Criminal Psychology
Chapter 192 Table of contents


In the Hummer, Zhang Long was driving the vehicle at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour on a pothole in the Dana Rainforest. The virgin forests on both sides went backwards, and even chimpanzees with cubs came out to make troubles, and Zhang Long stepped on the brakes. He certainly didn't know that he thought that there was a little less perfect omission in the very arrogant and perfect action. Of course, this incident itself was not to blame.

Comrade Boar was sitting beside him. He had just crawled out of the chassis and was dozing off at this moment. He didn't mean to help him at all.

In addition to the wild name of the wild boar, the whole person looks like an ordinary college student next door, Sven is extremely good, and humans and animals are harmless. Only a few people knew his true disposition. Zhang Long dared to let his subordinates call Dad, but he did not dare to wake up the people around him.

Just then, the communicator sounded.

The boar opened his eyes gently, his face clear, as if he never slept: "Boss."


"50 minutes to shore."

"What about the goods?"

The wild boar glanced up at the towering forest in front of it and said earnestly, "It will be delivered soon."

Xun Lian didn't even know what he said there. The boar looked as usual, but said at the end: "Received."

Zhang Long nervously said, "How on earth did Chalatou offend the boss? This is simply Long Yan's anger!"

The boar said only two words: "Shut up."


Xing Conglian loosened his finger on the headset, with a straight waist, standing at the highest point of the building. .

In the lane of the dilapidated factory room outside the window, Zarathu soldiers started a new day's aimless alert. The soldiers behind the bunker began to smoke regularly, and the blue smoke rose with the wind, mixed with the laughter of the dead woman yesterday .

Bullets may hit them at any time, but these soldiers seem to be unconscious. This is also normal. In the area actually controlled by Zarathu, no one dares to put a cold gun.

The torture glanced from the general warehouse with stubborn eyes, and finally fell to the mine power plant.

Beside him, Zhao Hu was installing a military sniper rifle with a gentle touch of a woman. From the backpack he carried, the sniper carefully took out a 12x scope, took out a silk scarf embroidered with lilac flowers from his pocket, and carefully wiped the gun body, and then quickly installed it with decisive methods. Then he continued to wipe the gun body with that silk scarf.

Xing Cong frowned, but didn't say much.

In the underground space where the fingers of the mine can't see five fingers, Kang An, with a blue nose and a swollen face, is carrying a c4 plastic explosive that "stolen" by Comrade Zhao Hu sneaked into the designated location. How to **** hundreds of people with a 7-man squad may be a headache for ordinary commanders, but similar operations are no stranger to him. In a place deep in the rain forest where there is little external armed force interference, directly destroying the target force is obviously the simplest way.

He bit the flashlight, unscrewing the screws at the lower opening of the pipe with a light hand, crawled out quickly, took a hand-drawn drawing from his pocket, and installed it on the marked load-bearing wall according to the instructions of a blasting expert on the road. Fried medicine.

Just then, there was a slight disturbance in the communication channel.


The sniper was still wiping the body of the gun. Xun Conglian held the headset and heard Xiao Wu's voice coming out from it. The background sound was filled with the howling of Gao Meng people who lowered their voices.

"Boss, I think the rainforest nation doesn't see the sun all year round, and the brain is indeed flooded." The sniper looked up at him.

Xun took his eyes off the company and turned to leave.

In the space of the factory building affixed with colorful clothing, small five, small six, who were distributing weapons, had a dispute with Gao Meng people.

The sturdy and muscular Rainforest fighters stared at each other and tried to ask Xiaowu for a m16 rifle with a c-more light shotgun system. Comrade Xiaowu, who had already established friendship with the rainforest nations, did not know how to solve this. problem.

After seeing the appearance of the tortured figure, Xiao Wu seized the gun and aimed at the man who captured the gun. Behind that man, there were still seven or eight of the most combative Gao Meng people, a tall rainforest nation. The soldiers stood in a row like thick trees.

"They killed our people!"

"We're going to get revenge!"

"Please let us charge!"

The Gao Meng people talked a lot, because the wind and food were out of the house for a few days, and their anger was not as loud as they shouted.

Xun Lian's calm eyes glanced at those faces that were stunned by hatred.

"Oh, here it is," said Xun Conglian.


"The m16 rifle without a shotgun system is worth 5,000 US dollars. If you count the whole set of accessories, you can collect 30,000 US dollars cheaper. Do you have any money?" Xun Conglian asked gently.

