Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating
Chapter 64 Table of contents

The next day, when Jinghuan woke up, WeChat had been filled up by various groups. He looked at the time specially. Just after a few minutes at eight, their area should be just maintained.

The gang group has no accidents and is 99+, even the bedroom group has more than forty messages.

He really couldn't understand, the two lived together, and looked up and saw the head down, why can they chat in the group every day.

Jinghuan sleeps in the eyelids, and the eyelids come back and forth several times, and then gradually wake up, and slowly open the group to chat.

It turned out that it was not chatting.

More than forty messages, all of which are screenshots of the game.

[Brother is not big, coordinate Penglai Wonderland 19, 41]

[Mo asks return, coordinate main city 129, 18]

[falling sweet, unidentified coordinates 99, 83]


Jing Huan was sober.

This fucking... is the coordinates of the people they help.

Xiaojing: What are you doing?

Lu Wenhao: Killing, the trumpet has been arranged, just wait for them to leave the safe area. How do you wake up so early?

Xiaojing yeah: ...Under the downstairs, I don’t know what store is singing, noisy.

Gao Zixiang: I really envy you, we got up at half past six.

Xiaojing:? ?

Gao Zixiang: I am afraid that the nine men will start the service in advance and they will not be able to take the lead.

Lu Wenhao: Still, we both have a vision, and we are on the front line of opening the service. Others are still waiting in line to hahaha!

Xiaojing: Why can't you get in? Just about the flow of people in the two districts, isn't it?

Lu Wenhao: You think more, and there are a lot of other districts to see the lively. Since you are awake, let us help us open the number, my wife is just no one.

Xiaojing: No, I continue to sleep, 88.

After finishing this sentence, Jing Huan immediately opened the gang group.

Sure enough, there is also a screenshot of the coordinates of a water.

Chunxiao: Today, everyone should not do it everyday. There are teams to protect the businessmen we help, and no team to stay in the safe area! Hard everyone! Every day I will send a gang bonus as a make up!

Chunxiao has a lot to say, everyone is fighting high and ready to fight.

It’s a thrill to play the game map. Now I’m motivating myself to come to the door and help the people to be excited.

Jing Huan also likes to stimulate.

It’s exciting to think about what’s in the area.

If his two sand sculptures are not in the hostile gang.

Thinking of the rhetoric of the two people last night, Jing Huan felt a headache.

He also thought about confessing to them yesterday, so that they should not intervene in their own and their longing for things, but once he thought about what he had done in the past few months, that thought would immediately vanish, and there was no shadow left.

He pretends that the woman is screaming at the thigh and soaking the secret of the male netizen. This life can only be followed by him.

If you are known by a second person, then this person will have to join him.

The phone flicked a little and took him back to God.

To: Woke up to find me.

Xiaojing: I am here! Brother early ~~\\(≧▽≦)/~

To: Early, can't get on the game today?

Xiaojing: I don't know, the gang news seems to be terrible. t▽t... Brother?

To: Yes.

To: I promised Chunxiao to help them grab the main city drug field.

Each of the big maps in Jiuxia has its own medicine field. Only one gang can pick in each medicine field. The quality of the medicine in the main city is the highest. Before the area, the right to collect medicine in the main city has been in the staff. Hands.

The drug collection right will be changed in two months. Only the gang with the highest gang money in the selection week can obtain the drug field of the main city. The gang funds cannot directly recharge. Only the merchants in the gang can use the silver ticket to trade with the npc of each map. Earn, and a gang can only have ten business positions at the same time.

In short, if you want to grab the main city drug field, you need to protect your own businessmen in the selection week and chase down the enemy traders.

Xiang: It doesn't matter if you don't want to play the game. I have said hello to Chunxiao, you can't come.

Xiaojing Yeah: No, no, I have to go back and forth with my brother. My brother is waiting for me, I will finish the number after washing. [[亲亲]

"Can't you come to Xiaojingjing?" Lu Hang is taking medicine. "If she doesn't come, we have to find a teammate again."

Knock on the keyboard to Huai: "Come."

"Yes." Lu Hang looked up at the top of the game at the top of the game announcement, murmured, "Tianci Liang... This area name sounds familiar."

Xiang Huai did not care, Lu Hang had been waiting for other servers before coming to Jinghua Shuiyue, and he often participated in offline activities, and people who knew many other districts would find it familiar.

Until the game pops up a horn -

[Trumpet] Half-life: What about the people in the leisure hall? Are you hiding in the safe area? ?

Half life?

This name... is a bit familiar.

Frowning brows to Huai's, and looking at the other's information.

Half life, 150, Fox Cave.

Fox Fairy Cave...

I thought of some vaguely to Huai Zhigang, and I heard a big drink from behind me: "My grass-"

Lu Hang took a table and said, "Isn't this Lu Wenhao?"

Afraid to think of Huai, he turned and reminded, "The few schoolmates we met at the resort! You are not still watching them. Half-life is Lu Wenhao... It’s a little fat. !"

To the slightest sigh of Huai, subconsciously looked at the WeChat interface next to the eye.

