It's not too late."

The boy nestled into the quilt obediently and looked like a clean college student.

He closed his eyes and looked like a kiss: "Well. I'm good."

Jiao Qingguang touched his hair, but saw the shadow of another person on his face.

Time has passed so long, more than three months, and he can finally get out of the shadows of the past.

God knows, just after Bai Anyi had the power, how broken he was inside.

Although he and Bai Anyi haven't had any further relationship, they can still be regarded as semi-cohabiting. Before the ability awakens, Bai Anyi has a lot of things in his dorm room.

Jiao Qingguang lost his toothbrushes, towels, and bed sheets the first time, and took off a red stripe, immersed himself in the disinfectant, and washed thoroughly.

Knowing that powers are not contagious, he still feels irresistible.

The concentration of the disinfectant was too high, burning the skin, and faint pain, but he gained a rare relief in this pain.

He couldn't stand being with Bai Anyi again, eating with him, holding hands with him, and kissing him.

The power man is not a human at all. He has mental cleansing and must not allow interracial mating.

However, it is too difficult to mention the word break up. Who in the school did not know that the two of them were a pair, he will continue to mix in the school in the future.

So, for the sake of himself and Bai Anyi, he reported to relevant organizations and asked them to take Bai Anyi away, so that he could be properly educated, let him recognize his identity, or let him forget himself and get together. Scattered.

After sending Bai Anyi away, he had to measure the amount of Class A globulin at least three times a day to feel at ease, and had a very painful life.

Fortunately, not long after Bai Anyi left, the tutor newly found a sophomore Xiao Du to come to the lab to help.

He is similar to Bai Anyi, but is much more open in bed than Bai Anyi.

... Xiao Du healed himself.

Little Du Jiujiu in the bed could not wait for a kiss, opened one eye, and dissatisfied, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Jiao Qingguang softened his voice, and kissed Xiao Du's mouth with the mouth he once vowed to Bai Anyi, "I will come back tonight to bring you something delicious."

The infrastructure for graduate students is pretty good.

The roommate did not return all night, and Jiao Qingguang was more comfortable.

With his upper body naked, while brushing his teeth, he turned off the TV and turned to the subscribed international news channel.

The fresh air system that has been running for one night promotes the indoor air circulation. The scorch of butter is emitted from the bread maker, and the milk is heated in the thermos bottle.

However, the international news channel is filled with a very unusual atmosphere.

The anchor looks serious and broadcasts the latest news in a foreign language: "... Facing the video circulating on the Internet, the explanation given by the government of country E is that it is a forgery of the powers, but the fact is that when this reporter According to the gambler information given in the video, when investigating the situation of fifteen gamblers in their country, they got shocking news: from last night so far, eleven gamblers have confirmed their deaths, and the causes of death vary, and The whereabouts of the remaining four are unknown. Whether the incident was committed by 76 escaped psionicists is still questionable. Therefore, whether this kind of inhumane and inhuman collective forced murder against psionicists can promote the What about the legal reform of those who are capable? "

... what video? What "escape"?

Jiao Qingguang adjusted the toothbrush impatiently, thinking that these abilities can really stir things up.

He switched to the national news channel.

As soon as he cut to the news channel, a familiar face caught him off guard.

"Important notice, urgent notice!"

"Last night, 76 psionicists fled from educational institutions! These psionicists have strong revenge thoughts on society and are extremely harmful. I hope citizens will go out less, pay attention to their own safety, and find suspicious people after they have traced them. , Immediately call the emergency hedging phone to report, the phone number is 191 -... "

"The leader of the fleeing powers is Bai Anyi, 22 years old, a graduate student at XX University. The power level is temporarily S level. It is very dangerous. Please pay attention to the safety of the public. Believe in the official report. Rumor! "

Staring at the enlarged face occupying half the screen in the TV, Jiao Qingguang's toothbrush fell to the ground with a click.

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