Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 236 Table of contents

After the conference, Chi Xiaochi was invited to a dinner.

The identities of the people attending the dinner were not low, and there was a lot of enthusiasm. Everyone, for a variety of reasons, calmly approached him.

Someone asked, what is Mr. Bai's plan for the next time? Would you like to enter the national research department to specialize in the research of abilities?

Chi Xiaochi held a wine glass and politely said, "Thank you, I really need a Phantom Research Institute and a Paleontology Research Institute. It is best located in a remote location, such as islands, mountains, etc., which is both free from disturbance and calm Research ... By the way, if you can see the stars, that would be best. "

The original body, Bai Anyi, had a moderate amount of alcohol. After drinking a few glasses of sparkling wine, it was already thin.

The organizer sent a good car and took him back to the hotel where he stayed.

Falling on the soft big bed, Chi Xiaochi kicked off his shoes and socks, touched the mobile phone in his hand, and looked at the screen with an empty eye, confirming that the last two psionicists also sent a "safe home" notification, and then just put the mobile phone on the carpet When I lost it, I pulled the quilt and fell down to sleep.

Lou Ying reminded him: "I don't feel comfortable sleeping in clothes. Get up and take off."

Chi Xiaochi fell asleep while holding the quilt.

Lou Ying sighed slightly and transformed into the ground. He was about to hold his hand that was exposed outside the quilt and hold it for him. The other hand that appeared out of thin air pressed him.

"Bai Anyi" said: "I'm coming."

Lou Ying: "I'm here."

"Bai Anyi" said: "Bai Anyi is not used to being touched."

Lou Ying never gave up: "Koike is not used to it."

As a result of bilateral consultations, "Bai Anyi" was responsible for quilting, and Lou Ying was responsible for decomposing his clothes directly.

... Ichikochi finally slept for a long time.

Three days of hard work and calculations, hiding and mediation for nearly a month, finally reached a happy ending, which was originally a matter of joy.

But "Bai Anyi" is still regrettable.

"It's cheaper for those two hundred and fifty discriminators," he said.

Lou Ying sat on the bed and looked down at Chi Xiaochi: "Did we not discuss it, and making the spores public is the best way known so far."

If concealing the existence of spores, Bai Anyi can indeed use the spores to become the most powerful psionicist in the world.

But the price he paid was endless long-term hunting and world-class turmoil that was completely foreseeable:

If the spore develops like this, it will be as little as three years and as many as five years. Once the number of powers is completely dominant, what will the tortured powers do to ordinary people in the face of years of oppression and discrimination. It is conceivable.

In the words of Chi Koike, the trouble is dead. Rather than engage in such a way, it is better to step out and be a benefactor of all humanity.

The so-called discrimination, Chi Xiaochi and Lou Ying, they have experienced in the second world.

Sexual orientation, region, and people of color are all targets of discrimination.

The root of discrimination is the natural sense of superiority and lack of awareness.

Now, with the shovel of Chi Xiaochi, the discriminator's survival is loosened.

——If the person with color discrimination knows that he or she will gradually change color one day or another, the person with regional discrimination knows that he might move to a place he now looks down on, and the person with sexual discrimination knows that he will lie down one day In the same-sex embrace, even if discrimination still exists, they will at least have the heart to understand the object of disgust that they were too lazy to spend time paying attention to.

Understanding is the first step in achieving an equal dialogue.

"Folly is sin, but sin does not die." Lou Ying whispered, "Although it has been five years, it is fortunate that it can be recovered."

"Bai Anyi" looked at the person on the bed, groaned for a long while, and suddenly asked, "His name is Chi Xiaochi?"

Lou Ying didn't quite understand what he meant, but still answered, "Yes."

"how old?"

"26 years old at the time of the accident. It's hard to say now."

"High school is hardworking, smart, clever, and hard at work, but the game operation is a mess ..."

"Bai Anyi" sorted out all the information related to Chi Xiaochi obtained these days, and wanted to try to remember this person.

Because of his hunch, to achieve the current level, Chi Xiaochi will withdraw at any time.

Besides Bai Anyi, for the first time in his life, he wanted to try to remember another person: "... career?"

Lou Ying answered, "Actor."


