Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 247 Table of contents

Taking advantage of it for nothing, Chi's mother planned to sell a good one, but she did not expect Chi Xiaochi to go down the donkey, and she couldn't hold her face.

A fist punched into the air, and her cautious remarks could not be released. She had to throw her mobile phone on the table like a anger, and turned to the wind to change the topic, and taught Chi Xiaochi: "I told you How many times, will I mingle with that Lou Ying in the future. People who are close to Zhu, those who are close to Mo are black, and the heart is separated by the belly. Do you know what kind of person he is? "

Chi Xiaochi shoved his mobile phone into his pocket and asked, "I don't know, do you look like a B-ultrasound."

Chi Mu: "..."

It was found that Chi Xiaochi was grinning and sulking, and he was so tired that he couldn't get in. The mother had a headache and looked at Zhu Shoucheng for support: "Have you heard? Yesterday, the child of the Lou family put it in front of a group of people. Sister Chu couldn't find the North, and beat Sister Chu's eldest son. Alas, Wen Wenjing was usually a little boy.

Zhu Shoucheng laughed: "This is also about the reputation of the child. Stealing is stealing, not stealing is not stealing, if the **** is to let the child recognize what he has not done, the child will be wronged."

"Who said no?" Chi mother's tone of voice turned extremely fast: "But then come back, everyone is a neighbor, you ca n’t see your head down, you do n’t even have any room for it. This child is really ignorant and ca n’t be human. "

This was just a chat about the lively atmosphere before the meal, and soon the topic was lifted.

After the dishes had gone through five flavors, Father Chi put down his chopsticks and looked eagerly at Teacher Zhu: "Mr. Zhu, I'm so sorry, the dishes are very cold, do you eat well?"

Zhu Shoucheng laughed and said, "Exaggerated. The siblings' skills are really good."

As soon as Zhu Shoucheng took the initiative to close the relationship, the father of Chi knew that there was a door, and immediately put on his most sincere smile: "Mr. Zhu, if you come to our house for dinner today, there is an unforgiving invitation ... The child is coming soon He passed the middle school exam. His grades are the best in the class. He doesn't worry about himself. The child and I are both worried about it. We only gave birth to him. I can only count on this child to be in his early life. If he is not successful, my mother and I will not even have the last hope in my life ... "

Chi Xiaochi took a sip of tomato egg soup and used a spoon to hide a smile from his mouth.

The two husbands and wives are still familiar with the style of Chi Xiaochi, and they are very sharp.

Ask someone to have a meal, talk about the feelings of the neighborhood, and then sell it miserably, but just want to flatten the account of the supplementary lessons, and save lessons for no money.

Before Zhu Shoucheng came, he guessed the intention of the Chi family's parents to invite him to come.

But now, Zhu Shoucheng is really in trouble.

There are still two days before the unified holiday time stipulated in the city, and there are not a few parents who have asked Tu Shoucheng to make up for the summer vacation. He has not yet promised that they are comparing, screening and scoring one by one. In the end, only one private education student was accepted.

This is a habit that he has continued for many years.

Unfortunately, the quality of this year's students is not very good, so Zhu Shou cost has planned to take Chi Xiaochi into his pocket.

But after his observation today, Chi Xiaochi no longer looks like a child, and is not a prey worth starting.

Zhu Shoucheng did not respond to the delay, which was somewhat unexpected by Chi Xiaochi.

In his memory, when his father hinted that there were no two sentences, Zhu Shoucheng agreed, and began tuition the next day.

……what happened?

Chi Xiaochi bit his chopsticks, thinking quickly.

Based on his previous observations and understanding of Zhu Shoucheng, if it is not his own victimization, it is his turn.

His heart suddenly changed, and he threw chopsticks, and said coldly, "Dad, don't say it. Teacher Zhu can come here easily, so that people can have a good meal?"

The father of the pond was wondering what Zhu Shou had not yet said, and he didn't want to talk about paying for it. He was going to persevere and continue to lobby. Suddenly he was interrupted by Chi Xiaochi. He immediately passed on his anger and glared at him. For your sake? "

"Mr. Zhu has students to teach himself, why did he accept me?" Chi Xiaochi said, "Moreover, Brother Lou has given me good tuition, and I will not go to others."

