Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 239 Table of contents

Chi Xiaochi ran far away before borrowing a phone in a small newsstand selling magazines and calling an ambulance.

When it was difficult to say clearly the location of the Tongzi Tower, Chi Xiaochi, who had already exhausted his physical strength, gained only a little strength and ran all the way.

Many years later, he still remembers the road he ran.

In summer, the thick tar of coal tar was emitted, and it was burned by the heat of the air, which became more intolerable, mixed with the **** smell of sand in the throat.

This breath shrouded Chi Xiaochi, 14 years old, in July.

Later, whenever he thought of this day, the smell revolved around him like a wind.

Along the way, he stopped two or three motorcycles, but in a small vest and shorts, he could see at a glance that he had no money on him, and the first few cars that he stopped also asked him if he had any money.

When they heard that it was a matter of life, they ran faster.

It's a small business. If you delay one day, you will earn one day less.

Everyone calculates clearly.

When Chi Xiaochi ran back downstairs again, Lou Ying and Zhu Shoucheng disappeared. There were fresh wheel marks on the ground, a pool of dark red blood, and a few blood-stained stones.

He ran to the hospital.

There is only one small hospital at the junction of urban and rural areas, so there is only one destination for Chi Xiaochi.

Pond Koike rushed into the humble emergency building.

He asked the nurse at the consultation office: "Which operating room is the patient who just arrived in?"

The nurse looked up: "Four patients were pulled in in just half an hour. Which one are you talking about?"

"Lou Ying."

"Don't mention the names. None of them has been registered in detail."

With that said, the nurse spread out the inadequately registered critical condition record book and pushed the glasses: "Two driving, one with sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and one falling from upstairs. Which one do you ask?"

Chi Xiaochi: "It fell downstairs."

"Who are you from?"

Chi Xiaochi said, "I'm his brother."


Chi Koike lied: "Born."

"That's fine." The old nurse put down the register and looked at him from above the glasses. "... so your parents have some thoughts."

Chi Xiaochi looked at the nurse, all eyes were wooden.

He seemed to understand the nurse's words but did not understand them.

"Turn right at the end of the second floor. Hurry up," said the nurse. "It will be sent to the morgue a few minutes later."

The nurses have been in the hospital for a long time, and they are accustomed to death and their families ’reactions when they learn of the death of their loved ones, especially children of this age, which are nothing more than soft legs, crying or anger.

But Chi Xiaochi's reaction was not the same as any of the ones she had seen.

Chi Xiaochi grabbed the roller bed pushed out of the emergency room and stopped the bed directly in the not-so-large corridor.

He asked the doctor, "Where are you taking my brother?"

The doctor was more euphemistic: "It's too hot, and his body has to find a place to stop first. Wait until your parents come, and then take your brother home."

Chi Xiaochi stubbornly said, "His hands are still moving. Where are you taking him?"

The doctor couldn't help crying: "Young man, you read wrong. It is uneven, and the roller bed is rolling on it, which is inevitable."

Chi Xiaochi grabbed the roller bed and tried to prove to his doctor what he saw was true: "Uncle, listen to me, my brother is really moving ... we don't go to the morgue, we don't go."

The doctor sighed. "Sorrow, please."

Chi Xiaochi said, "What am I mourning, he is still alive."

The doctor said, "Boy, if you stop here, it will affect our normal work."

Chi Xiaochi didn't dare to let go, for fear that once he spread, Lou Ying would be pushed to that place by them.

He grabbed the corner of the bed and shouted at the silent person on the bed: "Lou brother ... Lou brother, you wake up. You tell them, we won't go to the morgue ..."

Small local hospitals, even sedatives are out of stock.

Chi Xiaochi remained so awake, forcibly opened his fingers by two strong security guards, and separated from the bed.

When the chirping of the wheel sounded again, the body covered with white sheets began to shake again.

Chi Xiaochi was pressed against the wall and watched as the car turned a corner in the corridor and disappeared.

He thought, two floors, how could it be.

He thought it was impossible, maybe he had stopped the wrong car and recognized the wrong person. After all, he only saw half of the hands exposed under the sheet.

