Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 255 Table of contents

Lou Ying returned to the main **** space and closed himself in the room for several days, knocking on the door several times between 089 and 023, and he did not have the intention of receiving.

Strong blame wrapped him up.

Chi Xiaochi is his neighbor's younger brother, who grew up with him and was a teenager held by him. They did hope for the future together, but that is just a general understanding of the "future" by young people, and it does not contain Any stingy content.

How could he think of him like that?

How can he like Chi Koike?

Under the chaotic mood, Lou Ying can only paralyze himself by work.

He received his eighth host non-stop, and hurried to office.

Similar to the first host he took, Lu Fan, the eighth host, was a timid and restrained young man. He was ordinary in appearance and did not like to talk. He was a otaku in this world, and he was not easy to speak.

Lou Ying devoted all his energies and took him with great care.

Because even if there is even a little bit of leisure, he can't help but miss this small piece of free time.

In the past, Lou Ying took this thought as a matter of course.

Koike is his younger brother, and he always feels uneasy like that. Every move of his will naturally affect Lou Ying's mood. He can't help but want to hug him, comfort him, accompany him, and kiss his hair.

It's different now, nothing is the same, everything has changed.

Lou Ying began to escape.

During the rest period between tasks, he no longer went back to visit Koike, but stayed with the host all the way.

Lu Fan said embarrassedly, "Mr. Lou, you don't have to stay with me all the time, you can do your own business."

Lou Ying lied, "I have nothing to do when I go back."

He hasn't been back to visit relatives for a long time, and hasn't gone to 023 for a long time to inquire about Chi Xiaochi.

Lou Ying believes that this strange feeling is like a pan that is on fire. As long as the flame is held down with a lid to isolate the oxygen, it will slowly go out soon.

At that time, everything will return to the right track, and his mischief for Koike will gradually become normal.

However, this deliberate isolation has turned out to be the exact opposite effect.

Lou Ying began to dream frequently, dreaming of his past with Chi Xiaochi, dreaming that he and the grown-up Koike went out for a picnic, dreaming that he buckled the empty flower pot on Xiaochi's head and cut his hair.

The happier you are in your dreams, the more awakened you are.

One day, he dreamed that Koike kissed him.

Since that day, he dare not dream any more.

When Lu Fan was sleeping, Lou Ying would always return to the Sanda ground of the main **** space alone, knocking down the 17 opponents simulated by the system.

Lou Ying panted and fell in the middle of the open field, covering his eyes with his hands, secretly gritting his teeth.

... how can you think of him like that.

Lou Ying had never solved such a difficult problem in his life. He didn't know how to do so to offset his feelings. He could only evade, flinch, and then lost his helmet and armor.

He kept everything related to Chi Koike and never talked to him about it again.

023 was very worried about his condition, and wanted to ask him what he saw and what happened when he went back to visit the original World Line.

But 089 held him back: "Don't ask."

023 puzzled: "I just want to know what happened to him."

089 said: "He has no answer himself, how can I tell you."

Lou Ying evaded everything about Chi Xiaochi so carefully. Whoever wanted this evasion would be suddenly broken by the host Lu Fan.

One night, Lu Fan asked him, "Mr. Lou, are you free?"

Lou Ying treats each host with the same gentleness: "Yes. What's wrong?"

Lu Fan fought for a while, then said, "Nothing, I just want to watch a movie with you."

As soon as the word "movie" was mentioned, Lou Ying was twisted with carelessness. He was sour.

He put out the photo library and let Lu Fan choose it.

After turning over two pages, Lu Fan may not find the desired target, but clicked into "the movie you play most often".

Lou Ying's heart burst suddenly, and it was too late to think of words to stop.

Lu Fan pointed to the "Headland Murder Case", and exclaimed: "215 times! Mr. Lou, does this movie look so good?"

Lou Ying was speechless.

He couldn't tell a lie that "this movie is not good-looking," and nodded, "Yes, it's not bad."

Lu Fan said excitedly: "You like it so much, let's look at this."

Lou Ying: "... Okay."

Despite being disturbed by such unexpected emotions every day, Lou Ying has never forgotten his business.

After his investigation, Lu Fan's body is also embedded with a conductive line that transports the entropy value, and sends out entropy values ​​of varying amounts every day.

