Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 249 Table of contents

Everyone was so upset that the second lesson was almost impossible.

Although the broadcast sound was controlled, there was no upper limit on the volume of the children, especially they were engaged in fun sports games. The screams were one after another, as if the chicken factory had been bombed.

The spirit of the English teacher on the stage had obviously been devastated in the first class. She taught in the sound of a chicken with the same tone as usual, and gave herself up.

Compared to the second high school of chicken flying dog jumping, it will also be a holiday in two days, and a high learning atmosphere will be much better.

Lou Ying played by 089 is sitting in the middle of the third row of the class, the best position in the class.

He lowered his head and used a fine needle to engraved something on a thing. His movements and expressions were idle, with little usual attention, which attracted the attention of mathematics teachers.

Lou Ying is the star of hope in almost all of Gao's teaching career. Each teacher secretly hopes to add glory to his career by taking this student who can not be met in the future. The day before yesterday, he suddenly asked for leave because of his bad mental state, which caused a small storm in the teaching team. Today he came back to class easily, but he still looked like this absent-minded. I deliberately picked a function problem that was slightly more difficult than the normal horizontal line, and asked the students to come up and calculate.

He knocked on the blackboard: "Lou Ying, come up."

089 looked up in doubt, "Huh?"

Seeing his uncharacteristic laziness, the math teacher had a big head and had to repeat his request: "Come up as a demonstration and give everyone a solution to this problem."

089 slowly went to the podium, revisited the questions the teacher had just read, and began to write the answer methodically.

The chalk rubbed against the blackboard, sifting fine dust all the way.

After solving the beginning, he took the blackboard eraser and wiped out everything he had just written.

His previous thinking and steps for answering were completely correct. The teacher saw that Lou Ying was still that Lou Ying, and he had put down his heart. Seeing him erase the written answer again, he couldn't help wondering: "Hey ..."

089 turned his head: "I thought of an easier way."

Can write at least five steps of the deduction process than before.

After completing the answering process, he returned to his seat under the envious eyes of his classmates and continued his private work.

As soon as he entered the system, 089 was assigned by the Lord God, and he was responsible for drawing lots, and he was not allowed to participate in field work.

One of the most important reasons is that 089 cares too much about his personal life and ideals, and never minds other people's views and eyes on him. Therefore, his first impression is stupid, as if he can easily control and control, suitable Put it in an important position that is convenient for the Lord God to manipulate.

Not to mention that the Lord God made a wrong judgment. Even 089's parents once regarded him as an unwise child.

... until he got his transcript for the first time.

When I was a child, I wrote articles and talked about my future ideals. Other children wrote about being a policeman and a scientist, and 089 wrote that my lifelong dream is to be someone else's father.

This article was read as a joke by the language teacher throughout the year.

When we were kids, when we were joking with each other, we were always fighting to be the father. When we got older, we knew the weight of the word "daddy" and understood the relative dimensions of people. Naturally, we forgot the absurdity in our youth.

But 089 has never forgotten.

Ten years later, 089 Ji Feihong became the only person in the class to realize his dream.

No one thinks that a person who is in the early 700s of the college entrance examination and who is close to the perfect score in mathematical physics should report to the kindergarten major, but Ji Feihong has gone.

He passed the kindergarten certificate and returned to his orphanage.

He is the father of all the children here, and he can let them have a warm and comfortable home again.

At the age of 24, Ji Feihong died in a car accident.

Since then, he has a new home in another place.

Actually, this time it was Chi Koike who wanted to break up.

In this world, the Lord God did not send 089, but after he heard that 061 came to a parallel world, he asked him to come to take the place of his own initiative.

He has an important thing to do.

When the bell rang in the second quarter, many students hurry up and fell on the table to make up for their sleep, and 089 stood up and entered the men's toilet cubicle.

After making sure the door was locked, 089 closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he had transferred himself to a room he had never been more familiar with.

Because there are very few sundries, the room looks quite empty and clean. Only the wall-mounted bookcase surrounded by three sides, and at least thousands of private collections on it, make this place slightly different.

089 stood in the room and glanced at his watch.

Because the teacher dragged the classroom for two minutes and was full of calculations, he now only has seven minutes of breaks between classes, and due to quality issues, he cannot always occupy the bathroom and affect others to solve normal physiological needs.

So, he only had three minutes to accomplish what he wanted to do.

... but three minutes is enough for him.

Sure enough, within a moment, familiar footsteps came from outside.

089 I remember correctly.

At this moment when he is alive, he should have just finished the second lesson and let the bear children go out to play, and he will return to the room to eat snacks and replenish his strength as usual.