So he lied and said that he had calmed down and followed up with the morgue as a family member.

The result of the confirmation was that he really knew Lou Ying.

He has seen the hand holding a pen, holding a game console, holding a bowl, holding chopsticks, and a screwdriver. He has also seen the hand flattened peacefully after falling asleep.

Just like now.

He fell into a long dream.

Chi Xiaochi shook the hand and sat down slowly along the bed on the cold concrete floor.

An old man guarding the corpse looked at him from a distance, shook his head, and immediately turned around.

Chi Xiaochi found that Lou Ying's fingertips were very cold and the tips of his nails were strangely blue, so he held his hands in the palm of his hands and breathed softly.

When the cold air that perennially spread to the mortuary passed to him, Chi Xiaochi began to feel cold.

He felt a pain in his body, but he couldn't tell where it hurts.

Chi Xiaochi let go of Lou Ying's hand, and tightened his shoulders with both hands, tightening inwardly.

His teeth were bitten so tightly that he groaned intermittently between his teeth.

The old man was a little worried when he heard the noise, came over, and spoke a thick Shaanxi accent: "Baby, sigh."

Chi Xiaochi said unclearly: "... it hurts."

"The grandpa took you to the doctor?"

"Don't see the doctor." Chi Xiaochi buried his face in his arm and took a deep breath. "Grandpa, I want to make a call."

"Okay, okay, call your parents. Let a baby see this ..."

Chi Xiaochi raised his eyes: "No, I want to call the police."

However, as soon as he was stepped out of the morgue by the grandfather, a policeman from the police station, a man, a woman, and two policemen came forward. The man was in his early forties, and the young woman was capable and short-haired.

The male police officer looked at him a bit, and saw some clues from his pale face: "Are you called Chi Xiaochi?"

Chi Xiaochi also stared at him, mumu, nodded and shook his head.

He said, "I have something to ask for you."

"We also have something to find out about you," the policewoman asked him, "how old?"

Chi Xiaochi said dryly: "14."

"Well, I can't see it. It's very fierce. I thought you were sixteen or seven." The male policeman glanced at the partner approvingly, and then said, "Then we have to go through the procedure. So, you first Hang up your parents and tell them to wait here. When your father or mother comes, we will ask you something ... "

"I have something to reflect." Chi Xiaochi interrupted him. "It was Zhu Shoucheng. Zhu Shoucheng harmed Brother Lou, and he let Brother Lou fall ... He still treats me--"

To his surprise, both police officers were calm: "We know this. We are also investigating."

"What to investigate?"

"It was the police officer Zhu Shoucheng who reported to No. 207 on the second floor of No. 17 Anding Road." The male policeman said, "It is related to a burglary. Other circumstances cannot be disclosed. We will discuss it in detail after your parents come."

Chi Xiaochi thought that when he opened the sheets and saw Lou's face, it was the darkest moment in his life.

He still underestimated the degree of **** in life.

After sending Lou Ying to the hospital, Zhu Shoucheng called the police using the hospital phone and said he had entered a thief.

The thief is called Lou Ying, and the assistance is called Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi came to his home for tuition and homework, and he was too sleepy because he stayed up late last night to write a lesson plan. He went back to sleep in the bedroom, and planned to wait for Chi Xiaochi to finish a set of test questions before explaining to him.

He was awakened by the vocalization of the outside.

He said that at first he thought that Chi Xiaochi was talking to himself, but he listened for a while with pointed ears, only to find out that something was wrong.

...... There is another person in his living room.

Zhu Shoucheng said that he got out of bed and walked to the door, just hitting Lou Ying who was about to enter the bedroom.

Lou Ying was guilty of a thief and turned around and ran away. After being caught by him from behind, he actually scuffled with him, broke Junzi Lan, and smashed several pieces of furniture at home. Chi Xiaochi also rushed to fight with him and was pushed away , Even hustle and bustle, ran out and shouted the fire.

In the scuffle, Lou Ying wanted to escape from the window. Zhu Shouwei meant to stop him. Whoever wanted to shove him down and killed him.