"We can pay with our lives!" Gao Meng said.

Xing Conglian felt very funny, so he also laughed, and his thin lips evoked a little arc: "Is your bad life worth so much money?"

The Gao Meng people were once again angered. They clenched their fists as if to fight with their bare hands.

The next moment, a Gao Meng man with an ivory pendant was full of blood, fell to his knees, raised his head and said to Conglian: "My wife, they were raped and killed downstairs yesterday, please allow me My wife is revenge. "

Another Gao Meng raised a pendant on his chest, revealing a picture of the little boy embedded in the pendant: "So is my child, please allow me to avenge him."

Xing Conglian's gaze was still cold, and he swept over those excited Gao Meng people. He said, "After leaving this building, there is a combat area. You don't want to kill me if you don't listen to me." A rainforest fighter said, "I don't think there is any reason to speak with you. Since you feel that killing a few Zarathus is more important than protecting your fellow citizens to leave safely, then I respect your choice."


A gentle long wind blew through the primeval forest, and the tips of every leaf began to tremble.

The riot started at a very sudden moment, without warning, the shock wave caused by the explosion shook the whole land.

At that time, Duan Yang was in a state of inadvertently cleaning up the laboratory, masking people, oh no, the Chinese named Lu Jia had just transferred a helicopter with permission to send them away. Through Lu Jia's case, Duan Yang deeply understood the importance of eloquence and acting skills.

He inserted the last test tube into the test-tube rack and looked anxiously to the laboratory floor.

Lin Chen was curled up in the corner of the laboratory's most sheltered, the green blood vessels under the neck were faintly visible, already weak like a snow flake that was broken by a pinch.

Just now Lin Chen suddenly fell to the ground. After Duanyang's inspection, he found that the high fever finally left Lin Chen's mind in a semi-coma state. He was hot, like a soldering iron. According to Lin Chen's situation, Duanyang forced Lu Jia to replace the vehicle that can leave as soon as possible, and requested that Lu Jia must find a helicopter, for which they waited another 40 minutes. When Lu Jia called in Gaomeng they could not understand, Duanyang couldn't help feeling Lin Chen's thoughtfulness. If they didn't hold Lu Jia's dead point, it was just such a simple Gaomeng phone call, maybe Will push them into hell.

However, just after Lu Jia hung up the phone, the explosion sounded loudly, Duan Yang squatted down, pushed Lin Chen into the space under the experimental table, and as soon as he followed, a incandescent lamp passed over his back. It slammed to the ground, broken lamps and powder made the ground a mess.

Not far away, the masked man hides under the table.

Within a short period of two or three seconds, there was only a scream of the rhesus monkey in the entire space.


It wasn't just the people in the lab who were bewildered by the explosion.

Charathu, guarded by the gates of the mining area, was also subconsciously seeking shelter. Then they searched for the source of the explosion. When they opened the communication channel, there were chaotic noises that made them unable to contact each other at all.

The subordinates of Chalatu even realized the problem of electromagnetic interference after a period of time even though the rain forest and the primitive tribe fought all year round. In the area visible to the naked eye, the power plant of the mine has been razed to the ground, and the broken bricks and smoke from the sky have created the most perfect smoke bomb. By the power plant, two barracks without any preparations were also shocked.

Bloody soldiers crawled out of the barracks, and more were buried.

At this moment, a cloud of smoke appeared on the road directly opposite the gate. The soldiers on the watchtower were just foolishly shocked and could accurately report the target in the future. They were hit by eight sniper bullets. The silver-gray bullet crossed a beautiful arc with red and white mixed plasma, and the soldier pulled the raincoat of the machine he just wanted to pull off, falling straight.

In a high-level window, the sniper pulled a lilac scarf from his pocket and kissed the scarf in order to successfully complete the first kill.

The modified Hummer slammed into the door of the mine, and the subordinates of Chalatou held a light rifle and began to fight back. What no one had thought of was that the driver of the Hummer did not lower his speed, but instead ran into the door wildly and fearlessly.

The iron gate opened arrogantly, and at the same time the Hummer roof was opened. The most primitive and reliable m2 machine gun probed out its head for harvesting life.

The manipulator 丨 the gun is not the meat-like machine gunner in the field, but a thin Sven youth. The young man's face was pale and his expression was wooden, but he did not hesitate to pull the heavy trigger of the m2 machine. As a classic grab type used in World War I, the m2 machine gun is often used to attack light armored targets and low-altitude air defense, and its lethality is evident.