This answer made "Bai Anyi" both unexpected and feel "it really is."

He really didn't know what to say, so he laughed: "I have to say, he played a little Baizi, he didn't really do well, nothing at all."

"He was never played by Bai Anyi." Lou Ying raised his eyes, his voice was mild, but in a phrase, "... you."

With the true personality of Bai Anyi, it is too difficult for him to deal with killings, interviews, questions, and questions.

On the contrary, the former and the latter are "Bai Anyi" 's strengths.

Therefore, from the beginning, Chi Xiaochi intentionally or unintentionally imitated the character of "Bai Anyi" and left a trail for the real Bai Anyi.

A small island, a distant mountain, a paleontological institute equipped with a full set of resources, and stars in the sky.

This is the best place to heal the pain.

Chi Xiaochi asked Bai Anyi to come in, but he quietly covered the door.

I don't know when "Bai Anyi" disappeared.

Lou Ying was sitting next to the bed of Chi Xiaochi, sitting from dawn to wiping, until Chi Xiaochi in the quilt gave out a long, soothing breath, then he concealed his figure and reintegrated into his body.

When Chi Xiaochi was gradually refreshed, he stared at the dark ceiling and said, "... Lou, let's go."

Lou Ying knew he was going to leave, but he didn't expect it to be so fast: "Okay. Then we go back to rest."

"Isn't this a rest?" Chi Koike got up. "Let's go to the next world."

"... So urgent?"

Chi Xiaochi asked: "How many missions are there for 089?"

Lou Ying felt that Chi Xiaochi was so eager to be quick, something unusual: "Related to him?"

"Just ask." Chi Xiaochi noticed the honey water for hangover placed on the bedside, and touched the back of the cup with the back of the hand, the water was still warm, "... for me?"

To this day, the warmth of Lou Ying's fine details still makes Chi Xiaochi dare not accept it in peace.

After getting a positive answer, Chi Xiaochi held the cup tightly, drank it, and unconsciously guarded it with one hand, as if he was afraid that someone might **** his cup away. Lou Ying was both distressed and somewhat funny: "089 ... I went back to the Lord God system yesterday and heard that he was transferred by the Lord God to work overtime for other systems. The task is well done. There are more than 300 and 400 numbers can finish work. Any questions? "

"There is one more." Chi Xiaochi drank the honey water. "Our last world, is it long?"

Lou Ying shook his head: "I don't know."

He hoped that Koike would stay longer here and in the last world.

According to his contract with the Lord God, after completing the contract with Iike Koike, he still needs to bring a host to complete the mission of 10 worlds before he can return to the world where Iike Koike is.

... 10 worlds are really too long.

Despite this, Lou Ying is more willing to respect the choice of Chi Xiaochi.

Since he wants to be fast, so fast.

With the consent of Lou Ying, Chi Xiaochi let Jiao Qingguang rise from the morning, and his regret value soared all the way to the summit, successfully connected with the system, and accepted the transmission.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, he saw "Bai Anyi" standing at the door of the bathroom.

The man who had always shown coldness bent down and bowed silently to him.

Before Chi Xiaochi had time to respond, consciousness slipped into the boundless deep sea.


Host code: 1198

Host name: Pond Koike

World difficulty rating: S

World completion: 100

Host status assessment: Each function is well and stable and can be transmitted at any time.

Total entropy value obtained: 5310 (below average 6110)


The system's monthly meeting of the Lord God is held on time at the end of the month.

When the main gods teleported from their main **** space and walked to the general meeting room in twos and threes, the main **** of the rebirth system, a young man with a unilateral dimple, saw the back of an acquaintance in front of him, and the original spirit was startled: "Slag attack Slag attack-- "

A man with a tired face and a pale face turned back and said impatiently, "Don't call me that."

The young little deity ignored his indifference and came up to inquire: "How did you do that task last time? Did anyone answer it?"

The man's lips seemed too sharp because they were too thin: "Which?"