Zhu Shoucheng sat aside and admired Chi Xiaochi's expression.

Chi Xiaochi, who was angry, finally recovered a little childishness that made his heart beat.

Father Chi spent money to treat guests, but Chi Xiaochi was demolished in person. Father Chi was naturally annoyed: "Shut up. What do you think your brother Lou is good for?"

Chi Xiaochi shot directly at the case, pointed directly at Zhu Shoucheng's nose, and scolded openly: "What good is he then?"

A slap in the face suddenly fell.

The father's palm had cocoons, and he was used to physical work, and hit Xiaoxiaochi in front of him.

Chi Xiaochi was shaking with tears, tears were coming down, and she was about to leave, but was dragged back by Chi mother: "Where are you going ?! Run away when you are angry, who is accustomed to you? I tell you If you leave this home today, don't come back in this life !!! "

Chi Xiaochi bit his lip and sat in place, still not holding a grieved whimper.

Zhu Shoucheng was distressed. He pulled over Chi Xiaochi and looked at his slightly swollen face: "Brother, brother and sister, let's have something to say, don't hit the child."

Father Chi's anger remained: "Teacher Zhu, leave it alone. He doesn't speak humans, so I, as a dad, will teach him how to say it."

Chi Xiaochi raised his tears and glanced at Zhu Shoucheng.

This eye was a little scared, a little sorry, and a little help, and the swaying water caused Zhu Shoucheng to be soft-hearted for a moment, like what he liked, busy protecting Chi Xiaochi said: "Okay, I promise him Make up lessons. "

Father Chi pulled a handful of Chi Xiaochi: "Have you heard? Adults don't remember villains! You apologize to Teacher Zhu soon!"

Chi Xiaochi naturally adhering to my apology of your grandma's legs, so angry that Father Chi lifted his stool: "Go to the window and stand! Don't eat!"

Chi Xiaochi stood next to the small window next to the door, secretly peeled the orange that Lou Ying gave him, and put a flap in his mouth.

The sweet and sour juice of the orange irritated the injured area and it hurt a little.

It's that simple to irritate your parents and take a meal.

It turned out to be the same in every world.

Chi Xiaochi swallowed the orange, and licked his tongue with the tongue, licking the inner wall of the mouth that had been torn by his teeth. He ignored the words of his parents flattering to Teacher Zhu, leaned over the glass, and sighed gently at the corner.

Due to the temperature difference, a small mist gathered on the glass.

Chi Xiaochi drew a simple smiley face on the glass, tilted his head, and stared at the smiley face for a while, also showing a similar arc of smile.

At this moment, Lou Ying was standing outside his house, out of reach of the light.

He stretched out his hand, and gently kept Ikkoike out of the glass, and repainted the fading smile.

Chi Xiaochi saw it, and was refreshed. He held the glass to stand upright, lifted his toes, and blocked the reflection of Lou Ying with his body. He just wanted to say something to him, and behind him came the unpleasant voice of Chi mother. "Come back and sit down."

Chi Xiaochi reluctantly turned back to the table, held up the cold rice bowl, and just before moving the chopsticks, the side of the bowl was knocked by Chi mother: "Thank you, Teacher Zhu? If not, Teacher Zhu will intercede you, You don't want to eat all day tomorrow. "

Chi Xiaochi parrot learns the tongue: "Thank you Zhu."

The small storm makes a peaceful transition, but the light from the corner of Chi Xiaochi's eyes is still thrown out of the small window from time to time.

A dark oblique shadow was still hitting the glass without moving, as if it were an ordinary still life.

But soon, a hand quietly reached out and traced a small smile in the corner of the window.

Zhu Shoucheng, this cautious old fox, was still on the table, so Chi Xiaochi didn't dare to act too brazenly.

He only dared to reveal a smile in the bowl while eating in the bowl.