After listening to Ji Xiaochi, he stepped on the table in the interrogation room and nearly turned the table over: "Fuck him!"

The mother of the pool snorted and slapped his head with a slap: "Clean your mouth! How do I teach you?"

After all, she bowed respectfully to the two police officers in charge of the interrogation: "Sorry, I'm sorry, this child has a bad temper, and he is so rude to us at home.

Chi Xiaochi was so angry that his eyes turned black, and a stagnation of gas was on his chest. He just felt that all the blood in his body was flowing to his throat: "No !! No !!!! Why do you only listen to his words? Other neighbors? Our building Poor sound insulation, can anyone hear anything ?! "

The short-haired policewoman was called Yuyu. When she saw that Chi Xiaochi was too excited, she softened her voice deliberately: "At that time, there was only one old man behind the ear, a hangover man, and two Primary school children. The first two people did not hear anything at all. The two children did not remember clearly. The timeline of the incident was one person. After asking two sentences, their original memories also It's unclear, there is no way to testify. "

Saying, Saitama leaned forward slightly, soothing him in a gentle tone: "Don't be excited. Zhu Shoucheng's statement belongs to him, and I want to hear now, your description of this matter."

Chi Koike's face turned pale.

His mouth was filled with the smell of a man's head oil again, and the nasal cavity was stuffed with the smell of fermentation of food and saliva.

Chi Xiaochi's hands under the table unconsciously clenched tightly, and said softly, "He ... would do that to me."

Saitama didn't understand for a moment: "What is he going to do to you?"

Chi Xiaochi gritted his teeth and cut open his secret wound with a single knife: "... He, Zhu Shoucheng, is going to invade me."

For a while, the atmosphere in the conference room was frozen.

Chi mother's eyes widened, and she pinched his leg under the table: "Are you crazy? What nonsense?"

Saitama exchanged a startled look with middle-aged policeman Dai Dai and said, "Can you tell us the details?"

Chi Xiaochi uttered his own experience word by word. When he was overwhelmed on the bed, he shuddered heavily, nauseating for a while, as if an invisible large hand was pulling his stomach outward.

After listening to his story, Saitama took it very seriously and immediately decided to take him to the hospital for an injury.

Chi Ma has been sitting aside, looking at Chi Xiaochi with weird eyes.

After the injury, it was completely dark.

Saitama drove and returned Chi Xiaochi and Chi Ma to the Tongzilou together, and ordered Chi Xiaochi to take a good rest, don't think about it, and don't run around, they will investigate as soon as possible.

Chi Xiaochi listened word by word, staring straight out the window.

Zhu Shoucheng stood in front of Lou Ying's house in a suit and leather shoes, holding a huge fruit basket in his hand.

From his jacket pocket, a thick red envelope was exposed.

He was sadly talking to Aunt Lou Ying, who was sobbing.

Seems to be aware of the sight behind him, he turned his head and saw Chi Xiaochi in the police car.

With some guilty conscience, Zhu Shoucheng quickly turned his eyes and said something to Aunt Lou Ying. The aunt gave way and let him enter Lou's house.

Chi Koike wanted to kill.

At this time, he very much wanted Zhu Shoucheng to be in the mortuary lonely and cold, just like Lou Brother.

After Chi Ma and Xiu Yu said goodbye, his face quickly turned into a face, dragged Chi Xiaochi, dragging him upstairs all the way.

At home, the cold pot and cold stove, Dad Chi, sitting at the table, did not look very good.

He asked, "I heard a little wind. What's going on?"

As soon as Chi Xiaochi was about to speak, Chi's mother reprimanded: "What's the matter? Isn't it your good son ?! It's so big that you can't learn anything else, just learn to cause trouble!"

She turned to Chi Xiaochi: "I didn't tell you, I do n’t deal with the downstairs Lou. He studies well and behaves badly. Look at it. How is it now? Is it fulfilled?"

Chi Xiaochi argued fiercely: "Lou Brother !!!!"

"Oh, he isn't. So why did he run away in the daylight? He still has money in his pocket?"