The next second, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Ji Feihong of this world stood at the door, facing each other with 089 faces wearing Lou Ying's skin.

Ji Feihong stepped back and confirmed that this was indeed his bedroom before asking the young student in front of him: "... are you?"

089 straight forward: "Do you want to go abroad?"

Ji Feihong: "Ha?"

089: "If you go abroad and find someone, you might save his life. Will you go?"

Ji Feihong scratched his hair: "Is this a trick game?"

089 repeated his own question: "Will you go?"

Ji Feihong cleaned his face slightly: "Seriously?"

089: "Yes, seriously."

Ji Feihong nodded without hesitation: "Of course we have to go."

089 passed the self-made note paper to him: "I wrote all the relevant stuff on it. He lives in Eastern Europe, the Kiev region of Ukraine. There is a tree-lined road near the most famous St. Andre church, His family lives at No. 66, Podir Block at the end of the East Boulevard. His mother has Chinese ancestry, his Chinese is very good, and there is no need to worry about communication barriers. His full name is Zhuang Changting, English name Ruian, Zhuang Rui'an, 27 .When you get there, just inquire about him and you will know where he is. "

"... He's a good-looking person." When referring to that name, 089's voice was unconsciously softened and lightened, "White hair, white eyelashes, but bad eyes, and congenital heart disease. You have to remind He must be hospitalized on September 8 next year, observe carefully, stay for three days, and do not leave during this time. He died in the early morning of September 11. Remember? "

Ji Feihong looked over the note in his hand: "Remember. Then how can I convince him that I am telling the truth?"

089: "That's your business."

Ji Feihong refreshed: "OK."

089: "Thank you."

"It's convenient to tell me who you are?" Ji Feihong held the note in his palm. "Time traveler? Or a future person?"

089 will not explain anymore, and hurry up for the last time to inform him of the most important thing: "And you, remember around the end of August next year, don't drive out. Even if you must drive, you must be careful of tired drivers . "

The three minutes he had scheduled for himself soon came to an end.

089 pushed open the bathroom door, and just returned to the classroom to sit down. There were three handover signals from 061 within half a minute.

089 smiled.

Last time, I couldn't wait to see 61, but it was when he first figured out his feelings for Chi Xiaochi before he formatted it.

He pressed the transfer button.

The next second, 089 changed back to work clothes in white and black trousers and stood at the transfer point in the main **** space.

Taking advantage of this transfer time, the two quickly exchanged existing messages.

"Received the prize?"

"Well. Have you seen Ji Feihong from that world?"

"Just got it, it's time to explain. It took three minutes."

"Three minutes?" Lou Ying was surprised. "You teleported in front of him?"


"... Aren't you afraid you'll disappear suddenly, it will scare him?"

"No. Nothing can scare me."

"Are you sure he will go?"

"If it was me, I would definitely go."

"So confident?"

"of course."

The tone of 089 is as confident as ever.

Sometimes, this kind of overconfidence always makes him want to slap him, but sometimes it makes him show an indescribable charm.

089 said: "... myself, I know."

Lou Ying patted his shoulder.

"I'm leaving soon." 089 said, "Now the brain probably wants to squeeze me severely, and arranged a lot of replacement tasks for me. I have more than 200 tasks to be completed, and I don't know if they will When will it be teleported? I didn't expect to do something good for me and 23 in another world before leaving.

Lou Ying raised his eyes and found that the time was almost up, and the forced teleportation was about to start. As soon as he wanted to say some farewell, 089 grasped his wrist.

He whispered: "I also brought a greeting to my daughter-in-law. My father is poor and there is nothing to send. The things are in your two warehouses. Do n’t eat them."

At the same time, the teacher on the side of Chi Xiaochi had given up the resistance in the laughter of the children next door and chose to let them study by themselves.

And Chi Xiaochi also found an extra item in his warehouse.

He counted everything in the warehouse, and suddenly there was one more item, which was naturally eye-catching.

Chi Xiaochi pulled it and found that it was a bag of mimi shrimp sticks with a note more prominent than it: "Dear daughter-in-law".

Chi Xiaochi tore the note, took the shrimp stick out, and shook the bag slightly.

There was a rattling snack noise.

At the same table, he was studying unconsciously, his eyes glanced at the ringing, and he suddenly lighted up, "You have such a good thing? Come, confiscated."

Chi Koike said, "It's '82."

At the same table: "The year of founding must be confiscated."

Chi Xiaochi: "Open your hands, I will give you points."

At the same table: "Look at your stinginess."

Chi Xiaochi: "I give you a chance to reorganize your language."

