Chapter 32 Table of contents

At the same time, Shi Luo received an application from a friend at the IAC base.

Shi Luo opened it, and the other party was the former deputy manager of NSN.

When Shi Luo first went to NSN, he and Zhou Huo were in the same club for only two months. Later Shi Luo transferred, and Zhou Huo went to other teams not long after. Since then, the two have never met again.

At the same time, Zhou Huo introduced Luo's current situation. Shi Luo knew that this was his future manager.

After two polite words, Zhou Huo and Shi Luoti had the same live opinion. Shi Luo hesitated and replied to Zhou Huo for half a minute.

Yu Yong is contacting the headquarters of the FOG China Division to retrieve the game account that was cancelled that year. He opened the voice with the headquarters staff and typed back to Zhou Huo.

[Yu Yong]: [Not accepted. ]

[Shi Luo]: [No. ]

Zhou Huo: ...

Zhou Huo can understand that Shi Luo as a victim still has a lot of ambitions, but Yu Yong does not accept that the reply is faster than Shi Luo. It is very puzzling, why is he? ! Zhou Huofei quickly replied to Yu Yong.

[Zhou Huo]: [I do n’t really know what ’s going on between you two, but now the situation is that your fans are very hostile to each other and will soon be in a team. My work here is not easy to advance. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [The new team has just been established. As a manager, I need to do too much work, and many things need fans to cooperate. ]

Yu Yong replied quite happily: [fans can not accept, do not cooperate. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [...]

Zhou Huo still has confidence in the team's performance that he will take over. Even if it is not the best in the future, it will certainly be stable. The four players are at this level. This is undoubtedly, but the team's style evaluation, Zhou Huo is quite sure that such a team of wicked people is definitely not better.

[Zhou Huo]: [Whisper, there is a sentence I wanted to tell you many years ago. In addition to the championship trophy, you can actually give fans something else. ]

[Yu Yong]: [Can't give it. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [I asked carefully, Yu Shen, did you know that as early as two years ago, or even earlier, did you have a scumbag nickname? ]

After the application was completed, Yu Yong saved his account, and when he looked at his phone, Zhou Huo had sent several messages over.

[Zhou Huo]: [Not to mention that our chances of winning the championship this season are not great, are we going to be torn from the qualifiers to the playoffs? The players will be very stressed. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [Not many people are as immune to negative speech as you are. Everyone will care about the comments on the Internet. Evil and Chen Huo have been arguing with Shui Zi all the year round. Obviously, they are all vulnerable. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [My job is not only to **** the powder, but also to give the players a relatively loose public opinion environment, and try their best to let the players enter the game without pressure. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [This is where my responsibility lies. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [Of course, it is also my job to do my best to improve the topic and business value of the team. Boss, you are also my boss and I am a player. I am really a bit difficult to do. Can we make an appointment three chapters in advance? It ’s okay to listen to my arrangement about the operation of the team? ]

Yu Yonggang wanted to type and said no, thought for the next time: [as appropriate. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [... OK. ]

Yu Yong put on the headset to prepare for a while, and the phone shook again.

[Zhou Huo]: [But for the follow-up work, I still have to talk more, have you ever been with Evil? ]

Yu Yong looked at the phone and smiled.

It ’s because I used to do too much sin, so I ’m being beaten round by round today?

Yu Yong typing: [No. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [That ’s good. If you do n’t hope, do you really disagree with the live broadcast? ]

Yu Yong replied: [No. ]

[Zhou Huo]: [Can you give a reason? ]

Yu Yong knew that Zhou Huo would n’t give up, so he simply did n’t bother to type, and picked up his phone to press the key to voice: “It ’s definitely a live broadcast of true feelings, it ’s definitely not a whole communication, and fans ca n’t accept it, pretending to be a teammate. ... I ca n’t pretend, I do n’t want to pretend, let alone pretend to be pretending, it ’s boring and unnecessary.]

The top players mixed up in this step could not have been distracted by this kind of thing. Zhou Huo also understood that he had no choice but to give up.

I sent Zhou Huo away, Yu Yong put on the headset, opened the client to debug the basic settings, and ranked the game on his own.

After Yu Yong returned to China, he applied for a trumpet in the national uniform when the NSN team took Wawa. These days, he also scored in the top 200 of the national uniform. He can barely play it. It is no longer a pond fried fish, but the higher the rank, the higher the queue. The slower Yu Yu waited in line, watching the screen fascinated.

What about live streaming in the same frame? And Shi Luo pretending to release each other?

If I don't talk about it, Luo Shihuai didn't let go, and Yu Yong didn't have it.

Acting to appease fans?

Never mind.

Even without acting, Yu Yong doesn't want to be in the same box for the time being.

The game finally entered, Yu Yong glanced at his teammates and said softly, "Fuck."

At the base of the IAC team, Shi Luo was not as active as usual, but the more he left, the more he felt that he should hit the clock when a monk hit the clock, stood his last post, and just stared at the training match, Shi Luo opened the live broadcast again.

Entering the game, the three teammates did not hang up in front of the team, nor did they know the trumpet. It seems to be a pure passerby. Shi Luo looked at the opposite side, but there was an acquaintance opposite, Saint Angel's medical sword.