"The one that no one wants." The young little **** came to him, walking backwards, with a small mouth, "I still remember it, the mission trustee's surname is white, but the age is young, but that task is difficult ... … Dear guy, the revenge system is too likely to die, endangering the personal safety of the host and the system, and refuses to take over; the Battle Royale system was left unattended for several months because the missioner's ability was unknown. Did you pick it up? "

Men don't want to talk more: "Well,"

"Mighty man. How dare you touch this hot potato?" The little young **** tried to inquire about more interesting gossip and enrich the boring life. "Furthermore, that task does not overlap with your business scope. Kind of work? "

The man's lips were scornful, and it seemed to be a bit yin and yang: "There are talents in our system, he has already picked up."

The young little **** was surprised: "Someone really dare to answer? Okay, how's the situation?"

When it comes to this, the expression on the man's face becomes extremely delicate. Not like anger, but let alone joy.

He briefly said: "... solved."

The young little **** is naturally dissatisfied with such a bland answer: "What does it mean to solve? He really escaped from that conscious world?"

"Not only." The man smiled and smiled. "He let the people of that world accept the existence of the power."

The young little deity stared round with deer eyes: "... how is this possible?"

"It's more than that." The man piqued his mouth and said more and more angry. "The country didn't want him, and gave him the highest honor. He was given an island to focus on the secrets of power and evolution. He had New people, new life ... "

... It is indeed a beautiful and simple new life.

Duras' "Lover" said, "The sea is invisible, incomparable, and extremely simple."

This simplicity seems to be compensation for Bai Anyi's past injuries.

But only Bai Anyi and "Bai Anyi" knew who had won the compensation for them.

The island is equipped with more than 70 national researchers, an institute covering an area of ​​one square kilometer, two research dormitories, and a huge single-family villa exclusively for Bai Anyi.

After a busy day, Bai Anyi changed her clothes and was ready to go to work. When she went out, she remembered that she had forgotten a document in the staff lounge.

Cable TV in the staff lounge.

When he went in, the science-related programs related to abilities were playing on TV.

The host talked eloquently: "Due to the evolutionary theory proposed by Dr. Bai Anyi, a number of countries have removed the" collar ", a pair of psionicists' insulting logos, and instead used bracelets to register information about psionicists. With the impetus of the New Deal, the social crime rate has a significant downward trend. When everyone who came forward was likely to be a power, people learned to be in awe ... "

He had just picked up the file, and a researcher stopped him: "Boss."

Bai Anyi looked up: "Hey?"

His voice was soft, but the researcher was stunned.

I don't know who is in the institute. The Dean Bai is moody, good-natured when he is good, but sometimes very cold and solitary, with extreme temperament.

Coupled with his ability is the highest level currently known, 3S level, who dares to disrespect him?

The researcher stuttered and said, "There is something in my family. My mother is not very well recently. She was hospitalized yesterday, so I want to ... I want to take three days off and follow the ship to deliver the supplies. You see ..."

Bai Anyi said happily: "Okay, of course there is something at home to go back, my mother's health is more important than work. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time. If you want to renew your vacation, just call me and talk.

The researcher felt relieved.

...... Good luck today, I met Bai Anyi with a good temper.

He paused, but didn't hold back: "Boss, I have heard one more thing. It's about you."

Bai Anyi held the file and stopped to listen.

The researcher said, "I didn't mean to inquire about your privacy. It's because the matter has spread too widely ..."

This is true. Ever since Bai Anyi demonstrated the role of spores in human evolution in voluntary experimenters, he has become one of the most valuable scholars in the world.

For such a legendary man killed from the slaughterhouse, people are naturally full of curiosity and can't wait to dig out the situation of his ancestors' eight generations.

It's just that Bai Anyi is doomed to disappoint these gossips.

Among the many information available, Bai Anyi has always been an orphan.

The so-called "cousin" Chi Jiangyu has been completely erased from people's memories and has become a phantom that only exists in the hearts of two people.

With this in mind, Bai Anyi inevitably stunned: "What do you say?"

"It's your predecessor ..." The researcher lowered his voice. "Before, he developed resistance like many extreme discriminators because he took too many drugs that inhibit the production of class A globulins. I heard that he is now trying to get When it came to the drugs that stimulated the production of globulin, he was persuaded by the school because he had caused bad social impact. I heard that he is now living ... "

Bai Anyi said "um", and the response was not great.