Lou Ying recorded the daily fluctuation records in detail, and gradually found out by comparison, which world the host devotes the most affection to, the more he enters the play with the task object, the more energy he will get.

Lou Ying is not a person who can easily draw conclusions.

He would only list the problems and conditions he found, and after careful calculation, he finally came to a relatively reliable and logical conclusion.

The current evidence can at least explain that the main **** has serious behaviors that violate greedy entropy.

Because in the contract between the system and the host, there is no mention of the fact that the entropy value will be collected from the host.

After Lu Fan completed his fourth mission, he took a half-month seaside vacation, and Lou Ying returned to his long-distance dormitory, and performed all the data obtained during these days in a rare quiet. A thorough induction and organization.

In the process of sorting out, he came up with the idea of ​​appealing to the direct supervisory authority.

Lou Ying felt that there was a truth behind him that he could not reach.

Lou Ying has such a personality, just do it.

He compared the existing materials and began to prepare the first draft of the appeal materials.

Unexpectedly, when the complaint materials were sorted in half, he felt a cold on his back.

... It was a strong discomfort that was spied on.

Lou Ying turned back suddenly.

Behind him is a clean wall, with only a frame hanging, and the watercolor paintings of the landscape he drew, which depict the abandoned railroad tracks that he and Chi Xiaochi once walked together in the sunset.

Just now ... Is it his illusion?

Lou Ying turned around, facing his own record panel full of data, looking calm and thinking.

He remembers that the Lord God has signed strict privacy regulations with the system, and one of them is that the Lord God has no right to spy on the privacy of the system.

However, the main **** also buried energy transmission lines in the host without permission.

This proves that ...

Lou Ying raised her hand, and a light blue streamer of data gathered on her fingertips.

He put his finger on the wall, and Ren silk thread tangled and melted with the wall made of data, like putting a butterfly into a deep forest and letting water flow into the sea.

Gradually, the light blue silk stretched to every part of the room's walls, cocooning the room imperviously.

As long as anyone wants to spy on him again, it is impossible not to touch these threads.

Once touched, the information can be instantly fed back to Lou Ying.

Whether it is an illusion or not, prevention is always right.

Lou Ying opened the stool and sat down to keep busy.

Only at this time, he was able to put down Koike.

After the second round of combing and review came to an end, Lou Ying stretched his body a few times on the stool, thinking about his next move.

He had to go back to Lu Fan's rest station first to see how he played on the beach vacation. After confirming that he was in good condition, he would ...

... and then where can I go.

Lou Ying pressed her forehead in distress.

He was again embarrassed by this problem.

He could only give up thinking and return to the rest station.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fan, who said he was going to the beach to drink coconut, actually sat on his knees in that pure white space, his expression did not look very good.

Lou Ying asked softly: "What's wrong, Lu Fan?"

Lu Fan asked the question abruptly: "Mr. Lou, do you have anyone you like?"

Lou Ying's heart was poked without warning.

He calmly asked, "Why do you say that?"

Lu Fan said, "You are my system. I want to know more about you, so I went to see all the videos you watched.-The most videos you watched are all related to a person called Chi Xiaochi. "

Lou Ying tilted his head: "He's an actor. I like to watch his movies. I've just been too busy recently and haven't seen it again."

Lu Fan said, "However, there are 7 more broadcasts."


Lu Fan opened the light screen, entered the movie library, and selected "the movie you play most often", and found "Cape Murder Case".

He pointed to the play volume in the bottom right corner.

...... displayed 223 times.

Lu Fan whispered, "I watched it that day, and fell asleep. The other 7 times, you watched that night."

Lou Ying froze.

He remembered.

Before the movie was played that day, he quietly set the movie to loop mode.

Lu Fan fell asleep, and the movie was turned silent by him and replayed again and again.

During this replay period, Lou Ying's heart was very peaceful because he found an excuse to miss and stare at Chi Xiaochi freely.

... but he didn't even think about it, there were 7 times.

"Koike is the brother of my neighbor's house." After a long pause, Lou Ying gritted his teeth and stubbornly resisted. "I don't have that feeling for him ..."

Lu Fan's tone was a little bit excited: "Really?"

Lou Ying stopped talking.

He remembered that when he saw the intimate behavior of Chi Xiaochi and Song Zhihuai that day, his heart seemed to bite a lemon. He thought of the thoughts and longings that have been around day and night since these days.