At the same table: "Dad."

Chi Xiaochi and the same table joke, poked his hands into the shrimp bag, and accidentally touched an unusual hard object in the corner.

He grabbed a small piece of shrimp and shared it with the same table, and then shared the remaining shrimp with the front and rear seats. In the end, he left himself an empty bag with only a few shrimp bars, a small disk, and ten A few grains of rice.

Is it rice or crystal clear raw rice?

The rice has delicate carvings, and I don't know when 089 secretly crafted such a craft.

Chi Xiaochi put the rice carving on the textbook and looked down.

"Previously, 61 was given to me before it was formatted."

"In the beginning, 61 gave this to me in snacks."

"I have kept it for so long, and it is time to return it to its owner."

"A 32-bit password, not your or his initials."

"Full spelling, Morse password, I have tried all existing password puzzle solving methods."

"Don't waste your time."

"Not the birthday of either of you."

"It's not your birthday encryption. I've tried any existing encryption method."

"Not your parents' birthday."

"Not the file numbers, student numbers, and lucky numbers that appear in any of you."

"Not your movie name abbreviation."

"Not the time you used to kiss someone in a movie."

"Not any number related to my 23."

"I tried my best to crack it for you."

"After eating, I've been disinfected."

After watching Koike, I thought, 089, I did my best.

Moreover, he probably thought that he was really about to leave the space of the Lord God, and then he would risk entrusting such things to him.

089 was even afraid that the Lord God observed it, so that he didn't dare to transmit it into his body in a digital way.

It was only when holding such a thing in the palm that Chi Xiaochi had a heavy sense of reality.

He used to think he was awake enough, but never like this, he was splashed with cold water, leaving only cold bones all over his body.

... He was really immersed in this world.

There were rattling sounds of hamsters all around.

Chi Xiaochi has no familiar friends, no junior high school and high school classmates, and for so many years, he has only one Lucas.

The things around him belonged to Chi Xiaochi, but they did not belong to Chi Xiaochi.

This feeling was really awful, reminding him of a distant past, the liar who told him to wait until three in the morning.


During that time, Chi Xiaochi was not happy.

He had a perverted illegitimate meal.

At first, I only received hundreds of roses, and letters filled with love and lip marks were sent to the company.

Later, a car of more than 100,000 parked at the door of Chi Xiaochi's home. The car TV inside was playing the movie of Chi Xiaochi, and used condoms were thrown on the front and rear seats.

Chi Xiaochi called the police, but the police failed to catch anyone.

The other person is a very experienced person who knows how to cover his own characteristics and whereabouts. The car he parked in front of Chi Xiaochi's house was also a stolen car.

The severity of the incident has escalated.

One day, Chi Xiaochi ate a small squared thing wrapped in toilet paper in his takeaway.

As soon as it was opened, it contained a thin blade stained with unknown blood.

Four dark red characters were written in blood on the toilet paper: "Look at me."

Lucas yelled in horror, pulled Chi Xiaochi for a physical examination, and sent the blade for testing, for fear of any infectious disease.

The test result came out of human blood. Fortunately, after testing, the possibility of infectious diseases was initially ruled out, but the corresponding blood type could not be found in the current DNA library.

On the day the test results came out, the illegitimate meal sent a private letter to Chi Xiaochi's Weibo with a trumpet.

"Is my blood delicious?"

"If you like it, I'll make blood tofu next time and give it to you."

As a result, the next day after the two messages were sent, the police informed that the illegitimate meal had been caught on the net, and had been stunned, and was being rescued in the ICU.

...... It's a little bit short of passing away.

Since that illegitimate meal appeared, Lucas slept with Chi Xiaochi every day, and was so scared and scared with him for so many days. After receiving the news, he was browful and exasperated. He repeatedly said that he would use his old man's relationship to kill the **** and let him Go in and pick up the soap for a lifetime, and also buy ten grapefruits for Chi Xiaochi, peeling and bathing.

As a result, Lucas just left Chi Xiaochi's house, a Weibo private message was sent over: "You don't have to worry, he won't come again."

The private letter stopped for about half an hour, as if he was hesitating.

Chi Xiaochi saw that he typed and deleted, and deleted and typed in again, and found this person a little funny.

Finally, he delivered the results for half an hour: "Don't be afraid."

Chi Xiaochi thinks this person is weird, and there must be the following.

Sure enough, after that, he would talk to Chi Xiaochi every day.

Unlike fans' large essays, he only keeps "entering", making Chi Xiaochi think this person is the first time in his life to be a brain residual fan, green and funny.