After a meal, Chi Xiaochi counted and excluded those he didn't see. Lou Ying drew 67 smiley faces outside the window.

When Zhu Shoucheng was sent away, Chi Xiaochi followed and looked around to make sure Lou Ying had disappeared into the corridor.

But when he leaned back to the place where Lou Ying was leaning, he noticed that there was still warmth there.

... the last second, he was still there.

Realizing this, Chi Xiaochi stayed there until the breath belonging to Lou Ying completely disappeared into the night breeze, before returning home and preparing to wash and sleep.

As a result, he lost sleep.

Chi Xiaochi hasn't slept on the floor at home for a long time.

The father's snoring came from the bed, and the mother's disbanded hair dangled from the bedside, with white marks on the unbalanced hairpin powder. The refrigerator at home squeaked and rattled, and the pillows of Chi Xiaochi resonated, which made Chi Xiaochi suspect that the refrigerator not far from his head was not a refrigerator, but a running soybean milk machine.

In the past, Ichikoike was used to this kind of noise, but Ichikoike, who has suffered from insomnia for many years, couldn't stand such strange noises, even the aroma of orange peel on the pillow could not calm him.

So he used a physical card on himself.

Chi Xiaochi stood up, moved his neck, and looked at the boy who was sleeping on the ground with his eyes closed.

His left cheek was swollen, and the corners of his eyes were brushed by Chi's sharp nails, leaving a little blush scratch.

Chi Xiaochi opened the soymilk machine, took a raw egg from it, and pinched it in his palm.

The door was gently opened, and it clicked, sweeping in half moonlight.

Chi Xiaochi concealed the door and walked out silently. After about 10 minutes, he returned silently.

The only difference was that the raw eggs in his hands were cooked and peeled.

He sat down next to the bed, took the body of another Ikekoike, asked him to rest on his thigh, and gently rubbed the cheek of "Ikokoike" with cooked eggs.

His long hair was **** with a hair ring, and he pulled a small ball head behind his head, but there were still two strands of broken hair slipping from behind his ears to his eyes, lining Koike's own skin pale and clean.

This feeling is wonderful.

Chi Xiaochi first discovered that when he was 14 years old, he was so small.

No matter what age a man is, he has his own illusion.

Chi Xiaochi pinched the boy with a slightly rounded chin, his expression emaciated and gentle.

Rubbing the bruise on his face almost, Chi Xiaochi lowered his head and sniffed the boy's hair, thinking that before Zhu Shoucheng left, he touched his head, so that there is still a lingering person. Scum smell.

And his face was hurt again, at least today, his cheek could not touch the water easily.

After thinking about it, Chi Xiaochi hugged the boy in a horizontal position, hugged him into the empty public bathroom at the end of the second floor, laid him flat on a bench, only a little bit of the top of his head was exposed, and a towel was placed under his neck. Bring a pot of boiling water for the boiled eggs, take the shampoo, squeeze the lemon-scented liquid into the palm of the hand, foam it on his hair, and rub it open.

If someone gets up at night and sees this scene, it is estimated that they can scare the madness on the spot.

Chi Xiaochi also spoke to him while pouring water on the head of "Chi Xiaochi": "You can see me, don't you?"

Chi Koike, who completely gave up control of his body, couldn't answer his questions, and could only look at him in his body.

"Surprised? I look so much like you." Chi Xiaochi summarized his identity briefly, "I am you in another world. I left Brother Lou and grew up alone."

Next, there was nothing to say.

To be honest, Ikeike did not know what to say to this parallel world.

As a child, he and the "Ikekoike" of this world got on the same bridge.

"Ichikoike" jumped, and he didn't.

He could understand the unwillingness and pain of "Iko Koike" at that time. If he jumps down for him, there is a deep power that promises him a chance to come again, and he will be desperate.

Regardless of whether you want others to occupy your own body, even if the price is clearly marked and you have to give your life after revenge, Chi Xiaochi will accept it.

At least, Brother Lou will live in this world.

At least, Lou Ying would not have to be other pool Koike.

But he did not do so and lost this possible encounter.