Chi Xiaochi's voice brought a crying voice: "Brother Lou is trying to save me ..."

"You just talk about it." Chi mother turned to Dad Chi, "Do you know, your good son, said that Mr. Zhu manually manipulated him and touched him ... You listen, ridiculous is not ridiculous, ah? You When is your sweetheart? Mr. Zhu is a man, a big man, who moves his hands on you. What does he figure? Joke. "

... Ichikoike didn't want to talk anymore.

He was tired even if he opened his mouth.

Parents will not admit that their decision to send Chi Xiaochi to Teacher Zhu's home was wrong, so it must be Chi Xiaochi.

In this case, there is nothing to say.

He wanted to go out and breathe, but was stopped by Chi Ma, saying that he didn't want to go anywhere tonight, and explained everything at home.

Chi Xiaochi pouted and smiled silently twice.

He laid the bed on the ground, fell straight down, pulled his quilt over his head, and said nothing more.

No way, Chi Ma Chi Da also turned off the lights early to counter the rumors that had been circulating throughout the building.

Chi Xiaochi was sleepless, and in the suffocated quilt, he opened his eyes and listened to the conversation between the couple on the bed.

Dad Chi said, "Why is it dead? Still dying near our house. Even after moving, house prices will have to fall. Who should you justify?"

"Whoever you are looking for, please don't look for us anyway." Chi Ma annoyed. "Your son just gives the house keys to outsiders. This is all right, let's eat the fruit with Lou's family."

"Not so much. But speaking, I really lost the Lou family's life." Dad Chi said, "The death is big, and peace is valuable. Teacher Zhu won't talk to us about more small things. "

Iike Koike opened his mouth and clenched the quilt.

When he had a little bit of strength to loosen his teeth, he found that he had thick blood in his mouth.


Saitama has been staying downstairs in Tongzi, looking around, and confirming that there are no traces of surveillance coverage in this area.

Until Zhu Shoucheng left from the Lou family, she got out of the car and stopped Zhu Shoucheng: "Mr. Zhu, let's talk more?"

Zhu Shoucheng's expression was unnatural for a moment, but he quickly restored a smile that was so refreshing: "It's so late. Go to the police station?"

"Just two or three sentences, just talk in the car."

After closing the door, Saitama turned her head: "May I ask some questions."

Zhu Shoucheng, co-pilot: "Well, you said."

Saitama: "You said that it was Lou Ying who used the keys of the Chi Xiaochi family to enter the Chi Xiaochi family, and then turned into your home for theft?"

Zhu Shoucheng: "That's it."

"And Ikekoike should be inside?"

"It's just a guess. Because he doesn't seem to be surprised at all by the presence of Lou Ying."

Pu Yu looked into Zhu Shoucheng's eyes: "Do you think that since Lou Ying has the inner application of Koike, why not go directly to the door, but choose to go through the window?"

Zhu Shoucheng didn't even blink his eyes: "The door of my house is old, and the sound is harsh when opening and closing the door."

Qi Yusi: "Do you think that Koike was afraid to wake you up before he let Lou Ying walk out the window?"


"Then the theft plan by him and Lou Ying must have been planned in advance. But how can Koike be sure that you will fall asleep when you execute the plan?"

"I don't know about this." Zhu Shoucheng shrugged. "They stick together all day. What special communication method does Baoqi have?"

Throughout the questioning period, Qi Yu was paying attention to Zhu Shoucheng's expression change.

But disappointingly, she found nothing.

Although Zhu Shoucheng showed some nervousness and anxiety, the degree was within the normal range, and no special abnormality was seen.

She asked the last question: "Do you have any other comments on Lou Ying?"

"This child is quite good at learning, very spiritual, but his character is ..." Zhu Shoucheng shook his head with regret. "I am not saying bad things about the deceased. You can inquire about this. Upstairs and downstairs, who does not know the Lou family The child always has money to spend, can always get all kinds of second-hand goods, and can buy all kinds of good things for Chi Xiaochi. As for the source of his money, hey, maybe only God knows. "


In July, Ikkoike started his war without gunpowder.