Along with the deafening gunshot, a long steel whip swept out of the machine, and the flames and bullets hit all living creatures around it. The m16 rifle was unable to withstand such a heavy fire suppression, even the machine. The dilapidated factory building scanned by the tail of the gun was also missing a corner and there was a tendency to collapse.

Soon the soldiers at the door were swept away. The remaining soldiers hiding in the shelter prayed to the sky, hoping that the follow-up forces would not be too scary.

No one had expected that there were only two people in the Hummer who challenged Chalatu's poison factory.

What was even more unexpected was that a light ferry carrying the license of the Angodo Tourism Agency and carrying thousands of people, just like a ghost, quietly sailed into the mining area.

On the light screen showing the anchor points, the ferry enters the designated position. The boar released the trigger, riding the gap, and whispered to the communicator, "A1 area is cleared."


The Gao Meng tribe, who was besieged for many days, finally stepped out of the crumbling machine repair workshop.

Rainforest soldiers holding shotguns rushed to the front, and the subordinates of Chalatou hiding behind the sandbag bunker never dreamed that those Gaomen who had been teasing for many days really dared to rush out of the factory building and fight against them.

The fierce fire antagonized each other, and the two rainforest fighters fell instantly. At the same time, the ghostly sniper bullets slipped from the sky again, and the two Chalatou gunners with heavy weapons were killed instantly.

The Hummer has rushed to the door of the factory building. The suppression of m2 fire made the Chalatou soldiers behind the sandbag bunker very uncomfortable, and what made them unexpected was that the modified m2 machine gun bullets easily penetrated the fragile bunker. There were blood flowers splashing on the sandbag.

More Gao Meng people emerged from the factory building. In the chaos, someone picked up the ivory pendant on the ground and gently closed the eyes of the dead soldier.


The second explosion sounded, and the earliest crushing workshop of the mine fell to the ground, blocking the remaining forces of Chalatou who wanted to chase the Gao Meng people.

With no fingers in the lab that lost power, the explosions and deafening bullets sent everyone into panic.

Duanyang hid under the experimental table and shivered gently. He couldn't see Lin Chen's face at all, but a hot hand kept holding his wrist tightly, as if relieved, Duanyang gradually calmed down.

This area is not within the range of electromagnetic interference. In the dark space, suddenly a heated cell phone sounds. Lu Jia rushes to connect the phone, and on the other side of the phone is the roar of the helicopter pilot. This is probably the case for the invincible road. The c4 explosive installed by Kang'an is gradually razing the entire mining area, and the helicopter landing and landing site is kept intact.

Even more fortunate is that because it was seen from the telescope that the helicopter was not equipped with an ammunition capsule, Xun Conglian did not immediately order the launch of the only two smart bombs to destroy it.

The light ferry docked at the dock.

Most of the soldiers stationed at the dock have rushed to the frontline support, and the remaining sporadic soldiers tried to attack the ferry with the only rocket on the dock, but they were killed by the machine gun that probed from nowhere.

The heavy-fire Hummer opened the road ahead, and the first batch of Gaomen who ran wildly arrived at the dock on time.

The captain of the ferry named Storm was a strong bearded man. He gently arranged his suit and bow tie, and politely went to the deck to meet his guests.

The hatch was open.


In the laboratory, Lu Jia hung up the phone. The ceramic mask on his face was long unknown, and he hid under the laboratory table and shouted, "Helicopter is here! Let's go!"

The sore bullets outside the window finally stopped temporarily.

Lin Chen's slightly peaceful voice sounded: "Duanyang, if there is no drug, do I have 12 hours?"

The young doctor looked frantic, angrily, "You care so much, of course, I am a doctor or you are a doctor!"

"I see." Lin Chen smiled slightly, nodded, and released his hand on his wrist. "You go and see the situation first."

Duan Yang nodded, he gathered his courage, climbed out from the experiment table, and carefully opened the monkey room door. The monkey cage collapsed everywhere, and the scream of the rhesus monkey almost pierced the eardrum.

Duanyang stumbled, and with a little glimmering light from behind the curtains, he figured out a way to the outside. His hand was constantly scratched by the monkeys that had pointed out the claws from the cage, but he did not even make any painful calls.


Inside the lane, a small group of Zarathu soldiers cut in from the rear.

"Keep going, leave me alone."