"How is it so clever!" Lu Hang smiled and opened his half-life personal information and added the other person as a friend. "Hey, I have to talk to him, actually dare to yell at the seniors..."

"Don't." He immediately called him to Huai.

Looking at Lu Hang’s doubtful eyes, I made an excuse for Huai’s lips. For a long time, we made an excuse: “We are now hostile gangs. If you say so, it’s just to make them difficult.”

Once they knew that Lu Hang was a roller, he couldn't help it. After all, the name and id coincided with two words, and the sounds were similar. It was too obvious.

For the time being, he does not want to let Jinghuan know his identity.

"There is something wrong with this. We can turn it into a jade."

Asked Huaizhi: "Who is the drug field in the main city?"

Lu Hangyi said: "Of course it belongs to us!"

After that, he also reacted. This is indeed a bad reconciliation. After all, the two gangs add up to four hundred people, and each gang is responsible for their respective gangs. It is impossible to say let.

They are all strong teams in the gang, and they may have to do it for a while.

Lu Hang: "When you do, you don't know? Don't you, people have taken care of it."

A moment of indulgence to Huai: "When things are over, let's say that this fight won't last long, up to a month."

"Is this... OK?" Lu Hang didn't think much, and he was put in the Huai's suit. "It seems to be OK. I will find this when I get there. It should not reveal the stuff... When we hide from them, if we don't recognize each other, we can't kill others."

A sigh of relief to Huai.

No wonder that the district was mentioned yesterday, and Jing Huan’s crying expression was awesome.

His roommate should not know that he is playing the female number, and he does not know that he is chasing men in the game.

Jinghuan opened the computer without even eating breakfast.

The gang yy has more than one hundred and eighty people at this time. Today is the weekend. Most of the people in the gang are in it. They are discussing the strategic deployment for a while.

“Why did you only have more than 180 people?” Qiu Feng asked. “I see the number of gangs online is two hundred.”

"It's very good. This time I can just grab the trumpet that the gangs are hiding in our gang. I will kick it in a while." Chunxiao said calmly. "Open at 9:00, the last 20 minutes left. First set up a good team. They have two strong teams, id I posted on the public screen, you see something else, leave it to me and the team that the heart is yearning for."

Jinghuan listened to the game and just entered the interface, the team invitation popped up.

[The heart is eager to invite you to join his team. whether. 】

Once you have a good view, immediately agree.

"Brother," he just got up and talked a little dumb. "You can see you on the top. It seems that today is my lucky day."

He took him to the main city and sent a bunch of high-end drugs to him: "I looked at you yesterday."

Jing Huan’s brain slowed down half a shot: “Well?”

"I am waiting for you." Explained to Huai, "It doesn't matter with luck."

Jing Huan was the number under the wild map yesterday. It has not yet opened. The assassins of both gangs are looking for a single gang in the wild map. They are worried that he will be opened and will come to Huai.

Jing Huan blinked and silently digested this information.

Is the heart longing for a special trip to wait for him to go online?

When the voice is in silence, I will be aware of the loss of words to Huai, adding: "Just to pick up teammates, even if the road is now in the wild area, I will pick it up."

After that, he did not give Jing Huan time to think, and other people also broke into the team.

"Ah, ah, I am so excited, I can't wait." The most loved fish and fish are excited, "How long is the market open!"

Love is what you eat: "The last few minutes."

"Let's go take advantage of it first." Lu Hang said, "Go to the Silk Road, that is the merchant must pass."

The Silk Road is full of people, the squadrons and the Promise of the two gangs are crowded into the map, which is also mixed with other gangs watching the trumpets and other districts to see the lively people.

Jinghuan played the game for so long, and it was the first time I saw this scene, and I couldn’t help but sit up straight.

[Trumpet] Half-life: Leisure Club, you still have three minutes to surrender [satisfied]

Jing Huan: "..."

This Lu Wenhao is like a beggar.

Those who said this before the war can not survive two chapters in the novel.

He wanted to persuade his roommate to converge a little, and he was afraid of revealing the stuffing.

At nine o'clock, the fierce battle began, and the Silk Road became a battlefield.

To Huaizhi, the businessman who is going to find the enemy help, he will see his team with him for a long time, and he will come to this place.

The language has been prepared for the battle, but her brother turned his head and ran away for a half-life attack.

She stunned: "Brother, isn't that half of their home team? Why don't you order it?"

To Huaizhi: "See the merchants they helped, and kill the merchants first."

Jing Huan just breathed a sigh of relief, and the WeChat message rang.

Lu Wenhao: Xiaojing ah Mom's Huanhuan, I just saw it before I went to the heart, and he saw me running and pulling! Really embarrassing! !

Xiaojing yeah: ............ If this is the case, then it would be better.

Lu Wenhao:?

Lu Wenhao: You can rest assured that I will not let him escape. You wait, brothers will help you educate him today!

Education a fart.

I am far from Laozi, I thank you.

Unfortunately, God did not hear the prayers of Jing Huan. After three hours, the two teams still ran into it.

The author has something to say: too sleepy content can not be written, first chapter

The cold is gone, the physiological period is coming again, I am so good, 2k novel reading network

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