Criminal Psychology
Chapter 194 Table of contents

Lin Chen felt that he should pass out, because that would be in line with the logic of the movie.

But he has always been very awake, no matter it was the appearance of Xun Lianlian, the act of holding him up, or even the phrase "I", he experienced it clearly.

Because he must stay awake to keep this dream-like reunion from ephemeral. He held on to the neckline of Rong's rough combat uniform and watched the blood flowing from his opponent's shoulder. His ears were extremely peaceful and full of blood. With the background sounds of various guns, ammunition, and medicine, all the details seemed to be stretched indefinitely.

Xing Lian held him tightly and jumped down the stairs. They flashed around the corner, avoided a cold gun, and then continued to run. From beginning to end, the face of Xun Conglian was as stable as his arm. The wind and broken bricks and powder shattered his cheeks. They rushed out of the factory building, and the dust came from the sky. He didn't remember how far they ran out, but For a moment, there was a tremor in the entire space, like someone pressing the pause button in the entire space, all the material was backlogged and then suddenly released.

Xun Lian seemed to perceive this, or the countdown in his headset reached the last time.

Lin Chen was tightly hugged by Xing Lianlian's arm, which slammed down after a pile of bricks, completely protecting him under his body, not even forgetting to pad his arm under his neck to prevent him Fall.

Facing Xing Conglian, he only heard the other party say three words in a very gentle tone: "Don't be afraid."

Then came the deafening explosion. It was only then that Lin Chen knew that when it was so close to the explosion site, the sound could be so loud. Like Hongmeng's first opening, everything in the world broke apart. The intensity of the shock wave seemed to shatter people. All flesh and blood. Lin Chen clutched Xun Conglian's back tightly. He could obviously feel that the brick piles had been pushed down by the shock wave. All the stones were sturdyly hitting Xing Conglian, and his hands were tightened even tighter.

No one has convinced him more than this moment that they can live.


When the factory blasted, Kang'an was performing a cover mission in a designated area.

The countdown in the headset sounded non-stop, he could not wait to insert his wings and rush to catch the man who was running fast, but he could only stay where he was, pulling the trigger all the time.

Time was getting shorter, but the distance was not too close. The countdown sound finally stopped. After a loud noise, the factory collapsed and most of the floors were blown to the sky. Shock waves and smoke caused him to fall to the ground. After a long time, he could gradually hear the anxious voices in the headset.

"Seeing that there are no people, Kang An, report it quickly!"

"Where is the boss, do you see the boss!"

"Are they safe, Kang'an, you fool!"

The sharp voice of the dynasty was about to pierce his eardrum, Kang An spit out his blood, and he barely propped up his body and looked at the misty ruins.

The brown-gray smoke made him hardly open his eyes. He could only narrow his eyes into a line, one minute passed, two minutes passed, five minutes passed ...

There was silence in front of me, and even the anxious voice in the headset channel became silent. Kang An covered the blood flowing between her lips and teeth, shouted, and rushed forward frantically.

At that moment, he saw a tall figure for a while, slowly passing through the layers of smoke and dust, and walking out of the death penalty area.

After seeing the person, he took two steps back and almost sat on the ground with his butt.

Xing Lianlian watched his subordinates almost rushing to his front, and said to everyone in the channel with a calm tone: "Okay, Lao Tzu is still alive, the action continues."


"Boss, you're fine, is my brother Achen okay, is it really brother Achen!" The voice of concern from the dynasty came.

Xing Conglian bowed his head, Lin Chen's face was grey and grey, but he still stared at him with dark eyes. He squeezed his collar as if he would let go with the wind if he let go.

Xing Conglian said to the person at the end of the channel, "It's him."

However, his answer seemed to make Lin Chen guess something. He obviously saw Lin Chen's frown frown, and asked him with a husky voice that seemed to have not dripped for a few days: "The dynasty is here too?"

After Xun Lian flashed into a wall, he took a breath and Lin Chen was obviously worried about the safety of the dynasty. Xing Cong Lian hardly knew what to say, and he stunned the few people in his arms. Coldly: "Less worry about others, everyone is better than you."

But if it was Lin Chen, as long as he was alive, he would think about these things all the time. Then, he heard Lin Chen asked nervously, "Did a helicopter take off just now?"


"Can I trouble you to save someone again?"

This sentence made Xun Lian very dissatisfied. The first was that Lin Chen's tone was too polite, and the second was that he thought at one moment that the person Lin Chen had asked him to rescue must be the young man he had just driven away.

Probably seeing that he didn't speak, and it felt like he was asking too much at this time, Lin Chen blinked and said the other two words: "Please."

