Chapter 7 Table of contents

At eight o'clock in the evening, on the top floor of the clubhouse where NSN often meets, a group of Internet addicted teenagers who just ate hot pot entered the private room in twos and threes and slumped on the sofa.

Before Yu Yong returned to China, he came back quietly by himself. The professional players in the circle who had a good relationship were also informed by the breaking news. They had not been able to meet each other. This time they took advantage of Chen Huo to return to China. People caught the wind together.

"Alas ..." Chen Huo flattened his legs contentedly, "I have been thinking about this hot pot for too long, Shutan, hey, what are you so restrained about? Sing ..."

Yu Yong, Gu Qian, and these old people are all playing with mobile phones, and no one cares about the noise of the fire. Drinks, not too embarrassing to order songs. Chen Huo got up and ordered more than a dozen of them himself, tucked the microphone into Wawa's arms, and ordered beer and supper with the waiter before he sat back on the sofa.

Chen Huo looked around, and sighed: "My popularity was pretty good. When I came back today, it didn't matter if the fans didn't pick up the phone. How come there are so few people? Let's not talk about the sadness. All those who can come today are brothers. , Let's walk together ... "

The old people still play their mobile phones and no one cares about Chen Huo. Several newcomers are busy drinking with Chen Huo. They are also rejected by Chen Huo for soft drinks. Everyone changed their beer half-in-place.

Chen Huo had listened to the cold beer for half a hour, and patted Wawa's shoulder staggeringly: "What's your name? Isn't that doll? Doll! You will be my younger brother in the future! You ... the little guy over there called What's coming ... "

"Less suspects?" Gu Qian glanced at Chen Huo. "Forget to say, Shi Luo will come later."

Yu Yong, who has been looking down at the phone, has a fingertip.

"Shi Luo?" Chen Chen was dumbfounded and looked around. "I didn't pay attention. This club ... is there a security check? If he comes in with a steel pipe in a while, can the security guard stop it ..."

Gu Gan calmly said: "Can't stop, what kind of fights he has, you have not seen it."

"I'm afraid when I have seen it! Ten of them are not enough for me to fight!" Chen Chen collapsed. He glanced at Yu Yong and swallowed subconsciously. "I'll say it first. Ah ... who is here to find someone, do n’t bother me. "

Yu Yong lowered his head and continued to look at the phone: "Coerced."

Chen Huo felt his neck and couldn't help complaining to Gu Qian: "Why you can't walk around him if you walk well? Are you okay to mess with him?"

"I really didn't expect him to promise, but I also hope he can come. You will come back and meet him sooner or later." Gu Gan looked at Chen Huo and said to Yu Yong, "It's so stiff and interesting? Misunderstand earlier Is that clear? "

Yu Yong naturally understood Gu Gan's intentions, he shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Our problem is ... there is no misunderstanding at all."

Yu Yong looked at Gu Gan: "With his brain, what do you think I can deceive him? What can he hide from him?"

Gu Gan paused and stopped talking.

Someone was singing, the murmur in the private room was too heavy, and the children not far did not hear the words of the three. Wawa took a few cans of beer and placed them on the small table in front of Gu Qian. He looked at the three men who were not so good-looking, and said dumbly: "Don't you drink?"

"Drink and drink ..." A flash of light flashed in Chen Huo's mind, "Yes! I first instilled myself, and then found a place to sleep, I don't believe he can grab me and fight ..."

Even Gu Qian couldn't stand the fire: "Can't you do this?"

"What do you know." Chen Huo pulled a can of beer and gasped. "That little boy ... hiss ... don't mention it."

Wawa is at a loss: "Is it talking about Brother Shi? Brother Shi is very good."

Chen Huo looked up and down at Wawa: "Doll, you have a good relationship with Shi Luo?"

Wawa nodded: "God took care of me when I first entered the business. People are cold, but it's really good."

Chen Huo looked at Wawa in disbelief and couldn't imagine the picture. He shook his head: "Well, he is not good to me anyway. Do you want to know how he used to ..."

Chen Huo's voice did not fall, and the box door opened.

Seeing the people at the door, the box suddenly became quiet.

Chen Huo swallowed his drink with a stiff face, and he was okay, at least he didn't carry a steel pipe.

Shi Luo changed his private clothing, instead wearing a baseball cap, looked indifferently around the box and walked straight to Chen Chen in front of Chen Huo. He picked up a can of beer and pulled it away, lifted his chin slightly, and dried it in one breath. A whole jar.

Chen Chen's fire throat halted and said dryly: "Then, I'll walk with you two cans. I, I, and I drink slowly. You sit first."

Shi Luo placed the empty beer can on the table, walked blankly to an unmanned bar, sat down, and asked the waiter for a few cans of beer.

Chen Huo looked at Gu Gan stiffly and said in a broken voice: "He, he, he was just taking the wind for me ?!"

Gu Qian couldn't bear to look directly, and pushed Chen Chen to let him sit on the sofa honestly, and said to the new man in the team: "You play with you."

The new people continued to sing their own hello, Gu Qian looked at Shi Luo's back, hesitated and did not step forward.

There were several cans of beer in front of Chen Chen, and Wawa took a few more cans, and handed Yu You a can of cold beer. Yu Yong was fascinated and smiled politely: "Thanks, I don't drink."

Wawa was stunned, and Chen Huo waved his hand beside him: "Don't worry, he doesn't drink alcohol."

Wawa hurriedly said: "It's okay, I understand, I actually don't drink too much, the same."