Lou Ying closed her eyes and smiled bitterly.

To his own heart, he gave the long-awaited answer: "... false."

Lou Ying likes Koike.

After leaving him alone in the world for many years, he realized how much he liked him.

Lu Fan pursed his mouth and laughed, "Ah, I know. Mr. Lou is so good, he should have a name."

Lou Ying said, "No."

Lu Fan: "Nothing?"

Lou Ying: "He has 11 million kinds of futures and possibilities .... but it will never be me."

With these words coming out, Lou Ying's tense heart finally fell heavily.

Since this time, he has struggled and evaded, but it is because he refuses to admit that Chi Xiaochi can never belong to him.

Chi Xiaochi has Lucas and Song Zhihuai, and more people will come to him in the future.

When Lou Ying died, it was his friend and his elder brother, and he would always stay at this step, and it was impossible to move forward any step.

"Ah ..." Lu Fan paused for a moment, "In this case, does Mr. Lou still like him?"

After accepting that initial answer, Lou Ying already had the courage to answer all questions.

He said to himself, "Yes, I like it."

Seeing Lu Fan falling into silence again, Lou Ying remembered the question he wanted to ask when he first saw him here: "Don't you go to the beach?"

"No more. Alone basking in the sun for a long time and found nothing to play with." Lu Fan sucked his nose and smiled, "Let's go, let's go to the next world."

They traveled two worlds together, and Lou Ying began to pay attention to the information related to Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi's new drama is about to come on. I heard that it is a movie related to basketball. In the movie, he has short hair styling, a refreshing black sports hair band wrapped around his forehead, and his skin is white and clean. He embraces an orange-red basketball and is full of youth and health.

The crew was obviously very satisfied with this set of looks, and when running the propaganda, he also made him appear short.

The host asked him, "How does it feel to cut short hair?"

Chi Xiaochi thought about it and said, "I feel like I'm not wearing clothes."

Lou Ying watched the live broadcast of his propaganda conference remotely, listening to him talking nonsense, could not laugh or cry.

Sure enough, because of "improper words and deeds", he attracted a lot of criticism from the media, which not only attracted a lot of popularity for the film in disguise, but also put himself on the cusp again.

Lou Ying originally wanted to go back to accompany Chi Xiaochi, but Lu Fan said that he wanted to quickly return to the original world and didn't want to waste too much time on unnecessary breaks, so they had to rest for a maximum of one or two days at a time. Go to the next world.

Lou Ying regards Lu Fan as hope, because he may be the first host who has the opportunity to return to his original world, so he is willing to accompany Lu Fan to pivot.

And because Lu Fan knew that he was not humane, Lou Ying was more willing to regard him as a friend than a "hope".

In his opinion, Lu Fan did the same.

He would even gossipy about Gossip Lou Ying and Chi Xiaochi's past. When forced by him, Lou Ying would pick up one or two interesting things to tell Lu Fan.

When speaking, Lou Ying's tongue was as sweet as his apex.

Soon, they entered Lu Fan's seventh mission world.

When she opened her eyes at the beginning, Lou Ying said "um" in confusion in her heart.

The strong coffee aroma drifted into the nose first, followed by the slight roar accompanying the old copier brushing and spitting the paper.

On the computer in front of him, there was a PPT that was half done in advertising. On the left hand side was half eaten of semolina biscuits. A small humidifier spit out mist, which made people's dry lips quickly carry fragrance Smell of water vapor.

What puzzles Lou Ying is that the breath of this world is too ordinary.

... like a normal world.

Generally speaking, starting from the third to the fourth world, the world view of the mission world will deviate from the category familiar to the original owner. The fifth and sixth worlds will increase the difficulty of the mission, and there will be a level A difficulty in small probability. The mission, the worldview of the seventh world, will be further distinguished from the previous world.

In short, it will not be as normal as it is now.

In order to avoid mistakes caused by his subjective judgment, Lou Ying quickly glanced at the mission of this world and found that it is also the same--

The original owner is a hard-working white-collar advertising company. His parents love him very much. Although he has no money at home, he grows up in a honey pot and develops a happy character.

One day, his department airborne a design director, two or three months younger than the original owner. I heard that he was the son of a female industry leader and graduated from Cambridge. It is logical that airborne was a deputy manager. They were all polite, but somehow he came to this small department.