Xing Conglian fought at the end of the migrant crowd. He briefly spoke into the communicator, left the end of the team, and flashed into a factory building.

The Captain of the Interpol with a firearm quickly ascended the third floor, and looking through the sight, a large number of Gaomeng people were still running hard. The depression in the middle of the team came from a pair of pure white stretchers. On the stretcher, Duan Wanshan's eyes were closed and personnel were unknown.

The prisoner withdrew the muzzle from the company and aimed it at Gao Meng soldiers who were gradually approaching the army.


Duan Yang pulled down the curtains hanging on the wall of the monkey room. The sudden sunlight made him unable to cover his eyes.

He looked back at the laboratory, and Lu Jia had followed him out of the back, but Lin Chen's figure did not appear.

Duanyang rushed back again.

The sunlight from the monkey room gave a faint light to the innermost laboratory. Lin Chen leaned under the experimental bench. The dim light cast a blue-gray color on his face.

Duan Yang tried to pull the person out, but Lin Chen's hand rested on his wrist and shook his head.

Although Lin Chen didn't say a word, Duanyang instantly understood the consultant's meaning.

"No, this is impossible!"

Lin Chen's gaze was still clear and firm, and there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and he relaxed for a moment, as if he agreed to his request.

Duanyang stopped talking nonsense. He carried Lin Chen on his body and ran out.

Lin Chen suddenly said, "Do you want me to be a target on your back?"

Duan Yang stood in place, panicked, Lin Chen slipped down from him.

The consultant supported the experimental platform and couldn't stand at all, but still said, "Help me go out."

For Lin Chen's sudden wayward demands, Duan Yang undoubtedly had him. He could only embrace Lin Chen's armpit and drag people outward.

As he was about to cross the door, Lin Chen suddenly coughed violently, his body stunned, and he said in pain: "Wait a minute, you're pressing on my wound."

Duanyang hurriedly let go. As soon as he let go of his hand, Lin Chen didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed him to the outside.

Duanyang fell heavily to the ground, and the rhesus monkey in his ear screamed at him in surprise.

He got up desperately, and he didn't know where Lin Chen was from, but he didn't hesitate to clenched his fists and tried to punch the glass in the upper part of the laboratory wooden door.

Lin Chen's weak figure was crumbling in the door. Looking at the calm face of this young man who was not a few years older than him, Duanyang couldn't help yelling: "Get out of your mother, what you say will drag us down. Let's go together! "

Even if Lin Chen had thought of Duan Yang's thoughts, he was holding the wooden door, and was standing hard. On his other hand, I don't know when a cold scalpel appeared. He easily pressed his neck with a scalpel.

"what are you doing!"

Duanyang's tears shed instantly.

In the second punch, the glass suddenly shattered, Lin Chen took a half step back and fell to the ground, but still holding the scalpel firmly. He calmly said: "First, take me, you can't successfully reach the helicopter in the rain of gunfire."

"Second, I just discovered that the explosion of the factory building is gradually coming to the building where we are. I simply estimated the time of initiation. After three to five minutes, our building will be blown up. With me, you can never escape the blast in such a short time, and have a greater possibility of being killed by the other party. Be mature, live and avenge me. "He blinked, earnestly," I Count three and get out now. "


Lien Gaogao, who was responsible for covering the retreat, stood on the fourth floor of the factory building. He killed the last Gao Meng soldier in sight and was preparing to evacuate.

He pulled open the wooden table and used a sight to lightly traverse an arc, trying to confirm that all targets had been cleaned. It was this tiny radian that made his heartbeat reach its highest speed instantly. All his blood rushed to the heart in an instant, so that in a very short period of time, his limbs fell into extreme cold and numbness, which made him even have the illusion that the soul is out of the know.

He seems to see Lin Chen, why did he see Lin Chen? ? ?

However, the picture that appeared from the sight was very clear. Lin Chen stooped and coughed. Lin Chen pushed away the man around him. Lin Chen took a wooden door and pointed his blade at his neck, as if he was talking to someone outside the door ... ...

He thought it was a hallucination after day and night, biting the tip of his tongue hard to wake himself up. There is indeed no Lin Chen in the picture. The young man gritted his teeth, turned away in tears, leaving only broken glass.

Xing Cong even felt that he was trembling all over. He pulled the collar, pointed at the microphone, and trembled, "Stop detonation, stop all detonations, stop the fucking, hear nothing !!!"

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