Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 264 Table of contents

Zhu Shoucheng's son had no time to manage the wound on his face and made several phone calls in a row to try to borrow money from friends.

Unfortunately, the new colleague was not very familiar with him. When he could not explain the reasons, he naturally refused to lend a large amount of money and politely refused; domestic friends and customers knew that he had gone to the United States. Hearing him borrowing money, he knew whether he would go back or not, all of them called Haha tightly.

He called for an hour and only borrowed 30,000 yuan from his high school friends.

The son squeezed his phone and wiped his eyes.

Fortunately, at least visits are allowed.

But when his son saw the tragic situation of his father with his own eyes, he almost frightened his soul.

It was only a few hours when he didn't see him. Zhu Shoucheng was completely depressed and lost most of his energy. His legs shook straight, and he ended up with a pair of pants and was stained with tan dirt.

As soon as he saw his son, Zhu Shoucheng's eyes stagnated for a few seconds before slowly lighting up. It was like seeing a straw for life, fluttering forward, crashing in front of the glass and screaming, "Son, Aning! Save me Take me out! "

Zhu Ning was bluffed by his father and turned pale: "Dad! What's the matter with you ?!"

He turned to the prison guard angrily: "You guys are abusing! It is naked personal injury! I want to sue you!"

The prison guard's answer was a careless faction: "This is an internal conflict between prisoners, and we have stopped it."

Zhu Shoucheng cried and smashed, smashing his desktop with both fists: "I can't stay here for a second! The group of people are completely crazy! They are abnormal!"

Zhu Ning swallowed, daring not to think about what happened to his respected father, so he asked repeatedly: "Dad, is there any discomfort in your body?"

"It's good if you come ... just fine if you come." Zhu Shoucheng interrupted him nervously. Where can he keep the attitude of the past, his eyes flashed with a flame of excitement and hope, Hurrying, "Hurry up, take me out!"

Zhu Ning was dumb.

"Dad, calm down ..." Zhu Ning stunned for a long time, but could only utter this meaningless comfort, "Maybe, we have to wait ..."

Zhu Shoucheng leaned forward, pulling the wound on his back, and his pain rose suddenly, and his tone was not as gentle as in the past: "Aren't you saying you can be released on bail?"

Zhu Ning wondered: "But the money I have ..."

Zhu Shoucheng changed his tone in a hurry: "Let me borrow it!"

When Zhu Ning saw that his father had been so painful, he felt distressed immediately: "Dad, can I think of a way again, don't worry-"

How can Zhu Shoucheng not be in a hurry?

Bandits, hooligans, and robbers are in prisons in the United States! The police bandits are in a slump!

He couldn't help but hate a young man who was far away from a foreign country.

... If it was not for Chi Xiaochi, not for those weird dreams, or for the recordings related to him, how could he be forced to come to the United States, and how could he be unlucky to be locked in this magic cave? !!

Zhu Shoucheng had a hoarse throat, rustled his nails and glazed his face: "Let's borrow it! If it's one day later, you will only get my body ..."

Hearing his father's desperation for help, Zhu Ning was terrified. He had to appease his father and sought help from a well-known Chinese lawyer in Honshu overnight.

Because Zhu Ning himself does not have such inferior sexuality, after coming to the United States, she only glanced at the law in this area, and did not take it seriously, thinking that although the problem is not small, it can at least be solved.

However, the lawyer's one-by-one questions alleviated Zhu Ning's fluke.

The lawyer asked, "Where did the video come from? Did he download it from the Internet?"

Zhu Shoucheng's computer was detained as evidence by the police, so Zhu Ning could only shake his head: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I heard he only took a few pictures ..."

The lawyer said, "How many are they?"

Zhu Ning couldn't say why.

After Zhu Ning paid a large salary in advance, the lawyer went to the police station with a briefcase.

Zhu Ning followed the lawyer and waited in the lobby. After he had finished talking with the sheriff, he immediately stood up and asked, "How? How?"

The lawyer's face was so dignified that he could drip water: "Come out with me."

After getting in the car, the lawyer said directly, "It's difficult."

Zhu Ning's heart fell: "How do you say?"

"He holds 11 photos downloaded from the Internet that are related to child pornography," the lawyer said.

Upon hearing this number, Zhu Ning breathed a little sigh of relief, arguing for his father: "My dad just didn't understand. He told me that he only saw it when he saw the pop-up window. This can't blame him ..."

"But it's also illegal."

The pressure that accumulated overnight made Zhu Ning suddenly burst out after hearing this sentence: "What law is this? Doesn't allow others to have curiosity? Why should we catch the viewers and not those who really make videos and pictures? People? Besides, what serious harm can there be to seeing a picture? There are so many people who love to watch horror movies on the Internet, aren't they all murderers? "

Despite struggling to maintain a professional attitude, the lawyer still had a hint of disgust in his expression: "But he also holds more than 170 child pornographic photos of unknown origin and 21 related short videos of unknown origin. Mr. Zhu, this How would you explain it to him? "

Zhu Ning's mouth was slightly open, and he was on the spot. If he didn't exit, he blocked his throat, causing his throat to roll straight.

"... source ... unknown?"

"Yes." The lawyer also realized how hot a potato he received, and straightened the bow tie anxiously. "Even Zhu Shou cost people could not give a reasonable explanation about the source of those videos. He said it was a domestic website. Downloaded, but when he asked which site, he couldn't say it at all. The videos didn't seem to be ripping, and no trace of the download was found in the history .... Besides, is your father a teacher? "

Some terrible conjecture gradually fermented into a pool of fermented black water, immersing Zhu Ning in it.

Zhu Ning uttered "ah" dryly.