The matter of Jiao Qingguang has hardly caused his emotional fluctuations.

To be precise, this person has been dead in his heart since he was reported by Jiao Qingguang and sent to the institution.

The researcher saw that his response was dull and relieved: "I just want to say, Dean Bai, such a person is not worth it. You will definitely meet a better one."

Bai Anyi blinked, and Wen Run smiled: "Thank you."

He sent away the researcher who thanked him so much, and Bai Anyi returned to the villa.

The home is brightly lit and the dishes are ready. The main dish is the freshest sea urchin braised sea shrimp. The good sea urchin does not smell fishy after being processed. It is extremely sweet. It is served in a wooden plate and topped with **** juice. The pure eel and fish soup prepared by hand, a bite of fish, is enough to soothe any tiredness.

Such a dinner is rich and luxurious, and I want to know who wrote it.

Bai Anyi understood it, sat down obediently, finished a meal in front of the mirror, went into the bathroom again, blushed, faced the mirror, and washed herself clean.

Exhausted the water droplets on her body, Bai An could not remember the inch, stood in front of the mirror, wiped off the water mist on the mirror, and gently put her palm on the mirror surface.

Although it wasn't the first time Bai Anyi had done this, his face still couldn't help having a fever.

He didn't dare to look directly into the mirror, and said in a small voice, "I've waited a long time."

The five fingers close to him in the mirror moved sharply, clasped his hands with a threat, pulled him in his arms, Bai Anyi greeted uncontrollably, and just hit a warm And naked body.

One of the people in the mirror firmly held his hand that was lacking in blood because of the light, and the other hugged his waist horizontally, using only one arm to hug him halfway and halfway.

He was in his ear, with the same voice as him, and the sound of the waves blowing in by the sea wind outside the window, and said to his ear, "... Go, let's go and see the stars."


After listening to the brief description of the man, the young little **** was stunned: "I rely, your staff is stubborn. This has to earn a lot of regret for the surname of Jiao, it's enough to be a good employee. Nothing said Take him to show me at the end of the year. I'd like to see where Da Luoxian is and what he looks like. "

"Of course it is good. He did make me a lot of money this time." With the reminder of the little lord god, the man finally remembered the same happy thing, sorted it out, and thought slowly, "... as long as he can come . "

"Why, is he going to graduate?"

"It's still the last world."

"That's it." The young little **** can't help but regret, "Isn't that fast?"

A man smiled rarely: "This may not be .... This may be a long, long, long world."

Immediately after receiving the teleportation, Chi Koike chose the lottery to enter the next world.

He fell from one deep sea to another.

After the faint feeling of suffocation, his consciousness gradually reduced to clearness. He was like a fish floating on the water surface. As the distance from the water surface approached, the dark and quiet surroundings began to fade away, and a voice penetrated into his consciousness.

"Iike Koike ..."

For a long time, Chi Xiaochi didn't hear someone call his name, wondering, who is it?

Brother Lou?

But in his memory, Brother Lou rarely called him by name ...

"Pond Koike."

When the sound rang again, he regained his limbs.

Chi Xiaochi could feel that he was in a sitting position, his head was resting on his arm, and his consciousness became a real thing. He was very heavy and fell on his head, making him a little breathless.

"Iike Koike!"

With a rage, accompanied by a slight tingling in the back of the brain when he was hit by a small object, Chi Xiaochi awakened from the dream.

He raised his eyes and habitually called in his heart: "Six ..."

... he couldn't say a word.

"Well, it sounds good to sleep, ah." The people on the podium wiped the blackboard on the podium and scattered the dust, and a face was dusted by a cloud of mist. "Chi Xiaochi, your parents paid you to come here." I ’m still going to school on a confinement? Did you burn the bag once after taking the college entrance exam? "

Teacher Xu, Zhiqiang Xu, a physics teacher in junior high school, under the name of Xu big pants.

The reason for this name is that this person danced and was very passionate. One summer, he was wearing a pair of jeans to class, and the spitting star talked about elasticity. When the love was strong, he said, classmates, you see, this is elasticity.

He made a high leg, put it on the podium, and tried to come to a live teaching.

