Chapter 13 Table of contents

Although Yu Yong was puzzled about Shi Luo's family, she never asked Shi Luo what he had done.

Shi Luo's situation at that time, people with eyes can see that his family relationship is very complicated. Yu Yong was not good at solving happy knots for others, and did not want to listen to other people ’s privacy, so she kept on unspokenly until one day Yu Yu drove with Shi Luo for ten kilometers before finding a wonton shop. Finally, he couldn't help saying: "Ke Hao was very generous when he was in junior high school, why are you ..."

How can you be so miserable, that by now you will feel insecure without having breakfast every day.

"Captain, is there one of all your relatives ..." Shi Luo was scalded with wonton's tongue and he sighed, "Is it relatives? Or relatives?"

Yu Yong hesitated and nodded.

Shi Luo said: "My dad is the best relative in the eyes of everyone in my family."

"I haven't learned anything since I was a child, I grew up doing mischief, my relationship is chaotic, impulsive to get married, and irresponsible after marriage. In the position my grandfather has arranged for him, he steals money from the corpse meal and steals money ..." Shi Luo sneered. , It ’s him. "

Yu Yong frowned slightly.

Yu You occasionally went to Ke Hao's house when he was a boy. He left home more often, and he went to eat and drink almost every month.

Ke Hao lived alone with the three parents at the time, and the family was not very big, but at first glance it was the kind of very particular family.

Ke Hao ’s father was gentle and gentle, Ke Hao ’s mother was gentle and elegant, and treated others with courtesy. After knowing Yu Yong ’s occupation, he understood very well, and often persuaded Yu Yong to diligently communicate with his parents and strive to resolve the conflict as soon as possible. The family always belongs to the family.

That year, the Ke Hao family gave much consolation to the young Yu Yong, so when knowing that Ke Hao and his uncle's cousin, Yu Yong instinctively thought that he was the same ancestor, even if he was not as good as the Ke Hao family.

This is not the case.

Shi Luokou was heavy, and it took a lot of ingredients to eat a bowl of wontons. A bowl of wontons almost poured half a bottle of vinegar. He continued to add vinegar and asked: "Do you think my dad is much shabby than my uncle?"

Yu Yong said nothing.

Shi Luo didn't care about himself: "There is nothing to say, he really has no money, just such a person, you said, if you are my grandfather, you can give him important positions? You can give him a lot of money?"

Yu Yong laughed and said nothing.

"Maybe I have given him a lot, but he is too defeated. He always invests in things that I do n’t think it will work. The biggest loser is my grandfather who has too much money. My uncle and aunt said nothing. ... "Shi Luo laughed at himself," I blushed for him, but he didn't think that, he always asked my grandfather for money, and my grandfather didn't think it would work like this, too sorry for my uncle, so my father lost five years ago After half a company, he will never give him money again. "

Shi Luo quickly ate half a bowl of wonton stew and said, "But he can still get some bonuses every month. As long as he honestly takes money and spends money as a idler, there will be nothing wrong, but he is not willing to be willing, I always want to make some big news for my grandpa to admit him and give him his family business again. As a result, as you can guess, my grandpa is increasingly disappointed in him, and his share of dividends has decreased. "

What flashed in Yu Yong's eyes, his lips moved, he still didn't speak.

Shi Luo took a sip of soup and raised his eyebrows: "So, the only thing my dad can do right now is me. Although my grandfather doesn't like me, I always belong to his grandson, and his grades are still so good. Yes, then ... My grandpa is already eighty this year, do you understand? "

Yu Yong looked at Shi Luo silently: "So you dropped out?"

"Yes." Shi Luo was indifferent. "I can't help my dad fight for the will share. Even if he can really get anything in the future, he can't give it to me, not to mention that I didn't want it."

Shi Luo raised his eyebrows with a big wonton bowl: "So it's still good to break the pot early, let my grandfather give up our father and son together, it would be best if we don't leave a penny to us, I can already feed myself ,he……"

"He is not hungry, but just to live under the aunt of my aunt under the relief of my uncle for the rest of his life."

Shi Luo thought about the scene for a while, and was so happy that he shot his thighs: "If that's the case, then I'm so happy!"

Yu Yong was holding the unlit cigarette and looked at Shi Luo with a smile.

If it is someone else, it is necessary to persuade Shi Luo at this time either urgently or bitterly to avoid delaying herself because of a hurry, the future is your own, and you cannot delay yourself for revenge, hurting yourself, let alone your own father, how can there be between father and son What **** enmity?

But Shi Luo was in front of Yu Yong.

Yu Yong said at the time: "Your choice, your freedom."

The future is my own, my father is my own, and the pain and torture I suffered since childhood was my own.

Yu Yong didn't want to interfere with anything. She didn't suffer as much as Shi Luo had, and Yu Yong didn't want to forgive Shi Luo.

However, Yu Yong really did not like Shi Luo's suicide revenge and attacks. He warned Shi Luo at that time, don't do the same thing again.

Yu Yong just made a face for himself in front of his father, Shi Luo obeyed Yu Yu's words, nodded busy, and promised to be good.