Chi Xiaochi grew up and was hit by a chandelier. Because of his strong devotion, he was chosen as the host, offending the Lord God all the way, and finally was devolved into this world to meet his past self again.

Choosing two different people, the fate of the original parallels intersect here.

Such a fate must be said to be wonderful.

The dense foam in Chi Koike's palm was entangled with soft hair, making a rustling soft sound.

He was thinking hard about what to say to his younger self.

After much deliberation, Chi Xiaochi pondered an extremely important thing, and wanted to warn the teenager.

-Do not rely on good-looking actors.

Actors get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, eat worse than pigs, and do more than donkeys. Apart from earning more than people, they are basically animals, not worthy of any privacy. The most expressive in the audience I never watched the plot seriously, and found a black spot as fast as Columbus discovered the new continent. Each black picture was stored in the phone and a special folder was created, which is more special than a photo taken with my parents.

The saddest thing is the kiss show.

Chi Xiaochi found himself sick during the first kiss scene.

Now that I think of it, Ichiko feels sorry for the actress.

The girl who was praised for being pretty from childhood to big was easily determined to break through herself. For the first time in the kiss scene, the opponent hurriedly shouted a card as soon as her opponent took her first kiss. She was so stunned that she was furious with a little dignity. No wonder she later refused to walk on the red carpet with her arms in her arms.

But when the words came to his lips, Chi Xiaochi smiled helplessly and swallowed them all down.

He should not be a life coach for anyone, including himself.

Dry the teenager's hair with a hair dryer in the warehouse, Chi Xiaochi took him home, put him to sleep peacefully on the ground, and turned himself on the roof of the rooftop.

The night wind blew away the heat, poured into the white shirt along the buttons, and swelled the empty part behind him, like two wings that would extend from behind him at any time.

A figure crouched on one knee beside him: "Is there any room left here?"

Chi Xiaochi instinctively raised his arm to protect his side, as if trying to stop someone from falling. When he realized that the action was ridiculous, the people around him took a step back and took care of him.

Chi Xiaochi laughed at all his soldiers and soldiers, deliberately not turning his head, not looking away, and solemnly: "No. But I still have a luggage space."

Lou Ying asked, "Can I be Mr. Chi's luggage? It's not heavy, but I can go by myself, and I can accompany Mr. Chi to travel around the world."

Chi Xiaochi thought about it, "It sounds like a good deal."

Lou Ying sat down next to the side of Chi Xiaochi. Chi Xiaochi immediately put his luggage into use, intending to pounce on him, and directly overwhelmed Lou Ying who was not fully developed.

Of course, his hands were already in front of Lou Ying, preventing him from accidentally falling downstairs at any time.

Unexpectedly, his head rested directly on Lou Ying's shoulder.

Lou Ying: "..."

Chi Xiaochi: "... why are you so tall?"

The 1-81-meter pool Kochi seemed to be a bit thin in front of Lou Ying at 1-meter 88.

Lou Ying was a little surprised when he was embraced. After understanding his intentions, the smile in his mouth couldn't be suppressed.

He smiled and held the hand of Ikiko Ichigo in front of him, preventing him from retracting: "Isn't the pillow fit?"

Chi Xiaochi looked at Lou Ying.

Like himself, he used cards to pull himself away from his original body, so his height has returned to normal, but he still can only bear the slightly young face of 16-year-old Lou Ying.

"It can only be reduced to this level." Lou Ying also knew that he was a little weird and quite helpless. "For some reason, I can't use my original face now. You just look at it."

Chi Xiaochi laughed, stuck in his pillow, his eyes still closed.

Lou Ying started, touching his left cheek lightly: "It hurts?"

Chi Xiaochi stretched his body and let him caress: "It hurts."

When I saw Lou Ying taking out a cooked egg like myself half an hour ago, Ichi Koike almost shouted, "I don't. I'm not a kid."

Lou Ying nodded his cheeks: "Stand."

Ikkoike stopped immediately.

The soft and hot egg white rolled gently across his cheeks, like warm kisses.

