Chapter 45 Table of contents

Three days later, the Bison at home, the Bison team faced the new team Free.

Zhou Huo is now "his own man". Two years ago, several people had conflicts with the Bison team. He knew it, but he did not understand the details. Zhou Huo was very sensitive to this. Violence can occur.

"New team, new season, new weather." On the way to the Buffalo home stadium, Zhou Huo tried to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. "I don't ask you to play extraordinary, but you must show your strength and let everyone see. Understand? "

The four internet addicted teenagers were all digging into playing mobile phones except for Yu Y. No one was mobilized.

The only one who didn't play with his mobile phone was still sleeping with his eyes closed.

Zhou Huo sighed: "Forget it, you should have counts in your heart."

Only Lao Qiao was still idle, and Zhou Huo had to chat with Lao Qiao: "What specific friction do you have with Bison? Why has the relationship been so subtle?"

"That's not called friction." Old Joe said sadly. "That's the **** feud, is that a rash book or a time for a substitute, do you want to listen?"

Of course Zhou Huo wanted to listen.

Old Joe patted his belly and said slowly. Old Joe said nothing. The faces of the people who had been relieved from the past were one by one. When he heard Yu Yong enter the hospital directly, Shi Luo's face was almost completely black.

Zhou Huo looked carefully at everyone and regretted: "Should I ... shouldn't I ask this at this time?"

"It's late." Chen Huo rubbed his wrist. "It's been a few years since I disappeared. I don't know if my old friend is well ..."

Shi Luo coldly said: "I'll see you soon?"

Zhou Huo painfully covered his face: "Why am I so gossip ..."

After half an hour, everyone arrived at the venue. There were too many fans on the scene. The driver did not dare to stop and directly entered the underground parking lot of the venue.

Everyone went directly to the backstage lounge from the underground parking lot, Zhou Huo stared at Shi Luo and Chen Huo stared tightly, fearing that someone would take the opportunity to run to the Buffalo team's lounge. Fortunately, the waiting time for the regular season was short, and the game started after less than an hour in the lounge.

This is the first time the Free team has participated in the official competition, and the stadium is full of seats.

Not only the enthusiasm of the audience, but also no surprise, the ten league teams except the Bison team should also pay close attention to this game.

When debugging the equipment before the game, Chen Huo tried the wheat and laughed: "Guess, are you watching the live broadcast in the other ten club bases?"

Puppy smiled: "I don't want to be so big-faced, but I guess ... it's all right."

Chen Huo raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't know what I'm talking about, should I be cheering for us? Oops, I dare not be too involved. I'm afraid to expose too many tactics, so I just plan."

"Don't be too optimistic." Shi Luo coldly said, "All the teams that want to compete for the playoffs, why should you cheer for you? Without saying this, maybe Ji Yanhan is also watching the live broadcast, waiting to see our jokes. What. "

Speaking of Ji Yanhan, everyone was not sleepy. Chen Huo was immediately raised his fighting spirit: "Have a good fight! This must be good fight! New hatreds and old hates."

Puppy laughed and laughed: "Shi Luo, I like your way of encouraging teammates."

Puppy debugged his equipment and leaned on the gaming chair: "Don't the captain say a few words? According to tradition, the captain will publish a pre-match declaration of three thousand words before the first game of the regular season. "

Yu Yong moved his own Mai: "Thank you, not so much."

"Let's go through." Puppy looked into the glass soundproof room on the right side of the stadium. "You look at the bison. The irritable book is enthusiastically pointing out the mountains and rivers. It must be encouraging teammates. You say a few words.

Yu Yong took a light breath, and the business was very perfunctory: "Have a good fight."

Puppy snorted: "Two more sentences! How many years have passed, every time I'm messing up."

Yu Yong helpless: "OK ..."

Yu Yong looked at the computer screen and said after a while: "Our team is too new, the team itself has no results, just played from the promotion game, and now in the eyes of other clubs in the league, we are a kicker. I want to let others Affordable, the only way is to win. "

"Up to now, there are still some old FS fans who blame us for breaking the way of FS promotion. I think it's because we snatched the FS league places." Yu Yong looked around the competition venues. Grades speak. "

"Take the game results to tell the whole league, this place, this season, there will be a place for Free."

Shi Luo froze and couldn't help looking at Yu Yong.

Chen Huo murmured: "Whisper is Whisper, every time you ..."

"Should it be recorded?" Yu Yong took a slack, adjusted the microphone, and asked, "If we turn our team out for the season, just edit what we just did."