I promised to be good before. In two years, Shi Luo frantically gave Yu Yong ten cups of lemon tea at the price of giving him one season signing fee.

Such a person is in the bones of Shi Luo.

Shi Luo didn't regret it at the moment, the only regret was that the work was not done beautifully this time, nor the joy and enthusiasm of those years.

After two years, I sat in this renovated breakfast shop and looked at the same large bowl of wontons. Shi Luo sniffed his nose lightly and thought that it was not that he had become weaker in less than two years, nor his own brain. The wood arrangement is not complete, but the assists of the year are now standing on the opposite side.

That year, Ke Chunjie came out of the training room on the front foot, and when the last second hung up, the back foot of Luo Luo hurriedly put the keycap in his hand on the table, and asked Yu Ye, the only witness to testify for himself, just playing After playing, absolutely no damage, nor any wear on the keycaps.

Yu Yong's game was in the second half of the game, and he had a stomachache because of his laughter. He yelled, "Give you a testimony."

"Four thousand one, four thousand one ..." Shi Luo looked around at a loss and became more and more ignorant of the prices here. He looked at the plain takeaway bags on the table in awe, afraid to underestimate, He looked at it for a long time, and was gradually attracted by the words on the takeout bag. He slowly said, "Captain, though ... But shouldn't this privately priced private dish have a special food box with dry ice?" Why ... do they use red armored takeout boxes and takeout bags? "

Yu Yong took a cigarette and lit it, staring at the screen while saying: "Because that is the takeout of the red armored crayfish."

Shiluo: "You just said ..."

"What's the matter?" Yu Yongnian didn't change his color. "The private restaurant I just said does often serve our base. It's just that we ordered crayfish last night. Hardcover, what's wrong? "

Yu Yong's theory seems to hold water, but Shi Luo couldn't help but looked at the keycap on the table again: "These little things ..."

Yu Yong said: "That's really four thousand, don't believe you pick it up and take a look. The keycap should have lettering, all of which are specific codes."

Shi Luo didn't want to touch the more than 10,000 yuan at all, so he shook his head: "Don't use it, I believe it."

With a smile in his eyes, Yu Yong took a breath and continued to play with his own.

There were few truths in Yu Yong ’s mouth at that time, and he especially liked to play with Shi Luo, but Shi Luo was still in the honest age where young people believed everything. He could not distinguish between jokes and serious words. As long as Yu Yong said, Shi Luoquan was convinced.

Although Yu Yong was also very young at that time, she was already a figure of the veteran's level in the circle. It was also the ceiling of the medical doctor and the strongest shield in the competition area. After countless auras were added, it was too easy to be confused by Yu Yong. . So after a long time since then, Shi Luo entered the NSN, and then entered the IAC. After being beaten by reality for several rounds and only after receiving two wages, I realized that the salary should be the tax payment of the club finance department. Hit your own card instead of directly transferring it to yourself by Captain Alipay.

At that time, Shi Luo knew that the two months of salary he had received in FS were all taken from Yu's private account.

The former FS executives don't even know that their club has had a substitute for so many years of salary.

The high monthly salary received in those two months was nothing but Yu Yong's face in support of Ke Chunjie.

Afterwards, Shiluo also wanted to question Yu Yong, who had gone far to Europe, and wanted to return the hundreds of thousands of dollars to Yu Yong, of course, just thinking about it.

The two had broken apart completely, and they said they would never be in contact again.

At that time, Shi Luo looked at Yu Yong ’s transfer records to his stomach and felt uncomfortable. He suddenly understood why Yu Yong still had so many deaths after hurting so many people in that situation. Loyal followers.

Some people are able to do the most decisive things while facing you, and then make you hate him in the years to come but it is always difficult to release.

Shi Luo hated Yu Yong for a while and went crazy, and wanted to tell everyone, don't be fooled by this person, don't let him treat you well, otherwise you will regret if you can't get out of the pit. died. Later, Shi Luo gradually found out that he was unable to crawl out of the pit in his memory, as if he was only himself.

Shi Luo's eyes were reddened by the heat of the ravioli. He tried to eat all the ravioli with a little effort, and then he drank his head to drink the ravioli soup.

Shi Luo took a paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth, lowered his head to scan the code to pay, turned back out of the breakfast shop, and walked back to the IAC base.

At seven o'clock in the morning, there was silence in the base. Shi Luo dragged his steps to the stairs. The door of the reception room opened when he passed the reception room on the first floor.

Shi Luo looked sideways, it was Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng looked up and down at Shi Luo. Shi Luo's eyes, ears, and neck were red, but his lips were slightly white, and his eyes were slightly blue. The whole person's condition was extremely bad.

"Drink too much. I'll make up the bench for training this afternoon." Shi Luo's voice was hoarse, "Don't call me if you're fine."

Zhao Feng nodded busy.

Shi Luo turned and walked up, Zhao Feng hesitated and said: "Evil."

Shi Luo frowned: "What else?"

Zhao Feng swallowed: "Don't dare to bother you, but if you can't hide it, just ..."

Shi Luo had a headache and irritability: "Can I finish in one breath?"

Zhao Feng said: "Whisper will come over at night, want to ... call you?"

Shi Luo froze in place.

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