Chi Xiaochi said motionlessly: "Knowing that I'm awake, why don't you talk to me?"

"You are with ..." Lou Ying considered how to sum up what just happened. "That Koike said, I don't want to bother. And now I should learn to speak in person, so as not to go back later, but also to learn from scratch. "

Chi Xiaochi was silent for a long while, looking at the sky.

The various industries around here are quite developed. Correspondingly, the pollution is also very serious, and there are not many days to see the stars.

Fortunately, it was windy tonight.

"Brother Lou."


"This world is great, isn't it?"

Lou Ying wasn't quite sure what he wanted to say, but responded gently: "Um."

Chi Xiaochi didn't say anything, and Lou Ying didn't ask again.

Fish certainly has the right to lament the deliciousness of the bait in front of him, but Lou Ying believes that his Koike will not be stupid enough to open his mouth to bite.

Chi Xiaochi lay on him and gradually fell asleep.

He was called twice, confirming that he was asleep, and Lou Ying laid him flat, and they fell side by side on a soft mattress born out of the ground.

He didn't want to return Chi Xiaochi to his home for the time being, and he was not willing to startle Koike. Instead, let him sleep here for a while, until the physical card expired, he would automatically return to the sleeping teenager downstairs.

Lou Ying turned to her side, put her hand on Chi Xiaochi's hair, and kissed the back of her hand restrainedly.

"good night."

After that, Lou Ying put his arms behind his head, stretched out his hand and waved a cloud, blocked the moon, turned off the lights to heaven and earth, closed his eyes, and prepared to sleep with him.

Who would have thought, as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard Chi Xiaochi whisper to him: "Lou Brother?"

... haven't fallen asleep?

Lou Ying turned around, facing Xiang Xiaochi, but didn't open his eyes, as if he was just stunned by a faint sound, and soon fell into sleep.

Chi Xiaochi also looked sideways at Lou Ying, thinking of his future, thinking of his first kiss scene, and suddenly a strong curiosity rose.

... he still remembered the first kiss with Lou Ying. It was in the Mecha world. With the driving force of pheromone, he had the accidental kiss.

That time was only an unavoidable physiological impulse. In addition to that, I didn't seem to have taken the initiative once, and I didn't know what the real taste of kissing was, whether I would reject it, and so on.

"... Brother Lou?"

Seeing that Lou Ying didn't respond, Chi Xiaochi moisturized his lips a little, sneaked in, and touched the corner of his lips carefully.

Lou Ying's fist clenched abruptly, his arms strained and his muscles bulged.

But Koike was unaware. He snorted, sipped, tasted, and found that he didn't really have any nausea.

He doesn't know how to kiss. Since Sun Lao knew about his problem, he would try to avoid kiss scenes when he wrote the script for him, so he didn't have much time to practice.

Today, he is doing this for the first time.

The taste of the lips is very soft, like some kind of delicious food.

He lowered his head carefully again and kissed Lou Ying's lips.

Lou Ying's masseter muscles closed for a moment, and Chi Xiaochi immediately retreated like a bird of surprise. Because the lips were separated too quickly, a thin watery snoring sound was made at the junction of the lips.

Chi Xiaochi observed Lou Ying for a while, suspecting that it was his own illusion.

He felt his temperature was a bit high. After holding his back for a while, he got close to Lou Ying. A kiss moved for a long while, and he wanted to fall, and he chose to close his lower lip with his lips for a while.

Three tests were declared successful.

Chi Xiaochi was satisfied, and lay back on Lou Ying's arm again, feeling that he could have a good dream tonight.

When he closed his eyes, Lou Ying opened one eye and looked at him secretly, and immediately turned over and took the person into his arms.

Chi Xiaochi was confused and felt like he was being embraced into a warm place, so he followed him.

When he was kissed by Chi Xiaochi, Lou Ying thought a lot, the most thought is that he may not be able to sleep today.

But fortunately, he had time to watch Koike all night.

Lou Ying gently soothed the back of the pond, repeating what had just been said a second time.

"Good night, Koike."

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