Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 269 Table of contents

The investigation into the Lord God 713 continued for nearly a month.

During this period, all existing tasks can be suspended, and all systems that can be recalled are recalled.

Taking this opportunity, Chi Xiaochi, who has not yet had an official identity, visited the entire system and was quite like a new master god.

At the beginning, your system was a little confused.

Some of them like to slap the old gods and make trouble for tigers, and they are all embarrassed because they are afraid that the "new god" will clear up their past behaviors.

For most systems, it is because they simply cannot imagine that they have killed so many people invisibly, and have closed themselves for a while.

The entire **** attack recovery system has fallen into a self-denying atmosphere.

At this time, Ikekoike's bargaining with the person in charge played a big role.

He went around and assured those systems that were caught in self-blame that he could restore the broken world line, and if they really felt guilty, they only needed to take the new host and do the task again.

Chi Xiaochi also said that in order not to squeeze them, the intentional system can voluntarily submit petitions and continue to serve the system to make up for all mistakes made in the past; while those who are anxious to go home, they only need to do the number of tasks at hand, and You can end the mission by yourself and return to the original world.

Both options have their own reasons and are not forced.

At this moment, the frustrated systems gradually regained their vitality, and they turned in their guarantees and petitions one by one.

When the general manager finds that the atmosphere of public opinion in the entire system is not correct, it is too late.

——Chi Xiaochi is virtually invisible and has become a new leader supported by all systems.

At this time, it is impossible for the main system that is difficult to ride a tiger without giving the power to the main **** of Ikkoike.

One day, Chi Koike, who officially became the new god, received a formal application for resignation from 089 to the new master when he chatted with him in the room of copywriter 009.

... He was finally leaving.

When Chi Xiaochi was about to get up and leave, he looked at the baby-boy on the opposite side: "You can think about it again."

"What? Man?" 009 blinked and blinked, "No, no, no, I don't need it. Here, I can go to any world and eat any kind of food."

After having the authority of the Lord God, Chi Xiaochi read the information of his predecessor 127.

127 was a child who was abandoned by his family since he was a child. He was born to love to eat. His dream was to eat all over the world. After his death for no reason, he insisted on going back because he was afraid of the sadness of his adoptive parents.

Then, after completing 200 missions, he walked into "Between Shades", and after coming out, he became the innate system 009.

Chi Xiaochi went to investigate, his adoptive parents have adopted new children after getting out of the haze of injury.

Chi Xiaochi could not return to him the memories and expectations of 009, so he could only proceed from his current thinking and respect his personal choice as much as possible.

When stepping out of Room 009, Chi Xiaochi sighed slightly.

Lou Ying, who was with him, touched his hair.

Almost all of the "innate systems" have lost their motivation and goals to return to their own world. In the long time, those who once let them die and return to their own lives also gradually diversify their horizons and have different lives.

... they can never go back.

However, Chi Xiaochi was not immersed in personal emotions for too long, and he still had work to do.

089 stood in "between the beards".

Without the huge master brain, there is a lot of refreshment in the "Between Shades". The jellyfish-like world line floats around a few people, dragging a long light tail, as if in a seabed.

Chi Xiaochi laughed: "I really want you to stay and help us."

089 waved smartly: "I have discussed this with him. As long as you return me and him for ten years of freedom, then I and he will return."

Chi Xiaochi refreshed: "Okay, how do you pay?"

089 smiled and smiled: "His eyes are not good. At that time, please give him a pair of eyes. As for me, it is free of charge."

It's time to teleport.

089 choose to return to their own world.

Seeing that the light door that was transmitted gradually opened, Chi Xiaochi was a little bit emotional.

Fortunately, his progress in the last world is fast enough. Otherwise, this door will only disassemble 089 into a bunch of unrecognizable blank data. In the main space of God, there will only be one more "new innate system" responsible for shaking the lottery mechanically. ".

But 089 didn't leave in a hurry.

He turned around and walked to the closed door of "Between Xu", knocked on the door, and greeted, "23, I'm gone."

Since the old Lord God stepped down, "Between Xu" is no longer a closed can.

But there was no sound coming from him, as if the person he was talking about didn't exist.

089 didn't care, gently pressed the forehead against the door, and whispered with a smile to the person who didn't know if it existed: "Don't feel bad. I like you."

It was still quiet outside, but a faint sniff was heard.