"It's really different." Chen Huo finally drained a can of beer and hiccupped, "His volume ..."

Chen Huo imagined that year, and sorrowfully missed it: "At that time! This, this, and this ..."

Chen Huo used the chin to light the crowd in the private room and sighed: "In this room, I will bring up the few who have been retired in the past two years, and I can't drink him with one piece, who is the god? ! I have known him for so many years and I have never seen him drunk. "

Wawa looked up and down in surprise at Yu Yong, and whispered, "So why ..."

Yu Yong frowned slightly and glanced at Chen Huo.

Chen Huo twitched her mouth and continued: "What did that say? Yes, beauty is late! You Yu Shen, at the age of nineteen, looked at his body report and decided to quit smoking, drinking, and swearing. , Become a good boy from now on, and marry a good person in the future ... "

Wawa was even more shocked: "Yushen used to smoke?"

Gu Gan on the side said: "Old smoke gun."

Chen Huo nodded, then said: "The kind of space that will take time to go to the bathroom and secretly **** one."

Wawa looked at Yu Yong in awe: "The addiction is so big, I just quit when I quit. It really is Yu Shen! What happened to Yu Shen's body at that time? Was it serious?"

Chen Huo's face was heavy: "... Bleeding heavily, people are almost gone."

Wawa suddenly changed color.

Yu Yong had to say: "... that's a special stomach bleeding."

"Oh, stomach bleeding." Chen Huo pointed to his stomach, and sighed, "Here, there has been a lot of blood for a month, and his face is pale and pale. Fortunately, there is nothing else."

Wawa breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if it's fine."

"Okay, it's okay, but since then there are so many things you can't eat or drink, otherwise it's a January emergency room tour." Chen Huo got up and took the beer that Wawa placed in front of Yu Yong, and took two sips. , "I want to see you Yu Shen drink, wait for him to get married and drink a cup, so that the future Mrs. Yu will have the honor to let you Yu Shen break the ring."

Wawa instantly grasped the keyword: "Marry! Is there a girlfriend? Are you getting married ?!"

Chen Huo originally said casually, seeing Wawa so vigorous, he smiled and said, "That's not sooner or later? Will you please drink wedding wine at that time, go?"

Wawa was excited: "Sure go!"

Not far from the box in front of the bar, Shi Luo, who was always facing away from the crowd, tilted his head and poured a can of beer at a stretch.

But Wawa is still talking about it endlessly: "I don't know this, sorry Yu Shen, stomach bleeding really needs to be cautious, only Mrs. Yu deserves Yu Shen to take a risk, oops, if Yu Shen's girlfriend knows how moved in the future ? Yushen only drinks for her! It's so sweet when you think ... "

When Shi Luo was frosty, he opened a can of beer and poured it in one breath. Then, his fingers squeezed the beer can slightly without looking at it. He threw it with his backhand and was smashing it into the abandoned basket in the hidden place of the box. The waste basket was originally decorative, empty inside, smashed by the cans, and "snapped" suddenly. The waffle that was still chattering from the waste basket recently was startled.

Chen Huo was far away from Wawa, and he didn't notice anything. He still puzzled in a straight face: "He can only drink it once in his life. What's so sweet about it?"

Wawa was instantly drawn back to her attention, her eyes sparkling: "Only once, just for her! Yu Shen is only willing to drink alone, isn't it sweet?"

Chen Huo despised: "Sweet a few."

Yu Yong frowned slightly, glancing at Luo's back.

Shi Luolian filled a few cans of beer, and his eyes were a little confused. He rubbed his eyes and slowly raised his hand. The waiter in the box hurried over.

The waiter bent slightly, and Luo Luo said with a few words on his side, and the waiter nodded and went out.

Shi Luo took a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, drank one, lit it for himself, and took a deep breath.

Luo Yu was skilled at lighting cigarettes and frowned slightly when he looked at him. He swallowed his patience, or looked sideways at Gu Gan: "When will he smoke?"

Gu Gan responded that "he" said Shi Luo, and asked: "Don't he smoke before?"

Yu Yong shook his head.

Gu Gandao: "When I came to our team two years ago, I was smoking."

Yu Yong took a sip of watermelon juice: "... Little age."

Chen Huo turned his face to disdain and said: "Someone said people? How old did you start smoking, do you remember?"

Yu Yong said: "I don't remember, what's wrong?"

"No, people are now grown-ups, and they're well mixed. Doesn't it matter to you?" Chen Huo said indifferently. "They want to drink and drink, want to smoke and smoke, it's none of your business."

Chen Huo whispered: "Besides, people are big-hearted, and now you can't guess what others think, what are you worried about?"

Yu Yong looked at Shi Luo's back and tried his best to ignore the breath of mountains and rain that only he could feel in the air, and said to himself: "I can't guess what he thinks ... the best is."

Yu's sixth sense has always been good and bad spirits, bad spirits, and this time too.

Ten minutes later, the waitress placed a tray in front of Yu's table, and the tray was filled with ten unknown drinks.

Chen Huo was talking to Gu Qian about the transfer period, turned his head to look around, and asked confusedly, "What is this?"

The waitress hesitated and said: "Vodka is distilled, this is actually used for bartending, more than ninety degrees, we recommend not to drink directly ..."

"No one wants to drink directly." Chen Huo was completely puzzled. "Who ordered it?"

Shi Luo extinguished the smoke, came over with a can of beer, looked at Yu Yong calmly, and said, "I."

Chen Huo and Wawa looked at each other, Yu Yong put away her phone and exhaled gently, and finally came.

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