The director's eyebrows are strangely similar to the original owner, so his colleagues joked that their two previous lives must be brothers.

The director didn't mind this kind of non-malicious joke. He explained with great grace and occasionally made jokes and called his original brother.

The director is a very friendly and elegant person. The pursuit of the original owner is also silent, step by step, capturing his heart a little, and then snatching him into his arms.

The original owner was not homosexual before. At first, he was helpless and resisted in the pursuit of the director. Later, he slowly fell and fell in love.

When seeing the two look like each other, Lou Ying had a slight premonition.

Sure enough, the original owner and the director had a sweet two-year love relationship. They had planned to go abroad to get married, but accidentally learned that the director was his brother when he called someone.

After all, it is nothing but the love and hatred of the parents' generation, and retribution comes to the next generation.

The father of the original owner interjected into the house of the director's biological mother, but was increasingly tired and unable to breathe under the strength of his wife.

The love between the two was not consumed by the speed of light. The original father's father soon fell in love with another mediocre woman, secretly dating for a long time, until the lover became pregnant, the month was getting bigger, and things could not be hidden. The wife only realized what a man was sleeping next to his pillow.

His wife was too lazy to keep such a man beside him and kicked him out of the house, only to find that he had a child.

Because of her personal constitution, she did not kill the child, but gave birth to the child, and then sent her far away for education abroad.

This child is the current director.

Because he looks too much like his father, his mother is always faint to him.

He lost both parents at the same time, and the orphan grew up abroad.

After many years, the director found out what happened to his family from the people nearby, and returned to investigate, but found that the woman who had stolen his father had a happy and happy family. The two children enjoyed what he never Passive, complete love, not even knowing what it was sacrificed for.

He's crazy.

So he tried every means to get his half-brother into the same madness as himself.

The final result is that the original owner could not accept such a relationship of infidelity, was extremely painful and depressed, and ended suicide.

Looking at this plot full of unforgettable style, Lou Ying was still in pain, but still could not ignore the unnaturalness of the world line itself.

——This type of world line should generally appear in the second and third tasks, which does not meet the basic characteristics of the seventh world line.

Moreover, for some reason, there was a strange weird feeling in Lou Yin's heart.

When Lu Fan read the World Line, he sifted the story again and again.

Repeated reading, he still hasn't reached a decent result, but the strange feeling of entanglement in his heart is getting stronger.

Before he could get the thread out of the mess, a document fell to him.

Lou Ying looked up, in front of the former director of the original owner, a middle-aged man with thin hair.

He knocked on the table: "This is the final version of Rolla's shooting plan. It has been sent to photographers before. You can send a few more paper versions to the third booth and keep them for future use."

Lu Fan responded with a "hey", leaving the office holding the file, and whispered, "Mr. Lou, download a company map for me."

Without his reminder, Lou Ying has started to download.

When he was connected to the Internet, his already strange and strange feeling became clear and strong again.

When the document was sent to the third booth, a bearded photographer was debugging the machine. His assistant took the document and sent Lu Fan indifferently to leave.

Because of Chi Xiaochi's sake, Lou Ying also had a minimum understanding of the events in the circle.

An indoor advertisement is about to be shot here. The floor is covered with white fluffy feathers. One hundred spotlights pre-dazzled the dazzling lights and shadows. The texture of all the props is quite advanced. It can be concluded that this advertisement is at least quite sincere in preparation.

Out of the shed, Lu Fan nervously stroked his chest: "They are really big heads."

Lou Ying set out to make a **** attack plan for Lu Fan in the world, comforting himself: "Normal. Do what they do ..."

During the talk, one person and one system left the shed No. 3 and entered the office lobby of the main building through the side entrance.

When Lou Ying followed the host, he used to explore the surrounding situation for the host as soon as he entered the door.

After turning his eyes half a hall away, his heart suddenly numbed and stopped for a moment.

At first, Lou Ying thought that he missed Koike so much that he would see his phantom.

But next to Koike in Lou Ying's fantasy, the head that always keeps colorful and changes color every season like miracles and warmth often does not appear.

Lucas had grown her hair and had a vibrant wine-red color.