The referee who monitored the voice during the game said on the Free team voice channel: "Recorded."

Yu Yong felt relieved: "My mission is completed."

Chen Huo rolled his eyes: "I thought you were really inspiring us."

After a few words, the referee signaled that the game was about to begin. Everyone settled down and the game began.

Just after the countdown of the game, the four of them looked like a different one, put away their laughter, and rushed out of their reincarnation stone as soon as possible.

Looking at the past from the perspective of several Free people, half of the maps belonging to the Bison team are shrouded in a thick poisonous fog, and nothing can be seen.

Chen Huo and Yu Yong were pressed directly to the junction of the two maps. Shi Luo went alone to steal the poisonous fog on the left side of the map. As a sniper, Puppy is the only character with a sight. He temporarily presses behind his house to open the mirror on both sides to report the situation of the other party and make up the gun as appropriate.

The Bison has always been the opening two assaulters and the medical doctor to press the front together, this time how to be uncertain. Puppy quickly reminded: "The fire will clear the mist immediately, there may be three people on the opposite side, and I can't see clearly on my side."

Chen Huo put down the purification dish at the junction of the map. He was a natural bait at this moment. Sure enough, he did not wait for the end of his reading. Yu Yong waited for this moment, judging the position by gunshots, a dagger appeared directly from behind the bunker, and Chen Huo took advantage of this half a second to put the purification dish successfully, got up and shot, and the two of them worked together to take the bison One of the assaulters, the head counted to Yu Yong.

Another assaulter of the Buffalo team was also swept away by half a blood, and then retreated and hid in a bunker. On the other side Puppy said: "Shi Luo, if you don't leave, you will be found, don't steal, go to Yu Yu and Chen Chenhu."

Shi Luo didn't meet Yu Yong from the reincarnation stone in order to get a limit of time. At this moment, he had no shield and no gain status. He is also not greedy. After listening to Puppy, he didn't wait for the next purification dish to be placed successfully. He retreated and asked to meet Yu Yong: "Give me a shield."

Yu Yong filled Shi and Chenhuo's blood and put a shield on Shi Luo. The three of them hid behind the bunker and waited quietly.

The rustling of the grass at the junction of the map became more and more obvious. Shi Luo and Chen Huo shot out of the bunker at the same time and accurately collected another assaulter of the bison in the dense fog.

"Okay, let's clear the poison," Puppy assured. "Both assaults are gone, and they dare not stick their faces in half a minute."

Chen Huo continued to clear the frontal poison mist to attract firepower, while Shi Luo re-circulated to the left side of the map to clear the path.

This is a tactic commonly used by several people. With the excellent ability of a player, one assaulter and a medical therapist are used to fight the other two assaults, a medical two and three, and the other assaulter secretly clears the path to the side. Left branch right.

Bisons also have snipers monitoring the whole game. Naturally, it will not take long to discover Shi Luo's movements, but as long as Yu Yong and Chen Huo can bear the frontal firepower, they will not be able to deal with Shi Luo separately. The map will be quickly torn open by Yu Yong and Chen Huo, and the Huanglong will be smashed.

Puppy pressed against the back while paying attention to each other's movements while secretly letting the cold gun off, could not help but ridicule: "I feel the violent book mentality is about to collapse, the three and you both fight back and forth, it's a shame."

The Crazy Book mentality really collapsed. After their three strikers gradually lost to Yu Yong and Chen Huo, they secretly withdrew a commando.

Yu Yong noticed for the first time that the footsteps behind the poisonous fog on the front were not correct: "There seems to be one less person on the opposite side, and Shi Luo pays attention to the guests."

When stealing the poison alone, Luo whispered: "I heard."

Shi Luoka spent time, not in a hurry, and placed a purification dish behind the bunker as much as possible, but it was a pity that the purification areas overlapped, steady and steady, and he did not expose himself to the bunker during the whole process. After the bison assaulter pressed it, he was not in a hurry, and stopped his hand directly. After the bunker, he did not move, waiting for the opponent to move first.

Shi Luo and the Bison assaulter guarded each other for nearly a minute. After one minute, the Bison assaulter could not bear it and fired sideways. However, Puppy, who had been staring at him for a long time, directly took his head away.

"Nice." Puppy sighed, "Shi Luowen, this position helped me get stuck."

Shi Luo didn't speak. It was twelve minutes in the opening. Free didn't lose a head. The Bison team had already sent five heads in a row. This game basically had no chance of overturning.