The lawyer said: "That's right. He has a graduation photo of each student in his computer. There are more than a dozen children whose faces can be matched with the children in videos and pictures."

Zhu Ning's mind made a clear sound of the collapse of the object, as if silent, but deafening.

Lawyers set out cold legal provisions: "The laws of this state impose heavy penalties on pedophiles, and even if they simply download, spread, or hold obscene items involving real children, they can be punished with imprisonment for more than 5 years and less than 20 years ... not to mention that it is very likely that he has already done harm to and indecent acts on children ... "

"This is just possible ..." Zhu Ning's feeling of the collapse of the idol made Zhu Ning only feel the world was upside down, but he still had a hint of instinct that he couldn't help but justify his father. ... "

"But he has already committed violations of the law. According to reports, he has unusually spied on the children of your neighbors and downloaded inappropriate pictures. This is an indisputable fact. Now, the U.S. police have reason to suspect that he He is a recurrent **** who acts badly and has caused great harm to the society. Of course, he must increase his bail and control him as much as possible. As for extradition and repatriation, I am sorry, Mr. Zhu, you must know that Zhu Shoucheng is now in the United States Violation of U.S. law is by no means an 'extradition' that can be easily resolved. "

Zhu Ning still had a glimmer of hope: "Well, if I want to bail him, can any lenders recommend it?"

"Of course. The United States has a professional bail loan business. If you have a demand, I can recommend it to you." The lawyer sighed. "However, I recommend you to be cautious. The United States catches pedophiles, just like China catches drugs. I hope you understand the gravity of this matter. "

Zhu Ning suddenly fell on the car seat, his eyes were dull.

He stayed up all night at the door of the loan company until he came to work, so it was easy to wait for the staff to mortgage the car in exchange for a mortgage of $ 50,000.

But when he rushed to the police station for bail business, he was notified that the entire balance in his joint savings card with his wife was applied for freezing half an hour ago, even the 50,000 US dollars he had just deposited.

Zhu Ning wanted to know who did it.

He called his wife, and the wife answered, but only said that he should go home as soon as possible to talk to him about something.

Zhu Ning was physically and mentally exhausted. When he drove home, he saw his equally beautiful wife, opened his mouth, and even lost the quarrel.

He whispered, "Amei, don't bother, give me the money. We will pick up my dad, and then we will discuss what to do, okay?"

His wife Ameiwo was on the sofa, her eyes were drooping, and she turned a deaf ear.

Zhu Ning continued to persuade: "I know, my dad made a mistake this time, but to be fair, if your dad did something wrong, can you not fish him? Can you watch him suffer in prison?"

"Don't compare your dad with my dad." Amei sneered, raising her puffy eyes, "Do you know, what good did your dad do in China?"


Domestically, in a small town.

Zhu Shoucheng's story turned at an incredible speed.

The culprit fled abroad. In many people's eyes, this is equivalent to guilty conscience, but the emperor is far away and no one can care about him.

Many people say sourly that it is better to have a prosperous son, who can hide and live happily when he kills people. This old Zhu head is really a smoke on the head of the ancestral tomb.

Only Chi Xiaochi and Lou Ying knew that his ancestor's grave was more than just a smoke, it was on fire.

Chi Xiaochi is always watching the trends in the United States.

On the first day Zhu Shoucheng entered, he was "carefully entertained" by the criminals.

These criminals are not the so-called sense of justice, but "pedophilia" is an extremely stingy crime. It is an excellent, "everyone gets it" venting channel, which can vent their excess energy.

Although the prison guard changed the cell for him at his request, Zhu Shoucheng soon discovered that no matter where he changed, he would "enjoy" the same treatment.

So far, Zhu Shoucheng has been imprisoned for a whole week and has not died like he said, but it is not bad to say "life is better to die".

By the night of his third day in prison, he could no longer walk, and had to live on liquid food.

His son Zhu Ning also ran from the earlier active to the silent nowadays, and went to work quietly every day, for fear that this matter would be known to colleagues and make a fuss. HR is re-evaluating Zhu Ning and does not seem to intend to have Zhu Ning serve in the company anymore.

In fact, from the first day of Zhu Shoucheng's imprisonment, after tasting the taste of the mop rod, the regret of Chi Koike's eyes was to ride a horse and run away.

It stands to reason that this is the last world. Chi Xiaochi has also collected all the functional cards in the card pool, and can already leave.

However, Ikekoike did not say anything about leaving.

Since he wanted to stay longer, Lou Ying didn't offer to leave.

He can understand the great temptation of the world for Chi Koike.

For Chi Xiaochi, he has a life he has never had before.

It was exactly the same life as him, but Chi Koike himself had never qualified to have.

There is no Zhu Shoucheng, no psychological shadow, no revenge, and no sudden awakening in the middle of the night due to nightmares.

He has a new circle of friends, his grades are picking up, and the teacher pays more and more attention to him ...

What's more, this person is also called Chi Xiaochi and has the same name, appearance, character and memory as him.

Lou Ying has full confidence, knowing that Chi Xiaochi will not occupy another person's life, but he is slightly addicted and totally understandable.

While waiting for the mission to be completed, Lou Ying returned to the main **** space.

After he returned, Chi Xiaochi asked him, "How many missions are there for 089?"

This question, Chi Xiaochi recently asked very frequently, every time he goes back, Chi Xiaochi will ask again.

Lou Ying always remembered Dong Feihong's story and laughed, "Do you care about him?"

Chi Xiaochi peeled the grapes and replied, "Maybe when I go back to hand in the task, I can still see him at the end."

"That may be too late." Lou Ying touched his head, "I know you have to ask, I asked him specifically yesterday, and there are 12 times, so ... this two days."

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