Chapter 62 Table of contents

Zhou Huo froze for a moment and nodded, "Well, you guys talk, let's go."

Chen Huo was pleased with misfortune, "I haven't been in the right state since morning, and I should be detained!"

Puppy looked at Chen Chen disgustingly and pushed him out. "Shut up, please."

Several people clamored out of the lounge, and Zhou Huo brought the door for the two of them.

When Shi Luo took a deep breath, he was justified and had nothing to say.

His status on the field today is indeed not good. If it wasn't for the bad luck of ROD, it would be him who was the worst player in the state today.

If this is still in the IAC, Zhao Feng will definitely talk to him. The situation on the Free side is special. The club does not have a so-called management team. Zhou Huo dare not manage them. Who is in a situation, only Yu Yong will deal with it .

Shi Luoning preferred to be scolded by Zhou Huo and did not want Yu Yong to train himself. He was upset and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but smoking a cigarette and training seemed a bit too provocative, and it was easy to intensify contradictions. Shi Luo wrinkled his eyebrows, sat on the table and took the gum, pressed a few hard drops in his mouth, chewed his chewing gum and waited.

Shi Luo bowed his head, was upset, and did n’t want to wait for Yu to train himself. He voluntarily admitted the mistake, and said with a sullen face, “I know I ’m going to be affected. I still watch the forum. The thing is ... it ’s me. When watching ROD during the game, I ’m so indifferent. I always feel like I look back. The worse his condition is, the greater the impact I get. I walked several times in the middle and then ... "

Shi Luo grabbed a handful of hair, "Then it was like this."

Shi Luo bowed his head and waited for training.

Half a minute later, Yu Yong still didn't speak.

What Shi Luo feared most was that Yu Yong didn't say a word. He looked up at Yu Yong with a scalp, and found that Yu Yong had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shi Luo looked at Yu Yong slowly, "You ..."

Shi Luo embarrassed, "Don't you say anything?"

"You already know the problem yourself, what else do I have to say?" Yu Yong's tone was relaxed. "The matter is very simple, and you have analyzed it. The current situation is that you can't resist the pressure yourself, and your mentality has collapsed. That's all. "

Shi Luo certainly understands himself, but he still feels guilty of being said so straightforwardly by Yu Yong. He whispered, "Then ..."

Yu Yong simply said, "Adjust yourself."

Shi Luo was stunned.

"You are not on the first day of entering the industry. How to adjust in emergencies will not require me to teach by hand, this is not the first time." Yu Yong looked at Shi Luo calmly, "When I betrayed from the competition area, You can't handle the big rhythm, can you handle this? "

Shi Luo pursed his lips, uncomfortable, "Of course I ..."

"I really want to treat you as a newcomer, as if it were two years ago. I will tell you all the details and take you step by step, but ..." Yu Yong's eyes flashed with regret, he continued. "You are not a newcomer, a professional player who has been in the industry for two years, or has resisted so many big rhythms. How can I underestimate you?"

Shi Luo froze for a moment, recalling the various life collapses that he had experienced before, and then looking at this little thing in front of him, it was really not worth mentioning.

"You can handle it well, I don't want to point fingers, that is disrespect for your two-year career." Yu Yong looked directly at Shi Luo and turned to smile, "Shi Shen, when IAC you were even a psychological counselor Don't need it, will you be able to carry this? Or ... "

Yu Yong paused and asked, "Are you coquettish?"

Shi Luo's ears were red, and from Yu Yong's point of view, he did indeed seem to be pretending to be vulnerable.

When Luo said this, Luo was even more embarrassed.

"I just fell in love, have no experience, and haven't slept well in recent days, so my brain can't move." Shi Luo blushed slightly and whispered quickly. Now. "

Shi Luo took a deep breath, looked up at Yu Yong, and the disturbing thoughts almost swept away.

At that time, Yu Yong had been able to survive such a thing. What else is terrible?

I am in love with Yu Yong, wishful thinking, who are you sorry?

Even if it is found, love to spray, just ask yourself, what are you afraid of?

It is even more unnecessary to worry about Yu Yong. As Yu Yong just said, everything has come through, but can you be afraid of this?

Is hypocrisy not hypocritical?

Shi Luo felt a little ashamed in his heart. Yu Yong did not underestimate herself, but she underestimated Yu Yong.

He doesn't care at all.

Shi Luo's mood completely calmed down, and he was not embarrassed to say, "I was brain-drawn for a while, but it's all right now."

Shi Luo glanced at the clock in the lounge and cleared his throat. "Come on, they will have to wait for a while."

"Chewing gum." Yu Yong was not in a hurry, reminding Shi Luo, "Fans will take photos after going out for a while, and it is impolite to have chewing gum."

Shi Luo looked around and wanted to spit out the gum with a paper towel, so that he would not die. Old Qiao, a thrifty housekeeper, took the sheep and took away the paper prepared in the lounge just now.

Yu Yong also glanced at the room without a piece of paper in the room. Yu Yong picked up the team poster brought by Zhou Huo on the table and tore off the corner with a brush.

Shi Luo: "..."

Yu Yong handed Shi Luo naturally, "Spit."

"If it's found ... you have to be fined at least 20,000." Shi Luo's voice was very low, and he spit out the chewing gum on the paper in Yu Yong's hand uncomfortably. Poster."

Yu Yongguan, "Go to the official report."

Shi Luo wiped his lips with the back of his hand and whispered, "A good poster, my arm is gone ... I won't chew or blow bubbles for a while."

"Amused you." Yu Yong put the gum pack aside and said in a hurry, "You made the chewing gum not for fans."