Twenty-two minutes, Free successfully won the game.

The start was very smooth, and everyone including Zhou Huo and Lao Qiao were relieved. In the next game, everyone feels a lot lighter. Shi Luo began to vent his personal anger by relying on his own advantages and his own excellent technology. Chen Huo and Puppy said in the voice of the team that hey, this is not good or bad, while making up for the knife. After the end of the second game, the game interface showed that a total of fifteen books were taken.

In the regular season opener, Free won the Bison team with a little temper.

"Crush, pure crush."

On the way back to the base, Zhou Huo breathed a sigh of relief, watching the post-match data analysis, ecstatic: "Oh, why are we all boasting about us, do n’t you need to be so surprised? In this configuration, we will put the bison on the ground and rub it casually. Should it be expected? "

Old Joe properly poured cold water: "Bison is not a first-line team, don't be too proud."

"I know, I'm happy that the opening battle was beautiful." Zhou Huoxi Yingying exaggerated Shi Luo, "Evil, you really grew up. To tell you the truth, I have done the worst today It is planned that our staff already has an emergency public relations record, which is specifically used to deal with today's possible emergencies, such as you and Cranky fighting in the background ... "

Zhou Huo looked at Shi Luo and said with relief: "Thank goodness, Luo Cui is sensible and did not let me use this set of records."

Shi Luo is speechless, everyone is an adult, how can they still fight?

But Shi Luo wanted to know Zhou Huo's plan and asked, "If I really fight him, what will you do?"

"What will happen? Do you still want to try it?" Zhou Huo closed the folder and warned coldly, "We will contact a sentiment mediation program, sign you up with the grumpy book, and then send you both to the recording site. Let the two of you cry and weep and shake hands under the mediation of the elder uncle's passion. "

Shi Luo: "..."

Zhou Huo's voice fell to the ground, and the few people in the nanny car no longer played with their phones.

Chen Huo sighed: "Yu You hired you really not hired in vain."

"Manager Zhou really is professional." Puppy applauded slowly and sighed. "That's a bit too cruel? How much hatred ... but I'm really looking forward to what's going on?"

Old Joe said silently: "I am also looking forward to it. Let me be ashamed. To be honest, I like to watch this kind of program. What kind of silver mediation, what kind of emotional help station ... actually looks pretty good."

Chen Huo thought about the scene when Shi Luo and Cranky appeared on the show together, and praised: "The ratings shouldn't explode? The whole league will pay attention!"

Several people were stunned and dying, only from childhood to big, they almost never watched TV or watched any domestic variety show.

Yu Yong asked blankly: "What mediation? What program?"

"Oh, I'll tell you!" Chen Huomei said in such a way, "It is to express his feelings and thoughts on both sides, and then cry and talk about what has been difficult for me over the years, and remove the misunderstanding. Then The host began to be sensational, asking both sides, if you would like to forgive the other, if you want you to go out and give him a hug. Finally, the program reached its climax in the blessing of everyone. Together, the show is over. "

Yu Yong was still covered by Yunshan Mist. After Lao Qiao explained it again, he vaguely understood it. Yu Yong's lips moved and he stopped talking.

Zhou Huo saw what Yu Yong wanted to ask, and said, "What's wrong? Don't understand?"

"Understood." Yu Yong looked at Zhou Huo and asked hesitantly, "Do you ... have this kind of network?"

Zhou Huo was just a bit of a mouthful just now, where did he come from this wonderful connection. However, many of his university classmates did enter a related field. I really wanted to find a relationship. I was afraid that I could actually find it. Zhou Huo was unsure: "Almost, what do you ask about this?"

Old Joe had always been protecting Shi Luo, and he said busyly: "Don't stop, joke is a joke. Do you really send Shi Luo and the Crazy Books to that kind of show?"

Shi Luo frowned and looked at Yu Yong.

Yu Yong laughed: "Am I sick? Just ask, it's okay."

Everyone continues to play with their phones. Yu Yong looked at Shi Luo and Zhou Huo. After a little hesitation, he said nothing.

For the first time, Yu Yong heard that there was such a program. After being shocked, in his own imagination, he thought it was actually very good.

Yu Yong feels that this kind of show is just **** tailor-made for himself and Shi Luo.

This is simply the best shortcut to solve the problem!

Looking for a relationship, go with Shi Luo yourself, and then ask the relationship to invite a few CCTV's sensational host to mediate, and then at the end of the show, Shi Luo cried into his arms, it's nothing. Anymore?

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