Later, Chi Xiaochi couldn't help but asked him before going to bed one day: "What on earth do you want to enter?"

A quick reply over there: "Want to say good night."

Chi Xiaochi: "Ah, that was said, good night."

The other side was probably afraid of getting noisy, so I stopped typing, but made Ko Koike a bit unwilling to look at the phone.

I don't know why, Ikekoike always cares about him.

He even gave the other party a nickname, which was "in progress".

At that time, he just killed a movie. For his safety considerations, Lucas's announcements for him were not too intensive. He had a little spare time and simply used to chat with interested netizens.

The other party seemed to be very busy, but as long as Ichi Koike answered him, he would reply in seconds.

The relationship between the two did not develop very deeply, but there were occasional chats.

The other person is a very modest person, with a gentle word. It can be seen that Koike is very cautious, not like a fan who yells for confession, nor is he an unscrupulous swinger, but he is like making friends with idols of.

Ikkoike doesn't hate him.

So their friendship lasted for two months.

Until that day, the other party sent a sapphire ring, saying that he intended to give it to the loved one.

That ring theory design and finesse are all first-class, except for the ridiculously expensive, changing the pool to buy it can not bear the pain, there is no harm.

To be honest, this ring Iike Koike really likes it.

"It's expensive," he said.

The other party said, "Affordable. Like?"

Chi Xiaochi: "Ask me if I like to do anything?"

The other party said, "You like me to buy it for you."

After experiencing illegitimate meals, Chi Xiaochi was more than twice as sensitive to such things. After smelling a bit of something wrong, he decisively stopped talking to him.

The other party quickly realized that he had crossed the border and hurriedly sent an apology: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"I saw this ring today and I really like it, so I want to send it to you."

"I shouldn't say that."

Looking at his words, Chi Xiaochi was upset with an unspeakable distraction, picked up his cell phone, and intended to hack the other party.

He has not developed any ability to be intimate, and he should not delay anyone or give this illusion to anyone.

These two months, he really lost his head.

The other party seemed to notice something, hurriedly edited a message, and sent it over.

As soon as Yu Guang in the corner of Chi Xiaochi's eyes swept over those four words, the whole person froze.

"... I'm Lou Ying."

Chi Xiaochi blew up on the spot.

He instantly smashed a lot of cursing words, and just about to send it, there was the next text message: "When I was young, I told you that my mother had my brother or sister in the stomach when I left. In order to comfort me, the school borrowed the clothes of the dance team girls. "

Chi Xiaochi was silly.

All his savvy evaporates out of thin air at that moment, typing dumbly: "... how do you know?"

There was a mild way: "I'm Lou Ying."

Chi Xiaochi said, "I don't believe it."

This sentence was repeatedly spoken that night by him.

The man over there said with a temper, something that only he and Brother Lou knew.

In the end, Chi Koike said with tears, "I don't believe it."

The other side hesitated for a while before making up their minds. The gentleman sent out an invitation: "Are there any time at 7:30 this Sunday evening, I'll wait for you at the western restaurant on the TV tower."

It took a long time from Tuesday to Sunday to digest the news.

The other party refused to say what he had done over the years, saying that this was a confidential work secret that could not be disclosed, but he said that over the years, he would often come back to see Koike. He knew what happened to him and how hard he had worked.

These simple words, sweet Koike holding a mobile phone full of bed roll.

As the day of meeting approached, Chi Koike was skeptical and gradually became as happy as a child before the spring tour.

He booked the table three days in advance, pushed all the announcements, and called Lucas early Sunday morning to tell him what to wear for his appointment today.

Lucas doesn't know why Chi Xiaochi is so happy, but he really likes to see Chi Xiaochi look like this: "My baby looks good no matter what."

Chi Xiaochi was dissatisfied. He changed his school uniform, sweater, white shirt, and finally chose a small suit for self-cultivation. He wanted Lou to see how good he was when he grew up.

At 6pm on Sunday, he arrived at the restaurant and arrived at the reserved place.

His suit matches the color of the tablecloths and cutlery.

On the table is the hornbill flower decorated by Ikkoike, decorated with eustoma flowers, fresh and dripping with dew, perfect.

But these are not enough to satisfy Koike.

He repeatedly checked the position of his little bow tie, checked whether the red wine on the table was awake, and checked whether the cups and bowls were straight.

He ordered the rose-shaped napkin at first, but at 7:15 he called the waiter and replaced the rose with a sailboat.

Seeing that the minute hand slid a little to half past seven, Chi Xiaochi's hands clenched, and the student put his fists on his knees, sitting upright, waiting religiously for his hope to come.

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