Chapter 88 Table of contents

Shi Luo was wearing a guilty body. At this time, Yu Qi didn't feel confident to return to his dormitory. He just moved and lay sideways against the wall.

Yu Yong lay on the bed and pushed Shiluo, "It's not flu, it can't infect me."

Shi Luo's throat was a little dumb due to high fever, hesitating, "... Are you sure that the common cold is not contagious?"

"I'm not sure." Yu Yong put her hands around Shi Luo's waist and took the man to his side. "But you shrink back to stick to the cold wall. I'm sure my anger won't die first."

Shi Luo spent half a second to weigh the pros and cons. He honestly leaned on Yu Yong's side, but still turned his back to Yu Yong, but moved closer, Shi Luo was still hot, a little cold, and shrank slightly into the quilt. Shrink.

"Shi Luo."

Shi Luo's forehead was hot and cold, and his body was uncomfortable. He said dumbly, "Huh?"

Shi Luo wrapped his quilt tightly, and was surrounded by Yu Yong's arm. It was not easy to turn around. He waited for a long time and did not hear Yu Yong continue to say down, moved, just to turn around hard, just listen to Yu Yong in his ear. He whispered, "Do you think that we still have a problem?"

Shi Luo sank in his heart.

Shi Luo hadn't explained it yet, and listened to Yu Yong lightly, "Isn't your state out of sight?"

Shi Luo took a deep breath, and the couple said this is basically a contradiction.

Fever really affects people's ability to respond. Shi Luo was really a bit tinnitus at this moment. Before he could figure out how to explain it, Yu Yong loosened his arm around him.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, Shi Luo felt a little bit cold again.

Shi Luo frowned, rubbed his eyebrows, and was trying to concentrate on thinking how to speak well, feeling Yu Yong's arm moving behind him.

Shi Luo subconsciously turned his head to look, startled.

Yu Yong raised her head slightly and unbuttoned his shirt.

After unbuttoning all the shirts, Shi Luo was hugged by Yu Yong and re-engaged by Yu Yong into his arms, and Yu Yong was wrapped in spring rolls with his shirt.

Shi Luo heard Yu Yong whispering in his ear, "Is it warmer than before?"

Shi Luo froze for half a minute.

After a while, Luo whispered, "He's warmer than before ... count?"

Before the words fell, Shi Luo felt Yu Yong sneered behind him.

Shi Luo's heart was sour, and he wanted to ask a thousand times, how could this person be so good?

I feel that I can't get better every time. This is already the best person for myself, but it won't take long for Yu Yong to continue to refresh this record.

Yu Yong changed his posture slightly to make Shi Luoyi more comfortable. "Is it sweet to use this time? Is it hard to call me when I have a fever?"

Shi Luo originally had a lot of things to explain for himself. He didn't want to say anything at this time. He obediently listened to the training and honestly apologized. "I was wrong."

"Dare you next time?" Yu Yong gently picked up on Shi Luo's chin with his hand, whispering, "Next time you told someone to find someone to sleep with you, go to Chen Chen, I now occasionally I wo n’t hide your stomachache, what about you? What do you think of me? "

When waiting for Luo to speak, Yu Yong said, "I treat you as a boyfriend, you treat me as a duck. I take good care of you, what are you thinking about?" Huh? What did you just say? Bad move? "

Shi Luo tried to bear a smile, lowered his head and rubbed Yu Yong's hand, said sincerely, "Really, really wrong?"

"It's not an example." Yu Yong pulled the quilt and frowned. "It's not something terrible, but it's still hiding ... what's wrong, sleeping."

Yu Yong covered Shi Luo's eyes with his hands and told him to close them. "I will give you a day off tomorrow."

Shi Luo "huh" sounded, and fell asleep in a little while.

Shi Luo had a good night's sleep. Yu Yong woke up and touched Shi Luo's forehead several times in the middle. He didn't really sleep until Luo's body temperature returned to normal in the middle of the night.

The next day, Yu Yong woke up first.

Shi Luo's body temperature was completely normal, and Yu Yong rested her mind. It was too early to look at the time. She was too lazy to go back to her room and sat up leaning against the bedside to look at her mobile phone.

A few messages came in the night, Yu Yong unlocked and glanced, and raised an eyebrow unexpectedly.

Ke Hao sent him a few messages.

Yu Yong gave a subconscious look at Shi Luo who was lying beside him.

After going to Germany, Yu Yong did not send two hello messages with Ke Hao only in the New Year, and the relationship gradually faded.

It was also because of Shi Luo, and also because Yu Yong had been playing autism in the days after he went to the European competition, and broke off contact with many people.

Yu Yong opened the news.

[Ke Hao]: [I did n’t know until I saw the news that my cousin went to you again? ]

[Ko Hao]: [I searched, your club has a good performance, is he alright? ]

[Ke Hao]: [Have you reconciled? How are you two now? ]

The message was sent at eight in the morning, and Yu Yong wasn't sure if Ke Hao still had a jet lag or was getting up early.

If nothing goes to the Three Treasure Halls, Yu Yong doesn't think Ke Hao suddenly remembers that he still has such a cousin, Shi Luo, and wants to care about one or two.

Yu Yong recalled the bad things in his family that Luo had told himself before, and he had a bad idea in his heart.

Yu Yong glanced at Shi Luo, got up as lightly as possible, and took his mobile phone out of Shi Luo's dormitory.