Shiluo team channel typing: [The opposite medical doctor is a professional player, the milkman is first-rate, try to target it. ]

The two teammates made an "ok" expression, but only their own medical doctor did not speak. Shi Luo was always tolerant to the medical doctor, thinking that he had exaggerated the opposite to make his medical doctor unhappy, and he typed again:

[IAC-Evil]: [Do not be mindful of doctors, you must be great, follow me later, I will take care of you. ]

My medical therapist still didn't speak, Shi Luo thought that the other party might be cold, or a master girl who was embarrassed to speak, didn't care, and typed: [Follow me, you can win. ]

After a full minute, my own medical doctor slowly typed: [OK. ]

There is a general lack of top medical doctors in the professional circle. Since Whisper traveled to Europe, there are fewer top medical doctors in the local division, but Saint Angel Sword is definitely one.

However, he and Yu Yong have different numbers of Shi Luo. Angel Sword is a pure supplementary medicine that can spit human milk. He has a high level of technical consciousness. Shi Luo is very comfortable every time he is randomly assigned to him. Angel Sword will definitely not let him grab the head, not to mention, and pay special attention to the position, will give himself a state at any time under the premise of giving him absolute vision, and he will fight the medicine when the shield is set. He will fill up the bloodskin immediately, intimate to the extreme.

Shiluo was recently visited by Valvara as a sparring partner. Whenever he was better off, he would remember the angel sword. What is nanny flow medical treatment? That is it!

However, Shi Luo did not have such high requirements for the medical doctors who organized the queues. They could not hang up, shop around, not block their vision, not grab people, and not waste the public economy. When their shields were broken, they could be timely. Make up a shield, when the residual blood is in desperate need of life-saving, you can make up the blood in time.

With this mentality in mind, Luo took the medical therapist forward when starting the game, but the more he hit, the more surprised Luo was.

My own medical doctor is more angel than angel sword!

After the start, his own medical therapist first shielded the other two teammates, and then followed him all the way, but it was not brainless. The FOG game character model is purely solid modeling. Actions and collisions with all items in the game map will make sounds. Players can also judge the enemy ’s position by capturing the subtle sounds, so the meaningless sounds of teammates, such as repeatedly pulling the bolt and walking back and forth, will expose themselves. Shi Luo's most fearful thing is that a medical doctor who is too close will expose his position, but his own medical doctor circumvents this problem very well.

His own medical knowledge of the map is almost perfect, he can always find the most suitable bunker for himself, not to mention, and he can always avoid the vegetation that expands the footsteps of thorns, almost hiding himself in the map.

Following not too far away, and always ensuring that he is within the scope of his treatment, is simply not more suitable.

Shi Luo took over the opponent's assault shortly after the start, his own medical doctor also received auxiliary points at the same time, and both of them obtained the permission to use the public economy, but their own medical doctor has never occupied more than half of the public economy. Resources only consumed his own thousand economy.

The public economy is limited. Shiluo takes up almost all the resources it can occupy and is extravagant.

The angel sword on the opposite side is very powerful. With his blessing, the other three people look much flesh, but Shi Luo is stronger than the passer-by assaulter. When the game is going to be twenty-four minutes, Shi Luo has cleared the fog to the other side smoothly. The hinterland directly destroyed the reincarnation stone and won the game.

Shi Luo hasn't met such a capable medical doctor for a long time. Shi Luo didn't leave the picture when he finished the game. He added his friend and typed:

[IAC-Evil]: [Physician nb, look back and there is an empty row. ]

Unexpectedly, the other party did not directly accept friends.

The barrage on the live interface is running fast. Luo will only look at the barrage when the game is over. When the other party responds, he clicks on the barrage assistant and he is stunned.

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ...]

[666, the annual drama. 】

[Can the video of this game be submitted to the daily headlines of e-sports? 】

[After two years, a material library can finally have new videos. 】

[Annual Great Show Annual Great Show Annual Great Show ...]

[Evil ca n’t see the barrage. I have been howling for almost half an hour. You are still saying hello to others. Are you stupid! ! ! That's Whisper! ! ! 】

[Are you sure? There was no live broadcast over there. I scanned each NSN team's live broadcast room one by one. I didn't find any clues. Yu Shen didn't seem to be at the NSN base anymore. 】

[Whisper has moved to the base. 】

[This is definitely the Whisper trumpet. Whisper was the number on Wawa ’s previous live broadcast, which was his own. 】

[I watched Wawa live broadcast, I was pretty sure this trumpet was Yu Shen ’s, but now I ’m not so sure, can Yu Shen actually be so milky? 】

[It ’s not necessarily my account, right? 】

[Same question, Yu Yong can also play nanny? He hasn't touched his signature long dagger throughout the journey, can he resist not killing his life, can this be Yu Yong? 】

[Absolutely he, the ability to control the map, except that he can't have anyone else. 】

[Speaking again, I understand the truth, but Whisper can actually milk? 】

[Who can be besides him? Who will be on his trumpet? Wawa is also impossible, Wawa is not so detailed as milk. 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthday ago, the time, you two have n’t let me go ...

[Tears spilled on the Huangpu River, two years later, the two of them stabbed me together. 】

Shi Luo looked at the barrage full of screens, and his mind flashed through the details of the game just a moment ago.

Afterwards, it was him.

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