The result was a pant, and the crotch was cracked, hence the name Xu Dapan.

The reason Ichi Koike was so impressed was because this nickname was from his own hands.

Chi Xiaochi's table was a very thin and short man. When he saw him looking at himself, he immediately whispered to himself: "Don't blame me, Lao Xu can't hear you so much ..."

Pond Koike was at a loss.

He thought, dream it.

In order to make sure that he was dreaming, Ichi Koike lowered his head.

There are basketball magazines and textbooks lying on the table belly, backpacks hanging on the rusty hooks on the side of the table, and small stickers left by the previous owner on the desktop. The faces of the men in the stickers have been manually peeled and ca n’t be seen at all. Can only be confirmed by the outline of a handsome guy.

...... If this is really a dream, Zhou Gong really has his mother in charge of details.

Chi Xiaochi started to look at himself carefully.

He wore a blue-and-white school uniform that was as loose as a face pocket, a sailor's color scheme, and long sleeves loosely pulled to his elbows, exposing a long forearm and a thin, thin elbow. The line popped its head.

He crooked his feet and clearly saw the black pattern on his right ankle bone.

Chi Xiaochi remembered that he was a sprout in the first semester. The number of the new uniform for the first semester of the second semester was smaller in the second half of the semester. His pants were a lot shorter. He was not in a hurry to change. He bought Zhang. Cheap black tattoo stickers, cut the ordinary white socks into the later extremely popular boat socks, with white board shoes, the tattoo stickers are affixed to the exposed right ankle.

Little girls of this age already have gender awareness. In order to look around on one foot, they often run specially during the class, point out and point out the window.

Chi Xiaochi knew he was handsome.

Which person who looks good is not exaggerated from small to large.

So he never shy away from showing his charm to others.

Xu Dapan still counted him endlessly, but these words turned around in the buzzing brain of Ji Xiaochi, and he was screened out.

All he could see in his eyes were faces that had long been obscured in his memory and now looked very familiar.

He could only see Happy Summer Vacation in a pile of subjects at the corner of the table. There were children with intellectual disabilities smiling and smiling. He didn't know why doing homework would make them so happy.

He can only see it. The corner of the blackboard reads "340 days before the entrance exam."

The blackboard around the number "340" was wiped white.

From the first day of Chi Xiaochi's junior high school, the head teacher counted down. The name is so beautiful that everyone should develop a sense of tension.

340 days from the entrance exam ...

"Happy summer vacation", summer vacation ...

... The summer vacation of the second day has not yet started.

Chi Xiaochi grabbed his schoolbag and ran out of the classroom door.

Ignoring the scream of anxiety behind Teacher Xu, Chi Xiaochi stepped five steps and jumped down the stairs.

There was a voice in my head, faintly echoing, but Chi Xiaochi didn't want to care about it.

I may have fallen asleep in the classroom, and had a very long and foreseeable dream, dreaming about the future.

The future self has a glorious appearance, a respected status, and countless wealth, but only without Brother Lou.

Now that he is awake, he is going to meet Brother Lou.

"... Koike!"

A sound in my head finally pulled Chi Xiaochi's out of control reason back slightly.

Chi Xiaochi stood on the last step of the first floor of the teaching building, shaking his hand slightly.

Seeing that his pace was stopped, Lou Ying's voice softened: "What's wrong with you? Where are you going?"

Chi Xiaochi's cognition tugged back and forth between real and illusory. He pressed his left eye with his palm root and forced himself to calm down: "... is this a task?"

Lou Ying is a bit incredible.

There was a slight mistime between the transmission of Lou Ying and Chi Xiaochi. When he opened his eyes and found himself in a classroom, he was sitting in the middle of the third row of the classroom, with few notes in front of him and a portrait of a puppy .

The teacher was stunned in front of him, and he also hesitated for a while, then remembered to make a conscious connection with Chi Xiaochi.

When he connected, what he saw was Ko Koike, who escaped madly from the classroom.

"Of course this is the task, how do you ..."

During the talk, the teacher asked everyone to bring out the exercise book, and Lou Ying closed the notebook on the desktop.

However, the two words on the name bar of the notebook cover made him unable to say a word.

"Lou Ying".

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