At this time, a sniper bullet passed over them, hitting an ambush point on the right and back severely.

The bullet hit the wall with a sour snoring sound, Lin Chen closed his eyes sharply, and Xun Conglian lowered the person, holding one hand on Lin Chen's shoulder, and took out a light □□, and began to use a brick wall Fight back for cover. After a few gunshots, no more bullets sounded, and Xun Lian looked back. Somehow, at first glance, he saw the black ring on Lin Chen's left ring finger.

Xing Conglian felt that the dazzling scenes he had seen in his life apart from Huang Ze's silly and strong kiss to Lin Chen, the black ring on Lin Chen's ring finger could definitely rank second.

"Who gave it to you?" After he asked, he said to the channel, "Kang An, to save the individual." After that, he took the headset out, stuffed it into Lin Chen's ear, and hugged people to continue to retreat.

Lin Chen was obviously stunned.

"Tell them what to rescue." Xing Conglian's eyes fell down Lin Chen's hand with the ring, and he heard Lin Chen say to the person in the headset with a very calm tone: "Chinese, surnamed. Yang, about 185 tall, with big eyes and a round head. They just went to the helipad. Now that the plane has not taken off, something should happen. Whether Duanyang is alive or dead, please make sure. "

It's really Lin Chen, who can stay awake at any time and in any situation. Xing Lian continued to retreat with Lin Chen, and the road ahead was basically cleared. Except for the sound of sporadic bullets, they did not encounter much obstacles along the way.

The dust was still very big, and Xun Lian held his breath, but heard that Lin Chen said two more words to the headset, except that it was "I'm all right" and "coming soon". Talking to the dynasty.

Xing Cong looked at the person in his arms with a very dissatisfied look, and finally Lin Chen seemed to notice his dissatisfaction. Suddenly, Lin Chen wrapped his arms around his neck and leaned against his shoulders weakly: "What did you just say ? "

Xun Cong kept his lips pressed, as if running intently, without saying a word.

Soon, the sound of the water was clear and audible, and the ferry was close at hand, and he could even see the excited face of the dynasty.

"Sorry." Just before boarding the boat, he suddenly heard Lin Chen continue to say softly on the side of his neck.

The sentence condensed from Lian's look, holding Lin Chen and stepping into the cabin.

The first layer of the ferry had been occupied by the scared Gao Meng people, and the dynasty had already rushed up, as if there were 10,000 words to tell them. Xing Cong stared at the young man with long teeth and five claws, went straight to the second floor, opened the captain's lounge, and slammed the door, shutting the chattering young man outside.

He pulled out the headset from Lin Chen's ears, shook it out, and put the person down on the bed. With just such a simple movement, he could clearly see the painful expression on Lin Chen's face.

Lin Chen was so weak that he could hardly speak. He leaned down and got very close to Lin Chen. The other side's hot and hot breath was splashing on the side of his face. Xing Conglian felt that this was just too much of a poor-quality TV line to say, but he still couldn't help asking: "Do you know where you are wrong?"

Lin Chen reluctantly opened his eyes, and after thinking, answered him with a serious tone: "It's too dangerous. I shouldn't let your hands go down for my friends, but ..."

"Lin Chen." Xing Conglian called the other's name very seriously. He tried his best to suppress the emotions of terror, fear, nervousness, distress, and so on within ten minutes, and he looked up at the dust-covered God, looking down at the person who had become thin and thin in the bed in just a few days, he used one hand to look down from Lin Chen's waist toward the scapula, and carefully held the person tightly, and said, "These are Little things, first, don't talk to me in the tone of the request, I should do everything for you, you take it for granted; second ... "He took a deep breath, calmly," When you put that what When Duan Yang pushed out the door and locked himself inside, waiting for death to come, did you ever think, what should I do? "

Lin Chen choked for a moment, his eyes flushed, and the stopped tears flowed into the hairline along the corner of the eye again. He stared at him stupidly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Xun Lian looked at Lin Chen's pale to bloodless face, at the blood stains on his face due to abrasions, at the tears rolling over Lin Chen's gray-faced cheeks and wiping out a clear Traces, I just feel that everything around is very quiet, and all the smoke has stopped as Lin Chen's movements hug him with both hands.

"Please think about one thing before you want to give up your life next time ..." Xing Conglian kissed the hot skin on his ear and said, "If you die, what should I do?"

Lin Chen panicked instantly: "I don't know, I'm sorry, I don't know ..."

Xing Conglian just hugged him tightly, trying to make his heart beat slowly to a less terrible speed, and then neither of them had any use to speak.

"Why so thin?" He asked softly.

"because I miss you."

"Lin Chen."


"Really thin."

"Well, I really miss you."

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