Yu Yong leaned forward half a step, his voice was very low, "It's for me."

Shi Luo raised his eyes, and was kissed on the lips by Yu Yong before he could react.

Yu Yong's hand was naturally wrapped around Shi Luo's waist, and Shi Luo wrapped it in his arms.

Shi Luo's eyes widened in an instant, and Yu Yong's series of actions was too sudden. Shi Luo was completely unprepared. His hands unconsciously spread out, and his heart exploded.

What's so special ... are you kissing? !! !! !!

Shi Luo's brain crashed completely.

In fact, since I exchanged my heart with Yu Yong, Luo wanted to kiss Yu Yong that day. I really wanted to think about it, but I was always blocked by something like that. Shi Luo was still quite angry, but Yu Yong had always been light. Luo thought Yu Yu was not as anxious as he was, but now ...

When Luo Yu tentatively licked her lips, Luo collapsed in her heart. No matter how anxious she was, she just wanted to kiss Yu Yu's lips to take advantage of it. Does Yu Yong seem to be in a hurry? Is it so wild? !!

Is it really two years old? !! Not at all innocent!

Shi Luo's face was almost hot, and his lips moved, then he closed his eyes and let Yu Yongshi do it.

It seemed that only two minutes had passed, and it seemed that half an hour had passed. When Yu Yong let go of Shi Luo, Shi Luo shook his mind, and the tone was unnatural. "You ..."

Shi Luo licked his reddish lips and stammered, "You, you ..."

"I'm sorry, I have been patient for too long." Yu Yong rubbed his head on Shi Luo, and his breathing was not natural. "I wanted to be a gentleman a little, but I couldn't control it."

Shi Luo hurriedly said, "It's okay, let's ... go?"

Yu Yong picked up Shi Luo and his peripheral package and "goed away."

Out of the lounge, pass through the fans who are still waiting for the two of them while holding the lights. As the staff walked to the underground garage, they got on the Free team's nanny car. When the car was started, Shi Luo was muddled.

Two years ago, Yu Yong first kissed and killed himself.

Two years later, Yu Yong's tongue kissed the first kill and let him take it again.

Himself ... This must be responsible for Yu Yong.

Chen Huo carefully observed Shi Luo's complexion, biting his ear softly with Puppy, "I was scolded, I deserved it."

Puppy sighed tiredly, too lazy to explain to the fool.

Zhou Huo ’s mirror was not broken in his heart, but he was also gossip. He could n’t help observing the two people ’s expression from the rearview mirror. Really ... I really think ROD is wrong, what happened to falling in love. "

Old Joe sighed, "Who said no."

"I haven't asked you before, just to chat." Zhou Huo asked pretending to be casual, "Have you ever been in love?"

Old Joe shook his head, "No, I was anxious about my family's debts all day before I started my career. Where did I have that thought, and I would have no time after entering the business."

"No." Chen Huo shook his head and sighed, "Every day, except for the aunt who cooks for us, we can't meet a woman, so talk to whom."

Puppy said quietly, "No, no good luck."

Zhou Huo looked forward to Yu Yong. Yu Yong pretended not to hear it. He got into the car and closed his eyes.

When Shi Luo soul was not on the side, he really didn't hear it. Zhou Huo couldn't hold back and urged, "Shi Luo, how about you?"

Shi Luoru woke up at first, "What?"

Zhou Huo asked again, when Luo Luo glanced at Yu Yong, and after a moment he vaguely said, "Talk ... talked."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Huo Lao Qiao Chen Huo looked at Shi Luo instantly.

Chen Huo patted his thigh, "Yes! You said you weren't the first kiss, okay Lolo, how old were you at that time? You are not even an adult!"

Old Joe was also shocked and dumb, "Is the emotional experience at such a young age so rich? This ... is really different."

"Oh, what's wrong with this." Zhou Huo interrupted Lao Qiao and asked anxiously, "How far have you been in love?"

Shi Luo Mo Zhou glared at Zhou Huo, this man knew everything, this is to want to know his and Yu Yong's progress.

"Wait a minute, don't say it !!" Zhou Huo interrupted Shi Luo loudly, urgently reminding the follower in the car, "Don't you turn on the camera? This is Evil's first love, and it will be recorded.

Shi Luo gritted his teeth and reminded in a low voice, "ROD just got rhythm because of falling in love, are you going to cause trouble?"

"He was talking, you are the past." Zhou Huo impatiently wanted to take some memories for Yu Yong and Shi Luo, and shifted the flowers to the wooden path, "Hurry up and say, all shots."

Shi Luo turned to Yu Yong for help, but someone who had just taken advantage of him was still pretending to sleep at the moment, only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


Shi Luo couldn't help, blushing broadly, "Just ... to the step of kissing."

"Wow." Zhou Huogong used it privately, excitedly trying to understand the situation. "Who took the initiative?"

Shi Luo took a sigh of relief and said for a long while, "He."

Chen Huo enviously said, "So active ?!"

Zhou Huo laughed and continued to urge, "At that time ... Did you particularly like him?"

Shi Luo glared at Zhou Huo, taboo the camera and didn't do it, he endured it and said, "I like it."

Zhou Huo's eyes were bright, and I had to ask again, Yu Yu, who was satisfied on the side, came out and pretended to be a good person.

Zhou Huo had to give up.

Waiting for the camera to close the camera, Yu Yong sat down, and while no one was paying attention, her hand gently slipped into the sleeve of Shi Luo's uniform.

Yu Yong gently took Shi Luo's hand and wrote in strokes in Shi Luo's palm: I also like it.

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