Just ten o'clock in the morning, the people at the base hadn't gotten up yet. Yu Yong went back to his room and took a coat and put it on. He walked to the first floor and went out to the gate to sit on the recliner of the courtyard and broadcast it to Ke Hao.

The phone was picked up within a few seconds, Ke Hao was obviously quite surprised, and the greeting was very enthusiastic.

Yu Yong has seen the other person's hypocritical set in the past two years. He is neither embarrassed nor embarrassed. He listens quietly to Ke Hao for five minutes.

Ke Hao had talked enough nonsense, and he did n’t really chat until he tentatively said, “Shi Luo recently ... is it okay? I do n’t understand your circles too much, and there are news about him on the Internet that I ’ve praised him… and I said he ’s not good Yes, I ca n’t tell. "

"Very good," Yu Yong said lightly. "It's in good condition, in every way."

"That's good then that's good." Ke Haogan smiled for a while, hesitatingly said, "My uncle, Shi Luo his father, did you contact him recently?"

Yu Yong said, "Not clear."

"That's it ..." Ke Hao was quiet for a moment, his tone lowered. "Tell you the truth, my grandpa ... I was sick a while ago."

Yu Yong had already guessed it, and did not answer.

Ke Hao whispered, "Having lived in the courtyard for half a month, I know Shi Luo is busy, I don't know what happened to the old man, and I dare not disturb him ..."

"Ke Hao." Yu Yong couldn't hear it anymore and chuckled, "Since you didn't want to contact him at all, don't throw the pot on him."

Ke Hao choked at the other end of the phone.

"You also know my contact information. When you need him to pass, you can call at any time." Yu Yong calmly said, "Even if there is a game, I will let him go back, you can rest assured."

Ke Hao smiled awkwardly, "Yes, is it? That's how much I worry about it. I'm afraid to delay his training and didn't dare to contact me, but don't worry, it's like this now, it's a shock. My grandfather was just discharged today, this time it was Unsurprisingly, my uncle suddenly had an idea, thinking to make the elderly happy, it is better to let Shi Luo continue to go back to school, let my grandpa feel at ease, I have told him, your playoffs will start soon, Shi Luo is now afraid to go out of place. I thought about it again and thought I would ask you ... "

Ke Hao hesitated, "What are your thoughts and Shi Luo? I'm right? You should still want to continue playing? He must not want to go back to school?"

Shi Luo naturally would not agree.

Yu Yong was very clear in his heart, but he said, "I don't know."

On the phone, Ke Haoqing hurriedly said, "He played well in his profession. Your team's performance is so good. How can he be willing to go to school because he has so much signing fee a year?"

"It's not easy to say." Yu Yong pointed slightly at the corner of his mouth. "You know his college entrance examination results. Delaying for two years will not affect anything. Now the professional pressure is quite high. Many people still can't look down on us. Can't Said better than going to school. "

Over there, Ke Hao paused for a few seconds, whispering, "It is true, but I am willing to let him do what he is willing to do. Since he is willing to play professionally, he will fight. In fact, my grandfather has never cared what he did. Fei felt that when Shi Luo came back to school, my grandfather would be happy. My grandfather is so old that everyone is confused. What can he know ... "

Ke Haoyue said that he was less confident, and Luo thanked Yu Yong when he greeted him.

Yu Yong looked at the phone and frowned slightly. Ke Hao said that Grandpa Shi Luo had just been discharged from the hospital today. Ke Hao was in a hurry to contact himself, while Ba Luo's father was also in a hurry to contact Shi Luo.

You must give Shi Luo a vaccination in advance.

Yu Yong's confidence is much more than two years ago. In two years, his worth has more than doubled. If it is a problem that can be solved by pure money, it is no longer a problem.

As long as Shi Luo is not sad.

Yu Yong took the mobile phone upstairs, thinking about how to be euphemistic.

Ke Hao was just euphemistic enough, but Yu Yong still felt cold.

Not only to be euphemistic, but also to find a way for Shi Luo, let Shi Luo his father completely broke the idea of ​​taking Shi Luo as a bargaining chip.

It's also a hassle.

Yu Yong went up to the second floor in a few steps. He heard the voice of Shi Luo before he reached the door of Shi Luo's dormitory.

Yu Yong frowned, approached a few steps, and just put his hand on the door handle of the dormitory. He only listened to Luo in the dormitory when he was full of breath and the tone was clanging, "Then I will tell you the truth, I fell asleep with my teammate.

Yu Yong outside the door, "..."

"Which teammate is important? Anyway, my teammates are all men."

"I didn't lie to you. I just fell asleep when I fell asleep. I really like men."

"You can force me to retire and go back to school. I will tell my grandpa when I go back. I like men!"

"I haven't said empty words since I was a kid?"

"You don't want to disturb me, we are safe, you step into our base area within ten miles, and I will tell my grandpa about it immediately."

"He might have left something for you, and when he knows that you have succumbed to your grandchildren, it is hard to say."

"You don't move, I don't move."

"If you disturb my club, I will immediately publish the pictures of me who were sleeping by the man in the family! That's it."

Shi Luo sneered and hung up the phone, turned to look at the door, and his mania disappeared instantly.

Shi Luo's blank hands clasped his mobile phone and stammered, "I ... I suddenly felt very happy today, and my cold was gone, so I just wanted to come out with my dad."

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