089 said, "I'm gone. I'll wait for you back in our new home."

As 089 was about to turn around, 023 suddenly knocked on the door vigorously outside.

Hey, hey.

089 smiled, and did not open the door, but went straight to the light door.

As I walked past Ikkoike, Ikkoike asked him, "Don't you open the door?"

"If he really wants to open the door, he will shout." 089 said, "This frequency is our secret signal. His office is too big, and sometimes he is too lazy to move around, and we use a percussion to convey what to say."

He pointed behind him, his expression was gentle and unseen in the normal state of debauchery: "... three knocks means I'll be here soon."

In the door knock of 023, 089 stepped into the light door, his body disappeared, and there was no trace.

The general system's judgment on the Lord God is also coming to an end.

All of the crimes he was accused of were originally brought back to the main system for destruction.

But Chi Xiaochi sent a letter to the main system, and the next day there was an echo, allowing him to deal with the main **** with full power.

So the next day, Chi Xiaochi took the old master **** and went to the entropy pool located inside the system.

The entropy pool is a closed place that is not open to any system below the main god.

Since the first day of its formation, even the Lord God 713 has not set foot here even one step.

Standing by the pool, the main deity, who had been transformed into a human shape early, lost his hair, his face was pale, ghostly, and his eyes were red.

Regardless of his expression that he could not wait to kill himself, Chi Xiaochi said, "Did anyone tell you? I plan to use this pool of entropy to make up for the mistakes you made before."

The Lord God sneered and did not believe what Iike Koike said.

He didn't believe that Chi Xiaochi would be willing to use this entropy pool to be filled to do such a useless thing.

Chi Xiaochi did not deny him, just stared at him quietly.

With the passage of time, the original pale face of the Lord God turned into paper.

He was startled and horrified: "Are you crazy ?! This is my entropy, mine!"

Chi Xiaochi said, "Correct it, it's mine now. Use it wherever I want."

For the extremely miserable miser, taking away the treasure he has treasured for many years for a cause that he considers to have little value is more painful than cutting blood and bleeding.

Ignoring the almost frantic curse and abuse of the Lord God, Chi Xiaochi took a few steps around the pond.

The boundless entropy pool is filled with four-fifths, and the lead-gray soft material inside is just like a cloud rolling over the water, like a giant pot of boiling water.

Among the invisible clouds, the outline of the struggling and roaring human face appeared.

The test temperature of the pond is similar, soak your index finger into the pond.

A sharp growl sounded instantly in his ear, loud enough to **** a normal person's ear to bleed.

Fortunately, Koike was patient.

He closed his eyes slightly, and whispered something to the drowning force that wrapped his arms up and wished to drag him into the pool.

Strangely, the wailing soul actually quieted a little, and the python-like cloud gradually loosened from Chi Xiaochi's arm.

Throwing away a little gray cloud still lingering around his fingertips, Chi Koike stood up and gave orders to several systems for the release of the old Lord God.

"Lock up 713 and immerse it in the entropy pond."

"Dare you!" The main **** widened his eyes, but he could only reveal his brazen bluff, "Why are you ?!"

"I need it." Chi Xiaochi walked behind him. "Until this pool is empty, you will be the only source of entropy."

The old master **** who re-increased himself didn't even have time to say the last sentence, and was kicked by Ji Xiaochi from the back of the entropy pool.

The old Lord God surrounded by the negative emotions of humans, as soon as he entered the entropy pool, he felt that his limbs were burned by sulfuric acid, but when he had no time to make a harsh scream, he was swept in by a human-shaped cloud hand. Among the tumbling entropy values.

No one can imagine what this pool of desperate grievances will do to this culprit.

Several main systems that had received orders from Shangfeng and pulled the chains on the old god, burned the chains to the edge of the pool and locked him in the pool.

Chi Xiaochi looked at the floating, heavy, screaming heads in the sea of ​​clouds, and said, "You better hope that I will end the mess you left behind. Otherwise, if there is more injustice, you will be a little more tortured."

As he walked outside the Entropy Pool, Chi Xiaochi found a person standing outside the door.

Iko Koike recognized him.

He is the exclusive ai of the old master **** 713, a young man with a tall and thin body.

He was created and promoted by the old Lord God.

I don't know why, when the Lord God was being questioned, he said that ai had only acted according to his instructions and had not done anything wrong, so after discussion, the general system decided not to hold the system responsible.