Every day he went to the police station and sat, waiting for a statement.

Chi Ma still has to go to work. Where can he accompany him day by day, and then wear it, so the old Dai who is in charge of this matter moves in flexibly and packs the "inquiry" into "talking". The times followed.

Old Dai did not trust Chi Xiaochi.

Every time he "talks", he asks the same question: "You repeat all the details of what happened that day."

Therefore, Chi Xiaochi had to tear open the scars again and again and show the **** wounds to others.

But the same thing, said upside down, is inevitably tainted.

Lao Dai took a few notes and compared them back and forth: "The timing of Lou Ying entering the window ... you didn't say that last time."

Chi Xiaochi clutched his forehead, his heart was weak and tired: "What did I say last time?"

The old man closed the cap and leaned back on the back of the chair, perfunctoryly: "You think."

Iko Koike stopped talking.

These days, Ikekoike's words have sharply decreased.

Because he found that he was wrong.

Old Dai also felt boring, closed the transcript and told him to wait here.

As soon as his forefoot left, Chi Xiaochi carried his bag on one shoulder and followed silently.

Lao Dai returned to the office, and Chi Xiaochi sat silently on a plastic bench in front of the office, hoping to hear some useful news.

A young policeman asked inside, "That kid is here again? How's it going?"

"He's okay." Old Dai bounced the injury report with his index finger loudly. "All the red injuries on his body fell on his own, and his wrists and waist were a little bruised, apparently shuffled and shoved. It also matches the confession of Zhu Shoucheng. Moreover, he has not been bound, nor has he been traced of any infringement, and he does not even have a fine spot. "

Speaking of this, Lao Dai said aloud, "... it's true."

Chi Xiaochi's head leaned on the cold tile to cool the hot head.

He thought that it would have been better for him to know Zhu Shoucheng.

"A child of this age can tell lies by opening mouths, and there is no need to hit drafts." Lao Dai said, "My son just acts like this. I know too well."

Saitama: "He doesn't have to lie. I always think it's weird."

"Comrade, do you" feel "? When you say that, don't you be afraid of jokes? Let's look at the evidence, the evidence."

Several confessions in old Dai Yangyang's hand: "Well, open your eyes. There are inconsistencies and details are wrong. Tell me he didn't lie?"

He took another cigarette: "And, do you see his feet?"

Saitama: "... What happened to his feet?"

Iike Koike outside the door also looked down at his feet.

Old Dai said, "The eldest is a black flower on his ankle. Good guys, they say that their parents who are skin-skinned, who are serious children will make themselves dazzling?"

The tattoo on the inside of the ankle, cold like a snake, climbed up along his trousers.

Chi Xiaochi stayed together and stopped watching.

Xi Yu didn't answer the words of Lao Dai and turned over the document herself: "I suggest identifying the fingerprints on the coins in Lou Ying's pocket."

Old Dai lit a cigarette: "Oh, that money, I paid it back."

Saitama: "... what? Pay it back?"

Lao Dai: "It's Mr. Zhu's money, and there is a small strip inside him for shopping, of course, it must be returned to others."

"No ..." Saitama said, "This is evidence, how can you just casually--"

Lao Dai reached out his hand and let out the smoke in front of him: "Xiao, you are still young and do not understand the value of the world. That money is not a small amount, hundreds of dollars. If we give it as evidence, someone will definitely say that we are ordinary people Money, when we say that we ca n’t even talk about breaking our mouths. Also, what did you just say? Check your fingerprints? Do n’t tease me, how can we have this? The Xiao Po police station in Xiao Po is just two or three kittens. I ’m busy every day and I ’m too busy to do my fingerprints? It ’s not bothersome enough. Besides, Lou ’s family is all over. I ’m going to crem the child into the soil as soon as possible.


A moment after the sound of the landing of an object came, there was a continuous running sound outside.

Pu Yu felt something wrong, leaned his head out of the office, and saw that Chi Xiaochi's black schoolbag fell to the ground, and the teenager's desperate figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"... Koike?"

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