And Chi Xiaochi ’s hair had n’t had time to grow long. The short hair trimmed above his ears added some style to him. The dark blue cashmere long coat did not cover half of his thighs, and the knees extended below him and The calf lines are extremely clean.

He had a pair of sunglasses large enough to cover half his face. Probably it was a bit longer in the winter outdoors. His lower half of his face was pale and frosty. Only his lips returned blood, showing a touch of red.

However, it was obviously such a heroic dress, but the man was sipping a hot cup of pearl milk tea, as childish as ever.

Lou Ying's heartbeat slowly accelerated, eventually reaching a drum-like frequency.

He finally realized where the indistinct weirdness just now came from.

The problem is not the plot of the World Line at all, but the World Line itself.

——This is World Route 707.

——World Line 707 is the world he has lived in, and the world where Chi Koike exists.

... What good luck will allow him to be teleported here randomly?

Waiting for Lou Ying to understand this problem, Chi Xiaochi and Lucas have come one after the other.

Lucas looked down to check the schedule on the memo, while Chi Xiaochi focused on the pearls in the tea cup, and did not intend to keep his eyes on the young employee who fixed his eyes on him.

The direction they are going to ... is the third shed.

Lu Fan also recognized who the oncoming person was, and stood up in shock, whispering: "... Mr. Lou?"

Lou Ying felt numb and heartless, speechless.

It wasn't until seeing Chi Xiaochi in person that Lou Ying realized how much he missed him.

I want to hug him.

Want to kiss his ear.

Want to say what you like about him, even if you lose it.

All this, he used to think about.

But now he has the ability to achieve it.

Although there is a ban inside the system, the system is not allowed to have entities in the mission world, but the Lord God cannot stare at them all the time.

As long as the host's consent is obtained and energy is not used, then turning the body and acting freely is simply a matter of opening and closing your eyes.

As Chi Xiaochi got closer and closer, Lou Ying's reason was gradually devoured by the missing of months.

As he was about to pass away with Chi Xiaochi, Lou Ying actually drove the original owner's hand and put it lightly on Chi Xiaochi's arm with milk tea.

... for almost ten years.

After exhausting the past ten years, Lou Ying and Koike passed through countless times, and finally met him.

Even so, he only dare to touch his forearm with restraint.

Chi Xiaochi's response was several times more than he thought.

He simply knocked off Lou Ying's hand, and made a loud noise.

Lou Ying was snoozed.

Chi Xiaochi frowned, stepped back two steps, and looked at the stranger with 100,000 guards and hostility.

Lucas, who has been tossed by the negative news of Chi Xiaochi these days, has been conditioned to reflect. He immediately stunned his cell phone and jumped out of the spirit to jump out for Chi Xiaochi. Don't get upset with him if you get up again. "

Lucas held down Chi Xiaochi, whispering fiercely: "Say sorry."

Chi Xiaochi bowed his head, apologizing.

With seven worlds of accumulated experience, Lu Fan's ability to respond on the spot is not weak: "I'm sorry, you are the one ... That Chi Xiaochi, Teacher Chi, right? I, I heard you will come, so I want Signatures. "

Lucas was afraid that Chi Xiaochi would make another mess, and almost forced him to sign Lu Fan.

When the young employee who asked for his signature went away, Lucas slaps angrily on the back of Chi Xiaochi: "My living ancestor! Don't mess with me! If you are photographed, you'll play properly. Big name, ten mouths can't tell! I've been busy lately, don't you change your tricks to work for me ?! "

Chi Xiaochi frowned: "I don't like people to touch me casually."

Lucas remembered it, and he cried, "Forget it. Don't feel bad about your stomach."

Chi Xiaochi bit his cyan tresses and said, "It's okay."

After a brief intersection, the two went in exactly the opposite direction.

Chi Xiaochi seemed to have something in mind. He touched the arm he was touched by that hand, moved his hand to the chest, pressed it hard, and a little confusion appeared between his eyebrows.

He stopped and looked back at the young man who had reached the diagonal of the hall and was going up the stairs.

Lou Ying in Lu Fan's body looked back at Chi Xiaochi silently, and traced his eyebrows with his eyes.

But Lu Fan never walked back.

Seeing that the person had no intention of turning back, Chi Xiaochi himself felt how ridiculous the idea that had just emerged for no reason.

Pulling his lips, he threw the empty tea cup into the trash can, and strode towards the third shed.

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