... this ai can be said to be the only trace of goodwill remaining in the sea of ​​infinite evil thoughts of the old Lord God.

As soon as Ji Xiaochi came out, he automatically followed Ji Xiaochi.

Lou Ying frowned slightly, deliberately protecting the side of Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi was not very afraid of him: "Are you here to find me or to him?"

Ai answered, "Look for you, and look for him."

After a while, Chi Xiaochi understood his intention: "The general system has not held you accountable. Where to go is your choice. Are you sure you want to enter here?"

"I don't know where to go except the owner." The main god's ai looked towards the entropy pond, his eyes were clear, "... that's it."

Chi Xiaochi didn't say a word, but a system from the main system talked loudly and persuaded him: "Why?"

Ai said, "I am the rib of the master. The ribs will not betray the master."

Chi Xiaochi watched him: "Okay, then you go."

The door just closed reopened, and a figure slowly entered, blending into the mist and the vague screams of the old god.

The rule of the old lord **** thus draws a complete stop.

Next is a long and boring year and five months.

Chi Xiaochi sorted out all the world lines that need to be restored and instructed the system on how to assist the host to complete the task. If there is a difficult world line that cannot be processed, you can report back to "Between" and ask for a solution.

At the same time, he issued a new order, opening up the system's self-cognition system and the limited ability to send intimacy. Any system with related needs can come to him to go through the process of capacity activation, but the number of activations is limited to two. Applicants should be cautious.

Still, Chi Xiaochi was so busy with an unintentional **** life.

Only in the evening, when the busy time is suspended, Chi Xiaochi will have an empty nest in Lou Ying's arms for a while, recharge, or hold his hand and talk.

After more than a year, the new order running in the space of the Lord God finally got on track.

As a result, Iike Koike sued.

According to the agreement between Chi Xiaochi and the main system, it was also time for Chi Xiaochi to take a vacation, return to the present world, and retrieve his real body.

When the spirit body slowly fell back to the hospital bed and fell into the weak body that had slept for more than four years, Chi Xiaochi exhausted his whole body strength and only had to move his fingers.

Fortunately, he is patient enough.

Hearing was restored first, and the sound was a bit hazy, like an airless person immersed in water, and the sound of the outside world heard across the swaying water.

The TV in the ward was on and it seemed to be going through an awards ceremony.

"Next is the most exciting moment. Who will be the best male lead? Please open the envelope ..."

Ji Xiaochi frowned.

He couldn't hear the sound clearly on TV and didn't know who would watch TV in his ward.

Before he could sort out his thoughts, a good news came from the TV.

"Congratulations to Chi Song!"

"Congratulations to the cast of" Deferred Graduation ". Tonight, I won the best writer, best film and best actor!"

"Chi Song's rural teacher's performance in" Deferred Graduation "is delicate and touching, and it has moved countless audiences ..."

Slowly, the sound became clear, and a soul submerged in the water gradually emerged from the surface, breathing the first breath of fresh, dizzying air.

Light poured in, shadows poured in, and the figure sitting next to the hospital bed also showed a specific appearance.

... lucas.

Lucas was still in his usual dress, his hair was a little long, and he was stained with granny ash. In addition, the lamps in the single ward were bright, which made his white face brighter.

He leaned against the armrest of the hospital bed, cut a small piece of pear from the pear and put it in his mouth, watching the award ceremony on TV.

"Seeing nothing." Luca chewed the pear and spoke vaguely to the people on the bed. "The newcomer grew like a leek overnight, and your waves are almost dead on the beach by posterity."

The man on the bed, like every time he visited, remained motionless and said nothing, and would not react to any of his words.

Lucas couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, patting his hands on the edge of the quilt regardless of the pear juice on his hands: "Like Chi, did you hear it? If you hear it, fight for it, hurry up ..."

While talking, Lucas turned his head.

What caught his eyes were the narrow eyes of Chi Xiaochi, and the gentle light shining under his eyes.

Chi Xiaochi opened his mouth, his throat was dry, and his vocal cords looked like rusty clockwork.

It stands to reason that he could not say a word.

However, the power of the Lord God is enough for him to make this unreasonable adjustment.

Faced with a mouth opened and closed by Lucas, Chi Xiaochi opened his mouth with a smile, and said, "When will I ... not give you gas?"

The pear bone in Lucas's hand rolled to the ground.

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